By Harsha de Silva –
Do not let our children’s future be ruined by getting caught up in a racial conflict: Recovering from a terror attack is easy, recovering from a racial conflict isn’t.
As an economist, I’ve spent most of my career exploring ways in which Sri Lanka can be developed and modernized to meet its full potential. I’ve expressed my views on the approaches we must take to get there; some have agreed with those views and others haven’t. That’s the beauty of living in a democracy; we can respectfully agree to disagree and live together in unity despite our differences. However, the democracy we live in has now arrived at a critical juncture where we need to have a national conversation on our ability to accept and respect our differences.
The Easter Sunday terror attacks took the lives of many innocent, peace-loving people. It has injured and forever changed the lives of many others. They were our family, our friends and our guests; we all grieve with them and share a collective wound that constantly hurts and angers us. As a representative of this government, I share a sense of immense regret and embarrassment about the government’s inability to prevent this tragedy, even after havingreceived prior warnings.
The recent developments around the country make it clear that there are groups who are taking advantage of people’s anger and painin this moment of vulnerability to promote hate and incite violence. If we give into these manipulations and get caught up in a divisive, racial conflict, the economy which we have been managing and reviving with great difficulty will hit a setback that generations to come will struggle to recover from.
The impact of these attacks on the tourism sector as well as local economic activity as a whole has been immeasurable. However, as an economist, I can assure you that with the right strategy, the Sri Lankan economy can recover and come back stronger the same way the other nations who were victim to ISIS attacks on their soil have recovered. For this, I see to key things we must do as a society. First, we need to start seeing Easter Sunday attacks for what it is: a terror attack and not an attack by Muslims. And two,we must lend our full cooperation to law enforcement to do their job. I urge my fellow citizens not to fall prey to those who are looking to manipulate you to incite hate and violence towards our own people. I make this request from you out of great concern for the economic ramifications we and generations to come will face if we do not handle this critical moment in our history. As your representative, a citizen, and a father I believe it is my duty to make this request.
If this terror attack on our soil transforms to a racial conflict the only winners that will emerge from it will be the terrorists themselves. It will hurt all of us, Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims, and Burghers equally. Such an unfortunate situation will make economic recovery impossible. Investor confidence and FDI will plummet, our industries will lose demand and be downsized, unemployment will rise, the wealth gap will widen, and more hardworking citizens will be pushed into poverty. For generations to come, we’ll be a state sunken in debt; Sri Lanka as we know it will cease to be.
I urge authorities to strengthen the state security mechanism to prevent this situation from escalating at all cost and to punish those who manipulate citizens to spread hate. The challenge ahead of us is to eradicate all extremist ideologies including but not limited to Islamic extremism from Sri Lanka and to create spaces where moderate Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims and Burghers can thrive in peace.
concerned citizen / May 14, 2019
Come on Harsha, where did you do your Doctorate ? Banana Republic, if you have a little bit of sense, it will tell you that, governments and institution are there to control situation like this and bring law and order to the masses, demonising and destruction of muslims have been going on from 2008 onwards, what did the governments do, what have you done? practically nothing.
Didn’t any one ever teach you that if there is no justice, there will never be prosperity in a country, only destruction and more destruction, the stupid, gullible masses we called the majority of this country never resizes this. that have been taking this country south ever since the independence with the same illusion and tactics, in reality the results are the other way around, as a nation its going backwards in every area, and all the good Sinhalese are migrating from Sri lanka, and then you are left with only this racist thugs and hate mongering monks, and you expect the country to prosper, get a life Harsa.
Amarasiri / May 14, 2019
Dr. Harsha De Silva,
(297 Words)
RE: Do Not Let Our Children’s Future Be Ruined by Getting Caught Up In A Racial Conflict
Yes, do not ruin the children’s future be ruined by racial and religious conflict.
Who is ruining them?
Do you want a solution? Trach All the Para Languages and beliefs to all the children and adults as well, so that they will not look upon their fellow citizens as aliens, riot targets or terrorist targets.
Dan Dennett: Responding to Pastor Rick Warren
Philosopher Dan Dennett calls for religion — all religion — to be taught in schools, so we can understand its nature as a natural phenomenon. Then he takes on The Purpose-Driven Life, disputing its claim that, to be moral, one must deny evolution.
Land of Native Veddah Aethho, illegally occupied by the Paras have been ruining them.
All the Paras, and their children must get back to the homeland of the Paras, India, Bharat and elsewhere.
The Land is polluted the Paras, by their languages, beliefs and ideologies.
First, it was polluted by the Para-Sinhala, and later with Para-Sinhala “Buddhism”
Then it was polluted by Para-Tamils and Para-Hinduism,
Then it was polluted by Para-Sufi Islam.
Then it was polluted by Para-Portuguese introducing Para-Catholism.
Then it was polluted by Para-Dutch introducing Para-Dutch Christianity..
Then it was polluted by Para-English introducing Para-Anglicanism
Then it was polluted by Para-Wahhabis introducing Para-Wahhabism.
In this explosive mix pf para languages and beliefs, sits politicians, monks, priests, cardinals, bishops, Ulama, Mullahs h, Iman and Maulvis. They have collectively ruined for ALL, children and adults alike. This has been going on intensively since 1948, when the Para-Sinhala Buddhists took over.
What is the so-called President, Sevalaya( sleaze) Sirisena doing? Why is the parliament waiting?>Why not impeach the traitor?
Don Stanley / May 14, 2019
Sri Lanka needs to FORGET about being a Tourist Banana republic and develop its Fisheries and Ocean Mineral resources and manufacturing sectors and industries.
Sri Lankans do no want to be tourist hotel waiters, fawning of white skins! When will the stupid economists and politicians get it!
Lankans want good jobs and it is a shame that Sri lankan economist like Harsha has failed to see that Sri lanka’s wealth is in her oceans
But fisheries only contributes 1 percent to GDP while UK, EU, France steal all the Indian Ocean fish which is a $12 billion.
Wake up Harsha and use your bird brain that is colonised by the Washington Concensus
Amarasiri / May 15, 2019
Don Stanley,
Norway, with a population of about 5.5 million, mean IQ 100, exports $40 Billion worth of fisheries products per year.
Sri Lanka, with a population of 22 million, mean IQ 79, exports around $???? Per year.
Yes, economic salvation is not entirely in tourism. However, it can be very complementary, as the support services and supply services reach a wider segment of the economy.
kalu bokke / May 15, 2019
Being a buddhist country how can we kill fish and crustacians. Also we will pollute the oceans and killa all forms of sea life.
paul / May 16, 2019
Dear Amarasiri, is there anybody who does not deserve the adjective ‘para’? Balangoda Man perhaps?
Thiagarajah Venugopal / May 19, 2019
Salute you Amarasiri for the narrative except the ‘part’ of the last sentence about the President. Spot on Bro.
We are a lost Nation of People.
Babalathappu / May 14, 2019
Hi Harsha,
I think you have written the article as If I would do it for you. I am not a politician. Nor am I living in the country. But i am very much concerned of the security of ourpeople.
All I can do is to force lanken Lawmakers to do what they can to save the nation.
Harsha, why you and the like men cant do the job, even if people have elected you guys. If not today, when you guys would ever do the job for what you have been elected.
We know that there is a big obstacle in current situation, you UNP men and President Sirisena. If you cant get on with him even for crucial issues such as NATIONAL SAFETY, why you guys still away from bringing a NONCONFIDENCE MOTION any alterative the bugger be impeached ?
You guys have to build up close ties with opposition parliamentarians to support you there.
For what purpose you guys stay staganated, we have been wasting STATE assets by letting the STUPID man do what he thinks is right. Current trip to China, should NOT be considered as one of the TOP requirements that a head of state should be attended compulsarily. Such state visits could also be possible by sending a FM or someone instead of his self partipation. That proves how irrespsponsible the president has been.
We cant allow the abusive man in his seat as our presdient anymore. Please do whatever you can , sending him home. God bless srilanka !
AshyD / May 15, 2019
Yes! The ROT started with SWRD’s Sinhala Only policy. The most educated of the lot at that time he did the EXACT OPPOSITE to what was needed. If he had taken the English language to the villages, improved on the Sinhala language, taught Tamil too we would not be in this SH..T HOLE today.
Our children in the villages are clamoring for the English language because other than find jobs in the government sector after obtaining a degree from a local university, they are UNEMPLOYABLE elsewhere. This is whilst the English educated are walking into the private sector gleefully drawing handsome salaries.
This is the legacy that SWRD left for this country. One day driving from the airport to Kandy, I happened to stop at the Bandaranaike Samadhi. Our younger daughter who was just eight at that time asked her mother “Mama why have they placed a large stone on top?” My wife gave an apt reply “Darling because he should never get up from his grave”.
At SWRD’s expense we had a laugh all the way home. But sadness filled me when we arrived back home and a famous Sinhala saying came into my mind “Athey thibunu seeni bolay, katey dhanna bariwuna” (the sweet that we had in our hand we could not put it into our mouth”).
The British left us everything and we just could not do the best out of it. But we still blame the Suddhas. We were emulated as the best country in Asia and instead of going forwards we turned our backs to the future and started on the long way in the wrong direction.
The GOONS and the politicians backing them may think that burning a few Muslim homes and businesses is a very heroic act to do. We have just seen what devastation could come when youth are misdirected, I only hope what is happening today would not blow up out of proportion. we would have HELL TO PAY. What a sad state of affairs. .
jehan / May 14, 2019
have justice first. all these problems started with buddhist extremist let by mad monk gnansaraya killing in aluthgama. no arrest, nothing whatsoever. then we saw diggana, same attitude. even now we see curfew only for muslims. the racist mobs have police and forces protecting them with guns. no wonder the swords and knives kept for cooking and self defence were taken by the forces. so the mobs can have a field day. reminded me of 1983 when the tamil genocide happened. the catalyst for Ltte. i hope the indifference doesnt lead to another war with more players.
i think in some-ways its better if buddhist could have there statues only in there vicinity. not all over like what we see in sl, even in jaffna statues are all-over. this overbearing we beat Ltte, now we can do anything mentality is also to blame.
Muslims are a international race, though they may live in SL, their presence and way of life is same as any muslim living in malaysia to saudi. what happens in SL gets magnified, and SL muslims are a very diverse and educated crowd, who live in different parts of the world. when Quran is burnt in mosque/ insults are hurled in public meeting with police protection , every muslim be it moderate or extremist gets angry. the level of anger among 1.5 billion muslims differ. so its wise as Sri Lankens, not to provoke . what happend was the crusades came to colombo, instead of middle-east. these crusades will continue, some times west will win, some times muslims will win as we learn from history. but sri lanka being a small island taking sides and provoking with unneccesary monk stupidity like gnansara and facebook /social media will only attract the wrong kind of attention.
Siva Sankaran Sharma / May 15, 2019
Muslims are an international race! When did adherents of a religion become a race. There is no such thing called a Christian race, Hindu race, Buddhist race, neither is there a Muslim race or ethnicity. Islam is a religion and people who follow Islam are called Muslims it is a religions and not a racial or ethnic identity. People who follow Islam belong to different racial , ethnic , linguistic and to different sects of forms of Islam. Muslims like everyone fight and persecute amongst each other and others on the basis of religion , race, ethnicity, language or the type is Islam. You get Arab Muslims, Persian Muslims, Turkish Muslims , Malay Muslims and many other Muslims , just like you get English Christians, German Christians, African Christians, Indian Christians. Other than the slender thread of Islam , Christianity or any other religion, these people are very diverse . Only the adherents of certain religions that are ethnic centric can be called a race. Jews/Judaism, Sikhs/Punjabi( but you get Hindu and Muslim Punjabi) Druse/Arab, Yazidi/Kurds. In many countries Muslims belong to different races , ethnicities and linguistic and sects , so they are correctively identified by their ethnicity language ,sect. In Sri Lanka 99% of the Muslims are Dravidian Tamil Muslims speaking Tamil and identify themselves by their religion and think it is the same everywhere
Amarasiri / May 15, 2019
Siva Sharma,
Muslims follow the religious Theology/Ideology, given in the Quran, just like the Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists do. Islam and Muslims are not races.
So, Muslims are a group, who believe in an ideology, just like, the communists and socialists.
There were races and nations before Islam, Christianity , Buddhism and other beliefs came in the scene.
Native Vedda / May 14, 2019
Harsha de Silva
“Do Not Let Our Children’s Future Be Ruined By Getting Caught Up In A Racial Conflict”
However, you are proud being a Southerner and a Sinhala Buddhist.
(Mon, Nov 24, 2014, 09:40 pm SL Time, ColomboPage)
You never explained why?
Is it because the Sinhala/Buddhists never miss an opportunity to start a riot against “others” ?
kalu bokke / May 14, 2019
This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2
Jay H . Chambers II / May 14, 2019
As a frequent visitor to Lanka, I have seen the rise of Islamic extremism. When I first started coming here twenty years ago it was such a lovely place. As a member of the queer community, I enjoyed the company of many young people on the beaches. The liberal Sinhalese parents never objected to my socialising . After all I compensated them very well.
But when I started visiting the East coast after the war, I was always met with hostile stares from burqa clad Moslem women who kept their children from me. How unjust is this? These Moslems stick to their mediaeval practices, including banning homosexual practices even between consenting individuals. I suppose they don’t need my money due to the inflows of Wahabi money. I was arrested only once in Bangkok, but apparently the Lankan police are aware of that due to information provided by Muslims
Do not trust a single Moslem or their apologists until this menace is wiped out but that can happened only if mass incarceration and interrogation of Moslems in Lanka happens fast. I would be delighted to provide input on colonic irrigation techniques
Radical Ideas / May 14, 2019
Funny Chambers…. quote”21st Century Global Zionist Project: War on Terrorism is War on Islam
A former US Assistant Secretary under the Reagan Administration, Paul Craig Roberts (a whistle-blower) address this issue, saying “the only reason Muslim terrorism exists is that Washington created it. Washington used jihadism against the Soviet army in Afghanistan. They used it against Gaddafi in Libya. Then Obama used it to invade Syria. Obama sent ISIS to overthrow Assad. General Flynn, who was the director of the US Defense Intelligence Agency, stated this matter on Al Jazeera. Flynn said it was a willful decision of the Obama administration to send ISIS to overthrow Assad”.- end quote
Excerpt from:
Prolonging War on Islam: Terrorism in Sri Lanka and the Global Zionist Project
Amarasiri / May 14, 2019
Jay H . Chambers,
1. “I enjoyed the company of many young people on the beaches. The liberal Sinhalese parents never objected to my socialising . After all I compensated them very well.”
Did you get any daughter’s pregnant, as collateral damage?
2. “But when I started visiting the East coast after the war, I was always met with hostile stares from burqa clad Moslem women who kept their children from me. “
:” I would be delighted to provide input on colonic irrigation techniques”
They were protecting their colons them from you and other men.
Have you considered becoming a Catholic priest or a Buddhist Monk.? You would be able to provide input on colonic irrigation techniques.
Jay H . Chambers II / May 15, 2019
Mr. Amarasiri,
No I did not make anybody pregnant, because they were male. I did try to become pregnant myself , but it wasn’t successful. I will be suing my sex re-assignment surgeon shortly. Thank you for your kind concern.
Sunil Dahanayake / May 14, 2019
Dear Economic PhD,
You says that:
“”As an economist, I’ve spent most of my career exploring ways in which Sri Lanka can be developed and modernized to meet its full potential.””
I have my doubts. But this this is not the forum to discuss about this.
In the final para you ask strenthen the state security. What you have done as an MP during the last 4 years. You and your government destroyed that for Vote bags from Minorities.
Please kindly have an early election so that people can excercise their democracy to govern by suitable people who will protect the country and its citizens. Enough of this “”Bana Talk””.
Eternal vigilance is the best security that should be adopted by a government to control this kind of situations. This is the opnion given by the Foregin Edtitor of the Weekend Australian news paper. I think that I agree that opinion.
Eagle Eye / May 14, 2019
“I can assure you that with the right strategy, the Sri Lankan economy can recover and come back stronger the same way the other nations who were victim to ISIS attacks on their soil have recovered.”
Go to hell with your assurances. I still can remember you bragging in a TV discussion that you guys know how to fix the economy. You talked about introducing new systems from Singapore to improve the performances of State Enterprises. When asked about the financial resources required, you said once we stop corruption there will be enough money to carry out the plans. I wonder what happened to those ‘BIG TALKS’? Did your Government stop corruption or multiplied corruption? People in this country deserve some explanation. They did cast their votes based on those promises. For four years you sat down and watched the Royal Gang ruining the economy.
I heard you saying you feel ashamed for what happened on Easter Sunday and the Government should take the responsibility. There is no point in just accepting the responsibility. Resign and hand over to someone who can deal with the situation.
Maharage, / May 14, 2019
Idiotic Eagle Eye,
Restrain your wild emotions. Yahapalana gurus failed so did your former kings- Madamulana buffaloes.
Let this bunch of yahapalana gurus resign because they failed; who do you want them to hand over the rule to?
If it is someone from Manamulana Mee Haraka family, you go to hell man !!! I know you lick their balls
John / May 14, 2019
Minorities have started all the riots so far. Sinhalese have finished them with all the fanfare.
Native Vedda / May 14, 2019
Johnny Baby
“Minorities have started all the riots so far”
Oh I see!!!!
“Sinhalese have finished them with all the fanfare.”
Not this time around.
These are not the local forces which have arrived to have fun.
This is Global Caliphate MUSLAMISTS, not LTTE nor JVP.
Go take a nap before you uttered a word.
Ask you mother to rock you.
gamini / May 14, 2019
For whose benefit did the Natinoal Thawheed Jamath unleash violence on the 21st of April, Is it for them to capture power or to help their benefactors to capture power after the Coup attempt failed in October last year? Any fool can see who their benefactors are. If as some claimed it was for retaliation for the Christchurch incident, then why target poor fisher folk. They could have targeted Tewatte Church Ragama, All Saints Borella, St. Theresa’s Thimbirigasyaya or another affluent Church in Colombo or Kandy. No, the Rajapaksas did not mind the poor fisher folk being sacrificed like how the fisher folk was shot at and some died when they were in power at a demonstration before 2015.
No sooner the blast occurred even before the Churches could be cleaned of the flesh and blood of the victims, Gotabaya Rajapaksa announces his intention to contest the Presidency and confirms his that he is a Sri Lankan that he has renounced his American citizenship for him to qualify. It is further confirmed when Robert Blake from the blues descend and pronounce that Gota had the best Technocrats to assist him to finish the 30 year war of the ruthless LTTE. Robert Blake did not explain how the Americans got VP to help them to get MR elected pulling the rug under Ranil’s feet in 2005. Thereafter how they duped VP to bury all their weapons and abandon their stronghold Kilinochchi and assemble on the beachfront for the MR Forces to annihilate them. Robert Blake also did not explain how the Americans provided safe haven to the very man Shavendra Silva who executed the annihilation, at the UN Head Office in NY till everything died down for him to return and accept office again.
Concerned citizen / May 14, 2019
Although Racist Buddhist have finally managed to create the first Sri Lankan Muslim suicide bomber, which if the current situation continues will produce more and more of them, what the stupid racist Buddhist don’t understand is that you don’t need a suicide bomber to destroy the tourism, just a petrol cocktail bomb is more than good enough to drive away the tourists for years, no one will ever set foot in the country
If you have at least a tiny weeny matter in your thick scull, please get this across to the other idiots in the government and stop this communal violence once and for all, before we reach that point of no return
paul / May 16, 2019
‘Although Racist Buddhist have finally managed to create the first Sri Lankan Muslim suicide bomber’
Concerned citizen, radicalising someone enough to make him a suicide bomber takes some considerable time and effort. Madrassas and mosques in the East were brainwashing young Muslims long before the BBS was even started. But never mind, you have re-written history to justify your racism, that is what Sinhala-Buddhists do too. It seems to be a Sri Lankan trait.
gamini / May 14, 2019
For whose benefit did the Natinoal Thawheed Jamath unleash violence on the 21st of April, Is it for them to capture power or to help their benefactors to capture power after the Coup attempt failed in October last year? Any fool can see who their benefactors are. If as some claimed it was for retaliation for the Christchurch incident, then why target poor fisher folk. They could have targeted Tewatte Church Ragama, All Saints Borella, St. Theresa’s Thimbirigasyaya or another affluent Church in Colombo or Kandy. No, the Rajapaksas did not mind the poor fisher folk being sacrificed like how the fisher folk was shot at and some died when they were in power at a demonstration before 2015.
No sooner the blast occurred even before the Churches could be cleaned of the flesh and blood of the victims, Gotabaya Rajapaksa announces his intention to contest the Presidency and confirms that he is a Sri Lankan, that he has renounced his American citizenship for him to qualify. It is further confirmed when Robert Blake from the blues descend and pronounce that Gota had the best Technocrats to assist him to finish the 30 year war of the ruthless LTTE.
Robert Blake did not explain how the Americans got VP to help them to get MR elected pulling the rug under Ranil’s feet in 2005. Robert Blake also did not disclose how they got the LTTE to close the Mawilaru Anicut to draw the public ire to commence an open war with the State Forces. He also did not disclose, how they duped VP to bury all their weapons and abandon their stronghold Kilinochchi and assemble on the beachfront for the MR Forces to annihilate them. Robert Blake also did not explain how the Americans provided the very man Shavendra Silva who executed the annihilation, at the UN Head Office in NY safe haven, till everything died down for him to return and accept office again.
JD / May 14, 2019
I thought Only Ranil wicramasinghe was efficient in fishing in the Troubles waters. Now, HArsha de silva is in the game. Are you saying, you never knew what was going on and you kept silent.
How is the Finance ministry. I think that is the most corrupt place and it is doing the american Agenda. A National list MP Sumanthiran, Who wrote the Orumiththanadu constitution, Who wanted to be the TNA leader, who was very active during the Ranil’s NCM, October revolution,, Ranil Said, Ranil informed even Sumanthiran about the ISIS attack (Was Sumanthiran the govrnoer). Any Sumanthiran is the chariman of the Ministry PArliamentary financial commiittee. Ashu Marasinghe, Mugibar Rahman are others. If you check the list almost every one looks the same. Do not expect JVP are saints. they never win but they protect the party over the people which they killed in thousands.
Besides during the Ranil’s reign Penthouse- Ravi and and now Mangala Samraweera are the FMs. Ranil hired even Paskralingam and charitha Rathwaththa (IS he an apple orchard Farm manager) like people. what a way to clean a ministry.
Fahim Knight / May 14, 2019
Dear Dr.Harsha ,
With due respect ,
I just want to say this as long as the politicians keep patch working the 70 years failed constitution and patch work the most people unfriendly Excutive Presidency and maintain a non transparent tender system, unprotected & uncontrol of pilferage of our natural resources , political favourism all well protected by this failed constitution and without a peoples senate system of mandate to monitor ,I deeply regret we will.never make it.
Ajith / May 14, 2019
The truth is the security forces are not under the control of the Ranil government. 90% of the security forces are under the control of Mahinda Rajapakse Family. President Sirisena left the country because he cannot control the security forces and he himself under the control of the former President. This is the third political and military coup to take the power with the help of USA. Why China is silent? Why India is silent? Why the government did not ask for help from India?
K.Anaga / May 14, 2019
Your Government came into power by promising to take action on all those who were accused of killing the journalists, Rugger player and the like. Did you take adequate action? To-day I understand that the army personal who were arrested with the killing of journalist have been reinstated due to lack of personnel to carry out ‘Spy’ work. If it is true, how can you have faith in the government where you are also considered an important person. Your action will only encourage the would be rogues to act with impunity. In short your government has been rather ‘economical’ in arresting and exposing those who were responsible for various crimes.
It appears ,that who went on rampage in the northwestern provinces were shouting that they were taking the law into their own hands as you have failed to arrest the persons behind the April 21st Killings originating from, Kathankudi and Wilpattu.
Craig / May 14, 2019
Harsha you are an absolute disgrace as a politician. In the midst of this carnage you get together and pass A supplementary budget of 190 million rupees for two bulletproof vehicles for the President and the newly-appointed Secretary of the Ministry of Defence in parliament!
“Our Parliament does not understand the dire situation that the country is in. Or they simply do not care. We have had such a row of terrorist attacks and the people live in fear. The tourism industry has collapsed. Education system has halted. People’s lives and livelihoods are under threat. The survivors are still struggling in hospitals and the families of the victims are trying to come to terms with their losses. And the best that the 225 MPs can do is to present a supplementary budget for Rs.190 million. It is a crying shame! What is even more ludicrous is that, while the Security Forces are telling the public to return to ‘normalcy,’ none of the leaders could demonstrate that he/she had no fear roaming the streets or being in crowded places. There is not a single journalist who can ask the authorities why the need for two bullet proof vehicles, if the country is safe.”
“No other parliament in the world passes supplementary budgets like churning butter. But in this crazy island of lotus-eaters, the MPs and Ministers can get away with anything, because the leadership has been weak. The leaders are going on the wrong track and the others are also following”
JD / May 14, 2019
Ranil Wickramsinnghe is typical Juan Guido of Venezuela. Both Ranil and Mangala should be tried for High Treason. There are so many accomplishes of Ranil inside the parliament.
Rajash / May 15, 2019
Dr. Harsha De Silva – what is the objective of this article.
you open with “As an economist, I’ve spent most of my career exploring ways in which Sri Lanka can be developed and modernized to meet its full potential. “
There is nothing to show…you admit you are a failed economist.
you close with “…I urge authorities to strengthen the state security mechanism …”
but they knew all along this is going to happen….but they turned a bind eye.
then you go on to say
“The challenge ahead of us is to eradicate all extremist ideologies including but not limited to Islamic extremism from Sri Lanka”
you conveniently ignored the Sri Lanka/Sinhala/Buddhist extremism.
but there is something missing…..we all now about the challenge…but you failed to spell out some suggestions how to overcome this challenge under the lion flag and under the current constitution
you got it ?
tinpotjihadi / May 15, 2019
You got carried away in 2015. You were on social media every moment projecting your politics. You bragged about getting people membership in the UNP. You talked about the hoax, VW and made lame excuses.
Try getting on the streets. Try to canvas for UNP membership now. Please go ahead. Be as social media publicity seeking as you were in 2015. Try to go to the new affected areas where Sinhala Catholic and Buddhist gangs attacked innocents. Or try to go to Katrankudy and tell the Wahabi Saudi retarded Muslim preachers to get the fukkaouta Sri Lanka . Go see if in fact Pakistanis were settled ib Wilpattu. Just walk in Narahenpita or Borella and try to get more people to join the UNP.
soma / May 15, 2019
“As an economist, I’ve spent most of my career exploring ways in which Sri Lanka can be developed and modernized to meet its full potential. “
Really? Why did you keep them for yourself?
Native Vedda / May 15, 2019
“Really? Why did you keep them for yourself?”
Like you he is a proud Southerner and a Sinhala Buddhist, it is too much to expect constructive ideas from such people.
Like you he knows how to drag the country to hit the bottom, sooner than later.
Like you he is another one who also believes in ethnic outbidding.
By the way carry on with your riots.
joe noitall / May 15, 2019
Harsha, what are you talking about. Your government is in power and what have you done to ensure that our security has been protected. your leader RW is a disgrace, any other decent leader would have resigned for the breach in security in not holding a security council meeting for six months. Absolute disgrace and this guy must be kicked out. Your government promised that the corrupt regime would be made accountable but not one politician has been brought to account. Your government is in charge of security and yet you are allowing the innocent muslims to be attacked . There are videos and enough evidence that the forces are sometime colluding with the mobsters, yet you do nothing, We are fed up of the likes of you and the UNP who have done absolutely nothing to bring in law and order and you have a PM who is gutless, spineless, manipulative and inefficient Yet you morons tolerate him and keep him in leadership because you know on which side the bread is buttered. We dont need your preaching. What we need is action top restore the rule of law and create a decent society where everyone is treated the same before the law, not this law where politicians are exempt from the law. You came inot power promising big things but not one things expected has been delivered. At least have the guts to get rid of the stupid RW or else breakaway from the UNP taking a few of the very few decent and honest guys left and invite some decent honest professionals to join your new party and take this country forward.
LJ / May 15, 2019
Dear Harsha,
Thank you for your 2 cents. Sad to see a respected technocrat become a mere politician. There was so much hope in 2015 for the young bunch of UNP to usher in change. You lot have failed abysmally to stand up for all the wrong in your government. It is most disappointing.
About the two points you have raised,
1. This goes beyond than just a mere terrorist attack. This will not end just by rounding up the people directly involved. This is a battle of Islamic violent fundamentalism and our long traditions of pluralistic society. All in governance needs to realize this because this is a battle that cannot be contained with force but a battle fought with hearts and minds.
2. Your point on reprisal attacks; It is the vacuum of information, lack of leadership and inaction by failing to calculate the pulse of the people that will lead to the situation getting worse. Of course, there will be elements with vested interests.
People have zero trust in you lot. It would be prudent not to utter anything at all if you cannot start a struggle from within the government for real action and change over and above the narrow politics.
kali / May 15, 2019
Dr. Harsha
Do Not Let Our Children’s Future Be Ruined By Getting Caught Up In A Racial Conflict
*** What a Joke . Hatred is instilled in your ( Sinhalese) childrens mind when they are in mothers womb. I have not come accross a single Prominent Sinhalese who is prepaerd to accept that fact other than saying LTTE was a terrorist organisation and singing the Songs of Praise for butchers like MR & GOTHA. . Dont forget we fought to FREE ourselves from Sinhalese Brutality. Words cant express our suffering.
Wera / May 15, 2019
Thanks for living in this triple blessed? isle and for making an attempt to contribute to its betterment. Most people do not appreciate what you are and who you are. Just mouth off vile rubbish. As Gamini has pointed out it is only one group of people who benefit from the blasting of bombs in Churches and Hotels. It is this same group that formed the NTJ and funded it in its early days that also funded Mahason Balakya etc. who are now running amok. Both groups serve one common agenda and one group of beneficiaries. I often wondered why China would support a misfit like Gotabaya Rajapkshe for president and then groom him for the job. I did not realize what the Chinese already knew about the craftily hidden arrangements between Muslim extremists and Buddhist ones. How one could be used to provoke the other and both together could be used to set the country on fire. All for the benefit of power. So far it seems to be working well while most of the morons don’t realize what is going on or just choose to make stuff up due to their own prejudices. For those of you who do realize and understand what has happened I strongly urge you to get the hell out of this country for it is never going to succeed. For those of you who love and worship the scoundrels that are hell bent on power at all cost you along with your children you are cursed to live in a hell hole for the rest of your lives.
Nathan / May 15, 2019
All you guys can stand on your heads but there is nothing good can happen to the country unless we genetically modify the genes of the absolute morons who are living in dark ages. Look at some of the contributors too, same out dated, primitive mindset. Only thing these goons love is uncertainty and violence. The country has become a joke. Let these guys go about in karathey once again and plough the fields mee harakkas. There are plenty of meeharakkas so no problem. It is simply impossible to understand why these guys have such a mind set? Some curse of this land. The Muslims are enjoying life well and yet their karma made them to revolt stupidly and played into the hands of rabid racial sinhalayas. These Muslims are obviously gone bloody stupid buy an overdose of extreme Islam and I am sure some one would have promised that you start and Allah will come and do the rest. I can understand all non-Muslims are against this carnage. The comical Aanduwa must go into detail how the Islamic extremism and terrorism took it roots here and who are behind and punish all those guys. Go into all the misdeeds by them since at least 2009. But again sinhala modayas pampered them and now destroying them. This is part of Sinhala History of persistent Betrayal. Also punish the eastern ex-LTTE goons for all what they did to Muslims there. The main goon was a sex service deputy minister under MR. Gotta financed all the guys. Guys can write and write but there is no hope at all.
K.Pillai / May 15, 2019
Please be reminded Dr Harsha de Silva that the so-called Lankan conflict is NOT racial or even ethnic.
Almost all Lankans have the same ethnicity.
The conflict started, in late forties, as a language-divide and very quickly turned language/religion-divide.
Harsha pleads {“Do Not Let Our Children’s Future Be Ruined……”}
The future of up to four generation of Tamil-speakers has been ruined and is set to continue……….
By the way Harsha only the Lankan Elites are NOT worried about the ruinous path we are treading.
Harsha, like most lay Lankans, sees the tragedy that was the 2019 Lankan Easter Sunday.
He says {“…I share a sense of immense regret and embarrassment about the government’s inability to prevent this tragedy, even after having received prior warnings.…”}
This is a recycled view expressed by hundred of others.
Harsha, do you not see Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) as a threat?
It is embarrassing that this outfit has political backing, patronage and finance.
Harsha says {“…..That’s the beauty of living in a democracy; we can respectfully agree to disagree and live together in unity despite our differences…..”}
Is ‘Democracy’ possible in a ‘Culture’ of corruption/nepotism/impunity?
concerned citizen / May 16, 2019
The brainwashing started from 2008, just after the war, where Mahinda and co started their strategy for the next election, main strategy was neutralising the muslim votes.
now its exactly 10 years, if you check the records, from 2008, onwards every year they have been doing something to destroy and demonise the muslims and their livelihood. how long do you thing they will take this up, forever? during this period s many things happened in the world, al qaeda, ISIS etc, so this is bound to happen, but the root cause lies in the continuous unprovoked violence against the community
i am sure you don’t realise this, because you will feel the pain only if it happens to you.