19 February, 2025


Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka Discovers A Plot – And Also The Proof

By Karikalan S. Navaratnam

Karikalan S. Navaratnam

“The folly of mistaking a paradox for a discovery, a metaphor for a proof, a torrent of verbiage for a spring of capital truths, and oneself for an oracle, is inborn in us.” – per Paul Valery, French philosopher and poet.

Dayan’s fusillade

In a barrage of narratives, one after another in rapid succession, Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka has propelled his familiar themes: viz., federal-phobia, fear-mongering about Tamil agenda, glorifying Rajapaksas’ ancien regime, gloating over his 2009 Geneva “feat”, excoriating “yahapalana” government etc. etc. This write-up appears in the context of Dayan’s fusillade, the latest of which has spotted “The Federalisation Plot: The Proof ” (Colombo Telegraph, 28 Oct.2017).

Dayan has particularly targeted RW-CBK combine allegedly for promoting a Federal solution to the ethnic problem. His visceral hatred for the duo finds expression in his vitriolic verbiage. The irony is that even as Dayan claims to have exposed the “federalization plot”, the TNA leadership has been pathetically pleading with the government to implement the 13A intact, and help them to save face vis-à-vis their Tamil constituency.

Federalism – Not Treacherous

This writer does not hold a brief for RW-CBK doublet or the “yahapalanaya” government. If RW-CBK duo have, now or ever, proposed federalism, it is a salutary thing and is wholly welcome. There is nothing blasphemous or treacherous about advocating a federal system to resolve the ethnic issue.

In fact, that is the most sublime idea. Plot and perfidy are not techniques congruent with a constitution making process. Dayan’s postulation of “a plot and the proof” defies logic. He innocently claims to have proved his discovery “beyond reasonable doubt.” Interestingly, that is the standard that must be met by the prosecutor in a criminal prosecution. In a civil suit, the proof is on a “balance of probability.” In any event, the probative value of Dayan’s evidence is a problem. He relies entirely on hearsay evidence – multiple hearsay at that !. Further, the evidence cited by him says that there would be a country-wide referendum on the Federal Constitution:

“At this point, such a solution would have been acceptable to nearly all Tamils and a vast majority of Sinhalese as well. Then, there could have been a referendum…….” (“The Federalization Plot: The
Proof “ CT 28 Oct. 2017). If the Federal plan was to be presented to the entire population, including the Sinhala people, at a referendum for them to have the last say, where is the conspiracy Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka? Does not a conspiracy connote subterfuge and secrecy?

Dayan’s Broadside

Typically, Dayan’s broadside is bifocal: To dislodge the government by hook or by crook and to debilitate the Tamils politically. After their ouster from office in January 2015, Rajapaksas and their cohorts have been hell-bent on recapturing power and are in a hurry to be restored to status quo ante. They believe, quite rightly, that race, religion, federalism, separatism are sexy issues to seduce the Sinhala-Buddhist constituency. With vigour and verve the Rajapaksa camp has been working overtime fomenting racism and creating combustible conditions conducive to an eruption of another Black July.

“Ellam except Eelam” – Premadasa

Until the army recaptured Kilinochchi from the LTTE in January 2009, every government leader was ready and willing to strike a compromise with the LTTE on any terms, short of acceding to a separate Eelam. That includes the vociferous professor G.L. Peiris as well. Even Dayan Jayatilleka’s previous patron-saint, President Premadasa, publicly offered to the LTTE, in rhyming words, “ Eelam thavira Ellam tharukiren” (“I will give you everything except Eelam”). He was conversant in Tamil. Mr. Sirisena Cooray, Chairman, Premadasa Centre, recalls the Tamil words in his article on Premadasa’s “The ‘3D’ solution to the north east problem” Premadasa had also recommended an “asymmetrical devolution” of power to the Tamils and spelt out the rationale therefor.” (Sunday Leader, 13 July 2008, Vol.15, No.4 ).

Neither CBK nor RW originally parented the Federal idea as Dayan claims to have proven. Discerning students of politics and essayists have,time and again, recorded the role of SWRD and the Kandyan National Assembly, representing the Kandyan Sinhalese, in espousing a federal system of government in Ceylon. The structure envisaged by the Kandyans included a linguistic Tamil State combining the North-East provinces. Evidently, the Communist Party of Ceylon also had flirted with the federal idea. (Vide: Daily Mirror, 24 Sept. 2015 –“SWRD stood for maximum devolution and Proposed Federalism” by K.K.S.Perera ; The Island, 24 Sept. 2016 -“SWRD Bandaranaike and the paradox of Sri Lankan Federalism” by Rajan Philips )

S.J.V. Chelva & Federal Party

Mr. S.J.V. Chelvanayakam (Chelva) founded the Federal Party – Ilankai Thamil Arasu Kadchi, in Tamil (FP) on 18 Dec. 1949 and sought the mandate of the Tamil people for pursuing the goal of a linguistic state in a federal Sri Lanka. FP suffered a humiliating defeat at the 1952 elections.

Even Chelva himself lost his seat at KKS. The federal concept did not resonate with the Tamil constituency at that time. At 1956 elections, even as SWRD’s MEP overwhelmingly won in the South, the FP romped home with a resounding victory in the North-East provinces. Ever since, to this day, at every subsequent election – with the only exception of 1977 election – the FP or the FP-led bloc has increasingly obtained massive mandate from the Tamil people to pursue its Federal objective. At the 1977 election the TULF coalition (including the FP) fought and won on a “Separate Eelam” platform.

The commitment and conviction of the Tamil people are so strong that they have consistently voted for a ‘Federal state’ solution.

Tamil people have made their choice. They want a linguistic Tamil State encompassing the Tamil habitats of the North-East provinces within the Federal Republic of Sri Lanka. Dr.Dayan Jayatilleka and his ilk may have to choose not between “13-minus” and federalism, but between Federalism and Separatism.

“Sinhala Only” Slogan

Post-1956, this country had endured recurrent ethnic violence, bloodletting, a Black July, deaths, destruction, chaos, carnage and foreign (Indian) intervention before the Sinhala leadership could realize that “Sinhala Only” slogan was an unmitigated disaster. Indeed, the country had paid a heavy price. It took two decades for the wilfully blind leadership to wake up on the language issue.

How long will it take – and at what cost – before Dayan and his bedfellows wake up? When will they stop their demagoguery, demonizing the Tamils – and by extension, the Federalists ?

Dayan’ Mission

In Rajapaksas’ passionate pursuit, Dayan is not only akin to a missionary, but truly a visionary as well, in that, he is one among those advisors who plan the Rajapaksas’ future with imagination and wisdom. That is because, Dayan’s own future is intricately intertwined with Rajapaksas’ future. His agenda is to promote Gotabaya Rajapaksa as President and Mahinda as Prime Minister. And, perhaps in return for his services, he hopes to find a niche for himself – maybe as a Foreign Minister or an Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary in a Western/European capital. One cannot grudge his ambition or ability. Dayan has an incisive mind and mastery of the equivocal diplomatic language. On the other hand, Rajapaksas have the pelf in plenty and political clout. It is a formidable combo. Dayan and his patrons are resourceful and powerful. Given the current Sinhala–Buddhist mood, thanks to the yucky record of the yahalpalanayas, Rajapaksas’ ambitious agenda does not seem wholly a fantasy.

In a way, Dayan is to Rajapakses what Cardinal Thomas Wolsey was to Henry VIII of Tudor England. It was said of Cardinal Wolsey that he was “feared more than he was loved and, in fact, he was loved by none.” But, in Dayan’s case he is feared by all for his friendship with Gotabaya and loved by Mahinda for his Machiavellian traits.

Latest comments

  • 1

    I’ve sent in a response …and a bit more…:)

    Please await its posting by the administrator.

    • 8

      Karikalan S. Navaratnam

      “One cannot grudge his ambition or ability.”

      The war monger and public racist has lot of unfulfilled ambitions, however could you list his ability or abilities.

      “Dayan has an incisive mind and mastery of the equivocal diplomatic language”

      Could you also provide examples of his incisive mind and mastery of the equivocal diplomatic language.

      Does he come across as an intellectually honest person?

      By the way at the corner of my street a vendor who supplies us with fresh vegetables and only educated to ordinary level seem more honest particularly intellectually honest than this war monger. Many find this racist abhorrent, (detestable, detested, hateful, hated, loathsome, loathed, despicable, despised, abominable, abominated, execrable, execrated, repellent, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, disgusting, distasteful, horrible, horrid, horrifying, awful, heinous, reprehensible, obnoxious, odious, nauseating, offensive, contemptible) than any other war criminals or war crime deniers.

    • 0

      This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/

  • 10

    why do so many people take dayan seriously
    what anuradha tilakasiri wrote then and what dayan writes now are totally different
    who knows what he will write tomorrow
    all his writing will cease if ranil gives him an ambassadorial job

    • 0

      I wasn’t “Anuruddha Tilakasiri”, ever.

      As I disclosed on Derana 360 some years back, (un-contradicted I might add), initially and briefly it was Surath Ambalangoda and later, Ms. Tisaranee Gunasekara, though I did make some editorial suggestions and inputs, not all of which were accepted.

      I must add though that for the most part I agreed with what ‘Anuruddha Tilakasiri’ wrote at the time, under both authors.

  • 10

    Well said Mr. Navaratnam . DJ I, feel is a lost soul, in that he is at a cross road both in age as well as his intellectual acumen is concerned. Will leave his “intellect “for another day and time. I hear someone reading this shouting “what intellect ; the man is an idiot, bigot and aimless”
    Coming back to reality, it is time that the readers of CT take least notice of his antics .
    GL is another turn coat. “Constitutional expert”, what a load of rubbish. This man, GL has switched sides/parties as if there is no tomorrow.
    “Dayan’s Mission”. This is a very interesting and an unpalatable proposition and supposition. Whatever it is, DJ could be better off addressing diplomats for which he thinks and feels he is well qualified
    “Judge not a man before his ends”- God

    • 10

      Ratnam Nadarajah

      If World Health Organization could appoint Robert Mugabe, as a goodwill ambassador why cannot Sri Lanka appoint Dr Mahinda/Dr Dayan as peace facilitators between powerful North Korea and not so powerful USA?

      • 8

        Well said Native Vedda. You have a very valid point, Thanks.
        Anything is possible in politics and worse so in our part of the world
        WHO,UN , World Bank etc are a lot of talking shops with good for nothing experts. Never, ever hire an UN expert for anything is my advise if you want develop the country. The father of Singapore Lee Kuan Yew, was right when he told these so called experts “Hands off my country, we know what our people need and best for us”
        When I joined CT commenting and occasional write up couple of years ago, I wrongly assumed that the patronage of this page was for good a debate, discussion and meaningful dialogue , if not an intellectual discourse. How wrong I was/am. You live and learn
        Keep up the good work NV

        • 7

          Ratnam Nadarajah

          “When I joined CT commenting and occasional write up couple of years ago, I wrongly assumed that the patronage of this page was for good a debate, discussion and meaningful dialogue , if not an intellectual discourse. How wrong I was/am. You live and learn”

          Who cares, 99.99999999999999999999999999% of the time we visit CT to have a good time, poking fun at other’s,……………… You too must learn to take it easy. Look at those who refuse to be drawn into good debate, how could you motivate them to shed their bigotry and change their mindset?

          • 3

            Dear Native Vedda
            Point Taken. Yes you are right on those above accounts.
            Life is short. and should be lived to the best without harming others in the process. I am all for that
            Laugh and let others laugh too, is a very good policy.
            Laughter is the best medicine. Perhaps we should give a good dose to Our one and only Doc. DY. LOL.
            Long live the CT brotherhood
            Ratnam Nadarajah

            (By the way I am originally not far from Binthana . Have a laugh NV)

      • 1

        Very good idea!

        At least they will bring on the real war much faster!

  • 6

    What a brilliant piece of writing. Even DJ agrees. He hardly replies in the comments section and you can see it has hit on his head and heart. Please Navaratnam – come back and write more.

    • 3

      Thank you ABM for inviting Mr Navaratnam to write more here..of course he wrote sensible things..I am starting to just love his writings..very honest, sincere and factual…unlike our beloved Dr Dayan J..

  • 5

    Well written Karikalan but you should know that nothing will pearce into Dayan’s thick skin.

    I wonder what did Dayan teach to the cadres of EELAM people’s revolutionary liberation front when he took classes. Did he say that Eelam was not possible and they should give up their liberation struggle? If so what was he doing as a minister in their cabinet? Since Dayan left EPRLF he has jumped from one place to another and now ended up as an advocate to Buddha putras and boomi putras. What a sad ending of a Marxist !

    • 5

      MR ~ “…….Since Dayan left EPRLF he has jumped from one place to another…………”.
      DJ never explained as to why he ever joined a Tamil liberation movement.
      MR ~ ” ………What a sad ending of a Marxist !”
      DL’s knowledge of Marxism is about the same level as his knowledge of Buddhism.

  • 6

    Karikalan S. Navaratnam ~ “Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka Discovers A Plot – And Also The Proof”
    It is the other way round. DL invents a proof, looks for a plot. He has this Goebbelsian knack to find the plot.

  • 1

    It is very well known that Ranil wicramsinghe was the Instigator of the greatest bank robbery of this country, sinhale. It is rumourered that CBK also gavt the hint to Ranil saying that would be the only way to earn money for the election. The loss for the country this year alone is estimated to be Rs 69 billions because, the state banks, employee funds are losing money and 50% of the investments were with drawn. Simply financial markets were shocked when they found it.—————— so, the constitution talk when not elecoral process talks are needed to hide it.

  • 3

    Dayan Jayatilleka is a paradox. He is swinging on a continuum between the sublime and ridiculous. All his arguments are buried under a ton of verbiage and semantic gymnastics. His argumentative strategy is ad hominem, whereby an argument is rebutted by attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument rather than attacking the substance of the argument. I can glean the following from articles he writes on a daily basis.

    (1) He is for devolution only at the district level not at the provincial level. The reason is obvious he do not want the Tamils to control a province.

    (2) He is against 13A +. He is also against 13A-. What he stands for is 13A only nothing more or less.

    (3) He is against federalism. Federalism is a dirty word to him despite the fact that is the political system that dispels differences on account of race, religion, language and culture of a country, Examples abound Germany (regional) Canada, USA and Switzerland (language and culture). Without federalism these countries would have broken up into pieces. Dayan stands for a unitary state in which the majority Sinhalese can lord over the minority Tamils.

    (4) He is like a tilted lover filled with hate and revenge against the Tamils.

    (5) He is batting for the Rajapaksas hoping to enjoy a better life under them, as someone pointed out even a ministerial post.

    (6) His past association with the EPLRF is still haunting him. He had not given a valid explanation why he was flirting with the Eelam lobby.

    1/2 continued

  • 2

    Dayan Jayatilleka is a paradox. He is swinging on a continuum between sublime and ridiculous. All his arguments are buried under a ton of verbiage and semantic gymnastics. His argumentative strategy is ad hominem, whereby an argument is rebutted by attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument rather than attacking the substance of the argument. I can glean the following from articles he writes on a daily basis.
    (1) He is for devolution only at the district level not at the provincial level. The reason is obvious he do not want the Tamils to control a province.
    (2) He is against 13A +. He is also against 13A-. What he stands for is 13A only nothing more or less.
    (3) He is against federalism. Federalism is a dirty word to him despite the fact that is the political system that dispels differences on account of race, religion, language and culture of a country, Examples abound Germany (regional) Canada, USA and Switzerland (language and culture). Without federalism these countries would have broken up into pieces. Dayan stands for a unitary state in which the majority Sinhalese can lord over the minority Tamils.
    (4) He is like a tilted lover filled with hate and revenge against the Tamils.
    (5) He is batting for the Rajapaksas hoping to enjoy a better life under them, as someone pointed out even a ministerial post.
    (6) His past association with the EPLRF is still haunting him. He had not given a valid explanation why he was flirting with the Eelam lobby.

  • 3


    (7) He does not accept the fact that Tamils are indigenous people of Ceylon and their presence at least from the 3rd century BC. According to Mahavamsa Kakavanna Theesan (Naga king) son Gamini tells his mother who asked him why he lies easily up on the bed with limbs stretched “Over there beyond the ganga are the Damilas, here on this side is the Gotha – ocean how then I lie with a stretched limbs.”

    Dayan is haughty and arrogant to the point he alone knows what is best for the Tamils. So he will determine the political fate of the Tamils, not the poor Tamils themselves. This is because the Tamils are numerically smaller than the Sinhalese no other reason.

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