By Dayan Jayatilleka –
“Ranil used the term asymmetrical federalism, which is federalism [but] with more powers given to the Tamil Northeast…” ~ (Solheim, in To End a Civil War, Salter, p96)
“…the only viable solution was…a federal constitution…” ~ (Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga, SJV Chelvanayakam memorial lecture, April 2015)
“…Which makes it clear that it is a federal state, but without the label” ~ (Jayampathy Wickremaratne, Salter, Ibid p 59)
When the Sri Lankan Government keeps saying that the proposed Constitution will be unitary in character, why should we suspect and mistrust it? One reason is simple. Recall the phrase “would you buy a used car from this man?” Well, would you buy a new Constitution from the same folk who defrauded the entire country by pulling the Central Bank bond scam?
The less flippant answer is that extreme suspicion and vigilance is needed over the likelihood, nay, probability, of Sri Lanka’s unitary status being constitutionally scammed because two of the three leading figures of the Sri Lankan government today are on the record proposing non-unitary, federal systems.
I hope I will be pardoned by readers for commencing the presentation of evidence of a federalist Constitutional bond scam by recycling something I surfaced in recent articles. I have already identified the mother of the new federalizing Constitution, namely, ex-president Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga who as far back as 1994 is quoted as having said:
“…The present provincial council system is useless…The word ‘federal’ has been abused in the past. Therefore we will avoid that word and implement devolution in a meaningful manner. The country can be divided into five units of devolution, and wide powers can be granted to them. It will be possible to find a solution to the ethnic problem by bringing the North and the Tamil areas of the East under one unit and giving it the necessary powers”. ’ (Tamil Times, 15 July 1994)
But as we shall see in a moment, this turns out to be only the tip of the iceberg.
The “present provincial council system” which she described as “useless”, was precisely the one that her late husband welcomed, defended and lost his life defending. In fact that “useless” system of provincial councils was almost exactly the one that Vijaya Kumaratunga and the Left, including Dr. Colvin R de Silva and Pieter Keuneman, had designed in considerable detail (the printed text was over 40 pages), over several weeks of deliberation, and had been agreed upon by President Jayewardene in mid-1986 at the Political Parties Conference (PPC), which itself had been convened upon a written request made by Vijaya to that President. Certainly Chandrika’s fealty to the policies of her late husband was far less than Madam Sirimavo Bandaranaike’s fealty to the policies of her late husband, which she would constantly invoke.
Two decades later, as the Yahapalana government came into office, she reiterated her commitment to federalism in her SJV Chelvanayakam memorial lecture in 2015 and confirmed that her efforts at constitution making as President in the 1990s were of an explicitly and decidedly federal character:
“Hence we adopted a strategy of honest, public discourse to inform the people that the only viable solution was to choose the path of dialogue, negotiations and peace achieved by means of a federal constitution and by building a cohesive Nation and an inclusive State.”
By regarding federalism as “the only viable solution” and seeking to implement it, Chandrika not only avoids the question of why her late father SWRD Bandaranaike did not acceded to SJV Chelvanakayam’s federal demand and opted instead for devolution/autonomy within the unitary Soulbury framework, but also why her mother Sirimavo Bandaranaike regarded federalism as a deadly danger to the nation.
While we have established beyond reasonable doubt the federalist commitment of ex-President Kumaratunga and therefore the fact that she is the Mother of Federalization in Sri Lanka, we now have to conduct the paternity test to establish who the Father of Federalization is.
The DNA test leaves no ambiguity about paternity. The evidence comes not from a hostile Sinhala xenophobe but from friendly Western sources. Mark Salter, formerly of the BBC, wrote a large, well-researched volume on the Norwegian peace effort in Sri Lanka entitled ‘To End a Civil War: Norway’s Peace Engagement in Sri Lanka’ published by the prestigious Hurst, London. The book was quite sympathetic to the Norwegians and the west in general. In it he quotes Erik Solheim pretty conclusively on federalism, and what is worse, an ethnically lopsided model of federalism:
“Ranil used the term asymmetrical federalism, which is federalism [but] with more powers given to the Tamil Northeast. At this point such a solution would have been acceptable to nearly all Tamils and a vast majority of Sinhalese as well. Then there could have been a referendum: police, land, and other such powers would be given over. And Prabhakaran could have been the Prime Minister of that area.” (Salter, p 96)
Salter’s quote from Jayampathy Wickremaratne, described as “current advisor to the Ministry of Constitutional Affairs”, clearly gives the lie to his current, publicly stated position that the intention is to retain the unitary character of the state and that there is no covert federalist purpose at work:
“In 1999 we had a strategy workshop and thought we should propose something different: ‘Sri Lanka shall be one’…An independent state consisting of institutions of the centre and the regions, who shall exercise power in accordance with the constitution. Which makes it clear that it is a federal state, but without the label”. (Salter, p 59)
To conclude, one must raise and confront the question as to why the Prime Minister would advocate federalism and such a biased form of federalism too. The answer that Solheim reveals in Salter’s book is disturbing indeed and reveals an anti-Sinhala racism:
“Moreover Helgesen came away with the impression that Wickremesinghe’s basic agenda was to ‘let the Tamils have whatever is needed, short of independence’…Wickremesinghe’s essential agenda was ‘…liberalise, privatise’. And in this context, Solheim recalls, the fact that he [Wickremesinghe] and Helgesen were conservatives ‘definitely helped’.” (Salter p78)
“Further he [Solheim] suggests that ‘Ranil took the view that the Tamils are generally more successful, that the Sinhalese should learn from the Tamils, [and that way] Sri Lanka would develop better. Economic prosperity was his agenda.’ ” (Salter p 96)
So, Prime Minister Wickremesinghe’s vision of “economic prosperity” is revealed as one that isn’t about building a strong nation or state. His ethnic and economic perspectives are two sides of the same coin, or more accurately, his is an ethno-economic perspective, biased towards one and against the other ethnic community.
Rajash / October 28, 2017
keep spewing out the same shit in different package Dayan. Poor Mahinda must be thinking that you are indeed writing something exciting ……fool him as long as you can and keep topping up your bank balance Dayan…..you need it for your retirement…if you see what I mean….nick nick
LEELAGEMALLI / October 28, 2017
This man DJ is a born moron.
For some reasons he has a grudge against RW. Many known to him are well aware of that.
Now as if a python being beaten counterattacks, he makes his consecutive set of articles in supportive to anti federal men. All of them have much in common, it is against Ranil CBK. latter are the human leaders for the country while Rajapakshes can only promote thugism, radicalism, racism and all negative doctrines leading the nation to an another somalia.
What matters, if a solution would have been safeguarding Unitary state but with some rights as is the case in a federal state ?
If Germany ( 83 millions, )Switzerland (8 millions)or any other like minded nations practise federalism without any harm to their citizens, why on earth us one another poor folks to see it that dark ?
I am telling you why
a) Srilanka is filled with uneducated, unlearnt folks that have been made the easy targets of some vicious and rascal politciians.
b) Buddhist dominated srilanka is an an another highly vulnerable folks to trust anything that they hear.
c) Media mafia is taken its head above anything else, as former tyrany allowed them to work for their commecial gains only. Rajapakshes fed his set of journos with all the perks as no other leaders in the region has ever done.
d) Last but not least, we are unfortuantley having the kind of NUMBER one rabble rousers of DAYAN JAYATHILAKA NATURE who can twist the gulliable mind set in favour of some vicions polticians.
e) You dont need to have earned DOCTORATES but the ablity to sense what is right and what is wrong, can lead you to everyone s good. Latter is unforutnatley, is not the case with Dayan Jayathilaka or the like men.
K.Pillai / October 28, 2017
Leelagemalli ~ “…..This man DJ is a born moron……”.
DJ was a normal child at birth. He was born with a silver spoon. One day he ate the silver spoon and this started the metamorphosis into a moron.
Burt / October 28, 2017
As you recalled this phrase:
“would you buy a used car from this man?”
You should ask this same question from readers. If you are a car salesmen people will not touch what your selling even with a six yard pole. That’s how bad your credibility has gone down hill. Don’t take my work. Without writing anything pose that question and see the response.
“Well, would you buy a new Constitution from the same folk who defrauded the entire country by pulling the Central Bank bond scam?”
The words “bond scam” has been loosely and repeatedly used to a point everyone talks of it no one really knows it. We had some Rajapaksa/Cabral hacks make statements does that amount to guilt.
Bottom line is did they break the law: if they did they will pay the consequence. Your friends in the last govt abused the system with impunity from fraud to murder and everything is covered up.
Writing any further is going to put my blood pressure up. So have a nice weekend.
Native Vedda / October 28, 2017
Will you please bear with him as you know this failed graying revolutionary, self confessed war monger, a public racist has been suffering from:
“castration anxiety”,
“pe**s envy”,
“Name Dropper Syndrome”,
Federal Phobia,
You should keep him under observation for more diagnosis.
mike / October 28, 2017
NV – It appears the prescribed medication for the war monger is not working. He should try taking Velupillai Prabakaran’s Pills for quick results! It’s awful but it works, just like Buckleys Cough Syrup!
RajanS / October 28, 2017
The ultra-racist DJ is working overtime writing articles after articles with the hope of provoking the other racists with the intention of ensuring the Tamils never get any political powers. Several countries have very successfully implemented Federalism, but why this racist is so disturbed by the word Federalism? Can anyone guess?
Menna Aththa / October 28, 2017
Any one who stands on the way of your Elam journey is a racist, hay? Go in front of a mirror if you want to see a racist, Thalaivar. Be ashamed.
Shrikharan / October 28, 2017
“The ultra-racist DJ is working overtime “
Strangely this bugger, a hypocrite, thinks all are fools and I have asked him many times why he was a member of the Eelam Peoples Liberation Front (EPRL:F)?
This bugger cannot be coming from a decent family but a family of crooks wants to cheat every one for his personal gains. He would sleep with anyone if that benefits him whether it is right or wrong. He slept with the EPRLF now he sleeps with ultra Sinhala racists to tell his dear country is facing serious threats. So what was he
up to when he was with EPRLF?
Native Vedda / October 28, 2017
“but why this racist is so disturbed by the word Federalism?”
He does not seem to like “F” word.
mike / October 29, 2017
NV – “He does not seem to like “F” word.” Possibly because of a dysfunction!
Shrikharan / October 29, 2017
“why this racist is so disturbed by the word Federalism? Can anyone guess?”
This guy fought for Eelam as a Sinhalese being a member of EPRLF (Eelam People’s Liberation Front), not sure how many Sinhalese were killed because of him, now he professing just the opposite talking against what he fought for and did but he hides them like the cat drinking milk eye closed thinking no one will see just because the cat cannot see!
He was not 10 year old kid when he joined the EPRLF!
Jimsofty / October 28, 2017
I read some where, Ranil wnts to have Ekkeya in Sinhala and English translations of the “Constitution while the Tamil one would have Orumiththa. Anyway, Upcountry Tamils Tamils of thge East are not happy with that as they are not from Tamilnadu. Estate Tamils think eventhough they are indian they are the true Tamils and the highest caste -wise.The best option is define the word EKEEYA and refer to that word in every translation. that would not create problems the translation.
Uthungan / October 29, 2017
Ikiya in Tamil is the Ekkeya in Sinhalese, both means United in English. So what is all the big fuss about?
Native Vedda / October 29, 2017
I am sorry to say these dimwits even don’t know their own language yet want the “others” to learn and preserve/protect it from extinction.
What a seriously “laztarded” racist lot these are.
laztarded – When someone is so lazy that they either seem to be retarded or for all intents and purposes are functioning at the level of a retard.
Dr.Raghav Sharma / October 28, 2017
Some thing has gone wrong with this Guy’s head.He is still living in the dark ages of slavery.It is the birth right of every citizen to enjoy equal rights. Tamils & Muslims have equal rights to live peaceful with the majority.Federal constitution brings needed peace forever. By wring such biased articles to provoke the majority against the minority. On the other day this guy has started praising former minister Kadirgamar. Be frank with you all, in true sense Kadirgamar has no political ambitions except to please the majority by doing anything.No Tamil accepted him as a leader and was a selfish to the core.He was chosen and fixed by SLFP to confuse the rest of the world.He had no understanding about the problems of the Tamils.No Tamil liked him for his crooked nature.Never called him as a Tamil leader. On the whole he was a paid coolie.
Singhalese pundit / October 28, 2017
You are taking about federal and all other system of government for North…today; I feel that people of jaffna had one of dark days in its hsiotry…whether jaffna had federal system or none federal system…or live under united Sri Lanka…sorry to say jaffna people suffer from bad habit of interesting taking and interest giving..
This is 100% more than Sinhalese people…why is this people like to loot and exploit money of poor and needy ..
Until jaffna is cleaned from grips of interest and cast systems…there would not be any please for jaffna..it is true there no war in jaffna now..
But people suffer from many issue..
Cast system
Torture of interest ..
So many social evils .
Whether they have political freedom or not..
The people will suffer a lot due to bad social conditions..
Sorry for people of jaffna..
Who gave right to devide people like this ..
Singhalese pundit / October 28, 2017
Federal or non federal Tamils need some sort of reconciliation and recognition..
Why do we waste time ..
What is the point in that ..
All community need to contribute to build this nation
Jimsofty / October 28, 2017
Everybody knows that the Constitution is just an interim report. Besides DJ is against Ranil. but, this time he is for money because Ranil and the gang of thiieves want to bury the Centra Bank robbery case With that some others may also bury. so, the Constitution looks their survival tactic.
Jimsofty / October 28, 2017
DJ: It looks Again Ranil is a loser. Because see how so many educated migrents from Asia in the developed westernworld. they contribute to thaose economies for almost nothing. their unducated get six figure slaries while asian migrents who are well educated get very low salaries. but, what do they get politically. Almost nothing. Most of them when they come they do not have Stress related diseases. but, they get old they develop such illnesses——————— why Ranil is stupid because the dumb CBK who could not attend a university, even in the west where education is sold to who ever has money, could notget it. So, it is the lawyer Ranil who is Trying to be expert in Economic development that developes ethnocentric economic development schmes for Sri lanka. they do not understand power goes where money is. Even right now in sri lanka most powerful are the businesses.————- Why govt is not caapble to assimilate them. anyway, most migrate to west once they get educated. Instead, sinhalize all thise dalits.
Burt / October 28, 2017
Thanks to your boss another used car salesmen and family:
“Robredo cited the project to build a new Bicol Express, a rail system connecting Manila and Bicol region, for P175 billion, which would come from a Chinese loan, the Philippine media reported.
Robredo said there should be a better way to finance the project other than through loans from China.
“First of all, it’s debt. Very huge, P171 billion. That’s very huge,” said Robredo, who is a native of Naga. “Our fear is we might get stuck in a debt trap like the one experienced by Sri Lanka,” she said.
According to BBC.com, Sri Lanka had relied so heavily on loans, mostly from China, that 95 percent of all government revenues now go to debt repayment alone.
Many of the projects funded by Chinese loans turned out to be non-profitable, according to the BBC.com report.
“Of course, if it’s debt, we will be the ones to bear the burden. It should be decided on properly,” Robredo said.”
Native Vedda / October 28, 2017
Please bear with me I have this urge to drop names.
Prof Stanley Thambiah wrote “The Politics of Ethnicity” published in American Ethnologist 1989:
…… the Malays, the Sinhalese in Sri Lanka are current examples of the majoritarian claims to “affirmative action” defended on demographic strength and legitimated by mytho-historical sons-of-the-soil claims. These claims lead inevitably to structural asymmetrical pluralism and are inevitably resisted by the minorities. ……….
Such attempts subordinate previously un-ranked and equal groups who wielded considerable capacities and skills, and to incorporate them unequally in the polity as inferior citizens, invite retaliations and counteractions. Alert to the threats of discrimination and subordination, and in the first instance fighting for inclusion within the polity on equal terms, they may gradually as their situation worsen as has happened in Sri Lanka – gravitate toward the politics of devolution and even secession. Horowitz aptly phrases the option thus: “Unlike ranked groups, which form part of single society, un-ranked groups constitute incipient whole societies (1985).
Sajith / October 28, 2017
How anyone can trust you. In 70s When almost all progressive Tamils suggested some form of autonomy to NE you strongly supported self determination and separation and quoted Stalin page by page. Few years ago you wrote we could consider federal solution based on power devolution principle but not based on self determination. Now you find proof form 1990s news. Scientific! Please read your own writings and find your integrity.
If you mean anything you say it’s you who should encourage our leaders to consider some form of federal solution to devolve power as that is the only way minorities can be assured of devolved powers would remain devolved. MR have repeatedly told he is ready to go beyond 13A , I am sure he knows it very well that’s what country need to move forward. Pease don’t let your personal hatred cloud your vision.
K A Sumanasekera / October 28, 2017
Just like his mate Mangala, Dr Ranil has nothing to worry about his grand son or grand daughter, fighting Kerala Indians for good jobs in Colombo…….
That is why Indianization under ETCA has become his second priority..
Same goes for 5 or 6 of his top rung Yahapalanists, who hold the most important ministries like Finance and Education……..l
Both don’t have to worry about sending their grand kids to SAITM to get a MBBS…
They do not have to worry about even getting a Hair Dressing or Make Up Artist Certificate which Dr Ranil and his boy Minister Akila are going to introduce in Public Schools in Federal Dalit States……
They are only worried about not fulfilling their obligations to Solheim, Surendran and Sambandan……..
Can’t understand why the Mother of Fedaralism , took the job of Organizing Attanagalla…..
Will the Dalits there vote for her Son, after Dr Ranil installs Federalism?………… ..
Native Vedda / October 28, 2017
KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera
Your new Mango Friend the public racist has complete gone Ga Ga. He has been all over the place just like you.
By the way is/was your absentee biological dad a saffron clad thug?
soma / October 28, 2017
For those who are opposed to fedalism which they are convinced will lead to separatism (like me) the only strategy to stop this deadly move in its tracks is to carry out a massive wave of educational propaganda on what the whole drama will entail – expulsion of Tamil(Tamil speaking people, irrespective of their religion or the date of arrival , out of Sinhala areas , Rohingya style. Every Tamil must be made to clearly understand this. Tamils must be made to understand that they can have a separate Homeland OR the right to live anywhere, DEFINITELY not both. . I fervently encourage the Tamils to accept the second option and invite them to continue to live with us in one unitary political structure. No force on earth UN, USA or India can prevent this Rohingya style discrimination in this over populated island boat. It is up to the Sinhalese to convince the Tamils( Tamil speaking people) living among them of this reality.
Native Vedda / October 28, 2017
somass ji
“For those who are opposed to fedalism which they are convinced will lead to separatism (like me)”
Leave the worrying to Hidnians.
They decide whether to allow a separation, or keep this island remain one country.
As far as we can guess/believe they haven’t changed their mind unless of course you force them to divide this island.
Bangladesh is one side of the the coin and 2009 LTTE’s total destruction was the other side of the same coin.
They don’t seem to flip the coin and make their foreign policy choices. Look the final decision would be forced onto you by Hindia and Hindia alone. Either way you stupid Sinhala/Buddhist and the stupid Tamils do not have a choice.
You should start visiting Tirupati with all members of your Eliya Fascist gang along with the clan.
soma / October 29, 2017
Native , when we express our opinion or desire you always say ‘leave it to Hindians’ and go on expressing your opinion or desire making all kinds of separist demands. Why don’t YOU leave it Hindians.
Native Vedda / October 29, 2017
somass ji
I have never ever made separatist demand like you and your stupid Tamils. You have been demanding an exclusive Sinhala/Buddhist Fascist Ghetto in the entire island and some of your Tamil brothers had been demanding an exclusive Tamil Ghetto.
My demands are simple:
Charge or release all persons who have in prison for more than 1 year.
A Truth and Reconciliation Commission to investigate ALL war crimes, identify, collect evidence, record, seek confession, own up, apologise, beg for mercy, receive pardon, move on………………………
The state/commission should pursue those clever dicks, like you.
Need to restructure the state which gives maximum devolution under Federal state.
Unitary & United does not mean much, not even academic.
I want most of you to Stop being paranoid suffering from castration anxiety.
Right to life, freedom from torture, guaranteed human rights, no to impunity, nepotism, yes to freedom of speech, ……………………….
I want to send all those who believe this island exclusively belongs to Sinhala/Buddhist back to their ancestral homeland in Tamil Nadu. And those who yet to learn what is right and what is wrong better make preparation to leave.
This is not a Sinhala/Buddhist country. Hence the country should remain secular.
Just because you are from the majority community that doesn’t make all of you too clever.
Champa / October 28, 2017
Was it really DJ who wrote this article?
Buddhist priests should take a more aggressive role in stopping Ranil’s document being debated on the 30th. Otherwise we will have folktales of how our country was being stolen.
Ranil is hell bent on continuing till 2025. If he succeeds in his megalomaniac dream of a Federal Lanka, Sinhalese will follow Prabhakran’s path to fight and recapture Sinhale. “A Guerrilla Warfare”, “The Great Rebellion”, whatever. People will find a way to release pent up rage against Ranil.
Sri Lanka is seriously in need of new leaders. The present useless lot who are still in 1990s federal mentality should retire paving the way for those who have new way of thinking. The world evolves, priorities change. Therefore, politicians who have wrapped themselves in old blankets either remove them and feel the fresh air or leave the political arena forever. Ok, it is a wild guess.
soma / October 28, 2017
The only strategy to stop this deadly frderalist move in its tracks is to carry out a massive wave of educational propaganda on what the whole drama will entail – expulsion of Tamil(Tamil speaking people, irrespective of their religion or the date of arrival , out of Sinhala areas , Rohingya style. Every Tamil must be made to clearly understand this. Tamils must be made to understand that they can have a separate Homeland OR the right to live anywhere, DEFINITELY not both. . I fervently encourage the Tamils to accept the second option and invite them to continue to live with us in one unitary political structure. No force on earth UN, USA or India can prevent this Rohingya style discrimination in this over populated island boat. It is up to the Sinhalese to convince the Tamils( Tamil speaking people) living among them of this reality.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / October 28, 2017
Soma, you are an outright racist. No amount of threatening will deter Tamils in taking the decision what they feel is correct. If you try to equate Tamils will Rohingyas, you are sadly mistaken. it is increasingly being proved scientifically that Tamils had been present in Srilanka before the onset of the Sinhala race. The conclusion of linguists is that at one time in the world everyone spoke Tamil or some form of Tamil. Sinhalese are no exception to this rule and similar to Malayalees who have derived from Tamils, Sinhalese also were offshoot of Tamils. The recent genetic studies prove this. At present world particularly India is not prepared to recognise an independent state for Tamils in Srilanka, but this may change especially due to the intransigence of Sinhalese and repressive measures taken by the governments to deny legitimate rights to Tamils. If you try to drive Tamils away from south, I warn you that you will lose parts of upcountry as well.
soma / October 29, 2017
Dr. G.S.
I am not going to contest you on genetics of Tamil and the Sinhalese. My request to Tamils to share one country is not inconsistent with that. What is inconsistent is Sampanthan’s demand that Tamils be considered a distinct ethnic entity
Mr GS how cunning, threatening and hypocritical you are to suggest that those in the North and East are different as regards autonomy is considered and same as Sinhalese as regards desire of you Tamils to occupy Sinhala areas is concerned. Leaving genetics apart you cannot have a separate Homeland AND the right to live anywhere. It is important that Sinhalese clearly grasp your logic of occupation. ACTUALLY WE DO NOT LIKE TO LIVE WITH THOSE TAMILS IN SINHALA MAJORITY FEDERAL UNITS WHO ARE SUPPOTIVE OF A SEPARATE HOMELAND FOR TAMILS IN THE NORTH EAST.
Native Vedda / October 29, 2017
somass ji
“Tamils to share one country is not inconsistent with that. “
Good idea.
You want Tamils to share their part of the country with you while you want to share your part of the country only with yourself.
You have been over doing it for many years. Please calm down until we got your ghetto sorted out.
Siva / October 28, 2017
Dayan, do you oppose federalism?
Answer YES or NO if you can.
If YES, what on earth have you written above?
Harishchandra / October 28, 2017
If the affairs of this country are conducted in a more efficient and transparent manner, no person in his right mind would want to secede. Being a Sinhalese even I would like to get away from these crooks who are nothing short of avaricious self serving scoundrels who are dragging this country into
an abyss from which, I do not see us coming out, for many more decades.
Even today we do not see these politicians banding together, towards the welfare of this country, but simply being more interested in ensuring that their positions of power are not threatened at whatever cost to the country. With the members of both major parties being the stakeholders of the present Government, this maybe the last chance that we get to iron out all the differences and come up with a lasting solution to the most expensive problem that we are facing today.
Buddhist / October 28, 2017
The sticking points are two 1) Special Status to Buddhism 2) the word Aekiya Rajyaya. Other than these two I have not heard of any other protests. This is the reason why those who oppose a new constitution do not provide the reason or a replacement solution. In actual fact even the leader of JO Mahinda Rajapakse visits Hindu temples not only in Sri Lanka but mostly in India. When he visits does he expect the Hindu Gods to treat him different as he has given and supports special status to Buddhism? Those who bring opposition to the above two points are in fact RACISTS and politically motivated individuals. Why should any religion have special status? First of all even before that, why should any constitution even talk about religions? A government should be above all religions and should not have anything to do with religions.
Ahfzll / October 28, 2017
Me thinks Dayan, that a man of your intelligence is BARKING at the wrong tree. Hypothetically, should their be an option for all the Sri Lankans to decide whether they want to live in Colombo with the current Politicos OR choose to move out of Colombo and be administered by A (REAL) civil service – 80% of the people will choose to move out and be administered by those who could be held responsible. You should be barking at the absurd two party control of Parliament. Should the CANine in you be able to comprehend this.
Eagle Eye / October 28, 2017
In Northern Province, nearly 60% are low caste Tamils. According to the report of the sub-committee on Power Sharing the low caste Tamils do not want Land and Police powers given to NPC. If the view of the majority is respected, they do not even want 13th Amendment fully implemented. Yet the idiots in this Government are talking about giving more powers to PCs to settle the ethnic problem. I do not think even the Tamils in Thirikunamale and Madakalapuwa like to see the Wellala Tamils in the north getting more powers because they look down upon Tamils in the East. My guess is this Government is keen to fulfill an undertaking given to the pay masters of regime change than solving an ethnic problem that does not really exist. At present nearly 52% of the Tamils from NE live in other parts of the country. The pay masters of regime change want to weaken the central government and get rid of the President who has some control over PCs. Then Wellala politicians can play havoc.
Real Siva Sankaran Sharma / October 29, 2017
Stop lying , despite calling themselves Buddhist the Sinhalese practice caste far more vigorously than the Tamils. They will only elect people belonging to the upper castes as their leaders, whilst Tamils do not and just take a look at the matrimonial columns to realize , how important caste is for all Sinhalese not only the Buddhist but even to the Christian. Sinhalese Buddhist orders are all caste based and even now certain orders still refuse to ordain members belonging to the lower castes as monks. Can a Karawa .Salagama ever aspire to be a Mahanayake of the Malwatter or Asgiriya chapter? The answer is no. It will always be a Kandyan upper caste. At one time the Sinhalese upper castes refused entry to members of the lower castes ‘ derogatorily calling them “Tamil Dirt or the Dirt of the Tamils” referring to thier very recent low caste immigrant Indian Tamil origin , so that these low castes had to scurry away and build their own Buddhist temples and create their own orders again based on caste. Funny most of these so called Sinhalese upper castes themselves are descended from Indian Tamil immigrants but from the upper castes. Therefore caste mattered and as long as you were descended from a Tamil upper caste you were not called ” Tamil Dirt”. Most of the Tamils originating from the NE live in the North and East 70% and 99% of the rest live around Colombo due to necessity and have lived there for generations. As stated earlier Colombo and the west coast north of Colombo were part of the Tamil homeland and so called coastal Sinhalese from these regions were Tamils a generation or two ago. 90% of the Tamils living in the Sinhalese areas are Indian origin estate Tamils who were imported into the island by the British 200 years ago and settled there and still produce a large chunk of island’s wealth. The vast majority of the so called present day Sinhalese are also low caste and are largely descended from low caste Indian Tamil imports, so are the vast majority of Sinhalese upper castes , in their case upper caste Indian Tamil imports. This is why Sinhalese DNA 70% Indian Tamil.
melorion vanarkadie / October 28, 2017
Dear Dayan
When I read your article I need to ask small Question. Are you rebirth? Can you remember what you
say in 1980s. When you were in hiding at Ratmalana what you discuss with us. Can you remember
when you were in EPRLF what you wrote in your articles.You organized Colombo Campus Indipendant
movement. Daya Pathirana was killed by racist JVP. AT that time you said Tamil has Right of self-determination
How do you can against federal system now. I hope you are not suffering Dementia.
K.Pillai / October 28, 2017
Dayan Jayatilleka ~ “The Federalisation Plot: The Proof”
Perhaps the title should be “The plot to use Federalisation to bring back…..”.
Good sign – Dayan is looking for a job!
Agnos / October 29, 2017
Are you and your fellow racists like Soma getting ready to burn Tamil businesses in the South, especially Colombo?
Seems you are intent on doing it because RW had said something positive about Tamils, just like Ronnie de Mel had some positive words about Tamil accountants, after he crossed over to the UNP, even though July 1983 happened under their watch?
Why don’t you commit suicide and take yourself out of the picture, instead of tormenting yourself by writing rubbish every week?
Native Vedda / October 29, 2017
“Are you and your fellow racists like Soma getting ready to burn Tamil businesses in the South, especially Colombo?”
It is not a question of if , it is a matter of when.
The organised state sponsored large scale violence was brought to an end by the Hindians in 2009.
Since then the Sinhala/Buddhist fascists tried their usual patriotic attacks on Muslims which was unexpectedly short lived.
The fascist cannot live without violence. The blood thirsty will continue to find some excuse somewhere to establish their Sinhala/Buddhist culture. Though minority they will be supported by saffron clad thugs, former and serving members of armed forces and police, almost all the state functionaries, trade unionist, local thugs, ……………….
somass has stored enough petrol in multiple cans and has bought a usual sarong to wear on the occasion. According to him, he had already marked out the target and the victims.
soma / October 29, 2017
You are calling me a racist for begging the Tamils to choose the option of the right to live anywhere in the island in lieu of deviding the island into federal blocks which is crystal clear to me will lead to massive discrimination of Tamils living in the South particularly those Tamils who practice Islam as their religion. I consider all Tamils as brothers EXCEPT those who secretly support Federalism targeting a combined federal unit for North and East while planning to live in the South.
Native Vedda / October 30, 2017
somass ji
I should have called you stupid racist.
” will lead to massive discrimination of Tamils living in the South particularly those Tamils who practice Islam as their religion.”
Discrimination is nothing new and it will not stop tomorrow as some greedy Sinhala/Buddhist fascist believe since the country belongs to the majority all resources and opportunities should be channeled exclusively to them.
Please note you have asked the same questions more than thousand times thinking that you are too clever.
Go away, spend some time thinking(?) and come back and ask creative questions if you can.
soma / October 29, 2017
Racists are people like you who are trying to ignite racial riots by demanding a Tamil Homeland AND the right to live anywhere which is nothing but naked aggression. You have to choose between a Tamil Homeland OR. the right to live anywhere. I am pleading with the Tamils to choose the second option.
Agnos / October 29, 2017
Your genocidal intent is loud and clear when you talk about giving the Rohingya treatment to Tamils. More broadly, those who equate any form of federalism with separation are either racists or ignoramuses; there is no other nice way of saying it.
soma / October 30, 2017
Which is what you were from Vadukkodai to Nandikadal?
Born again?
Native Vedda / October 30, 2017
somass ji
“Racists are people like you who are trying to ignite racial riots by demanding a Tamil Homeland AND the right to live anywhere which is nothing but naked aggression.”
Its people like you who have had long experience in starting a riot against minorities, sustaining it with the support of your local saffron and sarong clad thugs, burning down houses and business premises, looting houses and business premises, while the racist police protecting you lot, ……………………..
Please stop pretending you are being a good person. Clearly you are not. …………….. I can see this time around you will be targeting Muslims.
When did you last buy your partner a piece of Gold? Time you started a riot.
Mallaiyuran / October 29, 2017
Thero de Silva’s boss party did Sunneth to Wataraka Thero and converted him to Islam. I don’t know where he is now, or what his condition is. Now Thero has converted Chandrika as another Fathima Fukushima. We all do know Chandrika as a Buddhist woman, all these time. Thero is now wearing her Fukushima Niqab and claiming that is a job Kumaratunga assigned him for. Now only we come to know that Chandrika must be staying within all the boundaries her Brother, Husband and father set up for her. Certainly Chandrika’s fealty to the policies of her late husband was far less than Madam Sirimavo Bandaranaike’s fealty to the policies of her late husband, which she would constantly invoke. May I know from Thero what kind of obligation Chandrika has to stay within the lines drawn in by Kumaratunga, just because she talks about her husband in public meeting? What a convoluting, silly talker is Thero.
Everyone in Lankawe knows it was Chandrika’s father who first started Federalism in Lankawe. Thero is naming Solheim as the father of it. There is line in Tamil song, to describe his girlfriend’s adorable the boy is saying that if she dresses in silk the worms sacrificed them in that will be drawn to heaven. “Nee Pattu Pudavai Katti Kondaal Pattu Poochigal Motcham Perum” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXjqb_WvaWo
Well guys, let us put that lines in the proper perspective for Thero’s adorability for readers. “If Thero read a book, isn’t that tree is condemned to be burned in hell?” Thero is practicing that much sinful convolution. Shame on him!
Mallaiyuran / October 29, 2017
We had mentioned here that somebody wrote if Lincoln come back now and do and talk what he did in 1860s he will be one among the white supremacist. What is the current circumstances of White-Black Racism is a different environment of his times slavery. So we wrote, a couple of comments back, that a good man and bad man are not pure on it, under our earthly live. So the Good writer Mervyn de Silva took with him the graces he did to secure a peaceful rest, but has left his sins behind on this earth. That is what the Thero de Silva is! Thero is a person contrast to Mervyn De Silva, so as a Buddhist extremist, he stayed away from taking father’s last name for him.
Chandrika is not practicing what Kumaratunga left behind. Tamils knows that well. It is true she is not that a sincere soul likes him. He did his best to share with Tamils, while JR was carrying out his murders in one side and JVP was on the other side. I yet have to read anywhere Kumaratunga had argued that Tamils should not be given anything above 13-, which is the Thero’s stand and which what Thero wants Chandrika to stand for also. Thero is not against Federalism, suppose if has any understanding of that form of government, like many commentators have indicated here. He is against Tamils getting it. This guy has been writing on Israeli Zionists, in the past. Now he is saying Palestinians should not be freed from Israel because he feels that may legitimize Tamils claims too. Did Kumaratunga say that as something Chandrika should follow? Please, anybody going there, don’t let Mervyn De Silva to know these. He may lose peace and start to long if his son can follow him!
Spring Koha / October 29, 2017
Dr D J
Alas, all what you have written returns to “would you buy a used car from this man?”.
Wouldn’t touch anything that has your grubby paws on DJ.
nalmen / October 29, 2017
dear dr DJ
this is what dr susantha goonetilleka says about you in the sunday times
dayan jayatilleke who was the first Sinhalese to advocate tamil homelands as legitimate and
separatism desirable.
later he organized a small guerilla group and fled to india but returned after india forced jr to bring in the 13th amendment .dayan became a minister in the combined north and east provinces
which later declared unilateral independence. subsequently using the pseudonym anuradha tilakasiri dayan wrote strongly anti Sinhalese and anti -Buddhist material every week in the sunday obsever
these were far more virulent than the then ltte campaign jr sued him successfully for rs 500 million and irate citizens at a kanatte funeral stripped dayan naked
dj awaiting your response asap
Plato. / October 29, 2017
You are right about that incident at Kanatte,regarding DJ. He attended the funeral of Lalith Athulathmudali,along with his wife when someone stripped him in front of his wife. JR had instituted action against him for defamation through his Lawyer Ben Eliatamby P.C.PRIOR TO THIS INCIDENT. Upon hearing of this incident he phoned Dayans Mother and told her that he was withdrawing this action in view of the punishment already given at Kanatte of all places! It was only after this he fell at the feet of Varatharaja Perumal the Chief Minister of the North-East Provincial Council.
He was anti JR, pro Premadasa. Anti Ranil pro MaRa.
By now readers will know his political strategy; Not for the country though!!!
Richard / October 29, 2017
Dear Dr. Dyan and all Participants,
Is there a Sri Lankan educated Academician, Journalist, Politician or any matured individual who could understand the necessary criterion for a Country to gain the confidence of all other Countries and bring prosperity for the well being of its present citizens and that of the future generation? How can anybody know why Sri Lankans always want to deprive their own Country of a good fortune like any other Countrymen who will jump for it to bring it on to their Country?