24 January, 2025


Dr Deepika Udagama Responds To Sirisena’s Unfair Attacks On Human Rights Commission

Responding to President Maithripala Sirisena’s scathing attack on the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka, Chairperson of the HRCSL Dr Deepika Udagama said “Not only are we disheartened by the unjust criticism but are also discouraged. We appreciate any just critique and consider it to be a step to further growth and betterment, which we believe will serve the country better.

Dr. Deepika Udagama – Chairperson – HRCSL

Issuing a statement today Dr Udagama said “In the past three years, we have worked tirelessly to build respect for and trust in the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka. As a result of that the Human Rights Commission was awarded international recognition in 2018 by the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI). We know that it is the understanding of all reasonable people that this was an esteemed honor not only for the Commission but also for our country. We are also aware that it is a reason for elevating the recognition Sri Lanka gains from international organizations.”

We publish below the statement in full:

His Excellency Maithripala Sirisena

President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka

Presidential Residence

Paget Road

Colombo 07

Your Excellency,

Re: His Excellency the President’s Statement in the Parliament about the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka

We have been made aware of Your Excellency’s statement in the parliament on 06 February 2019, through media reports and relevant video recordings. We observed that You Excellency mentioned the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka among others. The Commission expresses its deep concern about the said statement and wishes to present to you the correct facts regarding the matter.

1. Regarding the deployment of the Special Task Force to Angunakolapelessa Prison

One of the main functions of the Commission is to monitor the welfare of detainees and protect their rights according to the recognized laws. As per Article 28 (2) of the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka Act No. 21 of 1996, the Commission has been granted the power to enter and monitor any place of detention, police station or prison. Inquiring into the safety of detainees, their basic needs, sanitary facilities, rehabilitation process is included in monitoring places of detention. Guidelines recognized by national and international laws are used for such monitoring of places of detention.

While carrying out this mandate, the Commission must properly inquire into and investigate the complaints of detainees. Detainees and their family members have lodged complaints to the Commission regarding the recent deployment of the Special Task Force and various other issues stemming from the deployment, it is the duty of the Commission to clarify matters related to such issues. Therefore, the Commission’s Inquiries and Investigations Division sent a letter to the Commanding Officer of the Special Task Force requesting information regarding the matter. The Commanding Officer has given an explanation as a reply to that letter. We must remind ourselves of the fact that many detainees have a reasonable fear of the deployment of external armed officers due to the violent series of events that took place in 2012 resulting in the murder of 27 detainees. Therefore, we would like to point out that in this instance, the Commission has undertaken its lawful mandate in a fair manner.

It is well recognized that it is essential that an independent commission protects the rights of all groups of citizens in the country. This includes even groups of people who have been marginalized and rejected from society, since the fundamental mark of a democratic civilized society is guaranteeing humanity. Thus, it is a misconception to interpret the Commission presenting facts regarding the rights of prisoners and the types of punishments, in accordance with human rights law, as an attempt by the Commission to protect criminals. Considering the principle “Prisoners are Human Beings” as well as laws protecting the rights of prisoners, we hope Your Excellency too agrees that such misconceptions are unfair.

2. The Human Rights Commission and the vetting process

We emphasize that it is due to the independence of the Commission and the trust placed in the Commission, in 2016 the United Nations designated the Human Rights Commission to vet our military and police officers for deployment to UN Peacekeeping Missions. We consider the fact that the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka is the only national institution selected to undertake the vetting process, amongst all countries that supply troops for peacekeeping missions, as a triumph for Sri Lanka. Therefore, we strongly consider that it is our duty to undertake the vetting process with integrity and professionalism.

We inform Your Excellency with great respect that it is absolutely incorrect to state that bringing back the Sri Lankan troops from Mali was delayed because of delays on the part of the Human Rights Commissions. The vetting process was suspended until a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) was drafted, which was a unanimous decision made by all stakeholders (the military, the police, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Defence, Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka and the United Nations). This decision was taken at a roundtable discussion held in June 2018 between the above mentioned parties in Colombo to solve a multitude of issues during the initial stages of the vetting process, After the said SOP was agreed upon by all the parties, United Nations Department of Peace Operations informed that the vetting process can be resumed from 20 December 2018. Accordingly, the Commission began the vetting process from that day. Therefore, we strongly disagree that the vetting process suffered setbacks due to any delays or carelessness on the part of the Commission.

We strongly condemn the attack and violence targeted at Peacekeeping troops who undertake a great service in guaranteeing the peace of a country. We consider that to be a crime against humanity. We expressed our condolences to the Commander of the Army regarding the loss of two members of our Peacekeeping mission. Responsibility for these murders clearly are borne by the armed group [that carried out the attack]. We state with regret that holding the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka responsible for the loss of the lives of those officers caused grave dismay.

In the past three years, we have worked tirelessly to build respect for and trust in the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka. As a result of that the Human Rights Commission was awarded international recognition in 2018 by the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI). We know that it is the understanding of all reasonable people that this was an esteemed honor not only for the Commission but also for our country. We are also aware that it is a reason for elevating the recognition Sri Lanka gains from international organizations.

Not only are we disheartened by the unjust criticism but are also discouraged. We appreciate any just critique and consider it to be a step to further growth and betterment, which we believe will serve the country better.

We greatly appreciate Your Excellency’s future cooperation.

Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka

Latest comments

  • 46

    Dr Udugama,
    thanks for responding to him swiftly. We all know that this man even if he is the offical incumbent president of the country, but have not the least knowledge to handle his office. This is not the first time ever he acts so, if anyone would archive how he acts during the last 6 months. Even school going children would not need much time to see that the person is no means acceptable as the first citizen of this nation whose literacy rates are comparable to those in developed world. Lanken LEADERs have fallen to this law levels,in the history. Not even R Premadasa was silly to the manner Sirisena has been upto. Rajaapskehs did lot more harm, but his speeches did not become that controversal.

    • 26

      Dr. Deepika Udagama,

      Thank you. What we have as president is a turncoat who fooled 6.2 million votes, and have since then earned the titles of Traitor, Quisling, Sevalaya, Mala-Perethaya, Pachaya etc.

      When the parliament was illegally and unconstitutionally dissolved, and overturned by the Supreme Court, a part of the brain of Sirisena too dissolved.

      So, we have a madman President, constitutionally, and the Parliament does not have the guts to impeach the madman.

      • 3

        Amarasiri aiya.
        Please don’t say that HE fooled 6.2 million people. YOU fooled 6.2 million people when you promoted this sevalaya, patholaya and traitor.
        Isn’t it a shame to admit that he could outfox YOU? YOU made use of his treacherous nature in 2015 to break up Rajapaksa, didn’t you. YOU said Rajapaksa was devil incarnation. I am at a loss to understand how his senior Minister throughout was chosen as the ideal person to lead you along that great moral journey towards Yahapalanaya. Couldn’t you find another crook who did not vote for the 18A and impeachment of the lady Chief Justice? If he was right then how is he wrong now? Hope you will oblige to enlighten me.


        • 0

          Amarasiri is a Thambiya. and niot a sevalaya or patholaya.

          • 4

            JD , Jim Dimwit,

            Amarasiri is a Rationalist Philosopher, Lover of Wisdom, independent from wherever wisdom comes from.

            In philosophy, rationalism is the epistemological view that “regards reason as the chief source and test of knowledge” or “any view appealing to reason as a source of knowledge or justification”. More formally, rationalism is defined as a methodology or a theory “in which the criterion of the truth is not sensory but intellectual and deductive”.

            In addition to reason, demonstration and supporting data give criterion of the truth.

            If the Bible, Old and New Testaments, the Tripitaka, the Hindu Vedic Sanskrit texts, the Quran, the Hadith etc., in addition to reason, demonstration and supporting data gives criterion of the truth, so be it.

            Unfortunately, they all lack demonstration and data, and demonstration and data is substituted with belief.

            Has anybody reported from the next world yet? Anybody reborn? Cloning is not rebirth. You have to believe!

        • 4

          soma Malli,

          “Please don’t say that HE fooled 6.2 million people. YOU fooled 6.2 million people when you promoted this sevalaya, patholaya and traitor.”

          Sirisena was unknown.. Sirisena was a Trojan Horse, a chameleon, a wavula, who broke his promises. He was an unknown sevalaya, patholaya and traitor., but Amarasiri did recognize him as a traitor ans sevalaya almost 3 years ago.

          MaRa was a known crook and criminal. So, the choice was easy.

          Despite all this, Yahapalanaya, did some progress, but far short of expectations.

          Wish we had the real hero, Sarath Fonseka as the President.

          They are not killing journalists, athletes, and the whire vans are not there.

          • 4

            Dear Amarasiri,
            I’ve said some of this already, but how do we pick on a suitable candidate for 2020? It is true that you saw though Sirisena long before I did.

            So much of the current news is of jockeying for some person to get elected as the next President. But how many are aware of what this 50%+1 vote can mean if the next election is really close?
            I have put something of what I understand the system to be here:

            Why repeat? We’re wasting enough time on these rotten politicians as it is, but the issues are obviously of vital importance and will determine the future of our children.
            Another question: when do we get a new Chief Justice? It is very vaguely said that the current CJ will retire in February 2019. Shouldn’t we be now asking on what date?

          • 0

            Amarasiri aiya
            Sirisena was a Trojan Horse deployed by YOU to hoodwink those 6.2 million.
            You have chosen the most apt analogy.


            • 1

              Soma Malli,

              Sirisena presented himself as the (Trojan) Horse to all the anti-Mahinda Rajapaksa common front candidate, and the selection was done by CBK, Ranil and others, and got selected.

              Any candidate, was better than MaRa MaTa Chatu MaRa..

              Everybody cheered the anti MaRa candidate, Sirisena, but he turned out to be a Trojan Horse, a Sevalaya and Mala-Perethaya.

        • 4

          Soma Aiyo,
          There is no doubt your HE fooled 6.2 million voters. There is no doubt that Rajapakse was devil incarnation. Even after Sirisena fooled Rajapakse, even after HE publicly said that Rajapakse attempted murder him, Rajapakse didn’t go to accept PM post and to give him Presidential ticket to contest next election. This is the beauty of Sinhala Buddhist Fundamentalism. One good think your HE did was phe proved Rajapakse is a man of bribe, cheat and a blood greedy devil.

          • 0

            I can understand how those who managed to swim out of Nandikadal and run into the jungle feel about Rajapaksa after shedding their stripes.


            • 1

              I know lots who managed to swim out Nandhi Kadal was welcomed by one of the Rajapakse’s (Basil – 15%) was sent abroad similar to Karuna was exported to UK in diplomat passport. Ask Mahinda about this silently inside a Buddhist Temple (Lord Buddha will not listen there). Anyway did you involve in the Rs. 500 million deals?

        • 4


          “YOU fooled 6.2 million people when you promoted this sevalaya, patholaya and traitor.”

          I always thought you are a secret admirer of VP and LTTE, the easiest way to tarnish a person is to brand him/her a traitor. Look how borrowed language has replaced middle path.

          • 0

            True I borrowed “sevalaya, patholaya and traitor.” from Amarasiri aiya.


            • 1

              Soma Malli,

              You missed the other titles Sirisena earned, Quisling, Mala-Perethaya and Pachaya.

              Have you heard about the Circle of Sirisena?

              Says one thing,
              Announces another thing, and
              Does something completely different.

        • 0

          HRC should focus on pressing Economic Rights and Justice issues and corruption that is the cause of a lack of Economic Justice in Sri Lanka instead of wasting time on UN con-jobs and military certifications!

  • 42

    Superb reply Deepika.

    When uneducated Village morons are given executive powers this is what happens.!

  • 27

    Deepika, I wonder what the outcome of the CID investigations into the 27 killings of prisoners in Welikade in November 2012 was. And weren’t there several commissions set up to enquire into the massacre when the STF was sent in to search for drugs, etc?

    The brave work of people like Deepika Udagama, especially at a time when our (Buddhist!) president is eager to reconstitute the death penalty, should be admired and commended by those of us who do not venture into such embattled territory.

    • 0

      Manel Fernando

      ” is eager to reinstate the death penalty”

      Sorry that will not come through as usual. You can be assured something that if Sirisena says something he will do means he will NOT do.

      1. He said he will NEVER join Rajapakse again – he rejoined him.
      2. He said will abolish executive Presidency – he cherished it and wanted to come
      again as President
      The list goes on……

      Now he said he will reinstate the death penalty. You can be assured it will not happen. Drug peddlers will be protected and honoured. Many politicos kiths were caught with possession of drugs in the recent raid and arrests in Dubai. Do you really think they will be hung?

      You can be assured if this backboneless President says something he will do, it will NOT happen. If he says he will not do, sure he will do.

      Quicker he goes better for the people. He has said he will not give Eelam you know what will happen!

  • 21

    A straightforward reply. I wonder whether it could be understood by ……………….. A translation in Sinhala would suit the occasion very nicely. Well done Dr. Deepika.

  • 0

    I meant ‘reinstate’, not ‘reconstitute’.

  • 16

    Thanks for reply to the President. Criticisms against your organisation was not made by a REASONABLE person. He has become a scheming unbalanced person who is solely concerned about becoming the President for the second time with the help of Mahinda.
    This will be the greatest tragedy for our country. Let all the REASONABLE citizens of SL prevent it becoming real.

  • 12

    This man is only concerned about his political future and acts accordingly and is being advised in that
    direction ONLY. Nothing better can be expected as he is hypocritic by nature.

    • 1

      Hi Punchi, What political future has he got now? Don’t give him false hopes!

  • 7

    I presume, he is not in his senses from 26/10/18.

    • 6

      He was never in his senses from the time UNP told him that they will not nominate him for the next election for the President on their behalf.

  • 1

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  • 1

    “Human Rights” is about watching against the incumbent (and past) governments. UN’s one (UNHRC) watches the international governments. Local one watches the local government. I don’t see a reason Deepika falling on the feet of New King for his spurious statement or writing such an imploring statement to plead excuse from him. So far she has not released any statement of the government’s records, which is listed as a notorious one and war criminal in many aspects, by local and international independent bodies.

    Deepika is rushing to reply this wrong statement of New King, only. Recently Lemon Puff Weeraya said they don’t give damn about passing any resolutions in UNHRC. Why didn’t Deepika response to Weerawansa by releasing a statement explain the responsibility of the government on human right obligation under UN Human right and International Humanitarian Laws?

    Why didn’t she mention of what were her finding in the STF Police brutality in Angunakolapelessa Prison. Is commission hiding any facts SLHRC came to know in that investigation?
    Deepika is saying, in defense to the commission that the commission started to investigate the prison brutality because prisoners and relatives filed a complaint. Is Deepika saying that when the victims were not able to formally lodge complaints, then commission, tactically, has been casting a blind eye? Is the commission working only for the influential ones?
    Is Deepika able to do her job without the bullying of Appe Aanduwa? One of earlier CT’s news pieces says Deepika stated that Yahapalanaya is conducive in discharging her job. Then how did this happen?

    New King had said SLHRC cannot (or should) not interfere on the death penalty he wants to enforce on selected people. Further he adored Duarte’s murder enforcement on drug victims in Philippine. What is SLHRC’s position on these matters? Why Deepika didn’t mention these in her letter? Feather bedding to New King?

  • 8

    Good reply. When we have a President who was pronounced by the courts that he violated the constitution and continues to hold the position without resigning or calling for a Presidential Election clearly shows the character of the person. The replies given by the Speaker and this Lady shows SL has moved forward. Although the President has not delivered any of his promises to the voters, UNF government has struggled and some or other got the independent commissions functioning.

  • 0

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    • 0

      Hypocrisy at its best.

  • 4

    This fellow will not be able to understand better to give the fellow a sinhala translation.

    • 0


      What is the Sinhala word for Human Rights? One available in the SinhaLE Wildlife Sanctuary, Ekkya Rajaya?

      How do you translate “Foreign and Commonwealth”? Lankaweyans living in foreign countries?

  • 5

    Thank you Dr Deepika Udagama for your response to Sirisena’s attacks on Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka (HRC SL).
    We, layLankans, are pleased that the Constitution Council of Sri Lanka is serving the purpose for which it was created.
    We hope that it will not be ever cut off from the equation.

  • 10

    Dr Deepika, the Human Rights Commission (yourself included) brought honour and glory to Sri Lanka internationally, whilst our imbecile grama sevaka brought dishonour, shame and obscurity to Sri Lanka. In this backdrop, the grimy uttering of this imbecile is not surprising and should not be a distraction to the good work being done by the Commission. Let the imbecile pave the road for his destiny which is forthcoming.

    • 0

      Imbecile grama sevaka? Really? Look at what happened?
      President’s Drug Eradication Week ended up with Makandure Madush being caught red handed in Dubai with cocaine.
      However, I don’t think the Sri Lankan Police has any hand there, as if it was a joint operation, Dubai Police would never be able to catch Madush as he would be pre-warned by insiders.
      Out of 40 who were arrested in Dubai while partying with alcohol and cocaine, 31 said to be positive to (cocaine) screen. They will be charged under Dubai law.
      However, there is an extremely secret underhand move to get them pardoned. Not Makandure Madush but the Muslim mafia bosses and their associates who were caught.
      I guess those who have undertaken this unprecedented move will secretly make submissions to the highest authority in Dubai, most probably to the Ruler of the Emirates of Dubai, the Sheikh, highlighting the Muslim factor as a reason for clemency. There is no need to know who are the saviours of Muslim mafia bosses but I want the law enforcement agencies to be aware of such a possibility so that they can thwart the move.
      Makandure Madush and his associates have violated Dubai’s zero alcohol and drug laws. Therefore, Sri Lanka should refrain from interfering in the law of other sovereign states.

      • 0

        Thank God this party was in Dubai! Thus they were apprehended! The Dubai Police are very smart! I personally don’t think the Sri Lankan authorities had any hand in this swoop, and all the noise in Sri Lanka as usual is a political gimmick! Let the Dubai Police do its job, and the culprits will get what they deserve. The Dubai Police, will not make noise like in Sri Lanka to credit. I hope our imbecile grama seveka’s strategists don’t advise to extradite the lot to Sri Lanka on the basis of them being wanted criminals. If this happens, I can assure you all of them will be out partying with our politicians here or will be directing their business operations from welikada.

        NB: The reference to the Muslim community here was unnecessary, the group of criminals and their associates who were apprehended are all Sri Lankans, and should be punished as criminals irrespective of religion, caste, creed or whatever segregation. Start to think as a Sri Lankan dude!

  • 2

    One other salient point all the media and the political pundits of the country missed including UNP parliamentarians. During the week an opposition leaders meeting was held at the residence of Maithripala Sirisena. Now the question is, Maithree is the head of the government and he is also having meeting with the opposition as the head of SLFP, is it legal? This is in addition to Maithree being judged by the courts as a violator of the constitution. Why these are not reasons to impeach him?

  • 2

    There are many to protect the rights of all wrong-doers because they are also all human beings. OK, madam, give them 5 star treatment in order to bring SL up on the HR scale.
    However, is there a single organization to protect the poor from being unduly taxed, prevented from having elections, subject to daily suffering that may end sometimes in slow ‘hara kiri’?
    Do we need a parallel HR commission for that purpose?

  • 0

    It is abundantly clear how educated people react as against an accidental elevation of a man to high office , a grama sevaka who cannot handle high office.He can speak Sinhala but essentially a madu walge man.
    Premadasa never made an ass of himself in public conducted himself with dignity and decorum.True he was a murderer since the radala brigade treated him as a low caste man and attempted to derail his plans. As someone said since Sira’s future plans went haywire with the THATCHIYA not supporting he is now a mad hatter.A ROGUE RICE MILLER IS NOW TRYING TO BE A PATRIOT who should not be touched with a barge pole.
    Excellent reply Deepika to a fool who continues like a limpet after a scathing unanimous judgment of a seven member bench of the SC that he violated the CONSTITUTION. He is now trying to show that he is DUTERTE’s duplicate

  • 0

    Dear Madam— In Drug deal Human rights violator is drug dealer or user ????. At the end user may be killed. Dealer may become very rich man. Overall Drug user’s Human rights are violated by Drug dealer while dealer getting all the wealth & facilities he or she desired. As human rights activist Your duty is to preserve rights of the users but you all are doing otherwise. Are you getting something from them as gift like lawyers getting fees for appearing in court cases ???? You all are one sided activists working for fee or rewards ??????????. we can say so. It is our rights looking at your behaviors.Destroyers of Human society in disguise. Just like Devadatta in lord Buddha Era.

  • 1

    Always adamant about doing stuff himself. He has un recognizing problem The president says all fowl play in the country should be investigates when it is investigated like the the prison case came out president does not like to recognize, other than the international Guidelines recognized by national and international laws are used for such monitoring. He i following philippines president where this country in tackling problem of more than 6000 islands.

  • 1

    This man Sira has proved himself that he is incapable and unfit by his actions to be the head of state. His speech at the independence day was totally inappropriate and deplorable.

    One cannot expect anything good from him as he has no brain or intellect. He is a puppet and around him taking his bloke for a ride.

    Also he doesn’t to be called his excellency. Don’t give him a throne.

  • 2

    Oh crap!
    What does Sri Lanka Human Rights Commission think? That they rule Sri Lanka?
    HRCSL only stands by terrorists, LGBT and prisoners.
    Can Deepika give one example when and where HRCSL stood by the VICTIMS of terrorists and murderers or the family-based Sri Lankan society destroyed by LGBT sub-culture?
    I am glad the President finally realized the duplicity behind the SLHRC.
    Let’s see what is their problem.
    1). Deployment of STF in Angunakolapelassa Prison is not a violation of the “rights and welfare of detainees” unless of course Deepika is of the view that engaging in drug business and underworld killings while in prison are rights of the detainees.
    Moreover, the deployment has nothing to do with the “safety of detainees, their basic needs, sanitary facilities or the rehabilitation process,” but a belated procedural action to wipe out the mafia ring operating from prisons.
    If mafia bosses in prison have made their associates run to Human Rights Commission to convey their fear in such deployment, I don’t think anyone is surprised.
    The prison mutiny, which is an offence, occurred in 2012 is not the first of such in the world where law enforcement agencies had executed their right to use force, which comes under Prison Security laws, in order to avoid spreading violence.
    Every country has their own laws to ensure the safety and security of its citizens, which comes first. HRCSL’s concerns about prisoners are secondary to country’s law. No government needs to seek the permission from the HRC prior to deploying their troops or police anywhere it deems necessary.

    Continued 1/2

  • 1

    HRSL is like all of the Srilankan Commissions is a cool pastures for privileged cows to graze in luxury comfort. Total waste of poor taxpayers money to maintain Rogue Galleries. Hospitals are out of funds to buy medications for the hapless patients. What a pathetic joke.

  • 1

    2.) First of all, HRCSL is NOT a national institution. It is downright bias.
    I didn’t see any statement issued by the HRCSL condemning the brutal murder of two Sri Lankan Military Officers in Mali, while in duty as UN peacekeepers.
    Re: vetting process
    The following was extracted from Thalif Deen’s article titled “UN Cracks Down on Peacekeeping Troops over Human Rights Abuses” appeared in IPS Inter Press Service:
    “In the case of Sri Lanka where there are specific human rights concerns”, he (Nick Birnback, UN Spokesman) pointed out, the UN has put in place additional screening measures in 2016 to help ensure that deployed personnel meet our standards.
    Prior to their deployment to UNIFIL, he said, the Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the United Nations provided an attestation certifying that the contingent had not been involved in any violations.
    “However, in February 2018, we learned that the Sri Lankan Human Rights Commission — which the Government of Sri Lanka had agreed it would undertake human rights screening of all Sri Lankan personnel — had not yet completed the screening when the rotation of the unit in UNIFIL started. UN Peacekeeping immediately raised this with the Sri Lankan authorities and the deployment was stopped.”
    As proved by above statement, the delay in the vetting process was on the part of Sri Lanka Human Rights Commission, not the UN.
    I don’t know why GOSL agreed to recognize HRCSL as an additional screening agency for UN peacekeeping, knowing fully well that they are against the Sri Lankan military.
    The GOSL could have let the Sri Lanka Military conduct its own impartial and reliable vetting process as the UN has its own vetting process already in place. Moreover, no Military person was charged for violating human rights.

  • 1

    Dear Dr Deepika Udagama,
    It’s very pathetic that a president we elected to office with a lot of expectations is behaving in such boorish manner. His Independent day speech was very undiplomatic to suit that solemn occasion. He lacks the intelligence to secure advice from knowledgeable persons prior to making such unsubstantiated allegations against independent institutions such as the CC & HRC. It’s appreciative that you & Hon
    Speaker have written appropriate responses to negate HE’s baseless allegations. The general citizenry is quite satisfied with the exemplary performance of HRC. Please keep it up and also carry it forward.

    • 0


      What is undiplomatic?

      Isn’t it Inability to bear up what’s mentioned on the independent day under democratic circumstances?

      How can the solemnity be interrupted by using democratic freedom?

      Isn’t it the weak that struggle after such a remark/comment?

  • 1

    HRCSL is silent over women’s rights.

    To show their power they must dismantle MMDA & give liberty & dignity to women belong to Muslim men. (forcefully or deceptively held women)

    Women all over the world must be exempted from having a religion so they’ll be able to co-exist with real human being.

    It must be added to the UN charter for women’s rights.

  • 1

    Dear Dr Deepika Udagama,
    You know very well whom you are addressing, a totally ignorant good for nothing ‘Fraudster Gramasevakaya’ from Polonnaruwa. You are playing the violin to him but this guy is a totally deaf elephant. So, be patient, his expiry date has passed and running very close to do not use after date.
    He is trying really hard to find a place for ‘exile after expiry’.

  • 0

    I have my own feelings about presidential outbursts and I believe he should not have done so to keep the dignity of office he holds. But let me be fair. HE is hell bent on implementing the death penalty especially on drug traffickers. My perception is that it is the approach to practise retentionist policies and thereafter spread it to other category of crimes. As to whether it is going to solve a problem is one thing. In a corrupt administrative system, it is going to create more problems than solutions because the amount of money that is usually exchanged under the table would increase manifold when criminal knows that he is on marching orders to the gallows. On the other hand, the HRC, while perhaps limiting its scope with suitable extensions has expressed its views on retaining the death penalty in our statute books. HRC has done its fair amount of work. I may not agree with its approach to work. But it is unfair to treat the HRC as a stumbling block in implementing Presidential pet ideas and virtually brand it as a supporter of drug trafficking. It is like President George W. Bush saying, “Either you are with us or with the terrorists”, in the aftermath of the 9/11 bombings. MY3 and RW combine fished our votes in 2015, to establish a government of “Good Governance” or “Yahapalanaya”. Alas! Both of them have used the floor of the house to blast at independent bodies when they seem not to sing to the tune of the Giants. Clearly that does not bear a semblance of “Yahapalanaya” but cheap thuggery.

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