9 September, 2024


Due To Muslim Opposition No Surya Namaskar On International Yoga Day Celebrations

By Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah

Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah

Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah

Due to protests by Muslim groups, there won’t be a ‘Surya Namaskar’ routine on International Yoga Day celebrations in India. In as much as this is hugely disappointing, and it’s a fact that there are some Muslims who are Yoga exponents and instructors and love their faith as well as Yoga, Yogi Adityanath in my opinion, is wrong to make the comments he made against those who oppose Yoga or the Surya Namaskar routine. And I’ll tell you why including sharing my perspective on Yoga.

It is indeed sad that Surya Namaskar the best. complete, fundamental and wholesome yoga routine ever, has been dropped from the grand Yoga event in India where 35,000 people including politicians, armed services, film stars, the youth and school children are expected to take part, on International Yoga day on the 21st of June 2015, celebrated for the first time, world over.

By this event India also hopes to make it to the Guinness Book of Records!

Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi and Baba RamDev, the famous Yoga Guru will be leading the Yoga drill scheduled to take place, in the early morning hours of Sunday morning “on Rajpath, the main ceremonial avenue in Delhi that stretches from Rashtrapati Bhawan, the presidential palace, to the majestic India Gate.”

In New York too more than 30,000 people are expected to assemble in Time Square for the event where UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, UN General Assembly President Sam Kutesa and Indian External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj are scheduled to speak.[1]

It was on Narendra Modi’s plea, made at his maiden speech as Prime Minister of India in the United Nations (UN), that the UN declared the 21st of June as International Yoga Day. [2]

In fact Narendra Modi attributes his ability to keep working all day and sleeping less, managing only a few hours of sleep but sound quality sleep at night to Yoga and Pranayam: “If I feel tired I have a habit of doing deep breathing for 5-10 minutes, after doing deep breathing for 5-10 minutes I become fresh and start my work again,” he told a viewer at a ‘Google+Hangout programme who asked him how he keeps working long hours and how many hours of sleep he gets. [3]

Muslim performing YogaBut it seems in India politics and religion have got in the way of Yoga – both an ancient art and a science which in health terms, is undeniably preventative, curative and therapeutic to say the least. It has now been announced that the Centre has decided to drop Surya Namaskar from the programme on International Yoga Day as a result of protests from the Muslim community:

After protesting against Modi government’s plans of including surya namaskar as part of Yoga drill in schools on 21 June, the All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB) finally got its way,” the First Post stated in its article: International Yoga Day: Centre Axes Asana to Sooth Irate Muslim groups.[4]

This aside, with all due respect to the prevailing Muslim view, it is refreshing to note, there are at least two staunch “practicing” Muslims as well as Yoga exponents and instructors in the planet whom I have heard of, who in complete contrast to what some Muslims feel, even find similarity in the Muslim prayer and the Surya Namaskar routine. If you read Yogi Fari’s blog, “Yoga in all things” [5] you will find how strong she is in her view that, “Islam and Yoga can co-exist”:

I quote:

“I am a practicing Muslim, I believe in the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and I believe in the Koran. I also believe in Yoga. I believe.. that Islam and Yoga can co-exist. Somewhere along the road, it has been insinuated that I might not be a good Muslim because I do Yoga. This post is to address that voice and to quiet it..Yoga did come through Hinduism, there is no denying that, but we are grown up enough to understand that you can take your practice where you want it to go. Who says when you meditate, you can’t call out to Allah, Jesus or even the Candy Man? In the end you know what is in your heart and no God will deny your truth….I have a feeling my parents don’t like to tell people that I teach Yoga, because they are embarrassed and may be ashamed that their daughter went all the way to the United States to get a degree in finance and instead is teaching Yoga..A lot of people don’t realize this but if you look at the Muslim prayer, the actual routine, it is very similar to yogic poses… It has mountain pose, hero’s pose, forward bend, child pose and a hand mudra. To someone like me, there are many similarities between these two deeply spiritual practices and I find a natural flow and balance in living like a Muslim Yogi. I am not saying Islam came from Yoga, or vice versa, I am simply saying that Yogis and Muslims are more alike than people realize. In a place like India where Hindus and Muslims live side by side, Yoga is a way of life. I once read a story about an Indian Muslim who woke up at 5 am and then did his Yoga routine. When asked if he felt Yoga was in contradiction to his faith, his response was that from a purely physical point of view, Yoga helped him perform his prayers better. You can read this great article here: Can’t Yoga and Islam get along” [6]

End quote.

In this article referred to by Yogi Fari, “Can’t Yoga and Islam get along” Insiya Rasiwala-Finn who like Yogi Fari is a Muslim Yoga exponent and instructor from Vancouver, Canada, talks of a fatwa issued by Muslim clerics in Malaysia back in 2008 and says its “ludicrous” that Yoga an “un-dogmatic practice” can be seen as a threat to an organised religion such as Islam :

I quote:

“In November 2008, Muslim clerics in Malaysia issued a religious edict banning the practice of yoga by Muslims. Malaysia is a multi-ethnic nation of 27 million people, two thirds of them Muslim. The Muslim clerics deemed yoga to be haramharam (forbidden) because of yoga’s Hindu and Indian roots and suggested badminton as a possible fitness alternative. Abdul Shukor Husin, chairman of Malaysia’s highest Islamic body, the National Fatwa Council, stated that, “many Muslims fail to understand that yoga’s ultimate aim is to be one with a god of a different religion,” namely Hinduism. While Malaysia’s prime minister soon overruled the religious edict and responded that he did not object to Malaysian Muslims practicing yoga as long as they stayed away from chanting or any religious aspects of the practice; and while technically a fatwa is not legally binding, I found myself fascinated by this story. The idea that yoga, something I consider a spiritual, yet un-dogmatic practice, can be seen as a threat to an organized religion, particularly a religious tradition that I come from, struck me as ludicrous.”

End Quote.

The stories of these two Muslims who follow their Islamic faith as well as practice Yoga with equal reverence are indeed refreshing as much as they are rare; their liberal thinking should be applauded.

That’s why when I like to think Hinduism is the most tolerant of other religions, there are those who bring discredit to it and behave intolerably. In as much as I am hugely disappointed that Surya Namaskar, has been dropped on Yoga Day in India in schools and in the main event in the capital, Delhi, I have to say I am equally disappointed at Yogi Adityanath’s response to those who oppose the routine. I strongly feel, despite protest from the Muslims and whatever the hostility and provocation coming from the opposing side, the revered Yogi Adityanath should not have reacted negatively and made the comments he is apparently supposed to have made. [7] It has been widely reported that the BJP Parliamentarian and Yogi went as far as saying that those, “who oppose Yoga and Surya Namaskar must leave India (Hindustan).” [8]

I dare say Yogi Adityanath’s comments against those who were opposed to the practice of Yoga and Surya Namaskar is wrong. I am glad Sushma Swaraj the Minister for External Affairs has called his comments unfortunate. Yogi Adityanath is supposed to have, among other, cussed those who “oppose” Surya Namaskar, saying they, “should drown” that they will be condemned to “darkness” that, “the sun has “never discriminated” against anyone and that the, “intelligence of those opposed to Surya Namaskar is laughable”.

Before I tell you why he’s wrong in my opinion, as much as I know as a practicing Yogi myself, let me tell you the Surya Namaskar,[9] also known as the Sun Salute is a way of paying obeisance to the rising Sun and invoking the Sun God, you could say, in Yoga parlance; the Sun among other from which we obtain Prana – the life force – the vital life energy, without which we are a mere corpse.

The whole purpose is to get the maximum benefit of the Sun’s rays (energy) as it rises, whilst performing a combination of stretches, a complete and wholesome routine in itself, designed to keep you in sound physical and mental health…by getting all your systems working. “It activates the endocrine system and the chakras, the vortexes through which the prana – the vital life energy is channelled, helping to build strength and flexibility.” it is said. It has twelve asanas that’s performed on both the right and left sides in a flowing manner, amounting to 24; all of the movements done in harmony with the breath. And each asana has a corresponding mantra (name for the sun) which is repeated whilst the routine is performed and additionally a final mantra at the culmination of the routine; each mantra be it known is a name for the Sun God actually describing its attributes.

This said, the revered Yogi I dare say is wrong for the following reasons:

  1. He’s wrong because his comment has brought disrepute to Yoga Sadhana, it’s sanctity and the amazing Surya Namaskar
  2. He’s wrong to expect everyone to have the desire to practice Yoga Sadhana and perform the Surya Namaskar
  3. He’s wrong to cuss that people should drown; to condemn people to darkness and say, “their intelligence is laughable,” because they oppose Surya Namaskar is counter-productive and can make people detest it more
  4. He’s wrong because the Hindu pantheon to which Yoga is a part does not force or pro-actively convert people to its philosophy, rituals or way of life
  5. He’s wrong to condemn people to darkness and then say, “the Sun does not discriminate.” The irony is that yes, the Sun doesn’t discriminate at all, it freely shines on everyone, never grudging its light or nourishment to anyone!
  6. He’s wrong as the Sun is very giving; the names given to the Sun (that are repeated like a mantra whilst performing each asana) are actually its attributes as you will see here below and embody benevolence more than anything!

1. Aum Mithraya Namaha…who is friendly to all
2. Aum Ravaye Namaha…the shining light, the radiant one
3. Aum Suryaya Namaha…the dispeller of darkness
4. Aum Bhanave Namaha …who illumines
5. Aum Khagaya Namaha…who is all pervading
6. Aum Pushne Namaha…the giver of nourishment
7. Aum Hiranyagarbhaya Namaha.. who is golden in colour
8. Aum Marichaya Namaha…the giver of light with infinite rays
9. Aum Adityaya Namaha…the son of Aditi – the cosmic divine mother
10.Aum Savitre Namaha…the one who is responsible for life
11.Aum Arkaya Namaha…worthy of praise and glory
12.Aum Bhaskaraya Namaha… giver of wisdom and cosmic illumination

Aum Sri Savitra Surya Narayanaya Namaha

(Note that the routine may be performed simply without the chants, as is the case when it comes to the vast numbers who do Surya Namaskar – most practice without the chants.)

In the latest set of pictures published by BBC Asia, it’s heartening to see Muslims visibly involved in preparing for International Yoga Day in India. [10]

While there is much good that can be said about us human beings, it is deplorable we are at times steeped in such intolerance, prejudice, small mindedness and bigotry. When will we realize that there is but One God and One Humanity – a truth so well articulated by a Great Siva Yogi himself, Thirumular.”Onre Kulam Oruvane Thevan”! Why can’t we celebrate each other’s uniqueness as a people but also give each other the space to thrive and build on that uniqueness.

[1] http://www.ndtv.com/india-news/30-000-expected-at-new-yorks-international-yoga-day-celebration-772392

[2] http://www.ndtv.com/india-news/for-international-yoga-day-bollywood-a-listers-as-ambassadors-and-pm-modi-the-show-stopper-768462

[3] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkzwi3kpd2c

[4] http://www.firstpost.com/india/no-surya-namaskar-on-international-yoga-day-centre-axes-asana-to-soothe-irate-muslim-groups-2286068.html

[5] http://yogifari.blogspot.in/2012/02/muslim-yogis-affirmation.html

[6] http://thetyee.ca/Life/2009/03/13/Yoga/

[7] http://www.oneindia.com/india/sushma-swaraj-calls-yogi-adityanath-s-comments-on-surya-namaskar-as-unfortunate-1773324.html 

[8] http://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/those-opposing-yoga-and-surya-namaskar-should-drown-in-ocean-yogi-adityanath/article1-1356558.aspx

[9] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sauUqM8Y5LA

[10] http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-33130444

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  • 17

    Not just Muslims, but all who believe in secularism must protest against worshiping the Sun or anything else including any god.

    • 8

      Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah ,Re Thiru Comment

      “Not just Muslims, but all who believe in secularism must protest against worshiping the Sun or anything else including any god.”

      “In fact Narendra Modi attributes his ability to keep working all day and sleeping less, managing only a few hours of sleep but sound quality sleep at night to Yoga and Pranayam: “If I feel tired I have a habit of doing deep breathing for 5-10 minutes, after doing deep breathing for 5-10 minutes I become fresh and start my work again,” he told a viewer at a ‘Google+Hangout programme who asked him how he keeps working long hours and how many hours of sleep he gets. [3]”

      The moment you bring God, it is no longer secular. Sun God, Moon God, Rama God, Jehovah God, Jesus God (Trinity), Allah God, and the 330 million Gods of Hinduism, including the Velupillai Prabakanan LTTE God, it s no longer physical and or mental physical fitness. It is just belief. Yoga and physical fitness cab be practiced by Theists, Agnostics and Atheists alike.

      Need to keep Separation and Church (Theists, Agnostics, Atheists) and State to have sanity in a Secular State.

      There are thousands of Health Clubs all related to well being, both physical and mental, that include Yoga.

    • 7

      Usha S Sri-Skanda-Raja, LTTE War Crimes Apologist

      “But it seems in India politics and religion have got in the way of Yoga – both an ancient art and a science which in health terms, is undeniably preventative, curative and therapeutic to say the least. It’s now been announced that the Centre has decided to drop Surya Namaskar from the programme on International Yoga Day as a result of protests from the Muslim community:”

      Why Surya Namaskar? Sun Worship? What about Earth worship by the Ancients and the Christian Church? They said the Sun goes around the stationary Earth. Why not call it Earth Namaskar, “Dhunya” Namaskar or “Loka” Namaskar, after all we live here, born here, die here. Remember Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Newton and Foucault?

      It is my Opinion that the Muslim Protest is the correct action, because religion is mixed up with physical and mental fitness exercise and routine. That way, all people irrespective of their beliefs can get the benefits of the techniques. They should be commended, to making this protest and making the benefits to reach all mankind.

      Otherwise it will be like some religious fundamentalist nuts who refuse to take made developed medicines, like antibiotics, and let everything be in God’s hand and let their believers and their children die.

      No need to bring Gods into exercise. Don’t need exercise to get to heaven. Need exercise to live comfortably here on Earth.

      Galileo said that The Bible tells us “How to Go to Heaven, Not How the Heavens Go”

    • 5

      Dear Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah,

      Thank you for bringing this issue up the the reference to the quote below. It is time to expose these confused Iblis, Shaitan, Satan, Devil and Lucifer following, the so-called Muslims and Ulema.

      “I quote:

      “I am a practicing Muslim, I believe in the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and I believe in the Koran. I also believe in Yoga. I believe.. that Islam and Yoga can co-exist. Somewhere along the road, it has been insinuated that I might not be a good Muslim because I do Yoga. This post is to address that voice and to quiet it..Yoga did come through Hinduism, there is no denying that, but we are grown up enough to understand that you can take your practice where you want it to go. Who says when you meditate, you can’t call out to Allah, Jesus or even the Candy Man? In the end you know what is in your heart and no God will deny your truth….I have a feeling my parents don’t like to tell people that I teach Yoga, because they are embarrassed and may be ashamed that their daughter went all the way to the United States to get a degree in finance and instead is teaching Yoga..A lot of people don’t realize this but if you look at the Muslim prayer, the actual routine, it is very similar to yogic poses”

      1. These “Muslims” are silent on the activities of the Iblis, Shaitan, Satan, Devil and Lucifer infected Wahhabis and their clones such as ISIS, ISIL, Boko Haram, Taliban, etc. That is Double Standards.

      Put them on the spot. Ask the same questions Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Newton and Foucault asked the Church. Galileo said that The Bible tells us “How to Go to Heaven, Not How the Heavens Go?

      In India and South Asia, they the Ulema do not even allow Muslim Women to go to the Mosques. Are they afraid of ???? Why? Other reasons?

      The Quran warns well over 25 times about these Iblisis ans Satans and even there is a Hadith.

      The subject should be the Hypothesis that is going around among Muslims, regarding the Wahhabis and their clones regardung them being agents of Iblis and Satans, like ISIS, Iblisic State of Iraq and Syria, misnamed “Islamic” by the Devil.

      Educate your Fellow Muslims and clearly show that:

      1. The Wahhabis and their Clones are following Iblis, Satan, Shaitan, Devil, Mara, Lucifer, as warned in the Hadith and the Quran.

      Ask the Muslims to be Muslims, and not Wahhabis and Iblis and Salafis.They are there to destroy the Muslims, Sufis and Shia from within. al-azhar cleric about wahabis/salafis


      Hadith of Najd


      According to two narrations in Sahih Bukhari, Muhammad asks Allah to bless the areas of Bilad al-Sham (Syria) and Yemen. When his companions said “Our Najd as well,” he replied: “There will appear earthquakes and afflictions, and from there will come out the side of the head (e.g. horns) of Satan.”[1][2] In a similar narration, Muhammad again asked Allah to bless the areas Medina, Mecca, Sham, and Yemen and, when asked specifically to bless Najd, repeated similar comments about there being earthquakes, trials, tribulations, and the horns of Satan.[3][4]

      “O Allaah bestow your blessings on our Shaam. O Allaah bestow your blessings on our Yemen.” The people said, “O Messenger of Allaah, and our Najd.” I think the third time the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, said, “There (in Najd) will occur earthquakes, trials and tribulations, and from there appears the Horn of Satan.” A number of authors have claimed that the hadith refers to Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, the patronym of the Wahhabi movement. It is accounted that the origin of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab is from the modern day Najd region of Saudi Arabia,[14] which happens to be the only surviving region that carried on the title of ‘Najd’ after the geographical codification regardless that there were several distinct locations known previously as ‘Najd’. This theory is generally supported by adherents to other various sects in Sunni Islam that have disdain for Wahhabism.[15]

      This is often speculated to be due to the revival of prophetic traditions, strictly clinging to hadith and negating what was seen at the time to be bid‘ah or ‘heretical innovations’, instigated by Ibn Abd al-Wahhab and later carried on by his followers.[16] as well as Twelver Shi’ism.[17] Contrary to the accusations there are numerical hadith that discredit this argument due to praise of the ethnic tribe of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, being the Bani Tameem tribe, and praise for the region of what is now known as Najd and its peoples. Through anthropological records it is accounted that the Bani Tamim are the majority of people inhabiting the land of modern day ‘Najd’ in present day Saudi Arabia.

      Egypt Salafist University: It’s OK to kill unbelievers and eat them! ( Only the Devil Following Wahhabi and Salafis will say that, not Muslims)


    • 8


      “Not just Muslims, but all who believe in secularism must protest against worshiping the Sun or anything else including any god.”

      Its about sun god, its all about health. Read the article below:

      Vitamin D deficiency: Has this long, cold winter left your levels dangerously low?

      2 APRIL 2013

      We’re all sick of the seemingly endless winter and there is growing evidence the grey days are making us physically ill.

      Sunshine is essential to produce vitamin D, an important nutrient for bone health and keeping diseases like rickets at bay.

      But scientists believe vitamin D ­deficiency is a key factor in a huge range of health problems, from heart disease and cancer, to diabetes and dementia.

      Everyone in the UK is in danger of ­vitamin D deficiency for at least three months during winter.

      And if you live north of Birmingham, the angle of the sun means you won’t manufacture it for at least five months of the year.

      Even with the start of British ­Summertime on Sunday, the warmer, sunnier days are yet to arrive.

      Dr Oliver Gillie, founder of the Health Research Forum, says recent weather patterns mean many of us will be ­dangerously low on this vitamin.

      “Vitamin D deficiency is a major problem because of our climate and because this past summer was so bad for sunshine, there was little chance to build up reserves to last us through this winter.

      “Sunbathing can increase a person’s gain in vitamin D substantially during the ­summer putting him or her in the best condition to avoid chronic disease, but that has been impossible.”

      An international authority on vitamin D deficiency, Dr Robert Moy, agrees: “An awful summer increases the risk of deficiency, which is reckoned to contribute to a whole range of conditions such as cancer, heart disease and autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis.

      “What is not really known is at what sort of level these risks increase but we probably ought to be supplementing our intake for six months of the year, from October to March.”

      Those most at risk are the over-65s, pregnant and breast-feeding women, children under five, people with darker skin and anyone who wears clothing that covers their skin or spends a lot of time indoors — as most of us now do.

      The Department of Health recommends at-risk adults have a daily top-up of 10mcg – try Boots Vitamin D supplement (£2.19 for 90).

      All children under five can take a daily supplement of 7-8.5mcg, unless they drink formula milk, which is fortified with vitamin D, such as the Cow & Gate Growing Up Milk range.

      Evidence of the importance of vitamin D is compelling.

      A Danish study of 10,000 people last year found low levels increased the risk of dying from heart disease by 81%, while US Department of Health ­researchers reported that high levels cut the risk of stroke by 11%.

      A Canadian study of 1,200 women found those who regularly took a vitamin D supplement cut their cancer risk by 60%.

      There was also evidence of protection against breast, lung and bowel cancer — the three most deadly forms, which claim 62,400 lives in the UK annually.

      Type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and Parkinson’s disease are some of the health problems linked to low levels.

      Patterns of disease also point to the importance of vitamin D. Multiple ­sclerosis, a degenerative neurological condition which affects 100,000 people in the UK, is much more common in northern ­climates, where lack of sunlight means vitamin D deficiency is common.

      In England and Wales it is estimated that MS affects about one in 1,000 people, but in Scotland it is twice that and in Orkney, one of the most northerly parts of the UK, four in 1,000 people have MS — the highest incidence in the world.

      So why does lack of vitamin D spell danger to our health?

      An important clue was identified by Danish researchers who discovered that vitamin D arms and triggers T cells — the foot soldiers of our immune system, which destroy viruses, bacteria and other threats.

      Prof Carsten Geisler, of the Department of International Health, Immunology and Microbiology at the ­University of Copenhagen, Denmark, says: “If the T cells cannot find enough vitamin D, they won’t even begin to mobilise.”

      We asked City Assays, a laboratory based at ­Sandwell & West ­Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust, to test blood samples from five ­people to see what ­impact the weather has had. The results are shocking.

      A safe level is at least 50nmol/L but two were so deficient (under 15nmol/L) they risked ­serious health problems.

      Case study 1: Fran Smith
      Risk factor: None

      Vitamin D reading: 25.2 deficient

      Fran Smith, 32, a part-time buyer for an IT company, from Burnaston, Derby

      Fran eats a healthy diet and occasionally takes a multivitamin tablet.

      She spends a lot of time outside and had a fortnight’s sunshine holiday in the Canaries in November.

      She wore a high-factor sunscreen and spent some time in the shade with her 16-month-old son Finlay.

      Dr Moy says: “Being outdoorsy in this country is irrelevant for half the year but a winter holiday is a good way of boosting your levels when sunshine is rare at home.

      “And wearing sunscreen is always vital to prevent skin cancer. A supplement is the only way to ensure your levels are safe.”

      Fran says: “I was very surprised by the results. We are a fairly ­outdoorsy family so I always thought it didn’t apply to us.

      “Having been in the sun on holiday I thought my levels would be fine.”

      Case study 2: Ishaq Khan
      Risk factor: Darker skin

      Vitamin D reading: 32.1 deficient

      Ishaq Khan, 19, a train supervisor, from Rotherham, South Yorks

      Ishaq doesn’t spend much time in the sun, and being of Pakistani origin, he is at higher risk of deficiency because people with darker skin do not produce as much vitamin D from sunlight compared with those who have pale complexions.

      Dr Moy says: “Even though he says he is quite light-skinned, being of Asian origin, Ishaq is an at-risk group and needs to take a supplement.

      “Getting more sun exposure during the summer will help, but he will never get enough from sun and diet alone.”

      Ishaq says: “I was surprised by the results. I thought I was young, it couldn’t be that bad.

      “I will definitely be getting out in the sun more and do things outdoors, rather than just sitting at home on the laptop.

      “I will also start taking a vitamin D supplement.”

      Case study 3: Julie Hainsworth
      Risk factor: Avoids the sun and takes regular medication

      Vitamin D reading: 13.4 severely deficient

      Full-time mum-of-four Julie Hainsworth, 30, from Leeds

      Julie avoids the sun, so is unlikely to build reserves during summer.

      In 2011, she was diagnosed with lupus, an autoimmune condition characterised by inflammation of the joints, skin and organs.

      Lupus patients with low vitamin D are also likely to have the most severe symptoms.

      Julie is at even greater risk because to control her lupus she takes medication that makes her sensitive to the sun and steroids that are thought to deplete vitamin D.

      Dr Moy says: “Having to avoid the sun makes it all the more important that Julie takes a vitamin D supplement, and it would not hurt to take extra calcium, too.

      “Being severely deficient increases her risk of a number of problems, not least with her bones.”

      Julie says: “I recently had my vitamin D checked at the hospital and it was still low. I had no idea it could be so important.

      “My GP has now prescribed me with vitamin D.”

      Case study 4: Chris Scott
      Risk factor: Has a poor diet and prefers to stay indoors

      Vitamin D reading: 10.9 severely deficient

      Chris Scott, 30, unemployed

      Julie’s partner Chris spends a lot of time indoors and the family’s last sunshine holiday was two years ago.

      At 6ft 1in and 18st 9lb, he has a BMI of 34 and being overweight increases his risk of deficiency. He also eats few vitamin D-rich food.

      Dr Moy explains: “Because vitamin D is fat soluble it gets stuck in the fat and therefore blood levels will be lower.

      “Chris will benefit from losing weight. Being so deficient he is at high risk of osteomalacia — the adult form of rickets”.

      Chris says: “I used to eat a lot of takeaways and drink between four and six litres of cola a week and at the moment, I am overweight.

      “The results have shocked me into taking action. I’m now taking up jogging, will eat fewer calories and use a high-dose vitamin D spray.”

      Case study 5: Paige Hainsworth
      Risk factor: Under five

      Vitamin D reading: 34.1 insufficient

      Julie’s daughter Paige Hainsworth, four

      Paige spends a lot of time in the sun during summer but living in Yorkshire means it is impossible to make vitamin D from October to March.

      The youngster had the highest levels of those tested, but was still short of the ideal minimum of 50nmol/L.

      A survey by the Feeding for Life Foundation, a panel of child health experts, found that 66% of parents have never been told of the need to top up vitamin D.

      Dr Moy says: “Paige should take a daily supplement of 7.5mcg of vitamin D, as recommended by the Chief Medical Officer.

      “The shortfall in vitamin D in young children is worrying and the impact is already being seen in hospitals and GP surgeries, with the return of rickets and other deficiency diseases.”

      Julie says: “Paige loves playing in the sun and I am not one for putting sun cream on them at the drop of a hat.

      “I have four children and no one has ever said anything about them needing supplements but Paige is now receiving free vitamin D supplements through the Government’s Healthy Start scheme.”

      Top up your Vitamin D levels
      ? Oily fish such as mackerel and herring are the best dietary sources of vitamin D.

      ? Eggs can also deliver a useful top-up as recent Department of Health tests revealed they contain 70% more vitamin D than they did 30 years ago.

      ? Some breakfast cereals, yoghurts, spreads and juice have added vitamin D. But the British Dietetic Association warns: “Even a healthy, ­well-balanced diet is unlikely to provide enough.”

      On average, food provides about 10% of our intake. Supplements are recommended, however, poor digestion can reduce the effectiveness of vitamin D tablets and drops, and a spray is recommended. A spray such as BetterYou DLux 1000 oral vitamin D spray (Holland and Barrett and independent pharmacies, £7.29) is effective. Tests showed more than a third of it is absorbed immediately into the bloodstream.

      Free vitamin D supplements are available for ­at-risk women and children under five who are eligible for the Government’s Healthy Start scheme.

      • 2

        Native Vedda


        Even the Unborn babies are affected.

        So, instead of worshiping the Sun, must stay in the Sin and get the skin exposed yo make Vitamin D.

        Vitamin D in Pregnancy May Be Key for Baby’s Brain
        By Matt McMillen

        WebMD Health News Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD
        WebMD News Archive
        Sept. 20, 2012 — Babies score higher on development tests if their moms get enough vitamin D during pregnancy, according to a Spanish study.

        But this is also not a cause for healthy women to start worrying.

        Nearly 2,000 mothers and their babies participated in the study, which found that inadequate vitamin D is linked to poorer mental and movement skills in infants.

        “This study is really going to open the door for those of us who have been advocating a stronger stance on vitamin D recommendations for pregnancy and pre-pregnancy,” says Valencia Walker, MD, a neonatologist at Mattel Children’s Hospital UCLA. She reviewed the study for WebMD. “This study helps prove that D matters, and that pregnant women should not be vitamin D deficient.”

        For the study, researchers measured the vitamin D levels of pregnant women mainly during their second trimester. At 14 months, their babies underwent an approximately hour-long battery of standardized tests that measured their mental development and their psychomotor skills, or their ability to control their physical movements.

      • 4

        Thanks NV and “Surya Namaskar” is also a great physical routine.

  • 3

    We should introduce this Sun Worship in Srilnka too.

    I sometimes feel bad to see out Elite and the vellala ladies panting and grasping for air, while walking up and down Marine Parade every morning, to get the excess fat trimmed.

    With the good times they had since Nanthikadal , it seems a damn hard task.

    Just imagine what Yahapalanay will do to their Muscle and Body fat ratio going forward.

    Senator Ms Usha should put in a word on behalf of the Diaspora and the Vellala Ladies in Srilanka and request that Yhapalana dudes introduce a Soorya Namaskar Day at least in Colombo.

    Baththudeen, Hakeen and Assath may object.

    Mainly because it will be hard for our Muslim sisters wearing those bulky Burka, to do what that Hindian lady is doing in the Video, .

    I am going to take up Yoga myself. It may improve my Golf Swing without putting too much stress on my back and hips.

    This is a good example that the Diaspora can have good in put , if they don’t ask an Eelaam ,like our Vellala party does 24/7.

    Thanks Madam Senator…

    • 6

      Machang K.A.Sumane u r one in million Sinhala Buddhist. I love u so much make sure keep u r humour continue as we Tamils continue our fight 4 our freedom from u lot. U r like our brilliant comedian great tamil comedian vadivelu….see u r self his great comedy…
      believe exactly like u….
      [Edited out]

    • 0

      “I sometimes feel bad to see out Elite and the vellala ladies panting and grasping for air, while walking up and down Marine Parade every morning, to get the excess fat trimmed.”

      And you play golf instead?

      • 0

        Chamara Perera

        This pro dalit armchair activist K A Sumanasekera has acquired other expensive tastes too, has been a secret Champagne Socialist until he blew his own cover recently.

        Do you know how does he manage his finances, fund his luxury life style while on dole, social security payments?

        Is he by profession a cat burglar, rustler, a con artist, pickpocket, ………..

  • 9

    Dear Madam ,Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah ,

    I share your sentiments and I too vehemently condemn the people who opposed it.But day by day am sore weary of the often parroted phrase Muslims or Islam when anything negative is expressed or a action by a segment of people coming from even remotely connected to the faith or community. It is like Myanmar Monk Wiruthu’s and his 969 group or The BBS ,Ravaya ,Ravana ot the Hindu connected segment in India and now who have join hands with BBS , they merely represent and nourish a mindset only of a fraction of the entire community ,thus to every-time to use The Phrase Hindus and Buddhist as a headline and thus highlighting immediately portrays an idea that the entire communities of those religions are to be reprehended to the actions of a few segments, it becomes a gross violation of basic principle of responsible and ethical journalism .

    So on behalf of my Community I kindly request all prudent, unbiased and responsible journalists to uphold the required virtues of journalism when they start penning an article especially when it is connected to a particular community especially Muslims who have today become the scapegoats of all evil elements to use as an easy commodity who’s blood has even become so cheep to be split even in their own lands ,thanks to irresponsible unethical segment of a particular proxies who serve and nourish nepotism around the world for a few petty handful of dollars I must say.

    It has become a sacred duty of every single virtuous journalist to protect and undo the miserable injustice done to the society by such journalist springing straight from the gutters.

    When you write for an Instance if an injustice has taken place by BBS or 969 then it is BBS and 969 that should be the definition of the heading of the article.

    I honestly believe one should take time and effort to understand the many branches of schools of thoughts of Islam today and especially of the orthodox Islam (Sunni,Shia ,Sufi and many more) and even more concern should be given to the new Ultra Orthodox Muslims branches of The Saudi Ultra orthodox Muslims.

    It is the utmost importance and responsibility of all respectful and passionate writers to take it upon themselves in the name of humanity that when they take the pen a very revered sacred instrument to their hand to make sure they protect ,safeguard and make humanity flourish with love and peace and not turn this sacred instrument as a means of excuse for the sword to spill innocent blood , I wonder how many on social media (not limiting to professional Journalists) today may have been with no evil intention unaware of the circumstance have become instruments of bloodshed and some have worked hard intentionally and become savers of humanity.

    I kindly and with utmost humbleness plead the media to be more sensitive and in the name of humanity to rephrase the word Islam and Muslim and to avoid using it blindly thus including members of the community who are in no way connected or responsible to actions and beliefs of a segment of people who uphold and follow a system that is based of an interpretation of The Scripture by particular scholars of their choice ,so it is their choice and an interpretation of preference of a particular group of people , not the entire community and definitely not of those who believe in progressive thinking among Muslims.

    I believe that Yoga does more good than harm to soul and body as Much as I believe that all form of meditation including that of sufi Islam ,Buddhism and Hinduism and so it is with wushu and of-cause Salat rituals of Islam .

    May Peace and love prevail though understanding and tolerance.

    • 6

      Fahim Knight

      “So on behalf of my Community I kindly request all prudent, unbiased and responsible journalists to uphold the required virtues of journalism when they start penning an article especially when it is connected to a particular community especially Muslims who have today become the scapegoats of all evil elements to use as an easy commodity who’s blood has even become so cheep to be split even in their own lands ,thanks to irresponsible unethical segment of a particular proxies who serve and nourish nepotism around the world for a few petty handful of dollars I must say.”

      Yes, this is Double Standards.

      Because the “Muslims” failed to clean up the Ibilisis, Satans among them, generally called Wahhabis and their Clones, the entire Muslim Community is maligned. Just see what ISIS is doing. Is that Islam?

      See what the Iblisis is Iraq and Syria called ISI were doing.

      They were funded by the Wahhabis, Salafis and their Clones.

      So the Muslims Must Clearly Sate that

      Hadith of Najad

      Ask the Muslims to be Muslims, and not Wahhabis and Iblis and Salafis.They are there to destroy the Muslims, Sufis and Shia from within. al-azhar cleric about wahabis/salafis


      Hadith of Najd


    • 7

      I am truly sorry if i offended you in anyway Fahim Knight. I take your points to heart and will ensure i will be more careful with the words and captions i chose..although you must agree i referred to SOME Muslims as showing opposition but probably wasn’t more emphatic – and worse my caption did not reflect it. I must say i am not a journalist, i am a writer. Out of three sons i have, two are married to Muslims, the marriages were solemnised according to islamic rights and my sons were also given Muslim names…that was a condition..My husband and i had no objection to it and happily gave our blessings.

    • 2

      Dear Fahim,
      Where were you when that Islamic racist Izeth Hussein insulted Tamils. Was that responsible journalism.
      When Tamils attacked him for his racist jibe, he called them Lunatics.

  • 9

    Surya Namaskar -is not worshiping the sun, rather honoring and a form of thanks giving for its benefits to not just humanity,but to all creations, all those who are by right of what they believe in is forbidden in performing it is acceptable and with due respect has the right not to,,but has no right from enforcing their belief on those for whom it seems more sacred and a need of their souls to prevent or forbid them from doing so.

    I notice there seem to be someone who uses his frequent verbal diary at his wit and whim to vomit prejudice and hate in his comments in other articles by CT is here trying the same in an article that is far too sophisticated for his petty mindset and his comprehension of the entire subject concerned , and I would like to extend my sincere condolence to his continued ignorance .

  • 15


    “it is deplorable we are at times steeped in such intolerance, prejudice, small mindedness and bigotry.”

    Wow! Coming from you a die hard Ealamist, I must say that is a milestone. Congrarts!

    Please share your quote “Why can’t we celebrate each other’s uniqueness as a people but also give each other the space to thrive and build on that uniqueness.” with your fellow “Senate” members.

    Hopefully your fellow TGTE Senators are not as intolerant as Islamic extremists. Despite being unrealsitic Ealmists.


    PS: Long live Yoga! Even K.A. Sumane is into it. Just saw him doing a short Yoga routine in the car park at Royal Colombo Golf Club. Why are the Islamic extremists being so sensitive about it?

    • 5

      Usha, Re Ben Hurling Comment,.

      “it is deplorable we are at times steeped in such intolerance, prejudice, small mindedness and bigotry.” Wow! Coming from you a die hard Ealamist, I must say that is a milestone. Congrarts!”

      LTTE Double Standards, Exposed. When wll the LTTE Apologists admit to LTTE War Crimes?

      Forgotten People – The Evicted and Displaced North Muslims of Sri Lanka (English)


      Published on Jun 1, 2013
      The Evicted and Displaced North Muslims of Sri Lanka. The expulsion of the Muslims and other nations from the Northern province was an act of ethnic cleansing carried out by the Tamil militant Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) organization in October 1990. In order to achieve their goal of creating a mono ethnic Tamil state in the North Sri Lanka, the LTTE forcibly expelled the 72,000 strong Muslim population from the Northern Province.

  • 4

    Its astonishing to see this lady praising a crack pot like Baba Ram Dev !!!! This so called Yoga Baba has gained notoriety in India after his foray into politics with the BJP. People would have seen his unholy antics on TV.

    • 3


      “Its astonishing to see this lady praising a crack pot like Baba Ram Dev !!!!”

      What happened in the past? Listen to this guy, he talks about previous Baba Ram Devs.

      Christopher Hitchens: Brutal Four Minutes For Religion


  • 12


    Why bring this word Surya Namaskar into Yoga?

    Yoga is practised by everyone (Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus,Christians,etc;). It has many medical/health benefits.

    You sound like a Hindu fundamentalist??

    • 3


      (Usha) “You sound like a Hindu fundamentalist???

      No, looks like an LTTE Fundamentalist.

      All Fundamentalists see the world in a very narrow wave length of light, called fundamentalist wavelength..

      Hindu Fundamentalists one wavelength

      Christian Fundamentalists, Another wavelength

      Muslim Fundamentalists, Yet Another wavelength

      Buddhist Fundamentalists, Yet Another wavelength.

      Yet, the velocity of light is the same! It is just the fundamentalist frequency (mentality) that is different.

  • 11

    I don’t think there is any problem for a Muslim to get involved in yoga or practice yoga, the problem comes when you include “Surya Namaskaram” the translation is “worshiping sun” obviously any Muslims knows that fundamental of Islam is to believe in oneness of God.

    When you mix worshiping Sun as part of Yoga it is a direct contradiction to Muslim believes, however I don’t know what they do in Surya Namaskaram as part of Yoga but I think it should be against any religion unless the person is worshiping the Sun as his/her God ! and their God has no issues in man having a poke at another God just while doing Yoga.

    I am sure there r people who believe and worship Sun as God (One sun god died few years back)

    If a Muslim says it’s ok do Surya namakram then he cannot be a Muslim. Because of the meaning of the word and actions involved. Maybe they should just say “Energy absorption Process” from the sun.

    Now I am not radical, Wahhabi or some religious stereotyped person, just saying Islam requires absolute belief in oneness of the God. there is no options. It’s either you are in or out.

    The big picture is this whole Milky-way Galaxy is nothing but just a single pixel when you put it in front of the KNOWN Universe. What can our insignificant SUN do ? A simple pondering of 5 minutes can open your mind to many opportunities.

    Have a look at this link, you will never bother about our sun ever again.


    If you re lazy to click on the link then just read below line.

    The biggest star, VY Canis Majoris, is 1,000,000,000 times bigger than OUR SUN

    Don’t waste your limited time talking about Surya Namaskaram.

    • 9


      All that you say is possibly true. But, is there another single sun, big or small in the entire Universe that has a planet inhabited by intelligent beings like humans? So far, science has found none! So, there is something definitely special in our sun, however ‘small’ it may be!

      Sengodan. M

      • 6


        In that perspective I do agree our sun is significant as it supports life. And yes it’s true no other planetary system has been found which supports life.

        My point is don’t bother worshiping the sun yoga or not, there is lot out there which is worth exploring. why stop at the sun ? and please don’t blame the muslims for not allowing whatever the bull Usha is talking about.

        I stopped reading Usha articles sometime back as she always finds a scapegoat, for her it’s always someone else fault. Here again same methodology followed.

        • 3


          I too do not agree with most of the things that Usha says. Leaving that aside, why not we look at this matter of yoga and Suriyanamaskar impassionately?

          I believe there is not much dispute about yoga as more and more people are considering that as something secular, especially in view of the numerous benefits it bestows on those who perform yoga.

          Now, about this Suriyanamaskar, if you look at that as a mere exercise, I think there will be no objection. If the objection is to the term ‘namaskar’ well, call it something else, say a salute! If that term is also objected to, just give another name for the term. It could even be called a salute to Allah!

          Why make a big fuss about a term?

          Sengodan. M

  • 8

    Hi Sumane,

    Your posts will never end without reference to Dalits, Diaspora and some racist remarks.


    With regard to your golfing prowess, I doubt whether you have ever touched a golf club. I am sure there is no golf course in Medamulana, it is a tough call in that area, isn’t it Sumane.

    If you really need to keep fit, just look at the five times prayers in our mosques and it gives the best exercise to stay agile. That is why you will see a majority of old people and young too performing the 5 times prayers with much agility. There is scientific evidence to prove same, ask some real intelligent people, may be even from your own breed.

    Truth is bitter and it hurts, especially self centred Racists like you, who thrive on other people’s misery and possess all qualities of Sadists.

    • 0

      Ansar mate,

      What can I call myself other than Dalit.?.

      How can Diaspora be a racist term, when they are all rolling in dosh and have the best lives.

      You are right…If not for Yahapalanay , we would have had a Golf Course in Hambantota.

      But what can we do… Elite, Anglicans, Vellalas and even your wahabi mates don’t like to lift the rural sector..

      Haven’t they stopped all our Dalits who were building Roads, Bridges and Buildings in the South.

      Hope you now understand who thrives on our Dalits’ misery..

      BTW I have to travel all the way to Eagles Links in Trinco to play.

      But I like it, because I don’t have to put up with mediocre Golfer Husbands of Poodle Club Members in Colombo. ,

      And the Air Force boys come and help you with even finding the balls hit in to the sticks…

      And serve Icy Cold Beer in the Bar too….

  • 3

    Quote :Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah – It has been widely reported that the BJP Parliamentarian and Yogi went as far as saying that those, “who oppose Yoga and Surya Namaskar must leave India (Hindustan).” [8]
    You seem to have taken great pain in making sure that you mention the wording BJP Parliamentarian where a negative act is concerned from a Hindu background personality,yes this is the right way,it has occurred to you the importance of safeguarding your whole community and your faith here,but when it came to the opposite camp ,no matter how much you have tried hard to fit in little words along like groups ,etc etc, like a tongue in the cheek , the already related wording Muslim has by far immersed into the hearts of people who are already with the illness of hate and bigotry against Muslims , I sincerely hope you will consider my humble request and follow the same style of expressing negativeness in a more judicious manner ,or do you think Islamic Community does not deserve the same justice as yours?

    Please uphold the vitures of Journalism and do all you can to avoid hypocrisy when you hold that sacred pen in your hands.

    Namaskaram & Salaam

  • 3

    Thank you Usha.

    From a knowledgeable person (I did not try to find about Sankya philosophy, ..)
    “Yogic philosophy itself first emerged as anti Vedic cult in the earlier days. People who start revolution against Vedic cult on those day only evaluates the theory of yoga. Earlier during Vedic cult, there was a strong belief that diseases are all due to karma and one has to suffer for that. Sankya philosophy, which is the co philosophy of yoga only first establishes the pancha- boothic principle and body- mind relationships.

    Pls read Indian philosophies- sankya, ajveeha, dehavatha, ulahaidha to know better about this.

    Later days, yogic cult is taken by the advaitham philosophies and slowly amalgamated with Hinduism”

  • 6

    India is a the country under the blessing of Modi as the chief minister of Gujrat slaughtered 1000’s of Muslims in recent past. You want me to believe couple of Muslims protest against worshipping the Sun and Modi’s India drop the event sounds very funny.
    Muslim prayers have a lot in common with Yoga and it’s true Muslims do not worship Hindu’s Sun God which has nothing to do with International Yoga Day. I believe the writer wants to make it another religious issue that attracts lot of cheap publicity to her writings.

  • 5

    Dear Madam Usha,
    In sri lanka there are Some fools who do not do Suriya Namaskaaraya, still Namaskara Sooriya Theivan who killed Our Fellow Sri lankans.
    So, For Us this is not a Matter to Worry,
    personally l believe It is good to Do Surya Namaskaar,
    As an Object this Sun gives big Help to us to Run Our Food chain.

  • 1

    As a Tamil catholic priest and theologian, I am proud of inheriting treasures from my Tamil origin as well as from my following of Jesus Christ. I appreciate very much the belief in God and a single Humanity. It is the Basic spirituality for all of us. My personal involvement in the struggle of my People for Liberation is based on the one God, one humanity belief and I follow the Christian Revelation of a God of Liberation and a Jesus as aLiberator of humanity.
    I will recommend all my Tamil friends to take up to this spirituality and worship God daily with your own Namah.

    • 1

      I am in full agreement Father..”worshiping God daily with your own Namah (with your own name for God)” is at the heart of what i was trying to convey but probably not sufficiently..Thank you for bringing more clarity to my article with your words!

    • 1

      Father S.J.Emmanuel

      “As a Tamil catholic priest and theologian, I am proud of inheriting treasures from my Tamil origin as well as from my following of Jesus Christ. “

      So, you are a believer in all that brainwashing. See what brainwashing can do to humans.

      Trinity: 1+1+1 =1: 1x1x1 =1 and 1+1+1=1

      Galileo said that The Bible tells us “How to Go to Heaven, Not How the Heavens Go”

      Christopher Hitchens: Brutal Four Minutes For Religion


      Christopher Hitchens on the Catholic Church


  • 4

    Revering of the sun as a life giver has been the most ancient religious practice. If the moon can be revered why not the sun. Moon is the reflection of the sun. The sun does not belong to any particular religion or faith. It is a natural phenomenon. Bensen

  • 2

    Worshipping the sun .. My foot it is a primitive practice by primitive society.

    • 8


      “Worshipping the sun .. My foot it is a primitive practice by primitive society.”

      If that is so why are you objecting to it?

      Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah could explain to you about the lack of vitamin D intake.

  • 3

    how is this article relevant to the yoga lovers and Muslims of Sri Lanka? Sounds like CT running out of decent news thanks to yahapalana.

  • 0

    Wow.. too many people give a hoot about so many useless things. Even these earthly spiritual hippies have no clue about things worth worrying about. Geez.. what a society we live in.

  • 5

    Lord Shiva is the embodiment of yoga.

  • 8

    Muslims do not believe in worshipping anything other than Allah. That is their belief and it is their right to believe or not believe anything. Why worry? Those who believe in Suriyanamaskar can practice it!

    Sengodan. M

    • 5

      Agreed, why bring Muslims in to the equation.

      Usha is talking rubbish, no one should give rats ass about what muslims says about someones else action if they want to do Suryanamaskaram let them do.

      I just read the words in the song, clearly against the believes of Muslims but that does not prevent everyone else to do what they want. It is the right of the Muslims scholars/groups to educated the Indian muslim population where wast majority of Indians are highly illiterate on the pit falls of following this action without realizing the damage it will do to their religious believes.

      As you have rightly mentioned muslims only believe in one God, the moment a Muslim say “the one who is responsible for life” or “worthy of praise and glory” to Sun he goes out of the fold of Islam.

      Usha, as always has not done any research in to why the Muslims are against this sun worship activity involving the whole nation, just put the blame on someone else without looking at the reasons.

      • 1

        Please see my earlier comment to your first comment.

        Sengodan. M

      • 3

        According to the oldest Hindu text Rig Veda Sun is also a planet. Again the Muslims have demonstrated that they are a self-alienating community. I think it is time to accept all religions are equal before God. Each compliments the other.

    • 1

      You can’t take even a photo copy of bible inside this Saudi Arabia …..

      but Saudi Arabia love to finance Islamic studies at European Universities ….

      (infidels like to know about other religion ..but followers are not allowed to read about other faiths why? )

      In Vatican city there is a Mosque just for Muslim head of state to pray when he visit Pope …


      But non-muslims can’t even enter the territory of MECCA …

      If the product is good no need to worry about competition ….something wrong somewhere

      Indeed Islam is afraid about other faiths …….

      Hindus can marry a person of any faith …….and still live as a Hindu…

      in INDONESIA it is very common husband is a Hindu wife is Muslim …son-in-law is Christian …daughter-in-law is Hindu but all live under one roof…

      DEWI a Hindu name is very common for Indonesian Muslim girls ..also Moorthy ..Arjuna…Karna ..are very common names for Indonesian Muslims though these are Hindu names…and Indonesian still practice weddings and funerals in hindu RITES…

      Indonesia currency RUPPIAH note has got Hindu God Ganesh on it no Ullamaah protest this …there why?

      it seems Indonesians are much advanced than self claimed guardian of Islam ….Saudies…


  • 6

    Reverence for nature is built into what we call ‘Hinduism’ today . The fact that that the sun is at the core of viable life is recognised. Nature in all its manifestations micro and macro; animate and inanimate; plant, animal, insect and worm; light, wind, air and water; are recognised for their importance to earth and our lives. This forms the core of Hinduism and has not been negated by the superstitions and foolishness that has pervaded it over the millennia. These concepts in Hinduism are far ahead in scope than what modern environmentalists recognise. They will be valid into eternity or until life survives as we know it on this earth.

    Namaskaram/Namaskar mean greetings. Vannakkam means the same. Yoga is action that can takes many forms. Yoga as a physical and mental exercise that has been popularised the world over is a secular aspect of so-called Hinduism. Many other aspects of Hinduism, when dissociated with deity worship, also have similar universal value.

    Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

  • 4

    The Sun is one of millions of stars from which energy released by conversion of hydrogen into helium, radiates into space, some of which falling on planet earth captured by photosynthesis gave rise to living beings among which man reached the pinnacle of intelligent life, by evolution.


    Early Man knowing this, worshipped the sun as it is the life giver on our planet.
    This ritual is the basis of yoga for keeping oneself fit – though old age and final failure of the bio-chemical processes in our bodies, due to cell damage, leads to the inevitable death, upon which we break up into molecules to rejoin the universe.
    If one wants to worship the Sun, well, go ahead.

  • 4

    …trying to preach the religion of Sun worshippers?

    I think Muslims do ‘YOGA’ every five times and more: CONTROL BODY & SOUL; it’s not new for them, but they worship only ONE GOD and consider Adam, the first man, as the father of all human beings.

    Do not buy western methodology of preaching CAPITALISM in propagating HINDUISM. Grow up to work on the strengths of HINDUISM: WORSHIPPING NOT ONLY SUN, MANY OTHERS…

  • 1

    Yoga is a ruse to make money for some gurus while some Hindu priests want to spread worship of pantheon gods through yoga. Most of the muslims fear on that though some muslims practise that well, also gymnastics etc. It is not like martial arts anyhow physical exercise is good for all if it is not exhausting!

  • 3

    Surya Namaskar is a fundamental thanks giving worship in Hindu doctrine. It is not acceptable in all other religion/philosophy such as Buddhism, Christianity as well as Islam. Why single out Muslims in this article just because an Islamic group has raised its objection. If someone wants internationalize Yoga one has to remove the religious shade in its practice.

    Having said that Yoga is mind/body coordination practiced by Hindu yogis in order to control their mind and body for higher spiritual attainment. Therefore, due regards should be given to the religious/spiritual purpose enshrined in this exercise.

    If someone is very serious about not to violate his/her religion it is best that he/she gives up yoga rather than advocating to remove Surya Namaskar and other religious embodiment from Yoga.

  • 1


    There is a problem with these Muslims is that not so?

    This phenomenon is not just in Asia.It is World-wide. It is a question of time,rest assured! What goes up also comes down crashing!

  • 1

    @ Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah ,Thank you ma’am ,no offence taken ,just tired of the stereotype headings ,

    Thank you once again and I really appreciate you taking time and effort to reply my comment,am honored .

    peace be to you

    Fahim Knight

  • 0

    Dear Amarasiri , I am an ardent fan of you and native Vedda . I draw alot of inspiration and my need to try and be a better writer is always drawn from both of you.
    With due respect ,I really did not conceive or admit comprehend very well your suggestion of the terminology stated as double standard on your comment directed towards me.

    You have mentioned about many groups of Islamic fraternities. it is it double standard to say that to mention by name the fraternity that is responsible for the negativity – be it a branch of Islam, or any other faith ?

    And how is it logically possible and when has it become the responsibility of any religious community as a whole to change mindsets ? are you trying to also imply that it is the duty of the entire Buddhist/Hindu, Christian <Jewish etc's responsibility to change the mindset of those who have taken an interpretation of rather a militant stance ? or is it just Islam , like everyone is okay to be ,believe ,interpret their beliefs to the whim & fancies , but when it is the subject or group concerned comes from the Muslim camp , the entire Community should be reprimanded and forced to accept the responsibilities of actions of others even when they have no authority or control and had nothing to do with it? I am shocked and deeply sadden to see a person I always bowed my head in respect for always being fair and unbiased to have made such a remark. however ,it is your freedom of expression and I will neither question it no more ,nor be critical towards it, at the same time I will neither criticize or reprimand the beliefs of any single Islamic fraternity and its thoughts and its interpretations of the faith , although this may not be relevant to you ,you being an atheist (I take it -if am wrong please accept my apologies and do correct me ,am always happy and a very willing student) if they are wrong and have caused distress and misery to Humanity ,as the world is concerned there is a law of the land which is suppose to take action and where necessary there is also an international authority to do so, and as for the life after death as a Muslim which matters for me a lot, although it may not be relevant o some, TH LORD I BELIEVE IN WILL DO THE JUDGING A, i NEITHER HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE JUDGMENTAL NOR THE RIGHT TO ENFORCE ANYTHING ON ANY HUMAN BEING- EACH OF US WILL ONE DAY REAP WHAT WE HARVEST. PEACE BE TO YOU .

  • 1

    This is nonsense. All flowery words that hide my son’s experience in school where Yoga was taught as a purely physical exercise and the teacher told him, “Now try quietly repeating ‘OM’ in a whisper.”

    The two following sentence are contradictory and show an attempt to obfuscate:

    1) … let me tell you the Surya Namaskar, also known as the Sun Salute is a way of paying obeisance to the rising Sun and invoking the Sun God,

    2) … the Hindu pantheon to which Yoga is a part does not force or pro-actively convert people to its philosophy, rituals or way of life

    I would like to worship the way I believe without being forced to worship the sun or the pantheon of which Yoga is admittedly a part in the name of whatever. It is intolerance of monotheistic faiths in the name of tolerance. We must pay obeisance to the Sun God but will not be converting?

    Why don’t you do yoga with all who believe like you and leave the rest of us out please? Why must you tell us what we must believe and how we must worship?

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    Usha has once again shown what sort of a person she is. I thought she is only a racist but now I understand what her true character is. Just because you call it Surya Namaskara but the purpose of it to get the effect of sun rays, then why not change the word Namaskara, to Surya Shower? The cancellation of Surya Namskara truly shows where India as a country has arrived and above all the Prime Minister Modi has shown that he is not scared to take a leading role even in controvertial issues such as this. When the name Surya Namaskara was originated there were not other religions in India, Islam came long after. So in order to accommodate the realities of today INdia has taken the role. Unlike this Usha who is still carrying a Tiger Flag is finding fault with this act. She is as many have said is an educated fool of the highest order. Usha is a Traitor of Tamils. Tamils include all those who speak the language Tamil, including the Muslims.

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      “Tamils include all those who speak the language Tamil, including the Muslims.”

      You are asking for trouble.

      According to Tamil tradition the first ape spoke Tamil and practiced Saivaism. According to Muslim tradition the first ape spoke Arabic and practiced Islam.

      It is up to the enlightened soul (for instance you) to reconcile both positions and learn to live together peacefully.

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        Native Vedda

        “According to Tamil tradition the first ape spoke Tamil and practiced Saivaism. According to Muslim tradition the first ape spoke Arabic and practiced Islam.”

        According to Science tradition the those who spoke Tamil, Arabic, and other languages initially had 48 Ape Chromosomes and lost 2 to end up with 46 Chromosomes, and then spoke Tamil, Arabic, and other languages.

        Ken Miller on Human Evolution


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