10 February, 2025


Easter Sunday Attacks & Harassment Of Fr Cyril Gamini

By Laksiri Fernando

Dr. Laksiri Fernando

On 15 and 16 of November, two consecutive days, Rev. Fr. Cyril Gamini was asked to come to the Central Intelligence Department (CID) and has been questioned for almost eight to nine hours each day, from 9.00am to 5.00 or 6.00pm. On the second day, in the afternoon, he has been asked to come on the next day, and it was on his request, or protest, that the statement taking was completed on the same day.

Otherwise he was forced to come another day. As he clearly expressed to the media after coming back from the CID, he has strongly felt that he has been harassed by the CID by dragging on the so-called investigation, questioning, and statement taking for no valid reason. A victim has been converted to a ‘perpetrator’ by the Sri Lanka’s intelligence system.

Who Are the Victims?

The whole world knows what happened in Sri Lanka on the Easter Sunday, 21 April 2019. Apart from three luxury hotels in Colombo (Cinnamon Grand, Kingsbury and Shangri-La), three churches (St. Anthony’s, Colombo; St. Sebastian’s, Katunayake; and Zion Church, Batticaloa) were attacked through suicide bombers.

Later that day, another two bomb explosions took place at a house in Dematagoda and the Tropical Inn Lodge in Dehiwala. A total of 269 people, excluding the eight suicide bombers, were killed in the events, including about 45 foreign nationals, while at least 500 were seriously injured.

All eight suicide bombers in the attacks were identified as Sri Lankan citizens associated with the National Thowheeth Jama’ath (NTJ) organization founded by the suicide bomber at Shangri-La Hotel, Colombo, Mohamed Cassim Mohamed Zaharan alias Zaharan Hashim. This is what revealed or said by the investigators and the intelligence services.

The victims included not only those who were killed or injured, but also the families, the Catholic Church, the priests and the devotees. This is the reality. If anyone cannot understand this reality is either ignorant or apparently complicit with the attackers, or the tragedy, to my opinion.


There are still so much of mysteries and unknowns associated with the incidents. First there are questions about the attack, and the organization behind it.

(1) Why did they attack the Churches and hotels? There is no apparent connection between the two. (2) There had been no evident conflict between the Muslims and the Catholics in Sri Lanka. Both are minorities facing similar marginalization. (3) Zaharan Hashim, the alleged leader, attacked a hotel and not a Church. Is it possible that two groups operated within the operations? This is a question, not a conclusion. (4) Zaharan was mainly an extremist ideologue, and a preacher. The technological knowhow and planning apparently had come from other sources. (5) Had Zaharan been the actual leader of the Easter carnage? Given the later revealed bigger network of operations, it is it difficult to believe that the Leader would commit suicide at the first attack.

Then there are questions about the CID, the Terrorism Investigation Division (TID), the State Intelligence Service (SIS), the Military Intelligence Division, the Police, the Ministry of Defense, the National Security Council; and the then Prime Minister, and the President.

(1) According to what is revealed, Zaharan and his organization NTJ have been in operation at least since 2014. What has the security organizations been doing since then? Why so much of apathy and indifference shown on this terrorist organization? (2) It is very clear that the rise of Jihadism in Sri Lanka was a consequence of anti-Muslim riots in June 2014 and other activities, instigated by some extremist Buddhist organizations such as Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) and Ravana Balaya. These organizations should have been banned or curtailed, identified as potential terrorist outfits. No such actions taken.

Most importantly, as very clearly revealed in the inquiries of the Parliamentary Select Committee and the Presidential Commission, the whole of the Security Apparatus had failed to act on the ‘Early Warnings’ received from India and other countries. In such a situation, it is quite obnoxious for the CID to harass Fr Cyril Gamini on the instigation of the Head of the State Security Service (SIS), Major General Suresh Sallay.

Complaint Against Fr Gamini!

As far as I can gather, Fr Cyril Gamini at present is the Pastor at St. Annes’s Catholic Church at Kurana, Negombo, and also the Director of the National Catholic Center for Social Communications (NCCSC). He has also often acted as the spokesperson for Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith, the Bishop of Colombo of the Catholic Church.

In these capacities, Fr Gamini has every right to express his views on these disastrous events; those people who are possibly directly or indirectly involved in the attacks, and call for justice on behalf of the victims and the Church. Of course, as anyone else, he should refrain from baseless accusations, or expressing misleading information knowingly.

I came to know Fr Gamini first in 1996 in my capacity as the Director of the Sri Lanka Foundation Institute (SLFI), and more closely during my tenure as the Director of the Peace Building Project, Ministry of Constitutional Affairs (2002-2005). He is a well-respected, modest and a committed person for social justice, peace and human rights. I have had no contact with him thereafter and this opinion is completely independent.

Fr Gamini must have involved in many discussions with many, mainly Church people, in Sri Lanka and abroad on the questions of Easter Attacks, the unfortunate fate of the victims, and apparent absence of proper justice even after three years. The zoom discussion in question had taken place on 23 October 2021.

Unfortunately, it is the Director of the State Intelligence Service, Major General Suresh Sally, who has made the complaint against Fr Cyril Gamini to the CID! According to various newspaper reports, there appear two main complaints. (1) Because of the alleged statement by Fr Gamini, it was claimed that the lives of the Major General and his family have been threatened. Accordingly, in this case, the ‘victim’ is a Major General and the ‘perpetrator’ is an innocent Christian Priest. This is hilarious and childish. Perhaps Suresh Sallay is trying to equate Fr Gamini to Zaharan Hashim, who was also a preacher.

(2) It was also complained that because of the apparent mentioning of Major General’s name at the zoom discussion, a considerable damage has been perpetrated to his ‘prestige and integrity.’ This is quite unbelievable. The Director of the State Intelligence Service is a public servant. All public servants should be accountable to the people. It is also not clear that in what context that Suresh Sally name was mentioned by Fr. Gamini at the discussion. However, this is not the first time his name was mentioned in connection with the Easter Sunday attacks. Several Members of Parliament and others have mentioned his name under various contexts.

CID Victimization

After the complaint, the CID had taken the matter very serious, for some reason or the other, and has hunted for Fr. Cyril Gamini running about here and there for some days and weeks. In the meanwhile, some other Priests on behalf of him went before the CID and requested some time for Fr Gamini to appear before the CID. This was not properly heeded. The CID went before the Colombo Magistrate to get an order through the Attorney General’s Department for the Fr Gamini to appear immediately. It appeared therefore that all in the State apparatus were getting involved in the victimization.

The concern of Fr Gamini and many others was that if he is arrested by the CID and taken to the Fourth Floor what would happen to him, or how would the CID treat him? The Fourth Floor virtually is a famous place for mistreatment, and forcing even the clients, sometimes, to jump out of the windows, apart from many other treatments.

It is in this context that Fr Gamini went before the Supreme Court requesting the Court to safeguard his fundamental rights to ‘express his views’ and ‘concerns about his parishioners’ who were killed and severely injured during the Easter Sunday Attacks. One of the immediate pleas of the case was to prevent him from arrest.

A full hearing of the case is now dated for April 2022 pertaining to his full range of fundamental rights under the Constitution, and other related matters. However at the first hearing, the three member court has taken up the matter of the threatened arrest. What had the CID said? Through the Attorney General’s Department, they had said that they don’t have an intention to arrest Fr. Gamini at that moment! This statement itself proves that Suresh Sallay’s complaint about life danger was baseless.


In March 2021, Suresh Sallay also made a complaint to the CID against a Member of Parliament, Nalin Bandara, similar to what he has claimed against Fr Gamini. Apparently the CID is still investigating the case. The situation is so confused and controversial and Suresh Sallay, as the Head of the SIS is apparently exerting undue influence regarding these cases on the CID. This is not correct.

Incidents like the Easter Sunday attacks are so complex and multifaceted. It is mainly the victims who know the pain and agony. It is the right of the victims and their spokespersons to express their views, raise questions and suspicions, of course without insulting any person. It is the duty of the State, or the CID in this case, to investigate them without harassing the whistleblowers or the victims. The harassment of Rev Fr Cyril Gamini by the CID should be strongly condemned.

Latest comments

  • 16

    Directly or indirectly Sarath Weerasekera is involved in the harassment of not only Fr Cyril but also many others as the Minister in charge of the Police. Why is the opposition in the Parliament not demanding a public parliamentary committee inquiry on Weerasekera by bringing witnesses?

    • 7

      What an uneducated ignorant idiotic speech by Ranil …… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4Mai-DxAwY ………in comparison the finance minister ……. the right honourable his Excellency Basil comes off sounding like Einstein …….

      Rest assured …….. Lankan’s future is assured ………….

    • 8

      Prof. Laksiri, How did a US citizen present the national budget of Sri Lanka?! The Easter attacks were funded by CIA cat’s paws Saudi Arabia in tow with Israeli operative that spread fake news that Bitcoin funded the attacks. They all want a military base in Sri Lanka. Follow the money trails and then motive for the crime.
      Saudi sent funds to Zaharan and NTJ via Governor of the Eastern province and POLITICIAN of the UNP-SLFP CORRUPTION RACKET, M.L. M Hizbullah of Kathankudi who was with BOTH the Rajapaksa Brothers and Ranil WIckramasinhe’s Yahapalanaya Govt.
      Also Suadi Funds went to Rishard and Rauf and all the Muslim politicians working with both UNP and SLFP and switiching sides regularly.
      This partnership between the US citizen Rajapakse brothers and the US puppet Ranil Wickramasinghe, cemented by Muslim politicians was brokered by the US embassy in Colombo and CIA which set up the networks behind the Easter operation and the Cover up investigation.
      Why has M.L.M Hizbulla not been question while another Hizbulla from Mannar is was locked up?!!
      The Tale of 2 Hizbullas is a great mystery to solve to understand the The Easter operation.
      It is well known that the ISIS that claimed the Easter Attacks in Sri Lanka was set up by the CIA after the invasion of Iraq on bogus claims of Weapons of Mass Destruction, disbanded Sadaam’s Sunni army and then set up the ISIS to do regime change in Syria and attack Shia Muslims, a majority of whom are Iranian.

      • 8

        Basil and Goat Rajapaksa, US citizens, are contemporary Don Juan Dharmapalas of Lanka!
        Today Lanka is a US colony rather than Portugal’s colony.. This is why Lanka is flooded with Dangerous mRNA Pfizer vaccines, is the and its Kerawelapitya power plant sold to US New Fortress, while Sapugaskanda oil refinary is closed down.
        The destruction and take over of Lanka’s ENERGY and NATIONAL SECURITY is on-going this time with the US citizens to advance the foreign bases project for the US and AUKUS war machine in the Indian Ocean in strategic Lanka.
        Weaponizing religion/s and Diasporas to advance the strategic interests of the biggest Rogue State in the world is still ongoing with a ‘Clash of Civilizations” being staged between Buddhism and Islam in Sri Lanka with the US Citizen Brothers and their BBS monk friends..to Divide and Distract from the fact that Lanka is now a US colony ruled by US citizens – Goat and Basil!

        • 7

          Dinuk, if US influence is so great in SL how come there are Chinese everywhere?

      • 0

        Quite a link with yarn made out of Chinese fertiliser. Should embark on fiction writing soon.
        Mind you everything is possible, however, is it probable, except in fiction?

    • 6

      I have been saying in Colombo Telegraph for the last several months that the following persons are primarily responsible for the bomb blast.
      1. Gota Rajapakse ( BOSS)
      2. Suresh Saleh ( Sonic – Sonic)
      3. Mahinda Rajapakse
      4. Maitripala Sirisena
      These four should get life sentence.
      Others who collaborated are : Muslim members of military intelligence
      Nilantha Jayawardena and members of state intelligence
      These people should be arrested and questioned.
      Both Ranil Wickremasinghe and Ruwan Wijewardena are also culpable for knowing about it and not taking action to prevent it.
      Unfortunately to cover up the crime, innocent people are being harassed.
      No action taken on Muslim politicians and individuals who had dealing with bombers.

  • 14

    Has any one wondered the objective of the Easter bombers & who benefitted? As Laksiri has rationalised, Zaharan could not be the leader as there would not be continuance if the leader dies without a successor. So, if it was a SL caliphate the jihadists were after, it fizzled out on its own. Then there is the question, why the top hotels & catholic churches? How true are the allegations of the intelligence service, headed by the Muslim chief of intelligence, funding theses extremists or is it just unsubstantiated speculation? Ultimately, who benefitted?

    The bombing, itself, ended Zaharan’s ragtag jihadists group but a human rights lawyer, accused as a sympathiser, has been banged up in remand custody for months without any charges. The average Muslim faced more harassment by Buddhist extremists, & in its wake, an apparent tough talking man of action (with no political ambition?) was thrust into the limelight & ended up as the President. Now, a catholic priest is hounded for asking questions about the deaths of worshippers caught in the bombing. Seems the CID, Intelligence services, security forces & who else is investigating the bombing, are going in circles. Incompetence or cover up?

  • 15

    If Very Rev. Fr. Cyril Gamini failed to voice the agony of those perished snubbing their voices for ever, to let the world know the cruel and the agonizing death they were subjected to, as the Shepard of the Flock, who else is there?? This also highlights the stratospheric height of insanity of the minds of our rulers/administrators.

  • 21

    It is quite 9bvious that CID, SIS and AG is trying to protect Sri lankas first criminal.who is the Master Mind of Easter attack who wanted to become President
    Without telling open secret why are beating around the bush.
    We need to file a complaint to ICC to investigate the criminal who hoodwinked 6.9 million morons

    • 2

      “It is quite 9bvious that CID, SIS and AG is trying to protect Sri lankas first criminal.who is the Master Mind of Easter attack who wanted to become President”
      Do you think highly educated Muslim youths sacrificed their lives to help Gotabhaya Rajapakshe to become the President?
      Do you think guys in ‘Yahapalana’ Government allowed Muslims to carry out terrorist attacks while having all the information about the attacks to help Gotabhaya Rajapakshe to become the President?

      According to reliable sources, no one has mentioned Gotabhaya Rajapakshe’s name in connection with Easter Sunday attacks at the Presidential Commission.

      It is good if you use your brain before using the keyboard.

      • 6

        They did not help Gota but they did not know they were helped to support Gota
        Sirisena wanted to help Gota, after failing the coup that is why he went out of the country

    • 5

      Dilshan, the reason is the CID, SIS, AG and the MPs themselves are criminals.

      • 1

        Hi Buddhist 1,
        You are spot on.
        That’s because they are beneficiaries of this heinous act mostly; Top to bottom, with no exception at all.
        About 30-40 years ago, it was existing with a few killings at isolated village/town junctions of supporters of the opposition party to gain the votes and power.
        After 1985, post LTTE and JVP insurgencies/terrorism. it is mass killing by politicians, aided and abetted by Police and administration, under their jack boot!!

  • 2

    Nothing is more ridiculous to me than this wild goose chase for a “mastermind”.
    In the words of another commenter:
    “The Easter bombing plot was conceived and executed by a group of Islamic terroritsts led by Zahran, who took their religion seriously and acted on their understanding of its teachings. The mastermind was Zahran. They were helped or at least inspired by ISIS in this dastardly deed. No others, including Muslim politicians, were involved.”
    Those Muslim politicos presently locked up have nothing to do with this attack though practically all Muslim leaders snould share the responsibility of the rise of Wahabism in Sri Lanka which created monsters like Zahran.
    Trying to make political capital out of this most grievous event is an unpardonable insult to the victims and those around them.
    Fr.Cyril Gamini should have gone to CID on his own and divulged all he knew thus assisting the investigation.


    • 12

      Why was Sallay’s number found in Zahran’s phone records? And why was he paid by the SIS pre-2015 (as Mahinda himself stated)?
      You don’t have to be a conspiracy theorist to see a link.

      • 0

        Old codger
        Zahran was an active figure in local politics as well as seeking funds from many sources for his open and secretive projects. He had dealings with many thounsands more than you and me. None of them can be associated with this crime.
        As I have been repeating umpteen times all these theories could have some credibility if the bombs were triggered by remote control. To think that he would commit suicide with the whole family and relatives for the benefit of someone else is bonkers.
        Rajapaksas got the full benefit of the event at the subsequent polls and others are trying to use the event to chase them away. An utterly disrespectful behaviour towards the victims.
        (Children who inherited a fortune due to farthers accidental death cannot be accused of causing the accident)
        I feel sorry for the Muslim political figures who are presently locked up to please the masses.

        ( I would defend LTTE if th

        • 0

          I would even defend LTTE if they are accused of large scale rape , they only KILLED innocent people.


    • 7

      Dear S.
      Your assumptions and “another commenters” may lead us NOT to believe the former AG who mentioned a mastermind, having studied the PCI Report wherein it was mentioned that there is enough evidence to pursue a mastermind.
      …Fr.Cyril Gamini should have gone to CID on his own and divulged all he knew thus assisting the investigation…..
      Not quite necessary to duplicate as this possibility has been mentioned for further investigation, very definitely in the PCI Report where evidence is available but CID and new puppet AG turning a blind eye.
      Hence Fr. CG was only drawing attention to it.

    • 4

      Nothing more will ridiculus to the arze licker of Rajapukses

    • 1

      Part I
      That exposes the investigative capacity and also the potent gullibility of the citizens to incorrect advice on interrogation/investigation outcomes.
      That will not go past muster in more advanced police departments world over such as FBI, Scotland Yard, RAW, MI5, Israeli intelligence agency or CIA.
      Reference to, “The mastermind was Zahran. They were helped or at least inspired by ISIS in this dastardly deed. No others, including Muslim politicians, were involved.”
      It is ludicrous that ISIS which purportedly claimed ownership of the crime and acknowledged by SL investigators (both Political and Administrative in 2019 to suit their theory) as credible.
      May be they are correct as they are talented investigators and intelligence officers of SL Police/Military and SIS, which reputedly solved many a disaster caused by the vile acts of the tigers and their acolytes in the past 30 years war; no reason to doubt their ability or credibility to have the Master Mind (MM) of the dastardly act.
      What baffles one most is that this ‘so called’ Master Mind (MM), if he was the one who masterminded to form the claimed caliphate is a Nincompoop at its best and nothing but that!!!!!

    • 2

      Part II
      How could you call this ‘idiot and/or imbecile or both rolled in one’ as a MM of any credibility, shape or form when he (MM) nominates himself to be the first to commit the suicide bombing at a city hotel to destroy himself in the episode with supreme sacrifice!!!!!
      What and how was he going to achieve the purported Grand Caliphate in Sri Lanka, without him the MM amongst the living??????
      Or was his quest to enjoy the 7 virgins in the ‘New world’ was more compulsive than achieving the purported grand Caliphate?????????
      Probably he has planned and obtained the supreme Lords permission for Reincarnation????????????
      If that is the case, we need to start an earnest quest to find the ‘New Born’?
      You know what I mean, the similar (not identical) quest people and rulers of the Middle East (Roman Empire – 2021 years ago to date) to be precise did for the “reincarnated New Born Baby – the acclaimed Saviour”- JESUS CHRIST OF NAZRETH.

    • 1

      Part III
      In SL the earnest quest will focus on a possible future miscreant to ensure we do not have a greater misadventure than 269 lives, in a couple of decades, when he becomes an adolescent/youth and try to recreate ‘mischief’ or mayhem to achieve the Caliphate or whatever?
      I am a firm believer Islam is a great religion, nothing less than Christianity, Hinduism, Jainism or Buddhism.
      The great question being posed, “Is the head of SIS “up to his mark” to counter, to zero the effect of such attempts?”
      Presume he will for the sake of all Sri Lankans who live in this country in couple of decades do hi job unlike last time!
      Leave, the high and mighty, ‘Maru Sira’, Nilantha J., out of this equation as they are non-entities!!!!
      NO EFFECT whatsoever as proved in the Pre, during and Post “Easter Sunday Attack” or aftermath.
      Or is he trying to obtain enlightenment to achieve the goal by obtaining the blessings of the Rev Father Cyril Gamini Fernando, OMI
      Pray to the Lord almighty, SS attempt to find the past MM 2019 and future in 2039 is successful.
      Good Luck to you in all your endeavours Capture MM!!!!

    • 1

      When Finally SS finds the MM, at last, he will be rewarded by Mossad the top post in their organisation, as he would be acclaimed as the best investigator in the world!
      Look out for that event with earnest!!

  • 14

    ….(1) Why did they attack the Churches and hotels? There is no apparent connection between the two…….. True no APPARENT one.
    But when you consider all the circumstances and now the unusual interest in the matter by the D/SIS, this question has only one answer. It was orchestrated by someone to stir up trouble to show up a security issue with least amount of collateral damage and containable to prevent a total conflagration had the attack been on a place of Buddhist value. Again the Hotels were a distraction to fool everyone.
    The only reason why, was to focus an unholy fear on the security angle.

  • 18

    Lasantha murder never had a reliable investigation and Easter Bombing will also never have a reliable investigation. There are a number similar cases never investigated because there was a necessity to protect them or cover them not only for this regime but also for the other regime who govern this nation. The fact is victims are from minorities whether it is Christians or Tamils or Muslims or Westerners and criminals are from majority. Unfortunately, minorities are used in these crimes. Even though Lasantha and Fr. Cyril Gamini are majority community they are not considered as Sinhala.
    Even though many of the people of this country knew well the master mind could be of the Easter Bombing and Lasantha murder, no will dare to challenge that in a court of justice.

  • 14

    Laksiri Fernando,
    I am glad that you are able to differentiate between a ‘victim’ and a ‘perpetrator’.
    When you say that a victim has been converted to a ‘perpetrator’ by the Sri Lanka’s intelligence, my question is, when did you begin noticing these horrible propensities.
    If you had not noticed it before, the reality is that you are either ignorant or apparently supportive of the perpetrators of those events. And, you are not an ignorant man!
    You prove me correct when you say that there had been no evident conflict between the Muslims and the Catholics in Sri Lanka, both are minorities.
    But, your credentials on defending the minorities get murky when I look at your track record on your sympathies towards another victimised minority group, the Tamils.
    Apart from the above, your logic is noteworthy.

  • 4

    Budget speech is going on, but Mr. 40%, the FM is not showing his face in the parliament. There was a problem in presenting the first reading too. So the Colombo Media sounds a like little bit nosy. They want to speculate some thing sweet & flavorful. But after the Kim of NK, repeated tricks,they are reluctant too. A strong woman MP, (Roshini?) asked the agricultural minister Mahindhananda if the Royal Nephew Prince got the Chinese Commission from the Hunu Company. The Hunu ship is standing Lankawe waters like a Grease Monster and threatening women like Roshini. Indian farmers have forced BJP to repeal the three agricultural bills. Poor Sinhala farmers have been going to Colombo to protest on Hunu issue, for some with only Amude, but nobody turning to their side, san Roshini.

  • 11

    Glad to note that your line of thinking and focus has changed towards realism!

    • 4

      Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched.

  • 5

    Does anyone know who this Buddhist priest is? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPKo2MgmloI

  • 2

    CID is Criminal Investigation Department
    CIA is Central Intelligence Agency
    There is no Central Intelligence Department (at least not in Sri Lanka)
    There is a Central Intelligence Directorate at Sri Lanka Customs but it is not called CID.

  • 4

    Laksiri, this is nothing but harassment. Obvious to even a child . They have done it before and continue to do the same. This is Gotha, s private milita not CID/ TID. Years ago Sir would have white vaned with no such inquiey. Because of inentional pressure/ scrutiny sir Sir has resorted to such harassment. It is not just father any private citizen, journalist question, will be called for inquiry. And the comedy is after hours of such questioning still the mystery remains unsolved. Started this before Lasantha and still continuing, in failed miserable Lanka.Trust me if you are in Lanka and keep asking such questions you will be called too.

  • 8

    President Sirisena appointed Mahinda Rajapakse as Prime Minister on October 26, 2018; he was removed by court decision on December 15; Indian information came on April 4 about attacks; President Sirisena had a sudden departure on April 16 or so; attacks took place on April 21; on the 27th Gotabaya Rajapakse announced his candidacy for presidency.

    After failing in his bid to bring Rajapakses into power, Sirisena has helped their (Rajapakse’s) plan to succeed by not acting on Indian information. He left the country to be away from the incidents he and Rakapakses planned.

    As President of Sri Lanka he could have got the assistance from any country in the region to fly him home immediately after the attack without waiting for a scheduled Sri Lankan flight. Why did Sirisena from Singapore instruct the Police not to obey Ranil W when he wanted to arrange a Security Council meeting? Why did not President Sirisena find fault with Nilantha Jayawardena (NJ) who happened to be his most trusted police officer, for not informing him? Sirisena never wanted to pin the blame on NJ, why? If Sirisena put the blame on NJ, he would have revealed that he informed the President immediately after he got the message from India. It was alleged that President Sirisena asked IGP Jayasundera to take the responsibility for inaction. How did NJ get a promotion instead of punishment for his inaction?

    Sequence of happenings from October 26, 2018 and the behaviour of President Sirisena and Rajapakses give enough clues to find “Maha Molakaraya/s” behind the massacre of innocent lives.

  • 1

    Dr. Laksiri Fernando

    You say, “There had been no evident conflict between the Muslims and the Catholics in Sri Lanka. Both are minorities facing similar marginalization.” Seriously? What type of marginalization is faced by them?
    Given the fact that no investigations have been carried out on any of the 39 LTTE massacres that killed Buddhist monks, Sinhalese Buddhist children and pregnant women, don’t you think it is a ‘privilege’ for the Catholics to have a Special Presidential Commission to investigate the Easter Sunday Attack?
    You say “Zaharan Hashim, the alleged leader, attacked a hotel and not a Church. Is it possible that two groups operated within the operations?”
    Then you say, “Given the later revealed bigger network of operations, it is it difficult to believe that the Leader would commit suicide at the first attack.”
    When analyzed all available facts so far, it is apparent that the suicide bombers including Zahran, did not enter hotels carrying backpacks with bombs. If they carried bombs, how could they pass the security? It is possible that they were handed over backpacks laden with bombs inside the hotel by a third party.

    • 1

      Then the next question is, did Zahran and other terrorists blast bombs by themselves or did a third party explode the bombs carried in their backpacks using a remote controller? I think the latter is more logical.
      Why did other terrorists who were entrusted to blast bombs in various other places run away and blast themselves in their houses? What made them abandon the tasks given to them? Were they also killed by a third party?
      All in all, what is prominent in the Easter Sunday Attack is the ‘lack of coordination’ between the mastermind and his operators & facilitators. The reason could be a decision taken at the last moment to advance the date of the attack and change the places of worship that they had originally planned to destroy.

    • 4

      “Seriously? What type of marginalization is faced by them (Muslims and Christians) ? Leave alone Muslims and Christians, not even a Hindu has any chance of being PM in this land infested by sanctimonious hypocrites most of who don’t even bother to shave their heads as ordained by the great man they pretend to follow.
      Why do you think JR and SWRD changed religions? Why doesn’t Ranjan Ramanayaka use his real name? Can Chanakyan or Sumanthiran ever become P.M ? Which plant do you live on, Champa?

      • 1

        I noticed something and hence this response. All good.
        I believe you implied “Planet” not plant.

        • 0

          The auto-correct menace!

  • 8

    Laksiri Fernando writing against the Rajapakses whom he proposed to be given honorary doctorates. Sure signs of impending defeat for Rajapakses.

  • 1

    Dr. Laksiri Fernando

    You say, “It is very clear that the rise of Jihadism in Sri Lanka was a consequence of anti-Muslim riots in June 2014 and other activities, instigated by some extremist Buddhist organizations such as Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) and Ravana Balaya.”
    Your assertion is ridiculous as it endorses Jihadism and justifies the Easter Sunday Attack. Jihadism is global, politically motivated and deeply-rooted in many countries.
    You say, the ‘rise’ of Jihadism in Sri Lanka was occured in 2014. Exactly. But the reason is not BBS or Ravana Balaya. Jihadism rose in Sri Lanka only after Sharia Law was gazetted by the Rajapakas in 2013!
    According to your article, Zahran is Tawhid not Jihad. How do you explain the ‘rise’ of Tawhid in Sri Lanka? Funny enough, a Channel-4 style attempt is made to produce a voice-cut of Zahran narrating the reason for attacking churches!!!!
    On a separate matter, what motivated Gotabhaya to appoint Ven. Gnanasara Thero as the Head of the One-country, One-law Presidential Commission? Was it to give a reason for the Jihadists to target Ven. Gnanasara Thero and achieve the Rajapaksas’ ultimate goal of instigating riots between the Sinhalese Buddhists and the Muslims?

  • 0

    Sorry for those errors, tried texting on phone with one hand and obviously failed.

  • 5

    ….(1) Why did they attack the Churches and hotels?

    Highest numbers of Christian children in one place! Church, then Western type hotels.

    Easter! High Festival day. Children are given fancy Easter eggs to signify new life. So the hotels. Sure to be little Christian children and parents.

    Child killers!

  • 1

    It is regreful to note people from other religions endorsing the terrorist who have hijacked the word Jihadism.

    They are niether Jihadists nor Wahabis – another myth.

    They are Modern day kawarijs,.they have killed more Muslims than others which most medias don’t bother to give out information.

    Rest assured no more extremism in the name of Islam will be encouraged in Sri Lanka..

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    We do not want extremist socalled Scholars on any of our TVs ,.not even on Social media accounts of Sri Lankans or their
    Groups in Sri Lanka.

  • 5

    Laksiri, it is good to see that you have finally realised the two-faced nature of the Raja Passa family, when previously you were known as an inveterate regime supporter.

    This is surely a serious sign that the tide is turning for the worse, and I feel that the end is nigh for the Passa-s, for their criminal machinery and for the treacherous military intel unit headed by a morally bankrupt officer, who has demonstrated no patriotism to the country or its people.

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    The policing must serve the public and should never be an instrument of vendetta. Every “worthwhile” complaint ought to be investigated. Chances are that the complainant may not have made a frivolous compliant otherwise he would only make a fool of himself. Hence, he may have complained at least to appear worthwhile. Taking down even a simple statement takes hours because that is the experience of many. The impatience of many is understandable in this matter. In the process, chances are that there could some slips in making public statements. Only now an alleged video of Zahran is put out explained by a Defense Professor. (So many professors in defense now.) That damned thing is not worth the while for hiding for two long years. Why can’t the entire proceedings of the Commission and its report in full be put out. If you hide it, then it is well within reason for people to come to their own “conclusions” and on pressure some of the thoughts may slip out of the tongue. Catholic priests are trained to be disciplined to guard their mouth but is any possible slip of the tongue is done with intent and thereby criminalize? NO.

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