11 February, 2025


Eminent Persons Call For International Action Against The Nandasena Regime

In an unprecedented statement, a group of eminent persons called for immediate international actions against the Nadasena Gotabaya Rajapaksa regime. The call by over 20 experts and world leaders noted that ‘Sri Lanka has made its justice institutions unavailable to its own victims.’ They called on Member States of the UN to heed the call by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet in her recent report to work with victims and their representatives to pursue justice through universal or extraterritorial jurisdiction. ‘Existing international avenues for accountability such as the International Criminal Court should be considered, in the face of Sri Lanka’s opposition to ending impunity. We also support the High Commissioner’s suggestion of imposing targeted sanctions against credibly alleged perpetrators of international crimes and strengthened monitoring and reporting by a dedicated Special Rapporteur.’


Among the signatories to the open letter are the Chair of the ‘Elders’ Mary Robinson, the former president of Ireland and Juan Manuel Santos, the Nobel Peace Prize winning former president of Colombia. The ‘Elders’ is a grouping of eminent leaders, established by former South African President Nelson Mandela. The current Elders comprise former US President Jimmy Carter, South African freedom fighter Arch Bishop Desmond Tutu and Former UN Secretary General Banki-Moon among several others.

All the former UN Human Rights High Commissioners since the Human Rights Council was established in 2006 have signed the open letter. Louise Arbour, Navanethem Pillay and Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein have endorsed the report and recommendations of the incumbent High Commissioner. Prominent among the other signatories are Jan Eliasson, Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations (2012-2016), Charles Petrie, former United Nations Assistant Secretary General, Head, Secretary General’s Internal Review Panel on United Nation’s Actions in Sri Lanka (2012) and Marzuki Darusman, Secretary General’s Panel of Experts on Accountability in Sri Lanka (2010-2011).

The full Statement is found here

Latest comments

  • 54

    The signatories are eminent persons, indeed! But, I am certain that those names and their message will not cause a ripple in the minds of Gotabaya Rajapaksa or his coterie.

    • 31


      I would not bother about foreign eminent persons when we have our own great people such as
      Wimal Sangilige Karuppan Weerawansa,
      Kamal Gunaratne,
      Dr Mervyn Silva,
      Basil Rajapaksa,
      Mohan Piris,
      Malinda Seneviratne
      Gunadasa Amarasekara
      Senali Waduge
      Minoli Ratnayake
      Michael Morris
      Prince of Darkness Sarath Weerasekera
      Warakagoda Sri Gnanarathana
      Sunil Ratnayake
      Udhaya Gamanpilla
      Eagle Blind Eye,
      N Pereras

      • 20

        NN: I would like to add more names, but CT will not permit (due to space & word number limitations), but you missed very important person names: Here they are: Mahachariya Rev. Medagoda Abeytissa, Milinda Moragoda, Govindu Kumaratunga, Basil Rajapakse, Rev. Muruthettuwe Ananda, Prof. Tissa Vitharana, Prof. Mohan Samaranayake, Prof. G.L.Peiris (a very long line of “Professors” of Viyathmaga, Eliya, Ravana Balaya, Yuthukama) & much more……. By the way, I forgot the name of S.C, Pasqual who ‘Contributes” very “VALUABLE” comments. Sorry about it.

      • 7

        Now that you List a Group – who will and do follow the trends in
        African Countries as how those Leaders continued with the support of their gangs presenting their “Democratic” ideals to Voters, it is time the Sinhala Intellengetsia come to the forefront of action on behalf of their mother-land. One cannot miss this opportunity. Forget Trade Unions – Why not all the Principals
        of Schools in Sri Lanka form a Group for this very Internationally
        backed action to restore Rule and Justice categorizing themselves
        as an Intellectual Front, to save the Country.

        Politics now are carried out on the pretext of this Group & that. An
        example was to use the Port Trade Unions (Bribed by Chinese Co.)
        to twist Commercially oriented way of entering the Politics of
        the Rulers. This is a new trend.

      • 5


        (1) Do the Eminent persons know the type of justice by a bunch of FP/TC lawyers in Jaffna from 1970-1977-1981 killing fields??

        (2) Why you think no one want to know what happened in Jaffna 1970-1977-1981 because they are all protecting the foreign regimes responsible for the biggest blunder in the planet history??

        (3) When the open killings took place we were one of the well to do Nations and her destiny was robbed because we were all recolonised by the regional mobsters working with the International mobsters?

        (4) The eminent personas do not want to inform the world of the child training camps in Tamil Nadu???

        (5) the world will turn around and ask what were they all doing when all this was going on since 1970’s in Jaffna and question their own nations secret services and the UN knowledge then???

        • 4

          or do you think they were shaking hands with the FP Thallapthay (Commander in Chief) then plotting the same????? worried they all need to be at The Hague too???????????

          • 4

            or to put it politely all the Sri Lankan eminent persons/;leaders were all killed by the FP/TULF thuggery and the rest by the JVP.

            There are many ways one can remain as an Eminent person by eliminating the real eminent of each Developing Nation that we know and using the low life’s who want to be eminent through thuggery and killing fields too.

            The current problem is these thugs do not have the rein or rather not allowed to do so any more is another way to look at it too.

            • 4

              THIS IS THE ONLY TYPE OF INDIA WE WANT TO SHARE THE Indian Continent with

              Bill Gates is continuing the work of Monsanto’, Vandana Shiva tells FRANCE 24


              You can all follow her with your families for a better tomorrow…she was even invited by our SL environmental groups not so long ago…and we should connect with this type of concepts more human and spiritual than any other non sense we hear in this forum.

        • 7

          Rumble 2021

          “Do the Eminent persons know the type of justice by a bunch of FP/TC lawyers in Jaffna from 1970-1977-1981 killing fields??”

          I may have to ask them.
          Perhaps they were too busy bringing notice highlighting of rewriting history and perverting the course natural justice, misusing power and perpetrating dastardly acts, by their contemporaries in the south.

          I understand there were two or three MPs from the North who contested and won seats from other parties and switched sides to Weeping Widows party, and enjoyed little bit of crumbs thrown at them also made few rupees from unearned income.

          If they were part of making such history, for example supporting the introduction of university entrance requirements for different language speaking students, massacre at the final day of Tamil Cultural Research conference, creating environment for Tamil youth militancy, introduction of new constitution aimed at erasing the all identities of people who had been living there for many centuries if not millennia, introducing religious dominance into the constitution, ……………………………………….. and burning the magnificent library, and …… what do you expect?

          “(3) When the open killings took place we were one of the well to do Nations and her destiny was robbed because we were all recolonised by the regional mobsters working with the International mobsters?”

          • 8

            Rumble 2021

            You can make SJ happy however you cannot make people stupid.

            If you are a concerned human being stop insulting victims of 1915, 1958, 1961, 1971, 1977, 1983, 1987-1991, 30 years …… Any chance you are related to weeping widow and her admirers or a descendant of the public racist Anagarika Homeless Dharmapala?

            • 2

              Dear That is what I thought.

              You have just written your “own” historical facts/alternative reality about my part of the Country as I know them???

              Where does SJ fits into my life exactly??

              Crumps thrown at people??? and the years you have mentioned you have missed so many years in between??? I told you this few years ago….however you have now come full circle.

              You are reading the stuff from the Internet as the history of Jaffna as presented by the history rewriters the FP/TULF and been writing all kind of non sense for the past 2 years I have observed.

              It is the weirdest response after all I have written as facts to date that you have not even come back to ask if your thoughts are correct or not????why?? what is the fear????

              This ignorance is built in your writing and the response itself?? just gone back to justifying all the blunders instead being progressive so we analysis matters together??????

          • 1


            “massacre at the final day of Tamil Cultural Research conference”



      • 3

        You have forgotten “Rev” Malcolm Ranjith

      • 2

        Native Vedda, looks like “Tamilal Sary Peeth Sary” person, Indian proverb suite for him, “if you see TAMIL and COBRA kill TAMIL first” I a sure he is PEELAM barker and DIAS-PODA person

    • 10

      Navi Pillay also acted as a Viceroy during her time with UNHRC. They all are DEAD DOGS now

      • 7

        Indeed they are dead dogs. They failed when they were holding those positions!!

      • 8

        N. Pererass

        “Navi Pillay also acted as a Viceroy during her time with UNHRC.”

        Forget Navi, UNHRC, …….
        Here comes the International Hindutva, BJP, RSS, …………………..

      • 1

        ” They all are DEAD DOGS now “

        Is that true?

        Poor Merwyn! He is still alive!

        • 3

          Yes LTTE and their leaders now DEAD DOGS, no more Human Butchers in Heladiva (Sri Lanka), Now peace-loving decent Tamils are happy now.

    • 21

      Who are these “eminent persons” compared to our own Viyathmaga and their Eminences Wimal Udaya Vasu and Dinesh.
      Wimal how about another fast unto “lemon puff” opposite UN HQ at Thummandiyahandiya like “handiye wimal” the village thug and abuse the ASP.

    • 3

      Obviously not:
      ” Since taking office, President Rajapaksa appointed army chief Shavendra Silva, who faces credible allegations of war crimes, as his chief of defence staff. In February, Silva was banned from entering the United States due to the allegations against him. Rajapaksa has also appointed retired general Kamal Gunaratne, who is implicated in alleged war crimes committed by the army’s 53 Division, which he commanded, as defence secretary.” Human Rights Watch

    • 1

      Nathan …will not cause a ripple in the minds of Gota… –

      [edited out]

    • 3

      I agree with your assessment.
      The question is where do we go from here?
      The answer has to be home made.

  • 35

    Its time for the Sri Lankan Govt to think deeply before screwing up at the UNHRC. Open your eyes you Deshapremies.

    • 16

      Sri Lanka is not trying to screw UNHRC. Sri Lanka is trying to stop UNHRC screwing the members of the Armed Forces that eliminated Tamil terrorist organization LTTE who massacred Sinhalayo for three decades to grab a part of the country to establish a separate State using a bogus claim ‘Traditional Homeland’ for the Dravida laborers brought to Yapanaya by colonial rulers.

    • 9

      Navi Pillay also acted as a Viceroy during her time with UNHRC. They all are DEAD DOGS now

    • 9

      Buddhist1. Good appeal and i am with you totally on this. However, my thinking is that the Deshapremies will tend to ignore the call and maintain the Crescendo that the Triad (not the advert agency) of Ranil W, Mangala S and Tilak M of Yahapalanaya are the cause of this present dilemma and they will claim this syndrome will pass off, without any repercussions! Belarus is the saviour.

    • 4

      When the time comes (once again) to go around the world with our begging bowl, the arrogance we see now would have vanished, like a deflated balloon.

  • 18

    A very impressive list of senior officials, Ex Presidents, Secretary of General, an Arch Bishop who fought an apartheid regime, and top leaders. Nandasena should be ashamed if he had ANY conscience, and his supporters should realize he is taking us to pariah status in the world, a rogue nation, and long term we are going to pay for the Rajapaksa arrogance and viciousness. So how will the Rajapaksa supporters justify this? Are they going to blame these prestigious officials for having connections to Tamil lobbies, or have ulterior motives like going after the Rajapaksa’s? What is Ban-Ki Moon and Desmond Tutu going to get out of it? Nanda’s effort to cover crimes, seems to be backfiring, and getting worse. If he has nothing to hide, open the door and allow the international community to come in and see for themselves, like we do when we need foreign aid, loans, and gifts. The guilty are always afraid.

    • 5

      Sinhalayo know that there are hypocrites in the International Community. So, we do not take what these hypocrites say seriously. ‘Moda’ Demalu think they are ‘God Send’ people and believe every word they say.
      “So how will the Rajapaksa supporters justify this?”

    • 5

      ‘Are they going to blame these prestigious officials for having connections to Tamil lobbies, or have ulterior motives like going after the Rajapaksa’s?’
      Of course they are. Why do you think there was no international outcry over the murder of thousands of Sinhalese by previous governments? Because the Sinhalese diaspora is small in number.

      • 5

        ” Because the Sinhalese diaspora is small in number. “
        That is not the reason. Your boss, Old King, saved Ranil from Batalanda commission. So Ranil went to New York and argued with UN SG that his Expert Panel’s Report was only Darusman Report. It was the Old King who went to the previous UNHRC to complain about the 1989 youth murders. Now his is the one under radar. After Siri Mao killed 20,000 to 40,000 youths, there were three governments with 2/3 Majority. All these were voted by Sinhala Buddhists with a mandate to oppress Tamils, but not to investigate the mass murders of the Sinhala Youths. Siri Ma O was punished by JR for some fake reason, along with Dr. NJ-he who reorganized the justice system. Within the Sinhala Buddhists, everybody is a patriot so the police and thief work together (like you) to rob the country and save the criminals, but not for the Law and Order, justice, human rights…….Your diaspora flock only during Christmas Parties in front of embassies, but never stood in front of UNHRC , calling justice for Ranil-Vaalaiththodam Sr. times’ Batalanda murders.
        Long Live Sinhala Buddhism! But Tamils must go alone, before BJP establish in Lanakwe.

        • 8

          ‘Within the Sinhala Buddhists, everybody is a patriot’
          Everybody? Racist.
          ‘so the police and thief work together (like you) to rob the country and save the criminals,’
          I haven’t robbed anyone. Racist, liar.
          ‘Your diaspora flock only during Christmas Parties in front of ..’
          Do you think the Tamils are any different? How many have appeared in front of UNHRC? Racist, liar hypocrite.

          Mallaiyuran, ignoramus

  • 12

    What action can you take against a person who eliminated a terrorist organisation that recruited child soldiers.

    • 4

      Wimal12 – Please look at the whole picture.

    • 10

      ” Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s pardon of a soldier convicted of massacring eight civilians, including children, shows the administration’s disregard for justice for the worst abuses, Human Rights Watch said today. The conviction of former Sgt. Sunil Ratnayake had been one of the very few cases of security force personnel being criminally punished for civil war-era atrocities, despite the huge number of credible and extremely serious allegations.

      Ratnayake, who was pardoned on March 26, 2020, was found guilty in 2015 of killing eight civilians, including a 5-year-old, at Mirusuvil, in northern Sri Lanka, in 2000. The bodies of the victims showed signs of torture. The conviction had been upheld by Sri Lanka’s court of appeal.”
      Human Rights Watch

    • 8

      wimala12, Karuna Amman who recruited child soldiers to kill the army is working for the Rajapaksas. Go and get him.

  • 13

    Eminent persons may make the international community to think, but only a powerful coalition of countries can take decisive action.

    Rajapakses government is a racist, fascist government like the Nazis of Germany and Gota its Fuehrer.

    Who will cage this Sinhalese Buddhist big cat and its cheer leading venomous monks?

    • 9

      Demalu have forgotten that they lived under a fascist Government worse than the Nazis of Germany. The Fuehrer was Velupillai Prabhakaran. Like the Allied Forces that defeated Nazis and liberated Germans, Rajapakshes defeated LTTE Tamil terrorists led by megalomaniac Prabhakaran and liberated Demalu who suffered for three decades. Demalu should be eternally grateful to Rajapakshes for liberating them.

      “Rajapakses government is a racist, fascist government like the Nazis of Germany and Gota its Fuehrer.”

    • 1

      Tamil Parties’ leaders should get together & send a copy of this statement, in behalf of Tamils, to all voting member UNHRC countries, with a request to consider the statement favorably.

      Remember, when OISL produced the first report, Sampanthan Aiyya advertised in North that the UNHRC investigation is over. But that report never came to UNHRC. Tamils leaders should understand that UNHRC is a members’ organization and campaign only can secure them a victory there.

  • 2

    Country governed as per Buddha’s teachings. Dogs are killed.

  • 11

    We should ask from these ‘Eminent Persons’:
    Is eliminating Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) which was the deadliest and ruthless terrorist organization in the world that massacred hundreds and thousands of unarmed innocent Sinhala, Demala, Muslim and other civilians using suicide bombers, claymore bombs, multi-barrel guns and chemical weapons for three decades and restored peace to all the people in the country and gave democracy to Tamils that was denied by LTTE ‘A CRIME’?

  • 11

    Who cares according to we Lankans all those who signed are bad people. We are disciplined and Buddhist country. We cannot do anything wrong.

  • 16

    I don’t know why these “eminent” persons are concerned about events that occurred 12 years ago, at the peak of a 30-year civil war. LTTE leadership had no intention to surrender. After hiding behind 40K civilians for 9 months, they were finally cornered in an area 5 km wide and 14 km long (Nandikadal Lagoon). These “eminent” persons should have tried their luck 15 years ago, when Eric Solheim (Norway) was dining and wining with Tigers in Kilinochchi. Also, Gothabaya is a hardliner and former 20 year soldier. He is not going to let any ex-soldiers be convicted.

  • 8

    Today a financial donor Imaad Zuberri was sentenced 12 years for illegal
    (money transaction) campaign contributions . He had contributed to Biden and Graham too
    Read his story. This guy was previously involved in Lanka doing the same. .

  • 13

    Gee wiz

    where were these eminents when we were being blown up en masse in public transport and every nook and cranny? and our villagers were being slaughtered.

    oh yes, controlling terrorists is not their problem, only finding excuses for those butchers is ..

    It is time to ignore this march party. completely and move on.

  • 7

    Taking action against GR is fair. But this lot was always against Sri Lanka and that is, we the people.

  • 23

    These letters of recommendation for immediate action are very welcomed by those who value human rights and are committed to upholding an unbiased judiciary free of corruption.
    The international bodied, countries must not waste any time listening to the extremist sinhala buddhists and their time wasting excuses. There has to be an immediate implementation of sanctions, assets freezes, barring from financial institutions, travel bans against every extremist sinhala buddhist; those who are responsible for the war crimes against the tamils to those responsible for the political killings to those fake experts/lawyers responsible for the abhorrent policy of forced cremation bodies of Muslim and Christians.

    • 14

      If you think sanctions should be imposed on people who liberated the people in this country from barbaric LTTE Tamil terrorists what punishment they should impose on LTTE Tamil terrorists who slaughtered Sinhala, Demala, Muslim and other civilians using suicide bombers, claymore bombs, multi-barrel guns and chemical weapons for three decades?

    • 9

      It’s common sense and common science that cremation is much safer than burial. So, Covid or no Covid all bodies of non-suspicious death must be cremated and should be mandatory. Burial is a waste of precious land in overcrowded Sri Lanka. And the most dangerous thing is muslim population is roughly 4 million in Sri Lanka. Do you remember muslim funeral ritual spread Cholera in 1980s?

      • 9

        Lol cremation is safer than burials ?? that sounds like an ‘extremist buddhist fact’ to me 😂. In fact there is no scientific research to show that cremation reduces the transition of the virus anymore than burials. But that scientific facts as stated by scientists who’ve conducted scientific studies. These are well above the level understanding of the typical sinhala buddhist racist. For you people what some frustrated monk-eys who’ve been raping underage boys in the temple says or what some clay pot soil “expert” (lol, an insult to intelligence to call that disgusting hag an expert 🤮) says is more superior. But you can’t fix stupid so we should not brother exp!ain’t to racist fools like you.lets move on to more important things.

        • 12

          Let’s analyse your racist religion. How can buddhism be true when we have no way to authenticate any of these preposterous stories ? the monk-eys in charge of it have been caught lying and more with worse crimes. buddhists claim the giant foot print at Adams peak belongs to budda, so did budda have one small foot and one giant foot ?? How did he walk if he had such a deformity. sinhalayo claim their mothers slept with lions, now there’s no way to look at that story but that buddhism promotes beastiality.
          How can budda be any form of devine when he wasn’t even self sufficient ? he literally had to beg people for food ! Why how down and pray to someone that can’t even help himself.

          • 9

            How can cremation be a recommendation to dispose of a read body when it is literally one the most polluting methods; its pollution is so bad that most cities have put limits to how many cremations can take place. In my opinion such harmful methods should be banned.
            How can the concept of rebirth be true ? It states that good people will achieve nirvana or be born as humans but the evil people will come back as animals. But in the last century the world has witnessed two world wars, countless genocides, mass murder, millions of killed; however the human population has only increased. And it has not increased slowly but it went from millions to multiple billions. Which clearly proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the concept of rebirth is absolutely false and buddhism is nothing but a bunch of folklore. buddhism should not be considered as a religion. What’s even worse is that this folklore is now being used to spread terrorism.

            • 7

              ….How can the concept of rebirth be true ?………..
              How can one say “we will meet on that yon shore”
              How can one say “kill and you get virgins”.
              So let us learn to live our lives without criticism of concepts of religion but be happy if yours give you that consolation you need.

            • 7

              ….however the human population has only increased. And it has not increased slowly but it went from millions to multiple billions……..
              So if God created Man/Woman, why is he still creating these extra “worthless” human beings.
              When you consider that there is an increase in population, should it be tied to any religion, because actually due modern science at play, there are more beings who are not accepting any religion in the sense it was 100 years ago.
              Population increase is because of a lot of material considerations like better medicines, nutrition, and easier availability of many things for easier life, and lower mortality.

          • 5

            CT should exercise some constraint on excessive attacks on any religion especially when it has no direct relevance to the subject of the article. I do not hold a brief for any organised religion (those “stories” mentioned above, are not part of the religion or philosophy but introduced by heirarchy).
            On this basis Christianity recognises “miracles” and Hindus pray to any number of gods. Muslims say Allah is ‘all powerful’ but then even non-muslims enjoy life as good as any other and there is no special favour – they have death sickness and setbacks as any others. For that matter AGNOSTICS also live equally as good or bad, happy or unhappy at times.
            So no religion can claim any exclusivity of emancipation. Buddhism is only a philosophy for a peaceful and non-aggressive life devoid of hatred and rancour in the life here, and need not be classed as a religion with external forces driving the human being.

            • 7

              Adam’s Peak ….. It is well known for the Sri Pada (Sinhala: ශ්‍රී පාද), i.e., “sacred footprint”, a 1.8 m (5 ft 11 in) rock formation near the summit, which in Buddhist tradition is held to be the footprint of the Buddha, in Hindu tradition that of Hanuman or Shiva (Tamil: சிவனொளிபாதமலை, lit. ‘Sivanolipaathamalai’), i.e., “Mountain of Shiva’s Light”, and in some Islamic and Christian traditions that of Adam, or that of St. Thomas.
              So there is confusion as each claiming some relative recognition.

  • 1

    Buddhist1. Good appeal and i am with you totally on this. However, my thinking is that the Deshapremies will tend to ignore the call and maintain the Crescendo that the Triad (not the advert agency) of Ranil W, Mangala S and Tilak M of Yahapalanaya are the cause of this present dilemma and they will claim this syndrome will pass off, without any repercussions! Belarus is the saviour.

  • 7

    What Nathan says is true (“not cause a ripple”).
    What will make the Sri Lankan regime, reluctantly, half-halfheartedly and hypocritically pretend
    to do something is if and only if there is international action – eg hard targeted sanctions against top echelons and their families.

  • 4


    Sinhala Buddhists elected this goon and having an impartial investigation will put him and his friends in jeopardy.

  • 10


    Your incessant, vitriolic, tirade of abuse against the majority community of this country is quite pathetic , and so very predictable .

  • 6

    The dire need of the hour is to establish a credible justice system with people of moral rectitude taking charge of sacred institutions and posts like the Ministry of Justice, Chief Justice, Attorney General, Judges etc., who have a genuine commitment to serve mankind and not self serving to be the priority.

  • 15

    Dear Buddhists Sri Lankans, Tamils, Muslims,
    Sri Lanka is in danger under the influence extremist Buddhist Fundamentalists and Opportunistic politicians like Rajapakse’s. It is important that the country and people and their rational faiths should be saved from those evils. True Buddhism give sufficient guidelines to remove those evils that brings brutalism and violence from this country. Humanity, unity, peace, rule of law and justice is fundamentals of Buddhism. Fake Heroism and fake patriotism and violence is an enemy of true Buddhism.

    • 7

      Do I have to tell million times that Sinhala Buddhists did not harm Tamils or Muslims using suicide bombers, claymore bombs, multi-barrel guns and chemical weapons? Such barbaric acts were carried out by Tamil and Muslim terrorists who follow Hinduism, Christianity and Islam.
      Sinhala Buddhists are the most peaceful people in this country. Demalu and Muslims who are of Hindusthan origin live in this country because Sinhala Buddhists accommodated them when they encountered desperate situations.
      Racist separatist Malabar Vellala Tamil politicians and extremist Muslim politicians who promoted terrorism are the real threat to Sinhala, Demala, Muslim and other people in this country.

      • 3

        The emphasis of yours is on the 30 yr. internal war and its ramifications. The matter at issue is the Rule of Law under
        this ex-military man at present and the foreseeable future,
        as his activities exemplify – this cannot go on with your claim that
        Sri Lanka was restored from a Group that was forced to act by
        shallow thinking Politician in Power. This excuse cannot be
        used to twist Justice in a Democratic State. Intellectuals should
        not put up with idiosyncrasies of a Political Family & supported
        by the likes of you.

    • 6

      Even true Buddhists have a fundamental right to defend their mother land Sri Lanka, Sinhala race, and the Buddha Shasanaya.

      • 7

        Not only True Buddhists but also Tamils and Muslims have a right to defend their mother Lanka.

  • 3

    Native, I am with you . The only eminent people Lankans are aware MR,CR, GR, NR ,BR—. There are people who always come up with where were they when LTTE was around and active. Didnt they get together with many other countries in proscribing as a group, help to fight the war, finance, supply arms and information, freeze accounts, arrest few in foreign soil —-. Its time to to do the same and proscribe Lankan governments and some of the SB terrorist.

    • 5

      Yes! Yes! Yes!
      They did the things you mention when they felt LTTE Tamil terrorists could become a threat to them. When LTTE was slaughtering Sinhalayo, they were ‘FREEDOM FIGHTERS’. The Head Quarters of Freedom Fighters was in London.

      “Didnt they get together with many other countries in proscribing as a group, help to fight the war, finance, supply arms and information, freeze accounts, arrest few in foreign soil”

  • 3

    Will this bother Srilanka- A Land Like No Other?
    These Eminent persons are throwing water on a Ducks Tail!

    Ban-Ki-Moon of all people! He should have known better!

    • 5

      Instead of pouring hot oil on Tigers’ head, these Eminent persons are throwing water on a Ducks Tail.

  • 4

    “For too long, UNHCR has been a protector of human rights abusers and a cesspool of political bias,” Mrs. Haley said.
    >Who created LTTE terrorist organization?
    >Who funded and armed LTTE terrorists for 30 years?
    >Who’s harboring Adel Balasingam and other LTTE terrorist leaders?
    >Why didn’t Colombo based western embassies, high commissions, international organizations, etc do “meaningfully” anything to stop suicide b○○mbers and child soldiers recruited LTTE terrorists during the war (attempted invasion of Sri Lanka)?
    They saw for themselves that in so many attacks, LTTE was blowing up hundreds of innocent people in one go in Colombo.
    >Why waited until the war was ended by SL war-heroes to make wild accusations?
    –“We also support the High Commissioner’s suggestion of imposing targeted sanctions against credibly alleged perpetrators of international crimes……..”—

  • 0

    Some points from the Stetement:
    (About local commissions)
    This is an exercise of ‘meta investigation’ that drives Sri Lankan reliance on ad hoc commissions to a point that would be laughable were it not for the seriousness of what is at stake, the long-delayed respect for the rights of victims. Meanwhile, the Presidential Commission of Inquiry into Political Victimization, after actively obstructing investigations into serious cases of abduction, disappearance and assassination, has recommended not just that the charges against every accused in the emblematic cases highlighted by the UN should be dismissed and that those that were accused be given compensation, but that charges should be filed against complainants, investigators, and prosecutors.
    Under these circumstances, and despite the conviction that redress and prevention are the primary responsibility of individual states, the fact is that Sri Lanka has made its justice institutions unavailable to its own victims.


  • 0

    (about HC’s earlier report)

    Finally, we join the High Commissioner in her call to establish a dedicated mechanism to collect and preserve evidence and to initiate an independent study of international accountability options.

    (About IC’s obligation and responsibility)
    Whether Sri Lanka continues on its trajectory towards renewed violence or finally breaks with its tragic history and firmly embarks on the path of sustainable development hinges on international action now. Given the continued reluctance of the Sri Lankan Government to meaningfully uphold the human rights of all, only decisive, international action to ensure justice and accountability can interrupt Sri Lanka’s periodic cycles of violence.
    The above line says that only IC Inquiry can save even Sinhalese and Muslims.

  • 3

    You have missed out the so called PROFESSORS who support Rajapaksas such as GL Peiris. Mother Lanka must be deeply sadden why she produced these type of people who are working AGAINST the well being of the rest of her children. It’s time the Good children raise up their voice of objection against all the wrong actions of the CURRENT dictatorial Government. JUSTICE has to apply equally to all–including the Presidents PMs & MPs

  • 1

    Yes, Yes, Yes Eagle. Are you actually blind or deliberately ignored the last line of my comment. “It is time, for U.N , to proscribe Lankan Governments and some of the SB Buddhist terrorist”. Goes to show this is how you have been distorting information and passing it to CT readers all this while.

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