By G. H. Peiris –
Almost all recent media reports in the west on the impending United States resolution against Sri Lanka at the Human Rights Council ‘Periodic Review’ scheduled for next March state as a firmly established fact that 40,000 civilians were killed in the course of the final phase of the Eelam War. Most of these reports also imply that, in sponsoring such a resolution, US government is impelled by its conviction that the government of Sri Lanka is accountable for that colossal crime. In none of these reports is there a reference to the fact that even the Darusman Report, despite the blatant duplicity of its approach, and replete though it is with distortions, has never said that 40,000 Vanni civilians were killed during that phase of the war. What it did say was that the number of civilian deaths could be as high as 40,000.
But to the United States and its allies in Europe that are arrayed against post-war Sri Lanka trivia such as factual accuracy and fairness do not seem to matter. There is sufficient evidence in the confidential communications from their own official informants – diplomatic missions stationed in Colombo – that the Sri Lanka security forces exercised greater caution to avoid civilian deaths than their own armies have ever done in military offensives conducted outside the United States, and even there if one were to think of the 19th century. That appears to be of no consequence. What matters is ‘regime change’ – the need to evict the popularly elected government of Sri Lanka because it does not genuflect in the way minions of the international community are required to do, and a charge of ‘war crimes’ and ‘crimes against humanity’ is the only façade that could conceal the clandestine strategies being adopted to achieve that cardinal objective.
How the self-appointed global guardians of human rights help sustain the crumbling hegemonic global power arrangement is vividly illustrated in the media account of the ceremony held in London for the launch of Frances Harrison’s Still Counting the Dead (October 2012). Here are some extracts from the pronouncement reported to have been made on that occasion.
Eric Solheim – Norwegian politician who, in his role as ‘mediator’ in the Sri Lankan conflict, hardly ever bothered to conceal his commitment to promote LTTE interests during the last 10 years of the Eelam War.
“In Sri Lanka, the government was winning the war and victory was at hand. They had no intention of stopping. In January 2009, the government declared war. The call for the LTTE to accept an organized end to the war which included the LTTE handing over weapons, registering LTTE cadres and every single Tamil civilian supervised by international authorities — the UN, US, India, etc. was not heeded…If that happened, the lives of all the Tamil Tigers and Tamil civilians could have been saved. But, Prabakaran rejected this offer. If the LTTE agreed, the Sri Lankan government had no other option than to accept it. Though the LTTE leadership rejected the offer, it can never ever be used as an excuse by the government to indiscriminately bomb very dense Tamil areas”.
Alan Keenan – International Crisis Group’s Sri Lanka Project Director, according to whom 40,000 to 147,000 civilians were killed in the Vanni war.
“If you look at the other conflicts around the world where there have been many thousands of people killed in illegal ways, they don’t generally get sorted out legally very quickly. There is a long game to be played, a frustrating game for all involved specially families of the victims, survivors, but I think, over the longer term, there are still options, there are still possibilities. What we need are those involved to produce documentaries like Channel 4, books like Frances Harrison’s, Reports like my organization (International Crisis Group) can continue to produce….Together, cumulatively, with effective lobbying, we can keep the Rajapaksa regime and those associated with them on the defensive and ultimately, I think, as political developments happen within Sri Lanka and outside, there will be a moment when they are not reigning supreme as they are now, then these issues come back to bite them”.
Yasmin Sooka, One of the 3-member UNSG ‘Panel of Experts on Accountability in Sri Lanka’ and co-author of the Panel report which placed the upper margin of civilian deaths in the Vanni war zone at 40,000.
The government of Sri Lanka claims that they mounted a humanitarian mission to rescue the civilians from the LTTE. GOSL also claim that there were zero civilian casualties. “But we think that as many as 70,000 civilians died. I think LLRC did produce some valuable lessons but in terms of the question of accountability it is a big failure”.
Callum Macrae, producer of the macabre Channel 4 documentary, ‘Sri Lanka’s Killing Fields’.
(His fanaticism seems to make him forget that crude melodrama like his are produced by the hundreds at Hollywood, Bollywood, Kollywood and many other places all over the world).
“We need to keep telling this story. Most importantly, we want to get this film by the end of January and launch it internationally in the build-up to the Human Rights Council. We want to show this film in Asian countries and African countries as well. We need to go to the Non Aligned nations and say this is a matter of human rights. This is a fundamental matter of international law. This is an issue the rest of the world has to take up. This will be ready for the Human Rights Council. Then we need to use this film to campaign to CHOGM at the end of the year in Sri Lanka”.
Frances Harrison, BBC Correspondent who has had close contact with the Tiger leadership from about 2002 is the author of Still Counting the Dead. Reproduced below are only a collection of a few brief extracts – not the really spicy flights of imagination.
“Today marks three years since the end of the fighting in Sri Lanka. I would like to mourn the dead but still I do not know how many. Estimates range from 7 to 147,000. It is a shocking difference. How is it possible in this world of satellites, rolling news and internet we have no idea how many human beings really perished, even rounded up to the nearest thousand? … Numbed to the sight of death, families were forced to abandon the corpses of their loved ones as they ran for their lives. A brave doctor who saved thousands of lives is haunted by the memory of the 150 patients he abandoned under a tree on the last day of the war; he can no longer stand the sight of blood and does not want to be a surgeon. It was a place where loving parents discussed suicide with their children, unable to tolerate the agony of dying one by one. A medic saw a baby born with a bullet lodged in his tiny leg, shot while still in the womb. In the makeshift hospitals dying mothers screamed for their babies to give them one last feed – knowing the breast milk would be their last gift of life”.
To those of the west, mesmerized by this type of “truth”, what do numbers matter? Why count the dead even if you could device a reasonably acceptable method of doing so, unless you just go on counting until you somehow reach a total which the Sookas, the Harrisons and the Macraes of this world say now it’s sufficient for our purpose? There are tens of thousands in Sri Lanka who mourn the dead – relatives and friends – but not with crocodile tears and not in pursuit of money, power and fame. We are intensely saddened every time we learn about the murder of countless civilians in, say, Vietnam, Cambodia, Libya, Iraq, Pakistan or Afghanistan – a process that will go on and on until the “world is safe for democracy”. We are also aware that, for certain mourners, the Vanni dead are very special (if not unique) in that there is plenty of diaspora largesse for those who invent death-counts or bemoan the absence of a count.
To read the full article click here
Fathima Fukushima / February 9, 2014
Good riddance.
They died, we have peace.
Is it that difficult to see the connection?
Thiru / February 9, 2014
It’s time you go back to Angoda.
Native Vedda / February 9, 2014
“It’s time you go back to Angoda.”
What have you got against the inmates?
Piraña / February 10, 2014
You lunatic must immediately take your medicines and stay in your lock- up othe wise some other inmate in your asylum. May kill you. You deserve to die you filthy animal.
Thiru / February 9, 2014
Prof. G. H. Peiris,
I appears the heinous crime against humanity committed by your popular Sinhala regime seems to hurt the swollen collective ego of the Sinhalese society, especially the elite like you.
You don’t stop to think that Sinhala regimes over the years have committed crimes against humanity to both Sinhalese and Tamils. If you don’t care for your own kind will you care for ‘others’? Absolutely not! It’s your ego that hurts you. They have done it to Tamils too.
The excerpts you are quoting are the truth and nothing but the truth, which the Sri Lankan butcher regime tried to hide by banning UN workers, UNHRC and foreign media, other than the embedded ones into the war zone during the final assault on the civilians.
Have you forgotten that Wimal Weerawanse asked the air force to bomb whole Tamil villages wholesale just to kill the LTTE during the war? The intent was there from the beginning: Periodic pogroms with government’s connivance are vivid examples known to the world.
Nor amount of Bluffing and bad talking honest people will help: US and several major powers have satellite evidence of everything that went on during and after the war. Even Sinhala soldiers and reporters are coming forward as witnesses.
The Sinhala regimes’ cruelty to Tamils must be laid bare to the world, and their right to rule Tamils forfeited.
Truth and justice shall prevail, not lies and deception.
Thiru / February 9, 2014
All the prejudiced racist professors are coming out of the word work one by one to support the mass murderer of Sri Lanka and his satanic regime!
Thiru / February 9, 2014
I ask this ignorant professor how they came to the conclusion that approximately 6 million Jews were killed in genocide by the Nazis?
I saw with my own eyes the rows and rows of chimneys of incinerators they used in Buchenwald and Auschwitz to burn the bodies without trace.
Forensic evidence and satellite evidence today are very advanced for these genocidal liars to be convicted.
Medalankara de Choppe / February 10, 2014
Prof Peiris, You teach students of all races, religions and those who speak languages other than Sinhala. So please be objective. You wrote extensively on the murder of the 17 MSF employees,5 Tamil students trying to justify the killings. Now the Govt itself had to own up that the forces did them in.It is high time that you lived upto your responsibilities or resign from your job and become a butcher.
JimSofty / February 10, 2014
Getting rid of the world’s most ruthless terrorists; who killed their own, who took their own as hostages, who employed their own women as prostitutes in order to earn money for the fake – struggle, who used child soldiers, who raped their own young women in order to train suicide bombers, who killed their own children because they did not agree to go to military training IS A CRIME.
LEVI / February 12, 2014
“Getting rid of the world’s most ruthless terrorists; who killed their own, who took their own as hostages, who employed their own women as prostitutes in order to earn money for the fake – struggle, who used child soldiers, who raped their own young women in order to train suicide bombers, who killed their own children because they did not agree to go to military training IS A CRIME”
But it so happened the savior ended up getting/sharing 20% from the people he liberated.
What Silly fools the 80% who voted agaianst him, also the silly muslims who did not vote for the liberator but for silly SLMC!
sarojini / February 17, 2014
Very well said. Jim softly. they are none so blind as those who refuse to see.
Vichara / February 11, 2014
“The excerpts you are quoting are the truth and nothing but the truth, which the Sri Lankan butcher regime tried to hide by banning UN workers, UNHRC and foreign media, other than the embedded ones into the war zone during the final assault on the civilians.”
TamilNet the voice of the LTTE was well embedded in the war zone. The figure of civilian deaths during the whole year of 2009 up to 19th May according to TamilNet reports is less than 7500. Non believers can go to TamilNet archives and check on this number. Of course TamlNet does not differentiate between killing of LTTE cadres and civilians.
sach / February 9, 2014
Thanks and now wait for the LTTE internet brigade to come and call you mahinda stooge and everything
Burning_Issue / February 9, 2014
No he does not need to be a mahinda stooge as there are plenty of educated Sinhala Buddhist chauvinists about! What is wrong with an impartial investigation? All doubts will be put yo bed in terms of numbers and why not do that.
Navin / February 10, 2014
What is wrong with an impartial investigation?
There is nothing wrong with an “impartial investigation”. We owe that much to the victims of the war.
That said, an international investigation may not be anymore impartial than a domestic investigation. I’m sure you are aware how Richard Goldstone was made to eat his own shit by US after an “impartial” investigation into the conduct of Israel.
How about Tamil Diaspora like you offer an investigation into how you raised money for LTTE? Who did what, how much was raised, where the money is now and expose all the big shots? That will establish your bona fides.
What is wrong with THAT?
When accusations are made in good faith, it is all the more difficult to suppress them. But then we do not need bona fide evidence when we have political-military clout with us right?
JimSofty / February 10, 2014
Any IMPARTIAL INVESTIGATION should address the Deaths occurred during the whole 30 years of the war, involvement of India, USA and BRITAIN in the war.
IF not it will be a partial investigation only to address the needs of certain nations.
Native Vedda / February 10, 2014
“Any IMPARTIAL INVESTIGATION should address the Deaths occurred during the whole 30 years of the war, involvement of India, USA and BRITAIN in the war. IF not it will be a partial investigation only to address the needs of certain nations.”
I am indeed flabbergasted.
How did you manage to get it right this time?
All investigation must cover the period from 5th April 1971 to date.
I hope there would be no cover up and you would ensure it.
sach / February 10, 2014
because it is not impartial
Robert.R / February 9, 2014
If Frances Harrison, HRW, Amnesty , UN and all are “diaspora brigade” according to the Sinhalese, then why can’t this guy be a “mahinda stooge”
Matilda Ellepola / February 9, 2014
prof Peiris,
I am not sure what you try to say here?
These civilians may have politically aligned with the LTTE or not, they were killed by the very forces of their elected govt and no matter if that is 7 or 147,000, there will war crimes for the commanders and the commander in chief of this ruthless killings.
Patriot / February 9, 2014
The authors views represent what many in the GOSL believe, and will likely be part of what they present in Geneva. Like being stuck in quicksand, the more the GOSL and its supporters try to lash out and embarrass the United States, the more trouble they going to be in, since it will only make the US more determined to succeed.
It’s hard to think of anything worse the GOSL can do to hurt it’s cause, than denying a visa to a US official who wanted to visit Jaffna to speak on issues of womens rights. For decades, Tamils have longed for the day that they can engage with the world directly from Jaffna: To travel to and from Jaffna without having to visit Colombo, by getting their visas directly from foreign embassies in Jaffna without meddling by Colombo. By denying a visa to Ms.Russell, the GOSL has now created a situation where the US will also look forward to the day that they can visit Jaffna without hindrance from Colombo.
Native Vedda / February 9, 2014
Both Tamils and Sinhalese don’t want to get out of the pit, they keep digging. They feel better when they dig deeper, then complain that the whole universe is set out to get them.
Navin / February 10, 2014
Like being stuck in quicksand, the more the GOSL and its supporters try to lash out and embarrass the United States
Mr. Patriot:
“I know you believe in the right of Tamils for self determination within North and East provinces from your previous posts. I also know that you support an international inquiry into these allegations because you believe that it will establish Tamils as having been persecuted by GOSL and thus their demand for autonomy is justified.”
That said, why are you so worried about “embarrass the United States”? That is rather silly. :D
You may be Patriot alright but I’m confused where your allegiances are … US, Eelam or Sri Lanka!
Are you saying we should NOT confront US on their accusations? Why should we accept whatever they say as gospel truth?
This report appears to be a very professional document. There is no slander in it. It presents facts. It needs to challenged with facts not with mediocre muck like “hush hush hush … we should not try to embarrass US”
Mr. Patriot there is a big difference between agreeing to an inquiry and confronting allegations. Allegations should be questioned and their credibility needs to be verified. Just because US or UK is making the allegations doesn’t automatically make them highly credible.
Credibility is not the strong point of our government. US/UK though are also notorious for making bogus allegations for political ends but uses their politico-economic and military clout to cover their nakedness. The world is not blind to how they accused Iraq of having WMDs when it had none and waged an illegal war. The controversy is still very much alive even in UK/US.
It is sad and laughable how the Sri Lankan elite across the ethnic divide even after 60 years from independence still hold western governments in such high esteem that even their own citizens do NOT.
There is no need for this country to jump and offer a full blown international inquiry on a platter.
As I said before, the credibility of the people leveling allegations from US/UK to Tamil Diaspora to TNA is equally bad if not worst than that of the government. Not just credibility, their intentions are also questionable.
jansee / February 9, 2014
GH Peiris:
The time for preaching has long gone. If you and your Sinhalese rulers are so dead sure of what you have written, then why stall an independent international investigation? How on earth can you investigate yourselves when you stand accused as one of the parties. Tell the truth and shame the devil but when the devil talks, what it wants us to believe as the truth is in actuality blatant and deceitful lies. Lalith Weeratunga and your president has tried all the tricks in the book but the lies and deceit perpetrated by the SL regime lies bare there for all to see. No matter how many pages you write, history is not on yours and the SL side. The only way to escape the gallows is to come clean.
Yohan / February 9, 2014
Why stop at the final phase? I’m sure there are many more deaths unaccounted for across all races for the past 26 years!
Native Vedda / February 9, 2014
“I’m sure there are many more deaths unaccounted for across all races for the past 26 years!”
From 5th April 1971.
Medalankara de Choppe / February 10, 2014
No 34 years
Native Vedda / February 10, 2014
Medalankara de Choppe
No nearly 43 years.
Genocide of my people for 2,500 years.
Medalankara de Choppe / February 10, 2014
Was Kuveni one of your people?
Native Vedda / February 10, 2014
Medalankara de Choppe
“Was Kuveni one of your people?”
No she was the product of Mahanama’s creative historical accounting.
Medalankara de Choppe / February 12, 2014
Native Veddha, happy to meet you.One of the few who is willing to face facts.
Medalankara de Choppe / February 12, 2014
Native Veddha, Was the 700 women brought to Sri Lanka the world’s first slut ship
aratai / February 9, 2014
Prof. G.H. Peiris,
Killing VP is not a crime….but killing VP’s 10 year old son is a crime.
The person who killed the innocent child and the person who ordered it is among you…
Your government failed to investigate, arrest and punish those criminals.
Navin / February 10, 2014
VP’s 10 year old son is a crime.
So many 10 year olds, 3 year olds, 1 year olds and unborn have died as a result of VP and VP backers like your actions over 30 years that VPs son’s age needs to be -100 years (note the minus) for it to even appear remotely rather distressing or painful in this country.
Here’s a picture to jostle your mind of a father holding his dead son (likely 6-7 years younger than VP’s son) in his arms after one of VPs bombs (that you financed) kill him.
aratai / February 10, 2014
I know someone will come with this stupid excuse…….because VP and his team were saying the same excuse at that time.
The reason VP is called a terrorist is because he killed innocents.
So, the person who killed 10yr old child is a terrorist too.
Navin / February 10, 2014
Since when did you take leave from VP’s team? (you said his team) Good for you.
Stop peddling lies man. VP is not a terrorist. He is great hero. That’s what your distinguished CM said. I have been told that CM is an exemplary judge of highest caliber. When an intelligent Tamil of his “integrity” with unconquerable genetic traits says so we stupid Sinhalese should listen no eh?
Therefore, even if one commit’s atrocious crimes, crimes against humanity, war crimes and beyond, that is not enough for him to be called a “terrorist”. That is “international law”.
Furthermore, according to Ron Ridenour says that “Generally, however, the Tigers and many other Tamil guerrilla groups were a necessary response to the oppression/genocide suffered by the Tamils”. So VP’s killings are all a necessary response and not terrorism. The British FM David Miliband was more direct than Ron when he said terrorism was justified under certain circumstances.
Hence, LTTE/VP are not being “called” terrorists and even terrorism is justified under certain circumstances which could be suitably defined for our convenience.
In conclusion, you are WRONG. The person who killed 10yr old child need not be a terrorist. He could be a great hero.
sach / February 10, 2014
what about the terrorist supporters?
Medalankara de Choppe / February 10, 2014
Navin, you must be sick.One crime does not justify another. On the other hand are you sure that these were by the LTTE? Who was responsible for Ranjan,and CV Gunaratne?
lal / February 10, 2014
Do not jump to conclusions!The 10 yr old perhaps was a suicide bomber. If not why only poor Tamil children were recruited as suicide bombers and not the Terorist Leader’s own? Why did the tough talking Terrorist Leader abondon his son and run away to save his life? The photo of the fat boy could have been taken by the terrorists and could have been killed by the terrorits too, a mercy killing – LTTE style mercy gesture.
sarojini / February 17, 2014
Very well said. Jim softly. they are none so blind as those who refuse to see.
gamini / February 10, 2014
It is simple, get the story of the massacre of the surrenderees with the White Flags from the horses mouth itself. Then we will know the number this Dumb Professor is trying to defend. I wonder how much this Professor Bugger was paid by the TAG or directly by the Rajapaksas? Why this Big Fear, of An Inquiry?
Navin / February 10, 2014
Prof. G. H. Peiris:
Thank you for this effort. It appears to be a very solid document. Will this report be presented to UNHRC, TNA, ….?
Medalankara de Choppe / February 13, 2014
Navin. You must have left Angoda yesterday
Ajith / February 10, 2014
Prof Peries,
Why do you bother about the West Now? You din’t bother when you all campagined against LTTE in the West to ban LTTE. Only India and the WEST banned LTTE as a terrorist organization. It is the West and India provided the necessary intelligence about arms supply and stopped the financial capacity. They helped to defeat LTTE, not to massacre Tamil civilians. They thought this war was about LTTE and they never expected that you will massacre Tamil civilians. They thought you will find a political solution based on the agreement between you and the LTTE. They thought you will respect the right of self determination of Tamils and you will respect the rule of law. Nothing happened and you thought you can cheat not only Tamils but also the international community. Fortunately, the west and even good Sinhalese had the evidences of your crime. You can cheat Sinhala but you can’t cheat the west and the truth. Face the reality.
aratai / February 10, 2014
Where did ‘Peiris’ came from? West too.
gamini / February 10, 2014
Yes all Peris are remnants of the Portuguese. This Prof [Edited out] G.H. and that other Prof [Edited out] G. L., De Facto CJ and everyone else with Portuguese names passing off as Sinhalese.
Native Vedda / February 10, 2014
How about few historians with Portuguese names, are they any good?
gamini / February 10, 2014
All there half cocked buggers have a Chip on their shoulder. That is the problem. They will carry it to their grave.
lal / February 10, 2014
Is Emmanuela a Dravidian name or is he a remnant of Portugese, too? A Porugese origin terrorist!
sarojini / February 17, 2014
Where are you coming from? Arati?
sarojini / February 17, 2014
Did you arrive at the conclusion that the army killed. V p ‘ son by looking at the photograph. ? this seems to be very normal these days all one has to have a photograph and the conclusion is made.
edward / February 10, 2014
It is true that UK, US, and the ilk are guilty of human rights violations and even genocide. My undesterning is that this were aganist another country not aganist its owen people under the name of “HUMANITERIAN OPERATION”
Native Vedda / February 10, 2014
Note Hindians provided training to Armed forces from about mid 2005, their military strategists were on the ground until after the war had ended, provided nearly $2 billion loans/subsidy for the war effort, gave 5 helicopters and two large naval vessels, political cover, sat-int was made available to the brutes, what not………
Hindians continue to support MR from war crime investigation.
Piranha / February 10, 2014
Now that the day of reckoning is getting ever closer all kinds of obscure personalities are coming out of the woodwork with their two cents worth to save the despicable human rights violator and war criminal, Rajapaksa. If these so called professors have any sense they would have advised the dictator to immediately implement the 13th amendment after the war ended and fully comply with the LLRC recommendations. Sadly they were all keeping silent or even colluding with the regime to keep the Tamils subjugated with their heavy military presence, illegally grab Tamil people’s lands, deprive the Tamils of livelihood and commit rape on the Tamil women. GH Peiris and his ilk should hang their heads in shame for allowing the country to be destroyed by the criminal Rajapaksa brothers and their sycophantic followers.
Piraña / February 10, 2014
Prof G. H . Peris
I don’t know what you are a professor of but when I see that you have quoted from a pseudo professor Rohan Gunaratna of terrorism fame it makes me wonder whether your credentials are also questionable . Be that as it may I find your vain attempt to cover up the war crimes of your president and the presidential sibling reminds me of an Ostrich, I am sure you are aware professario that the bird Ostrich when seeing a danger approach instead of fleeing to avoid it buries its head in the sand and believes the danger has dissipated.
You Sinhala pseudo intellectuals are no different to this ignorant bird the Ostrich , when the whole world knows that the Sinhala armed forces killed over 100 thousand Tamils including unarmed civilians and combatants in Vanni during the final offensive against the LTTE after forcing the international Red Cross out of Vanni you Sinhala fools are trying to re write history by hiring PR companies to white wash the Crime against humanity committed by your Sinhala armed forces. This Prof? Peris’s writing also is an ill conceived attempt in this regard.
I am a native of Vanni to be precise from a village not very far from Nanthikaddal . According to my counting in the last 5 years I and others alligned to me have already counted 60 thousand dead but we are still counting.
It is my view that not only the actual War Criminals the Rajapakse brothers and their cohorts but also these rascals who are attempting to distort the truth of the actual Tamil holocaust must be punished by the war crimes tribunal. Rohan Gunaratne and this chap Peris must be prosecuted for denying the Tamil holocaust. That is what the Jews did to those who denied or disputed the Jewish holocaust why should We Tamils be different.
Native Vedda / February 10, 2014
“According to my counting in the last 5 years I and others alligned to me have already counted 60 thousand dead but we are still counting.”
I am looking forward to reading your final count.
Medalankara de Choppe / February 10, 2014
Pirana: The correct title “Pseudo Prof G.H.Peiris.Is he the brother of that eel and Pseudo Prof G.L.Peiris?
Medalankara de Choppe / February 12, 2014
Pirana Rohan GHunatratne is a largely a fart.
justice / February 10, 2014
GHPeris ignores the reality that government forces commenced killing batches of tamils commencing soon after independence,and that the LTTE was born only after the July 1983 pogrom.
He also forgets the 25,000 bombing missions by the air force.
Kettikaran / February 10, 2014
In establishing his partiality to the apparently guilty regime Prof.
Peiris makes bold to write “what matters is regime-change” Where has
any of those quoted by Dr. P call for this? As to his comment “the need to evict the popularly elected Govt” the learned Professor cannot
go far with the deception the regime won clean. The election was seriously flawed, the Elections Commissioner was missing for almost the whole night of election night where many believed he was kidnapped by criminal gangs who threatened his life. That many other forms of blatant election offences were also committed by the winning side is an open secret.
JimSofty / February 10, 2014
Responsible for half a million infant deaths in Iraq
BBC did a cover up job
Two recent developments make clear why exactly David Cameron and his government does not want to answer to ICC summons on war crimes pertaining to UK, but wants Sri Lanka investigated for alleged war crimes.
British parliamentarians have stated that Prime Minister David Cameron held discussions with representatives of several leading Tamil groups in UK, including the Global Tamil Forum and British Tamil Forum, before he left for Colombo to participate in the CHOGM last November. While questions were being asked in the British Parliament about the discussions held by Prime Minister David Cameron with pro-LTTE diaspora groups prior to the latter’s Lanka visit for the Colombo CHOGM, a news article also has appeared in the British press throwing light on Britain’s atrocities in Iraq including it’s responsibility for the the deaths of half a million Iraqi children as a result of the 13 year US-Britian sanctions in the country. In a response to a question Conservative MP Baroness Warsi informed the UK Parliament on Friday that representatives of the following groups were invited to a meeting at Number 10 Downing Street on November 7, 2013: Global Tamil Forum, British Tamils Forum, British Tamil Conservatives, Tamils for Labour, Tamil Information Centre, Tamils Against Genocide, and Ilankai Tamil Arasu Katchi (UK Branch). All of the invited groups attended the meeting.
The question comes in the wake of scathing article carried in the Guardian, of the BBC’s efforts to suppress Britain’s atrocities in Iraq which including the deaths of half a million Iraqi children as a result of the US-Britain 13 year blockade.
Titled “The truth about the criminal bloodbath in Iraq can’t be ‘countered’ indefinitely’ the writer the award winning John Pliger goes onto state “The media cover-up has been a weapon in the crimes of western states since the first world war. But a reckoning is coming for those paid to keep the record straight.’
The compiler John Pilger also adds “The crimes of Western states like Britain have made accessories of those in the media who suppress or minimize the carnage.
He said according scientific estimates “up to a million men, women and children had died in the inferno lit by Britain and the US”.
The writer adds, “There is no question that the epic crime committed in Iraq has burrowed into the public consciousness.
Many recall that “shock and awe” was the extension of a murderous blockade imposed for 13 years by Britain and the US and suppressed by much of the mainstream media, including the BBC. Half a million Iraqi infants died as a result of sanctions, according to UNICEF. Courtesy: the guardian
JimSofty / February 10, 2014
[Edited out]
Native Vedda / February 10, 2014
Brilliant, you still believe lion and a woman produced Sinhala/Buddhist race.
If you are happy I am happy.
Medalankara de Choppe / February 10, 2014
Edit Jim Softy out of this country
scott / February 10, 2014
Geography did not attract the brightest in Peradeniya in the 1950s, but G.H. (Gerry) Pieris was the exception. He was a brilliant student. It is hard to believe what has become of that brilliance. How could a man of such extraordinary gifts become such a narrow-minded tribalist? My dear Gerry, let us forget for a moment the allegation of war crimes, because there is difference of opinion on how many were killed, and under what circumstances. But this question is part and parcel of the rest of what has been happening since the “people’s government” of 1956 that laid the foundation for the methodical destruction of our country, by its shameless exploitation of language and religion to gain power.
With your wide reading and vast intelligence my dear Gerry, it cannot be that you do not know that our beautiful country was better poised than any other emerging former colony to take off into economic development, and that process was already at work. Singapore, a small backward country with no resources, was able within a quarter century to become a happy, prosperous, first world nation. Why? Because it had a capable, broad minded, visionary leader who, above all was able to place the national interest above partisan or personal interest. That leader welcomed ethnic diversity and was able to attract the talented and trained Tamils of our country and give them equal citizenship and opportunities in Singapore. What Singapore gained was our loss. And what a loss it has tuned out to be! Not just the loss of the talent of a minority, but the loss of freedom for the entire nation.
What we see today is the full realization of the 1956 agenda of re-feudalization of our country after late British rule brought it democracy and modernity, from which you and I, and many others benefitted. Can you not see that the Rajapksa agenda is to take to an extreme, the notion that Sri Lanka is a Sinhala Buddhist nation? Can you not see, my dear Gerry, that this idea has been the curse of our nation, the pathetic and pathological inability to be true Buddhists, and accept the Tamils and other minorities as equal citizens of our nation, who are entitled to govern themselves and let their cultures flourish, within a united Sri Lanka? Can you not see my dear Gerry, that paradoxically the greatest supporters of Eelam are your heroic Rajapakasa regime who in their folly are empowering the Tamil diaspora by their refusal to accept the Tamils as a distinct culture of patriotic citizens of Sri Lanka?
You and other Rajapaksa fans constantly talked about the regime as “the elected government”. Why do you want to be so hypocritical when you know well what elections are like under the Rajapaksas, and, in any case, that elections are only one ingredient of democracy? You surely have heard of, for example, the tolerance of dissent?
G. H. Peiris / April 25, 2017
Dear Scott,
This is just to note that you have been somewhat unfair on those who opted for ‘Geography’ in the 1950s. In my reckoning there were at least 10 of my own batch-mates in Geography who were highly scholars who proceeded to attain distinction as university teachers here and in the West, government Sri Lanka administration including the police force, institutions in the UN system and principals of prestigious schools. There would have been no surprise whatever had any of them (rather than I) had the best results in my field at the degree examination in 1970s.
I do not wish to comment on your misunderstanding of the thematic purpose of my study.
Best regards
Rajash / February 10, 2014
It’s not a numbers game of how many were killed whether 40,000 or 400,000 no one knows how many, may be somewhere in the middle.
What is in question is a crime against humanity. Asking people to go to a so called safe zone and then bomb them out.
What is in question is total genocide of one entire race, their culture, their language, their future, their properties, their livelihood their nation.
The death is only one aspect of it.!
Ram / February 10, 2014
” Full Spectrum Dominance ” is the aim of the US, to be achieved at any cost. The various NGO’s, foreign funded human rights wallahs and the multiple Secretaries and Assistants of the US State department are all mobilised for the purpose concurrently.
The refusal to admit yet another of the US Asst Secy’s into the country to educate us on women’s rights was timely, when we in Sri Lanka had produced the first female PM anywhere in the world.
Ravi Perera / February 11, 2014
“That is what the Jews did to those who denied or disputed the Jewish holocaust why should We Tamils be different”
You Tamils love to compare yourselves with Jews isn’t it?
Try to achieve even a fraction of what the Jews have achieved.You buggers are full of cock talk
Native Vedda / February 11, 2014
Ravi Perera
“Try to achieve even a fraction of what the Jews have achieved.”
Only if you let them to.
You have leveling system to keep the people down, such as periodic riots to destroy property and people, long war, rule of thugs, erasing cultural centres such as library, a military governor who grabs productive lands, a navy which prevents people fishing in their sea but scared to prevent poachers, a language policy of Banda era which is now condemned by even the most right wing bigots ……………………………….
Please go back to your motherland Tamilnadu, when you go take your Tamil brethren with you.
Dev / February 11, 2014
Well articulated by Prof. Peiris. When the Tamil terrorist lies about numbers are exposed they’ll be quick to claim that “numbers don’t matter” (take some of the comments here for example). Then in the next breath they’ll continue to pull out random figures from their smelly orifices LOL
Ravi Perera / February 11, 2014
Native Vedda,
Aren’t you starving for replies
Fathima Fukushima / February 11, 2014
Not enough. If another 200,000 Tamils had died, we could have resolved the ethnic problem too.
Fathima Fukushima / February 11, 2014
The more the merrier.
Bruz / February 12, 2014
@Scott: Very informative and great arguments with facts. Thank you !
Medalankara de Choppe / February 13, 2014
In short G.H,Peiris [Edited out]
Medalankara de Choppe / February 17, 2014
Prof peiris,Long ago when i was at kandy, I came across a priest supposed to be Buddhist, who had jumped over the Peradeniya Bridge during heavy rains and got drowned.May many more priests (Bs) follw that priest. [Edited out]