A resolution on Sri Lanka has been presented to the US Congress by the Republican Senator of North Carolina Richard Burr.
The resolution S. RES. 348, titled, “Expressing support for the internal rebuilding, resettlement, and reconciliation within Sri Lanka that are necessary to ensure a lasting peace,” is co-sponsored by Senators Robert Casey, Patrick Leahy, Sherrod Brown, Barbara Boxer and John Cornyn.
The resolution presented in the Senate on February 6 calls on the US and the international community to establish an independent international accountability mechanism to evaluate reports of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and other human rights violations committed by both sides during and after the war in Sri Lanka.
It also urges the Government of Sri Lanka to allow unimpeded access for media, international aid agencies, and human rights groups into all regions of the country, as well as to detention sites that may hold political and war prisoners.
The Government of Sri Lanka has also been urged by the US Congress to end its media restrictions, including the obstacles to the flow of information in the North and East, and bring to justice those responsible for attacks on journalists and newspaper offices.
Finally, the resolution has called upon the President to develop a comprehensive policy towards Sri Lanka that reflects United States interests, including respect for human rights, democracy and the rule of law, economic interests, and security interests.
The resolution has been referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.
Following is the full text of the resolution:
Whereas May 19, 2013, marks the four-year anniversary of the end of the 26-year conflict between the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) and the Government of Sri Lanka;
Whereas the people of Sri Lanka suffered greatly as a result of this conflict, the impact and aftermath of which has been felt especially by women, children, and families;
Whereas the Government of Sri Lanka established a Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) to report whether any person, group, or institution directly or indirectly bears responsibility for incidents that occurred between February 2002 and May 2009 and to recommend measures to prevent the recurrence of such incidents in the future and promote further national unity and reconciliation among all communities;
Whereas the LLRC report was presented to the Sri Lankan Parliament on December 16, 2011, and officially translated into Sinhala and Tamil on August 16, 2012;
Whereas the LLRC report acknowledges important events and grievances that have contributed to decades of political violence and war in Sri Lanka and makes constructive recommendations on a wide range of issues, including the need to credibly investigate widespread allegations of extrajudicial killings; enforced disappearances; intentional targeting of civilians and noncombatants; demilitarizing the north and the country as a whole; reaching a political settlement with minority communities on the meaningful decentralization of power; and promoting and protecting the right to freedom of expression for all through the enactment of a right to information law and additional rule of law reforms;
Whereas the Government of Sri Lanka developed the National Plan of Action to implement just 82 of the 285 recommendations of the LLRC in August 2011, and although the Government of Sri Lanka has made some progress on rehabilitation, resettlement of displaced persons, and improvements of infrastructure in the North and East, there are still many issues of major concern;
Whereas the Government of Sri Lanka has yet to reasonably address issues of reconciliation and accountability through internal processes;
Whereas the Department of State’s 2012 Human Rights Report on Sri Lanka outlines ongoing concerns regarding landownership and property restitution, particularly in the Jaffna Peninsula, where large numbers of persons have not received restitution for land that remains part of government high security zones, and while citizens generally were able to travel almost anywhere in the island, there continues to be police and military checkpoints in the north, and defacto high-security zones and other areas remained off limits to citizens;
Whereas the Government of Sri Lanka has not taken tangible steps toward demilitarization of civilian functions, particularly in the North and East, and continued military presence on private lands in the North is preventing the resettlement of internally displaced persons who desire a return to peaceful life;
Whereas the Department of State’s 2012 Human Rights Report on Sri Lanka also includes reports of serious human rights violations such as unlawful killings by security forces and government-allied paramilitary groups, often in predominantly Tamil areas; torture and abuse of detainees by police and security forces; and arbitrary arrest and detention by authorities;
Whereas the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) resolution supported by the United States and adopted by the UNHRC on March 21, 2013, expresses concern at the continuing reports of violations of human rights in Sri Lanka, including enforced disappearances, extrajudicial killings, torture, and violations of the rights to freedom of expression, association, and peaceful assembly, as well as intimidation of and reprisals against human rights defenders, members of civil society and journalists, threats to judicial independence and the rule of law, and discrimination on the basis of religion or belief;
Whereas the Government of Sri Lanka expressed its commitment to addressing the needs of all ethnic groups and has recognized, in the past, the necessity of a political settlement and reconciliation for a peaceful and just society; and
Whereas tangible progress on domestic and international investigations into reports of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and other human rights violations during and after the conflict and promoting reconciliation would facilitate enhanced United States engagement and investment in Sri Lanka: Now, therefore, be it
That the Senate-
(1)commends the representatives of the United States on their leadership on United Nations Human Rights Council Resolution (UNHRC) 22/1, adopted by the UNHRC on March 21, 2013, which promotes reconciliation and accountability in Sri Lanka;
(2)calls on the United States and the international community to establish an independent international accountability mechanism to evaluate reports of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and other human rights violations committed by both sides during and after the war in Sri Lanka;
(3)urges the Government of Sri Lanka to allow unimpeded access for media, international aid agencies, and human rights groups into all regions of the country, as well as to detention sites that may hold political and war prisoners;
(4)urges the Government of Sri Lanka to end its media restrictions, including the obstacles to the flow of information in the North and East, and bring to justice those responsible for attacks on journalists and newspaper offices; and
(5)calls upon the President to develop a comprehensive policy towards Sri Lanka that reflects United States interests, including respect for human rights, democracy and the rule of law, economic interests, and security interests.
OutRider / February 10, 2014
Hey Senator
If you are an honourable person, you had better also present a resolution to “establish an independent international accountability mechanism to evaluate reports of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and other human rights violations committed” by the United States in Iraq and Afghanistan. It should investigate how the US rejected UN Security Council Resolutions and took unilateral military action to kill over a million human beings since 9/11. That inquiry should also include looking into Pentagon plans to provoke terrorist attacks and use them as a pretext to try and overthrow 7 governments after 9/11: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran.
Leelage nangi / February 10, 2014
This is – shooting the messenger.
Rajapakshe – though appointed CW chairman for these two year, would no means allow ICs to command him thinking that he knows how to handle all these post war issues. But the fact as it is – people are fed up of this administration alone the fact – not the least attention paid to rule of law. The best thing would ICs to take action against the SRILANKEN regime paving the way that the srilanken people could find a better leader to lead the nation. Particular leader should respect democratic values not the Rajapkshe authoritarian rules.
Now on, Rajapakshes are on spreading wrong views about the resolution that the UN is going to issue against his regime. That says – that the country is going to be intervened by imperialists. Latter are just eleciton jilmarts to manipulate poor masses that are the targeted voter base for Rajapkshe´s election victories. They have even susppended the inaugation of newly built highway between Galle and Matara to open it so that they could pluck their targeted harvest, which is more votes for the upcoming elections. They the Rajapaskehse are abusive by many facets, they have organized all these well to fit their mechanisms.
Kutti Machan / February 10, 2014
Leelage Nangi
Nangiye, he is not the messenger.
He is the Keruma running the world.
Thiru / February 10, 2014
Lokku Machang,
Imperialist Britain created the Sri Lankan problem, right? I agree with you.
Now it’s time for them to undo what they did: Annexation of Eelam in 1832 to the 2 Sinhalese states, calling the new state Ceylon; revert Eelam back to its original sovereignty!
Sri Lankan problem solved!
XXX / February 11, 2014
Going by the history Sri Lankans will again unify the whole island under one regime/kingdom. Invaders from tamil nadu invaded our island and established tamil kingdoms from time to time but every single time Sri Lankans managed to chase away the invaders and unify the island, just like in 2009. So no reason for foreigners to meddle in our affairs, our island is united again like how it was supposed to be.
John / February 10, 2014
US Senate idiots,
“Expressing support for the internal rebuilding…..to ensure a lasting peace,”
US/West NGO bastards supported LTTE war is over long ago, so we don’t need damn advice from US Senate idiots.
Palmsquirrell / February 10, 2014
America supported GOSL from the very beginning, before LTTE was formed. Now that you have made use of their support to defeat LTTE, you arrogantly think they should leave you alone.
NAK / February 10, 2014
CIA established LTTE. The US only supported to destroy the floating weapons storages which were a threat to the international shipping.
aratai / February 10, 2014
Maybe you should ask SL President to bring resolution against US in the council?
Leelage nangi / February 10, 2014
He is in the opinion that we the poor nation are able to do so. From what President has been doing, one would pose the question – whether he could ever be the leader for a nation whose social indicators (literacy rate >90%) are almost like that of a developed nation.
Leelagenangi / February 10, 2014
We are just an another small nation on the world that would not see the survival if loans and aids are no longer there. What are the incoming bringing local products of the country to this date ? There were days that Ceylon tea was the best among Europe to other rich nations, now it has been reduced to modest levels while the middle east labor forces have become the key of the avenues for the FE flow (Foreign Exchange).
Greece and other grand nations that are beaten by their own ill management of the economies have taken every steps to this day, through hard austerity measure programs while our leader is abusing helicopters to see over the SRIPADA (adam´s peak) giving the nation – that he is the all mighty… I have closely noticed that many politicians in Europe- that just walk down the street as the common man would do (I heard it yesterday from lanken TV that there exists masses in the country that starve – specially in rural areas). This is very familiar to Germany, France and other countries in Europe. They take the tram or S-Bahn to travel A to B as the common man would do. They take part in any challenges of discussions, because they are much aware – that they make whole hearted efforts to do the best out of their capacities being genuine to whatever they start off to reder for the public.
Palmsquirrell / February 10, 2014
For decades you ethnic Nationalists begged the US for help and received a lot of help, now you are whining that the US is being critical. You expect them to side with you without question; this is the arrogance of the Sinhala nationalists.
Where was this concern for alleged US war crimes when the US media and government were helping GOSL against LTTE and making statements and passing laws to cripple LTTE.
Don Stanely / February 10, 2014
With this comprehensive and succinct Resolution #348 in the US Senate, Sri Lankan dictator Mahinda Rajapaksa’s regime is on the mat.
NOW, Rajapaksa’s chaos, Lalith Weeratunge who promised CHAOS if anyone seek accountability from the regime, will do everything in his power with Gota the Goon the Wite van Goon and DEEP STATE Operator to unleash CHOAS which is a CODE WORD FOR INTER-RELIGIOUS VIOLENCE.
DISTRACT, DIVIDE AND RULE is the Rajapaksa regime’s Motta- let there be no mistake.
Sri Lanka will be turned into Assad’s Syria before Rajapakse brothers, sons and cronies give up power. DIVIDE, DISTRACT and RULE as a policy is already in place – by running the BALU SENA and RAVAYA Balya to attack Muslims, Christians and Tamil minorities. Sri Lanka is well on the way to be a ROGUE STATE led by Jarapassa and we need to find the quickest way to get rid of the regime and steer a course to genuine peace and reconcilliation.
Today India will not give Sri Lankans visas on arrival because Sri Lanka’s ROUGE REGIME is flirting with the Paki Military and ISI which exports terrorism all over the world..
In the context, Lankan civil society, academics and NGOs and opposition parties need to launch a massive (VOTER) EDUCATION campaign to prevent Lanka turning further into a Rougue State under Mahinda Rajapaksa– much like Zimbabwe under Mugabe is.
Today Sinhala politics is CORRUPT TO THE CORE and the UNP opposition is DEAD. And Ranil Wickramasinghe the shameless UNP dictators bares MOST responsibility for the rot in POLITICAL CULTURE along with the Moron Sajith.
Civil society and academics must hence fill the void. The RACIST national education system currently run by CORRUPT clowns like Bandualla Gunawardena and S. B . Dissanayake has failed in over 60 year of independence to educate the Sinhala public as to what democracy and the rule of law, need for separation of powers etc. is.
The majority Sinhala public think that feudalism, cronyism, Sinhala Buddhist majoritarian racism and Jarapassa-style family business MONEY POLITICS with the elections circus is democracy. Sinhalay villages need to be taught the meaning of real democracy and to vote for honest, educated, and accountable people into office. It is because of the lack of voter education that Sinhala politics is CORRUPT TO THE CORE – both within the UNP and SLFP and only corrupt and violent fools end up in the parliament.. THERE are NO short cuts to democracy and the only way is to EDUCATE the Sinhala masses on the meaning of the SPIRIT, SUBSTANCE and PRACTICE of Democracy.
Ajith / February 10, 2014
Why don’t you ask Mahinda Rajapakse to present a resolution to “establish an independent international accountability mechanism to evaluate reports of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and other human rights violations committed” by the United States in Iraq and Afghanistan.” in Sri Lankan Parliament? You will get two third majority in your parliament. Once this resolution is paased, you can send your armed forces to attack US and kill as much as American People.
Maghribi / February 15, 2014
The proverbial ‘set a thief to catch a thief’ The Island nation lacks leadership. As democracy is flawed and corrupt the majority who elect these goons must be happy with the status the country is in.
“Democracy will soon degenerate into an anarchy; such an anarchy that every man will do what is right in his own eyes and no man’s life or property or reputation or liberty will be secure, and every one of these will soon mould itself into a system of subordination of all the moral virtues and intellectual abilities, all the powers of wealth, beauty, wit, and science, to the wanton pleasures, the capricious will, and the execrable [abominable] cruelty of one or a very few.”
— John Adams (1797-1801) Second President of the United States and Patriot
Steve Grafton / February 10, 2014
Hmm, that list of sponsors seems familiar. Oh that’s right, it’s the same band of jokers who were writing letters to Hilary first try and save their pet terrorists, and then to cry and whinge about their annihilation. Good luck boys, maybe this time someone will take notice LOL
Robert.R / February 10, 2014
Hi Steve- you are the anthropologist I met while you were studying Tamil/Sinhala problems?
I have to send you an email, will send it tonight. Didn’t realize you were commenting on colombo telegraph, though I must admit your writings on this don’t sound like your articles.
Robert.R / February 10, 2014
Just want to comment that I have been in touch with the anthropologist who was in Sri Lanka to study the ethnic conflict who went by the same name as Steve Grafton.
He has told me that he does not comment on this forum. And suggested that some off the cuff comment makers having been exposed by his deep understanding and analysis of the problem from an outsiders perspective were probably behind it.
imitation is the sincerest form of flattery-CC Colton !
Have fun commenting , won’t affect his status in a top US institution though.
Steve Grafton / February 10, 2014
That’s a nice story “Robert”. I’m not quite sure who you’re trying to fool, but I suppose your diaspora terrorist buddies have proven themselves to be rather gullible time and time again LOL
Palmsquirrell / February 10, 2014
Another Sinhala nationalist masquerading as someone they are not; there are soo many of you lot trying to deceive, just like your leader Mara.
Steve Grafton / February 10, 2014
I don’t think “Robert.R” qualifies as a ‘Sinhala nationalist’. And there really aren’t that many of them, it’s mostly just him under many different names LOL
Palmsquirrell / February 14, 2014
That was aimed at you, not Robert R.
Palayang yako! / February 10, 2014
B..rs like “Steve Grafton” and “Sadith” make up stories when all else fails. Why don’t you name the U.S. Senators and where they are repeating themselves and Sadith should (try to) also prove whatever he is trying to say.
Steve Grafton / February 10, 2014
Why don’t you try this thing called ‘Google’, I hear it’s pretty cool LOL
bbs dayan / February 10, 2014
Its nice to be Anti-imperialist and anti-american each time the ball is close to the groin of this fascist regime. No amount of posturing will wipe away the blood stains of sinhala/buddhist imperialism which is following the footsteps of the European and Zionist fascists we have seen before. so dont pull a fast anti-imperialist line before you check your underpants!
Inoka Karu / February 10, 2014
Hi Steve (the original, not the pretender calling himself Robert R who is now desperately laying groundwork to attempt to hijack your identity – a typical lying Tamil racist.)
So nice to see you commenting here. I’m glad your research has led you to discover the deceptive nature of Tamil racists. Keep commenting, the offensive replies and attempts to drive you out are all the evidence you need to show that you’re having a real impact !
Robert.R / February 10, 2014
ha ha another copied name from ground views, isn’t there no end to your deception off the cuff ;-)
just comment in your own name
Robert.R / February 10, 2014
oh also, its ok we know you live abroad off the cuff, it was obvious from how out of touch you are of reality on the ground but its ok, carry on.
Steve Grafton / February 10, 2014
Thanks for your kind comment Inoka. I’m not planning on going anywhere. “Robert.R” the Tamil racist is getting flustered because he was exposed even before he could get his little comedy act going, do you think he’s shameless enough to still try and hijack my name after this debacle? I wouldn’t put it past him LOL
By the way, in his world, people talk like this about their own “deep understanding and analysis of the problem from an outsiders perspective” LOL. In his world.
Robert.R / February 10, 2014
nice nice, continue off the cuff, just be careful when switching between accounts.
I guess it must be morning where you are right now ??
ken robert / February 11, 2014
I have a feeling off the cuff is masquerading in different pseudonyms.
Sadith / February 10, 2014
Sri Lanka should give the US senate a tiny reminder, that Sri Lanka is not the 51st state of the USA. I think they got it wrong, somebody need to show the word map to this senate. Even US federal government cannot pass such high handed resolution against its own state government.
Piranha / February 10, 2014
No Sri Lanka is not the 51st state of USA but it is an overseas colony of China. Challenging America ain’t gonna get Rajapaksa off the hook. Best you work to overthrow the dictator for the good of the whole country.
Palmsquirrell / February 10, 2014
If SL was a US territory, overnight we would see the economy , human rights, press freedom and freedom of speech skyrocket.
Paul / February 10, 2014
and all the released Tigers rounded up and held in Guantanamo
Palmsquirrell / February 10, 2014
You know the US has released thousands of Islamists, and has withdrawn from Iraq and is about to withdraw from Afghanistan.
Silva / February 10, 2014
All Sri Lankans should pass a majority social resolution that Sri Lanka be appended to US and made it the 51st state of US because Sri Lankans are incapable of maintaining it. Yes, within one year of such change Sri Lanka would solve all her problems and be an awakened country fast marching towards development and civility.
Sirimal / February 10, 2014
The US is good enough for lanken Rulers when they cornered LTTErs by standing the lanken policians in defeating LTTERs in 2009; but very international communities incl. India to advise MR regime asking work for improvement of human rights issues -they the buggers get swollen.
Paradoxally, till today, almost none would pose why Shravendra Silva, Gotabaya (himself being a US citizen- as the us media pointed out clearly a week ago) (these men are the black boxes of the war scenes as they occured in the war front fields in 2009) is held in the US but not questioning him for anything crucial to the war crimes, thre, the US is elakiri (nice americans) for the rulers,while Rajapskshes feel easily embarraced if they command them to be more transparent and accountable with independently held war crime investigations… those who lost their family ones only the grievers of this conflict would see no peace reconcillations so long their would meet proper healing – that is only through internationally accepted war crime investigations.
Kumar R. / February 10, 2014
Hey Dayan,
Where exactly are you?
Remember asserting that “we have demonstrably met the ‘just means’ requirement”?
Is it possible that these internationals got reenergized by your recent wailing after Weliweraya “if this Government can do this to the Sinhalese, what must the Government have done to the Tamils at the end of the war, and continue to do to the Tamils even now?!”
Randy / February 10, 2014
Ignore the bastards. They are just beggars wth guns.
They can’t match China and Russia at the UN.
Devanampiyadasa / February 10, 2014
Is this the beginning of the end many were predicting is inevitable?
Clearly, a total disaster by our External Affairs Ministry, Embassies in the West and the army of “experts” that gathered, on several occasions in Geneva and elsewhere at such enormous cost. This is the case of building bunds after the flood waters had played havoc.
The Professional / February 10, 2014
New version of the same drama. Script has been known to all parties including GOSL. Development funds to GOSL from Uncle Sam are spent on reviews and revisions and also for shuttling to Geneva, India and US. To Uncle Sam and his friends Sri Lanka is the strategic cover for committing more crimes in other parts of the world. In Sri Lanka the drama is renamed as “International conspiracy” and go on stage when there are elections.
Enjoy. It is free.
gamini / February 10, 2014
The defense of the MR apologists is that no probe can be initiated on War Crimes against MR because, there are other instances that have not been probed, ignoring the fact that, MR has violated Human Rights and have committed War Crimes. MR’s stand that he can not be probed because others too have committed, will give the right to anyone to commit any crime because, Crimes have been committed before. If this Norm is to apply to all, then there will never be any Investigation and Despots will be free to commit any number of murders and yet continue as he is not the first to have committed Crimes.
Quixote / February 10, 2014
Which school of logic did you go to, Einstein?
No wonder Seevali Ratwatte sacked you!
gamini / February 11, 2014
You have simply trampled your tail mate and your kind never understood Logic because it was Magic to you. Who is Seevali Ratwatte? What relevance?
Donald J Gnanakone / February 11, 2014
Well said Gamini.
The work that began in 2007-2008 by Tamils For Justice is finally bearing fruit. There has been many Tamil organizations in the 50 States who have been working with their elected members to bring such a resolution years ago. However, US department of Justice has still not moved against the 4 US citizens although they have all the evidence that is required, collected over the past 6 years. (From 2008).
Better late than never.
It is time the supporters of the racist chauvinist regime of the Rajapakses wake up and realize that blindly defending the War Crimes and War criminals will be insufficient in the international community who cannot be fooled all the time.
Let us see what people like Dayan Jayatileke, Malinda S, and even Tamara Kunanayagam a close relative of the late foreign minister Kadirgamar have to say about this resolution in the US senate and the third resolution by US in the UNHRC in Geneva have to say. Most likely they will have “Katte Pittu”.
Showing bravado from Hambantota will not be effective. Nor explaining that massive development is taking place in the North which in reality is building new roads and railways for the repressive military to operate efficiently, sinhala relatives of 150,000 military to visit the North comfortably. In addition to the new military camps, GOSL is also rebuilding the KKS port and Pallaly airport for military purposes including thermal power stations.
Sri Lankans should be reminded that out of the $6 Billion dollars of inward remittances half of it comes from the Tamil diaspora which is vilified by the Rajapakses regularly. GOSL cunningly have only one category for inward remittances. Which is Middle East workers, and fool everybody including themselves.
What the Tamils most want is to be free of the military from the North and East, as well as free from Rape, Molestation, arbitrary arrest, torture, grabbing of land, beaches and other civilian assets. Independence of the judiciary should be guaranteed in deed and not in words. The rest is already mentions in the US senate resolution and the UNHRC resolution which will be presented in a few weeks.
Unfortunately, there will be no sanctions in this year’s resolution but individual countries can opt to take such actions next year, including Tamils in Tamil Nadu taking trade union action.
Donald Gnanakone
Tamils For Justice.
Don Stanely / February 10, 2014
With this comprehensive and succinct Resolution #348 in the US Senate, Sri Lankan dictator Mahinda Rajapaksa’s regime is on the mat. NOW, Rajapaksa’s chaos specialist, Lalith Weeratunge, who promised CHAOS if anyone seeks accountability from the regime, will do everything in his power with Gota the Goon and DEEP STATE Operator to unleash CHAOS which is a CODE WORD FOR INTER-RELIGIOUS VIOLENCE.
DISTRACT, DIVIDE AND RULE is the Rajapaksa regime’s Motto – let there be no mistake.
Sri Lanka will be turned into Assad’s Syria before Rajapakse brothers, sons and cronies give up power.
DIVIDE, DISTRACT and RULE as a Jarapassa regime policy for crowd control is already in place, instituted by Gota who has been patronizing and running the BALU SENA and RAVAYA Balya to attack Muslims, Christians and Tamil minorities.
Sri Lanka is well on the way to be a ROGUE STATE led by Jarapassa and intelligent people need to find the quickest way to get rid of the regime and steer a course to genuine peace and reconciliation.
Today India will not give Sri Lankans visas on arrival because Sri Lanka’s ROUGE REGIME is flirting with the Paki Military and ISI which exports terrorism all over the world.. In the context, Lankan civil society, academics and NGOs and opposition parties need to launch a massive (VOTER) EDUCATION campaign to prevent Lanka turning further into a Rougue State under Mahinda Rajapaksa– much like Zimbabwe under Mugabe is. Today Sinhala politics is CORRUPT TO THE CORE and the UNP opposition is DEAD. And Ranil Wickramasinghe the shameless UNP dictators bares MOST responsibility for the rot in POLITICAL CULTURE along with the Moron Sajith. Civil society and academics must hence fill the void. The RACIST national education system currently run by CORRUPT clowns like Bandualla Gunawardena and S. B . Dissanayake has failed in over 60 year of independence to educate the Sinhala public as to what democracy and the rule of law, need for separation of powers etc. is. The majority Sinhala public think that feudalism, cronyism, Sinhala Buddhist majoritarian racism and Jarapassa-style family business MONEY POLITICS with the elections circus is democracy. Sinhalay villages need to be taught the meaning of real democracy and to vote for honest, educated, and accountable people into office. It is because of the lack of voter education that Sinhala politics is CORRUPT TO THE CORE – both within the UNP and SLFP and only corrupt and violent fools end up in the parliament.. THERE are NO short cuts to democracy and the only way is to EDUCATE the Sinhala masses on the meaning of the SPIRIT, SUBSTANCE and PRACTICE of Democracy.
Leo / February 10, 2014
State of Sri Lanka is a member of the international community and is bound by international law. This government cannot ignore our commitment to international community. We cannot escape responsibility by pointing out shortcomings of other states. China and Russia might support us at the UN for some benefits they get from us. However we cannot survive without good relations with USA and Europe. The best thing is to have a transparent inquiry and satisfy the international community.
If we don’t have anything to hide why should we worry about holding an inquiry.
Antany Peter / February 10, 2014
I really don’t think any of you really understand what is about to unfold in the Indian Ocean. This is going to get ugly beyond your prediction. But the real losers are Sri Lankans. Remember, India felt threatened, and created the LTTE when J R went behind the US. Ultimately, Sri Lankans paid for it with the THIRTY years of war and losing more than 100,000 people. Now Mahinda Rajapaksa is going behind China and pushing India towards the West. India does not have a choice; it must go with the West. The West knows that Asia is getting bigger and powerful, and the West will do everything to break Asia. If the Chinese communist party really understands the West’s power and knowledge it would not go against India or Japan. Even if China, India and Japan joint together still they can’t defeat the West, because the West is so powerful. How in this earth the Chinese communist party is going to fight against the West, India and Japan?
The Chinese communist party’s action is similar to the Japan emperor’s action who decided to attack the pearl harbour without knowing the implications of his action. Eventually, the US dropped two atomic bombs and made them to surrender unconditionally. The Japan emperor made his people, Chinese, Koreans and other Asians to suffer. Likewise, the Chinese communist party will make others to suffer in Asia. The Chinese people who have been working hard to make the Chinese communist party rich will end up in nothing, because of the Chinese communist party’s foolish actions. The Chinese communist regime and the Rajapaksa fools are playing a foolish game in the Indian Ocean. They will betray their people and undermine Asia. The ultimate losers are Sri Lankans, and other Asians, but the winners are the Westerners.
Mahulchandran or mal c Spencer / February 11, 2014
Resolution On Sri Lanka Presented To US Senate
Do concur with you as gone are the days of the Sumerian, Babylonian Greek, Roman and 14 or 20 odd civilizations by different civilization criteria counts. Now it’s the heydays of the American Civilization which too will come to pass and us fleshy human robots of nature may have to be redesigned and/or go back to Antediluvian or Precambrian times as I suspect that our solar system is undergoing a mid-life crisis with its Human byproducts.
Fathima Fukushima / February 10, 2014
No political solutions!
No Tamil homelands!
Safa / February 10, 2014
Once this goes through the senate and congress it will be difficult to avoid the repercussions. There is now a firm resolve by US that something must be done.
It seems the govt has wasted taxpayers money by putting on PR show in US whilst neglecting the simple steps agreed at Geneva 2013. Now it is too late. Lots of talk but no substance or policies. Simply bashing the UN, US, UK and the West didnt help. Might as well send Modawanse, Champika and Vermin to head the delegation. Empty vessels that make the most noise.
Douglas / February 11, 2014
It is interesting to note the 5th call which states:-
“Calls upon the President to develop a comprehensive policy toward Sri Lanka that reflects Untied States interests, including respect for human rights, democracy and rule of law, economic interests and security interests”.
The Government of Sri Lanka must now divert the attention of Sri Lankans to this statement and ask what they would like to do with USA. The question must be clear and direct: “Do you want us to develop a comprehensive policy that reflects United States interests”?
Let us see what the “Answer” would be.
USA will never learn and care for the other nations. This is the fact that all other countries must take serious note and act in every instance in a decisive manner to confront and take by the horns this untamed bull.
Fathima Fukushima / February 11, 2014
I am so sorry for all the nasty things I have written in the past. My mother was a prostitute who had me after she slept with minister Azwer. Until to date I thought my dad was a Tamil who abandoned me. But now I realize it not so and it is indeed azwer who did the job on my mother. Now I am employed in a Tamil’s home cleaning toilets, but the Tamil man is quite nice as he lets me eat the left over dog food. So now onwards I will not write anything so bad about Tamil people.
Tamil from the North / February 11, 2014
Fatshitma is a pig.
Mahulchandran or mal c Spencer / February 11, 2014
Resolution On Sri Lanka Presented To US Senate
Do concur with you AP, as gone are the days of the Sumerian, Babylonian, Greek, Roman and other 14 or 20 odd civilizations by different criteria for a civilization. Now it’s indeed the heydays of the Numero Uno of the greatest in power, influence and extent of the American Civilization which too will come to pass and us fleshy human robots of nature may have to be redesigned and/or go back to Antediluvian or Precambrian times as I suspect that our solar system in not so significant a galaxy amidst the innumerable is undergoing a mid-life crisis with its Human and other myriads of byproducts.
Joseph Jude / February 11, 2014
This Tamil terrorism and subsequesnt issues happened as a direct fault of Indian center’s refusal to give a 60 million Tamils a seperate homeland in Tamil Nadu. Since PM Nehru’s military crush of Tamil Homeland in India to attitude towards Tamils by high cast Indians greatly discriminated Tmails. This is not an acceptable paradigm.
Tamils looking for seperate land in Sri Lanka, where 88% are Sinhalese and Muslims, only gave free access to Human Rights Mongers, but nothing for Tamils. Tamils today are spread all over the world but no land only humanitarian benefits.
Its about time international community get to gether with UN and UNHCR and preasure India to carve a Israel type land in Tamil Nadu. Sri Lanka cant fit 60 million Tamils, perhaps Scarborough Canada or Alaska USA can spare some land mass as a seperate state for Tamils. David Cameron is the man for this job. Reward is votes.
Jude / February 11, 2014
Tamils should be given a seperate homeland in India.
60 million Tamils are discriminated by High cast Indian center.
With this much effort through US UK Tamils do deserve a homeland.