19 January, 2025


Entire Parliament As Government – VIP Culture Or Social Justice?

By Elmore Perera

Elmore Perera

Elmore Perera

Can it lead to Social Justice?

The Editor of the Island was spot-on in his Editorial on 14th February 2015, “A situation where there is no formidable opposition to keep the government in check is fraught with danger of public resentment against the rulers finding expression in anarchical uprisings. A democratic Opposition is to a government what a solid brake system is to a juggernaut careening down hill. Power without control is disaster.”

The Rajapkasa juggernaut included “drug dealers, killers, racketeers and thieves of public wealth among lawmakers. Some of them were not qualified to work as even labourers in the state service though they were going places as “Legislators” at public expense. With such dregs as representatives, if we were to have the entire Parliament as government, not even the 330 million deities believed to be watching over this country would be able to save us. Those who have lined their pockets at the expense of the country must be brought to justice and their ill-gotten assets confiscated. The UNP has been able to conduct such probes because it was in the Opposition while the UPFA government was committing the said offences. What would have happened if the UNP, too, had been one of the UPFA’s partners in crime in Parliament? We would have been left with no one to probe corruption under the previous administration”.

Maithri Chandrika“What this country really needs is a decent political culture where politicians are held answerable for their actions; democratic institutions are strong; the principle of separation of powers is adhered to; the Rule of Law prevails and people’s rights are respected. This is something we will never be able to achieve unless we get rid of the majority of present day politicians who should have been thrown behind bars a long time ago.”

“So let the party leaders be urged to hand pick decent, intelligent, educated men and women as candidates for the next general election so that we will have a decent Parliament”.

The Editor further opined that “the UNP- led government remains maniacally focussed on probing the alleged corrupt deals under the Rajapaksa administration.”

However, events that have unfolded thus far, seem to indicate otherwise. With much fan-fare, 140 UPFA MPs, including many SLFP heavyweights and other UPFA MPs who would not be entitled to pensions until 22nd April, signed a no-confidence motion against a UNP Stalwart. The possibility of Parliament being dissolved (which could only be done by the SLFP President) was mentioned. Whether or not this was tantamount to blackmail is a moot point. However, amnesia seems to have overcome these UPFA signatories.

Over the past 13 years the Dinesh Gunawardena Committee has, without any success expended much time and public money on deliberations to replace the existing electoral system with a mixed system. The grapevine reveals that there seems to be little enthusiasm to change this system before the General Election that is to follow dissolution. An unchanged electoral system, including the ruinous ‘Manape’ system, will certainly redound to the benefit of the aforementioned drug dealers, killers, racketeers and thieves of public wealth.

The appointments made to key posts in the SLFP presided over by President Maithripala Sirisena, does little to inspire confidence in the sovereign people that they would be provided with an opportunity to rid the Parliament of the aforementioned drug dealers, killers, racketeers and thieves of public wealth, and replace them with decent, intelligent, educated men and women.

It is reported that former President Chandrika Kumaratunga had described in choice (though unprintable) language the aforementioned appointments made (on 14.02.2015) to key posts in the SLFP, before leaving the country on 15.02.2015. It is further reported that two floors of the Standard Chartered Bank building, in close proximity to President’s House, are being set apart for her Secretariat. It is clear that she presently weilds considerable “clout” with President Sirisena and Prime Minister Wickremesinghe. It is hoped that she would exercise same to prevent the re-election to Parliament of the aforementioned “ drug dealers, killers, racketeers and thieves of public wealth”.

A General Election held on the existing electoral system is more likely, than not, to result in a swift return to a state of anarchy.

The sighs of relief, jubilantly and spontaneously expressed on and after January 9th, will inevitably be replaced by abject, though muted, remorse over lost opportunities.

*Elmore Perera, Attorney-at-Law, Founder CIMOGG and Past President OPA

Latest comments

  • 7

    Someone must take the bull by the horns. So far Sirisena has not shown any such trait.

    The corruption and fraud committed by the previous incumbent was so pervasive many in the Sirisena government are also complicit.

    All indications are that the average Sri Lankan swayed by racist rhetoric is going to give the former rogues, drug dealers, murderers, racketeers and thieves control of the country once more. The cowboy culture of the Rajapaksa’s seems to draw even people like DJ to its folds.

    Ah what the hell, we are Sri Lankans – bloodletting is inherent and all habits inhumane are in our genes.

    • 10

      At least some of the key people, especially MaRa siblings should be pinned down before the elections. If MaRa returns to power by hook or by crook, then we all can be certain that there will be no more elections in the future and it will become the death knell to democracy in the country!

      Sengodan. M

      • 5

        There needs to be an end to the Cross Over culture in Parliament and the ruling by the Corrupt CJ Sarath Silva on this must be revoked, to stop politicians being bought and sold by the highest bidder.

        There needs to be a code of conduct for politicians who must be required to declare their assets.

      • 0


        So, when you think MaRa could possess the power by hook too, it is obvious the Lankan Abhorigenes too may gauge the other side of Sirisena’s Midnight to derail him to the oblivion.

  • 2

    Dear Elmo Perera,

    I am only baffled by your statement about this so called 330 million deities believed to be keeping a close watch over Sri Lanka will ever be able to save us, these ungrateful people, and the country.

    To let you know, no deities, nor any statues nor trees but divine power only will be able to save us from destruction and hell fire..

  • 4

    Why has Duminda Silva the drug king pin and murderer not been arrested yet?
    Gota appointed this drug baron the Monitoring MP of the Ministry of Defense to give him complete immunity for his criminal activities.

    Duminda and Gotabaya Rajapakse, Monitoring MP and Secretary of Ministry of Defense must be ARRESTED and tried in open court together for turning the Ministry of Defense into a den of vice, murder and corruption.

  • 1

    You are right, of course, we need a strong opposition, or a good one.

    Is Ranil a good opposition? Aren’t there others who can do a better job? Not sure what a good opposition looks like since we have not had one here for a long time except during the CBK-Ranil era, however that was during the war so there was a lot of lives at risk.

    There should be an ‘alternative’ not an opposition. The ‘alternative’ or ‘shadow’ government can then come into power if the people vote them in, but they bust be capable and ready.

  • 4

    What about the elite public servants who always keep resurfacing whatever the government ? The devoted ,with almost a womanly quality , Lalith Weeratunga, used to sing hossanas in the praise of the thug like mahinda Rajapakse.So manly, large and strong arms, big belly, endless love for the country etc. LW like a teenage lass used to swoon and giggle in the presence of MR.

    But in reality lalith W. was a paid public servant and as secretary of the Presidents Office , the chief accounting officer. Is he not responsible for all the abuse there, including the transport managers antics ( this chap was a second cousin of the President but was a lorry driver and later ran a small garage in Hambantota)
    How can this public servant now just walk away having served one of the most corrupt persons and family in post independence Sri Lanka ?

    The Yahapalanaya government recently reappoited lalith’s wife Indrani Weeratunga inthe Insurance board. Come on, she may be medicore publicservant, but what does she know about insurance ? Dont our universities produce wothwhile people for our governments to keep appointing hags and has beens in their 70s to these posts ?

    • 0

      You do not know much about this Public servant LW untill you read about his
      participation in Helping Hambantota incident, which in fact has to be re-opened
      before another Rally of the new Nugegod Man. The CJ who admitted his mistake
      is sufficient to reopen the matter relating to 83 Million rupees pocketed.
      Pl. read:-

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