Create Counterpart Mechanism To Strengthen Prospect Of Reconciliation
The international community has resolved to inquire into the violations of the Rule of Law with regard to the last phase of Sri Lanka’s civil war and thereafter. The UN Human Rights Council has passed three resolutions over the opposition of the Sri Lankan government focusing on the issue of accountability for human rights, which is an obligation that is binding on all States. This has been decried by the Sri Lankan government as motivated by ill will and prejudice and as inimical to national sovereignty. Sri Lanka however is not the only country subject to investigation for their record of human rights. Other countries that are currently under scrutiny are Turkey, Myanmar, Nigeria, Bahrain and South Sudan.
The third and most recent resolution that was passed in March 2014 called on the UN Human Rights Commissioner to establish an international investigatory mechanism. She has now requested the Sri Lankan government for its cooperation in taking this investigation forward. It is unlikely that Sri Lanka can successfully invoke ‘national sovereignty’ as a valid reason to reject the UN Resolution. All States who are members of the UN are required to follow the Rule of Law and uphold human rights. It is obligatory on the UN and its agencies to investigate allegations of violations of human rights and war crimes for otherwise the UN Charter will be a mere piece of paper to be left to individual States to follow or not.
The President has referred the matter to Parliament where a broad-based discussion on the issue can take place. The government’s concern is that an international investigation will be motivated by prejudice and ill will towards the country and its government. The only way to prevent a one-sided investigation is not to permit an ex parte inquiry where the Government deprives itself of the right to present its own defense and the right to cross-examine witnesses and scrutinize documents which are to be used as evidence. In any case the allegations in the last resort are against individuals who will be held accountable. The decision to defend themselves or not can be left to the individual judgment of those against whom there are allegations.
Many in Sri Lanka hold the position that it is better not to go into matters of the past and accountability in the interests of Reconciliation. The National Peace Council notes that the present stage is an investigation into the truth or falsehood of the allegations and not an exercise in accountability which would only come at a later stage. In dealing with any offences are disclosed during the investigation, we believe that the best course of action is not to impose punishments but to grant pardon or amnesty to those who confess. Such action will have to follow upon a Truth and Reconciliation Commission as was held in South Africa. We urge that a National Truth and Reconciliation Commission be established simultaneously along with the UN Investigation so that their findings reinforce the prospect of reconciliation.
justice / June 13, 2014
The UN probe Team could be requested to testify before a Parliamentary Select Committee,to establish their credentials and mode of procedure,in sri lanka.
Katmai / June 14, 2014
Ha ha haaa…… so the advice is to get ready to “grant pardon or amnesty” even before the perpetrators are identified.
Is it me or are these people unbelievably dumb? First of all, if anyone is to pardon anyone else that would have to be the victim. The perpetrator cannot pardon himself!
So the Government cannot just pardon itself! Not even the members of its armed forces.
That would mean the Tamil people both in Sri Lanka and abroad will have to agree to forget and forgive. The Government may dream of using the same tactics used during the war to force Tamils in the North to agree to a pardon but what leverage does it have on those outside of Sri Lanka. MR may think he’ll have some chance if he can get the TNA to play ball, but looking at the way TNA has treated thus far, Rajapaksa is not in a position to ask for any favors from them.
This is like the obnoxious rich guy needing a push start on his Jeep from the poor neighbors that he constantly try to run over. You reap what you sow eh?
This is not about Rajapaksas going to the electric chair or the armed forces men going to jail. Once the OHCHR has unearthed the indisputable evidence on the brutality of Sinhalese Buddhists people they will be branded as such forever. And no amount of Pirith chanting is going to make that go away. How many really understand the seriousness, I don’t know.
Justice / June 13, 2014
What is the out come of the previous commissions of inquiry?
Most recent being the ‘LLRC’
We all know the outcome of these so called indigenous mechanism.
It all gets the Sinhala nationalist off the hook/buy time.In the meantime the minorities get marginalized, Nothing beyond that.
Stop fooling the international community.
There is a saying in Tamil
Those who knock people on their heads repeatedly are fools and those who get knocked repeatedly are fools too.
This applies to all common men/women of SL irrespective of language or religion.
Stand up/wake up and fight for your rights .
Reconciliation can only be possible if there is true introspection and a good will to listen to others suffering and feel for others.
There is not even an iota of introspection.
Only after an International inquiry is set up you want to talk about TRC.Too little too late.
Only thing we heard for 5 YEARS is
jingoistic triumphalism and a road show of alternative model of counter terrorism the most despicable way.
1.Removing independent observers from the theater of war.
2.Understating the population in war zone and depriving them of food,medicine and logistics.
3.bombing/shelling hospitals and shelters.
3.Rape maim and murder people in captivity.
4.Killing innocent civilian men,women and children with indiscriminate shelling in designated no fire zones.
This model of counter terrorism must be exposed for what it is
Just like Nazis, the war crimes tribunal for former Yugoslavia, this has to be investigated, if individuals who committed these crimes and people who ordered them are found guilty they must be punished with the highest punishment, available under the statue.
There should be ZERO tolerance for those who COMMITTED CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY ,in a cold and calculative way.
Amarasiri / June 14, 2014
“What is the out come of the previous commissions of inquiry?”
In Lanka, the Land of Native Veddah, the Paras use commissions of inquiry as delaying tactics to cover up their crime and criminal activity.
Just look at the number of commissions of inquiry.
jansee / June 13, 2014
Too bad, Sandra Beidas who will lead the UNHRC investigation has emphatically insisted that:
“international law and UN principles state that amnesty cannot be granted for what are called gross violations of human rights: genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and other serious violations of human rights such as torture, disappearances, extra judicial killings”
The guilt of a president has even prompted him to consenting sitting on the electric chair. How Buddhist of him?
Dr. Rajasingham Narendran / June 13, 2014
Now that the UNHCR process has started rolling, there is no sense in establishing a parallel internal mechanism, whatever it may be called. Such an internal mechanism should have come into play at least four years back.
Further, what is required is to identify the truth, reconcile with it through unqualified acceptance and set in motion systems that will make amends and prevent a recurrence. We have to reconcile with our individual and national conscience first and foremost. This government has consistently refused to follow this path, despite its pretence that it is working on the basis of Buddhist principles.
Reconciliation at the national and nationality levels, requires that the divide between the communities are bridged justly and the concept of equal citizenship and devolution are brought into play. Every citizen should feel he is empowered and his/ her rights and rightful place in the country are assured. The government has abysmally failed in addressing this fundamental issue. It is instead creating/ seeding new fissures and divides on a daily basis, in pursuit of a premeditated and well planned divide and rule policy.
The issues affecting the personal lives of the war-affected- the permanently injured, widowed, orphaned, those who are searching for their missing relatives and children, the unemployed/ under employed, the homeless and landless ( including those whose lands have been stolen by the a State and the scum in Tamil society) have to be addressed humanely and justly. The government has been heartlessly remiss in addressing these issues. The war-affected Tamils cannot be expected to overcome their personal woes on demand or coercion.
Further, while the security concerns have to be addressed it cannot be done on the assumption that every Tamil was a Tiger and is yet a potential Tiger. This approach to security concerns is unjust, counterproductive and seriously flawed. The reactions of the government to the recent UNHCR resolution and the coincidental ‘ Gopi’ phenomenon, point to a government that has totally lost rational thinking capabilities and is turning rabid. This approach of the government is alienating the Tamils to an extent I did not envisage in my hopes for a post-war future. A government that is sheltering and provide luxurious refuge for the ex-bigwigs of the LTTE and Tamil Paramilitary groups cannot accept the government dealing with them as real or potential Tigers. The government cannot continue to work on the assumption that the Tamils are stupid, though overwhelmed by post-war realities.
The National Peace Council must start calling a spade a spade and not a teaspoon. It should also suggest remedies that are visible to even the most retarded, except this government and its circled caravan of paid/bought minions.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / June 13, 2014
A correction in the one but last paragraph:
‘A government that is sheltering and providing luxurious refuge for the ex-bigwigs of the LTTE and Tamil Paramilitary groups, cannot / should not deal with Tamils, both as individuals and a community , on the blanket presumption that they are former Tigers or potential Tigers. ‘
K.A Sumanasekera / June 14, 2014
Dear Narendran,
Is Douglas one of the scum bags among the Tamils who you are referring to?.
Didn’t your liberator tried to kill Doughie at least a dozen times ?.
Is that incident in” Pillai Police” investigation, sorry “True or False” list?.
And the last one on live TV where one could see tens of poor village women being blown up in to pieces.
Are they included in this Tamil scum bag category of yours?.
And how about the Tamil mayor in Jaffna ?. Is she a scum bag too?.
Obviously , we inhabitants can only conclude that the LTTE proxy TNA Leader and his ” Cabinet” which was hand picked and shoehorned in to Parliament by their LTTE Leader Prabakaran and their followers are the only non scum bags in the Srilnkan Tamil community.according to you account here.
May be Vellalas can’t be scum bags in their own community.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / June 14, 2014
Dear Sumanasekera,
Do the thirteen attempts made on his life, elevate him and his cadres to the status of Saints? Read the LLRC report and if possible accept my invitation and visit Jaffna to talk to a cross section of the people.
Let us await the report of the UNHRC inquiry to have deeper look into the can of worms, while holding our breath!
K.A Sumanasekera / June 14, 2014
Dear Narendran,
So it is a Bakers Dozen right.
It must be the mother of all Miracles to escape from Pottu Amman so many times, when all the other Tamils were taken out with one hit, including our Kadira who was protected by your new ally Chandrika..
If Doughie was a Catholic he would have had a better that even money chance for a Sainthood….
Thanks for your invitation . I paid a visit in 2011, And spoke to few people and visited a couple of households, which served me sweets, as it was the Sinhala Tamil New Year.
I even watched a fight between Tamil youth in front of the Donbosco building, And one was on the ground with his shins getting pummelled with a pole, until the Srilankan soldiers came and rescued him.
To be certain that he was not a Doughie’s intelligence Officer I asked the security guy close by, who told me that it was a daily occurrence between gangs after drinking.
That was of course before the Vellalas took charge.
You guys seem to have a lot of faith in Pillai Police to “fix” Rajapaksas.
Will it it be full blown sanctions with a Royal Navy Blockade even in Hambantota?.
Or will it be outright invasion to whisk away the Boss and his Brothers?.
Of course all our peace loving inhabitants are holding their breath…
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / June 14, 2014
Dear Sumanasekera,
I personally am not interested in revenge, punishment or sanctions. Sanctions are a long way off and will depend on how our government reacts. I only wants the facts to be established with supporting evidence, This cannot be a subject of speculation and reciprocal accusations any longer. It is a festering wound that has to be cleaned and treated and should have been attended at a much earlier stage.
Further, I think that Chandrika while not being the best choice, is yet the better choice considering her more liberal and intellectual inclinations. She is probably the only one who can make serious inroads into the MR vote bank. She has also learned lessons from her two presidential innings and may bat and bowl better. She is also qualitatively a much better person than the present incumbent and hopefully the best person to clean up the mess made by the present president.
K.A Sumanasekera / June 15, 2014
Dear Narendran.
Vellalas from CMB are now in total control of the North,for the first time since 1987.
Vellalas in Wellawatta are in the top rung of the current rapidly rising per capita.
Their mates the Colombo elite , the Anglicans , and the rich Catholics are doing better than anytime before although they can’t pull their dear beloved Party the UNP into power.
So it is not a surprise they are now running behind the old Sari Pota..
Will the great majority of the inhabitant population who are now living in peace and harmony vote her in again, after what she did to them for 15 years?.
You are right on one point.
She will bowling Full Tosses to the West and their Diaspora for sure…
Lalitha / June 16, 2014
K A Samarasekara
You are all over the place. When you get the response to one of your tirade you jump on to another one that has no relevance to the article. Even monkeys behave better than you in their jumps from one tree to another. They maintain consistency and prove their survival habit. For you it is a hobby to harp on people unable to contribute positively in a mature sense. Your in built racism is such that you see everything with a hate mind. There is no remedy for this.
Kajan / June 14, 2014
Dear K A Sumanasekara
The army/police excesses since 1977 seems to be forgotten. Massacres of innocent Tamils for the actions of the Tamil militants precedes the suicide bombings and murderous crusade of the LTTE.
Large number of Tamil civilians were herded into a library in Valvettithurai and massacred by the army. in 1983 Tamil prisoners were brutally murdered in the prisons. In the same year after the killing of 23 soldiers by the LTTE in Thinnaveli the army went on the house to house rampage and killed over 250 Tamils. Even Minister Late Athulathmudali admitted on the BBC of army reaction on the Tamil civilian population to the LTTE ambushes on the army.
Then the air raids on the Navali church. Untold rapes, destruction, many more incidences of massacres against the Tamils seems to have been forgotten.
LTTE became an evil force to target the Sinhala civilians in par with the state forces against the Tamils. The mother of civilian massacres in the state of Sri Lanka.
In fact, Jaffna Mayor is a scum bug as she is serving as mayor on the extended municipal term to dance to the paramilitary tune and to extend her role of government’s pompous. Her hollowness was quite visible when she opened her mouth after her visit to Delhi with Mahinda maama.
Please do not move the goal post to your advantage. Be reasonable in your judgement giving a fair perspective.
jansee / June 14, 2014
No one is stopping you or the regime to wake up the ghost of Prabhakaran for him to be investigated. Also get Pillaiyan, Karuna and KP. Lest you forget, your own LLRC report had been very hard on your friend Douglas and viola, no action yet from the regime, as yet against the shoddy activities of Douglas, no less by LLRC. Still an ostrich head. His (Douglas) head is on the wall with a warrant of arrest in India. With an absconding scoundrel as a friend, what can be said of you then?
eusense / June 14, 2014
You have started this reconciliation talk again! What reconciliation and with whom? The LTTE terror group used suicide bombings to terrorize and capture the NE. After 30 years the GOSL finally destroyed this brutal terror group. What truth you want? Where were you when they were suicide murdering Sri Lankans all over Sri Lanka? Did you talk about reconciliation then? Did you ever write in forums like here condemning LTTE activities?
Leelawathi / June 14, 2014
Eusensce please try to reconciliate yourself first before posing the very same question repatedly. CT readership would not allow you to tease them in this way. This is very unfair. U sound to be a sick person. Not knowing – what should be right what should be wrong. Is that fair to blame on entire tamil folks for govt not have the ability to provide them with a solution to the problems that we have been waging for the 4 decades. Are u honest to you ? Ask please your family circles, if you are at all known them, whether they would support your thoughts in general ? I mostly enjoy the comments on this platform, but yours I find is of rarity. You say you would not agre with MR regime execept for their war victory. In the same time, your arguments fall supportively the megalomaniac but not the opposite. Kendai ravulai ekata dagena kanawa.. is similar to your kind. I am very upset by reading your thoughts on this forum. It is like making US life long jokers.
eusense / June 14, 2014
Until I get an answer from you or anybody else I will be posing these questions. Without an answer to these questions there is no legitimacy to any thing you say, want or claim!
How can the gov. solve your “problems” without knowing what they are? Tell me all your specific problems I will take your side if they are legitimate. I will and want to support Tamils, but not terror supporters.
Please keep MR corruption and Tamil terror war and consequences separate. MR corruption is for all Sri Lankans to solve not only Tamils. This article is terror war related. If the article was about MR corruption I will address that separately.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / June 14, 2014
Ignorance cannot and should not be bliss! Please search in Google under the following leads:
rajasingham Narendran in Tamilweek.com
rajasingham narendran in federalidea.com
rajasingham narendran in transcurrent.com
rajasingham narendran in dbsjeyraj.com
After you do this, please come back with a revised and more enlightened comment.
eusense / June 14, 2014
Why don’t you give links to your writings? It is simple for an author to do so. I searched these sites with no success in finding anything under your name. Do you go by any other name?? Make things easy for readers; give the links not the sites.
Once I see and read your writings I will respond to you.
Anpu / June 15, 2014
Free lesson to you
(1) go to google website
(2)type this in the search box
rajasingham Narendran Tamilweek.com
click search
and this is what you should get
Repeat the same for other sites
eusense / June 15, 2014
so, you are a “computer” separatist comfortably living in the UK. You must be the best person to know all the problems Tamils in Sri Lanka are undergoing!
By the way did, you fight for Parayabakaran? and was it your photo some Tamil women in Jaffna carried when Cameron visited there?
eusense / June 14, 2014
I just found an article you wrote for Federalidea. I see nothing close to condemning LTTE terror activity or Parayabakaran. Towards the end of the war (in 2008) you suggest “Tamil militancy and extremism have to be renounced FAST and a different path chartered to preserve Tamil heritage and place in Sri Lanka.” was it because you foresaw what was coming or a genuine effort to end the war? But I feel 30 years was too late to make such a statement. Reading deeper it reveals your stronger attachment to communal thinking over national outlook. The only positive idea I read is “Tamils should also join the national mainstream by seeking membership of political parties such as the SLFP, UNP, JVP and others according to their personal predilections”, which I don’t see you stressing now.
You current writings directly and bravely attacks and find fault with the government. What would be the response of the LTTE in such a situation? I feel you should be glad that such an opportunity exists for all Sri Lankans. With all said and done including your accusations and complaints about the SL gov. and the Sinhalese, not only you, but many Tamils like Luxman K, Wigneswaren and many others including many of my Tamil batch mates did very well as Sri Lankans. How much effect do you think that your so called “problems” of Tamils played on these people’s life? Why do you think some Tamils didn’t make it that far? Would you blame the GOSL and the Sinhalese for that?
Anpu / June 15, 2014
You are a nonsense.
You need to learn Buddhism, Ceylon true history …. http://tamilnation.co/books/Eelam/satchi.htm
I was born in a UNP seat in the north and was next to my grandfather when he garlanded Sir John Kotelawala long long time ago.
Please don’t write crap.
mike / June 15, 2014
Anpu, besides uttering nonsense, Eusense has become a nuisance. In essence he should learn to write in a professional manner instead of writing crap. I concur.
eusense / June 15, 2014
You are another schil. I feel good when people like you say “nuisense”, “nonsense” etc. because I know the truth hurts!
You agree with the other schil, Anpu. So, show me the crap in my post.
eusense / June 15, 2014
Why don’t you indicate to me the “crap” I wrote and explain why it is “crap”. If you can’t explain, stop writing real crap!
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / June 15, 2014
One swallow does not make a sample or a spring! Please read more to understand my stance from 2005, when I started writing extensively.
Thanks for the guidelines provided to Eusense
eusense / June 15, 2014
Why are you evading my questions? I need to hear answers!
None of your articles had any condemnation of terror activity of the LTTE. If you say you did, you should be able to state a sentence you wrote, so that readers can decide by them selves. What I see in you is, trying to have it both ways. Your separatist followers like anpu will support you, but your writings will not allow innocent Tamils achieve their goals. My advice to you; stop trying to help Tamils, cause you are not of that caliber.
Kajan / June 14, 2014
This eusanse is nonsense.
Dr Narendran’s knowledge and understanding is well known. Did you read what he wrote on the death of his mother and brother in the hands of the IPKF in 1987. Even Indian Express published it.
The truth we all want is, who is the mother of terrorism and who is the war criminal in the effort to terminate the LTTE?
What we want from there is the empowerment of the Tamils for their peaceful existence. Empowerment is devolvement of power for them to live peacefully without the heavy dictates of the Sinhala state.
This is anathema for you. em?
eusense / June 15, 2014
Narendran’s knowledge and understanding is good for terror supporting and separatists minority. If he has all that knowledge etc. why is he evading my questions?
The truth you want is all there written in stone. LTTE raised arms and terrorized the country. And the GOSL crushed them to sand. Isn’t that the truth? What did you expect? the GOSL to hand over the country to them??
What empowerment you are talking about? Only the terror group wanted power not the Tamil civilians who had nothing to do with terrorism. People who supported the terror group like you and Narendran who saw failure of terror method now wants empowerment? What lacks for your peaceful existence now? What are the heavy dictates of the Sinhala state? Let me know everything so I can support you.
By the way, before that can you answer the questions I posed to Narendran?
Kajan / June 16, 2014
You are another nutter abusing this democratic forum with your idiotic comments. There is no need for anyone to educate you when clearly behaving like deliberate trouble maker.
If you haver come from a different plant you have lot of learning to do before making mad comments and demands in this forum.
You are definitely gloating in hype of hatred and your writing expose you clearly. You are not an innocent man to be educated here.
eusense / June 16, 2014
Read your reply to me. What is there? Nothing!
I am coming from another planet, no need to educate me, I am a trouble maker, I am gloating with hype and hatred, I am not an innocent man etc. What does this type of reply (without countering any of my statements) say about you? I shouldn’t be even replying people like you! Didn’t your idol Narendran educate you on these? Narendran is in hiding I guess. Two days have gone by no reply yet. Probably he is looking for the claimed anti-parayabakaran articals he wrote during the terror war!
jansee / June 14, 2014
For a coward who can’t even stop the massacre of more 70,000 people of you own race, the statistics are not comparable by any stretch of imagination. Who killed those 70,000 plus Sinhalese? Your own race. Shame on people like you. Clean your own house before peeping into others.
eusense / June 15, 2014
Are you OK?
JimSofty / June 14, 2014
A christian or a Hindu Preaching about buddhist Principles.
Those days, when Pabakaran was blowing every thing that was Sinhala, You guys were celebrating the Sun God.
Now, you are talking about reconciliation blah blah blah…. BS.
jansee / June 14, 2014
Ah, I remember very well, more than 70,000 Sinhalese were pathetically butchered by a Sinhala regime during the 1970s, and did so with the Buddhist enshrined honour of carrying a gun in on hand and the buddhist scriptures in the other. How moral and novel they were? For their heroic actions, I will recommend the Nobel Prize for Peace, a la Buddhist style.
Park / June 13, 2014
How can you have a Truth and Reconciliation Commission if you do not go into the past and investigate what happened? Who is protecting whom in this proposal of National Peace Council?
Amarasiri / June 13, 2014
National Peace Council –
“The international community has resolved to inquire into the violations of the Rule of Law with regard to the last phase of Sri Lanka’s civil war and thereafter. The UN Human Rights Council has passed three resolutions over the opposition of the Sri Lankan government focusing on the issue of accountability for human rights, which is an obligation that is binding on all States. This has been decried by the Sri Lankan government as motivated by ill will and prejudice and as inimical to national sovereignty. Sri Lanka however is not the only country subject to investigation for their record of human rights. Other countries that are currently under scrutiny are Turkey, Myanmar, Nigeria, Bahrain and South Sudan.”
Sri Lanka and Mayanmar- “Buddhist”
Nigeria and Bahrain = Wahhabi “Islamist”
Turkey Secular “Islamic”
South Sudan Animist , Christian and “Wahhabi..”
What do they have in Common?
Dictators or dictatorial powers Plus opium of the Masses- religion..
Expose them, in Sri Lanka.
Amarasiri / June 13, 2014
National Peace Council –
“The international community has resolved to inquire into the violations of the Rule of Law with regard to the last phase of Sri Lanka’s civil war and thereafter. The UN Human Rights Council has passed three resolutions over the opposition of the Sri Lankan government focusing on the issue of accountability for human rights, which is an obligation that is binding on all States. This has been decried by the Sri Lankan government as motivated by ill will and prejudice and as inimical to national sovereignty. Sri Lanka however is not the only country subject to investigation for their record of human rights. Other countries that are currently under scrutiny are Turkey, Myanmar, Nigeria, Bahrain and South Sudan.”
Sri Lanka and Mayanmar- “Buddhist”
Nigeria and Bahrain = Wahhabi “Islamist”
Turkey Secular “Islamic”
South Sudan Animist , Christian and “Wahhabi..”
What do they have in Common?
Dictators or dictatorial powers Plus opium of the Masses- religion..
Expose them, the culprits and criminals Sri Lanka.
Mallaiyuran / June 13, 2014
The exact advice king received during the LLRC time. King could have left the Expert panel to go ahead. Then can make a decision.
There are two ways of dealing on these type of circumstances. 1). Corporate , accept, follow the guide lines and recommendations come out, implement and resolve the situation. or 2). Take North Korea’s path. Challenge find an atomic bomb(if you can not make one lease one from China until UNHRC can be backtracked), make them to listen, finish it in your way.
All other ways are getting caught like African countries. A parallel LLRC has weakened the King. Another TRC? Instead of that what about if King himself accept everything?
Fazl Muhammed / June 14, 2014
A local TRC? You mean asking thief to investigate the case of theft, is it?
Thondamannar / June 14, 2014
To hell with the UN Panel & Investigation.
We are just seeing the latest developments in Iraq. Obama does not know whether they are coming or going.
Wait untill the US dependent on IC to take action and to send drones and war planes to begin calculating the civillian casualties….
Where ever US put its hands or meddled, they sh.t. Now its Iraq. next it’ll commene from Bengazhi, Libya, then Afganistan.
So be damned with the Mokey Moon UN inquiry.
USA is right now stammering with loss for words.
Mallaiyuran / June 14, 2014
Iraq, America will give to Iran, Afghan to Russia, Lanka to India and Libya, it can deal with it; not now, latter; like the way Reagan did long ago.
These idiots don’t know what they are doing. So they will taste it again and again, many more times. What how Japan and Germany did- those are people with heads from the very beginning. But the foolish countries who fall into this appears to be never know to get out, like the Mahavamsa Modayas of Lanka.
mike / June 14, 2014
It appears our King of all Kings is shitting bricks!
leon / June 14, 2014
Is this another buying time exercise?
Eventually the report will never see the light of day.
This is a futile excercise.
lex / June 14, 2014
NPC appears to be an arm of MARA
Jay Pathbey / June 14, 2014
For those who clamor for UN investigations, the roudy tamil diaspora where ever please read Lord Naseby’s speech in the UK House of Lords.
” One of Sri Lanka’s best friends in the UK, Lord Naseby, has once again punched holes in the British policy towards Colombo and questioned why London was working against democratically elected government here.
Lord Naseby delivering a speech at the British House of Lords on Wednesday (11) said: My Lords, first, I compliment her Majesty’s Treasury on what it has achieved for our economy- secondly, I compliment those associated with welfare reform, in particular, my noble friend Lord Freud, on what his department has achieved.
I wish I could say that I complimented her Majesty’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office, but I regret that I am not in a position to do so. I did not support our actions in Libya or our maneuverings in Egypt. I was totally against our policy in Libya, and wrote to the Prime Minister accordingly. All those actions have just destabilized that part of the world—and, worse, caused thousands of deaths and millions of refugees. The Syria war was from the start nothing to do with democracy; it was the fourth Sunni-Shia internal war. If we really want peace there, Her Majesty’s Government have to find a means of talking to and working with Mr Putin and Russia.
It will not surprise your Lordships that I want to say a few words about Sri Lanka. I have been involved with that country for more than 50 years, and I think I know its ins and outs pretty well. I am the elected leader of the all-party group. I do not support any particular ethnic group, political party or Government. I have no business interests there — but I do fervently support the ordinary people in Sri Lanka and I wish to ask a few questions of Her Majesty’s Government.
First, Sri Lanka – a former colony, a founder member of the Commonwealth and one of the few countries that supported the United Kingdom over the Falklands situation-finds today that we, the United Kingdom, are exceedingly unhelpful to it. Why is it that we are so anti the democratically elected Government? Why can we not work with them? Why at every turn must we just listen to the vociferous Diaspora, which is usually led by former Tamil Tigers? Why do we not understand that the Tigers were -terrorists who murdered every moderate Tamil leader they could find, along with two presidents and thousands of other Sri Lankans-all in the cause of a separate state called Eelam. It was rather similar to Pol Pot.
Can we not understand that after 28 years of fruitless negotiations, it was necessary for a view, democratically elected Government to act to destroy the Tigers? Yes, that meant a bloody war, as the Tigers refused to surrender. However, I know that that Government tried hard to minimise casualties. Why do we refuse to publish the dispatches from our own defence attache, who was an objective assessor? Why do we think that the Sri Lankan army, which we helped to train, is so different from our own Army? After all, there were allegations against our Army in Iraq, as there were against the Sri Lankan army. I think that in both cases they were highly suspect. Certainly in the case of Iraq, they proved to be bogus.
Do I think that there should be an inquiry into the final days of the war? Yes, I do, but it should be a military inquiry, because all the argument is basically about gunfire et cetera. A retired general should conduct it, perhaps from Australia. There is a wonderful Sri Lankan, Sir Desmond de Silva, who has done splendid work in Northern Ireland. There would need to be a gunnery officer, probably from the UK and obviously somebody from the UN.
It is calmed that the whole issue is about human rights, but I will take just one aspect. I saw the head of the ICRC in Boossa camp and asked him, “Have you, the International Committee of the Red Cross, ever come across terror as defined internationally?”. The answer I got was, “No, I have not and nor have my staff”. How is it, then, that this new group called Freedom from Torture can come up and say that it is rife?
I make a plea than we should work diplomatically with Sri Lanka. That may mean a slightly less subservient approach to the Tamil Diaspora and the media around the world. It will mean that the reconciliation, which is already happening, will be speeded up. In what way? They have been very brave in bringing forward trilingualism, which is quite an achievement. Thousands of Tamils have gone back from all over the world to Sri Lanka and settled down quite peacefully. There is total freedom of movement in the country and while there is a lot of criticism of the press, there is actually more freedom of the press in Sri Lanka than in Singapore. Certainly, the LLRC inquiry is slow—but not half as slow as Chilcot has been.
I finish on this note. Over the weekend, I sat and listened to the words of President Obama. He said that we, “waged war so that we might know peace”.
Why is it any different in Sri Lanka, where so many thousands of young men and Women across all ethnic groups gave their lives to rid their country of terrorism?
Justice / June 14, 2014
Here is a UK Telegraph article about Lord Naseby misleading House of Lords.
Native Vedda / June 15, 2014
Jay Pathetic
Please note Sri Lankan military launched its own investigation into its share of war crimes and crime against humanity in early 2012 and found itself innocent on all count.
We have no access to its mandate, methodology, how it was intended protect victims from itself,………………..
Could you let us know how many of army men were found guilty of crimes during and after the war and how many of them have been charged and serving sentences?
Could you also let us know the details of people who were charged for war crimes which were liberally committed between 1987 and 1991?
Here is something you would have conveniently over looked:
Sri Lanka army agrees to probe war crimes
Human rights groups have said up to 40,000 civilians were killed
By AFP Published Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Sri Lanka’s army said Wednesday it agreed for the first time to probe war crime charges against its troops and investigate allegations of prisoner executions made in a British TV documentary.
Army chief Jagath Jayasuriya appointed a court of inquiry to investigate charges that troops were responsible for killing civilians and prisoners in the final stages of their war against Tamil rebels in 2009, an army statement said.
The dramatic U-turn from the security establishment came two days after the US warned that the Indian Ocean island would face censure at next month’s UN Human Rights Council meeting in Geneva.
Lieutenant General Jayasuriya asked a five-member panel of officers to investigate allegations against the force, including that it executed prisoners as claimed in a documentary by Briton’s Channel Four television channel.
The probe is a major shift for Sri Lanka’s armed forces, which had insisted that it did not kill a single civilian while crushing the separatist Tamil Tiger rebels in a no-holds-barred offensive that ended in May 2009.
The army said the inquiry was ordered after the government’s own Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC), a panel which probed why a 2002 truce collapsed, said civilians had perished as a result of military action.
“If there is a prima facie case disclosed against any person from the evidence led before the Court of Inquiry, a General Court Martial will be convened to try the alleged offenders,” the army said.
It said an inquiry into observations of the LLRC and the “Channel 4 video footage irrespective of its authenticity or otherwise, is now in full progress.”
Human rights groups have said up to 40,000 civilians were killed in the final months of the government’s military campaign.
The UN estimates some 100,000 people perished during Sri Lanka’s 37-year ethnic conflict which ended with the wiping out of the entire military leadership of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam.
Mallaiyuran / June 14, 2014
Jay Pathbey,
You are very fast man! You have come up to Lord Naseby. We are still stuck with the speeches Prime Minister David Cameron made at Jaffna, and the opposition leader Miliband gave after that in the parliament.
As you are a lot ahead of us, can you reach Lord Naseby and ask him not to find the Liam Fox’s path? And more, England is not invading a democratic country, it is trying to make the country to follow promises made to UN. That is, if a major war had taken palace in a country, that has to be reviewed and investigated, even if the country is not at fault.