Has this event being approved by our in-house Religious Nutters’ Brigade? Specially those all-consumed by all affairs Islamic Affairs. Homosexuality warrants death-by-stoning in their holy book, noh? In fact, that brutality is widely implemented by a long list in the Islamic world. Like Iran, Afganistan, Saudi Arabia. How about those Sinhala-Buddhist culture fascists? Will Gandasara disrupt this event? Will Sirisena swing his coorosive, blunt sword again? In a cheap & futile effort to regain his dwindling ratings.
PS: I appaude Dr. Chamindra Weerawardena for his relentless struggle to educate Sri Lanka’s stupid, yet puritanical electorate.
Keynes!/May 4, 2018
Ben Hurling,
Are you implying that the ICES is only a stone’s throw away from the Dewatagaha mosque?
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Ben Hurling / May 3, 2018
Has this event being approved by our in-house Religious Nutters’ Brigade? Specially those all-consumed by all affairs Islamic Affairs. Homosexuality warrants death-by-stoning in their holy book, noh? In fact, that brutality is widely implemented by a long list in the Islamic world. Like Iran, Afganistan, Saudi Arabia. How about those Sinhala-Buddhist culture fascists? Will Gandasara disrupt this event? Will Sirisena swing his coorosive, blunt sword again? In a cheap & futile effort to regain his dwindling ratings.
PS: I appaude Dr. Chamindra Weerawardena for his relentless struggle to educate Sri Lanka’s stupid, yet puritanical electorate.
Keynes! / May 4, 2018
Ben Hurling,
Are you implying that the ICES is only a stone’s throw away from the Dewatagaha mosque?