In a startling turn of events, a former U.S. Embassy Colombo staffer took U.S. Ambassador to Sri Lanka, Alaina B. Teplitz to task today, after she published a tweet last morning on the importance of women’s empowerment in workplaces.
The ex-staffer – former Information Specialist of U.S. Embassy Colombo, Omar Rajarathnam called the Colombo U.S. Mission out on its hypocrisy, as the Ambassador preached about the importance of women’s empowerment, promoting a speech she delivered at an Am Cham event on women in the workplace.
Below is the tweet, where she notes that ’empowered women power economies’ alongside hashtags #equality and #gender.
To this, the ex-staffer hit back hard with a damning revelation that shed light on the harassment of local female staffers at the hands of white American diplomats in the U.S. Embassy.
He called upon the Ambassador to first put a stop to harassment of female local staffers at the hands of ‘white American diplomats’ before preaching to the outside world. He also asked that she apologize to the victimized women and these staffers who shed light on these injustices.
This is not the first time that harassment claims and lack of a response in addressing them, has been brought up within the State Department system. An Inspector General’s report from 2011 revealed that the U.S. Embassy in Germany was not proactive in dealing with harassment claims.
Mallaiyuran / June 27, 2019
Omar’s Tweet brings out three types of discriminations on America’s Sri Lankan embassy.
1). Americans harassing non Americans.
2). Whites harassing nonwhites.
3). Males Harassing non males (need not to be assumed as only on those labelled as females).
When American Embassy picks up Omar’s Tweet, it would respond. But that may not clarify anything to readers of CT.
Omar, instead starting a statement war with the Embassy, should work with the victims and file complaints, somewhere. Otherwise readers have to assume Omar is on the usual Tamil Muslims’ anti American hate talk. This is what Hezbollah, Rishard, & Hakeem all did at Geneva in American sponsored UNHRC resolution too.
The complaint can be brought at two places; 1). Lankawe Labor department and 2). American State Department.
Instead of just blaming, Tamil Muslims should make cases on all discriminations they are facing. Isn’t Lankawe women has a case against Tamil Muslims Gynecologist Safi too? We would like to know all the cases’ verdict.
Sarrij / June 27, 2019
What do you expect from the Americans? Nothing but BS.No doubt they are rich and powerful and also arrogant!
donald mercer / June 27, 2019
So why do so many Sri Lankans, including the highest in the land, emigrate there or want to emigrate there? Why arent they happy to remain in ‘the place like no other’?
Spring Koha / June 27, 2019
. . . . . they are rich and powerful and also arrogant!
Ha! bloody ha! Like some of the crotch-scratching Sri Lanka politicians we see every day.
Amila W / June 27, 2019
Within America, there is discrimination among people on various grounds, there are racists, black-white fights, white law enforcement treating the black differently is something we hear very often.
Even with all these, an average American always loves, respects , and is proud of being an American every second he or she lives on this earth. Even a guy who migrated few years back has this feeling. QUESTION: Why the situation is different in Sri Lanka and among Sri Lankans?
Amarasiri / June 27, 2019
Is there any surprise here? This is standard operating practice of white males, not only towards nonwhite females, even towards while females in some cases..
Evolution of the Gods have played a trick on women,
Tim / June 27, 2019
No victimized employee currently in employment will ever come forward to complaint due to fear of losing their job. These days the job means a lot to many. So please don’t expect one complaint or testify against these giant beasts.
But come may what, one thing is sure, the “whistle blower” will never get a Visa to the US hereafter and the EU countries will also frown at his visa application.
These big bullies may get away from man made laws. But they will never be able to escape he penalty of divine law…!
IN GOD WE TRUST, just as how it reads in US currency notes!
JD / June 27, 2019
Ask TRUMP about squeezing groins, empowering women. So many similar stories, it is not just here and there.
Leonard / June 29, 2019
JD Johnny Viagra Amarathunga the minister for religious afire would be more suited dont you think for in-depth advice. After all he is a proud product of made in Sri Lanka with a 2000 year ancestral history and superior Sinhalese culture unlike 200 year old US immigrant culture.
K A Sumanasekera / June 27, 2019
Omar.. You are brave Son…
And you seem not interested in that Green Card ,which our Yahapalanistas and their Rulers adore and do anything to get one…
Emil van der Poorten / June 28, 2019
Would you care to tell those on whom you visit your stupidities where YOU are domiciled?
Spring Koha / June 27, 2019
Of course it’s not OK, assuming the allegations are right, that discrimination takes place. But there had been rumours about this for ages, so what caused these people (including Omar R) to join the embassy staff? Was it the extra dosh?
chiv / June 27, 2019
I hear 10 more people have filled cases against Gotha in the US. ( two are Sinhalese). I guess thEY lost trust in Lanlkan “LOW and ODOUR.”
SDK / June 27, 2019
Shame on the USA. They think they are the world’s most powerful country (when they are not!) and nobody can stand against them. What an arrogant belief! Before pointing others’ mistakes, you should learn to correct yours, USA.
Leonard / June 27, 2019
Omar Rajarathnam “Information specialist “
It is obvious he is not very good at his specialized field if he had this information why did he wait to come out till he left his employment. Oh! now I get it he was looking after himself first. Oh gosh he sound like and acts like and now write like a hypocrite.
Easy-E / June 28, 2019
I bet those local girls give full consent to the those white boys’ advances. Despite our peoples’ aversion to the “west” and the “white man” they have such facination with the lighter skinned ones. Most of Sinhala society after 48 is an infatuation of becoming white while talking big about nativism and buddhism. Rich sinhalese folks just love to sport those big hunting dogs and cars and spraling properties like the British did when they were here. They thought they can be the whites without the whites post independence and turn the Tamils and Muslims into niggers.
maalumiris / June 28, 2019
” if he had this information why did he wait to come out till he left his employment.”
Really ?????????
Muhandiram / June 27, 2019
American Hypocrisy? Spot on. Americans have mastered Hypocrisy thanks to their Political, Financial, Military and Media Clout. They talk of Human Rights on one hand and do not Hesitate to Ruthlessly Bomb and Murder and Maim Millions in the name of DemoCRAZY as they did in Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria.
The US sponsored UNSC Sanctions on Iraq in 1990 Killed more than half a Million Iraqi Children and Madeline Albright, the then Secretary of State, when questioned about the deaths of so many Children, Cold-heartedly replied, “the price was worth it.”.
There is a Very Very LONG LIST of American Brutalities and Hypocrisy since WWII and Trump is doing an Excellent Job in the Brazen Display of American Hypocrisy.
Don’t be surprised if Gota gets his US citizenship cancelled just in time for Presidential Nomination short-circuiting the lengthy American process because of the two civil suits filed against him. If that happens, you can be Sure that a Deal has been cut by the Americans with Gota highly INIMICAL to Sri Lanka.
big womanizer / June 27, 2019
the world probably would have been a better place if not for the White so called Christian americans.they are the biggest hypocrits in this world. the list of atrocitiesof thiswhite dominated land is to Long to be mentioned here.coming to harassement of the s.l.an woman, according to my expierience,is not necessary.proper Approach get them to bed.long live women,specielly s.l.an woman
Leonard / June 27, 2019
By your handle big womanizer I gather you are not getting enough.
Is it frustrating for you ? have you think of contacting Johnny Viagra Amaray for some advice how to get it on.
Venn / June 27, 2019
Before everyone gets exited over this, stop and think. Could this just be a personal grudge by Omar R? We have no evidence for or against his claims. On the other hand a sensational headline does increase the readership.
Estate Labourer / June 27, 2019
If this charge of sexual harassment against women staffers (local or foreign) by US diplomats is to be sustained and/ or taken seriously, then it must be made directly by an affected woman. Not through a male proxy! That will be simply counted as hearsay.
rbh / June 27, 2019
The Whistle On American Hypocrisy!
Why whistle sound is now why not before regulated by etiquette.
Sometimes Whistle is blown to cover up their mistakes or to be famous. Such Whistle blowing is beyond the limit by your job description. Not securing internal affairs.
If an inquiry made and the embassy staff does is not in favour with whistle blower then
judge who is in trouble
Global Trump's Law / June 27, 2019
One look at persian, including arabian gulf all the way the Sea route to Indo pacific one will understand the sudden importance of fighing for control of Indian Ocean particullarly Sri Lanka today , The world kneels for The Islamic black Gold ( like it or not).
So noone is interested in blue sapphires as a one time all minorities media personal favourite , now anti Muslim ( who’s preparing for next poll) was claiming .
No matter who comes to power in 2020.
Trump’s will shall be done , Whoever comes to power will at the end have to compremise, its tolate , Trump is not Happy the way Sri Lanka Let China make Sri Lanka their secound home.
Bad diplomatic policies ,worst in Sri Lanka history.
Sri Lanka should have embrased west along with China .
Its tolate , but better late than never .
Sri Lanka must maintain nutrality at all times and work with high diplomacy with all .
Champa / June 27, 2019
Thank you Omar Rajaranam for exposing American hypocrisy.
US Ambassador’s response is only aimed at sexual harassment.
However, there are many types of harassment against women, such as; personal harassment, verbal harassment, discrimination for being a woman, psychological harassment, physical harassment, prevention of enjoying rights, blackmailing, etc.
Therefore, we demand the American WOMAN AMBASSADOR to call for an INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION regarding harassment against SRI LANKAN WOMEN by US DIPLOMATS.
The Foreign Ministry should write to the US Ambassador immediately regarding this serious allegation against US Diplomats and conduct a separate investigation.
I take this opportunity to repeat my request to all citizens, especially Sinhalese to RISE AS ONE against SOFA, ACSA, VFA including COMPACT which will allow American Forces to have free rein in Sri Lanka undermining our sovereignty and independence along with the power of the executive, legislature and judiciary.
There is a Seminar titled STOP USA going on right now. The speakers include Wimal, Udaya, Vasu, Ven. Abhayatissa Thero, Athaulla, and many others.
Every Sinhalese should listen to these speeches.
There is no politics in this.
This is an AWARENESS CAMPAIGN to educate people of the serious danger posed by American forces, if the above-mentioned agreements are signed.
Therefore, I call for all citizens to get-together AGAINST “US TAKEOVER SRI LANKA AGREEMENTS.”
There are other countries which have signed SOFA.
But, this is the first time a country is going to sign ALL agreements TOGETHER offering USA with powerful legal, political and economic rights.
Therefore, I believe that there is no need to stress the point that there is an AMERICAN INVASION in full swing.
Other countries were helpless when American shenanigans were in place.
But, Sri Lanka is different.
Together, we are a MIGHTY FORCE which can STOP USA.
Andare 2.0 / June 28, 2019
Ha Ha Ha Ha. White Christian Supremacism is is on full display. Even in so-called Sinhala Buddhist Sri Lanka. But the anti-Sinhala fake intellectuals will say this is fake and demand an apology to innocent white American diplomats.
K.Pillai / June 28, 2019
Can one or more of the victims be persuaded to come forward?
The whistle was there all the time. Is there hypocrisy in the timing of the whistle blow?
maalumiris / June 28, 2019
K Pillai
Would YOU complain against your powerful employer while in his employ ???
I think not
NAK / June 29, 2019
What else would one expect except ‘vedi bana’ from the veddhas.
D. De Silva / July 1, 2019
Really Mr. Rajarathnam? What proof do you have? In reading your title you belonged to U.S. Information Agency and not the Embassy (two different locations), hence limited association with the Embassy staff, or were you just an arrogant, egoistical person in your workplace? You have demonstrated that you are nothing but a sour grape!