15 January, 2025


“Kill Them Wherever You Find Them” – A Misunderstood Quranic Verse

By Mass L. Usuf

Mass Usuf

Like a person suffering from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (a common disorder in which a person has uncontrollable, reoccurring thoughts), there are many who often derogatively question about the verse on ‘killing’ in the Quran. The relevant reference is in Chapter 9 Verse 5 which states:

“And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give zakah, let them [go] on their way. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.” 

Mr. Know-All

These days one cannot escape not hearing utterances of words from the Arabic vocabulary relevant to Islam. Some of the terms like ‘Sharia ‘, ‘Hijab’, ‘Hadith’, ‘Madarasa’, ‘Quran ‘, ‘Jihad‘ and so on. On many occasions, I have directly confronted a few of these people by simply asking them, “Do you know what ‘Sharia’ means?” “Have you any knowledge of what you are speaking about?” “Do you know the etymology of the word ‘Sharia’.” Sadly, the answer I have always heard is ‘No. I don’t know” or “Not that much.”

It is without proper knowledge that every Tom, Dick and Harry, pretending to be experts, come before the media to express opinions. Amongst them are politicians, monks and the misguided ordinary people. Since most of the Sri Lankan audiences think not with their brains but with their hearts, they automatically become captivated listeners of these pseudo experts. A simple case of the blind leading the blind. 

Then there is another category of pseudo-experts. These are Google experts. They write copiously in social media, newspapers, making comments etc. Most of them visit anti-Muslim or anti-Islamic sites in Google and obtain their information from unauthentic sources.There are thousands of such sites dedicated to spreading misinformation not only about Islam but on other religions too.

These half-baked pundits not only do a lot of damage to society by creating misperception in the minds of the unwary public but, also, expose themselves as a set of CLOWNS to the discerning.

Kill the polytheists

Mark Twain said, “it is easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled”. The widespread misperception about this Quranic verse is both illogical and irrational. Sadly, when a person is biased even the truth will look like falsehood. What is sometimes difficult to understand is that these stupid questions are being asked mostly by educated people who are considered intellects!  Are they not betraying their own intelligence quotient levels?  Mark Twain is spot on in his quote.

If one does not know, to learn from those who know is normal. What is not normal is when the person without knowledge acts as if he is conversant with the subject. Not only that such person even takes that extra effort to interpret the meaning of something of which he has no knowledge of.  

This column proffers an explanation to the above misperceived verse. The reader’s kind attention is drawn to think wisely and independently without prejudice.   

Firstly, Muslims have been living in Sri Lanka for more than a thousand years. This Verse was in existence since then. If they had started killing from that time onwards, today no polytheist would be living in Sri Lanka. In reality, is that the case? Be honest and question yourself, has any Muslim ever threatened to kill you just because you are not a Muslim? 

All of this started after 21/4. The consequence of sustained unethical, unprincipled and disgraceful media campaign to create fear psychosis among the people. Again, I remind the reader to think wisely.  

Common sense

Secondly, let us use our common sense. Take the separatist war waged between the Sri Lankan armed forces and the LTTE.  What do you think the leader of the LTTE would have told his combatants in the war zone? Would he have said to embrace and greet the soldiers of the Sri Lankan army or kill them wherever they find them?  On the other hand, what would the commander of the army platoon tell his soldiers? He would encourage them to kill the LTTE combatants wherever they find them, capture them, besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. The commander surely would not ask his soldiers to embrace and greet the LTTE combatants. 

The Mahavamsa

Thirdly, a journey into the pages of the Mahavamsa reveals interesting details. Chapter XXV of the Mahavamsa is titled, ‘The Victory of Dutthagamani’. Logically, for there to be a victor some other had to be vanquished. Let’s read what the Mahavamsa records, 

“ …. Phussadeva blew his conch shell, the army of the Damilas was scattered; nay, Elara turned to flee and they killed many Damilas. The water in the tank there was dyed red with the blood of the slain, therefore it was known by the name Kulantavapi.”

Here, the widespread killing of the Damilas is described by the water tank turning into red with blood. Further, look at what Dutthagamani said in the battlefield with regard to his opponent King Elara, as written in the Mahavamsa:

“King Dutthagamini proclaimed with beat of drum:`None but myself shall slay Elara.‘ When he himself, armed, had mounted the armed elephant Kandula he pursued Elara and came to the south gate (of Anuradhapura).”

Hindu Scriptures

Fourthly, the Bhagavad Gita with reference to Arjuna’s war states as follows:

“If you fight, you will either be killed on the battlefield and go to the Heaven, or you will gain victory and enjoy the kingdom on earth. Therefore, arise with determination, O son of Kunti, and be prepared to fight.” Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 2, Verse 37

“Dronacharya, Bheeshma, …., and other brave warriors have already been killed by me. So, kill them without being disturbed. Just fight and you will be victorious over your enemies in battle.” Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 11, Verse 34

Some references for purposes of comparative religious knowledge is given below in relation to the Bible.

“As for my enemies who did not want me for their king, bring them here and kill them in my presence.” Luke: 19:27

“Treat the Midianites as enemies and kill them”. Numbers: 25:17.

In all of the above instances, what each did was to kill the enemies and not embrace and kiss them?

The Quran

Fifthly, in the same manner, what the Quran also mentions is in a war situation kill the rivals who are at war with the Muslims. This is what Chapter 9 Verse 5, refers to about killing. This does not mean that the Quran is commanding the Muslims to kill his Sinhala or Hindu neighbour. What stupid thinking is this?  

The brief history of this verse is that Prophet Muhammad (May peace and blessings be on him) was persecuted for 13 years in Mecca. The Muslims unable to endure the persecution migrated to Medina. Even after that the Meccans attacked them in Medina on and off for a period of nine years. This commandment was then given after suffering and being patient for all these years and, it only relates to those tribes who continued hostilities. 

There is more explanation that can be given from the historical and contextual point of view, which I limit due to space constraint. In passing, let us look at the next verse to this wrongly understood ‘killing’ verse. 

Quran says, ‘Protect them’ 

 “And if any one of the polytheists seeks your protection (asylum), then grant him protection so that he may hear the words of Allah. Then deliver him to his place of safety. That is because they are a people who do not know.”  (9/6)

The very next verse speaks about protecting the polytheists. The obvious implication is that the disbelievers who are not at war with the Muslims have to be protected by the Muslims.  Note carefully, this verse commands not only to protect the disbelievers but, also, to grant them safe asylum. Some may ask, how many generals in the battlefield will grant protection to an enemy combatant who seeks protection and, also, ensure that the combatant is taken to a place which is safe and secure for him? However, a Muslim general is religiously duty bound not only to give protection but, also, to take such person to a safe environment. Herein one finds the Islamic teachings of fairness and justice even in the war front.

Army of 10,000

During the conquest of Mecca circa 630 AD, Prophet Muhammed (May peace and blessings be on him) entered Mecca with a force of 10,000 companions. This was necessitated because on several occasions the polytheists had violated the peace treaties signed with them. The several tribes who were parties to the peace treaties were demanding justice against these continuing violations.

In his translation titled, “The Life of Muhammad”, Professor Alfred Guillaume writes, 

“The Apostle had instructed his commanders when they entered Mecca only to fight those who resisted them.” (Page 550).

Ibn al-Athir a Muslim historian in the 12-13th century AD and renowned for his masterpiece entitled, “Al-Kamil Fi al-Tarikh” records that the Prophet on the day of conquest said the following to the enemies:

“Even he Who enters the house of Abu Sufyan will be safe, He who lays down arms will be safe, He who locks his door will be safe” (Page 329).

After entering Mecca, the Prophet had said that no blood should be shed. Further, in granting a general amnesty to all the Meccans who had surrendered, the Prophet after addressing them said, 

“O Men of Quraysh …..  Rise then and go your way.  For you are free.” (The Life of Muhammad by Dr. Haykal).

Compassion Not Retribution

What historians record here is that among these people to whom clemency was granted were those who had earlier inflicted injuries on the Prophet, those who conspired to kill him, those who chased him from his home in Mecca and those in various ways persecuted his early followers. The strong army was waiting in battle array for his command to wipe out Mecca.  Contrary to vengeance, hatred or retribution what was in Prophet’s mind was peace, harmony and forgiveness.  He extended such compassion even to the bitterest of his enemies.  He could have easily exterminated the disbelievers if that is what the Quran is saying. Therefore, it is important to understand the context and history of Quranic revelations before acting like experts on the subject.

Latest comments

  • 17

    “Dronacharya, Bheeshma, …., and other brave warriors have already been killed by me. So, kill them without being disturbed. Just fight and you will be victorious over your enemies in battle.” Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 11, Verse 34”

    Here Lord Krishna identifies with the unerring Law of Karma (action) which deals with cause and effect. Tha Kauravas and their accomplishes have engineered their own destruction. Their doom is inevitable. Their past actions have, in effect , slain them. Lord Krishna assures Arjuna that he need not fear the outcome of the battle. He should merely fight and gain a sure victory. Commentary by Swamy Parthasarathy

    • 5

      Baghavathgeeta is completely Buddhism, but later applied to Hinduism. Even Zen religion uses Buddhism to win the war. That is who are you killing when there is no person, based on that principal. On the other hand the other side is, why are you are killing all are my relatives. That is in Buddhism we say we all are one. USUF can not understand that.

    • 7

      Mass Usaf

      Thanks for explaining this much discussed controversial verse.

      Quran, Chapter 9, Verse 5, the “Sword Verse”, of the 7th Century Arabia is clearly misunderstood, by many including the Muslims and non-Muslims alike. What they have in common is low mean IQs and intellect , which they inherited by evolution was was given to them by God.

      The Muslims were at war. These were war or emergency “regulations”, or “revelations “. Normally, when the war is over, the war regulations are suspended, revised or cancelled.

      Amarasiri’s question is which subsequent verse in the Quran or any Hadith abrogated this verse? The Satan following Wahhabi/ Salafies and clones, usually cite this verse.

      What is your understanding and interpretation of the Hadith of Najd, where the Prophet Mohamed , presciently predicted that the Horn of Satan will rose from Najd, East of Mudina, present day Riyadh, Saudi Arabia?

  • 36

    Mr Usuf

    I am a very old man now, and long ago I reached a conclusion that organised religion was all about power, command, and control. I decided it was not for me. I chose the simple path; love and respect your fellow beings, do not rob or cheat anyone, and be honest in all you do. I have worked hard, grown rich, and old. I have travelled most of this beautiful world. Lucky, maybe? Heaven is a place on earth – many places in fact – and quite a few of them in beautiful Sri Lanka.

    Sadly religion is often used by devious and evil people to create mischief, and worst of all is when it combines with politicians and creates misery and mayhem.

    • 23

      I agree with old fella, Spring Koha.

    • 26

      Any religion or cult that says people to kill, convert, rape or indulge slavery, should not be followed. Not sure if heaven exists. But for sure this world is a hell where every human being whether he is poor or rich going through some kind of suffering.
      You do good to others, what you sow, you shall reap. That is what is Karma and good religion teaches. Not war, killing or revenge.

      It is common sense for people should move away from these evil preachers and make their own judgement and live happily and peacefully. Do more Do good deeds.

    • 3

      Spring Koha,
      You are not alone! I’m in the same group with you. Unfortunately, dogmatization & institutionalization is not unique to religions; it can be seen in science as well. Marxism is one good example. Same thing happened to the Darwin’s theory of evolution which was hijacked by selectionist hardliners during the middle part of the 20th century.

      • 20

        What we are talking here is nt ISLAM. for USUF it is ISlam. but it is actually, Arab Desert civilisation and culture. they used to bury female infants alive. Because they needed male infants for their constant wars with other tribes.
        On the other hand some muslims talk about and sing for SUPREME LOVE. Some other muslims believes and observe in their communities the reincarnations.
        for USUF it is Sunni-Wahhabism, MAd’Rati and Al-Taqiyya. Kill in the name of Islam and LIE in the name of ISLAM.

    • 5

      Mr Spring Koha,
      Interestingly, the origin of almost all the religions has one thing thing in common: They all have been revolts either against dogmatic institutionalization or against the existing theory or both. It appears that the biggest reforms proposed within Monotheistic Religions have been against the existing rigid religious institutions which showed extreme intolerance for reforms. May be pre- Aristotelian Greek & contemporary Indian philosophies/religions show somewhat exception to this rule for they show efforts of proposing theoretical reforms as well. Unfortunately, as in all revolutionary ideas of its day, new revolutionary religions also have succumbed to same fate of becoming a rigid dogmatism under rigid institutions. I think that we have now reached a critical moment of history where we should be asking a different question of whether humans truly need religion any longer. In other words, shouldn’t we be asking whether there is any need for religions in this knowledge base world!

      • 2


        . . . whether there is any need for religions in this knowledge base world!

        This is the question that will be answered in the coming century – by the next generation.

    • 2

      Spring Koha,

      Thanks. One question for the monks, Priests, Ulama, Mullahs, Rabbis etc.
      Is there any unequivocal data and proof that the dead have reached:

      Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, Limbo, Rebirth, Nirvana, Nibbana etc?

      Still waiting for the data and proof. Did the Neanderthal get there? What about the Promates?

  • 21

    According to the author those who do not understand the Arabic terms used in the expression of the various elements and practices of Islam have only themselves to blame. He seems to live in a world where everyone is expected to understand these practices as well as the Arabic terms used to describe them.

    This may of course happen if all of us are forced to study Islam and Arabic. The tone adopted by the author may seem to imply that this is exactly what should happen. I do not think that the majority of the species who are not followers of the system of belief and ritual known as Islam can be expected to take the trouble to study and understand its intricacies – unless they are forced to do so.

    What is required is for the Islamic leadership to declare publicly that all humans both male and female, regardless of the systems of belief and cultures to which they subscribe and languages they choose to use, belong to one single species which we call Homo sapiens and that all Homo sapiens both male and female are entitled to all those rights recognized by the doctrine of human rights.

    If such a public declaration is made, then there will be no room for fear or suspicion that the Islamic community harbors hidden intentions to force all humans to study its system of belief and ritual and adopt their cultural practices and learn the Arabic language in order to better do so and make the human species into a homogenous mono ethno ideological community.

    Those who aspire to the generation of an inclusive multi religious, multi linguistic, multi ethnic and multi cultural cosmopolitan civilization maintain that disagreement and differences cannot be allowed to justify ostracism, marginalization, oppression, violation and destruction.

    • 4

      That is not what he is saying.

      He is saying, read the English translation and read it in context.

      That means, read the verses that lead up to 9:5. Which means:

      Read 9:1, 9:2, 9:3 and 9:4, and also read 9:6, 9:7 and maybe 9:8.

      So that the context of the verse is understood.

      Not rocket science. Jeez!

      • 13

        “He is saying, read the English translation and read it in context.

        That means, read the verses that lead up to 9:5. Which means:

        Read 9:1, 9:2, 9:3 and 9:4, and also read 9:6, 9:7 and maybe 9:8.”

        to whom is he saying? to his fellow radicalized Muslims or nonbelievers?

        who did the English Translation?
        Did Allah proof read it and approve it?

        did you say Jeez? ?

        Allahu Akbar!!!!!!

    • 15

      Nirmalan – the tone adopted by the author not just in this blog but in all his previous blog is that of “Islamic Fundamentalist egoism”
      He miserably failed to condemn the Easter Sunday killing.
      But instead wading thru the maze of the Koran to justify the killing of the quote “non believers” unquote
      The fact he use the word “nonbelievers” is a proof that he is one of those who is radicalized
      He may well be sending coded messages to other radicalized young and affluent Muslims thru his blog here
      CT should take note

  • 18

    Mas Usuf if you want to refer to Buddhism you have to use the Tripitaka. The Mahavamsa is just a history book. In the Tripitaka you will not find a single sentence approving the killing of man or animals.

    • 3

      Venn, with due respect, it’s my opinion that Buddhisms total silence on how to conduct warfare itself is a huge weak point in that philosophy. Of course, nonviolence is an ideal strand to uphold, however in reality warfare and killing has been part of every society that has walked the earth. Hence any guide book to humans that fails to teach him how to keep his sanity even at times warfare cannot be considered a complete guide book in my opinion. Perhaps this is why that thorughout history the adherents of those thoughts which permitted a certain level of controlled aggression committed far fewer mass murders than the adherents of those thoughts that propagated complete nonviolence. Keep in mind, Polpot who killed millions was a Buddhist who wanted to establish a Buddhist kingdom! Similarly, people like Hitler of Germany, Mao of China or Stalin of Soviets or the conquerors of the Americas who virtually wiped out the native Indians by killing nearly 70 millions of them did not know when to apply a break when it came to applying violence to achieve their political objectives. In contrast, if you read the history, you will be surprised to know that Hinduism and Islam haven’t produced not even one mass murderer who can fall in the same league as the ones mentioned above in spite of their respective religions advocating violence in certain constrained circumstances.

      Also in this article, the author is right to quote from Mahavansa since it is not addressing the ordinary Buddhists in Butan or any other country but the Sinhala Budhists of Sri Lanka that derives their pride and identity through Mahavansa.

      • 6

        Lee your comments are interesting but they arise from not understanding the sole purpose of the Buddha’s teaching. It was not to create an ideal society or to end the caste system or to abolish slavery. Its only purpose was to awake from our dream-like state. How to conduct warfare is a matter for kings and rulers not and not for those who follow the Buddha’s path.
        You say that Hinduism and Islam have not produced mass murderers in the league of Stalin and Hitler. Well may be they were just not as efficient in their killing. Or may be the circumstances were different. Nevertheless there are certainly many mass murderers Yusuf Salah ad Din (Saladin) for example in his conquest of Syria and Mesapotamia and during the Crusades. He was responsible for the death of tens of thousands of people. And of course we cannot forget Emperor Asoka who as a Hindu king killed so many people that the ‘rivers ran red with the blood of the slain and the cries of the dying filled the air’.
        As for the Mahavamsa (and Culavamsa and Dipavamsa), it is a mixture of history, fable and legends. It may be of great pride to the Buddhists of Sri Lanka but it is not a Buddhist scripture. There is not a Sinhalese Buddhist alive who would choose the Tripitaka over the Mahavamsa.

        • 6

          Sorry I meant ………who would choose the Mahavamsa over the Tripitaka.

    • 4

      There are lots of Buddhist texts and incidents in Buddhist religious history that celebrate bloodshed. The religious history of Tibet, Burma and Thailand is also evidence.

    • 4


      If the Tripitaka does not approve the killing of humans and animals, and the Para/Sinhala”Buddhists” kill, do you agree that Para-Sinhala Para-“Buddhists” are not Buddhists, not following Buddha , but followers of Mara?

      Is the so-called Sinhala Buddhism, a Mara, Satanic Ideology? There are monks running amok, killing People, killing politicians, like SWRD, etc.

  • 18

    I am pleased to hear this interpretation that Quran is a history book. All this time most of the others believe that it teaches religion – Islam. Hope Mr Usuf can take this message to all Muslims and refrain from getting the feeling of hatred towards other faiths (and idols). .

    • 3

      Life of Mo- written by Zayd abu Tablet, screenplay added by Malik abu Marwan?

      • 1

        Any links where to find it?

  • 11

    Zahran could have probably believed that people of other communities or religions around him are enemies (According to Chapter 9 Verse 5 of Quran as mentioned by Usuf) so he triggered bombs to kill them. Mr. Usuf, do you say so?

    • 3


      It is an IQ and comprehension problem. The mean IQ of Muslims is 79, and most can’t comprehend what the Quran says and the context of those verses.

      The problem with religion is that many of their followers are imbeciles,

      Even, the Catholic Church punished astronomers, Giardano Bruno, Galileo etc.

      Para-Sinhala Buddhists do not understand Buddhism,. They understand racism.

  • 1

    Dear Nirmalan Dhas and Lionel,

    Just forget about these religious books. Take France, its fundamental values (principles) are equality, democracy and fraternity. what a marvellous things to hear. Now read their national anthem called ” La Marseillaise” at the second paragraph “,… let’s march, let’s march, let the impure blood shed in our field ,…”
    So war is part and parcel of human behaviours. And how to deal with such a situation is human need, that is what Holy Qur-an teaches and not simply “kill” fellow human being. If killing is a must duty to be a Muslim and to gain a place in Heaven then the writer and of course me would have easily killed our neighbours , follow travellers and all the people with whom we have dealings. Therefore you do not need to learn Arabic to learn Holy Qur-an and we Muslims do not need to hold a massive non-Muslim gathering and declare that we are innocent. It’s your duty to use common sense and stand against the nonsensical accusation against Dr. Shafy like things and stop female teachers , government servants, other female professionals and female lay people wearing head scarf, stupidly saying their head scarf is a national threat. If there are any distinction between you normal Sinhalese and Wimalweera Wangsa or Athuraliya Ratna like lunatics then behave normally.

    • 7

      Ahmad Nadvi: Just take Saudi Arabia as an example. Statues, bibles and even muslim women who do not cover the head are banned. there are photos, that, I think, cultural police may be kicking a woman who came to buy grocery without the help of any males.
      Dr. Shafi is a Nephrologist. How come he went to the Gynecology (I suppose that is the discipline).

    • 9

      AN you realise that in your example of marvellous France, they have banned the burqa?

  • 7

    Sinhala Buddhists could not keep on chanting ‘Karaneeya Meththa Suththa’ when barbaric Demala, Portuguese, Dutch and British invaders were massacring Sinhalayo. They had to fight back to save the country. In such situations, country and the community come first, and religion second. There should be a country to practice religion.

    • 6

      Yes but we live in 21st century now. Tamil Nadu, Portugal, Netherlands and UK (and all other modern states) have no interest in conquering Sri Lanka.

      Stop living in the past and brainwashing yourself to believe that Sinhalese are under existential threat from outside invaders.

    • 4

      Eagle Eye you are right. Sinhalese Buddhists are like that because they are Sinhala first and Buddhist second. If they were Buddhist first and Sinhala second then they would rather die themselves than take another’s life. You are right of course Lanka would have been destroyed by the invaders and there would have been no place to practice. But that is the price we pay for placing the Dhamma above our natural racial instincts. We cannot have it both ways.
      You can see the same effect with some Christian priests who are Sinhala first and Christian second. And some who are Tamil first (like those who supported VP) and Christian second. Most human beings are like this.
      You will be aware that anyone who joins the Sangha loses his caste and race? Well some of the problems we are having is because men have taken their notion of race along with them into the Sangha. In other words they have placed being Sinhala above being Buddhist. Also you would have noticed that Western bhikkhus do not do that.
      The heroes of old who fought the invaders left a Buddhist Lanka for us today. We have greatly benefited from that. But in doing so they sacrificed their own well being. They made their path to Nibbana more difficult for themselves.

      • 9

        The Sinhalese Catholic priests were supporting state sponsored Sinhalese racism against the Tamils , as they were Sinhalese (90% of the Sinhalese Catholics including these priests and the cardinal are all of recent Indian Tamil immigrant origin, as most them belong to the Karawa , Salagama or similar South Indian origin communities, very few Govigamma , just like very few Vellalar Tamil Catholic families, but they conveniently forget this fact). Tamil Catholic priests LTTE , because they were Tamils but also most importantly because the LTTE was supporting and fighting for just Tamil rights and against state sponsored discrimination and marginalisation of the island’s Tamils, who have an older history and same rights as the Sinhalese. They were on the correct side, they were fighting for justice and against oppression , whereas the Sinhalese Catholic clergy were supporting racist and state sponsored genocide and war crimes against the Tamils. This is not what the Bible taught nor what Jesus Christ preached. Vast difference, do not try to equate one with the other. Sinhalese Catholic and some Protestant clergy are still supporting Sinhalese Buddhist racism against the island’s Tamils and Tamil Muslims, just because they are Sinhalese just like the utterances of the Cardinal that this land is Sinhalese Buddhist and the Catholic priest living the good life in Britain posting and defending the Cardinals racist utterances. The Island has a Sinhalese Buddhist majority now thanks to the British, the Portuguese and the Dutch for importing hundreds of thousands of low caste Tamils from South India , who eventually converted themselves to Sinhalese Buddhists and Catholics but has never been a Sinhalese Buddhist land, as large parts of the island was always and still is Tamil and Hindu. 25% of the island speak Tamil as their first language. 7 districts have a predominant Tamil population and 9 out of the 24 districts are predominantly Tamil speaking and will always remain so. This excludes Colombo and many parts of coastal North West/Puttalam that has high percentage of Tamil speakers.

    • 1

      Eagle Eye,

      Barbaric Para-Demala, Para-Portugese, Para-Dutch, Para-English would not have killed the Para-Sinhalayo, had the Para- Sinhalayo, who were following Para-Sinhala “Buddhism”, agreed to be accept Para-Hinduism, Para-Catholisam, Para-Dutch Christianity, or the Para- Anglican Christianity.

      Then the Para-Monks would have gone out of business.

      Para-Sinhalayo, Don Juan Dharmapala, Donna Catherine, and many Para-Sinhalayo, taking names like Perera, Livera, Fernando, Almeida, Silva, Dias, Rodrigo, de Alwis etc. accepted the Para-Catholisam.

      SWRD’s ancestors were Hindus, Buddhists, Catholics, Dutch Christians, Anglican Christians, and finally Buddhists, Para-Sinhala Para- Buddhists. Ref. YASMIN Gooneratna, my family.

      Remember, all the historical and generic evidence shows that the Para-Sinhalayo are indeed Paras, in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho.

      PS. Why there are hardly any Para-Demala Buddhists, in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho?

  • 3

    According to Buddhism, every one is their almighty. The good thing here is USUF says even Mahavamsa is a holy document and need to be compared with the Quran.
    In every country muslims use democratic laws of the country to spread their religion and convert it. that is why Islam is a dangerous religion. but that doe snot hold for every sect of Islam. Sunnis and particularly the wahhabi, Salafi and similar extremist sects that are mushrooming every where should be identified and looked after. Sri lanka has Wahhabi churches. there are over 50 Wahhabi sects in Sri lanka because they get Arab money. Even though UTJ owner Abdul is against Arabic desert attire, some of the Wahhabi sects in Sri lanka can be very violent. My strong guess is next time, It will be Niquab, burqa, Abaya covering females bodies that will blow up inside buddhist temples, in front of Thoranas, and churches too. who knows it may be even shiite, ahamdia like mosques too

  • 4

    Specific words are not the real issue, it is how the community interprets them. If some community interprets some words as specific to a particular historical moment versus if they interpret them as a commandment for all time is the issue.

  • 7

    Good one..
    Do you agree with the Sharia interpretation in Saudi Arabia?
    Do you agree with the 9 years old girls getting married?
    Do you accept your children if they become a Buddhist or Christian?
    Do you agree that Prophet Muhammad promoted sex slaves?
    Do you mind if someone wants to marry 11 times in the current world?
    I’m sure they were desperate times and required desperate measures. But it doesn’t make sense you teaching Hadith now to children who has no clue about the history.
    Regarding Mahavamsa it had nothing to do with Buddhism.
    Regarding Luke it’s the judgement day, meaning what happens at the end of the world.
    Budhism and Christianity both doesn’t approve killing the neighbors under any circumstances. But history shows otherwise, because they did not follow the principles given to them.

  • 1

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  • 2

    Lot of talk of Muslims being permitted to kill non-Muslims.

    Has there been any case of Muslims killing any non-Muslim in the name of religion in the long history of Sri Lanka except the Easter Sunday incident which all Muslims have condemned.

    • 0


      Yes. The Wahhabi/Salafis and their clones, ISIS,label Sufi, Shia and Ahmedia Muslims, non-Muslims and kill them.

      Are the Wahhabi Salafies, Muslims who follow God? Or are they Satan Followers, per the prescient Hadith of Najd?

      Aren’t the Tauheed Jamats Wahhabi clones?

      Muslims have let the Satan following Wahhabies to take over the religion, just the same way Para-Sinhala Buddhists have taken over democracy in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho.

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    ““Kill Them Wherever You Find Them” – A Misunderstood Quranic Verse”

    Is this is another sugar coating by this author Mass Usuf, like what Dr. W.A Wijewardena did to salvage the Asgiriya Thera in his presentation published in the Colombo Telegraph saying “I believe that he has mostly been misunderstood by his critics as well as his followers”?

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    I am not sure whether USUF says, only one verse Quran had been misunderstood by the Muslims or the they should understand that they have misunderstood the whole Quran. I am not sure whether there are different editions of Qurans. At least in one version, there are 119 places of KILL INFIDELS. KILL NON BELIEVERS ETC., i THINK QURAN NEEDS SERIOUS EDITING.

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      If you ask the editors of books and journals they will say “We only employ our skills to correct few mistakes. When there are such large number of errors, we don’t waste time, we straight away dump them into the dust bin”.

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    Islam is a pagan religion created by satan against god.There are many ver ses in koran,which are against the huma n being.I give a few. koran 2.19,slay the unbelievers wherever you find them.koran 3,28, muslims must not take the infidels as friends.koran 3.85,any religion other than islam is not acceptable.koran 5.33 maim and crucify the infidels if criticize islam.koran 8.12 terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than koran.koran 8.60, muslims must muster all weapons to terrorize the infidels. koran 8.65,the unbelievers are stupid, urge the muslims to fight them.when,opportunity arises kill the infidels wherever you find them. koran 9.30 the jesus and christians are perverts, fight them.koran 9,123 make war on the infidels living in your neighbourhood.My dear readers after reading these verses,do you think that islam is a religion of peace.Saran and his murderous group carried out the bomb blast according to these evil teaching.

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    genius. mahawamsa is not a religious book. it is a historical chronicle of the Sinhalese people. Koran is a religious book. There are plenty of references about killing, despoiling and enslaving non Muslims. you don’t convince me about the koran’s non criminality. it is a hateful piece of rubbish.

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      Historical chronical ! It is a mixture of history , myths, lies and fairy tales that was trying to demonise the island’s Tamils and praise Buddhism and the Sinhalese.

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    Failed attempt to bring Buddhism into his argument by quoting from Mahawamsa, which is not a Buddhist text but a revelation of history.

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