14 February, 2025


Exclusive: CCTV Video Footage Of Daham Sirisena Led Mob Attack On Clique Night Club

Colombo Telegraph has obtained an episode of the CCTV Video footage of Daham Sirisena led mob attack on Clique Night Club.

According to information received by Colombo Telegraph, Daham Sirisena and a relative named Dias, a notorious character from Ganemulla, along with a group of Presidential Security Division Personnel were denied entry to the night club around 2 am yesterday. They had then left and returned with poles and had initially hit one security guard on the head with a flower pot. Thereafter the mob went berserk smashing the glass panes at the entrance to the building. Some of the other night club revelers waiting to enter the night club had also been assaulted by the group.

A close friend of Daham Sirisena’s when contacted by Colombo Telegraph said that the President’s son had denied any involvement regarding the incident.

According to a source close to Prime Minister Ranil Wicremesinghe, the Prime Minister’s office had received a classified report early hours of the last morning on the incident which indicated the involvement of a high profile person. “Otherwise we do not receive classified reports regarding regular night club brawls” the source said.





Latest comments

  • 51

    I think Elara punished his own son when he committed a crime.

    I get the impression that kind of standard is not going to be set here.

    I think the whole world is watching too. Sirisena may also forfeit the Nobel price if a good example is not set here.

    • 9


      Did you sell any of your stuffs to adolescent Daham and his mates? Any latest one such as ‘Flakka’?

      • 12

        He gets them directly in the diplomatic bag.


        • 6

          Native Vedda ,soma ,


          Socialism, like much else, had been reduced to a slogan.

          The worst is yet to come.

    • 13

      de silva

      no chance of a elara here,but there is a real chnce that he and his cronies will have their passports confiscated an set adrift near india on a boat.it is time we gave back indians some of their own medicine after suffering for centuries.

      • 5

        The New Vijaya and his Cronies?

        • 1

          as handsome as vijaya too don’t you think?when he lands in some pat of india native women will swoon and he might even get a leading lady.

          • 1

            That brings to my curiosity why haven’t we seen any images of Prince Vijaya of yester years.
            Can anyone supply the image of Prince Vijaya??
            Or is it just one of those Enid Blyton stories of yester years???
            Similar to ” The Sinhale Mysteries” ??

            • 0


              heard that he was even more handsome and fair than vijaya kumaratunge.that is why kuveni leaked like the parakrama samudraya when she saw him.

            • 1

              don’t you understand the articles you read on CT??
              it’s at Ajanta fresco’s – mural at cave 17- has sink_A_lam done some etching at graft nation??

            • 3

              You are right. the only one seated on an elephant crossed the sea by tourist board authority and culprit Portuguese name – Nalini De Lanerolle
              Have you noticed `Portuguese in japan` and immense slave trade.- by portugese name. finally,portugese at ellora india and practice shooting??

              from there all the amara katha (books)the ten kings for kids begin- catch them young for pirivana service.

              There is another Prof Nalini for 2500 history at Amsterdam VOC (french passport)- only reference is <5% of VOC invoices at Cochin and colombo.
              When she tried to find out why the blouse was not there and went around looking for sewing machine origin- got stumped- that ends the fiction and passa finished his term.

      • 3

        Historians from Lanka have changed the reality for the sake of tourism.

        Major event and in it historians bundle the sucker punch
        Here is how tourism and increase in wealth takes place during our time- true story can be seen today- like collapse of Berlin wall or Lanka tsunami (tsunami hora)
        Iceland paid back UK and had themselves removed from terrorist state using tourism to generate the money in 2 years.

        Since the collapse of Iceland’s financial sector, government economic priorities have included stabilizing the krona, implementing capital controls, reducing Iceland’s high budget deficit, containing inflation, addressing high household debt, restructuring the financial sector, and diversifying the economy. Iceland’s financial woes prompted an initial increase in public support to join the EU and the euro zone, with accession negotiations beginning in July 2010, but negotiations were suspended under the 2013 center-right government.

        Most macroeconomic indicators and employment have rebounded to pre-crisis levels, driven primarily by the unprecedented growth in tourism – averaging over 20% annually – following the well publicized volcanic eruption in 2010.(this is true as we can see today)

    • 7

      Sink_A_lam, De Silva,

      “”I think the whole world is watching too. Sirisena may also forfeit the Nobel price if a good example is not set here. “”

      Billata denda de??

      Very convenient set up for Nobel After all Obuma Hussein the murderer debater, did not know it was coming.

      All left wings : Síndrome Loony Fascist Pigs.(SLFP)

    • 1

      Other reports says it is a set up.

      Mahinda Rajapakse’s son Rohitha Rajapakse has done this, probably to set up Daham sirisena.

    • 2

      Looks a set up for Daham, hope he’ll come out to say the truth of his where abouts.
      Srilanka is full of crooks Who can play havoc with deception , this is it!!!
      Buddha taught the disciples to lie ,cheat ,and murder.
      How pathetic a religion can stoop so low in this wonderland , the miracle of South Asia!!

      Number one crooks will do anything to discredit the present government and the Dahampal Gang.

    • 2

      Only CBKs kids didn’t mess up like this even though she was a single parent. They were too busy studying …. Which is what is lacking with all these brats.

      • 3

        therefore she drinks wine by the bottle (thats how its drunk once its open and left to oxidation) and counts elephants to go to sleep.

        which hora oru did you come to colombo from the leech infested bogs?

  • 24

    These are DAHAMI kriya. Only Anura Bandaranaike and Sajith didn’t act like this during their parents were no one citizen of the country

    • 4

      Neither did Vimukthi or Namal or even JR’s son. This is the only nut.

    • 6

      anura bandaranayake was a womaniser..sajith premadasa was involved in “nidan haareema” if u dont know the history of them at least get to know about it now.

      • 8

        Hora Oru, Sink_A_lam,

        “”if u dont know the history of them at least get to know about it now. “2

        which generation did you and the 2 land at colombo??

    • 1

      Well Said !

    • 0

      [Edited out]

  • 26

    Really? How dare he? If this was done by any other citizen what is the punishment for him? Would you give the same punishment even if it is the president’s son?

    Dear President, please set an example and punish your son publicly. Not for the sadistic pleasure of some of us, but TO PREVENT ANYONE IN FROM BEHAVING IN THIS RUFFIAN MANNER EVER IN THE FUTURE.

    Well we are all waiting to see how genuine your words are!

    • 0

      On another note, strange coincidence that the shirts of the two men on the photos are of same pattern but different color.

      Someone explain to me please.

  • 28

    is this the bugger who went to the UN with his father to get training to become a statesman.
    What a bum sucker ????

    • 8

      Julampitiye Amaraya, if you call the a “bum sucker” what would you call the father who took him to the UN sitting ?

  • 21

    Anura, Sajiith, Vimukthi and Dudley are the sons of Head of States who never patronised a night clubs and involved in brawls like Chopped and Madawi Somes.

    • 0

      Liswom –

      Neelan Thiruchelvam, Rajavarothayam Sambanthan,(TNA Chief) Gary Ananthasangari(MP Canadian parliament), CB Governor Coomarswamy
      are sons of Tamil politicians and they never got involved in brawls,
      clubbing and in other nefarious activities and they instead, concent
      -rated on their studies to keep up the good name of their proud fathers. They too were rich and popular and the problem among the new brand of political brats is newly found riches, power & bad upbringing and weakness of the law enforcement office as they fear to take action due to fears that very own fathers retaliate against these officers by transferring them to remote places or demote them.

  • 7

    End of Clique. No one in their right mind will go there. RIP Clique.

  • 7

    I don’t see Daham in this footage. What evidence o we have against him?

    • 4

      CT,,,, please get your facts right.
      Daham Sira was infact in this place way before the incident happened at 2AM, he left at 7PM (7 hours before) the incident as rocket Rohitha of Medamulana was there with his friends.

      so.. better check your facts.

      • 6

        Sumanawathie..Get your facts right. Rocket boy is abroad – so either you have no idea of what you speak of, or you are simply trying to lick Daham Baby’s ***. Its because of dumb people like you that we Sri Lankans are stuck with Daham Baby and his types anyway.

  • 0

    Awwwwwwww….. CT where is the video? It does not play and no images…………just black

  • 9

    Independent credible investigation team should be appointed to inquire into this event. This is the only way President Sirisena can say he is an impartial leader.

  • 6

    Looking at the stills, the place appears to be some seedy joint. The President’s son haunting outside this place? What is wrong with him, looking for a pick up? No money …no honey?

    • 5

      Clique is quite the upscale pub patronized by decent people and not a seedy place! I’m sure this gang of rowdy folks was denied entry bcoz they were a all male byunch and the security sensed inconvenience to other patrons. So sad the way hooliganism start at the very top.

      • 4

        Decent people: Hahahaha……..!

        • 7

          He meant Modesty unlike the beast bo with no beauty.

          • 0

            Behold a “Decent” person haunting seedy joints ….. \LOL

            • 3


              P R E J U D I C E from leaking gas ? ගස Gembo!

              Clique means exclusive as most night clubs are- because of mafia art penetrating the very fabric.

  • 5

    Sinhala Buddhist sports in action….

  • 4

    May be BBS thug iand pervert n yellow robes,Gandassara,would have caused this damage thinking it was a Muslim place.

    • 1

      anura bandaranayake was a womaniser..sajith premadasa was involved in “nidan haareema” if u dont know the history of them at least get to know about it now.

  • 8

    In the 70s when the Police banned big match processions, the Son of a very senior Minister and the Son of a Supdt of Police were detained at the Cinnamon Gardens Police Station the whole day for disobeying the Law! The Hon Minister and the SP never interfered in the matter!! Those were the days my friends.

    • 4


      It’s all different now.if that would have been happened now the whole cinnamon garden police would have been sacked.

      In Maharaja’s time you know what happened to the royal college principal.

      Not only that one of the son hit the referee as well all because he done the right thing.

      But we Sri lankans get used it to these kind of things.and we keep voting them.

  • 6

    investigate and punish, give 10 years in jail. should teach the culprits a lesson.

  • 12

    if sirisena can’t bring up his own child properly how can he bring in discipline to srilanka.i’am sure lee kuan yew or mahathir would not have brought up their children in such manner.gone is any chance of us becoming a malaysia/singapore.

  • 0

    This is pure mud thrown at the President by the JO. Daham is not involved here.

  • 2

    Thanks to CT for posting the video. All of us in SL are waiting to see how daddy will react to his son’s behaviour when he returns home. How ever he reacts, that will show all of us in this country how strong his back bone is ! Lets wait and see.

  • 0

    Dana Daham baby
    Not only them, pleas come and beat the alphabet gang who screamed here for yahapalane government.
    Please do, they deserve it for bringing your dad to Presidency.
    Sama amare saneepada?

  • 1

    Anyone seeing the time stamp highlighted in the video dated 2010?

    • 1

      I cant understand the ignorant comments made by some regarding this valuable footage. They should compare the video and the pictures to figure it out. This CCTV footage is brilliant as it covers the story. Hats off to CT for obtaining this that could be even used as evidence in court. This is despite all efforts made by the PSD to retrieve CCTV footage from around. The security guard getting hit with the flower pot by the thug in the red shirt, to the pole wielding thug who throws the pole at the window panes is all captured. The injured security guard is seen in the end writhing in pain as he collapses near the pillar. I just cant understand some of the comments below demanding CT for clarification. this video footage is been captured by a phone camera when the CCTV footage was being screened on the wall. There is no relevance to the dates on the side of the picture, as those dates are of something else.

  • 2

    The kids of the Politicians should NOT be above the LAW.
    GoSL needs to act on this.

  • 0

    Aiyo Sirisena. Make sure that your son similar to Mervyn/s son is punished before you preach your Gramasevaka style speeches

  • 0

    I’m a strict believer of confirmed facts and not just gossip and babbling. Even Colombo telegraph does not take ownership of the authenticity of the accusations. “According to information received by Colombo Telegraph,”.

    My dear friends, the time stamps of the CCTV footage says 2010. Even some as old as 2008, while the latest being Aug 2016 which to my knowledge there was no such incident in record.

    If it is in-fact the brutish act by the said person, he should be brought to justice. If not….just don’t kill someone’s name just for the sake of propaganda. Shame on whoever believes this rubbish without hard facts.

    • 0

      I cant understand the ignorant comments made by some regarding this valuable footage. They should compare the video and the pictures to figure it out. This CCTV footage is brilliant as it covers the story. Hats off to CT for obtaining this that could be even used as evidence in court. This is despite all efforts made by the PSD to retrieve CCTV footage from around. The security guard getting hit with the flower pot by the thug in the red shirt, to the pole wielding thug who throws the pole at the window panes is all captured. The injured security guard is seen in the end writhing in pain as he collapses near the pillar. I just cant understand some of the comments below demanding CT for clarification. this video footage is been captured by a phone camera when the CCTV footage was being screened on the wall. There is no relevance to the dates on the side of the picture, as those dates are of something else.

  • 0

    How about JR’s son Ravi J

  • 0

    Dear all,

    “They had then left and returned with poles and had initially hit one security guard on the head with a flower pot.”

    Why use a flower pot if you have a pole? The pot in the picture looks too big and heavy to be used to hit somebody in the head.

  • 0

    It appears that the PSD is aimless these days that they go around 2.00 am attacking a Night CluB.
    PSD Director must be crazy to give such orders.

  • 0

    Hope like King Elara our very own president will punish his son if not this is going to set a bad precedent

  • 0

    Will see as a father and head of state do.when this wreckless kid behaved bad in Paassikuda how he covered up as a minister.

    Now he is a executive prz.whats the message going to give fathers to upbringing thuggish kids or future criminals.

    Why as public we have to pay for 5 or 6 defenders and security personnel.only protection for school temples hospitals only.if its private let him pay for it.

    Still lot of us thinking going to be good but looks like chances are less.mess every where.

  • 3

    Double Whammy, broke a pot and hit him in the stomach.

    Men who act and have the power to act seldom talk.
    Big talkers ..Small talkers
    Big fists…..Small fists..
    It’s follows the age of civilization.

  • 0

    What improvement in Good Governance!

    Political brats continue to attack night clubs. The President offers handsome incentives for the MPs to go to their constituencies and do the work for which they are paid. SLFP is heading for disaster.

    Most UNP MPs are out of touch with their constituencies. If the President & the Prime Minister do not ensure Yahaplanaya, both parties are doomed.

  • 2

    The President will call for a fair inquiry and will visit the victim at the hospital. Police will send the video to Moratuwa campus, then to US and finally to Canada on the instruction of the Prime Minister and will get a report saying ‘it is not clear’.

    Justice will be done after the next election.

    • 4


      “will get a report saying ‘it is not clear’”

      But the police will say it was a case of failed Hara Kiri attempt on the part of the security guard.

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