Exiled Tamil victims of war crimes and torture say they would testify by video to a special court in Sri Lanka only if international judges were involved and their identities protected,” the International Truth and Justice Project (ITJP) said in a new report titled ‘Forgotten: Sri Lanka’s exiled victims’.
This comes as Sri Lanka is under scrutiny at the Human Rights Council in Geneva next week for its progress in implementing a transitional justice programme it outlined nine months ago and agreed to in a consensus UN resolution.
“To our knowledge this is only the third time – after Sierra Leone and Liberia – that victims outside a country have been consulted during a transitional justice process,” said its report’s author, Yasmin Sooka, “it’s important that thousands of Tamils who’ve fled Sri Lanka have a voice, especially as some are the only known surviving witnesses to alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity”.
Victims interviewed in the study clearly identified their top priority as criminal accountability, including the prosecution of those who were in positions of superior and command responsibility. Sri Lanka currently has no legislation incorporating superior and command responsibility. Victims were also clear that all of the transitional justice mechanisms, particularly the special court, must have a majority international staff in the form of judges, prosecutors, investigators and commissioners so as to guarantee independence and inspire their trust. They were clear that no amnesty should be offered for international crimes.
“These findings have huge implications for the design of the transitional justice mechanisms in Sri Lanka,” said Yasmin Sooka, “donors, the international community and the Government of Sri Lanka must take note and facilitate the participation of these victims”.
“The recent publication of Sri Lanka’s law establishing an Office of Missing Persons without input from the families of victims and civil society is contrary to the spirit of the UN resolution and the normative framework for participation and consultation. The Sri Lankan law is problematic as it does not deal with the criminal aspects of enforced disappearances,” she said.
This latest study by the International Truth and Justice Project is based on interviews with 75 Tamil victims in four different European countries. The majority had survived the final phase of the conflict in Sri Lanka in 2009 and 73% had been subjected to torture by the security forces after the fighting stopped, 54% to rape or other forms of sexual violence. 44% of those interviewed reported that a close family member had been tortured. In some cases multiple generations had been tortured as a result of the conflict.
“What is often under-reported is the extent of violations inflicted on the entire family, be it torture, reprisals or extortion. Worryingly several people reported that their families were still being harassed or threatened after the change of government in Sri Lanka in 2015 and this cannot create a conducive atmosphere in which to conduct national consultations,” said Sooka.
The ITJP study found the level of mistrust in the Government was very high; 94% of those interviewed did not think Sri Lankan officials would take any notice of their views. There was also a marked distrust of the international community, including the United Nations, because of a perception that many countries are now blindly supporting the new government in Sri Lanka.
Victims identified several steps that could help build trust; the most popular was the immediate return of land occupied by the Sri Lankan military. Asked what period of history the transitional justice mechanisms should cover, interviewees were split between starting with Independence in 1948 and in 1983 but the vast majority agreed the process should examine events right up to the present day. The victims hoped to see a Truth Commission established within a year.
They also said women should comprise half the members of the various bodies and that professionals such as trauma counsellors, not members of the clergy, should serve in the proposed Compassionate Council. Overall, victims identified prosecutions as the most urgent priority, with reparations and constitutional reform the least important.
shankar / June 12, 2016
This war crimes inquiry does not have to be in srilanka.There is no rule that says you have to have an inquiry in the place that the alleged crimes were perpertrated.If srilanka does not want foreign judges, then you can have the foreign judges in some place other than srilanka,let us say india or UK or the hague and witnesses will readily come forward there.No point having it in srilanka it will be only a waste of time and already 7 years are gone.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / June 12, 2016
I was a medico-legal officer in the war zone at the early stages. None of the perpetrators of crimes against non-combatant Tamils were ever convicted. Due to international pressure some cases were heard under Sinhala judges in Colombo where Tamil witnesses were largely unable to attend due to financial constraints to travel and lodging and also travel difficulties due to lack of transport. In most cases it was ex-parte while in some, witnesses despite being threatened by security forces gave evidence. Under all these circumstances the Sinhala judges without any sense of shame discarded the medico-legal eveidence and took the side of the concocted police presentation and declared the offences as collateral damage or justifiable homicide. The Mailentenne murder case where despite incriminating evidence of crime, the Sinhala speaking jury despite the plea of the Tamil judge to consider the case in an impartial manner found the murderers from the army not guilty. Can anyone with a sane mind expect the Srilanka judiciary which is institutionally racist to act fairly to the Tamils. It is a foregone conclusion that any internal inquiry will only be a partial if not total white wash with only a few scape goats or none found gulity.
sach / June 13, 2016
wow which court case are you talking about? Have not heard of any court case happened in war zone. dont come up with new stories.
Last time you told me, you were a doctor in war zone and now a legal officer! lol
amal perera / June 13, 2016
“”Last time you told me, you were a doctor in war zone and now a legal officer! lol “”
Sach the school drop out!! display your ignorance- never mind you have never dream of going to university but living life like a mercenary?
he was a Judicial Medical Officer.JMO
CT is your school what a dumbass.!
Spark / June 13, 2016
These are shameless incidents and a Sinhalese will always want to divert, circumvent or suppress the truth hook or by crook and even flaunting ignorance. This is because all these events have culminated as a shame to the Sinhalese race.
Native Vedda / June 13, 2016
sachooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo the stupid II:
“Last time you told me, you were a doctor in war zone and now a legal officer! lol”
He says:
“I was a medico-legal officer in the war zone at the early stages.”
If you are sitting on your brain 24/7/52 it is difficult to read properly.
Because of your age your circumstances are being exacerbated.
Why don’t you get some medical advice from the good doctor?
sach / June 13, 2016
k, medico legal officer, ..made a mistake there…
Now again, what is this so called court case?
amal perera / June 13, 2016
JMO refers it to the courts directly while attorney generals dept handles the case. Heard of MRI Borella next to XXX ranils??
Tamil from the north / June 14, 2016
Hey Sach, wing nut. Read what Amal Perera wrote and if you passed grade 5 you will understand his explanation. Racist fuc&ups like you are found on both sides of the so called divide. Village monkeys from the north and village morons from the south, what a mixture we have. Racists from both sides will never allow this beautiful country to move forward. Keep at it, one day will come there will be no lanka for anyone. Idiot, grow up!!!
Susan Somalingam / June 13, 2016
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam,
The Tamil community thanks you for your comment. Most importantly, I kindly request you to directly provide your written and oral testimony to UK, US and UN officials. My friends in the Washington DC area were very troubled that former officials in the George W. Bush administration, who formulated the terrible US policy towards the Tamils and GOSL are trying very hard right now, to convince the Obama admin to adopt their policies. Officials such as:
Lisa Curtis, The Heritage Foundation
Richard L. Armitage – former US State Dept official.
06.09.2016 2:00pm (June 9, 2016)
Ms. Lisa Curtis
Ms. Kara L. Bue
Nimmi Gowrinathan, Ph.D.
amal perera / June 13, 2016
Susan Somalingam,
“”My friends in the Washington DC area were very troubled that former officials in the George W. Bush administration, who formulated the terrible US policy towards the Tamils and GOSL are trying very hard right now, to convince the Obama admin to adopt their policies. Officials such as:””
You don’t know the sinhalese muslims- what a combo at diplomacy.
Ha ha another stupid socialista for a debating team gone like Harry Truman- faith…ha ha.
send the remaining tamils in the island up the garden path. US with 22% controls UN and IMF- that is the recurring loan. you diaspora can’t
even mitigate an economic embargo of $8 billion in your hands? No?
No wonder Obama Hussain and Samanta Power have given it the finishing touches. Now say Walla O wackabar Boom))))
amal perera / June 14, 2016
“Richard L. Armitage – former US State Dept official.”
Your Tamilnet has repeatedly spoken wonderful things about Armitage after he resigned.
“George W. Bush administration, who formulated the terrible US policy towards the Tamils and GOSL are trying very hard right now, to convince the Obama admin to adopt their policies. “
Bush left office- January 20, 2009
Barack- January 20, 2009- June 2016
Nandikadal- 9 May 2009.
There is nothing to convince Obama his term finishes on 20 January 2017.
Tamils were in bed with the blacks of USA and thought about Sudan style.
Unlike the Indian migrants of UK USA Lankan villagers have no class so play the second fiddle socialist party.
Hillary won’t win but even if she does your fate won’t be better with her- weather cock.
Its time you dropped your stupidity and let the remaining villagers live at peace according to the law of the land run by majority.
Diaspora was for Jews because they are Europeans not for Asians.
See Khalistan a fierce tiger. Be careful Trump may shut you down like WW2 days.
Shan / June 12, 2016
No foreign judges. My3 and Ranil both said that but if they get a call from Obama or Cameron, they may change that but as of now, no.
shankar / June 12, 2016
the UN resolution which srilanka also has jointly passed with the UN,clearly states foreign judges.
maitri and ranil don’t hold any aces to dictate terms to the UN.
UN has to only say if you don’t want foreign judges in srilanka,the UN can have the inquiry in a foreign country.Then what is the cards maitri and ranil have to play.Any control they will have over the process vanishes when the inquiry is shifted eleswhere.The alleged crimes occurred on this planet earth and can be inquired also on this planet,not mars.
amal perera / June 13, 2016
“Exiled Tamil Victims Of War Crimes Ready To Testify To Special Sri Lankan Court Only If International Judges Are Involved”
Yet now with western nationality they are frequent travelers to lanka?
“maitri and ranil don’t hold any aces to dictate terms to the UN.””
they have always done it and are still doing it with Samanta Power and Obama Hussain blessings. No to transnational justice is Power.
USA pays $ 8 billion that is 22%. Just day before yesterday Saudi another big twisted UN Moon arm.
UN is like any other Lankan civil servant and can cry as much because they get paid enormous salaries.
the land is lost to muslims and catholics and sinhala only. negligible % of people compared to 55% living elsewhere in lanka – fing nothern terror.
shankar / June 13, 2016
you are right that samantha power is now pro maitri and ranil.That is because trincomalee harbour has been given to the US secretly.By keeping this tamil problem continuing you are losing your sovereignity little by little to the US,chinese and indians.Isn’t it better for the sinhalese to reconcile with the tamils so that the tamil issue cannot be used by the big powers to take chunks of the strategic parts of the country?
The tamils will have the last laugh when they see that they have also lost their lands but so have you.There is a saying “better to keep family problems within the family and sort it out w,o outsiders”.
trinco for the US,hambantota for the chinese,colombo port for the chinese plus indians,kankesanthurai for the indians,then start going inland for their expat nationals one day and all of us in the megapolis.
we have lost the country.We have only the colombo megapolis left for us.
be a bit more proactive to reconcile with the tamils,otherwise you will lose the country,because this excuse will always be there for the big powers to butt in.Wiggie says if the sinhalese take one step towards reconciliation the tamils will take 10 steps.I is an exaggeration by a novice in politics,but if both take one step towards each other then we should be able to outwit the big powers and save our tiny land.
amal perera / June 13, 2016
“you are right that samantha power is now pro maitri and ranil.”
She is not pro maitre but for pro mixing- catholic married jew and she will never be able to go over to the synagogue.
Obama a product of 2 races.
Its the perennial problem of socialistic/democracy.
Democrat Harry Truman created the great partition for Islam for Hindu land and called India secular and to live with it but not for Islam.
Their saints are the same in the old testament.They will fight the last battle once they get rid of the rest- East India company technique.
“Isn’t it better for the sinhalese to reconcile with the tamils so that the tamil issue cannot be used by the big powers to take chunks of the strategic parts of the country? “
Passa reconciled with the terrorist but he will not waste money on language issue when 55% of tamils live elsewhere and speak Sinhalese.Do we need Tamil for trade? No Do we need Muslims for trade with ME? Yes.
The Muslims are happy speaking Tamil at home no more.
Be like them. Through out history one wrong move by a general has cost the loss of cultures. eg Maratha Army loss and whole of India to British Company (not even the crown) who could never win.
“we have lost the country.We have only the colombo megapolis left for us.”
The Sinhalese have not lost the country and unlike Greece it can re-brand currency.
Its mainly the diaspora that is fighting. We saw Libya and where the Diaspora took the country.
If you can’t mix but say North and East is mine unlike rest then
hard cheese!
sach / June 13, 2016
LOL, no matter who is there , the government in the centre should know how to play the cards, chinese or americans. That is geo politics.
I personally like Wiggie.
Tamils haven’t lost any land, tamils are illegal occupants of sinhala lands. They have theirs in TN.
Native Vedda / June 15, 2016
sachooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo the stupid II
“I personally like Wiggie.”
He is too young and too good for you, just forget it.
” Tamils haven’t lost any land, tamils are illegal occupants of sinhala lands. They have theirs in TN.”
Tamils as well as the Sinhalese are kallthonie illegal occupiers of our ancestral land.
When did we give our land to you?
Your ancestral homeland is in Tamil Nadu, go get it from Jayalalitha, the chief minister of Tamilaham.
By the way, when are you planning to go back?
sach / June 13, 2016
They can have any inquiry in any foreign country with anyone, even at your own house but it is shallow and has no meaning if SL government does not support it.
shankar / June 13, 2016
the perpetrators support is not necessary for a guilty verdict.
as for having it in my house,no problem because my house is like a saloon revolving door and anyone can come in or go out,and anyone can come and eat in my kitchen from food prepared by loans i took on your behalf.
sach / June 13, 2016
The real perpetrators are the one who funded to continue the war in SL prolonging the human suffering in both sides. If the LTTE tamil funders in west are dragged into colombo and hanged here for terrorism against SL we will think about it.
The reason US wants to have a pro american regime in SL and sent MR home was, US knows without support from SL government, US cannot do anything. You can have any inquiry anywhere you want, but without support from SLG it is NOTHING.
Native Vedda / June 15, 2016
sachooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo the stupid II
Even if US really want to have an independent investigation into war crimes and crimes against humanity US has to have consent of the Hindians, for they are the guardian angel of this island.
I just want to remind you a piece of history. Hindians divided Pakistan into two countries in 1971, even though there were lot of opposition from the West, including moving the US 7th fleet from Pacific ocean to Indian ocean. It didn’t prevent Hindia implementing its strategic objective. Even at this eleventh hour it is not too late for you to read, research and learn things as it happened in the past.
Therefore go pray to Hindia for Hindian mercy on this island.
sach / June 13, 2016
Try to force this government to have foreign judges, tell sampandan to go fasting asking the gover to allow foreign judges
shankar / June 13, 2016
then wimal will start fasting.Then some fat fellow among the tamils will start fasting to kill 2 birds with one stone and another fatty sinhalese will join him and we will all be talking abou the fasting and forget about the foreign judges.
sach / June 14, 2016
Fasting or what ever try to force the government into having foreign judges..we will see whether u can have foreign judges
shankar / June 15, 2016
you want sampanthan and the government to clash on this issue because you are a rajapassa supporter.Tamils have better leadership now after the exit of prabhaharan and they will not make stupid mistakes like that any more.For example the killing of the jawans and the rajiv ghandi.
this issue is something between UN and the government so let the UN force the government to adhere to the resolution that they themselves co sponsored.IF the Government does not adhere to the resolution to the letter then the tamils will just say that they will not cooperate with the investigation and the war crimes proble should be held in the hague just like for serbia where the culprits who organised it such as radovan karadzic and his general were convicted.In this case a conviction of mahinda and gota would be adequate for the tamils and the UN.
sach / June 15, 2016
For your knowledge no one was convicted in serbia and again the Milesovik’s successor supported the UN. ( again gov support)
And SL and Serbia are incomparable for the nth time SLG have not committed any warcrimes that are alleged but we probably would have killed the coward LTTE leaders who had surrendered which is totally ok for me
shankar / June 16, 2016
from what i heard milosevic died in jail and radovan is also in jail.No point in trying to see the fine print here.Look at the broad picture.
The UN will not be concerned with the LTTE leaders as they had lost any sympathy due to their own behaviour.It will be more conncerned about the shelling of civilians in the governments own designated ‘safe’zones and hospitals.This creates a bad precedent and the UN cannot afford to ignore this.Other rougue states also will do it in the future if srilanka gets away with it.This was a stupid mistake by the government which fell into the trap set for it by the LTTE.Modayas galore in the country.
Native Vedda / June 13, 2016
sachooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo the stupid II:
Stupid is as stupid types.
Amarasiri / June 13, 2016
Exiled Tamil Victims Of War Crimes Ready To Testify To Special Sri Lankan Court Only If International Judges Are Involved
Because the local Sri Lankan Judges, just like the Politicians are crooks and can be bribed.
What is the guarantor that the Foreign judges cannot be bribed as well?
Have you heard about the WMD, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and the lies by the USA -Bush and Britain-Blair for the invasion of Iraq, where 1,000,000 people died and 4,000,000 people became homeless?
amal perera / June 13, 2016
there were no foreign judges but experts on Iraq and most are dead or committed suicide.
senthil / June 12, 2016
Thanks for the support, and it gives us confidence that slowly and surely the justice will be given to affected Tamils. We need a long lasting solution to stop repetition of the last 60years of injustice and to make way for us to develop us like Jews. Shame, still we srilankans rely on other developed, developing and poor countries for our goods and services. Most of the once called poor countries are overtaking us, modias. Can any Singhalese tell from their heart that srilankan army won the war genuinely on their own without financial, intelligence, solders, and many other support from many countries. Many countries developed after destruction and will be applicable to us as well. Tamils lost the war but won the prosperous future – God is great, he will not allow us to sink.
Nuwan / June 12, 2016
The distrust towards the UN process is justified as it was used more to insert pressure on Rajapaksa government than finding the truth. There is widespread belief, and it was often inferred in election propaganda, that UN offered to soften its stance on this matter as long as this government remains in power.
Shan / June 12, 2016
Who is going to pay for LTTE’s atrocities? They killed so many innocent. Who is responsible, the ones who bankrolled and paid for their savagery?
Tamil from the north / June 12, 2016
@Shan, oh you want to lay charges against a terrorist group eh? To start with, Mahinda employed a bunch of them in his party…………..Karuna and Pillayan murdered 600 surrendered policemen in cold blood, Daya master mastermind of some of the bombs which were planted, which blew off army trucks, Inniyabarathy murdered countless number of civilians on both sides, KP the elusive chief arms dealer who bought weapons for the LTTE which killed 100s of thousands of civilians and members of the armed forces, Douglas Devananda murdered civilians……………..do you want me to go on? First charge them………..you know where to find them.
Shan / June 12, 2016
They are good as long as they do what your beloved LTTE wants them to do. They at least helped the government to stop the madness.
Tamil from the north / June 13, 2016
@Shan, ‘they helped the gov’t to stop the madness. This is a laughable comment. You are a nutter just like some of the other morons on CT. Anyone who is a Tamil is an ardent supporter of the LTTE? How did you derive this in your pea brain? Remember the Tamils and the other minorities are there and your cousins will never be allowed to lay a finger on them again. Monkey brain, the LTTE was your creation. Decades of harassment of the Tamils created this terrorist group called the LTTE. Your cousins fed them, nurtured them and cut them loose on the masses. Finally the entire country suffered because of your cousins and their behaviour.
Ucream / June 13, 2016
Catholic Vaddukotte hydrocele commenced now its finishing with Catholics and Muslims and Chaitya.
Its the best for the Sinhala only nation where 55% live.
You become Muslim because Muslim speaks Tamil among themselves.
Obama Hussain, Samanta Power will keep on giving more money to Lanka because only USA can print. he printed $4 trillion.
Nuwan / June 13, 2016
I’m glad a Tamil from North accepts that LTTE brought, or created opportunity to bring, carnage on Tamils. The problem is for one reason or the other Tamils are not seen to be accepting this attitude publicly. Are they still living in fear of the Sun God?
Ucream / June 13, 2016
No not really. The sticking point is you give into muslim, catholic as the majority and thereby head towards communism the unknown ideal, for faith to flourish in a democracy there needs to be poverty.
(look at west we are atheist on the rise).
Chaitya don’t create culture. But that is the secure option and language is simple as it comes for the rest of 55%.
Tamil from the north / June 14, 2016
@Nuwan, it is not that the Tamil community looks the other way when it comes to the LTTE, but looks at successive elected governments to conduct themselves in a professional manner. We the Tamils of the north know and have seen LTTE atrocities. The dreaded LTTE wiped out the entire intellectual community in the north. But the fact is and was that they were created by the successive racist governments of Sri Lanka. LTTE was never an elected government, they were originally a liberation movement which turned into a terrorist outfit – I was there when all hell broke lose. They were no better than the successive GOSL. When we talk about problems in Lanka, why are we focussed on the LTTE, the south also had a similar outfit to the LTTE called the JVP, which murdered the intellectual Sinhala community, bus drivers who drove buses during strikes, government workers…….why even talk about them, they did what they were created to do……chaos. But we expect better from a government.
Shrikharan / June 12, 2016
“Who is going to pay for LTTE’s atrocities?”
Then who is going to pay for atrocities of the Anti Tamil communal violence in 1958, 1977, …… when so many Tamils died and injured and lost the life earnings and livelihood, and when there was no LTTE?
Then who is going to pay for the unfairness Tamils suffered by means of media-wise standardization to the University admission in the 1970’s and which was the main issue causing the youth unrest and which followed as the Tamil militancy. So there is nothing for us to pay, you reaped what you sow.
sach / June 13, 2016
and you reaped what you saw too….
the so called unfairness is a result of mentally inbalanced racist tribal tamil politicians
Tamil from the north / June 14, 2016
Sachi boy, learn the bloody language correctly before you write stupid comments.
sach / June 15, 2016
who cares about a language..instead try to counter other than insults…[Edited out]
Tamil from the north / June 16, 2016
‘Sach’arse, what insults? You write dumb comments and are you proud of them fool?
Plato. / June 12, 2016
There would be no justice for the victims in a a court appointed by the Srilankan Govt:
This has been so right from the beginning; Check out the Kodeeswaran case in the 60s!
Patriot / June 12, 2016
Majority of these so called exiled victims are economic migrants who used the war to migrate. Once they reached the destination to get asylum they concoct numerous stories to win their asylum case. The west should learn from what is happening from Syrian migrants. If you talk to them all will tell they were tortured and victimized but the truth is they have fled in search of a better life. Same is true for all Tamils who left Sri Lanka. The fact is 12,000 enemy combatants who surrendered to the Sri Lankan Forces were rehabilitated and reintegrated to the society. If the Sri Lanka armed forces were busy killing 40,000 civilians during that period why did they waste precious time and resources saving the lives of 12,000 combatants. They could have been easily massacred. Yasmin Suka is on Tamil LTTTE funding that is why she is manufacturing stories.
Kumar R. / June 12, 2016
Oh DJ,
What else can we expect from you – how else can you bring home the bread, even if not the bacon, without some continued prostitution (CT: I mean that in its broader definition, of course)for the old masters, who at one time could afford to pay in fine-wine and roses, even if only at tax payer expense. Now the masters have a dwindling budget, and you are desperately starved for even roastpang. What a match!
Kumar R. / June 12, 2016
Patriot a.k.a (obviously) DJ,
If they are all economic migrants because “they have fled in search of a better life” how exactly would you characterize Gota who ran away to pump gas in the US, or Basil, SF, etc who all begged for US Green Card? Were they not economic migrants? Or do you think that they were fleeing in desperate search for Democracy?
Whole clan of humbugs, and that includes you, of course!
S.Mahendra - in Swiss / June 12, 2016
Not all immigrants in the West can be categorized as “economic refugees”, as almost all had to apply for asylum, say for example in Switzerland. They did not have any basic qualification to enter the labour market. Once absorbed as refugees, they were granted manual employment, as available and stage by stage granted Residence Permits,
renewable annually. Hardworking Tamils showed their efficiency in
Trades such as Restaurant, Factories and Maintenance companies. Some enthusiastic branched out into self-employment, owing Motor Repair Garages, Kiosks,Beauty Pallors, Grocery shops, Barber Saloons etc.
The next generation have branched out as Doctors, Lawyers etc.
The last Annual statistics in Switzerland indicates that 25,000 Sri Lankans have been absorbed as Nationals, over a period of 34 yrs, commencing with 3 in 1982. The others are on residence permits also have reached 26,000, spread out in 26 Kantons, with over 4000 in
Zurich being the largest.
The Tamil diaspora was created willy-nilly by the policies of Gota,
and a hidden agenda of MR & his advisers,now much to the disadvantage of SL Governance?
amal perera / June 13, 2016
“”The Tamil diaspora was created willy-nilly by the policies of Gota, and a hidden agenda of MR & his advisers,now much to the disadvantage of SL Governance? “”
It can never be so in Europe.
The word Diaspora came from Jewish refugees at Europe.
The Swiss definitely would have paid for community functioning.
There is nothing the diaspora can do which Obama Administration hasn’t done and is doing.(who gave you the assurance US is for Tamils? who gave you the assurance Sirisena is for Tamils so you folk vote?)
UN is not a court house but lives off the generosity of hardly 20 countries who call the shots not diaspora of a pinch of salt in the ocean of 7.3 billion.
this northern cry died on May 2009. live like the rest of 55% Tamils.
amal perera / June 13, 2016
“”The last Annual statistics in Switzerland indicates that 25,000 Sri Lankans have been absorbed as Nationals, over a period of 34 yrs, commencing with 3 in 1982. The others are on residence permits also have reached 26,000, spread out in 26 Kantons, with over 4000 in Zurich being the largest””
We have always known the Tamils to be miserly. The Diaspora used to free goodies over the locals in the west has never taken a positive step to prove they mean business except a few politicians taking all up the gum tree. You would have expected a western economic embargo during MR but diaspora vote for Sira ditched all that. (tamils always fight for the sinhalese and shoot their own feet- for a few who wanted to be kings of diaspora)
on your own. US$8 billion is spent by diaspora to purchase groceries, travel etc. Have you ever thought of economic embargo?? No too greedy to know that theses items can be purchased elsewhere. The wholesalers are Sinhalese and live in the west.
Charity starts at home is a European concept.
Even the future generations will move away now that they found a better life. Imagine in their old age the Bangladeshi folk in the UK resettling at Tamil Nadu because Bangladesh is chaotic.
kumaran / June 12, 2016
Who are the “exiled” Tamils?? If you are referring to the Diaspora, almost all are very well settled (I am happy and proud of that) in the Western nations they have moved to. There are professionals, teachers, businessmen etc etc and all their following generations are getting the best education and are out-pacing the “whites” in these countries. They are also a significant voter base which is why (lets admit it) the West is so keen to punish the Sri Lankans (Note I am by no means a fan of the former regime)
Realistically, if by getting foreign judges lead to a major uprising in the predominantly Sinhala Provinces, what would the cost and end result be?! Just think. Is it worth it? My3/RW are struggling with a bunch of corrupt politicos to put right what the ‘former corrupt organization” did in plundering the country.
In the South, close on 80% of the work-force in shops, masonry work, road work are Tamils because the Sinhalese ask for too much and do too little. This is even so in Nuwara Eliya where it appears that there are Indians !! In Hambantota there are Chinese !! So we squabble and the Nation burn.
Pacs / June 12, 2016
There is no reconciliation without truth and repentance. Absence of reconciliation is absence of peace and presence of conflict. The Tamils were not defeated by the Sri lanka but by the direct and indirect involvement of International forces. Never in history of this planet almost all the countries in this planet came to war against tiny nation to defeat them .That shows the strength of this tiny nation. Reconciliation also has to come from all those supported and helped the war against the Eelam, mainly the media.
sach / June 13, 2016
yes there is no justice without truth and repentance, that is why every tamil in west who contributed the LTTE’s war should be brought to SL, and punished for terrorism against SL
Native Vedda / June 14, 2016
sachooooooooooooooooooooo the stupid II
“that is why every tamil in west who contributed the LTTE’s war should be brought to SL, and punished for terrorism against SL”
That is why every soldier and every army commander should be sent to India and punished for arming, funding, …. the LTTE members against IPKF.
Would you arrange logistics please?
sach / June 14, 2016
why should we punish them for our tactical decisions? That is a tactical decision..ever heard of them?
Native Vedda / June 14, 2016
sachooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo the stupid II
“why should we punish them for our tactical decisions? That is a tactical decision..ever heard of them?”
Whether it was a tactical or strategic decision, simply it was wrong and someone somewhere must take responsibility for it.
The Tamils and Sinhalese cannot be trusted with their own decisions simply because all their Machiavelli decisions made in the past had later transpired to be self destructive, self defeating, moronic, and has taken lot of my private time telling you people off.
However, only good intentions bring you good results, for it to happen you neither need strategy nor tactics, all you need is good heart, and respect for humanity.
Diogenes / June 12, 2016
Dont worry.We have `Lokottara Judges` like Thilina Gamage and Kanishka Wijeratne!
roger / June 12, 2016
Sri Lanka’s President Sirisena has betrayed Tamils who brought him to power. RW is the last person to think about Tamils. The international Judges were the only hope for justice for Tamils. Sirisen is taking the Un and the US for a ride. The new constitution is a pipe dream which will never materialize. TNA is blindly following Sumanthiran’s manteras. CVW is with the old rhetoric with no tangible outcome. God only will have to save the Tamils
confu tao / June 12, 2016
This is a pipe dream if the international community thinks that there will be a free and unbiased trial. The mere fact that the government does not want to have international judges says it all. The local judiciary is corrupt and does not have any experience in hearing trials of this nature. The yahalpanaya government is also thinking like the previous corrupt regime making promises that they will never honor. The poor victims are between a rock and a hard place. At least the international community must ensure that the proceedings in this case are televised. They will then realize what a bunch of rogues the yahalpanaya is.
Dilshan / June 12, 2016
In Sri Lanka the legal system is so broken that Criminals exploit the law so it is only natural that they want International Judges! CrimInals are not brought to justice. See how the Rajapaksas are getting away with all the money stolen from the nation, smuggling, murder, theft of gold, illegal arms trade to pirates, terrorists etc,
If normal legal cases are being conducted in a proper manner the nation can show it is cleaning up the legal system. but instead criminals are still exploiting the system!
n.ethirveerasingam / June 13, 2016
The best response to PM and President M3 is for Tamil witnesses and victims who are living not to appear in any proceedings that does not follow the recommendations of UNHRC resolution.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / June 13, 2016
Well said sir,
When I was a medico-legal officer in the war zone, I stopped appearing for sham trials of murders committed by security forces conducted by Srilanka government when I found that justice is not being delivered. When I told the judges that there is no point in my wasting time in court if you are didtorting the truth, they simply kept quiet, as they knew that what they were doing was wrong. Similarly you cannot expect any self respecting Tamil to appear before this racist panel and waste their time when the end result is known.
Native Vedda / June 13, 2016
n.ethirveerasingam & Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam
You may be right on the issue of boycotting of these sham commissions, however put yourself in their shoe and think about the people who desperately want justice done, hoping one day justice would be done even in this island.
amal perera / June 13, 2016
It is beyond all hope as ever with Democrats and may be with Reps because general Tamils fear of the unknown.
Vaddukottai (catholic) was started like the Irish with the gun now claiming for justice like Scots which is unlikely.
Its the poor fools who vote TNA presidential elections that live on empty promises.
Like the world we have seen UN/USA will promote catholic/islam unto asia and nothing more as a solution and fight among themselves- the crusaders.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / June 14, 2016
Dear Native Veddha,
Look at the Paranagama commission. Tamils in large numbers gave evidence. Now he says 3,000 of the complains are false, another 1,500 are duplication. He says this is only one side of the story and he has to summon army personnel concerned and get their views.
What a travesty of justice. Does he expect the army personnel to tell the truth that they have killed them and face punishment. Is this not a big joke by this Sinhala racist judge. Have not those who appeared before him wasted their precious time and money.
amal perera / June 14, 2016
less than even 1/2 million but just a handful of former refugees of northern villagers still think they are a majority voice in a world of 7.4 billion.
U.N.: 69 allegations of sexual abuse against peacekeepers last year 2015
But even the US/UN is finding it difficult even to `repatriate` these army officers leave alone prosecute them.
That is world situation not Sinhalese Judge.
Piranha / June 13, 2016
Everyone knows what abominable crimes the Sinhala military committed during the entire war and also after the end of the war against bothe the LTTE combatants and the Tamil civilians.
The strong opposition from the Sinhala politicians to the inclusion of foreign judges clearly shows that they have a lot to hide. If previous judgements by Sinhala judges in cases of massacres of Tamil civilians by the Sinhala military anything to go by we can predict what the outcome will be. It will be a total whitewash and a travesty of justice.
In this matter Sirisena and Ranil are no different to the war criminal Rajapaksa.
sach / June 13, 2016
Read your colonel Thamilini’s book and see how LTTE shot at fleeing tamil civilians and how they had to seek refuge from SL army. If not for sinhala people they would have died by hunger.
Taraki / June 14, 2016
Thats right Piranha. No Eelam, No war crimes tribunal, No foreign judges, No federalism, No nothing. Well done diaspora you will get nothing.
Native Vedda / June 14, 2016
“Well done diaspora you will get nothing.”
Well said and people know it is bull s**t. I see, feel and certain about another round of self destruction.
The earth doesn’t revolve around you nor does it depend on the little people of this island.
RaviP / June 13, 2016
Who is being held accountable for the Massacre of Thousands of Sinhalese mothers
babies fathers.Who is being accountable for thousands of people killed by this
so called freedom fighters in their indiscriminate Bombing in Colombo.Who ever sponsored them who now lives in comfortable lives will they come to give evidence.And that bandit queen of terrorism Adele who thought young Tamil girls
to commit Hara kiri will she summons to give evidence.War was ugly innocent people of all communities were killed and maimed.I am glad it is finish and no
more suffering to the people of Sri lanka. And for that with whatever faults lies with Mahinda Rajapakse I will be for ever thank his Administration.Now we
do not have to watch our back before we go out on our daily lives.We were not sure whether we will be able to come in one piece when we go to work.And that is a fact
Ucream / June 13, 2016
“Who is being held accountable….”
Check with your camel owners the Arabs why they treat your Sinhalese that way and because they leave their kids to be raped by husband etc.
“indiscriminate Bombing in Colombo.”
Mt***fu*** No we have not forgotten July 83
You are poor idiot in fantasy.
Taraki / June 13, 2016
Unclean, Sri Lanka used its weapons to protect its people. The LTTE used its people to protect its weapons. We too won’t forget the endless murders of all races funded by you bastards.
Ucream / June 13, 2016
Tatte Taraki,
“We too won’t forget the endless murders of all races funded by you bastards. “”
you put your finger in jam jar- jari nari there were no by standing sinhala muslim army in the no fire zone)))
southern fried chicken.
Taraki / June 13, 2016
Why isn’t the Tamil diaspora asking for the war criminal Adele Balasingham to be arrested? Much easier than trying to catch Sri Lankan politicians and generals. She is right there in the UK. Set a good example machans, go for it!
Shrikharan / June 13, 2016
” war criminal Adele Balasingham to be arrested?”
Tell me who did she kill to be a war criminal. Supporting the LTTE or the devil is not a crime. To bring war crime charges she was have killed someone or done something positively which comprise a war crime.
On the other hand ordering the surrendering fighters holding white flag is certainly a war crime.
Taraki / June 14, 2016
Don’t split hairs. You know as well as I do that she was involved in training children and young women for murder and mayhem. Supporting a terrorist organisation is a crime. Membership of that organisation is a crime. Technically these may not be war crimes but she is still a criminal. Just read her book ‘The Will To Freedom’.
Native Vedda / June 15, 2016
Why haven’t successive governments demanded the extradition of Mr& Mrs Balasingam since he became a member of LTTE in the early 1980s?
You seem to be keen on Adele but mum on KP/Karuna/Pillayan, and a lot of former members of Pottu Amman’s department but now working for military unintelligent, …..
For bigots it seems hypocrisy knows no bound.
By the way, are you serious about anything that you type here? If you are in this for fun, I do understand.