21 January, 2025


Extremist Anti-13A Propaganda Is Pernicious And False: TNA and SLMC Must Respond To Absurd Lies

By Kumar David –

Prof Kumar David

The country is plastered with what anyone with a modicum of intelligence knows to be cant; absurd untruths. One’s views of the provincial council system, 13A, and the provenance of 13A, is one thing; but to expound that if provincial elections are held in the Northern Province, and if the TNA wins as it will, then it will use the NP-PC as a platform to instigate a conspiracy, divide the country, and work towards a separate state of Thamil Eelam is so absurd that it has to be described as knowing falsification. Those in the educated classes who spout this sham are motivated by chauvinism; they are not persons with genuine concerns or just gullible folk. They are not folk who would, otherwise, grant devolution to the Tamils and wish them Godspeed and prosperity in the administration of their affairs.

With the North in the vice like grip of the military were even a child’s birthday party is monitored by a kaki hawk eye, where the province is de facto an armed camp, where university student societies have little breathing space, and where freedom of expression and publication is under the boot, such assertions are obscenities, knowingly propagated for communal reasons; propagated to choke off Tamil aspirations to make a success of the NP-PC Administration, stretch their limbs, and prosper. To describe a place under raw military occupation as a site for breaking up the country is a Goblesian untruth.

The Sinhalese masses

While the portion of the educated class complicit in propagating this falsehood is knavish, the same cannot be said of the Sinhalese masses. Many are taken in by these nursery tales of ghosts and goblins but to varying degrees. Since the NP-PC election fracas ignited, and the campaign to repeal or amend 13A was initiated by Gota, Mahinda, JHU, BSS and other chauvinists two months ago, I have participated in numerous discussions and study camps of political and grassroots activists. The feedback at these meetings and my own observations confirm that a sizable chunk of people at the mass level believe these goblin stories. Left and liberal activists described the uphill battles that they had on their hands. This is to be expected in a post race-war social ethos where media, regime, extremists and monks fan flames of communal and religious angst and distrust.

There is nothing to be done about the bigotry of the chauvinist middle and educated classes; it is a psychological syndrome no different from the Nazi-aligned elite in Germany in the 1930s. However, at the mass level I believe the hold of the chauvinists can be broken. Democratic social activists, left parties (inside and outside government), Muslim political organisations, and strong-willed people like Rajitha Senaratne are doing their bit in this battle for minds. However, there is a limit to what activists can do to counteract the bigotry of Gamanpila, BSS monks and ropey Wimal on the mass mind. To believe racist propaganda is easy and natural at this juncture; to accept reasoned refutation is more difficult. However, what would make a colossal difference is if the TNA and SLMC spoke up and declared that these are lies; damned lies! If they saturated the public domain and media in all three languages, spoke up in parliament and used their international spaces to explode the concocted chauvinist scare campaign, it will have a big impact. They need to explain why they want the NP-PC elections, the usefulness of the modest powers in 13A, but above all they must show that “divide the country” talk is rubbish that has nothing to do with their campaigns, activities and intentions.

I am a little surprised that the TNA and SLMC have such an inadequate feel for real politics that the penny has not dropped of its own as yet. In any case, when have Tamil politicians ever addressed the Sinhalese people directly? Their somnambulant brains have still to grasp that it is up to them to speak to the Sinhalese masses directly and declare that the chauvinist scare campaign is a tissue of lies. It is not a job to be subcontracted to others, be they ever so willing to oblige. If the Tamil leaders stay silent, the default option is that people will believe that the conspiracy theories are true. Yes, I am hoping to frighten them; why not, for a good cause!

Messers Sampanthan, Hakeem and Sumanthiran need to wake up. To be honest Hakeem has gone out on the public trail already; but he can do more. I have mentioned this to a few Tamil leaders hoping to awaken them from prolonged slumber. Let’s see if between the drafting of this piece and its publication they bestir themselves. An excellent seminar was held at the NM Centre on Cotta Road on Constitutional Options on Thursday 27 June (the Socialist Study Circle holds its seminars on the last Thursday of every month) and was addressed by Sobitha Thero, Wijedasa Rajapakse PC, and Professor Tissa Vitharana. In discussion time all three panellist heartily endorsed this imperative.

The Rajapakse’s and the extremists seem to have retreated under Indian threats and infighting in the government. This may induce TNA and SLMC leaders to settle back to slumber. That would be a big mistake; the government is unstable and in deep crisis, the JHU, BSS and other extremists have yet to mobilise in full and occupy the streets; rapid and erratic swings are still possible.

Is the TNA in a fix?

The TULF, forerunner of the TNA whose centrepiece was the ITAK or Federal Party and which included all the groups now in the TNA, unwisely rejected 13A at the time it was enacted twenty-five years ago. It is now up the gum tree demanding PC elections in the NP and full implementation of 13A when it is on record as having opposed it in the first place. The TNA will be foist with its own petard unless it boldly corrects this blunder. It had better grow up and declare, whatever reservations it had in the past, it now firmly endorses the full implementation of 13A. If it stays ambiguous and prevaricates on making a definitive declaration that it now supports full implementation of 13A, it will land itself in all manner of contradictions.

Certain Tamil political entities outside the TNA (and possibly some elements inside) are under pressure from extremists in the diaspora. The diaspora is not an undifferentiated whole, the spectrum ranges from rump-LTTE bunches to very TNA-like entities. However, every Tamil political entity, whether radical or moderate, asks: “What about self-determination? In asking for full implementation of 13A are you turning your back on self-determination?” The British Tamil Forum made an inane pronouncement rejecting 13A and demanding a referendum on secession right now. I had to refute its confused thinking in this column on 16 June.

The gist of my reply was that the BTF is farting against thunder; there is a right royal battle, right now, on the ground, against chauvinism in respect of NP-PC elections and against watering down 13A. The need of the hour is to enter this fray and to defeat the racists, instead of splitting ranks. The TNA has to spell out to hot heads at home and in the diaspora that the first priority is to participate in the urgent task of the moment. Self-determination and secession become relevant if this and subsequent battles are lost and the Tamil people cannot win their democratic and community rights in a unified Lanka. Will it come to that? I don’t know; nobody has a crystal ball with the answer engraved, but only fools give up a fight prematurely instead of first throwing themselves wholeheartedly into the real world fray.

The Indo-Lanka Accord (ILA)

The Thirteenth Amendment flows from the ILA which is a state-to-state treaty, not an agreement between political leaders or parties. It is binding on the two governments that signed it, and thereafter on all subsequent Indian and Lankan administrations. It can be abrogated by mutual agreement. Or it can be abrogated unilaterally, but does Rajapakse wish to go that far? The regime is so batty that it may indeed do just that, but that would untie Delhi’s hands. It is unwise to forget that Delhi has kept RAW on a tight leash all these years, and the bad old days of Indira Gandhi’s second term (1980-84) is a JR period of nightmares the Rajakakses may prefer not to summon up again.

Mrs Bandaranaike was excellent at managing relations with India (the Sirima-Shastri Pact which India honoured to the letter, and the handover of Katachchaitivu gratis, were foreign policy coups) and Chandrika managed relations reasonably well. Not even morose Yankee Dickey made such a hash of things as this loony lot is now doing. I am quite serious, don’t think me flippant because of the adjectives; I am convinced that the Rajapakse regime has no consistent or thought out strategy in respect of India and lives from day to day and hand to mouth.

There are sonorous formalists who proclaim that Lanka is a sovereign nation and it can do just as it wishes with 13A; amend it, repeal it or throw it in the dustbin. This would amount to binning the ILA. These windbags need a wake up call to the real world where big powers (be it America, China, Russia, India or the EU) have interests that spill over their borders and who exercise this power, gently or stridently. India has an interest in the Upcountry and Ceylon Tamil communities, and to a degree the Muslims, and also in other issues such as Indian Ocean security which are not directly relevant here. This is reality; it is a fact that may incense local patriots, but the wiser among them will protect sovereignty by not risking another fatal backlash.

Latest comments

  • 0


    These are new Lies. Along with these new lies, the old lies need to be challenged. Let the truth, however bitter, need to come out.

    What are the Old Les?
    Some are give below.

    “The government will continue with lies this until challenged and India and the rest decide to take decisive actions”

    This is precisely what happened with India in 1987.

    However, the Core Problem, in Sri Lanka is still there. Sinhala Buddhist Racism, aided and abetted by the Monks, courtesy of Monk Mahanama Myths from 6th century.

    So, decisive actions need to be mufti-pronged including exposing these Myths and challenging these myths. This is the time to expose the underlying core problem. 13A is just a symptom.

    1. Challenge the Myth that Vijaya’s grandfather was a lion. Ask the Myth believers to prove it. This Myth is even on the Flag!

    2. Ask the Myth believers to prove the Myth that on the day Vijaya landed, Buddha attained Nibbana.

    3. Ask the Myth believers to prove the Myth that on the Buddha visited Lanka 10 times.

    4. Ask the Myth believers to prove the Myth that the Island was designated as a Sinhala Buddhist Island. By Whom? Veddah, Yakka, Naga, Raksha etc.

    5. Ask the Myth believers to prove the Myth that the Buddha visited Lanka 10 times.

    6. Ask the Myth believers to prove the Myth that the Buddha was Born in Lanka.

    7. Ask the Buddhist to prove that Nirvana, Nibbana, Rebirth, Sansara, etc. are true, and provide factual data, that is or can b independently verified.

    8. Just like Martin Luther’s 95 theses, these need to be printed and distributed and nailed to Temples, for all to respond and rebut.

    9. Bali, Indonesia, 94% Hindu is peaceful.

    10. Lanka, 70%, Buddhists with Ming-King axis is violent.

    11. It is Buddhism that is the curse of Lanka, not Sinhala.

    12. If you substitute Buddhism with Hinduism or Jainism it would have been peaceful.

    13. Buddha’s parents were Hindu.

    DeJa Vu….

    • 0

      Kumar David,

      13A is just a symptom.

      The core problem is Sinhala Buddhist Racism and the Monk-King Axis Hegemony.

      It is the core problem that is preventing an Egalitarian Society.
      Expose it the way Mat=tin Luther Exposed the Catholic Church with the 95 Theses.

      So, the core problem needs to be exposed along with the symptoms for effective treatment.

      It is rather unfortunate the LSSP and CP failed in this.

      Until then, DeJa Vu…..

      • 0

        13A is a costly mistake, total outstanding external debt of the Government of Sri Lanka as at the end of April 2013 is US$20.0 billion that is Rs.2, 542.2 billion, according to the Mid-Year Fiscal Position Report released recently.

        Nation can’t afford to maintain useless diluted 13A. Complete abolition is the only option.

        • 0


          Yes, 13 A is costly. But the core problem is Sinhala Buddhist Racism.


          However, Sihala Buddhist Racism has been and is much more costly. Solution is less costly than no solution.

          Pampering to the Racist Sinhala Buddhist Monks who follow Monk Mahanama Myths, to follow the imported Buddhism, that is distorted to begin with is much more costly.

          You are using the financial argument to sugar coat the underlying CORE Sinhala Buddhist Racism, to maintain the Sinhala Buddhist Majoritarian Hegemony.

          Sri Lanka needs a Kamal Ataturk, who can take on the religious Establishment, the Monks, create separation of Religion and State and move on.

          Let the monks stay in the monasteries.

          • 0

            I come from the tamil side and I like to say that Sinhala-Buddhist racism is only one side of the coin. The other side is Tamil-Chauvinism that was openly escaled into Eelamist militarism by the TULF, with ample help from Sinhala hooligans.

            People forget that the first sinhala-tamil riot took place in 1939, initiated by a racist harange by our own Ponnambalam in 1939.
            Previously, the country was run by the Ramanathans and other caste minded tamils who lived in Karuvakkaadu (Cinnamon Gdns) but controlled vast swaths of land in the North. Ponnambalam wrested power from them by going beyond the caste concept and pushing forward the racist card. SJV wehen even further and brought in the Eelam card at the Maradana meeting of the ITAK in 1949.

            Kumar David is another Colombo Tamil who wishes to live in Colombo and keep controlling his properties in the North – all absentee landlords who are riding gig on using the poor working tamils as their surfs. And yet he preaches Marxism in the Soth – and never attempted to iron out the discrimination against the so-called “lower castes”.

            The Sinhalese Chauvinists played right into the hands of SJVChelva and turned violent. That was exactly what the ITAK wanted — to polarize the tow ethnic groups and demand separation. Tghis 13A is, and was just the first step for it. I am a Tamil living in Mt. lavinia.
            Does mr. Kumar david want me to go back to “my homeland” in the North? No way. tamils can and will live anywhere in lanka.

        • 0


          13A is an International Treaty Between Sri Lank and India.

          Sri Lanka cannot unilaterally discard without facing consequences.

          Of Course successive Sinhala Govts have been reneging their commitments to their own citizens for a long time. However, now it is an international treaty, and the racists cannot get away that easily without major consequences.

          Sri Lanka needs a Kamal Ataturk and sideline the religious fanatics.

    • 0

      Kumar David,

      13A is just a symptom.

      The core problem is Sinhala Buddhist Racism and the Monk-King Axis Hegemony.

      It is the core problem that is preventing an Egalitarian Society.
      Expose it the way Mat=tin Luther Exposed the Catholic Church with the 95 Theses.

      So, the core problem needs to be exposed along with the symptoms for effective treatment.

      It is rather unfortunate the LSSP and CP failed in this.


    • 0

      Core problem is separatism and reemergence of Tamil tiger terrorism, which could lead to bomb blasts, death and destruction.

      • 0

        blasis in India as soon as elecyins announced. 12A should be repealed complelely.

      • 0

        Blasts in India as soon as elections announced. 13A should be repealed completely.

    • 0

      Dear Kumar David,
      The latest findings is that Prince Vijaya was from the State of Orissa, whose large boat was drifted with his men along the eastern coast of India and landed at Manthai. We have to verify this fact from the Indian history or from the History of Orissa.
      Why not urge the Sinhalese, Tamils and the Muslims to think in a positive manner instead of relying on myths.

    • 0

      If Vijaya’s father was a lion then its time to cage the Lions of today. There should be an end to stupidity that is prevailing in this country. Other than the Veddas we are all immigrants, we have mixed blood and every sinhalese and muslim has some genes that are common as most of us if not all of us have some indian origin blood in us. So why this discrimination within various groups. Further the stupidest thing we see is that Sri Lankan population has been divided into Tamils, Sinhalese and Muslims. Does anyone pause to think why Muslims, Islam is a religion. If Muslims are taken as an ethnic group then it should be Hindus, Buddhists, Christians and Muslims. Otherwise it should be Tamils and Sinhalese based on the language differences. Why are we so stupid?

      • 0


        “Why are we so stupid?”

        Because you are Sri Lankan.

        “Other than the Veddas we are all immigrants”

        Could you convey this fact to the stupid Tamils and stupid Sinhalese loud and clear.

        Thanks for recognising a fact.

        • 0

          So, Veddas are the real aborigines? There are such being as “Natiuve veddas?
          (lokk in your back and see the made in Hong Kong label).

          Why are you repeating an unsubstantiated Mahawamsa myth?
          You really think you are a descendant of Kuveni who was shooed away by Vijaya?
          The loosers have no claims and they end up in the dustbins of history.

  • 0

    Modified what appeared in NATION.lk

    ” The Indo-Lanka Accord of 1987, signed on behalf of Sri Lanka by J.R. Jayewardene and on behalf of India by Rajiv Gandhi is no longer valid. The Government had no legally binding or moral obligations towards the 13th Amendment to the Constitution as it was illegal.
    The Indo-Lanka peace accord, through which the 13th Amendment came into existence, was not signed between two countries, but two heads of state. India had failed to fulfill its part of the agreement. One of the aspects of the agreement was for India to disarm the LTTE, but India failed to do so.

    In addition, the legality of the document was questionable, as it was not presented to Parliament or to the Cabinet for approval. It was not even accepted by the people. That is why the agreement was signed under a curfew. The accord was based on the concept of traditional homelands. For example, according to the agreement, the East has to decide whether it was willing to merge with the North or no. The land mass of the East does not belong to that particular region but to the people of the country.

    India’s ‘approval’ is not needed to revise the 13th Amendment. Though the Amendment came into being through the Indo-Lanka accord, the 13th Amendment comes under the domestic laws of Sri Lanka and as such the country’s Parliament had every right to introduce amendments to it.
    The people is supreme under the country’s Constitution and as such, there was no need to seek the ‘consent’ of another nation’s government to amend domestic laws governing the country.

    “The 13th Amendment is just like any other domestic law. Under Section 3 and 4 of the Constitution, sovereignty is vested with the people and is exercised through Parliament. As such, the argument that one cannot introduce amendments to the 13th Amendment without the consent of another country is utter rubbish,”

    One has to keep holding onto the 13th Amendment when it has been in existence for 25 years without achieving any purpose. “I’m not saying the entire 13th Amendment should be jettisoned, but where there are deficiencies, such as in the case of police powers, they need to be rectified. You can’t expect us to keep it for eternity when it hasn’t achieved its purpose,”.

    The 13th Amendment and the Provincial Council system had been introduced with the aim of bringing the LTTE into the democratic framework, which did not happen. The LTTE is no more now, so it serves no purpose to keep the amendment entirely when it doesn’t function properly.

    The clause in the 13th Amendment permitting provincial merger bears on the territorial integrity and as such revision can be treated as coming within the jurisdiction in the Reserved List, doing away with the need for endorsement by two-thirds majority in Parliament in the event that one or more Councils oppose it. The argument is that if this were not the case, any Bill, progressive’ otherwise, would need to be postponed until a 2/3 Parliamentary majority could be mustered.

    • 0

      Main opposition UNP is not going to vote for any amendment and dilution, however, there is a high chance of getting adequate votes from some UNP members of parliament and JVP members of parliament complete repealing of 13A, if at all current bill presented by JHU will have a chance of succeeding. Any attempt to bring amendments to dilute and deceive the public will not be successful. Such attempts would defeat the genuine efforts made by the JHU as well. Minister Champika Ranawaka is confident they can obtain necessary 150 votes for complete abolition of 13A.

    • 0

      JimSofty, I am sure you are a paid servant of the Rajapakse government. I can also guess who you can be although you are not writing under your name . Your argument that a treaty signed by two heads of state is not valid as its an agreement between two individuals and not between two states. Can you kindly explain to me how two states would enter into an agreement? Is it by signing of a document by two individual who are nominated by the
      governments/ who have authority to bind the countries or by one country walking and taking over the other country? It is ok to be ignorant and stupid but to display it in public is shocking and you have done it!

  • 0

    Above, It should be read as “The Indo-Lanka Accord of 1987, signed on behalf of Sri Lanka by J.R. Jayewardene and on behalf of India by Rajiv Gandhi is not legally valid”.

    • 0

      Jim Softy,

      You have thoughtfully added your corrections. What does ‘on behalf of Sri lanka’ or ‘on behalf of india’ exactly mean? The signatories are furthermore none other than heads of states!
      Of course one can speak lot of brave words like a dog barking from the backyard. But should always be conscious of what world reality is.

      • 0

        At least with respect to Sri Lanka, ONLY two heads of States signing alone does not make it valid. Once JRJ signed it, he should have put it validation by the parliament. Parliamentary approval was not taken in this case.

      • 0

        Rajiv Gandhi was never a head of state. He was a prime minister.

    • 0

      So long as it was signed by two heads of countries it is valid for all purposes. Parliament also maintained silence when the IAF dropped four food parcels in Jaffna. Parliament also maintained silence when G.Parthasarathy tabled the Indo-Sri Lanka Peace Accord before the UN General Assembly and was applauded by the Western countries. The questioning of the legality of the Peace Accord has vanished when Sri Lanka bowed to India. If the legality of the Peace Accord can be questioned, then what about the legality of the impeachment of CJ Dr.Shirani Bandaranayake and the behaviour of the PSC relating to the Orders of the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court. Charity begins at home.

      • 0

        It is the turn now for China.

        • 0

          Yes good for you to run behind China. Do you know what interest rates they are charging on the loans they give to the Governments 6%+. This rate of interest is paid by mediocre credit rating bearing small businesses in the developed world when they borrow from banks for their businesses. We are paying a higher rate of interest and the rate is at least 2% above the average business rate. The rate of interest we pay is the same rate that the Greek government pays which is a ‘bankrupt nation” rate. If you think China is doing you wonders you are sadly mistaken. If you also think that one day China will come to defend Sri Lanka against any aggression by any foreign country, once again you are wrong. You are in a dreamy world that too with blinders on!

    • 0

      No wonder your genes are not from human. Something wrong with your thinking you better check up for “Brain Cancer” I feel sorry for you.

  • 0


    What you have written is very sensible. There is a lot that the TNA and SLMC can do to counter the utterly racist and vicious propaganda in the South. The question is whether they have the resources and the time in the face of so many other day to day challenges.

  • 0

    To answer the extremist question can the Tamils answer what the damn Vaddukoddai Resolution is for and the Muslims answer what the Oluvil Declaration for autonomy is for?

    Just dont go pretending to be lambs and hiding the truth

  • 0

    Extremist pro-13 amendment groups are the problem.

    Just put the 13 amendment to the people for a referendum.

    Problem solved!

    Why extremist pro-13 amendment supporters fear the people?

  • 0

    “I have mentioned this to a few Tamil leaders hoping to awaken them from prolonged slumber”

    It seems Kumar David has not heard of the proverb “You can’t wake up a person who is pretending to be asleep”.

  • 0

    Prez repeatedly invited Mr Sambnadan to come over and sort out any issues in a sensible manner so that the great majority of the inhabitant population can look forward to a prosperous future in a peaceful enviroment after Nanthikadal.

    What was Sambandan’s response?.

    Arrogant demands of a private treaty giving him absolute authority in the North.with full Police Powers and Titles to land.

    To force the Prez’s hand an incessant campaign of false allrgations against the Govt and the Armed Forces wasn carried out hoping to drag them to the Hague to be tried for war crimes by the Diaspora IC.

    The Boss of the BTF which the writer has kindly mentioned , used terror tactics to chase away the Prez from the land of all things Democratic when the Prez was kind enough to explain to the Diaspora how they can be part of new Srilanka.

    These are facts the great majority of the peace loving inhabitant population knew all along and now are organizing themselves to protect their and their childrens future to live as equals in an undivided country,

    Perhaps the educted classes whom the writer is cheesed off with took a while to realize it.

    • 0

      You are being very charitable to a ‘Prez’ who is devious and deceitful.

  • 0

    The opposition to 13A stems from primarily two important reasons/causes.

    1. The illegitimate nature of it’s enactment, forced down the people’s throats, under emergency rule and curfews.

    2. As Kumar David has admitted, the main Tamil political leadership has rejected 13A and in doing so very loudly told rest of the country of it’s separatist agenda. The rest of the country is not deaf or blind. They don’t need to listen to the so called Southern chauvinists. They only need to listen to TNA’s silence.

    We are entering into a new phase of the battle to preserve the country’s territorial unity & integrity.

    • 0


      “We are entering into a new phase of the battle to preserve the country’s territorial unity & integrity”

      Do you fear that the Sinhala/Buddhist might carve out that part of Sinhala Eelam and relocate it somewhere near China?

      You are rest assured, as long as India is sitting near this island no such thing will happen.

      • 0

        Hey Veddo,

        You can joke too…..!!

  • 0

    13A signed under duress..Known as the Parippu drop Declaration.

    India failed to keep to the bargain on her part thus resulting in a costly war over several decades.
    India miserably failed to disarm the LTTE to enable GOSL to implement 13A then. Had that been done, this question would not have been a issue today.
    In order too comply with 13A, will India pay the GOSL adquate compensation for losses and destruction due to Indian failure?

    BTW, after the 13A was signed, Late JR failed to get it ratified through the parliament to make it binding.

    India & others who think India will prevail may be proven wrong. There is going to be another blood bath due to Indian interference and well the direction of it only GOD will know.

    • 0


      “India failed to keep to the bargain on her part thus resulting in a costly war over several decades.”

      What was India’s side of the bargain?

      “India miserably failed to disarm the LTTE to enable GOSL to implement 13A then.”

      Your president and armed forces provided all kind of support to LTTE, including arms, funds, political cover, etc.

      It was Premadasa who ordered the IPKF out of this island before India disarmed LTTE.

      “India & others who think India will prevail may be proven wrong.”

      It took nearly 25 years to stop the country bleeding. Had the stupid Sinhala/Buddhists political and military leaders used their brains they could have avoided all the bloodshed, killings, $3 billion loans to India and monies wasted on this unnecessary war.

      “There is going to be another blood bath due to Indian interference and well the direction of it only GOD will know.”

      God has nothing to do with war and peace.

      It is the stupid people who create the conditions for terrorism and war. Since Sinhala/Buddhists are the majority who think they exclusively own this island by the virtue of their majority, you ought to tell them it is they who should take responsibility to make peace, not god.

  • 0

    Native veddah……….. Late President Mr. Premadasa’s actions right or wrong saved face of the IPKF.

    Appeasement of Terrorists prolonged the war. In or around 1989 ltte’s 1-4 base was surrounded( at great loss to military lives where one whole Commando unit got decimated) with major LTTE cardres trapped inside ready to be blown off when an order came to retreat….

    If that lesson could be recollected, GOSL should not make any deals with LTTE or anyone who are associated with and/or connected to the ltte.

    Why blame the Sinhala/Buddhist when LTTE and those connected with and/or concerned in engage in Cultural genocide to distort History.

    • 0


      “Late President Mr. Premadasa’s actions right or wrong saved face of the IPKF.”


      “Appeasement of Terrorists prolonged the war.”

      Whose mistake was that?

      Appeasement of state terrorism by the Sinhala/Buddhist majority was wrong too . What are you going to do about it?

      “Why blame the Sinhala/Buddhist when LTTE and those connected with and/or concerned in engage in Cultural genocide to distort History.”

      You don’t seem to be exposed to or concerned with many issues outside the LTTE? Do you?

      Being tough on terrorist is not sufficient you need to be tough on causes of terrorism. LTTE terrorism was the product of Sinhala/Buddhist’s failure in nation building. So was JVP terrorism.

      The Sinhala/Buddhists been running the country since its independence.

  • 0

    Native Vedda,
    ‘Had the stupid Sinhala/Buddhists political and military leaders used their brains they could have avoided all the bloodshed, killings.’ Even now it is not too late if the Sinhala Buddhists wil reconsider the right to self-determination. They can follow the Canadian or Indian model.

  • 0

    “The TNA will be FOIST with its own petard unless it boldly corrects this blunder.”

    The phrase “hoist with his own petard” comes from Shakespeare’s Hamlet.

    “Let it work;
    For ’tis the sport to have the enginer
    Hoist with his own petar’; and ‘t shall go hard
    But I will delve one yard below their mines
    And blow them at the moon: O, ’tis most sweet,
    When in one line two crafts directly meet.”

    Petard comes from the Middle French peter, to fart. Petard is a modern French word, meaning a firecracker.

    The petard was a device filled with gunpowder fixed to a wooden base used to blow a hole in fortifications to allow assault troops to enter.

    Modern usage means “to be harmed by one’s own plan to harm someone else” or “to fall into one’s own trap,” implying that one could be lifted up (hoist, or blown upward) by one’s own bomb.

    Rather appropriate for this to be applied to a party that supported an organisation that pioneered suicide bombing.

  • 0

    Kumar David you are absolutely correct. The people are swayed by the government propaganda. Many of the politicians merely echo the official line whereas at a time like this a principled stand needs be taken. I agree that the Tamil political leadership does not address the Sinhala people directly which appears to be a wrong policy. There may be an issue of false pride there. Despite all that the real issue is that we have a President that lacks intellectual depth. All he has to do is distinguish between right and wrong on a moral platform not a political one. I fear that the other factor is that despite all the bravado he lacks the courage and the confidence to trust the people to stand by him. Can we have a stop to his deceit and subterfuge?

  • 0

    Put this thing to a referendum.

    Problem solved.

    Let the people, not Tamils, decide.

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      Mara wede ne? Imagine Sinhala Buddhist Racists voting to give Tamils and Muslims a little space to live their lives with dignity!

      They would certainly vote for minority to live their lives with indignity!

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    I reckon now GOSL must take a decision not India,LTTE and TNA no difference.

    13A is not a valid document but since it as prevailed for more than 25 years must put to the parliament and abolished.

    We Tamils,Sinhalese and others all are Srilankans, we can solve our problems.

    Majority people need peace but politicos need power, still it should be majority votes of the country. That cannot be decided by minority votes.

    If GOSL decide that with minority votes they cannot win the next election. India cannot help for that.

    Why India supporting to TNA because of TN and to stay on the power, so why not GOSL, they must listen to monks.

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    13A was never voted into place by anybody.
    Why does Kumar David claim that this will help the Tamils when Sumanthiran, Sampanthan, and Kumar Ponnambalam have all rejected the 13th?
    Only the lest leaders (who have no support in the country and rejected even by the Nothern electorate) come forwrd ro support it, using an out-dated quote from Lenin and Stalin.

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    “The Thirteenth Amendment flows from the ILA which is a state-to-state Treaty, not an agreement between political leaders or parties. It is binding on the two governments that signed it, and thereafter on all subsequent Indian and Lankan administrations.”

    Regarding the above profound statement made by the Professor, his learned attention is invited to the following provisions of the Vienna Convention 1969, on the Law of Treaties which governs bilateral or multilateral treaties entered into by States.

    Article 52
    A Treaty is void if its conclusion has been procured by the threat or use of force in violation of the principles of international law embodied in the Charter of the United Nations.

    It is well known that this Treaty was entered into following the Parippu drop, which was done in violation of the airspace of SL. This use of force by itself was a hostile act. The representative of India, Dixit made a threat that India will not allow the SL Army to take Jaffna. The sordid details of the threats made by Dixit using the might of India, forcing JR to surrender to his demands, in spite of the opposition by the great majority of his cabinet, are recorded in detail in Dixit’s book “Assignment Colombo”

    Article 60
    1.A material breach of a bilateral Treaty by one of the parties entitles the other to invoke the breach as a ground for terminating the Treaty or suspending its operation in whole or in part.
    3.A material breach of a Treaty, for the purposes of this article, consists in:
    (b) the violation of a provision essential to the accomplishment of the object or purpose of the Treaty.

    The key provision in the Treaty, which was the obligation of India to perform, was the disarming of the LTTE, which they failed miserably to achieve.

    Article 62
    Fundamental change of circumstances
    1.A fundamental change of circumstances which has occurred with regard to those existing at the time of the conclusion of a Treaty, and which was not foreseen by the parties,
    (a) the existence of those circumstances constituted an essential basis of the consent of the parties to be bound by the Treaty; and
    (b) the effect of the change is radically to transform the extent of obligations still to be performed under the Treaty.

    There is also the existence of a fundamental change in the circumstances under which the Treaty was entered into in 1987 and now. At that time it was considered that the LTTE could be brought into the normal process of democracy. This never happened and instead they become more militant. This was the whole basis of the Treaty.

    3.If, under the foregoing paragraphs, a party may invoke a fundamental change of circumstances as a ground for terminating or withdrawing from a Treaty it may also invoke the change as a ground for suspending the operation of the Treaty.

    The Treaty became defunct when the LTTE declared war on the IPKF.
    Even the Govt. of India (other than a minor functionary) has not invoked the provisions of the Treaty to impose it’s will on SL. Indian Government is only harping on ‘the understanding given to India and the international community.” The Professor seems to be chasing non-existent “ghosts and goblins.”

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