20 April, 2024


Follow UK’s Example – Hold That Referendum On Independence In The NorthEast

By Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah –

Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah

Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah

Follow UK’s example – Hold That Referendum on Independence in the NorthEast – Like the Scots, Let the People Decide Either Way

Part  1

The world’s oldest democracy has proven it’s also the world’s  foremost  and robust democracy – that Scotland will decide its fate, whether it becomes an “independent country” in a referendum on 18th, September 2014 is in itself a triumph for democracy, whatever the outcome – that the United Kingdom (UK) government (and the Westminster Parliament),  despite campaigning hard for a “NO” vote, did not place obstacles but bowed to the Scottish people’s aspirations articulated in the 2011 General Election win for the Scottish National Party (SNP), and cooperated to holding a referendum, to leave it to the people’s will, speaks volumes for the triumph of democracy; indeed speaks volumes for a triumph for self-determination;  for decency, for peace. Why can’t Sri Lanka follow UK’s example and hold that referendum on independence in the NorthEast and Let the People Decide.. either way.

Triumph of Democracy – Despite Scots being Numerically Far Smaller

The sequence of events, leading to what could be a momentous occasion for Scotland and the advent of an independent Scotland or that might otherwise result in a victory for preserving the United Kingdom, illustrate that democracy is not merely a word but is practiced faithfully in some civilised nations, like this country [1],  notwithstanding the fact the Scots are numerically far smaller within a unitary state, holding only 59 seats[2] of the 650 seats in the Westminster parliament.

To the Acts of Union of 1707[3] which cemented the union of the Kingdom of Scotland and the Kingdom of England creating the United Kingdom of Great Britain, to the Scotland Act of 1998 when the Scottish people’s clear preference for devolution and the establishment of a Scottish Parliament, “with powers to legislate on unreserved matters” [4] expressed through a referendum was granted under Tony Blaire’s Labour government, to SNP’s landslide victory in the 2011 General Election[5] that gave it the mandate to legislate to conduct a referendum on Scottish independence , to the “historic” Edinburgh Agreement[6] signed by Alex Salmond, Scotland’s First Minister and Prime Minister David Cameron in Nov 2012, “confirming the Scottish Parliament’s power to hold a vote that will be respected by both governments,” to the passage of the Scottish Independence Referendum Bill[7] setting out the arrangements for the referendum that received royal accent in Dec, 2013, all of which together, collectively represent, among other, a firm adherence to democratic values and parliamentary processes, signifying the triumph of democracy.

Triumph for Self-determination – either way

Whatever the outcome, this referendum is indeed a triumph for self-determination, recognising the Scots have a right to determine their own destiny freely and have a right to secede; recognising also that on the question of exercising that right, there are mechanisms made available in civilised societies that are at their disposal to effectively facilitate the determination of that right to secede on those grounds, if the majority of them so chose.

It is said referendum is a “tool of direct democracy” a means by which aspirants of self determination submit to a vote to demonstrate they have the backing of their electorate in their objective of achieving their own independent state.

An article in the Oxford Public International Law (OPIL)[8]  site, last updated in June 2011, deals with the subject of “Referendum”  – from a Notion, to Typology, to Historical Developments to Applicable Rules, to Special Cases, to Assessment  – except specifically the Scottish referendum as it does not come under the purview of the timeframe within which it was written.

However it does sufficiently examine and assess the subject for anyone to conclude that a referendum in Scotland applied under the principle of “external self- determination” without issues such as the unreasonable invocation of and reliance on the principles of “non-interference” and of “territorial integrity”, pretexts that oppressive States use to block  or impede that process is indeed a triumph for democracy.

The article opines, “States have used the referendum in the application of self-determination, and a referendum under the principle of “external self-determination” is the exercise of, “a vote by the electorate” under the, “right to decide on the political status of a people and its place in the international community in relation to other states, including the right to separate (secede) from the existing state of which the group concerned is a part, and to set up a new independent state.”

In discussing Scotland’s “Status As A Nation”[9] David Thomson  writes Scotland deserves the right to Statehood and international recognition on the grounds of its right to self-determination:

The expression “people”, as tentatively defined by the United Nations Organisation, denotes a social entity possessing a clear identity and its own characteristics as well as a lengthy common experience, and it implies a relationship with a territory. These are the basic elements of a definition for the purpose of establishing whether such a social entity is a “people” fit to enjoy and exercise the right of self-determination. The expression “nation” implies a somewhat more highly developed stage of social cohesion and organisation.The Scottish qualifications are absolutely unchallengeable on both counts.

Thomson makes the case for the Scottish people’s claim to the right to self-determination quoting from way back when it was first articulated “at international level” in 1320 to the Pope:

Scotland’s claim of right to self-determination was first raised at international level almost seven centuries ago, when the Declaration of Arbroath was sent in 1320 to the Pope – the then international authority – by the Scottish leaders in the name of “the whole community of the realm of Scotland”. It was not an appeal for independence, but an assertion by a people who had been independent since their origins in the mists of history that they were under no circumstances prepared to give up that status for subservience to an aggressor. This important constitutional document confirmed the sovereignty of the people over the institutions of state, and unequivocally asserted the independence of the Scottish Nation, as the following extract makes clear:

“But if this Prince (Robert I, King of Scots)…shall consent that we or our kingdom be subjected to the king or people of England, we will immediately exert ourselves to expel him, as our enemy and as the subverter both of his own rights and of ours, and we will make another king who will defend our liberties.

For so long as one hundred of us remain alive we will never consent to subject ourselves to the dominion of the English. We fight not for glory, or riches, or honours, but for freedom alone, which no good man will relinquish, except with his life.”

Today Scotland’s right to self-determination is a foregone conclusion and whatever the outcome of the referendum that right can never be taken back or reversed.

Considering  the three leaders of the main political parties, David Cameron, Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg have made a pledge to “deliver change to Scotland” and “to devolve new extensive power to the Scots if they reject independence”[10],  the only decision that remains to be made is whether Scots would exercise that right under the principle of external self-determination or internal self-determination, otherwise put as an independent state or staying within the United Kingdom.

In a three part written pledge appearing in the Daily Record, flashed all over the media, the three leaders recognising “people want change” and concluding “a NO Vote would will deliver faster, safer and better change than separation” have vowed they would bring that change: promising “extensive new powers” to the Scottish parliament “delivered by the process and to the time table agreed by the three parties. The second says the leaders agree that the UK exists to ensure opportunity and security for all by sharing our resources equitably” The third categorically states the final say on funding for the NHS will lie with Scottish government “because of the continuation of the Barnett allocation for resources and the powers of the Scottish Parliament to raise revenue. ”

Triumph for Decency  – Sewel Convention

Meaningful devolution begun by Tony Blaire’s government under the Scotland Act of 1998 actually gave the Scottish Parliament powers to legislate for a referendum on Scottish independence after its landslide victory in the 2011 General elections,[11] the SNP campaigning that it was seeking a mandate for a referendum.

Although under devolution the Scottish parliamentary elections were to be conducted on the basis of part first past the post and part proportional representation, a move to ensure, it was thought, to prevent  the SNP from garnering a majority in the Scottish parliament, one heartening feature of this evolutionary exercise that has brought us to this critical moment, witnessing the determination of Scotland’s future, is that every step of the way the Scots were able to debate, discuss and negotiate agreements that were not marred by deception, deceit, constant broken promises or lack of will on the part of UK governments or Westminster parliament.

As it stands the number of Scottish MPs in the UK parliament compared with the rest of UK is higher than the standard ratio, in other words they have more representation in Westminster. Not only that they’re able to vote on issues that involve England, Wales and Northern Ireland (as well as because of that have a bigger say on major issues affecting Scotland), prompting the “West Lothian Question”[12]. However no constructive moves has been made to correct this inconsistency advantageous to Scotland so far.

But more importantly since devolution,  the relationship between Westminster, the UK parliament and Hollyrood, the Scottish parliament is governed by the Sewel Convention [13] that provides that, “the UK parliament may not legislate for devolved matters without the consent” of the Scottish Parliament,” illustrating the non-divisive, non-adversarial manner by which business is transacted:

(The Sewel  Convention) was created to manage the power of Westminster to legislate on matters within the legislative competence of the Scottish Parliament. This is known as the Sewel Convention, and the related Scottish parliamentary motions are now known as Legislative Consent Motions (previously Sewel Motions). These motions (of which there are around a dozen per year) allow MPs to vote on issues, which among other things, are within the Scottish Parliament’s legislative competence. The Sewel Convention states that the Westminster Parliament will not normally legislate on devolved matters in Scotland without first obtaining the consent of the Scottish Parliament.”

This being so under convention, the real score  under the Scotland Act of 1998 does not deter Westminster from legislating for Scotland :

“The Scottish Parliament was formed by statute, the Scotland Act of 1998 and is thus a creation of Westminster. No sovereign status on the Scottish Parliament is conferred, and the act has not changed the status of the Westminster Parliament as the supreme legislature of Scotland, with Westminster retaining the ability to override, or veto, any decisions taken by the Scottish Parliament. The Westminster Parliament remains the sovereign body; power is devolved rather than transferred to the Scottish Parliament. As a consequence, the ability of all Westminster MPs to vote on Scottish legislation has not been legally diminished by devolution, as made clear by Section 28(7) of the Scotland Act 1998, which states that the legislative powers of the Scottish Parliament do “…not affect the power of the Parliament of the United Kingdom to make laws for Scotland.”

This dynamics between convention and statute, where convention overrides statutes in practice reinforces my argument that this referendum and how it came about is a triumph for decency.

Triumph for Peace

Although the implications[14] of this break-up for both parties in this referendum  are huge, the logistics[15]  of which, regarding currency etc in the event of a Yes vote. has not been spelt out yet, in the end and despite the haggling and despite David Cameron and Alex Salmond putting forward “rival visions” and hammering out their message to the Scottish people, this referendum campaign has been peaceful.

Although with his leadership in the balance David Cameron said with his hand on heart that he “would be heartbroken if the family of nations that we’ve put together was torn apart” even expressing “a frank assessment of his own party’s image”: that it was not about kicking the “effing Tories” [16], the exchanges between both sides have been strong but mainly civil.

Despite David Cameron saying, “It’s not a trial separation it would be a painful divorce… I don’t want the people of Scotland to be sold a dream that disappears,” setting out what Scots would lose by a Yes Vote, Alex Salmond called the referendum  ” a once in a life time opportunity” referring to Cameron as “scare mongering” with some pro- independence business figures releasing a joint statement that said: “Scotland has always had the wealth, the talent and the resources… while the ‘No’ campaign talks down Scotland we are determined to focus on opportunity.”

The army hasn’t been called out, no legislation passed to muzzle the Scottish people when Scots raised their  voice to separate from the UK, there’s been no militarisation or occupation of Scotland since, no check points, no intimidation, no arrests, no disappearances, no torture, no violence, no deliberate attempt to colonise Scotland towards changing its demography, no land grab, no breaking of promises to devolve power; no genocidal acts, no wars and no perpetration of war crimes. [17] [18]

Only a triumph for democracy, self- determination, decency and peace.

As we wait to see what the outcome would be – what the Scots want their destiny to be my head and heart wonders why Sri Lanka can’t follow UK’s example and hold that referendum on independence in the NorthEast and Let the People Decide….

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scottish_independence_referendum,_2014

[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_Kingdom_Parliament_constituencies

[3] http://www.parliament.uk/about/living-heritage/evolutionofparliament/legislativescrutiny/act-of-union-1707/

[4] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reserved_and_excepted_matters within Scotland

[5] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scottish_Parliament_general_election,_2011

[6] http://www.scotland.gov.uk/News/Releases/2012/10/referendum15102012

[7] http://www.scottish.parliament.uk/S4_Bills/Scottish%20Independence%20Referendum%20Bill/b25s4-introd.pdf

[8]  http://opil.ouplaw.com/view/10.1093/law:epil/9780199231690/law-9780199231690-e1088

[9]  http://www.electricscotland.com/history/articles/nation_status.htm

[10]  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-29213418

[11] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scottish_Parliament_general_election,_2011

[12] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Lothian_question

[13] http://devolutionmatters.wordpress.com/devolution-the-basics/the-sewel-convention/

[14] http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-29200793

[15] http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-29176891

[16] http://news.sky.com/story/1333151/pm-referendum-not-about-kicking-effing-tories

[17] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_4n41rxvyA#t=91Mr.

[18] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YR25q_oqFew

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Latest comments

  • 21

    Scottish Parliament has powers on many fields and can pass bills within their devolved matters without any governor putting impediments. For examples, law and order, education, health, land, agriculture are few important fields. When the Scottish National Party wanted a referendum on separation the prime minister of UK agreed and his civilised behaviour is appreciated nationwide. No religious group tried to disrupt or went on protest march against Scottish people.

    In contrast (no comparison with civiliased Britain) Sri Lankan president went back on his promise of implementing 13A+ and went even further to the extent of flouting the constitution of the country that he took oath to uphold after his election victory.

    Of course, Usha Sri-Skanda-Rajah has explained above in detail.

    • 3

      [Edited out] We are sorry, the comment language in English – CT

      • 2

        @ senaka de Z ..

        Please get help to translate your comments in English and possibly you may want help to get it typewritten too!

        • 7


          “Please get help to translate your comments in English and possibly you may want help to get it typewritten too!”

          Whom do you have in mind? ela Kolla? Most appropriate person I would think.

          • 2

            NV and mike,

            “Whom do you have in mind? ela Kolla? Most appropriate person I would think.”

            ella-kolla eats “Thana kola”, like “Harak”, Cattle and “Buruwo”, donkeys, and was badly treated by Monk Magama Hemasiri of Hikkaduwa.

            See If Lorenzo, aka Fathima Fukushima can help …

    • 7

      Tamil Nadu is the right place to hold that referendum.

      Not SL.

      • 2


        Just imagine TamilNadu as a separate country…..then the Sinhalese fear (being pushed into the sea) will come true.

        Don’t even think about dividing India.


    • 7

      Follow UK?

      On Scotland or Falkland Islands?

      SL will follow what UK did in Falkland Islands!!


    • 4

      You are misinforming readers. Until the Kingdom of Scotland joined with the Kingdom of England to form a unified Kingdom of Great Britain in 1707 Scotland was a kingdom by itself. During this unification process they negotiated the powers you list as they possess (law and order, education, health, land, agriculture etc. etc). This unification document also allowed cessation at their will. That is why England has no say on this other than beg them not to secede. Also, Scotland’s law makers have the freedom to hold a referendum as they wish and your “civilized” PM of England have no say at all though he has a lot to lose if Scotland secede.
      It is foolish in your part and this woman Sri-Skanda-Rajah to even parallel this to Sri Lanka. It is like saying the Blacks in England should hold a referendum to secede, based on them being discriminated or being black! According to this ignorant woman any minority in any country can secede by holding a referendum resulting in having over a thousand separate countries! I am surprised that CT even published this garbage.

      You call civilized Briton? How many innocent civilians did this civilized Briton killed in Iraq and Afghanistan? And why this civilized Briton don’t want a UN investigation on genocide and human rights violations?
      About 13A, the President of the country has the power to veto any law that he/she finds inappropriate. I support this because the prevailing conditions with the Tamil politicians, Tamil diaspora (like Sri-Skanda-Rajah)and paid NGOs it is not safe to hand over the security and policing of the N&E to them. Also, the armed forces should be in place until when the President feels it is safe to remove them.

      • 1

        What I have written before on this subject are facts. Under the treaty of union they unified but the three kingdoms of Ceylon were merged by the then colonial power, Britain. They did not need a treaty, it was done for administrative convenience. Freedom to hold referendum was agreed only in 1998 by the PM of the UK.

        Unlike the president of Sri Lanka who went back on his well-publicised promise to implement 13A and upholding of the constitution (13A is a part) that he undertook in his oath as the executive head, current PM of UK agreed to with Scottish leaders to hold a referendum.

        There are many countries that had to secede into smaller states mainly because of the oppression of the stronger over the weaker communities. Yugoslavia broke into many states when the president Marshall Tito was replaced by Milosevic on the former’s demise. Kosova was separated by UN because of Milosevic’s extreme nationalism. Rajapakse’s nationalism is making way for the split of Sri Lanka. Persecution of the ethnic minorities is intensified under his rule.

        • 2

          Link me to these documents which you say “Under the treaty of union they unified but the three kingdoms of Ceylon were merged by the then colonial power, Britain.”. You also say “They did not need a treaty, it was done for administrative convenience.”! Who do you think readers are? was born yesterday?
          Scots had referendums even before 1998 for various reasons. If you have read the 1707 unification treaty you will see they had most of the powers they wanted at that time.
          13A was legislated by a former parliament under pressure by India. The current President or even any future President has the veto power if there is a valid reason to veto it. The current President feels the time is not ripe to give certain aspects like security and police power to PCs. I do agree with that. Activities of most these northern politicians, Tamil diaspora, foreign govs. and some NGOs appear to be serious security risks for the whole country.

          Unlike MR, the current PM of UK has no power on Scots because the Scottish parliament by themselves can decide to secede from the Union even without a referendum from the people. They are doing it to safeguard themselves.
          After the Communist victory in World War II, Yugoslavia was set up as a federation of six republics and with the fall of communists basically these republics separated. I hope now you wouldn’t say there was a Tamil republic in the north! However you try you can’t parallel any of these examples with Sri lanka.
          By the way, can you post a list of “minority persecutions” you know of in Sri Lanka during the last 5 years?

    • 2


      Brits & their Cameron must be such a civilized lot.

      Compared to us wild natives here in Sri Lanka.


  • 18


    You say your “head and heart wonders why Sri Lanka can’t follow UK’s example and hold that referendum on independence in the NorthEast and Let the People Decide.”

    By NorthEast, you mean Tamil Eelam as depicted on the LTTE posters, don’t you? This includes two thirds to three quarters of Sri Lanka’s coastline, doesn’t it? The TGTE of which you are a senator has numerous YouTube clips featuring the LTTE flags, complete with charging Tiger and crossed assault rifles and the TGTE logo features your group’s outlandish land claim.

    There is a world of difference between the history of Scotland over the past 300 years and that of the “NorthEast”.

    • 14

      Yes, for you there is always world of difference between srilanka and rest of the universe as long as you suck upto majoritorian mindset. Is n’t it?

      • 7

        Not according to him, it is common sense there is a load of differences between SL and UK.

        Unlike scotland, North and East’s issue is an interpretation of history problem. The root cause.

        • 8

          Sorry Sach,I did not know the people who are living in scotland are not human; or you mean people living in North east not to be considered as human? for me, keepin aside everything, people inhabit there are human who like everyone else have every right for their own aspirations.

        • 14


          “Unlike scotland, North and East’s issue is an interpretation of history problem. The root cause.”

          It is a Sinhala/Buddhist Mahawamsa majoritarian problem conditioned by feudal thinking.

      • 13


        Have you asked for a referundum from Narendran Modi yet?

        Tamil Nadu, the true homeland of Tamils needs to secede from India proper.


        • 9

          Bent Hurting,

          There is no need for us to ask referundum because unlike you stupid people, Nehru realised the importance of federal solution and paved way for peaceful existence of many communities/ethnicities.In fact we withdrew on our own volition it in 1962 because India accomadated aspiration of every ethinicty. It is pity that you cannot manage three to four ethnic population with amicable solution, questioning like a corpse lost its soul.

          • 7


            Besides if you dare to challenge India’s one state structure, you will find a full fisted blow delivered to your nose. Almost overnight. Courtsey infamous Indian law enforcement.

            Ethno-nationalist Tamil extremism stands no chance in India. Is it possible then extreme Tamil ethno-nationalists picked Sri Lanka as the weakest link. Where they calculated was it might be possible to build a Tamil only country.

            What a miscalculation!


            • 2

              Utter stupidity! When there is no need why would i feel about ethno nationalism? Between 1938 to 1962 we were demanding separation and nothing had made disappeared us from earth, mind you! Example, recently when states were asked to use in Hindhi we agitated, next day there was a recall for that. That’s how we operate here buddy!

              You think India is stupid like you to open its border for any xyz to come and speak on behalf of any part by using iron fist!

              And you know very little about Indian law, one cannot be arrested for seeking separate state unless they involve in violence in such process. read before you open your foul mouth

              • 2


                You seem to have hell of a lot of a resepect for Indian “Law Enforcement”.

                If you are happy about that situ buddy I am OK with that too.

                Coz’ we have our hands full trying to civilize a highly corrupt & brutal Sri Lanka Police. Who are nothing but puppets of even more corrupt & brutal Politicians. From both SLFP & UNP.

                What happened to your Sikh buddies who were looking to create a Kalistan? Do you remember the attack on Golden Temple in Amritsar?

                Do you recall anything at all about how your well functioning India brutally crushed Sikh separatism?

                Could it be the Iron Fist of notorious Indian “Law Enforcement” that made the difference?

                It is not a surprise at all then, perverted & extreme ethno-Tamil natinalists in the closet, such as yourself are acting with great caution in Idnia. Are you hiding your true agenda coz’ you are scared?


                PS: BTW, why isn’t anyone calling for a referandum for Kalistan? What about their right to self-determination (code for ethnic nationalism)?

                • 2

                  Answer me, did it happen with Tamils in India? I dont need to hide, I am a strong proponent of decentralization, if there is a need for separate Tamil land( Because of GOI suppression), Then I will vouch it for openly! At moment there is no need, who knows a century from here, stupid masses may have/will have been liberated from the foolishness called false patriotism. That time, world order might have been changed and more stability would have been achieved! Nobody perdicted 50 years back mighty russia will collapse one day, nobody perdicted 100 years back that British rule will come to an end in many parts of the world( today It cant even avoid its own kingdom disintegration), A couple of disaster will make you what is life after all! You only know brutal massacre of golden temple, but subsequently how shaky moments congress went through since that!Today it cant even hold its power base, unlike in silly lanka where they were hailed as kings/emperors for brutal massacres of innocent

        • 8

          Ben Hurling

          “Tamil Nadu, the true homeland of Tamils”

          Why do you think Tamilnadu is the true homeland of Tamils.

          • 4


            Tamil Nadu literally means The Land of Tamils or Tamil Country.

            I would support a non-violent independence struggle for Tamil Nadu. True homeland of Tamils.

            Of course, how far they would get with film stars turning political leaders. To find themselves being worshipped like deity is another matter.


            • 4

              Ben Hurling

              “Of course, how far they would get with film stars turning political leaders. To find themselves being worshipped like deity is another matter.”

              So the Sinhala/Buddhists follow their Tamil brethren from Tamilnadu in every bit. Vijaya Kumaratunge, Gamini Fonseka, Malini Fonseka were stars turned politicians, weren’t they?

              Following their footsteps Sinhala/Buddhists also elect their share of most corrupted and repulsive criminals to parliament and other democratic institutions.

              “I would support a non-violent independence struggle for Tamil Nadu. True homeland of Tamils.”

              Why weren’t you supporting the non-violent independence struggle for Tamil Eelam of 1970s? Do you still believe this island exclusively belongs to Sinhala/Buddhists? If so I have no problem. If no what are doing to prevent this island being transformed into a Sinhala/Buddhist ghetto?

              • 2


                Though at times naive, Vijaya had a vison, substance, will power & ability to deliver. Apart from being a film idol. He was more than a film star.

                Both Gamini & Malini were much loved artists, but political clowns.

                The following they have here in SL can hardly be compared to the blind, utopic toe-worshipping film stars turned politicians/con-artists such as Jayalalitha receive in Tamil Nadu.

                You are correct. Sri Lankans keep electing corrupted and repulsive criminals to Parliament & Presidency as well. Just like in Tamil Nadu or rest of the troubled South Asian region. What to do?

                I believe this island exclusively belongs to all her people. Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims, Burghers and others who share it with us. I am for a Sri Lanan ghetto as opposed to a Sinhala Buddhist or Tamil ghetto.


                • 2

                  Ben Hurling

                  “He was more than a film star.”

                  That was how MGR was perceived in Tamilnadu.

                  As we discussed many moons ago, democracy is not limited to electing the rulers. It is a continuous process which needs active participation of people through out their life time.

                  Those who are elected to higher offices and their cronies have a tendency to centralise almost all powers, sit tight on it and expect ordinary people come begging for help. Without the leaders or their cronies not a single official file can be moved from one side of the desk to the other. Every aspect of human life is controlled by these centralising tendency.

                  Abraham Lincoln thought it is
                  “Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth.”

                  However those who are in power think otherwise.

        • 5

          True, Tamil Nadu is the Tamil homeland of Tamils. Tamils who are unhappy in Sri lanka can go there and demand independence from India.

          • 10

            lal loo

            “Tamils who are unhappy in Sri lanka can go there and demand independence from India.”

            Those Sinhala/buddhists who make rest of the people very unhappy should go back to their ancestral homeland in Bihar and live and enjoy violence, corruption, ballot rigging, ………..

          • 5

            Lal and others,

            Right from ancient history, Tamils are from both India and Sri Lanka. Tamil nation existed and still exists in South India (today known as Tamil Nadu after the British) and North-East Sri Lanka (Tamil Eelam). There was nothing called Tamil Nadu until the British created it. What existed as the Tamil countries in South India and Sri Lanka were known as Chola/Sola Nadu, Pandya/Pandu Nadu, Chera/Sera Nadu and Eela Nadu/Eelam Mandalam.

            In the 9th century AD, under Rajaraja Chola and his son Rajendra Chola, Sri Lanka became one of the nine provinces of the Chola Empire and was called Eelam Mandalam. This Chola rule was the longest and the most far-reaching in terms of surface area by the Tamil power. Sri Lanka remained a South Indian (Chola) colony under the rule of Rajaraja Chola and his son Rajendra Chola. After the Chola rule of Anuradhapura and then Polonawara (a kingdom created by Rajendra Chola) kingdoms ended, the people who spoke Sinhala and practiced Buddhism moved to the South and created their Kingdoms in Kandy, Kotte, and many other places in the South. On the other hand, the people who spoke Tamil and practiced Hinduism moved to the North & East and created their Kingdom in Jaffna. A separate Jaffna kingdom (1215-1624 CE) was established for the Tamils. Unfortunately, the Jaffna kingdom came under Portuguese domination in 1624 after the last Tamil king of Jaffna Cankli Kumaran was defeated in the battle. This was how the Tamils lost their sovereignty, independence and their traditional homeland.

            However, the Sri Lankan Tamils had and still have a clearly defined (Tamil speaking) territory, their historic habitat in the North & East of Sri Lanka as their traditional homeland (Tamil Eelam) where they lived and defended for several centuries. The Tamils are the sole occupants (natives) of both N&E Sri Lanka (Tamil Eelam) and South India (Tamil Nadu) when the colonials left. Just like the Arab nation has several countries in the middle-east and North Africa, the Tamil Nation had several countries (Chola Nadu, Pandya Nadu, Chera Nadu and Eela Nadu) in India and Sri Lanka and still has two regions/states in South Asia (Tamil Eelam and Tamil Nadu). Tamil Nadu belongs (Homeland) to the Tamils of India and Tamil Eelam belongs (Homeland) to the Tamils of Sri Lanka. There was a natural bridge known as Rama Setu that existed during the ancient period from Tamil Nadu to Tamil Eelam (now submerged by the rising sea but still visible in the satellite pictures taken by NASA).

            The invasion theory that was mentioned in the Mahavamsa was wrongly interpreted by the European (colonial) Orientalist scholars. Even today the majority including some historians wrongly believe that the NE Tamils are invaders from Tamil Nadu. The so called invasion was only the replacement of the king at the Anuradapura kingdom by either a Chola or a Pandya king. In the recorded history of Sri Lanka, it is NOT known or mentioned anywhere that there was a mass influx/settlement of Tamils from South India to Sri Lanka during the Chola/Pandya rule. At the same time, in the recorded history of Sri Lanka, it is NOT known or mentioned anywhere that there was a mass exodus of Sinhalese from the North to the South. (Do you think the Sinhalese in the North simply packed their bags and went to the South leaving all their lands to the newly arrived Tamils without any protest/rebellion?).

            If Tamils like Elara are called invaders, then the Sinhalas like Vijay and his 700 men were also invaders. Whether you call them invaders or invitees or whatever, Sinhala came from India and Buddhism also came from India. Both Tamil and Sinhala kings ruled the Island alternatively right from the beginning of history and the civilization was created by both. It is not mentioned anywhere that the Sri Lankan civilization is a Sinhala civilization or Tamil civilization. They both contributed, even the Mahavamsa accepts it. Just because the Sinhala Buddhists are more in number/majority (how they became a majority is not a secret) that does not mean that the whole country is exclusively for Sinhalese. A part of the country belonged to the Tamils before the British united the Tamil North (formerly Jaffna Kingdom) and the Sinhala South (formally Kotte & Kandy kingdoms) into one unitary state and gave it to the Sinhalese (only) in 1948. Unfortunately, due to foolishness, the Sinhalese is the ONLY race in this entire world that believes that the majority race in a country is the sole owner of that country and all others (minorities) are aliens.

            • 5

              Thanks Suresh.

              Dr Alagarantnam failed to learn the history from his father Dr Brian Seniwiratne. I hope he will read your comment.

            • 1

              As you have pointed out Tamil presence in the North is from 9 AD until they lost to Portugese., only a short period of Sri Lankan history. Now the North is back in the hands of the rightful owners. North will stay in the hands of its rightful owners. No Referendum. Or,Referenderamlingam as it may be called in Tamil!

              • 4


                “As you have pointed out Tamil presence in the North is from 9 AD until they lost to Portugese”

                Where the hell did I say that?

                The Tamil presence was there in the island even before the Sinhala Vijay arrived and the Tamils kings have ruled the Anuradapura kingdom right from the beginning of known history.

                In the 9th century AD, the entire country (not just the North) came under the Chola rule. Separate Sinhala and Tamil Kingdoms in the South and North began only after the Anuradapura/Polonurawa kingdoms were abandoned (very much after 9 AD).

      • 11

        “Majoritarian mindset”? Does that mean democracy? What majority do I belong to?

        • 6

          Dr Romesh,

          Why don’t you carry out a research on Democracy V Majoriarinism instead of on Genocide? During the parliamentary debate on the Language Bill, Dr NM eloquently stated what Democracy is; why don’t you read the Hansard around that time to learn what he said in 1955?

          If you think the Democracy is about a number game, you have no idea whatsoever about the Tamil struggle and Sri Lankan politics!

          • 3


            Yep. Dr. NM Perera made a great point. His were words of wisdom in that speech. Agree.

            However, maximalist, extremist, ethno-Tamil nationalists with romantic ideas about a separate Tamil homeland, fuelled the fire.

            Coupled with inscure, mythical, Sinhalese Buddhist extremism, both parties continue their blood soaked Tango.

            Even today on this tiny, beautiful Island..


            • 2


              I know it takes two to Tango. The Tamils separatist idea crystallised during the mid 70s. I am not arguing in favouring of the Tamil nationalistic sentiments, but when a people are pushed into a corner by the unscrupulous majority that cared only for themselves by promoting and fostering their own interests, it brings bad in people. Even now, the true principles of the democracy have been discarded and majority triumphalism has won the day.

              The Sinhala cannot subjugate the minorities, but they need to be accommodated with absolute equality. First and foremost, the Sinhala need to sort their own position of chronic insecurity, and start behaving like a responsible majority. They need to accept that, Sri Lanka is multi-faith and a trilingual nation. They cannot push their religion and language down everyone’s throat.

          • 4

            I did not respond to him because you can answer to a person who dont know but not to a person who pretend that he does not know.

            • 4

              Mani ,

              Dr Romesh is after his own Dad ( Dr Brian Senaviratne ),so he will do and say any thing & every thing just to oppose his Dad’s political views , that’s it !

        • 4

          Dr Romesh Senewiratne-Alagaratnam

          “Majoritarian mindset”? Does that mean democracy? What majority do I belong to?”

          It means tyranny of the majority.

          • 3

            Thanks, Vedda.

            Yes, tyranny of the majority can be a problem. I fail to see what majority I am supposed to belong to. I am an Australian of mixed Sinhalese and Tamil ancestry.

    • 11

      Dr Alagaratnam,

      We are not saying anything new like you – adding Alagaratnam (which you started only recently).
      ” NorthEast”
      North East as in the 13th amendment.

      “The Sri Lankan government has repeatedly re-assured India of its commitment to implement the 13th Amendment, stated a spokesperson for the Indian Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) today.” http://www.tamilguardian.com/article.asp?articleid=12247

      • 10


        I agree with others that the Police should be under the central government, because they have access to weapons and to keep alert against a resurgence of terrorism. There is a drive to attract Tamils into the police force in the north, and there is also a drive to attract Tamils into the army. I think that it is necessary to have military defenses all around the island.

        Other than that, I support devolution of power to the Provincial Council, but only within reason. An efficient central government can be efficient at building infrastructure quickly, as has evidently occurred in the Jaffna peninsula and Kilinochchi since the end of the war. I likewise agree with others about the colonization schemes, which I don;t think should be divided between the races or languages but on level of poverty.

        For hundreds of years, during the great civilization of Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa, the relatively arid north sustained a greater population density than the naturally fertile south because of the amazing irrigation system built and expanded under successive Sri Lankan kings. These irrigation systems, which are being renovated by the much-maligned government, and will allow much more people settle in the relatively underpopulated north of the island. I think that the poor Tamil people and those who have been displaced for various reasons reap the rewards of the renovation of these tanks and be given employment designing and constructing them, as well as full involvement in the agriculture that will result. There will be a change in the demographic. That’s why I have suggested that Tamil people also invest in Sri Lanka, in all parts of the island and its economy.

        In terms of education and health, I’d imagine there is a role for both the Provincial Councils and the Central Government, but I don’t know enough about what, exactly, the Provincial Council is supposed to do. But if they are involved in government it makes sense for them to work hand in hand with other branches of government and welcome opportunities for dialogue and debate.

        • 7

          Dr Romesh,

          You appear to live in a dream world. You are either chronically naive or reckless in believing that the Sinhala Buddhists will share the island equally with others!

          Police powers must rest with the provincial councils; the central government will be responsible for defence and foreign policy. This is how it should be; if the Sinhala Buddhists cannot fathom these basic requirements, they will have no peace!

          • 3

            I think the only people who should have legitimate access to guns should be the police and armed forces. The efforts to recruit Tamils into the armed forces and police is welcome. Guns are a problem in the hands of criminals and gangsters, and society is safer when they are restricted to the police. That’s one reason I think the police should should be under the central government; also crime crosses boundaries between the provinces and the police need to have a national reach. Of course there should be more Tamil police in Tamil areas.

            In the post-war period it is inevitable that there be a close relationship between the police and the military (who won the war); this is in the interests of protecting against a resurgence of armed rebellion. With time I would hope that there be a progressive demilitarization of Sri Lanka, in terms of weapons and weapons-training, to be replaced with practical skills and knowledge gained from the defense department’s involvement in urban development and building physical infrastructure.

            The Army propaganda films that are put out by the Department of Defense suggest that the army is involving itself in aspects of society that I think are civilian matters. With time, and maybe a change in government, some of the roles being conducted by the army will be taken over by civilians; at this stage the military are useful building and renovating infrastructure efficiently. That is different from what the Australian military does – play war games and then re-enact them in real life in Afghanistan and Iraq. I prefer what I know of the Sri Lankan military’s activities to that of Australia.

            • 2

              Dr Romesh,

              I am very sorry say that you come across as very patronising and ostentatious!

              “I think the only people who should have legitimate access to guns should be the police and armed forces.”

              I agree 100%! I do not expect the N&E police force to recruit criminals; why do you think that, man of the calibre of Judge Vigneswaren would permit criminalising his police force?

              “The efforts to recruit Tamils into the armed forces and police is welcome. Guns are a problem in the hands of criminals and gangsters, and society is safer when they are restricted to the police.”

              So you agree that the current status quo that EPDP criminals act with impunity with their fire arms. I totally agree that they should be disarmed and order should be restored. Who better to do this than an honest police force that comes under a well run provincial council like the Northern council.

              Please come up with better explanation as to why you oppose devolving police powers to provinces than prevaricating with frivolous nonsense!

              • 2

                Burning Issue,

                I agree that the EPDP and all armed groups should be disarmed (Sinhalese or Tamil). I don’t have a problem with devolving police powers to the provinces, either. But crime crosses boundaries, and though local police and local stations might come under a provincial government, it needs to be integrated and work with the national police. Of course Tamil people should be able to give evidence in Tamil to the police and in the courts.

      • 2

        Anpu u wasting u r time, go to youtube type dr romesh senewiratne-alagaratnam….he is damn fool, talking utter noncence…ignore this mad foooooollll….wonder where this idiot got DR….I don’t think Dr Brain senewiratne proud of him….sad…

    • 8

      Not only is ethnically purified, Tamil only Ealam a practical impossibility, even if it is granted Sri Lanka can expect an eternal war about this tree and that rock on the border. Forever!

      We all know the maximalist nature of Tamil ethno-nationlist fanatics.


      • 8

        Ben Hurling

        “Not only is ethnically purified, Tamil only Ealam a practical impossibility, even if it is granted Sri Lanka can expect an eternal war about this tree and that rock on the border.”

        Instead, would you like to see/build a minimalist Sinhala/Buddhist ghetto in the Indian Ocean?

        • 5


          I would like to build a country where everyone is equal before the law.

          Where nobdoy will be judged by their ethnicity. Where I will be the keeper of my brother (and sister). Including my Tamil brothers (and sisters). And vice versa.


          PS: I am not for balkanising this tiny Island along ethnic lines. To satisfy perverted ethno-nationalists. Be they Sinhalese or Tamil.

          • 3

            Ben Hurling

            “I would like to build a country where everyone is equal before the law.”

            Why did you fail to build such a country in the past 66 years since independence. How do you propose to do it in the future.

            Probably you would have voted for the anti minority and most brutal Sinhala/Buddhists nationalistic party.

            “where everyone is equal before the law”

            You are not kidding are you?

    • 4

      Dr Romesh:

      Thieves and robbers know no shame when they lay their hands on others properties and wealth. Of course, their skewed argument will continue to insist as theirs what is not, citing and inciting thuggery tactics. Let me remind you doctor, even when a decent devolution is expected but denied, the future course would be what guys like you would have detested. Bullying can only go on for so long.

      • 8

        “Thieves and robbers”? Are you talking about the LTTE? Or the TGTE, collecting money from gullible Tamils to set up a self-important “government” complete with ministers and senators that chooses to spent this money on paying American and British lawyers to engage in vexatious litigation? Are we talking talking about two thirds of Sri Lanka’s coastline and a third of its landmass to be ruled and dominated by a small group of rich, xenophobic Tamil expatriates?

        • 7

          Dr Romesh Senewiratne-Alagaratnam

          “Thieves and robbers”? Are you talking about the LTTE? “

          Probably jansee is talking talking about gold and cash stolen by Gota and his goons which LTTE previously looted from ordinary people.

          “Are we talking talking about two thirds of Sri Lanka’s coastline and a third of its landmass to be ruled and dominated by a small group of rich, xenophobic Tamil expatriates?”

          If you don’t like 2/3 and 1/3 what is the percentage would you settle for?

          • 9


            I don’t favour a 1/3 2/3 division because I don’t support division of the country. There can be racial harmony and religious harmony in the island if the expatriate population gives peace a chance.

            • 4

              Dr Romesh Senewiratne-Alagaratnam

              “There can be racial harmony and religious harmony in the island if the expatriate population gives peace a chance.”

              Peace can only come from within.

              The Sinhala/Buddhists will not rest until the whole land is destroyed. They rage 24/07/52. They find little excuses to inflame racial hatred.

              They want to build an exclusive Aryan Sinhala/Buddhist ghetto.

              They forgive and support most brutal, corrupt, thieving … regimes as long as the regime is willing to destroy minority rights, property, culture, way of life, ….

              Let me ask you this? Could it be possible for you to trace the origin of this expatriate population.

            • 3

              Dr Romesh Senewiratne-Alagaratnam

              “I don’t favour a 1/3 2/3 division because I don’t support division of the country.”

              That is a honest straight forward answer. We may or may not agree with each other it is completely a different matter. All you have to say is in principle as you said above ” I don’t support division of the country.”

              Why do stupid Sinhala/Buddhists chose %, ratios, pie charts, fractions to state a simple point?

              Where would your stupid argument take you to?

              By the way do you intent to live in the island and serve the people?

              • 2


                The purpose of pointing out that the Eelam land claim was for two thirds of the coastline and a third of the land, is to illustrate how unreasonable the separatist land claim has been all along – considering the size of the elite Vellala Tamil minority that funded and ran the separatist war from the comfort of the West. These were the professionals that were at the top of the new international hierarchy and administration of Tamil Eelam under the LTTE. Prabakaran and Balasingham listened to their doctors, too. The Tamil Tigers employed psychological warfare techniques, including black propaganda and brainwashing, and the engineering of a suicide cult. The propaganda was especially directed at the so-called “International Community” (the West). Prabakaran had a lot of professional help from abroad.

                Now the International LTTE has abandoned the “military option” and is endeavouring to engage in democracy – hence the structure of the TGTE and their voting system. It was formed partly on the advice of the American lawyer Karen Parker, who had been a legal adviser to the LTTE since the 1980s. The “Prime Minister” of the TGTE Rudrakumaran was a senior legal adviser to the Tigers, and his photograph can be seen alongside Prabakaran and Balasingham. Numerous TGTE clips of You Tube show the “prime minister” and “ministers” of the TGTE giving speeches in front of an LTTE flag. The TGTE logo shows the same exorbitant land claim as the previous LTTE posters.

                The fact that Usha Sri-Skandarajah is a “senator” of the TGTE is important to understand her biases. She’s talking about what she used to call “Tamil Eelam” but now is calling the “NorthEast”.

                • 3

                  Dr Romesh Senewiratne-Alagaratnam

                  “The purpose of pointing out that the Eelam land claim was for two thirds of the coastline and a third of the land, is to illustrate how unreasonable the separatist land claim has been all along”

                  If that %, ratios, size, …. etc were unreasonable tell me what is reasonable.

                  You are going round in circles.

                  The question is whether you agree with the idea of a separate state or not, and the reasons as to why you oppose it in principle.

                  “Prabakaran and Balasingham listened to their doctors, too.”

                  Prabaharan never listened anyone except voices in his head.

                  “The propaganda was especially directed at the so-called “International Community” (the West).”

                  Neither the West nor the Hindians bought his propaganda. Otherwise both would have carved out a piece of Tamil Eelam for VP. From the beginning Hindians made sure they would not allow Tamil Eelam though they supported the LTTE to destabilise this island out of their own strategic interest.

                  “The “Prime Minister” of the TGTE Rudrakumaran was a senior legal adviser to the Tigers,”

                  Where did this legal eagle lead the LTTE to, Mullivaaikkal?

                  “She’s talking about what she used to call “Tamil Eelam” but now is calling the “NorthEast”.”

                  More than two thousands years Tamils knew this island as Eelam. Tamil Eelam was a relatively recent addition to Tamil vocabulary.

                  The war between Tamils and Sinhalese has to be studied in a calm and quiet manner if you want to make any sense of it. There has been still are many factors which decides the fate of this island that you may not know.

                  The Vellas were late arrival in this VP’s Tamil Eelam project.

                  If you are intellectually honest you would be looking for or unearthing truth and not waste time going after Vellalas.

                  • 3


                    I think you are mistaken. The West bought the separatist propaganda for a long time, partly because it was argued by respected, professional supporters of “Tamil Eelam” in the West. The propaganda was disseminated from Canada, USA, UK, Australia and India, mainly. I have been exposed to this propaganda since the 1980s and in it, the government of Sri Lanka was always demonized (long before the Rakapaksa clan won government).

                    I know about the role of the upper-caste Vellala prejudices because I was born into a Vellala family that was proud of this fact. I know how little regard the upper-caste Tamils showed towards the lower castes during the war (and for centuries before it). During the war it meant supporting low-caste Tamil girls and boys doing the actual dirty fighting and being killed.

                    The war was organized and maintained by a network of Tamil professionals in the West. Many had left Sri Lanka after the 1983 massacre, some were already in professional positions in the west before the war. This was the generation that Anton Balasingham looked up to, and Prabakaran looked up to “anna” Balasingham. Both looked up to their Tamil and non-Tamil doctors. This has a bearing on understanding the medical system of the LTTE, which was focused on “battlefield medicine” but also included sinister mental abuse, such as the suicide cult, torture cells and a large “psychiatric facility” (I’m interested in what was done there and the role that Western NGOs played). Balasingham also, presumably, listened to his legal advisers and other advisers.

                    I’m trying to find out the truth about what happened, not “going after Vellalas”. I am, after all, Vellala myself.

                    • 2

                      Dr Alagaratnam,

                      “The Sinhalese and Tamils caste systems are closer to each other ” http://groundviews.org/2014/09/17/review-of-neville-jayaweeras-jaffna-exorcising-the-past-and-holding-the-vision/

                      “I’m trying to find out the truth about what happened”
                      You may find these useful.

                    • 3

                      Dr Romesh Senewiratne-Alagaratnam

                      “I think you are mistaken. The West bought the separatist propaganda for a long time, partly because it was argued by respected, professional supporters of “Tamil Eelam” in the West.”

                      In the 1980s Casper Winberger former US defense secretary came all the way from USA to provide material and moral support to JR. Gave helicopters and weapons. Maggie allowed the export of lethal weapons to Sri Lanka. She purposely turned blind eye to UK mercenaries (Keeny Meeny) training Sri Lankan forces. Keeny Meeny pilots flew for Sri Lankan armed forces. British government arranged the sale of South African arms and armored personnel carriers to Sri Lanka.

                      US armed forces continued to train Sri Lankan armed forces till to this say, provided petrel boats, intelligence, banning LTTE, prosecuting LTTE agents, …. etc.

                      “The war was organized and maintained by a network of Tamil professionals in the West. “

                      Vellalas were not part of the LTTE schemes most of the activities were carried out by low level VVT contacts or controlled by them.

                      “This was the generation that Anton Balasingham looked up to, and Prabakaran looked up to “anna” Balasingham.”

                      Anton was a mere translator. I was told VP insulted Anton in front of Yasushi Akashi, the Japanese Ambassador at large in Vanni. This incident was the talk of the town in Colombo.

                      There are many things

                      There are many things you ought to know but failed to learn.

                      ” I’m trying to find out the truth about what happened, not “going after Vellalas”. I am, after all, Vellala myself.”

                      Are you ashamed of yourself being a Vellala?

                      You have an added advantage of being a Radala or Govia.

        • 2

          Just like you have the JVP and UNP, there will always be some opposition and just like the thugs in BBS that has not become a national but international shame, there would be the recalcitrant but in no way can match the liars and goons of your regime. You talk as if your regime is squeaky clean. What about the millions it is spending in engaging foreign PR firms to shore up its dirty face and lost credibility? Gullible Tamils are the ones your regime is dead worried and angry over, unlike the gullible Sinhalese who still place their faith in a tarnished dutugemunu.

          Yes, the landmass that belongs to the Tamils and now scavenged by the sinhalese is what the Tamils rightly want. From amending the 13A, your dutugemunu has now been forced to agree to 13A to the constituton but he says minus the police powers. The Tamils will continue to haunt you people until you see the sense that they will continue to be a nagging pain. Look here, all the monkey tricks this regime has been displaying has defaced it and the Tamils had come to a stage in getting away from a lying and non-creditworthy and corrupted sinhalese majority. Nothing that we can think of can be decent of what the sinhalese are and do. No truth, no credibility and no shame in stealing what is not theirs.

    • 5

      From your double-barrel name it looks as if you could be a middleman in the dispute between the linguistic communities in Sri Lanka. The cabinet minister Dilan Perera said once the merged “N-E could be named Eelam as the Southern state in India is called Tamil Nadu”. The name will not be a matter for any system of government but the attitude of the leaders.

      The question is if the Tamil-speaking people in Ceylon or Sri Lanka have the democratic right to self-determination. I bet the Scots will voteinduced NO to separation and would like to continue united. This is because the leaders in the South (of Britain) are fare and share an attitude of live-and-let-live in contrast to Sri Lankan’s. As Gandhiji once said there is enough room for everyone to live.

      Sri Lanka has extremists (BSS, JHU, NFF, TGTE, LTTE) on both sides. The present government gave birth and nurture a few of them so that destruction can continue based on emotions and the leadership can benefit from the flame of hatred and confusion.

      The bottom line is that the religious and ethnic minorities are made to feel insecure following the assertive actions of the leaders of the ethnic majority.

    • 1

      Dr. Romesh Seneiviratne-Alagaratnam,
      Did you legally change your name, or using your Mother’s maiden name to show/demonstrate your disgust at your own father another TGTE Senator Dr B.S.

      Leaving your own family battles to be private, aside, you have called out the TGTE as you see it, and there is NO Sinhala Sri Lankan government will allow a referendum only in the North East.

      By any stretch of imagination or hallucination, those who are lobbying or canvassing for the right to self determination are just day dreaming and not understanding the reality in the international community nor in Sri Lanka.

      It is true Sri Lanka military won the war using their 4 US citizens and chemical weapons, cluster bombs and Phosphorus bombs. TGTE, needs to take legal action in the US against those US citizens and not spend money, time and energy on frivolous law suits.

      TGTE should organize the boycott of selling and buying the groceries from the Rajapakses without being scared of the grocery store owners. Also TGTE should not be scared of the Tamil Travel Agents who sell Sri Lankan Airline tickets and promote Tourism into Sri Lanka.

      TGTE does not have any professional lobbyist in Washington, Ottawa or New Delhi.

      Writing on Colombo Telegraph would not bring any results, but animosity for the whole Tamil project. I hope the Appointed Senators of the TGTE, including your father would realize and comprehend the reality of this world, Dr. Romesh Seneiviratne-Algaratnam. I hope your mother is doing well under the circumstances. MY best regards to her.

      Donald J Gnanakone
      Tamils For Justice.

      • 4

        Why are you talking about his personal life and why personal attacks? That is none of your business!
        Is this how you bring justice for Tamils?

      • 4

        Welcome back Uncle Donald,

        We miss your kind of highly personlised “wisdom” presented in reponses.

        Despite all your “wisdom” & nurturing, your beloved LTTE still went belly up. Why?

        If I were you, I would take a Time Out to reflect a wee bit. Over your Ealam project’s current predicament. Without wasting the remainder of my life on vengence against your own country.


        PS: US citizens currently flying high in our capital city will have their day in Court. Here in Sri Lanka. In due course. Don’t you worry. The matter is too important to be left to USA or to any others with hidden agendas.

      • 4

        Hi Donald,

        My mother is doing well, thanks, busy with her art. You can see it on YouTube:


        Regarding the “whole Tamil project”, I don’t think this should be focused on giving more money to lawyers like Bruce Fein or Geoffrey Robertson, or by urging unsuccessful boycotts.

        Instead, the efforts of Tamil people should be to nurture and develop Tamil language and culture (including literature, poetry, philosophy, science, music, dance, cooking, etc) around the world. Rather than boycotting Sri Lanka, Tamils should be investing in Sri Lanka to reap the peace dividend. Buying land and developing businesses that will employ Tamil people and reinvigorate Tamil society in Sri Lanka. I gather, despite the view one gets from CT, that this is happening, especially in Colombo.

        Due to my education at home and at school, I learnt little about Tamil history, language and culture. Brought up as a Christian I knew little about the religion of my Hindu and Buddhist ancestors. Since I was brought to Australia (with no say in it) I have had limited opportunities to learn Tamil, though I do try. I have learned to read Tamil script, but I don’t know what the words mean. I have the same problem with reading Sinhalese writing – I can read the words but I don’t know what they mean. I do listen to a few Tamil and Sinhalese clips on YouTube, and am slowly increasing my vocabulary, but it is slow at my age.

        This is why I am so convinced that communication and harmony between the people of Sri Lanka depends on them learning each other’s languages, with English being a common language, and that this multilingual education should begin in primary school.


        • 3

          Thanks a lot Dr Romesh Senewiratne-Alagaratnam.

          For speaking your mind so clearly.

          Advocates of continued hatered dislike you precisely for that reason. Bridge builders are their worst enemies.

          May your tribe grow from strength to strength!

          All Sri Lanka needs is more people like you. And she will sail to peace and prosperity.


  • 12

    “Follow UK’s Example – Hold That Referendum On Independence In The NorthEast”

    Are you crazy? We don’t follow foreigners, we just take orders.


  • 7

    How does the UK circumstance related to Sri Lanka?

    • 8

      Related: There are different ethnic communities with multi-cultures in UK and Sri Lanka. Three kingdoms (Kandy, Kotte and Jaffna) were unified 200 years back (1815) by British and Scotland was amalgamated with Britain 300 years ago.

      Unrelated: Area of Scotland remained unaltered whereas Ceylon leaders grabbed lands from dry zone in the north and created new settlements with uprooted poor people of the south in the east and north of the country while vast areas in the wet zone in the south remained untouched.

      Mahavamsa mindset gave dominant aggressive attitude at the expense of destroying the prosperity of the country as a whole (In 1948 Ceylon had a huge surplus of balance of payments). That explains why othe rnew independent countries such as Singapore, Malaysia and India prospered with home grown political system, industries and peaceful co-existence.

      • 1

        Before the British came the Portuguese and then the Dutch had taken over most of Sri Lanka including the north and the southern coastal areas. Unsuccessful armed uprisings of Sinhalese against the British took place in the 1818 Uva Rebellion and later the 1848 Matale Rebellion. But there was no unification as you tend to suggest other than winning the hill country to complete the takeover of the island . It is laughable to call conquering unification! If it was a unification the British would have unified the “kingdoms” you talk about and left. Are you saying that the British were unifying Sri Lanka from 1815 till 1948?? What did they do when they left in 1948?

  • 12

    The Brtitish has a sense of fair play with these things.

    That is probably why they recognised Scotland as a nation.

    • 2

      “The Brtitish has a sense of fair play with these things.”

      Do you mean to say that the Sinhala Buddhists are devoid of “fair play”?

      • 3

        What I meant was they would have been fair if they saw a Tamil Eelam in 1949 too.

        • 2

          You will do yourself justice, if you go and learn about the history during the 1946 to 1948 period. What DS promised to the minorities and how the Tamil federal party was born!

          The independence was give by the British under the universally accepted 1948 constitution that encompassed both secularism and protection for the minorities with English as the state language. There was no apatite for separation from the Tamil perspective. In fact SKVC lost his first election to a UNP candidate! If the Tamils in deed clamoured for independence at that time, the British would have certainly considered that. The Sinhala Buddhists instead of building a nation, they decided to exercise majoritism as democracy as cover. This is why we are in this mess. I wish you learn the proper history instead of learning the here says!

    • 1

      How knowledge challenged are you? Read the history of the United Kingdom and documents pertaining to the unifying agreement.
      Then you will understand why Cameron and all British politicians are begging the Scots not to secede?
      Your statement “The British has a sense of fair play with these things.” is laughable and shows your ignorance!

  • 12

    Scotland People have no land like Tamil Nadu in India that in any part European country. Tamils in Sri Lanka having own home land in Tamil Nadu in India.

    All Tamils can live Tamil Nadu, India that without any type of Discrimination by any race in world.

    Most of Tamils in European countries, Canada, UK, (England Scotland Wales) Tamils, USA and Australia is possible to back to Tamil-Nadu is there no doubt Tamil homeland will welcome!

    Why not Tamil go back to Tamil Nadu? Instead of that which claim homeland in Sri lanka.

  • 11

    Referendum in Lanka will never happen under any of these racist governments. They will destroy the nation and people altogether but will never do anything good for the country, especially for the numerically smaller races. These rascals are hell bent on looting and destroying this once a wonderful country and the entire people. Majority of the majority wants to destroy the other races first and then destroy the whole nation and themselves. These guys are that jealous, stupid and have no vision at all. Destruction is their policy, greed and they do get so much of sadistic satisfaction doing these evil things. They won’t let any one live in peace, including themselves. That’s their nature and upbringing.

    • 6

      Isnt this comment hilarious? Have you been sponsoring terrorism for 30 years to break the country into two because of the love for the previously so wonderful nation.

  • 8

    Ha Ha Ha ok . we were waiting for this clown to come up with the idea .



  • 14





  • 3

    Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah

    RE: Follow UK’s Example – Hold That Referendum On Independence In The NorthEast

    In Scotland, about 54% want to saty in the Unuin with UK.

    In Lanka, the Land of Native Veddah, Hold That Referendum On Independence In The NorthEast, and over 80% will vote for independence.

    So, the North East will have a Tamil Version of Rajapaksa Hegemony,

    Then the Christians will move in. They will turn the North and South into Christians countries, that was the aim of the Portuguese, Dutch and English.

  • 7

    Idiot. Don’t you know that such referendums for separation nullify when there is a huge mother country just 26 miles away. Now if Sinhala persons wanted a bit of Tamil Nadu, that would been ok. It would have been a legitimate thing. For Big mother country cannot bully small minority. International law no. 1.

    • 10

      ramona therese fernando

      What is your point if there is one?

    • 2

      International law no. 1?

      My foot!

  • 11

    Thank you for the well written article !
    British had a unitary unwritten constitution and they wrote the constitution based on that for most of the countries their colonies. But India wrote it constitution Sri Lanka change it constitution to get power to south and the majority rule with Iron fist.

    There are lot of similarities between Scot and tamils
    Both want to preserve their own identities. Scots speak English and still maintain have a scotish language which is not similar to english.
    They maintained their history of rulers and their castle Tamils maintained their language fully and their culture still only very few tamils can speak Sinhalese.

    Like Tamils Scot are proud of their separate identity and maintained it
    Scot are only 10% of British Populations. Where as tamils speaking population in Srilanka is about 30%.

    The Scottish independence is showing the world that a country can still become independent but can maintain very close relationship with England and rest of the Island.

    Both Sri Lanka and UK are both Islands So there is no arguments the Island have to stay together.
    Most scots follow Christianity. Most of them talk and write English and
    do their JOB in that language.

    On the other hand The tamils speaking people in Sri Lanka are Hindus and Muslims Most of them do not know Sinhalese or do not do their Job in that language. They lived in Majority in North and East.

    If a 10% of a population can have their independent achieve by vote
    Why 30% of the population Tamils have to live under a genocidal state of Sri Lanka?
    What right had the world had to say to Tamils you cannot go separate.

    Scott as 10% of the population is not called minority in UK and allowed to carry their separate identity as a nation.

    The same British Rulers Merged the Tamil kingdoms with Sinhalese kingdom in 1833 for administrative purposes not only that they divided Tamil speaking people in sensor into Tamils, Muslims,Upcountry tamils

    I do not understand why British have to do that there is no logic in this they can divide people into Hindus, christian, Muslims and Buddhist on basis of religion.

    Why Tamils population statistic had to be done in non logical order.
    Are the British rulers afraid of Tamils and divided the Tamils and called them minority which caused the Genocide of Tamils in SriLanka

    The Muslims in Tamil Nadu has not statistically been counted as a separate people. Why that happen during British colonial period?
    Who did are in caused the divisions and allowed the Genocide for last 65 years.

    While the British are giving autonomy to Scotland, Whales and Northern Island they should support and lobby for an referendum for tamils to have their say like scotch for the security of Tamils in Sri Lanka.

    where the Labour party in Scotland campaigning for NO w

    • 8

      Idiot. Are the Scots demanding a third of the UK land mass and two thirds of the coastline? If they were, would they get it?

      • 12


        “Are the Scots demanding a third of the UK land mass and two thirds of the coastline?”

        If the Tamils are prepared to accept/claim less than what you think they are claiming would you agree to a referendum?

        Throw some %, ratios, actual length, area, …. what you would consider a reasonable Tamil demand which would satisfy the Sinhala/Buddhists.

        For you size matters.

      • 11

        Donkey, it’s not about the land mass or the coastline, it was the Tamil Kingdom and the inhabitants of the land. We want our land back.

        If you are a educated fool, then at least allow the suppressed Tamils to decide their future destiny. We will show you how to manage, develop and prosper as a civilised democratic country.

        Can you read Usha’s article again.

        • 8

          why doesnt the tamil kingdom has anything substantial to show their existence? why there is no literary works or even an ancient temple in North that talks about a so called ancient tamil kingdom. All the ancient ruins in North have links to sinhala kings or invading kings from TN. None shows the existence of an indegenous tamil kingdom.

          • 7

            What do you know about Jaffna and its kingdom?

            You sound very illiterate and ignorant.

  • 1

    If Scotland gains its independence in the forthcoming referendum, the
    remainder of the United Kingdom will be known as the
    “Former United Kingdom” …….or FUK.

    In a bid to discourage the Scots from voting ‘yes’ in the referendum,
    the Government has now begun to campaign with the slogan “Vote NO, for
    FUK’s sake”

    They feel the Scottish voters will be able to relate to this.

  • 6

    Well Usha, your cousins in India where 95% of all Tamils live and their leader Peryiar started the demand for a Tamil country in 1920s and carried it so far as to have an unofficial referendum at the Madras State Elections in 1962 and yet, in spite of the backing of the Tamils there they couldn’t reach their goal and hence its about time you and and your kith and kin there carry that campaign to a conclusion now because you simply do not have your numbers here in Sri Lanka.

    • 6


      “Are the Scots demanding a third of the UK land mass and two thirds of the coastline?”

      If the Tamils are prepared to accept/claim less than what you think they are claiming would you agree to a referendum?

      Throw some %, ratios, actual length, area, …. what you would consider a reasonable Tamil demand which would satisfy the Sinhala/Buddhists.

      For you size matters.

      • 3

        The best option for Malabar Tamils is to share power at the center because there live more Tamils outside the North.

        • 2


          “The best option for Malabar Tamils is to share power at the center because there live more Tamils outside the North.”

          Who are these Malabar Tamils?

          Are they the Sinhala speaking Demelas of the South?

    • 8


      “their leader Peryiar started the demand for a Tamil country in 1920s”

      You are indeed a very stupid person.

      E Ve Ra didn’t demand for a Tamil country on the contrary he demanded a pan Dravida Nadu comprising Tamilnadu, Kerala, Kannada, Andhra Pradesh, etc.

      Periyar demanded separation in 1938 and not 1920.

      Please fact check before you start your creative typing.

  • 2

    How could one expect Sri Lankan regime to follow the enlightened British rulers in agreeing to have a referendum on separation in Sri lanka ? Thousands of Tamil lives have been lost in the past in the land of Eelam. That did not happen in Scotland. Tamils cannot go back on the blood spilled road back and start it all over.

    Diaspora Tamils must understand that there is a way forward other than calling for referendums. International Community is willing to help us in that process. This morning, I was particularly impressed with Malcolm Fraser great Australian humanitarian calling for boots on the grounds in Iraq by the West.Malcolm in the past has canvassed for a separate country for Tamils as the other great international human rights lawyers (Geoffrey Robertson etc), activists, Trotskyites and Marxists politcal parties in Australia. Tamils need Sinhalese to learn the lesson proper way they understand things.

    • 3

      Diaspora Tamils must consciously work harder to make Sri lanka become a major flash point in the current geopolitical power struggles between US-China, US-Russia so that Tamils can offer our loyalty and strategic assistance in return for the winner militarily enabling us to achieve a separate state.

      Bodu Bala Sena is already showing signs becoming ISIL equivalent in Sri Lanka.It needs to be funded generously so that it could develop into a powerful militia force with Sinhala Buddhist fanaticism. We need to maintain the war crimes investigation(and eventual prosecution by ICC/UN Special Court)on Gotabaya, so that he will secretly help US interests by doing whatever they ask him to do.

      Ranil should not be let to continue to pussyfoot. If he cannot declare his unconditional and open loyalty to the US-Westen interests and adopt their strategies, he must give away to a young turk Ruwan Wijewardana etc.

      Big powers know the importance of Balkanisation.

    • 3

      Your “enlightened British rulers” brought Tamils in hundreds of thousands to Sri Lanka from that squalid state of Tamil Nadu. Many Tamils perished before they reached the upcountry plantations and ones who survived were made into slaves. Tamil women were raped by your “enlightened British planters” and bashed around and made to live under deplorable conditions. Like all that, ass kissing donkey? If it isn’t good enough here take a walk to Mannar and it is only 22 km across to your homeland.

      • 6

        lal loo

        “Tamil women were raped by your “enlightened British planters”

        The Sinhala/Buddhist women provided Kandyan hospitality voluntarily.

        “Many Tamils perished before they reached the upcountry plantations and ones who survived were made into slaves. “

        Until Hindian intervention in 1987/88 they remained stateless and slaves under benevolent Sinhala/Buddhists rule. They still live in lines and there is not much change to their life even after this island’s independence.

        ” Like all that, ass kissing donkey?”

        Is it you?

        “If it isn’t good enough here take a walk to Mannar and it is only 22 km across to your homeland.”

        Of course they must do, however when the go they should take their Sinhala/Buddhist brethren with them.

        For you, Lalu Prasad Yadav is in Bihar who would not hesitate to help a long lost cousin.

  • 6

    No similarity as the north and east were never a separate entity and home to other communities as well. But just picture a country run by a megalomaniac like prabahakran. Democracy will reign !They will have a finance minister like Emil saundarnayagam. Usha will be made a godess !

  • 6

    Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah you say:-

    “Follow UK’s example – Hold That Referendum on Independence in the NorthEast – Like the Scots, Let the People Decide Either Way”

    Would have been a good idea if Sri Lanka did not have TamilNadu just a few miles away, waiting to swallow us wholesale.

    Would you like to be governed by TamilNadu?

    The Scots do not have a massive Ethnic Majority across the Water.

    • 7


      “Would you like to be governed by TamilNadu?”

      The way things are this entire island is going to be swallowed by Hindians.

      Sooner or later Delhi is going to dictate when you go to toilet, how you share your bed with your partner, what you eat, what you dress, what music you listen to, what the state language is, ……… Hindian grip is slowly creeping in to the nooks and corners of this island, though it is not visible it is real.

      You will have a governor appointed by Delhi passing decrees in Hindi and the Sinhalese and Tamils compete each other to learn the language. It has already started. Hindians need not to use stick but more dangerously carrots. Gullible Tamils and Sinhalese are definitely going to fall for it.

      You are narrowly focussed on out dated imaginary or perceived threat from South India (conditioned by your historical fear psychosis) hence you tend to forget the long term threat from Hindian corporate state.

      • 2

        NV, more likely we will be learning Chinese not Hindi, the way things are going!

        • 3


          “more likely we will be learning Chinese not Hindi, the way things are going!”

          Unlike the Hindian invasion Chinese are not going to take over this island and impose their language as official/commercial language. As part of globalisation process certain number of people would be interested in learning Chinese towards increasing their job and business prospect.

          • 3

            “…..and impose their language as official/commercial language.”

            Native Veddah-

            China would not have to ‘impose’ their language.
            Sri Lankans would be queuing up to learn Chinese, if History is anything to go by!
            Also, see the number of people learning the Korean language, for economic reasons.

  • 6

    Never it can happen in a country people are living in mythical land and the ruling family full of racial hatred.
    If it ever happens the outcome will be 99% YES vote.
    Do you think ‘Democracy’ has a place in this country?
    Not at all!!!!!!!

  • 10

    The short answer to your question is that England does not have the Rajapaksas nor a Mahavamsa Mindset
    it is as simple as that
    that is why an E Timor type referendum will never be held

    • 0

      [Edited out]

    • 0

      Senator Dr. Seneviratne of the TGTE Parliament,

      Usha does not understand that part of it.
      Further more, this LTTE installed Sinhalese are the worst bunch of Sinhalese ever born.
      That is what the Rajapakses are and that is the root cause of the problem. Writing this opinion on a Sinhala website and having 250 comments from mostly Sinhalese serves no point at all. The pretty face senator should understand the international politics, International community and the Sinhala politics facing the reality and practicality of such solutions.

      No Sinhala politician or political party would agree for such referendums. If they do they will be hunted and booted out of politics within their own party…

      I am glad you see some sense.

      Donald Gnanakone
      Tamils For Justice.

  • 7


    Well researched and lucidly presented. Referandum to secure independence and dignity is certainly close to the hearts of many. The sentiments of the Tamils resonate with the aspirations of the Scots who are on the verge of realizing them. However traumatic separation may be to both English and Scots, the demands of political pragmatism demand it.

    Peter Drucker observed decades ago “Political territories in this century (20th) have become smaller and more splintered, while at the same time more vigorously asserting their sovereignty”. It is likely to be a more vigorous feature in the 21st century.

    • 4

      But how then Peter Drucker explain the phenomenon of the European Union?
      Here we had two countries – Germany and France – who had fought each other time and again and had just come out of their latest conflict getting together to form the Common Market and from there the EU. I think the answer lies in the quality of leadership of countries. Some are myopic and self seeking, others are able to perceive the bigger picture.

      • 2

        What the Germans were prevented from extracting by the use of force, is now being offered to them on a plate. The ultimate German empire, call it what you like, will be far bigger than any before it. Scotland, even if it seceds from the UK, still demands to be part of it. The wheel has turned a full circle.

    • 4

      “………, while at the same time more vigorously asserting their sovereignty”.

      The Rajapakse Government may not be the ideal tool, but this is exactly what the ‘Sinhala Minority in the REGION’ is trying to do.

      Sri Lankan Tamils do not seem to understand that the Sinhalese have no other Sinhala Homeland, but Sri Lanka, whereas Tamils could be absorbed into the hordes of TamilNadu if they wish to keep their Language and Culture intact.

      Sinhala speaking people are willing to co-exist with Tamil speaking people in the South of the island, so what is the reason for a separate homeland in the North and East?

  • 11


    Well researched and lucidly presented article.

  • 6

    Did Senator Usha have at least a Bantustan, let alone a Scotland!!!!!

  • 6

    The Scots did not precede their demands with suicide bombers and massacres. The SNP did not attack sleeping English villagers and slit their throats. Don’t think we have forgotten all this. USS you supported thirty years of terror, don’t act like a smiling, reasonable person and ask for bloody referendums now.

    • 10


      “The Scots did not precede their demands with suicide bombers and massacres.”

      Vattukottai resolution was passed in 1976 and resounding support for it in 1977 elections preceded both suicide bombings and massacres in the villages.

      By the way were there any such inhuman incidents in 1958 and 1977?

      Get your facts checked before you start typing.

  • 5

    All USS is doing is helping MR to be able to say to the country “See, I told you those diaspora Tamils are still planning Eelam. Only my Government can prevent it”

    • 9


      “See, I told you those diaspora Tamils are still planning Eelam. Only my Government can prevent it”

      Whats wrong with planning Eelam while the rest of the people are building a Sinhala/Buddhist ghetto on Southern Silk Route.

      • 5

        Dear Native,

        I thought you already have PM Rudra Running Eelaam..

        Senator Skadarajaja is looking for Real Estate, which is fair enough.

        You can do cloud computing but you can’t live in Cyber Eelaam for ever. Can you …..

        • 8

          K.A Sumanasekera

          “I thought you already have PM Rudra Running Eelaam..”

          Do you think I will settle for a stupid Vellala Tamil or a Govigama Sinhala/Buddhist?

          “Senator Skadarajaja is looking for Real Estate, which is fair enough. “

          You should help her, in the process your earn commissions in Canadian dollars.

          “You can do cloud computing but you can’t live in Cyber Eelaam for ever. Can you …..”

          Yes of course I see your point, however please remind your Sinhala/Buddhists they too can’t live alone in their proposed Sinhala/Buddhist ghetto for ever.

          • 4

            Well, you’re no vedda but a kallathoni Tamil.

            • 3


              What is the connection between a book published in 1926 and GG Ponna’s racism in 1939?

  • 3

    There are a number of reasons why the Scotland example should not be followed in SL. For one thing, the two scenarios are very different and a number of reasons have already been given. But why does the writer not also ask why India does not hold a referendum in Tamil Nadu and in Kashmir? She jolly well knows the answer. When there were serious separatist stirrings in the 60s, Nehru lost no time in amending the Indian Constitution to quickly kill any such ambitions.

  • 4

    India’s position on TamilNad and Kashmir is given in Section 124-A of the Indian Penal Code.

    Whoever, by words, either spoken or written, or by signs, or by visible representation, or otherwise, brings or attempts to bring into hatred or contempt, or excites or attempts to excite disaffection towards the Government established by law in India, shall be punished with imprisonment for life, to which fine may be added, or with imprisonment which may extend to three years, to which fine may be added, or with fine.

  • 6

    Everyone remembers tumultuous days don’t they? Days like 9/11, the day Princes Diana died etc never fades away.

    We also remember the day when we first saw the Tamil Eelam map. It seemed like most of your garden area have been taken by squatters. Where do we now go for some R+R some said! The first impression was claustrophobia.

    It wasn’t a joke but quite real. It turns out some Tamils actually thought they had a country here called Tamil Eelam and ran with it. It now turns out it was all a hoax.

    Judging by the pro-referenda commentators it seems the humiliation of getting the history so wrong is not enough. If you want “dignity” first port of call will be basic education and some humility.

  • 3

    Whoa! We Sri Lankan’s are a mercurial lot. What is this relationship with our former colonial master? When it suits us they are paragons of virtue and good governance, at other times we see them as the devil personified. For 66 years we have resolutely blamed the old colonial master (and every else besides) instead of working through our problems and resolving them with dignity and fairness. The people have been cursed with an infestation of crooked self serving politicians and as a consequence hordes of competent citizens have been driven to foreign shores whilst those who can eke a (sometimes good) living, keeping the mouths shut and heads down, playing second fiddle to rapacious groups of plunderers. In Sri Lanka, we DON’T need fragmentation, we DO need fairness and impartiality for all those blessed and destined to share this little thrice-blessed paradise. If only enough good courageous people can get off their backsides and seize the initiative…….

  • 4

    I have a question – could it be Usha was one of the girl friends our most pious BBS gnanasara was talking about ? when are they getting together ? their ideas certainly match

  • 4

    Scotland was an Independent nation several centuries ago, which was coaxed to join England and other states to form the United Kingdom. Today the Scottish people are deciding whether to remain in this union or not.
    Quite in contrast, Sri Lanka was a single nation with subsequent migrations of other ethnic groups like the Tamils, Arabs, Chinese, British, Dutch, Portuguese etc. Of these the Tamils are the largest community as they were brought in from South India in large numbers spread over a couple of centuries, by the Colonial powers, to work on plantations. The North and East were always integral parts of the Sinhalese nation and was never ruled by any other ethnic community, unlike Scotland. It is a fraud to try to equate the status of the Union of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Island with the unitary states like Sri Lanka, Japan, France, Spain etc

    • 4

      The Jaffna Tamil Kingdom was very much older than Scotland.

      • 1

        Yes, but it was not older than the Sri Lanka of Parakramabahu and many earlier kings was it? You people choose to look at dates in history that suit your agenda (as the Sinhalese do).

        • 5


          King Parakrambahu the great of Sri Lanka

          King Vijaya Bahu married a princess from Kalinga Royal Family as his second Mahesi (because his Tamil queen Thilokasundari did not have children), and from the Kalinga princess he had a son named Vikrama Bahu and a daughter named Ratnavali. Vijaya Bahu’s sister, Mitta, was given in marriage to a (Tamil) Pandya Prince, who had three sons. The eldest of whom named Manabharana, who became the husband of King Vijaya Bahu’s daughter Ratnavali. Their son was Parakrama Bahu I (1140-1173 AD), Grandson of Vijaya Bahu I, Prince of Royal Blood, Pandyan descent, son of Manabharana and Vijaya Bahu’s sister, Mitta whose husband was a Tamil prince. Parakramabahu I thus coming of Tamil lineage, easily ingratiated himself to the Tamils of Jaffna. Sri Vallabha, the uncle of Parakramabahu, exercised authority in Jaffna in the name of the king.

          King Parakrambahu’s father was a Tamil prince Manabharana, his Grandfather was a Tamil King of Pandiyan Kingdom, his mother was a Kalinga princess Ratnavali, his wife was a Tamil named Ulaka Maha Devi alias Leelavathi, he didn`t have a son and he adopted a Tamil named Senpaka Perumal (Sappumal Kuamara) as his Son. His Chief Minister was a Tamil named Vira Alakeshwaran. He puts up a stone inscription in front of his palace in Tamil, then why on earth are you calling him as a Sinhala King?

          What is the big connection between the Sinhalese and the King Parakramabahu? Tamils have more connection to Parakramabahu than the Sinhalese, why should anyone call him as a Sinhala King? He himself has never ever considered him a Sinhala, even the Mahavamsa does not call him a Sinhala.

          The pillar of stone inscription in Tamil is at the entrance that leads to the Palace of King Parakramabahu the great.

          King Parakrambahu the great built a statue to honor the Tamil sage Agaththiyar who brought the Tamil language to the earth, to commemorate his Tamil roots, but the foolish Sinhalese are calling the sage Agathiyar`s statue as Parakrmabahu`s statue.

          King Parakramabahu was the patron of numerous Hindu Temples including the Jaffna Nallur Murukan Temple and Rameswaram Sivan Temple, and his Tamil inscriptions are still in Rameswaram Temple. The Tamil Saivites of Jaffna are still invoking his name in the Nallur Temple before the temple procession of Lord Murukan.

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