24 April, 2024


Follow UK’s Example – Hold That Referendum On Independence In The NorthEast

By Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah –

Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah

Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah

Follow UK’s example – Hold That Referendum on Independence in the NorthEast – Like the Scots, Let the People Decide Either Way

Part  1

The world’s oldest democracy has proven it’s also the world’s  foremost  and robust democracy – that Scotland will decide its fate, whether it becomes an “independent country” in a referendum on 18th, September 2014 is in itself a triumph for democracy, whatever the outcome – that the United Kingdom (UK) government (and the Westminster Parliament),  despite campaigning hard for a “NO” vote, did not place obstacles but bowed to the Scottish people’s aspirations articulated in the 2011 General Election win for the Scottish National Party (SNP), and cooperated to holding a referendum, to leave it to the people’s will, speaks volumes for the triumph of democracy; indeed speaks volumes for a triumph for self-determination;  for decency, for peace. Why can’t Sri Lanka follow UK’s example and hold that referendum on independence in the NorthEast and Let the People Decide.. either way.

Triumph of Democracy – Despite Scots being Numerically Far Smaller

The sequence of events, leading to what could be a momentous occasion for Scotland and the advent of an independent Scotland or that might otherwise result in a victory for preserving the United Kingdom, illustrate that democracy is not merely a word but is practiced faithfully in some civilised nations, like this country [1],  notwithstanding the fact the Scots are numerically far smaller within a unitary state, holding only 59 seats[2] of the 650 seats in the Westminster parliament.

To the Acts of Union of 1707[3] which cemented the union of the Kingdom of Scotland and the Kingdom of England creating the United Kingdom of Great Britain, to the Scotland Act of 1998 when the Scottish people’s clear preference for devolution and the establishment of a Scottish Parliament, “with powers to legislate on unreserved matters” [4] expressed through a referendum was granted under Tony Blaire’s Labour government, to SNP’s landslide victory in the 2011 General Election[5] that gave it the mandate to legislate to conduct a referendum on Scottish independence , to the “historic” Edinburgh Agreement[6] signed by Alex Salmond, Scotland’s First Minister and Prime Minister David Cameron in Nov 2012, “confirming the Scottish Parliament’s power to hold a vote that will be respected by both governments,” to the passage of the Scottish Independence Referendum Bill[7] setting out the arrangements for the referendum that received royal accent in Dec, 2013, all of which together, collectively represent, among other, a firm adherence to democratic values and parliamentary processes, signifying the triumph of democracy.

Triumph for Self-determination – either way

Whatever the outcome, this referendum is indeed a triumph for self-determination, recognising the Scots have a right to determine their own destiny freely and have a right to secede; recognising also that on the question of exercising that right, there are mechanisms made available in civilised societies that are at their disposal to effectively facilitate the determination of that right to secede on those grounds, if the majority of them so chose.

It is said referendum is a “tool of direct democracy” a means by which aspirants of self determination submit to a vote to demonstrate they have the backing of their electorate in their objective of achieving their own independent state.

An article in the Oxford Public International Law (OPIL)[8]  site, last updated in June 2011, deals with the subject of “Referendum”  – from a Notion, to Typology, to Historical Developments to Applicable Rules, to Special Cases, to Assessment  – except specifically the Scottish referendum as it does not come under the purview of the timeframe within which it was written.

However it does sufficiently examine and assess the subject for anyone to conclude that a referendum in Scotland applied under the principle of “external self- determination” without issues such as the unreasonable invocation of and reliance on the principles of “non-interference” and of “territorial integrity”, pretexts that oppressive States use to block  or impede that process is indeed a triumph for democracy.

The article opines, “States have used the referendum in the application of self-determination, and a referendum under the principle of “external self-determination” is the exercise of, “a vote by the electorate” under the, “right to decide on the political status of a people and its place in the international community in relation to other states, including the right to separate (secede) from the existing state of which the group concerned is a part, and to set up a new independent state.”

In discussing Scotland’s “Status As A Nation”[9] David Thomson  writes Scotland deserves the right to Statehood and international recognition on the grounds of its right to self-determination:

The expression “people”, as tentatively defined by the United Nations Organisation, denotes a social entity possessing a clear identity and its own characteristics as well as a lengthy common experience, and it implies a relationship with a territory. These are the basic elements of a definition for the purpose of establishing whether such a social entity is a “people” fit to enjoy and exercise the right of self-determination. The expression “nation” implies a somewhat more highly developed stage of social cohesion and organisation.The Scottish qualifications are absolutely unchallengeable on both counts.

Thomson makes the case for the Scottish people’s claim to the right to self-determination quoting from way back when it was first articulated “at international level” in 1320 to the Pope:

Scotland’s claim of right to self-determination was first raised at international level almost seven centuries ago, when the Declaration of Arbroath was sent in 1320 to the Pope – the then international authority – by the Scottish leaders in the name of “the whole community of the realm of Scotland”. It was not an appeal for independence, but an assertion by a people who had been independent since their origins in the mists of history that they were under no circumstances prepared to give up that status for subservience to an aggressor. This important constitutional document confirmed the sovereignty of the people over the institutions of state, and unequivocally asserted the independence of the Scottish Nation, as the following extract makes clear:

“But if this Prince (Robert I, King of Scots)…shall consent that we or our kingdom be subjected to the king or people of England, we will immediately exert ourselves to expel him, as our enemy and as the subverter both of his own rights and of ours, and we will make another king who will defend our liberties.

For so long as one hundred of us remain alive we will never consent to subject ourselves to the dominion of the English. We fight not for glory, or riches, or honours, but for freedom alone, which no good man will relinquish, except with his life.”

Today Scotland’s right to self-determination is a foregone conclusion and whatever the outcome of the referendum that right can never be taken back or reversed.

Considering  the three leaders of the main political parties, David Cameron, Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg have made a pledge to “deliver change to Scotland” and “to devolve new extensive power to the Scots if they reject independence”[10],  the only decision that remains to be made is whether Scots would exercise that right under the principle of external self-determination or internal self-determination, otherwise put as an independent state or staying within the United Kingdom.

In a three part written pledge appearing in the Daily Record, flashed all over the media, the three leaders recognising “people want change” and concluding “a NO Vote would will deliver faster, safer and better change than separation” have vowed they would bring that change: promising “extensive new powers” to the Scottish parliament “delivered by the process and to the time table agreed by the three parties. The second says the leaders agree that the UK exists to ensure opportunity and security for all by sharing our resources equitably” The third categorically states the final say on funding for the NHS will lie with Scottish government “because of the continuation of the Barnett allocation for resources and the powers of the Scottish Parliament to raise revenue. ”

Triumph for Decency  – Sewel Convention

Meaningful devolution begun by Tony Blaire’s government under the Scotland Act of 1998 actually gave the Scottish Parliament powers to legislate for a referendum on Scottish independence after its landslide victory in the 2011 General elections,[11] the SNP campaigning that it was seeking a mandate for a referendum.

Although under devolution the Scottish parliamentary elections were to be conducted on the basis of part first past the post and part proportional representation, a move to ensure, it was thought, to prevent  the SNP from garnering a majority in the Scottish parliament, one heartening feature of this evolutionary exercise that has brought us to this critical moment, witnessing the determination of Scotland’s future, is that every step of the way the Scots were able to debate, discuss and negotiate agreements that were not marred by deception, deceit, constant broken promises or lack of will on the part of UK governments or Westminster parliament.

As it stands the number of Scottish MPs in the UK parliament compared with the rest of UK is higher than the standard ratio, in other words they have more representation in Westminster. Not only that they’re able to vote on issues that involve England, Wales and Northern Ireland (as well as because of that have a bigger say on major issues affecting Scotland), prompting the “West Lothian Question”[12]. However no constructive moves has been made to correct this inconsistency advantageous to Scotland so far.

But more importantly since devolution,  the relationship between Westminster, the UK parliament and Hollyrood, the Scottish parliament is governed by the Sewel Convention [13] that provides that, “the UK parliament may not legislate for devolved matters without the consent” of the Scottish Parliament,” illustrating the non-divisive, non-adversarial manner by which business is transacted:

(The Sewel  Convention) was created to manage the power of Westminster to legislate on matters within the legislative competence of the Scottish Parliament. This is known as the Sewel Convention, and the related Scottish parliamentary motions are now known as Legislative Consent Motions (previously Sewel Motions). These motions (of which there are around a dozen per year) allow MPs to vote on issues, which among other things, are within the Scottish Parliament’s legislative competence. The Sewel Convention states that the Westminster Parliament will not normally legislate on devolved matters in Scotland without first obtaining the consent of the Scottish Parliament.”

This being so under convention, the real score  under the Scotland Act of 1998 does not deter Westminster from legislating for Scotland :

“The Scottish Parliament was formed by statute, the Scotland Act of 1998 and is thus a creation of Westminster. No sovereign status on the Scottish Parliament is conferred, and the act has not changed the status of the Westminster Parliament as the supreme legislature of Scotland, with Westminster retaining the ability to override, or veto, any decisions taken by the Scottish Parliament. The Westminster Parliament remains the sovereign body; power is devolved rather than transferred to the Scottish Parliament. As a consequence, the ability of all Westminster MPs to vote on Scottish legislation has not been legally diminished by devolution, as made clear by Section 28(7) of the Scotland Act 1998, which states that the legislative powers of the Scottish Parliament do “…not affect the power of the Parliament of the United Kingdom to make laws for Scotland.”

This dynamics between convention and statute, where convention overrides statutes in practice reinforces my argument that this referendum and how it came about is a triumph for decency.

Triumph for Peace

Although the implications[14] of this break-up for both parties in this referendum  are huge, the logistics[15]  of which, regarding currency etc in the event of a Yes vote. has not been spelt out yet, in the end and despite the haggling and despite David Cameron and Alex Salmond putting forward “rival visions” and hammering out their message to the Scottish people, this referendum campaign has been peaceful.

Although with his leadership in the balance David Cameron said with his hand on heart that he “would be heartbroken if the family of nations that we’ve put together was torn apart” even expressing “a frank assessment of his own party’s image”: that it was not about kicking the “effing Tories” [16], the exchanges between both sides have been strong but mainly civil.

Despite David Cameron saying, “It’s not a trial separation it would be a painful divorce… I don’t want the people of Scotland to be sold a dream that disappears,” setting out what Scots would lose by a Yes Vote, Alex Salmond called the referendum  ” a once in a life time opportunity” referring to Cameron as “scare mongering” with some pro- independence business figures releasing a joint statement that said: “Scotland has always had the wealth, the talent and the resources… while the ‘No’ campaign talks down Scotland we are determined to focus on opportunity.”

The army hasn’t been called out, no legislation passed to muzzle the Scottish people when Scots raised their  voice to separate from the UK, there’s been no militarisation or occupation of Scotland since, no check points, no intimidation, no arrests, no disappearances, no torture, no violence, no deliberate attempt to colonise Scotland towards changing its demography, no land grab, no breaking of promises to devolve power; no genocidal acts, no wars and no perpetration of war crimes. [17] [18]

Only a triumph for democracy, self- determination, decency and peace.

As we wait to see what the outcome would be – what the Scots want their destiny to be my head and heart wonders why Sri Lanka can’t follow UK’s example and hold that referendum on independence in the NorthEast and Let the People Decide….

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scottish_independence_referendum,_2014

[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_Kingdom_Parliament_constituencies

[3] http://www.parliament.uk/about/living-heritage/evolutionofparliament/legislativescrutiny/act-of-union-1707/

[4] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reserved_and_excepted_matters within Scotland

[5] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scottish_Parliament_general_election,_2011

[6] http://www.scotland.gov.uk/News/Releases/2012/10/referendum15102012

[7] http://www.scottish.parliament.uk/S4_Bills/Scottish%20Independence%20Referendum%20Bill/b25s4-introd.pdf

[8]  http://opil.ouplaw.com/view/10.1093/law:epil/9780199231690/law-9780199231690-e1088

[9]  http://www.electricscotland.com/history/articles/nation_status.htm

[10]  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-29213418

[11] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scottish_Parliament_general_election,_2011

[12] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Lothian_question

[13] http://devolutionmatters.wordpress.com/devolution-the-basics/the-sewel-convention/

[14] http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-29200793

[15] http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-29176891

[16] http://news.sky.com/story/1333151/pm-referendum-not-about-kicking-effing-tories

[17] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_4n41rxvyA#t=91Mr.

[18] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YR25q_oqFew

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Latest comments

  • 6

    Folks, take this comment as a warning to finish these arguments, pro and against, referendum early before it may become another law that any one found talking of a referendum will be treated as treason, just like the current law that mothers whose sons and daughters disappeared during the war cannot complain to UN . It is considered a criminal offence.

    Devolution of power through the provincial councils is operative as per Rajiv/JR agreement in other provinces and its only not working in N/E and the Governor and the govt.appointed secretary run the N/E provinces ,instead by the elected Chief Minister and members of the council and some people still say that majority has still not accepted the PC concept, tho’ its working in other provinces successfully. Police powers could remain with the govt but what the Tamils demand
    is that police should be able to make statements, deal with them in the language they understand. Is it a big problem to deploy Tamil
    speaking policemen (includes Muslims) in N/E and the process phased out over a period of 5 years or so. The Govt tries to promote to the
    outside world that there is peace in N/E, then why the military is not
    kept under barracks but deployed on the streets of N/E daily, making it a hindrance to normal day to day activities conducted by the people of the area.

    At the Rajiv/ JR talks on devolution of limited powers to the N/E
    it was then decided that after a trial period , a referendum will be
    held in N/E to ratify the treaty between the two govts. People have
    short memories.

  • 25

    The writer is ignorant of the fact that Scotland was an independent country before Great Britain was formed. Scotland therefore has the right to ask for independence from England. But North & East of Sri Lanka were never a separate country and therefore they have no right to call for a referendum to form a separate state or a federal state. The situation of Scotland & Sri Lanka has no similarities what so ever.

    • 7


      “But North & East of Sri Lanka were never a separate country” Read good history books.

    • 9


      Please do not talk rubbish, You are very welcome to argue for a single state but come up with historically accurate arguments. You may argue that the East was not part of the Jaffna Kingdom, but do not ever say that, the North was not a separate country ever!

      • 1

        The North was an integral part of unitary Sri Lanka until invading Dravidian hordes arrived, looted and destroyed a thriving civilisation. The invaders were established in the North for a short period only in the islands long history. There is no reason to hold a referendem as the entire country is now governed by its rightful owners and custodians. Tamils have waged a brutal terrorist war and suffered a humiliating defeat. Do not fall into the trap of promises made by disgruntled activists of diaspora. The reality is you either join the diaspora or, learn to live peacefully with the communityas a whole. Also, do not believe there was ever a Tamil Kingdom in Sri Lanka. Not ever, Never!No Referendum!

        • 4

          lal loo

          “The North was an integral part of unitary Sri Lanka until invading Dravidian hordes arrived,”

          You should read your Bible, the book Mahawamsa.

          This was my ancestral land until two different sets of Kallthonies set foot on the shores.

          There are evidence which confirm this island had never been a unitary state. There were several kingdoms small and medium size under different kings.

          Please stop being a stupid Sinhala/Buddhist. Even Kandy was ruled by My people until about 600 years ago.

          Fact check before you start typing your imagined history.

        • 3


          Go and fly a kite!

          • 4


            “lal, Go and fly a kite!”

            I thought lal loo is already flying kites.

    • 11

      I am afraid that it is NOT ignorance that has made her write the article, but her willingness to ignore facts.

      • 5

        Ram you Sinkalam:

        She is a clever individual. You cant accept the truth and that is your problem. Ours is a Factual account based on historical facts. Your is a fanciful dream of what it should be to satisfy your appetite of hate but open your eyes and wake up to reality.

    • 10

      Don you Clever Dick:

      Did you know that Tamils had their own Kingdom and Ellalan and Gemunu fought wars before Colonialism. So Don’t try to be too smart you idiot.

    • 5

      So what was the situation in Sri Lanka when the Portuguese arrived?

      • 4

        Siva You Sinkalam ( siLva )

        When the Portuguese arrived they converted the Sinakalams to Silva , Pereira and so on.

    • 11

      Go and do your home work and get your facts right Don about Tamil Kingdoms -The Jaffna Kingdom was the last to be captured by the Portuguese! Here’s one for you to read:

      • 12

        This is all rubbish. There was no separate kingdom in Jaffna. Those Tamils in Jaffna were either settled by the Dutch for tobacco industry or before that those migrated illegally to Jaffna from South india. Others invaded SL from South India from Chola and Pandiya and created transient kingdoms in Jaffna from time to time. Great Dutugemunu defeated them and united Sri Lanka.
        It was South Indian Tamils who wanted separation from mainland during independence from Britain. They wanted a separate country administered from London for Dravidians but the Brits ignored them.
        The Indian govt diluted the issue by creating Kerala, Andra Pradesh and Karnataka states so the Tamils were isolated. They then extended the separation ideology to Ceylon as well via Chelvanayagam.

        • 8

          “…Devanampriya Theesan the Tamil Hindu king of Lanka at that time, accepted the missionaries from Asoka and became converted to Buddhism. Since, in those days, the religion of the ruler became the religion of the people, and because Hinduism has always been infinitely flexible and little given to rigorous dogma, Buddhism, being an offshoot of Hinduism, spread fast in the island. …” http://tamilnation.co/books/Eelam/satchi.htm#2._National-Ethnic_Structure_and_Early_History_

          Please read chapter 2 in particular and learn the history properly.

          • 7

            I am surprised at how these Tamils distort even names to suit them. According to you Devanampiyatissa is Devanampiyatissam. How dare you write these garbage. You quote an article again written by a Tamil.
            All distorted facts

        • 7

          “Those Tamils in Jaffna were either settled by the Dutch for tobacco industry or before that those migrated illegally to Jaffna from South india.”


          Do you have any evidence to prove the above as true? From where did you invent such stories?

          About the separate kingdom in Jaffna, there is enough evidence. Since you are so ignorant, please go and speak to any learned Sinhala Historian and get your self educated.

          • 8


            “Do you have any evidence to prove the above as true? From where did you invent such stories? “

            Don’t need for proof.

            He is the best student Nalin de Silva ever produced in his entire teaching career. Probably Vasa is an avid reader of Kamalika’s history, a great fan of Champika Ranawaka, Dharshini Ratnavalli admirer, …..

          • 5


            Stop being bloody ignorant. Ours was an axis of achievement from Nallur in Jaffna to Ketheeswaram temple in Mannar to Koneswaram temple Trincomalee. But yours is an AXIS of EVIL headed by the THUG Mahintha.

            There are no Sinhala Historians only THUGS, CRIMINALS and LOOTERS like you.

      • 8

        ‘Go and do your home work and get your facts right Don about Tamil Kingdoms -The Jaffna Kingdom was the last to be captured by the Portuguese! Here’s one for you to read: http://ceylontamils.com/history/history3.php

        So why do Eelamists demand the East as well as the North?

        • 1

          “So why do Eelamists demand the East as well as the North?”.

          Maybe because there were no Sinhala speaking people in the east those days.


          • 2

            Arathi: ( aratai)

            Are you talking about past or present.

            Ours was an axis of achievement from Nallur in Jaffna to Ketheeswaram temple in Mannar to Koneswaram temple Trincomalee.

        • 5

          Paul and others,

          Eastern province

          The arrival of the Portuguese in the 16th century and the fall of Jaffna Kingdom led to turbulence in the Northern and Eastern districts of Ceylon. The only kingdom that existed in Sri Lanka (both Kotte and Jaffna kingdoms fell into the hands of the Portuguese) was the Kandyan kingdom and many of the old Tamil Hindu principalities sought protection from the Kandyan kings. The king of Kandy invited the Dutch to fight the Portuguese. The Dutch captured some parts of the Eastern and Northern Province (including Trincomalee and Batticaloa) from the Portuguese and handed it over to the king of kandy. (That was the period when Robert Knox landed in Trincomalee and was taken as a prisoner to Kandy). But the Kandyan rule does not deny the Tamil presence in those areas. Some parts of the Eastern and Northern Province coming under the Kandyan Kingdom made no difference to the Tamil position in regard to the inhabitancy. The Tamils would have had and yet have no objection what so ever to the benevolent and accommodating rule of the kandyan kings whether they were from the Kalinga or Nayakkar dynasty, and see no inconsistency in the Tamil claim to those areas even under the Kandyan rule.

          The Tamils were a clear cut majority in that region until post-independent governments resettled Sinhalese in the region. Even though most of the Eastern Province came under the umbrella of the Kandyan Kingdom, the census of Ceylon conducted in 1881 indicates that the two Tamil provinces (North & East) were inhabited almost exclusively by Tamils in the late nineteenth century (Census of Ceylon, 1881). The Sinhalese population constituted only 1.8% of the total population of the two Tamil provinces in 1881; Sinhalese accounted for only 0.51% of the total population of the Northern Province, and 4.2% of the Eastern Province. Even in the census of 1920 only 4 percent of the population of the Eastern Province was Sinhalese. It is only in the past fifty years that there has been a substantial influx of Sinhalese settlements through state intervention.

          Nobody has ever come across a Sinhala person or family that claimed a Northern or Eastern Province habitancy or origin. If you speak to the Sinhalese living in those areas today, each one of them will say that their father, grandfather or great grandfather is from the South (settled in North & East by the government after independence) where as there are any number of Tamils who hail from North and East and proudly proclaim their habitancy. Sinhalese Buddhist nationalism endeavors to suppress the historical evidence, but facts are stubborn. The Tamil Hindu historical claims to the East will not be forfeited regardless of the attempts by the Sinhala governments to transform the ethnic character of that land.

          In 1939, one of the governors of the country, Sir Andrew Caldicott reflected the views of many of his predecessors when he said that all ‘fissures radiate from the vexed question of minority representation.’ When the question of Sri Lanka (then Ceylon) was before the British House of Commons, the Conservative M P for Hornsey referring to the Ceylon Tamils made the following observation:

          ‘Ceylon . . . . is not a single unit. There are two races, Sinhalese and Tamils. The Tamils differ from the Sinhalese in race, religion and to a large extent in background. Where there is a racial minority in a country the danger is, it may become a permanent political minority’ (Hansard November 22, 1947).

      • 9

        You are right, the Portuguese did capture Jaffna and the Dutch and the British all captured it from them later. But I hope you are not calling this Jaffna capture a “unification with Portuguese”, right? Also I hope you are not saying the Tamil kingdom was “unified” with the Dutch and later with the British. I am sure you are intelligent enough to verify of any documentations related to such a unifications before you try and proclaim that “Tamil Kingdom” and “England” had a Unification similar to that of Scotland and England. As far as I know there is/was no unification evidence or documentation involving Sri Lanka and Briton/Tamil kingdom. Therefore you can’t parallel the referendum issue of Scotland to Sri Lanka.
        Also, you paint a sweet picture of the British Priminister as a gentleman who does not want to interfere with the Scotland referendum. Did you try to find out the real reason for that? Can you also explain why he and the west was strongly opposing the Crimean referendum to separate from Ukraine last March?

      • 6

        villager even Saddam the village jackal had a kingdom.

        Say no to el la la la which is in the seabed with mother of all step fathers vp.

        • 2

          Ja_vi you JIHADIST PIG:

          But Sadam died in a Bunker without a kingdom.

          3 Million Slaughtered and Sadam Slaughtered one million.

          (^‿◕) (^‿◕) (^‿◕) (^‿◕) (^‿◕) (^‿◕) (^‿◕) (^‿◕) (^‿◕) (^‿◕) (^‿◕) (^‿◕) (^‿◕)(^‿◕)(^‿◕)(^‿◕) (^‿◕) (^‿◕) (^‿◕) (^‿◕) (^‿◕) (^‿◕) (^‿◕) (^‿◕) (^‿◕) (^‿◕) (^‿◕) (^‿◕) (^‿◕) (^‿◕) (^‿◕)

      • 8

        What nonsense!

        There was no TAMIL kingdom in Jaffna. It was a kingdom ruled temporarily by a Tamil. After they lost the war the Nallur Convention was signed. The convention was written in Portuguese and Sinhala languages only. No Tamil.

        The so called Jaffna kingdom was only within the Jaffna peninsular. Why ask for the entire north and the east?

        Get your facts right.

        Tamil Nadu is the homeland of Tamils. 90% of Tamils live there. Tamil Nadu should get Independence from India. Like Scotland became part of the UN in 1707, Tamil Madu became part of India in 1947 in independent India. Why fear to say so?

        First a referendum should be held in eastern province only to permanently split it from the north.

        • 3

          Tamilakam Sinkalam

          Stop being bloody ignorant. Ours was an axis of achievement from Nallur in Jaffna to Ketheeswaram temple in Mannar to Koneswaram temple Trincomalee. But yours is an AXIS of EVIL headed by the THUG Mahintha. There are no Sinhala Historians only THUGS, CRIMINALS and LOOTERS like you

      • 6

        Usha you are a wishful thinker. There were not only this short term Jaffna kingdom, but also even a longer Portuguese Kingdom, Dutch Kingdom and British Kingdom, if one were to recognise all invaders have a right to sections of Sri Lanka by virtue of ruling certain parts for certain periods. What a joke this would be if this stupid reasoning is applied to other nations too and allocate various regions to various invaders.

        • 3

          Raja you Sinkalam:

          If what you utter is correct what gives the Sinkala invaders the right to claim a part of ( or under Mahintha the THUG the whole of Sri Lanka ) Sri Lanka. Man buy them a one way ticket to Mahabhodi for good.

    • 7

      Go back to school and learn the history of Sri Lanka before the Portuguese landed in Colombo in 1505.

  • 4

    Why PM of UK agreed for a referendum? There aren’t any conservative supporters in Scotland. If Yes mean, conservative will have no problem winning election over labour. All UK are in a big mess here at the minute and please do not take those stupid ideas to sri lanka.

  • 8

    Hallo Usha

    How about a referendum for Kashmir to separate? and another one to Tamil Nadu?
    Oops, Did not see that coming did you.
    Almost Forgot! How about Assam? The one forcefully attached to the union!

  • 7

    Don, there were three separate kingdoms before Ceylon was formed by, ironically, the British.

  • 14

    Dear Ms Sriskandaraja, it is extremely easy to talk up the importance of ‘tribalism’ whether in Qubec, Scotland, Kashmir, Iraq or in Sri Lanka. The problems of the 21st century will be defined by catastrophic environmental challenges, diminishing resources, famine, exponential population growth in some Regions, mass migrations and the rise of religious fundamentalism. All these issues are better dealt within larger – or Regional, administrative arrangements rather than breaking up existing larger Units so that the ‘Alex Salmonds’ of this world can aspire to become large fishes in ever-diminishing ponds. I hope and pray it will not happen to my adopted home – the United Kingdom this coming Thursday and I hope and pray in equal measures that my ‘home of birth’ will not be asked to make that choice in my lifetime.

    At a more pragmatic level, a similar referendum in Sri Lanka is most likely lead to a ‘yes’ vote – for very obvious reasons. And hence none of the Regional powers in general and India in particular – who have all got similar tribal divisions, will allow this to happen. So at many levels what you are proposing is – in my view, unrealistic and self-defeating. How does a solution – based on a Regional approach, deal with the significant numbers of Tamils living in the central provinces of SriLanka and have no desire to leave? How does such a solution hope to accommodate the demands for a separate identity coming from the Muslims? Are we proposing Regions within Regions or are we proposing that we forget about all others and just think of us – the Tamils and thereby go back to the politics of the 70s?. In saying these, I do not even for a very brief moment underestimate the challenges coming from the the ‘Sinhala right’ which sees the whole of the island as the exclusive land of the ‘Chosen few’. Very recently one of these ‘visionaries’ was on record claiming that no other place of worship may be built anywhere in this land as it had been donated to the ‘Sasana’ by the ancient Royalty! ” Meya Budunge Deshayai”….., is how the slogan reads. The challenge to the Minorities with the ruling elite’s dependency on the extreme Sinhala Buddhist vote bank for its survival, is huge and seemingly unresolvable I agree…..but that is the real challenge the TNA and the SLMC must face up to in their negotiations, if necessary with external assistance. But in doing so the solutions we propose must be just, realistic and acceptable to the Wider world.

    I am sorry, in my view the solution to the problems of SriLanka can only be evolved through constitutional arrangements that work towards a “Common and inclusive SriLankan identity” at every level. A level of devolution – that does not pander to the demands of separatism in Sri Lanka as well as the wider Region, is necessary to allow communities to maintain and develop their own identities. In evolving this common inclusive Sri Lankan identity, we all – Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims and everyone else, will have to shed some things we clearly hold dear and acquire somethings that are new. Commitment to genuine trilingualism is paramount and it is the duty of the diaspora to facilitate that. The process of change is inevitable Usha and after all, we – you and I included, have managed to adopt to similar challenges very well in our new homes – whether in the USA, UK, Canada, Europe or Scamdinavia and in doing so we have maximised the opportunities for our own Children. This being the case, why cannot we all aspire to do the same in Sri Lanka. Let me finish by quoting the sage:
    “Palayana kalithalum puthiyana puhuthalum wazuwala”. (The abandonment of the old ways and the introduction of new ways is not wrong and the process of change is inevitable- Thirukkural)
    Dr Mahesan Nirmalan
    Manchester Medical School.

    • 8

      Dr Nimalan,

      “…“Palayana kalithalum puthiyana puhuthalum wazuwala”. (The abandonment of the old ways and the introduction of new ways is not wrong and the process of change is inevitable- Thirukkural) ….”

      How much history you know? This is what successive Sinhalese govts have done and the current one is continuing in that path.

    • 5

      That is so perfect Dr Mahesan Nirmalan!

    • 4

      Man amazing!

      Palayana kalithalum puthiyana puhuthalum wazuwala

      Could you give me that Kural number please? Do know the Chapter Number?I never heard that Kural.

      If you are a bought out Mulim by Royal Government or a Sinhalese of Royal Government’s cut and past operator, say so.

      None you could read and understand the history written in your language. You reading Kural and explaining the meaning? Comedy Thamai!

      Don’t fool around, please. Shame on you.

    • 6

      Mahesan Nirmalan:

      I am not sure which of the Conjoined twins I am talking to but I just want to enlighten the DR Know all on the following.

      1) How does a solution – based on a Regional approach, deal with the significant numbers of Tamils living in the central provinces of SriLanka and have no desire to leave.

      The reason why these Tamils so called Tamils are living in the Central provinces is not out of choice but out of necessity in search of Jobs. Since independence the Tamil Land has been deliberately ignored and there was no development and the North & East didn’t even account for 5% GDP.
      But when we have the destiny in our hand we can surpass Singapore and develop our land and all those who emigrated will return. You might want to stay in Manchester and go on the piss but there are many who will head home.

      2) I am sorry, in my view the solution to the problems of SriLanka can only be evolved through constitutional arrangements that work towards a “Common and inclusive SriLankan identity” at every level.

      If what you are alluding to is true why hasn’t it materialised in the last 64 Long years. WAKE UP DR and face reality. Mahintha is not going to give it to you on a plate.
      I am not prepared to take ” PICHAI PATHIRAM to Mahintha but you might.

  • 6

    If tamils are allowed complete equality in every sense of the word, if
    the army occupation of north and east is ended, if state aided colonisation of north and east is ended, if lands and homes taken over by the army are returned, if the military governor allows the NPC to function like what happens in all other PCs, if Rule of Law is enforced, then, all talk of separation will end and all of us can live in peace and harmony.

    • 2

      The opposite is true.

      If the government colonizes the north as they colonized the east, then separatism will end for good.

      Look at the eastern PC. They don’t pass genocide resolutions? Why? Because its ethnic percentages were forcefully changed. How good!

      Only Tamils want separatism. If Tamils are NOT the majority in any province, it will not struggle for separation.

      Anyway no one is scared of separatism talk. Army’s AK-47s will talk!

  • 9


    You are talking about two nations which are World apart.

    Britain – The Oldest Democracy , a Country with Civilised Standards respect for the Rule of and its inhabitants and a Monarchy respected by people all over the World.

    Sri Lanka: A democracy in all but name but in reality a DICTATORSHIP just like China who is currently in town.

    A country ruled by THUGS, CRIMINALS and LOOTERS with no respect for Rule of Law or its people sadly I mean a section of its people.

    The referendum in the United Kingdom is for the Scots to decide on Independence from United Kingdom.
    But in Sinhala Lanka we don’t even have basic FREEDOM, FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION, an our Land is totally occupied and neglected. In such a Land how can you even begin to think of a Referendum to separate let alone have equal rights.

    The Referendum Mahintha the THUG will be prepared to consider will be to ask as to how soon the Tamils will kill themselves and disappear from Sinhala Lanka. But that is not going to happen as following the recent visit by TNA to Delhi and under the Direction of Modi TNA passed 15 resolutions including the merger of North & East.

    We have a long way to go but we are inching closer to the promised land but the 20 Million Racists despite ample evidence live in the hope that they can ethnically cleanse Sri Lanka.


  • 5

    I wonder where the Scots would be today if they had followed the We Thamizh example and set off a couple of bombs every week in central London over the past few decades :D

    • 5

      Siva Sankaran Sarma Menon

      You have overlooked a minor information. IRA bombed its way to negotiating table. This must have been purely an oversight on your part, otherwise an excellent comment.

      Keep recording your thoughts.

    • 7

      Sarma you Sinkalam:

      If the Scots had done that they would have reached their promised land even sooner because UK is not an Animal Kingdom like Sinhala Lanka.

      • 3

        Yes Gali, but that’s only because the British were smart enough to only settle We Thamizh coolie slaves in their colonies and not the British Isles :D

        Having said that have you ever been around Groydon? But I suppose that doesn’t quite count as an animal kingdom :D

        • 2

          Sarma [Edited out]

          • 2

            This to the Moderator:

            It was an honest answer to Sarmas self admission but you have taken it upon yourself protect him. BIASED.

        • 4

          Siva Sankaran Sarma Menon

          Brilliant riposte

    • 4


      See the difference between wise and decent people and modaya violent people.

      No wonder 90 million Tamils have no prime minister or nation of their own.

      • 3


        Your Brain is lopsided.

        See the difference between violent and Criminal Minded Sinkalams and Civilised and Decent British.

        The 20 million Sinkalams have no leader except a THUG who is terrorising the Nation full of THUGS.

  • 3

    If not for the Scots, English, Welsh and Irish, there would hardly be any Indians in Sri Lanka.

    • 5

      So only Sinkalams like Nalini.

    • 3


      “If not for the Scots, English, Welsh and Irish, there would hardly be any Indians in Sri Lanka.”

      Before the advent of British were they known as Indians?

    • 3


      Are you saying the Scots, English, Welsh and Irish were in Sri Lanka before the Indians (the Sinhala Vijay & his men) came in a boat from India? Are you saying, they were there when an Indian known as Buddha’s religion called Buddhism was brought to Sri Lanka by an Indian named Mahinda?

  • 6

    Don is ignorant of the fact that North & East of Sri Lanka was an independent country (Jaffna Kingdom) before it was united by the British and Ceylon was formed. North & East of Sri Lanka therefore has all the rights to ask for independence from Sri Lanka.

  • 6

    You cannot expect from Sinhala Budhist country to respect other religion and language.
    Only UN, International Community can do like South Sudan for freedom of religion and language.

  • 4

    Do we know the interest rate of the loan for the biggest project? The dragon is taking advantage of the least educated government in the history of Sri Lanka. All most a decade I supported the Chinese Communist Party, but mow days I am staying away from it, because I am not happy with its actions in the South China sea and Sri Lanka. Chinese Communist Party is going crazy as it gets more power. If we do nothing it will do the same as Japan had done in the 1930s and 1940s, and it will be a detrimental for Asia’s success. President Mahinda Rajapaksa is doing everything to please the China’s President to get more commissions to fill his own pocket; and also to get more support to carry on his racist ideology. Why the President wasn’t dancing without drink and food to please the Chinese leaders, instead of forcing the school children to dance in the sun from 6 am? President gets commissions on the Chinese projects, not the school children. Therefore, it is more appropriate for the President, Basil, Chamal, Gota and Namal to dance to welcome the China’s president. The Rajapaksas got excited too much, I am surprised President wasn’t dancing. Don’t get too excited. Remember, China dropped everything and ran away from Libya. If you carry on your Sinhala racist attitude; we know how to makeChina to run away from Sri Lanka. Don’t underestimate the Tamils and the world. China is economically powerful, but the West is still far more powerful in defense than China. I really don’t think the Rajapaksas would change course, I believe that India must get ready to follow Russia. India can’t lead South Asia by passive leadership. India has to become pro-active, loud and tough leader to deal with the Rajapaksas and the Chinese Communist Party.

  • 3

    first hold referendum in Kashmir, which is identified as a disputed area.

    • 3


      “If not for the Scots, English, Welsh and Irish, there would hardly be any Indians in Sri Lanka.”

      Before the advent of British were they known as Indians?

    • 4


      “first hold referendum in Kashmir, which is identified as a disputed area.”

      Whom are you appealing to? Is it Pakistan?

  • 3

    The world has seen about 50 such referendums. 44 of them ended up in having new countries. 2 Of them were held in Canada and the No side won both times so Canada is a Country where a NO vote prevailed in a not one but two referendums . How do they do it ? English and French are both official languages in that country (We may have the same in Sri Lanka) however the popular Prime Ministers in that country in those years when the referendum was held came from Quebec . Brian Malrouney , Jean Creitien and Trudoe.

    The problem in Sri Lanka is we have the mechanism – (the free vote) to have a similar situation in Sri Lanka but its just un imaginable to have a Minority community member as the Head of State in Sri Lanka . Root cause the “WALAVU” mentality coupled with religious extremism of the voters, which is ably exploited by the politicians.

  • 5

    The author of this article is ignorant about the fact that Scotland was a separate country and has nothing to do with Sri Lankan situation. What about Tamil Nadu then?. Would Indian Government is going to hold a referendum on it or Tamil Nadu is going to ask for a separate status? The constitution of India prohibited even talking about separate status for any of their states!!.

  • 8

    TGTE SENATOR is talking. UN and the Sri lankan govt must listen.

    Where on the MAP is this TGTE anyway ?

    • 2

      Jim You are only one has realized how timely the the Senator is. She put here right thing the at right time. already more than 210 comments and growing.

      You don’t have to ask the Senator where the TGTE is. It is on the its name TGTE. Grow up and figure it out.

      • 3

        Thank you Malaiyuran!

    • 4

      Terror hermit crabs of Jaffna Tam`ills` with ‘Singhaphobia’

      Wise speak because they have something to say;

      (Jaffna Tamils- Jathika Thonduva,

      (Tamil Diaspora)- Terminally Demented Village Louts

      (TGTE)- Tontine Grapes Tam`ill` Emptyheads
      Of (USA)- Used Sanitary Association

      (\__/) International TID
      (=‘.’=) —O—︻╦╤─︻╦╤─

  • 3

    What we need is a just society, where all the freedoms, and democracies can be enjoyed by every citizen equally. Where rule of law works, impartial judiciary, society that devoid of corruption, press can operate freely devoid of political influences, irradiate nepotism, political favoritism, a society that holds culprits accountable for their crimes against humanity despite their ethnic origin. These are the route causes of failed society in SL. What we all should strive for as citizens be how to get back those civil liberties to our people. And we should all work together to achieve this. Create a ground swell among to educate our people to vote against it. Will having a separate autonomous region in NE for minorities will solve this problem, if yes I am all for it(I am sinhala/buddhist). The truth is that, who ever comes to power in those region in current form will try to do the same on to their people. We all agree MARA regime is a menace to the country.

    What this author suggests, wouldn’t achieve any of that for the people of Sri Lanka(from any ethnicity). Whether it be MARA, GOTA gov, or Rudra-government in Exile (eelam seekers), or Rauf Hakeem. One thing is common- all are corrupt leaders who are trying to fish in troubled waters, and they have their personal agendas and vested interests. We need all these rouges recognized, exposed, send home.
    But suggestions like these will only give fodder to these corrupt, MARA regime to stay in power forever. They will make it a big campaign slogan to turn currently displeased SL again back into their tent. I am sure most of the CT readers are educated and well aware of what is going on politically and historically, and internationally. A learned bunch. We learn form each other. That is how it should be sharing knowledge to understand things better. Normally majority are writing against this corrupt regime in SL, and all united on wanting to changing the corrupt racist government, and reinstating good governance to SL. Now look this author-Eelam Senator, jumping in to cessation in SL of referendum has otherwise friendly readership started to shoot at each other making us all forget the real goal for Sri Lankan. That is short sighted and selfish from authors part.

    Haven’t we seen enough carnage in Gaza, despite who is right who is wrong. What is actual history. We’d never know cause each side have their propaganda machines working in high gear, and poor people are dying for it! you guys will say your version of history is right we will say our version is right. Who cares who was here first. Does it matter now? Some how we have ended up in one country some how. So we all have to rise and fall at the same time. We cant do that divided that is what politicians ideal troubled water!!

  • 4

    I appreciate the academic nature of Usha’s article, but there is a big difference between what is happening in Scotland and what will happen in the NE. The Scottish referendum is purely an internal process within the UK. I believe the only precedent for this is the Quebec referendum that Canada willingly consented to. What will happen in the NE is a UN mandated referendum which is imposed against the wishes of the majority community – with the explicit threat of military action. This is the far more prevalent method that has happened in Kosovo, East Timor, Eritrea and most recently in South Sudan. Anyone who is not in complete denial would realize that the UN has already decided to conduct a referendum in the NE. The wheels are in motion and have been for the last five years. The other difference is that there is no cloud of genocide hanging over the UK. Will the Tamil people accept Eelam as the only reparations for May 2009? The GOSL could end up having to pay through their nose for decades (just like the Germans did after WWII) on top of Eelam.
    I think there was a point in time many decades ago, that a voluntary internal referendum conducted in the NE by the GOSL would have had a decent chance of bringing success to the “No” camp. The argument would be: “you have the right to secede of course – but here’s why you shouldn’t – we are better together”. As it stands right now, given how much blood has been shed in the NE, we are going to see a South Sudan style 95 plus percent yes vote for independence.
    The GOSL will cry foul and make a big stink, but eventually they will come to terms with reality and life will go on for both Sinhalese and the Tamils.

    • 2

      The pretty senator from TGTE Mrs. Usha S, and even you do not understand the difference between the British, Canadian and the Sinhala Buddhist mentality/cussed attitude of them.

      The lady has been out of Sri Lanka since she left the country 40 odd years ago. This is all wishful thinking and day dreams. GOSL is unlike Timor, or Sudan. They will die before allowing the referendum.

      Tamils (TNA) are not ready to totally govern. They are experienced in contesting elections but cannot operate a country and administer it like Singapore. Besides that Sampanthan as leader is retirng soon at 82 or 83. TNA is a combination of FP, and former quisling groups such as TELO, PLOTTE, EPRLF, EROS, Et Al. All have a checkered career and track record of 40 years, and some are only less than 30 years.

      A federal System should be fine immediately, and Tamils should put an end to prevent the RAPE and MOLESTATIONS of the 80,000 widows and their young children and siblings. The NE population are terrorized by the Police, Army, Douglas Group, Pillaiyan/Karuna Group as well as the CID, TID, MI, BBS, JHU et al, even 5 years after defeating the LTTE with Chemical weapons, Cluster Bombs, Phosphorous and all other methods of war crimes and crimes against Humanity. GOSL, MOD, and Sinhala settlers are grabbing Tamil land by the tens of thousands of acres.

      Coastal fishing is being prevented by the Navy, for the Tamils in the North-East provinces. Boats, nets, and engines that were destroyed over the 30 year war period has not been replaced. If anyone gets the engine, sewing machine or motor Bike, the MI is there to question them and accuse them of being members of the New or Old LTTE. The list of Tamil complaints will run into thousand pages.

      There needs to be a paradigm shift in the attitude of the GOSL which no sane person can expect from this mad and cruel regime. That is why the UN and UNHRC busy investigating Sri Lankan GOSL and military for War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity. That was why the Tamils For Justice was formed in 2007-2008 and Bruce Fein the Washington attorney was hired.

      Tamils should not be misled by a few inexperienced over zealous new associations creating the impression a Timor or Sudan type situation could happen. We will end up like it was in Cambodia, Laos, Uganda, Libya, Syria, Iraq or Afganistan type of situation with instability and blood flow, with 99% of the people suffering.

      Donald Gnanakone
      Tamils For Justice

  • 5

    I have only one question for this woman, for whom it appears that white folk are god, “Are you effing MAD?”

  • 2

    lady you giving your as everi whare (US ,EU,UN ,est,,,,,,)naw you coling reforandam, wait we will give you all the country.

  • 6

    Sri Lanka cannot and should not be divided, what ever the arguments are. A solution under a unitary state should be found. It is the duty of both the minority and the majority politicians in the country. If they cannot jointly find a decision within a specific time frame politicians of both groups should resign and allow some one else to find the solution.

  • 8

    “…“Palayana kalithalum puthiyana puhuthalum wazuwala”. (The abandonment of the old ways and the introduction of new ways is not wrong and the process of change is inevitable- Thirukkural) ….”

    The good doctor is exhibiting his ignorance of Thamil language and history. It is not Thirukkural but a grammar book called Nannool written by Pavanandi Munivar. He was trying to justify some minor changes made to Thamil grammar book written by Tholkaappiyam. This is about 2,500 years old, Fortunately, very little have changed, so if Tholkaappiyam comes alive today he will have no difficulty in understanding the spoken Thamil as well as written Thamil. This is in contrast with other languages like Greek, Latin (now dead) Sanskrit (now dead) English (old English and new English after Chaucer).

    I am aghast at the stark ignorance exhibited by some commentators about the existence of the Jaffna Kingdom. It lasted from 13th to 17th century till it was conquered by the Portuguese in 1621. Sankiliyan the last king was captured and taken to Goa and beheaded. Even after the fall of the Jaffna Kingdom, the Vanni chieftens continued to have sway over their territory till the British killed the last Chieftain Pandaravanniyan. It is the British who amalgamated the Northeast with the rest of Ceylon for administrative convenience in 1833. The Sinhalese must thank their starts that the British handed over a united Ceylon to the Sinhalese with one proviso they will the Thamils and others fairly and they will not be discriminated on account of ethnicity or language. The Sinhalese rulers reneged on the promise to Thamils that no harm will fall on them under Sinhalese rulers. D.S.Senanayake deprived a million Thamils of Indian origin in the very year independence and denied them voting rights in the following year. The Sinhalese can put up with and tolerate corruption, nepotism, waste, inefficiency and autocratic rule under Mahinda Rajapaksa,but why should the Thamils be part of it? British government has acted magnanimously to allow the Scotttish people a referendum to decide their political destiny. Thamils are pleading with the Sinhalese government to extend the same right to the Thamils. It will solve once and for all the bad blood and enmity that exist between the Sinhalese and Thamils. Presently unless like the Scots, Thamils are reeling under the jackboot of the Sinhala military that has grabbed private lands, built Buddhist viharas and statues in places where there are no Buddhists, running luxury hotels, restaurants, swimming pools, health resorts, golf courses, farming etc. In short Thamil Eelam is good for Thamils but better for the Sinhalese. Please think aloud and rationally instead of spewing venom and hatred.

    • 2

      Nagadeepa, the ancient Buddhist temple in current Jaffna is proof that the area was predominantly Buddhist over 2000 years.

      Not in some Wikipedia or Tamilnation website that cropped up with misinformation and tomfoolery for nincompoops, but the world’s first cartographic map drawn by Greek Astronomer Ptolemy identifies SL asTaprobana and has labeled the island Nagadeepa as Nagodeeba with sign of Buddhist temple.

      All this rubbish people write just because of internet’s existence and blog sites allowing any trash to be published online.

      You can shout, write filth and unrecyclable trash and stay hungry if you want, but real, hard facts of history cannot be changed.

      This letter is written by a pro-Tamil separatist ideologist.
      If she wants secession referendum in SL, it should apply to India before SL, with largest Tamil population in the world. That will set precedent and standard for all Tamils to unite in Tamil Nadu and leave Sri Lanka’s good Tamil folks to stay there living with all other communities.

      • 5


        If you are a professional historian, then I believe you.

        I am not very good at almost anything.

        ” but the world’s first cartographic map drawn by Greek Astronomer Ptolemy identifies SL asTaprobana and has labeled the island Nagadeepa as Nagodeeba with sign of Buddhist temple.”

        How can I access this map?

        “but real, hard facts of history cannot be changed.”

        What is this real hard facts of history as opposed to unreal soft facts of history?

        “If she wants secession referendum in SL, it should apply to India before SL, with largest Tamil population in the world.”

        I am lost.

        Are the Tamilnadu Tamils demanding a referendum to create a Separate state for themselves in this island? I thought the Tamils of this island are demanding a referendum in this island and not in Tamilnadu. You are confusing me.

      • 4

        “Nagadeepa, the ancient Buddhist temple in current Jaffna is proof that the area was predominantly Buddhist over 2000 years.”


        You are 100% correct.

        Nagadeepa/Jaffna was predominantly Buddhist during the ancient period but what has that got to do with the Sinhalese? It was only after the 10th century AD the Tamils became 100% Hindus (due to the Cholas) and the Sinhalese are still both Buddhists & Hindus (you still worship the Hindu God Katharagama) even though you call yourselves Buddhists. Before the 10th century AD, the Tamils were also both Buddhists & Hindus.

        Please educate yourself and learn about Tamil Buddhism in both South India and Sri Lanka during the ancient past.

    • 2


      A very good comment, laying explicitly bare the thinking and feeling of the Tamils.

      Have you noted the comment of ‘Patriot’ at Sept 17, 9.58 pm? Too good to believe.

  • 5

    Tamil Nadu, Kashmir, Assam should all hold referendums to secede from Mahabharath, the Mother India. That will give Tamils their due “Homeland”. Jayalalililita-aaa and Eelam tigers can rule that land independently and have their own cultural identity, grow and sell global terrorism as the mainstay of new Eelam nation’s source of income.
    Just like Scotland, Tamil Nadu is itching to secede. Good point you made.
    Sri Lanka has too mixed a multi-ethnic society, with majority of Tamils and Muslims living in the south, so a referendum will be useless to secede North and East.

    Can you organize and fix the date? J-lalililita-A and K’nidhi, Vaiko, Baila-co, Nedumaran and other movie hero buffoons will jump straight in.
    Mr. Modi, the new PM will grant you approval for the referendum. Your job is to ensure it will be a peaceful vote.

    As a measure of regional support for TN seceding from India, we can have a teaser referendum in Sri Lanka and Pakistan to really feel how Tamil folks deserve Tamil Nadu as their TRUE HOMELAND!!!

    • 6


      “That will give Tamils their due “Homeland”. Jayalalililita-aaa and Eelam tigers can rule that land independently and have their own cultural identity,”

      I am sorry as far as I know, Tamils of this island never demanded a homeland in Tamilnadu. Why do you think they should demand their separate state in Tamilnadu. It is not fair by Tamilnadu people.

      “Tamil Nadu as their TRUE HOMELAND”

      Tamilnadu is really the homeland for the Tamilnadu Tamils. What has it got to do with Tamils of this land, given that they too were born and bred in this island?

      You are confusing me more and more.

  • 2

    Senator Skandaraja perhaps should have tried for a Dual for her boss PM Rudrakumaran. and herself before a referendum.

    This Referendum business has totally distracted and diverted the LTTE and the pro LTTE lobby away from the birth of the new ITAK Boss Senathriaja and his 15 Resolutions,

    Skandarajah and Senathraja although sound similar in class and caste they seem to be quite apart from their politics.

    I mean the 15 Resolutions have no mention of any referendum even in small print.

    Could it be that the ITAK Boss is less Democratic than TGTE?..

    Although Skandaraja Resolution restricts the Referendum to the North and the East ,it still at least give a chance to all inhabitants there.

    Even the poor Dalits along with the poor Muslims who have been converted and the new settler Sinhala dalits also get a chance to tick a box if it is multiple choice..

    So a Dual is more valuable for the PM and the Senator to pay a visit to Nalloor and get a blessing from the Brahamin Poosari for them and the Vellala CM and his new Handler ITAK Boss.

    Then they can sit together and iron out these problems as the new ITAK Boss is all fired up to ramp up the action plan and launch it early in the new year.

    He seems to be in such a hurry that the once in a life time visit of the Holy See gets back seat.

    He is not even concerned that the Holy See has asked for a small Nano to travel around.

    And hold an Open Air Mass for the Elite on Galle Face Green,

    Even a second Mass is planned on the Turf of the Holy Lady of Madhu for the Dalit devotees, who are under stress from their Bishop’s political activities.

  • 1

    Usha SriSkandaRajah, see below, what a wellknown, intelligent Scotsman, (with a proud Scottish Accent) has to say about the Scottish referendum:-

    “PLEASE SHARE: Historian and star of the amazing BBC series ‘Coast’ has written an open letter to the people of Scotland. It is just brilliant:-“

    “I will lay my cards on the table from the start: I will be voting ‘No’.
    I have no economic argument to make. Frankly, I am sick and tired of hearing people argue the toss, about the pound, pensions and the rest. I am voting ‘No’ because for me, the offering by the ‘Yes’ camp lacks nobility and humanity. Even more importantly, it lacks class, far less any kind of panache.

    Having spent years working on the television series Coast, I think it’s fair to say I’ve seen as much of this United Kingdom of ours as anyone else living here. It’s a project that has changed my life in several ways. It has certainly caused me to fall in love with the place – the whole place. Circumnavigate these islands as I have, as often as I have, and one thing above all becomes clear: the national boundaries within are invisible and therefore meaningless.

    People living in a fishing town in Cornwall have more in common with the inhabitants of a fishing town in Fife than either population has with the folk of a town in the Midlands. They have a shared experience and a common history of coping with lives shaped by the sea. The coast is another country – the fifth country – and it unites us and binds us like the hem of a garment.

    The differences that are discernible as you travel around Britain are regional ones – made of accents and architecture, geology and geography. I am all in favour of people having the power to make decisions about their own patch: but I am utterly opposed to the idea of breaking centuries old bonds in order to make that happen.”

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    It is the actions of the Sinhala Buddhist majority that led to the call for a separate state for the Tamils, and before soon for the Muslims as well.

    A separate state within a small island is not going to be benifical for anyone in the long run. It will not be the end of conflict but the beginning of more horrors. The best option still is to get the Sinhala Buddhist morons to treat all citizens as equals. It is an unfortunate fact that these morons will be manipulated using the race card within a so called democratic system. I still feel it will be better to keep educating these Sinhala morons until they see that they are no different to any other human being. I wish someone can pull out the deep rooted inferiority complexes that these Sinhala Buddhist morons suffer from.

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    The author tries to bake hoppers for them when the international pan is remains hot! Leaving all the history aside what good it serves the people of Sri Lanka of all ethnic origins to have NE separated except for the pro-ealam diaspora elements. Most of the educated guests have commented in their capacity of knowledge who owned NE before.

    Depending on view you hold everyone has facts to support history, fake and true. But if we based this on history, for argumentative sake leaving North aside when did East was a separate kindom of minorities? NE predominantly populated with minorities thanks to LTTE driving out most of the Sinhalese who lived during/within the times of Ethnic conflict. It is a very recent development. Otherwise those areas too would have represented somewhat similar population dynamics that the rest of the country represents(current situation is a created situation and it has no historic precedence. If they were not chase out referendum wouldn’t even be suggestion. Scoltland had not fought a war with UK government. More closer comparison would be the sitution in Gaza. It would be the ideal example for giving a country to another ethnic group inside another country. It shows no ending in sight, and the death and destruction will be for generations to to witness, if not that is the cause for the third world war.
    As they are eating up to Palestine beyond the traditional lands they were given by UN, (which they rightfully question), Israeli propaganda machine, goes back 1000 years in history to claim that they in fact lost their rightful lands and they have more land to claim.

    So when I see all the arguments in this forum regarding who has the rightful ownership to NE in SL the answer depends fully on how far in time we want to go back in history(which no one knows for sure).
    Are we gonna go back to Vijaya’s time, chola time, before that, Or how about Rawana’s time. Should we base, mahawansha, tamil lit, or Ramayana? It is stated in Ramayana Rawana has ruled many parts of India, and our Tamil brothers can claim rights to some parts of India for their kingdom as well).

    In that sense I am sure Indian gov would be bit nervous on NE getting separated, as it is going to be hot bed for new area of conflict. If they had learnt from Palestine. They won’t allow it.
    IMHO it is ridiculous going by the vague historical mentions or opinions, to claim ownership for the land in NE or beyond. What are we going to do about all the minorities who live in the rest of the country?, and what are we going to do about the Sinhalese who live in east – traditionally?
    This is our leaders want, for us to kill each other so that it will be a distraction from real issues the people in SL is facing. To install fear in majority Sinhalese to forever vote for them. GOSL will love it as it is a good problem for them to have, now they are realizing that they were stupid to completely eradicate the war as it would have been perfect scapegoat for their corrupt regimes inefficiencies. If we work together to demand safe, democratic and a civilized society where meritocracy, law works for all ethnicities will be a better solution for our country. What is good for the goose in not good for the gander here!

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    Scotland was a separate country that united with England in 1700s. North and East has no parallel to Scotland. In International Law, in post-independence borders are determined according to the Uti Possidetis rule where borders of the Colonial Unit were continued as a single unit.

    I would suggest, any alteration to the territory of Sri Lanka, either to carve out another state or to annexe new territory, we will have to have a nationwide referendum. Any alteration to the territory does violence to the inherited rights of the peoples to choose residence in any part of the country to travel to any part of the country and as such the votes of all the citizens should be counted. The voltes of people who have chanced to live in a certain geographical zone at a particular time period cannot choose to cut out the rest of the country’s citizens.

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      It is astonishing as to how much you know about your own country’s history! You seem to know more about Scotland than about Sri Lanka! Go back to the drawing board mate.

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