22 January, 2025


Former Army Commander Saves Crony From Book Purchase Scandal

Former Commander of the Sri Lanka Army, Lt. Gen. Jagath Jayasuriya, presently Chief of Defence Staff, has saved one of his favourite officers after a Court of Inquiry found him guilty of corruption.

Major General Lal Perera

Major General Lal Perera

Colombo Telegraph is able to reveal today that the Security Forces Commander for East, Major General Lal Perera was saved by Lt. Gen. Jayasuriya.

The Army Commander for the East was absolved and Jayasuriya succeeded in getting a Court of Inquiry to placed the blame on subordinate officers.

It is learnt that a military court had earlier found many discrepancies in a matter involving Maj. Gen. Perera and the purchase of books for a library at the Security Forces Headquarters (East) at Welikanda.

Maj. General Perera has allegedly manipulated the tender process to purchase books. On 05.11.2011 authorisation had been given to purchase books to the tune of Rs. 915, 000.

It is alleged that after initially obtaining quotations from renowned publishers in Colombo, the senior military officer had ordered his subordinates to make a purchase from a local bookstore in Polonnaruwa for Rs. 560,000. Later another batch of books worth Rs. 355,000 had been purchased from the same source. The Colombo Telegraph is in possession of documents which confirm some of the hand written quotations obtained by Maj. Gen. Perera were not from the would be suppliers.

Once the discrepancy was discovered by the auditors, Maj. General Perera is alleged to have forged a quotation from the local bookstore long after the items had been apparently purchased. There is a further allegation that receipts and delivery notes had also been forged by subordinates to indicate that the books had been purchased from the originally named more renowned publishers.

After the initial military court pointed out these acts of misconduct Maj. Gen. Perera is said to have influenced senior officials at Army headquarters to change the verdict of a report by the then Army Commander Lt. Gen. Jagath Jayasuriya.

Subsequently in February 2013, Gen. Jagath Jayasuriya had issued a report in to the matter absolving Maj. Gen. Perera of all wrong doing in the matter but making an observation that some of his subordinates had not followed due process as per the Financial Regulations of the government.

Senior ranks are perturbed that some top officials have been protecting corrupt personnel.

Latest comments

  • 0

    Does the Sri Lankan army personnel read books? It will not surprise anyone if they bought “something else” and accounted it as books!! How many of the lower rungs are “literate”?

    • 0

      good one !

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    • 0

      They fight with human rights charter in one hand and the gun in the other, remember? At least for that purpose, they needed those books, ‘at least to carry them’.

    • 0

      It is ugly but real feeling one get about SL military, including high ranking military diplomatic, governors, CEOs or UN reps..

    • 0

      No they don’t read. They only rape.

  • 2

    Sri Lanka army kept losing till end of 2008 primariliy because of corruption. Moles inside the army would leak operational information to Prabakaran for few ruppees. The turnining point came with the appontnement of Gen SF who cleaned up and sidelined rouges inside the army.

    Discipline was key to winning against LTTE. If the same ethos and culture was promoted in other institutions they will win too.

    • 0

      Vibushana, mokka Sinhala donkey army won the war with support of so many countries specially india without them you have no chance man. we know your Sinhala barbaric army capabilities…..don’t fool your self, modayas never going to learn anything live in their own land.

      • 1

        Sorry to disillusion you JM. The army was prevented from winning in 1987 by the Indians who were duly rewarded for their service by the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi. Of course one wonders who the modyas are having been taken for a ride by the Indians and the LTTE. Get your history right.

    • 1

      This comment I fully agree with. Camps run by “isso mudalalis” of the army, in collusion with terrorist leaders were decimated by terrorists, and thousands of soldiers lost their lives as a consequence. Our people’s greed irrespective of ethnicity is the root causes to these losses. Corruption is endemic, and in their blood, only taking their DNA out and reetching them would be the answer. You know what that means in practice!

      • 0

        One day in the near future all those who are responsible for putting SF in trouble and under cut him will have to suffer the most from top to bottom.

    • 0

      Well said! Vibhushana.

      • 0

        Well said Vibhushana!

    • 0

      Please don’t talk about things you have no understanding off.

    • 1

      well, someone from the ARMY leaked the graphics of the killing of people with their hands tied, may be for a few rupees.. and that got world attention…and a cry for an investigation…Money talks bullshit walks they say… true in this case…

  • 0

    Corruption under Rajapaksa is endemic and it starts with the Rajapaksa brothers themselves. The Rajapaksa brothers are fabulously wealthy but how did they amass such wealth? Your guess is as good as mine!

    The Sri Lankan state institutions have become more corrupt under this regime and impunity is one that perpetuates it. As long as the common man keeps supporting these thieves of public money the Rajapaksas will keep on stealing.

  • 1

    mokka Sinhala donkey army won the war with support of so many countries

    Its must be hard to fathom 65 million gon demalas got a good hiding by a tiny population isnt it? The defeat was written on the wall wasn;t it really. It was an unwinnable war from the get go.

    No one in the entire history of the island has managed defend a the dry zone and sustain an independent area. Many Chola, Panyan and Chera nuisence tried it. The Dutch and Portugese tried it failed. British managed only after capture of the hills.

    The flat arid land cannot be defended in a conventional military standoff. SJV Chelvanayagam was a moron to send Prabarakn on a wild goose chase really. Rampart defence does not work there. It never has. The gon demala never fail to amuse me repeating the same mistake every 200 years or so apart.

    • 0

      Vibushana Mokka, Yes LTTE moron Big blunder he should have change course of action after 9/11. Other wise Sinhala mokkadayas never got chance. You must thank INDIA, just wait how congress going to pay for this coming election…..

    • 0

      Don’t forget that sinhala modayas had to clean arses of their british Colonial masters in order to gain power to thenIsland. Puk Sinhalese Army never won te war if it weren’t for other countries supporting them. Disgraced Sinhalese are good to beg from the international countries for money and everything as the Sinhalese Ancestors did forany centuries. No wonder why the Sinhalese deprived from the Filthy Rodiyas as beggars and servants.

    • 0

      Stop counting how many flies sitting on your crap and try to digest the truth you dweeb.

      • 1

        Look here folks,

        It looks like I hurt your feelings. There is compassion and loving kindness in everything I tell you. If I say something its not to humiliate you. I want to convey how the Tamil leadership make wrong decisions and continue to do so.

        Decsions made by Tamil leadership is mostly ego driven than being practical. That is why we see Tamils running at 100mph and eventually seen smashed against a wall with little tweety birds circling their heads.

        Tamils in the island of Sri Lanka will have to fall in line whehter its today or 10 years from now. Do I say this out of my own ego? No! Tamils will have to fall in line simply becuase they will be dependent on taxes paid by the Sinhalese for their survival. The sooner you realise the quicker things will get back to normal for you I think..

        • 0


          “Tamils will have to fall in line simply becuase they will be dependent on taxes paid by the Sinhalese for their survival.

          Where did you get this silly idea that Sinhalese pay taxes?

          You must be living in a parallel universe. Please do visit the earthlings once in a while.

          The Sinhala/Buddhists men don’t work they are kept by their women folks who work in the middle-east and pay for their men’s upkeep.

          • 0

            Native, oh’ c’mon now, thats quite racist isnt it? lets try to be civilised shall we?

            • 0


              “Native, oh’ c’mon now, thats quite racist isnt it? “

              That isn’t, its a fact as far as I know.

              “lets try to be civilised shall we?”

              We shall.

              However trying to be civilized is a two way process.

              You withdraw what you said then I will consider being civilised.

              When you throw stones randomly you should also expect to receive some of it from unexpected quarters, oh yes randomly.

            • 0

              Why dont you flash your hooters like your great Sinhala [Edited out] ancestors did for their daily left overs. :P

          • 0

            LOL native.. are u suggesting that all sinhalese men are Gigalo’s?

            • 0

              Snowdon Asange

              “LOL native.. are u suggesting that all sinhalese men are Gigalo’s?”

              I suggested that few days ago under different thread. However, we have been discussing the Sinhalese paying taxes and the Tamils having free ride.

              Taxes are levied from working men and women, not from unemployed lazy fellows who send their women folks to far away places to toil and die. Those poor women for the sake of their family feed, clothe and provide pocket money to feed their drinking habit, may be bit of gambling as well.

              Sri Lankan Gigolos are paid by foreign women just for the services rendered but not on a permanent basis.

        • 0

          Tamils are surviving by their own hard work, not Sinhala taxes that the GOSL uses for itself.

          The same Sinhala society that kept supporting Nationalists that started many anti Tamil pogroms is going to give Sinhala taxes to Tamils, sure…

        • 0

          Lool what an Idiot. Puk sinhalese paying taxes? Hahahaha. Its pointless arguing with a silky sinhalese nut gobbler like you. I’l just ignore your comments from now on.

  • 0

    it was a good news, people wanted to forces they do not study, education is a long subject, education is far away, maxmuam you may read papers 10% or less. forces phycical development is main interest, not reading habits of reading, reading habit person he do better in his career,mental war is not easy, force for physical war, they studies about arms,guns, drive different vehicles. discipline, they will never became a discipline because education is bleek.you did immoral work,buget money waste,

  • 0

    “Pussek mewage thana thurakata awahama mewage dewal wenaeka puduma wenna deyaknamai.”

  • 0

    Why would anyone be surprised? After all, isn’t he the one who betrye Sarath Fonsekaa ?

  • 0

    Even now you can see vehicles and officers running around shopping in colombo. Looks like they have a lot of money to spend. How much of the 16% budget allocation will be accounted for?

  • 0

    The abuse of official vehicles & drivers of these Army officers are unbelievable. Kids are dropped & picked up by the drivers in official vehicles at these prestigious schools around Colombo.. Nona goes shopping in official vehicles. The whole family goes visiting nenda-amma on the weekend in the official vehicle. Its true they won the Yudde? But how long are we going to give these people all these privileges and perks? When the US soldiers come home from duty they are given a job and a subsidized housing allowance. That is all.

  • 0

    Isn’t this the way business is done in Sri Lanka when it comes to handling public money. Has the mystery of the purchase of the four MIGs from Ukraine resolved? This book tender corruption is merely pea nuts.

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