Deputy Minister S.M. Chandrasena has been promoted to the rank of Cabinet Minister by President Mahinda Rajapaksa, one week after he and his brother organised massive demonstrations in Anuaradhapura against the Channel 4 crew in Sri Lanka to the cover the Commonwealth Summit.
Chandrasena was sworn in as Cabinet Minister in charge of Special Projects by President Rajapaksa on Saturday (22).
Chandrasena and his brother S.M. Ranjith were instrumental in stalling the train carrying the Channel 4 crew to Kilinochchi on Wednesday (13 November) at Anuradhapura by bringing their supporters in numbers to the railway station.
Interestingly, Chandrasena lost his Cabinet portfolio in September 2012 after the President announced his brother could not be appointed Chief Minister of the North Central Province since two members of the same family could not hold top posts in the Government. Accordingly Chandrasena resigned his portfolio and his brother S.M Ranjith was appointed North Central Chief Minister.
SM Chandrasena was then appointed Deputy Minister in the spate of new deputy ministerial appointments made by the President in October this year. His Cabinet portfolio has now been restored completely.
President Mahinda Rajapaksa has the largest cabinet of ministers in the world.
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The Penetrator / November 24, 2013
This is Gold..
“President announced his brother could not be appointed Chief Minister of the North Central Province since two members of the same family could not hold top posts in the Government”
JULAMPITIYE AMARAYA / November 24, 2013
The Jak Ass, LOWYER, presdente, Jarapassa,
[ “Brother of the Minister of [Un] Development and Economy of Basil Jarapassa,
Brother of Chamal Jarpassa, The Speaker of the sri alnka’s diyawannaoya, Piggery parliament,
Brother of the Secretary to the ministry of Defence, Gothambaya,”]
announced to Deputy Minister S.M. Chandrasena, his brother could not be appointed Chief Minister of the North Central Province since two members of the same family could not hold top posts in the Government” .
Now the Sub contractor become a CABINET Minister of The MORONIC GOVERNANCE.
SL-LACK-JUSTICE / November 24, 2013
This megalomaniac MR’s actions getting beyond all bearing :(
Lanka Liar / November 25, 2013
Jai Lanka Sorry Lie Lanka
Ben Hurling / November 24, 2013
Banana Republic!
Smooth sailing all the way!
Yasodara Fukushima / November 25, 2013
Correct Mr. Ben. ‘Smooth sailing all the way’!
Our royal family is sailing so smooth.
although people utter various things no one can match their brains. Hon mahinda a Nalandian and Thurstanite, Mr Gota Basil Dudley Anandians, Mr Chamal a Richmondite are well educated qualified people to represent the royal family.
Some jealous people call them Godayas! Sadly they have that Godaya look and their language skills maybe below par yet they are very intelligent in many other ways.
But smooth sailing all the way!
If they are Godayas how did they turned the entire case with the help of Mr. Sarath N Silva, filed against our king for stealing Tsunami funds by Mr. Kabir Hashim/UNP.
-Smooth sailing all the way!
How the heir apparent passed his law exam with a record got even with Mr Colvin RD Silva. Can Godayas do this?
-Smooth sailing all the way!
When our emperor kicked Madam Shirani Bandaranayake out did anyone open their mouth (JVP and MR Sambandan protested but in vain)? Even Mr Ranil the so called intelligent man kept himself busy explaining about Latimer House and supremacy of the parliament instead of fighting against. that our king’s talent.
-Smooth sailing all the way!
This is the biggest joke now he he he…What did our patriotic people do when Gen Fonseka was arrested for competing our hon mahinda? Nothing!!!! so…..
-Smooth sailing all the way!
Who made BBS, Ravana, Sihalaravaya he he he, who made Grease yaka he he he, who torched down the Colombo Kachcheri he he he who broke the museum he he he, who made a white van saga he he he, Where are the anti regime journalists he he he. ‘Udayan’ ‘L e news’ ha ha where are they? The list is too long…
-Smooth sailing all the way!
No one can do anything to our king. Why do you think Manmohan didnt come to Srilanka? My personal opinian is our friend Mr. Singh and Ms. Sonia give us their fullest support directly and indirectly. Had Mr. Singh visited he would have been forced to given a speech like the warning of Mr Cameron by the indians so he tactically avoided it.
-Smooth sailing all the way!
We even rounded up Sirikotha twice recently he he he.
Viva our emperor! – Smooth sailing all the way!
The Penetrator / November 26, 2013
With a very deep respect I second that Fuku.. Where have you been all this time?
Asskisser / November 25, 2013
What about me Mr.President. Gota and Basil said that I will get a minister post as I was in the protest too. I was at the airport and Anuradapura too. I should get double promotion Mr President.
This is not fair at all.
You should appoint a commmission.
God bless my mother lanka.
Joe / November 25, 2013
I strongly beleieve the President’s brain is infected(Virus). Ship him to Micro Soft to scan his brain. The way things are going looks like brain is corroupted. If corroupted you can’t do anything. Through in to garbage.
Lanka Liar / November 25, 2013
I dont agree. There no brain. How can there be brain infection. Another lie from Sri Lanka
Pasel / November 24, 2013
Kiss as got ported to be a foot licker
Garusinghe / November 24, 2013
Time and again he proves that he is a super nitwit, Mugabe is miles behind him.
Native Vedda / November 24, 2013
S.M. Chandrasena looks like a typical Tamilnadu Dravidian. How come he has been appointed as a minister?
Hans Van der Meer / November 24, 2013
They all are the same Native Vedda.
Take a look at the other guy who looks village Malabari?
Irathinavalli also looks like Randuna’s daughter or Pema’s Sister Ranee. Are you related to her IrathinaV?
Sunil Perera / November 24, 2013
They all look Number one IRC criminal thugs who just came out from Prison.
Let the monkey play with Grenades until they explode in it’s hand.
It’s coming and it’s near.
Native Vedda / November 25, 2013
Hans Van der Meer
“Are you related to her IrathinaV?”
No, our women are much prettier, stronger and wiser.
Avb / November 25, 2013
MR, Basil, Namal have obvious Javanese features, I guess they must have Javanese genes. Nothing wrong with it, but I guess we need to teach Siri Lanakan about basics about Genetics and genetic inheritances. This may help them to understand there is nothing called pure Sinhalese race in this island.
PalmSquirrell / November 25, 2013
All of those guys in the photo look Dravidian and or show native Indian phenotype, but don’t tell that to the Sinhala Nationalists, who think they are speeeecialll.
Lanka Liar / November 25, 2013
Yes a tamil look is sufficient to be appointed. They have great leaders like KP Karuna Pillaiyan Doglas. They are the brains behind the government. Without them Sri Lanka will be in deep trouble.
Native Vedda / November 25, 2013
Lanka Liar
“They are the brains behind the government. Without them Sri Lanka will be in deep trouble.”
Don’t you think VP was the brain behind MR’s election and war victory?
K. C. John / November 27, 2013
He sure was! The b****** may have lost the war and his life, but he screwed us big time and long term!
SoftyFloppy / November 24, 2013
Great appointment. I think we also need another appointment for Minister of the Very Special Projects.
sham / November 24, 2013
Well done sir, You are role model for every human on this planet and especially for the Lankan. I have no words…..
Yoosuf / November 24, 2013
I just want to kiss the arses of Sri Lanka’s authourity government
Kalal / November 24, 2013
On Sale! On Sale!
Minister Posts on Sale!
[“President announced his brother could not be appointed Chief Minister of the North Central Province since two members of the same family could not hold top posts in the Government”]
Sin anye…Do as I tell you not do as I do..
Hey, Don’t question me. I have one rule for my family and other for your family. That is how its is written in the ” Mahinda Chintane” My bothers are. one is Speaker. one is a Minister, One is Defense Sec. My Lawyer son is MP. List goes on…
kapu / November 24, 2013
well, after all, there are some …who can fool all the people all the time….! God… how far can greed and ego take a human to destruction of moral ethics !
D SHEIKH / November 24, 2013
Next we may see Murali also appointed as MP and made deputy Minister in charge of spin bowling.
Snowdon Asange / November 25, 2013
LOL @ minister of spin…bowling… good one…
Lanka Liar / November 25, 2013
No he cant be He chucks. No Ball…..
chingala kavun / November 24, 2013
Now will his Channel 4 protests go stronger? After all, that was the reason for his Ministrial promotion. Joke of all jokes.
demala kokis / November 24, 2013
Of course it will; Just wait and see. This time his protests will be so strong that they will scare Cameroun so much that he will s##t in his pants and call off any international investigation into human rights violations.
sarath gonseka / November 24, 2013
David Cameroun, take note.
Safa / November 24, 2013
Latest Veeraya of the Raja Pakse. Samarakoon Mudiyanselage Chandrasena who sent back Channel 4 bare handed. The Maha Raja has recognised his heroic deed and rewarde him with an extra Ministerial position. Maybe a statue of this bugger will be erected at Anuradhapurs staion.
Paisa Must Appah / November 24, 2013
Lucky man. He organized protests and stopped a train for a few hours and becomes Minister overnight. Others do licking and polishing the bosses front side and backside, every day and they are still only Junior Minister. I think they must try harder now.
SL-LACK-JUSTICE / November 25, 2013
This president should be nominated to next NOBEL PRIZE.. he is very intelligent after all at taking decisions. Next trophy will be given to Mervin for his years long thuggish and contract killing activities. This is current day SRILANKA…. though once upon a time known as the country who produced first female PM and several high profile international figures :(
Lanka Liar / November 25, 2013
No Bull prize
Waduge Ranjith De Silva / November 24, 2013
Well Done Minister Chandrasena .Keep it up.
ruwan / November 24, 2013
GENIUS Waduge pats GENIUS Chandrasena on the back ! Too many geniuses, now all SL needs are a few fools to balance out the Jarapakses !
Upasiri / November 25, 2013
Yes, SM Chandrasena from former driver of Berty Premalal Dissanayakato to a MP and then to beat Birty Premalal was appointed as a Minister then demoted to a D/ Minister now after Stopping the Ch 4 going to North promoted as a Minister is real achievement. Another achievement of this man now we must call him a Minister was to take millions of rupees from poor Sinhala Youth to give jobs in Korea with another person should have sent to jail not to the parliament and to promote as a Minister.
Jarapaksa always like. Low level scoundrels like Chandrasena to do his cleaning jobs.
Chuti / November 24, 2013
Congratulations Mr. Prasident!!!! That’s the way…
Say “Jayawewa”!!!!
SL-LACK-JUSTICE / November 26, 2013
is that irony or ?
Do you really feel it is a good thing ?
aratai / November 24, 2013
Who is next?
Is Murali’s brother’s smuggling case dropped?
Lanka Liar / November 25, 2013
What did he smuggle.
vignaswaran / November 24, 2013
President can appoint any one for the cabinet. Does president want to get permeation form Colombo Telegraph? do the Colombo Telegraph or any other media question from US or UK that kind of matter
Probono Publico / November 25, 2013
Why should CT be bothered with UK or the USA ? CT is concerned with Sri Lanka and so are we and you better do the same !
First clean your house and then look at UK and USA who for your information do not indulge in such cheap behaviour!
Lastly I can clearly see your ‘sinhala ness’ when you pretend that your a Tamil and get the spelling wrong get so get lost mate!
Sunil Perera / November 24, 2013
There’s no end to the Baboon’s smile and acting Better than Charlie Chaplin.
Baboon think he could hoodwink people and get away with the Crook’s smile. Hague here he comes.
It is the curse for our country and the People and International community already aware of it.
demon silva / November 25, 2013
It is a pity max silva is ignored, he should be made minister for cleaning as he has been cleaning the bottom of rajas for quite some time.
mike / November 25, 2013
Demon Silva, Mad Max is now busy sniffing Jayalalitha’s undies (his own admission)!!
Probono Publico / November 25, 2013
Cant we nominate K A Sumansekera (LEELA) as Minister for irrelevant drivel driven comments?
Lapatiya / November 25, 2013
@Probono Publico,
No chance at all as Sarath Gunaratna has promised that he will be leading all future protests required by King Mahinda.
T Wickramaratna / November 25, 2013
He passed the Exam well. Now he is qualified to be a Minister.
Asskisser / November 25, 2013
What about me Mr.President. Gota and Basil said that I will get a minister post as I was in the protest too. I was at the airport and Anuradapura too. I should get double promotion Mr President.
This is not fair at all.
You should appoint a commmission.
God bless my mother lanka.
Darlin Silva / November 25, 2013
A well deserved reward.
Ken / November 25, 2013
Lanka Liar / November 25, 2013
We need more of them. Keep it up.
Peacelover / November 25, 2013
Rewards – Sri lankan style
may i humbly request that Ella Kolla be made the Minister for Immature Adults and MAx Silva as Minster without portfolio for Dog poo cleaning ;-)
mike / November 26, 2013
It appears Ella Kolla is R.I.P. while MAD Max is hospitalized sniffing Hitlerpaksha’s worn underwear!
SL-LACK-JUSTICE / November 26, 2013
Not srilanken I would say – It is Rajapskes Rascal Style
Mervyn Silva / November 26, 2013
Now common wealth is over Murderous, thieves : mervyns and dumindas will come to action.
Sunil Perera / December 1, 2013
The Crab will keep on Dancing inside the pot until the Pot gets Boil.
The crab will go down along with the surrounding crabs which it Chicken fed.