25 April, 2024


Freedom Of Expression To Insult Islam, Jail Sentence For Holocaust Deniers

By Latheef Farook

Latheef Farook

Is there a hidden force which is putting the Christian West against Muslims worldwide? This is the question now being asked in many knowledgeable circles in the West, the Middle East and the East as well.

Worldwide angry demonstrations against the American film ”The Innocence of Islam” , produced by an Israeli Jew, which insulted Islam’s Prophet Muhammad(PBUH)  and provoked Muslims with devastating consequences could have been averted if only the American government had banned it.

President Barack Obama  refused to ban the film or the New York subway adds on the grounds that “Freedom of Expression” is constitutional right. However questioning Holocaust is a punishable offense in the US and many countries in Europe despite boasting of freedom of expression.

Days after this film triggered worldwide unrest the French magazine Charlie Hebdo’s outrageous cartoon insulting Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) represented a new assault against Islam and Muslims. The timing of the publication of these utterly crude and offensive caricatures raise questions about a possible hidden force manipulating the West against the Muslim world.

Adding fuel to fire advertisements denigrating Muslims as savages started appearing in   New York subway stations, a city dominated by Jews, since Monday 24th September. These adds , paid for by two hate Muslim groups, the American Freedom Defense Initiative and Stop the Islamization of America,   read ””In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel. Defeat Jihad,” .

Thus the so called freedom of expression is sheer hypocrisy and double standard especially in the context of US and European governments denying by law this very same right to “Holocaust” deniers.  The US and many European countries made it punishable crime by law to question Holocaust.

For example in January 2006 the far rightwing Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten published a caricature insulting Islam’s Prophet Muhammad. The journalist involved was Islam-hating Ukrainian Jew, operating under the name of “Fleming Rose” with close working relations with Israel’s far right forces.

There were worldwide outrage and violent demonstrations by Muslims resulting in deaths. Yet demonstrating their outright contempt for Islam and Muslims, newspapers across Europe from Norway, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Iceland and Hungary published these caricatures.

The Danish government not only defended the publication but also refused to meet delegations from Muslim countries to discuss the matter. However Denmark thought of reconciliation only when Danish embassies came under attack and the economy started to bite with the boycott of Danish goods by   Muslim countries. The World Socialist website noted that: “the basic lie and justification for publishing these caricatures is the claim that the conflict is between free speech and religious censorship, or between Western enlightenment and what they think as Islamic bigotry.

The truth is that this organized anti-Muslim campaign has been exploited to prepare public opinion for new wars against Muslim countries. Protests and demonstrations in the Muslims world   were featured by the Western media to create an intended fear and apprehension against Muslim countries and Muslim minorities in Europe.

The promulgation of such bigoted garbage is, rather, bound up with a shift by the European ruling forces to line up more squarely behind the neo-colonial interventions of United States imperialism in the Middle East and Central Asia. This is the reason why it is no accident that it occurs in the midst of the ongoing slaughter in Iraq, Afghanistan, occupied Palestine, Libya and now Syria and many other countries eventually aimed at military aggression against Iran.

On the other hand there has been a blanket ban on   publishing anything questioning the holocaust.

The Jewish controlled western media made the world believe that the holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of approximately six million Jews by the Nazi regime and its collaborators.

However many leading historians and others claim that the Holocaust is a lie invented by the Jews to obtain financial compensation from Germany and to win international sympathy for the creation of the State of Israel in the lands belonging to Palestinians. A leading newspaper of neutral Switzerland, the daily Baseler Nachrichten, carefully estimated in June 1946 that no more than 1.5 million European Jews could have perished under German rule during the war.

Some historians denied that six million Jews were killed by German dictator Adolf Hitler. British historian David Irving, perhaps the greatest authority on the Nazi era, said that “Without Hitler, the State of Israel probably would not exist today. To that extent he was probably the Jews’ greatest friend”.

About seven years ago David Irving was imprisoned in Austria for statements made on Holocaust 16 years before.  At a press conference after his release, he reportedly endorsed the comment of Mel Gibson that “the Jews” are responsible for all the wars in the world.

Mark Weber said in the IHR Newsletter, May 1989 that ; “Don’t for a minute think that indoctrinating wide-eyed school children with the lies and slanders against Germans, Slavs, Catholics, Christians, Europeans and whites in general isn’t a primary purpose of the Holocaust-mongers. … The Holocaust is a religion. Its underpinnings in the realm of historical fact are non-existent — no Hitler order, no plan, no budget, no gas chambers, no autopsies of gassed victims, no bones, no ashes, no skulls, no nothing…. Secondly, it’s a religion for losers…. Suffice it to say that the rise of religions such as this generally coincides with the decline and fall of nations which tolerate them.”

Speaking on behalf of the”Concerned Parents of German Descent,” 1981,Ernst Zündel said;”The mere fact that you belong to a certain ethnic group makes you eternally guilty, according to the twisted logic of Zionism. If Germans who were not even born before 1945 must pay reparations to the State of Israel, which did not exist until 1948, then you can be included in the Zionist racket of reparations and revenge.”

Today “holocaust denial”   is illegal in US and a number of European countries .Many countries also have broader laws that criminalize genocide denial. Of the countries that ban Holocaust denial  Austria, Germany, Hungary, and Romania, were among the perpetrators of the Holocaust, and many of these also ban other elements associated with Nazism such as Nazi symbols.

These countries which declared holocaust denial illegal include  Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina ,Czech Republic, France ,Germany, Hungary,Liechtenstein,Lithunia,Luzemburg,,Netherlands,Portugal,Romania,Spain,Switzerland,European union. Some countries such as Austria holocaust denial may result   up to twenty years imprisonment.

Under these laws it is a crime to challenge the Holocaust story. Revisionists in France and Germany have been heavily fined for their views. Teachers in the US and elsewhere have been summarily dismissed from their positions for daring to doubt the Holocaust story. Criminal thugs have brutally attacked prominent Holocaust revisionists; one was even killed for his views.
In spite of desperate restrictions on free speech, frantic media attacks against those who “deny the Holocaust,” a seemingly perpetual Holocaust media campaign, and even physical attacks, considerable headway is being made. More and more thoughtful people in the US and around the world are willing to express doubts about at least some of the more sensational Holocaust claims.

Historians who oppose such laws include Raul Hilberg,  Richard J. Evans, and Pierre Vidal-Naquet. Other prominent opponents of the laws are Timothy Garton Ash,  Christopher Hitchens, Peter Singer,  and Noam Chomsky.  These laws have also been criticized on the grounds that education is more effective than legislation at combating Holocaust denial and that the laws will make martyrs out of those imprisoned for their violation.

Historians and other leading intellectuals punished for questioning the Holocaust were;

Date Name Country Sentence
(various) Jean-Marie Le Pen France, Germany fines
Feb. 27, 1998 Roger Garaudy France imprisonment (suspended), ₣240,000 fine
Jul. 21, 1998 Jürgen Graf Switzerland 15 months imprisonment (fled Switzerland to avoid sentence)
Jul. 21, 1998 Gerhard Förster Switzerland 12 months imprisonment, disgorgement
April 8, 1999 Fredrick Töben Australia 7 months imprisonment Mannheim, Germany – retrial – 2011 indefinitely stayed by judge Dr Meinerzhagen. October 1 – November 19, 2008, London, extradition to Mannheim, Germany, on European Arrest Warrant issued by Germany, failed. August 15 – November 12 2009, Adelaide, Australia – for contempt of court because he refused to stop questioning the Holocaust’s 3 basics: 6 million, systematic state extermination, gas chambers as murder weapon.
May 27, 1999 Jean Plantin France 6 months imprisonment (suspended), fine, damages
Apr. 11, 2000 Gaston-Armand Amaudruz Switzerland 1 year imprisonment, damages
Feb. 20, 2006 David Irving Austria 1 year imprisonment
Mar. 15, 2006 Germar Rudolf Germany 2½ years imprisonment
Oct. 3, 2006 Robert Faurisson France €7,500 fine, 3 months’ probation
Feb. 15, 2007 Ernst Zündel Germany 5 years imprisonment
Jan. 14, 2008 Wolfgang Fröhlich Austria 6 years imprisonment (third offence
Jan. 15, 2008 Sylvia Stolz Germany 3½ years imprisonment
Mar. 11, 2009 Horst Mahler Germany 5 years imprisonment
Oct. 23, 2009 Dirk Zimmerman Germany 9 months imprisonment
Oct. 27, 2009 Richard Williamson Germany €12,000 fine[69] [later overturned]


Even today, the stream of Holocaust films and books show no sign of diminishing. This relentless media campaign, which Jewish historian Alfred Lilienthal calls “Holocaustomania,” portrays the fate of the Jews during the Second World War as the central event of history. There is no end to the heavy-handed motion pictures, the simplistic television specials, the vindictive hunt for “Nazi war criminals,” the one-sided “educational courses,” and the self-righteous appearances by politicians and celebrities at Holocaust “memorial services.”

Britain’s chief rabbi, Immanuel Jakobovits, has accurately described the Holocaust campaign as “an entire industry, with handsome profits for writers, researchers, film-makers, monument builders, muse-um planners and even politicians.” He added that some rabbis and theologians are “partners in this big business.”

The perpetual Holocaust media blitz is routinely used to justify enormous American support for Israel and to excuse otherwise inexcusable Israeli policies, even when they conflict with American interests.

The sophisticated and well-financed Holocaust media campaign is crucially important to the interests of Israel, which owes its existence to massive annual subsidies from American taxpayers. As Prof. W.D. Rubinstein of Australia has candidly acknowledged: “If the Holocaust can be shown to be a `Zionist myth,’ the strongest of all weapons in Israel’s propaganda armory collapses.”

One major reason that the Holocaust story has proven so durable is that the governments of the major powers also have a vested interest in maintaining it. The victorious powers of the Second World War — the United States, Soviet Russia and Britain — have a stake in portraying the defeated Hitler regime as negatively as possible. The more evil and satanic the Hitler regime appears, the more noble and justified seems the Allied cause.

In an article entitled “WAS THERE REALLY A HOLOCAUST?” Dr. Edward.R. Fields had stated that;   Nathan Goldman, the Founder of Israel as quoted from Paris Match, December 29, 1979  “Since the Second World War, Jews have been treated with silk gloves. Without Auschwitz, there would be no Israel.”   –

The “Holocaust” has given Israel a tremendous psychological advantage over the Gentile world, particularly America and Germany. By exploiting the guilt complex instilled in non-Jews, they have obtained: over $65 billion in aid from Germany, over $55 billion in aid from America. Israel, a prosperous country, receives   $8 million a day in foreign aid – more than any other country; The 45,000 Jewish immigrants from Russia have the highest annual quota after Mexico. They enter as “refugees” without having to prove persecution! As “refugees” they are automatically entitled to full welfare benefits not subject to welfare reform cuts., Nonstop holocaust brainwashing in schools, TV, movies and books has placed Israel and organized Jewry above criticism.

Over the years today, exploiting the holocaust sympathy card, the Jews managed to penetrate successfully to influence the political, economic, military and many other establishments of many countries in the West.

Related posts;

Obama’s Full Speech To The United Nations General Assembly

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Latest comments

  • 0

    Usual poppycock from Latheef Farook. Holocaust is a crime against humanity and it’s deniers should be indeed jailed. But Islam like Christianity is a religion. Latheef should first check how so-called “Christian West” treats attacks against its own religion. That muslims cannot grow up is their own infantile mentality. Others should not be blamed

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      “the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes”


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      Right- In most western nations they don’t permit the wearing of Crosses to Work but allow the Muslims to wear their head scarf and burka and have even constructed toilets specifically for abolition so that they may pray their five times.

      Ha ha. Thanks to the 19 million Russians who gave their lives fighting the eastern flanks of the Third Reich keeping Hitler busy and stopping him from completing the manufacture of the bomb that we speak English today? Most Jewish folk come from Eastern Europe and Middle East. When the Romans destroyed all the Jewish holy sites they fled and landed in Kerala’s King where they were accepted. Similarly when the Parses (Cyrus the Great the father of human Rights) were driven away by the invading Muslims they were accepted by Gujarat‘s King. It was the Gujarat‘s who took Islam eastwards as far as Indonesia.
      The Jewish in the forefront of the Israel do not live in Israel but live in the US and UK controlling both nations eg. 80% of Obama administration is Jewish. They have worked hard educated themselves to be holding positions that matter and are everywhere where it matters so can anyone blame them? If not for Einstein we may not even be on the web today- their strides in almost every sphere of science and medicine is unsurpassed today.
      When I die I hope I go to Heaven and God only knows what the Hell that is.
      Happily Agnostic

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    This guy is in Gaga land… and what a pathetic bunch the Muslims of Lanka are with leaders like Rauf Hakeem and writers like this joker who thinks that Muslims have a monopoly on suffering, when in fact they are the biggest perpetrators of violence against fellow Muslims of different sects, and they inflict suffering and intolerance and crazy jealousy on women and non-Muslims all over the non-western world in the name of Allah! That’s why Muslim women have to cover up from head to toe.
    The crap that this guy writes about the west is also to distract Lanka Muslims from the main issue which is the TOTAL lack of PRINCIPLES of Muslim political leadership..
    Now that the Eastern Provincial Council elections are over, Muslims residing in the Dambulla “sacred area” that was only recently invented have been sent letters by the Urban Development Authority (UDA) last week asking them to vacate their homes and shops within two weeks.
    The Sri Lanka east coast Muslims are in gaga land and let up the garden path by Rauf Hakeem after the Eastern Provincial Council elections. UPFA organized the Muslim march in C0lombo to the US embassy to distract the Eastern Muslims from the real issue which is the discrimination against Muslim and Tamil minorities by the Rajapassa regime and Rauf’s awful connivance with this racist regiem in Colombo. The POLITICS OF DISTRACTION from the real issue which was the SLMC joining the UPFA rather than TNA to get the Chief Minister post in Eastern Province despite all the discrimination by the UPFA regime against Muslims and Tamils.. The US made film has been a great Red Herring and god send for Rauf the slimy creep to distract the Muslims.

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      SLMC, Rauff Hakeem and the EP elections; and the subject on which Latheef Farook has expressed his views are two different issues. The former is related to the political culture in Sri Lanka in which politicians rely on perks and privileges over principles and policies. All Muslims of Sri Lanka do not support the methods of the SLMC and Rauff Hakeem. The latter issue on which Latheef deals is related to the approach of various international forces that work against Islam and the Muslims. So let us not mix-up issues to let out our anger on one.

      • 0

        Lanka Muslim UK, where is your foothold, Lanka or UK? Very nice thought hah.., “..So let us not mix-up issues to let out our anger on one…” Where the fuck on earth there is a religion on this earth where anger is advocated. Surely it is your [Edited out] Islam superstition alone that is capable of doing this kind of sacrilegious things!

      • 0

        Lanka Muslim UK, where is your foothold, Lanka or UK? Very nice thought hah.., “..So let us not mix-up issues to let out our anger on one…” Where the fuck on earth there is a religion on this earth where anger is advocated. Surely it is your moronic fucking Islam superstition alone that is capable of doing this kind of sacrilegious things!

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          Sorry Jagath, your horrible language itself is clearly indication that your comments come from hatred and confused mind that from sense and reasons. A decent engagement is not possible with you. Bye.

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        Lanka Muslim

        Holocaust is a crime aainst humanity , Hence even if there are laws against that ,it’s fine. But Islam is a religion similiar to Christianity or Buddhism. USA is a country ,which despite having the largest congregation of Christians in the devoloped world, still make no fuss about sacriligious South Park episodes, Jesus Christ Superstar or Last Temptation of Christ.
        That muslims have gone mad over an obscure substandard film made by a shadowy figure not in anyway connected to US Govt ( and despite Obama and Hillary expressly condemning contents of movie) goes on to how infantile some of those guys are. Probably due to not having enough grey matter .
        Out there in the streets across the world a new movie is playing. It’s called “Immaturity of Muslims”
        //The latter issue on which Latheef deals is related to the approach of various international forces that work against Islam and the Muslims// The real enemies are Muslims themselves

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      John Wayne, very good analysis. I fully agree with you.

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      John Wayne, very good analysis, I fully agree with you!

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    “…Is there a hidden force which is putting the Christian West against Muslims worldwide? …”

    Indeed there is! And it is the Muslims themselves and their Islam and rigorous terrorism! In Sri Lanka the majority have now identified Muslims as a grave threat to peaceful co-existence in the country! And they ask, “what if they possess nukes?” Muslims and Islam are a menace anywhere in the world because theirs is an organized violent and superstitious belief always bent on expansion and invasion. They resort to all these religious violence and terrorism because their religion has got nothing substantial in its core principle-it is a superstition. In fact all the religions are superstitions because if you examine you will see what these people are doing in the name of religion is utter nonsense. However the difference in Islam with Muslims is that it is a form of terrorism which affects all others in the world and therefore it is a menace that must be subjugated, diminished, excluded and prevented! It is time the world do something about this situation.

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    Latheed – get your fact straight “Worldwide angry demonstrations against the American film ”The Innocence of Islam” , produced by an Israeli Jew, which insulted Islam’s Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) and provoked Muslims with devastating consequences could have been averted if only the American government had banned it.” This was ‘produced’ by an Egyptian Coptic who lives in the United States. As usual Latheef the local Al’ Qaeeda media rep mumbling nonsense….why does the CT waste publishing this guy’s diatribes?

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      Althogh I do not agree with what you have said in these columns I do think that CT has wasted space by publishing your comments which is an opportunity provided to you by publishing Latheef’s article which too is not a waste of space. Contribute sensibly and let us exchange views.

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    Latheef – when the prophet was insulted, what did he do? Did he ask his companions to burn flags and make an idiot of themselves? Ilk like you bring a bad rap for the silent majority who need to stop being silent and wage war against extremists like you.

  • 0

    Nirosh, please do us and the “majority of Sri Lankans” a favour; please go back crawling to the hole you came from! You know why, because majority of my poor fellow Sri Lankans work in the uncivilized, barbaric Muslim MiddleEast! Yes, these barbaric Muslim countries offer jobs to my poor Sri Lankans irrespective of their religion, caste, color or creed. My poor fellow Sri Lankans, they work hard and end of the day they send home money so that their children could eat and go to school. Unfortunately, your bloody ‘civilized world’ will not offer them any employment. Poor Sri Lankans are LITERALLY DYING to get to one of these bloody ‘civilized ‘ countries to fulfill their dreams. Dying? Yes, because the bloody civilized world doesn’t give two hoots about us! And we don’t give a hoot about what you think of us!

    Mr.Smart guy, you are parading and displaying your ignorance to the whole world! If you can’t afford to see a psychiatrist and get your head examined then I suggest that you buy a cheap muzzle and use it on your head!

    • 0

      And your loving Muslims in the Middle East send back our workers bruised, broken, battered raped and worse…
      “And we don’t give a hoot about what you think of us!” so if that’s the case why get your panties in a knot when some scum bag makes fun of your religion.

      The merit of a person’s religion belongs in how he acts as opposed in what he says.
      I am a Catholic who grew up in Dubai and Australia for 15 years with many Muslim friends both here and abroad. The educated Muslims know how to behave, the uneducated ones are those on the streets making noise, burning flags, etc.

      When people make fun of your religion the best thing to do is ignore them. When you ignore them and their stupidity you take power out of their hands and then you have power over them.
      What will happen to you if you try to argue with a fool? He will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.
      Overtly religious people the world over have an issue to deal with whether they like to hear it or not- that issue is the way they react to anything regarding their religion.
      Be they Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist or Jew, if you react violently in the name of your god then you in effect spit in your gods face and his teachings. Think about that the next time you perpetuate violence in the name of religion…

      • 0

        Dinuka, we don’t deny the fact that some poor Srilankans have been ill treated in the Middle East. Send the perpetrators to the gallows! It is something that we detest and deplore. In fact, the last parting advice that the Prophet gave before he died was to fear God with regard to how you treat your subjects, your subordinates or those under your employment. It is very unfortunate that some have not understood this final parting words of him.

        Islam does not teach us to run to the streets chanting slogans every time some fool draws a stupid cartoon or shoots a dumb film. No amount of insulting cartoons or films can harm the honor, status and recognition of the Prophet (pbuh). Period! The Companions of the Prophet who loved him the most never took to the streets protesting or demonstrating and causing violence and mayhem whenever enemies of the Prophet mocked, vilified or ridiculed him. Once his enemies threw entrails of a camel on his body when he was in prostration. But the Companions never resorted to violence or bloodshed. Our love and affection for the Prophet is NOTHING, I repeat, nothing, compared to the love his Companions had for him. We are not even worth the dust that used to gather under the shoes of the Companions of the Prophet!

        The Prophet never in his lifetime told his Companions to shout slogans and march in the street threatening to kill anyone who mocked the Prophet. Spewing anger and venom at the men who have insulted the Prophet will not bring any honor to the Prophet. What some Muslims have failed to realize is that their actions are in total contrast to the teachings of the person they claim to love the most.

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        “When people make fun of your religion the best thing to do is ignore them.”

        Very refreshing.

        However, we will punish the tourists if they kiss the Buddha’s statue out of love for the enlightened one.

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          well put. The kissing Buddhas thing, albeit not as extreme, is similar to the Muslim hypersensitivity to any parody or criticism of their Prophet. Superstition is taken SO seriously by SO many.

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    Asif the deranged,

    “…because majority of my poor fellow Sri Lankans work in the uncivilized, barbaric Muslim MiddleEast!…”

    Yes, exactly! You are spot on! The barbaric Muslims shove my poor people from upstairs on to the ground and then take them to the hospital and remove their internal organs to be used for transplanting the malfunctioning organs of your barbaric people, they thrust iron nails and needles into the veins of my poor people in your superstitious belief to divert the ire of your stupid gods or devils arisen due to your wrong doings and sinful existence, you barbarics beat them, manhandle them, burn them, imprison them on false charges, rape them and subject them to all kinds of inhuman treatments and injustices a stark instance of which is the death penalty imposed by your lawless barbaric Muslims on Rizana Nafeek an innocent worker of mine from the poorest layer of the country for no fault of hers!

    You tell me what rationale and relationship are you going to build up or justify between your religious barbarism terrorism and giving employment to the poor in my country to do all kinds of menial works in your barbaric countries by merely elucidating the fact of giving employment? Your religious belief and violence is one thing and providing employment is an entirely different issue. These poor people do not care about your religion or beliefs etc. nor do they care what religion do they have as long as they get paid! In fact they risk all the odds and barbarism in your Muslim countries to earn a livelihood because the living conditions in their own countries is worse economically.

    Have your ever thought how you have become so affluent? Do you know that your affluence is patronized by the poor countries in the world as well? When you sell oil to these poor countries at exorbitant prices you exploit them, make them poor and you become economically rich. Being economically rich does not mean you are morally ethically socially and religiously rich! That the issue with your Muslim and Islam culture. You have money but no brain! Still you don’t get it? Look at the Arab Spring civil wars and untold amount of man slaughter and suffering now happening in your countries! Your culture is like a herd of astray dogs fighting each other! I do not say others are any better, but at least they have put on some sensible deterrent and sane framework to prevent them entering into an utter mad and violent social cultural and religious anarchy as yours! When you stand in front of me and say you are Muslim or your religion is Islam a whole nasty repelling fragmented antagonistic and would-be-future-threat and menace feeling is created in my mind! Why? It is precisely because what you have proved you to be! That what your Islam has done to you! That is what your Muslim nationality has done to you!

    The underlying principle is that human beings are not Muslims, Christians, Jews, Sinhalese and Tamils etc. etc. Humans are just humans. The Islam, Christianity, Buddhism etc. etc. are mere beliefs that divide man and create conflicts and wars. The philosophical and religious exploration of man has to be redefined reset and rediscovered. A global and intelligent approach must happen in these directions to solve these conflicts the success or the achievement of results by the common man is dependent on whether people like asif are prepared to shed their ignorance.

    I know that there are good and humane Muslims out there. These housemaids have vouched to that fact. They have been treated and protected well by those good people. And we appreciate and are grateful to those people. And we don’t mind them accepting and believing any religion they like because essentially they have maintained their humane qualities. But the racist and talibanized religious iguanas crawled into holes are beyond the reach of psychiatrists or the benevolence of God because they dwell underground just one layer above the scorching inferno and spawning untold suffering and strife among humans!

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    Nirosh: “But the racist and talibanized religious iguanas crawled into holes are beyond the reach of psychiatrists or the benevolence of God because they dwell underground just one layer above the scorching inferno and spawning untold suffering and strife among humans!”

    Yes, exactly! A rabid racist iguana-for-nirvana like you who has so much of hatred, enmity and anger against the Muslims that he comes up crawling with garbage cooked up in his little hole and feeds the public: “In Sri Lanka the majority have now identified Muslims as a grave threat to peaceful co-existence in the country! And they ask, “what if they possess nukes?””
    Ha, ha, this is an exciting piece of info from our home grown Sri Lankan NetanYahoo. Doom to Muslims! All this world need is a couple of more jokers like you and this world would be a better place to live!

    Mr. Satanyahoo tells us: “You have money but no brain!” Hmm., what makes you think you have any? The garbage that you write confirms that you haven’t got any left in your upstairs. True to form Mr. Satanyahoo spews venom: “Your culture is like a herd of astray dogs fighting each other.”
    No problem, you may think whatever you want to. Imagination also runs wild like stray dogs. But I don’t know what breed you belong to because you have conveniently forgotten to mention that a pack of stray wild dogs from another western culture are solely to be blamed for the mess that they have created in several parts of the Muslim world. They invade Muslim nations because they like to ride on camels! Then again, you don’t tell us why your civilized western world will not offer my poor Sri Lankans any employment. Maybe, because they consider us to be barbarians. When we have people like you with screwed up schizophrenic minds no world will think of giving a tourist visa forget employment visa.

    Mr. Satanyahoo: “Do you know that your affluence is patronized by the poor countries in the world as well? When you sell oil to these poor countries at exorbitant prices you exploit them, make them poor and you become economically rich.”
    Professor Iguana is telling us that rich oil nations thrive on the revenue they earn from selling oil to poor countries like Sri Lanka. Great! Way to go!

    Mr. Satanyahoo: “You tell me what rationale and relationship are you going to build up or justify between your religious barbarism terrorism and giving employment to the poor in my country to do all kinds of menial works in your barbaric countries by merely elucidating the fact of giving employment?”
    What gibberish and nonsense! One kilometer long question just to tell us and in his own words: “Your religious belief and violence is one thing and providing employment is an entirely different issue.” Yes, employment opportunities are not provided by Al Qaeda or Taliban recruitment agencies.

    Mr. Satanyahoo: “These poor people do not care about your religion or beliefs etc. nor do they care what religion do they have as long as they get paid!
    Yes, exactly dumbo. They don’t care nor do we care. I said they offer jobs to my poor Sri Lankans irrespective of their religion, caste, color or creed.

    Mr. Satanyahoo: “…. The barbaric Muslims shove my poor people from upstairs on to the ground and then take them to the hospital and remove their internal organs.to be used for transplanting the malfunctioning organs of your barbaric people, they thrust iron nails and needles into the veins of my poor people in your superstitious belief to divert the ire of your stupid gods or devils arisen due to your wrong doings and sinful existence..”

    Ha, ha, this is interesting! What a lovely exaggerated version! One truth mixed up with a thousand lies. That is typical of Satanyahoo. Great! Keep up the good for the sake of humanity.
    Yes, some poor Sri Lankans have been ill-treated in the Middle East. Muslims who abuse, torture and ill treat innocent people working under them should be punished in public. These people are mocking Islam. We don’t deny that because there are barbarians in every community. We have Buddhist barbarians, Christian barbarians, Hindu Barbarians etc. Barbarians in Sri Lanka rape innocent children and women.

    Mr. Satanyahoo writes in his footnote: “I know that there are good and humane Muslims out there. These housemaids have vouched to that fact. They have been treated and protected well by those good people. And we appreciate and are grateful to those people.”

    Well, thank you for the footnote. Appreciate it!

  • 0

    Asif the deranged now gone mad,

    Your harangue contains nothing worthy of any answer but confirms and reaffirms what I have already written, that stupid Muslims are going to be a pain in the ass. Your lunatic harangue notwithstanding and my predictions acknowledged and confirmed, Mervyn Silva has already started work by stoning down Bangladeshi High Commissioner’s Office! Do you see the difference between your empty harangue and ranting and my correct observation of the ground reality? Wait and see what will happen to your Muslim utopia when US attacks and crushes your Muslim bomb!

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      Nirosh, I find the Muslims who are provoked for the slightest of issues, feels they are invincible and harps on Violence. History reveals how they have fought Religious Wars and so many males have died and the remaining males have been permitted to have, as many as seven spouses just to propergate their kind and the women to be appeased. If they continue in this fashion they run the risk for the ruthless Americans one day to decimate almost a three fourths of their Male population, if they simultaneously bomb the Mosques on a Friday Prayer time where almost the entire Muslim Male population congregate.

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        Gamini you have revealed your atrocious inner mind. You abhor the Americans, still you would be happy if the Americans destroy the entire Muslim male population. As you cannot destroy the strength of the Muslims belief in their Creator, their Religion and their beloved Prophet you wish they be destroyed physically. Does not your sinister wish proves how strong the Islamic faith is. You can destroy this generation, if you could, but their will be another generation and Islam will continue to survive stronger each time it is attacked.

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          Lanka Muslim, you have got the wrong end of the stick. I have only forewarned what could be the reality knowing the ruthless Americans. The vulnarability of the Muslims congregating. You are just boasting that if so you will continue to be stronger each time, you all are attacked. This is the hight of stupidity of most Muslims, in the name of Allah or the Prophet Mohamed, you are willing to get killed. No wonder the Americans have found the ideal Race ‘Muslims’ as the punch bag to keep their War Industry afloat and their scheming to have a hold on other Nations. Can anyone deny that Osama Bin Laden was the paid enemy of the US? Why not, when you Lanka Muslim think the same, you are ideal fodder to the Americans to fullfil their Foreign Policy.

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    yes gamini we paid Osama bin Laden to do 9/11 to give us a pretext to launch wars of aggression against Muslims and Tamils. Your dementia is really getting out of control (Pottu better force you into retirement soon).

    Despite the Salafist style rhetoric of this firebrand it is just a bunch of hot air; the fact is that Sri Lankan Muslims generally are very moderate and there is no history of extremism in SL by Muslims. Not many countries can say that. The Tamils have cornered the local market on extremism and violence. A similarity between Tamils Hindus and Muslims in other countries is that the moderates are intimidated and silenced by the extremists.

    They call religion the opiate of the masses because it is just as destructive as drugs, corrosive to fraternity among men.

    Finally, the USG could not “ban” the film as we in America have freedom of speech and the press.

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      You Ugly American living up to it’s name, you Americans have never resorted to aggression, first helping Despots like Shah of Iran, Marcos of Phillipines, Saddham Hussain of Iraq, Idi Amin and a host of other countries where you have entered by Defualt and have established Regimes to do your bidding. You are doing exactly that in Sri Lanka now propping up MR. It is no secret that the excuses provided to enter Iraq and Afganistan by your ilk are not even remembered now conveniently. You have not stopped at that, as you are planning to enter Iran and North Korea but the delay is the colateral damage due to nuclear power both countries posses. I believe all countries should unleash on the Americans what they Commit on others at present under cover. The unfortunate side is that the average American has to pay for the follys of a few of your brand. The Cursed on this Planet.

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    Nirosh: “Your harangue contains nothing worthy of any answer…”

    Why on earth would I want to have a decent discussion with a Rabid Racist like you?! Today you proudly tell us that you are a Mervin supporter. And then you expect people to debate and argue with a moron like you!

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    Sri Lanka and its citizens have much more in their plate today to waste our time in if there was a Holocaust or not during WW2. As Eli Wiezel and friends said for every holocaust doubter there is more than a hundred who can prove it did exist. The way to peace and harmony here is not to disturb the calm waters of religious coexistence here – now under much strain.

    Many discriminating analysts are convinced Islamic Fundamentalism was waiting only for a spark to ignite world-wide anti-Western barbarity. This was coming anyway even without that badly done video from that American nutcase from the backwaters of the USA. Islam’s weakness today, arguably, is its own intolerance to look at matters in perspective and in the empirical wisdom of the 21st century. It is only a medieval and savage mindset that declared a Fatwa on Salman Rushdie and punishment on Taslima Nasreen – both Muslims to boot.
    Today’s Islamic fundamental world will learn its own lessons from an alert world awakening to the dangers posed by mega-ambitious extremism out for misplaced global conquest – by hook or by crook.


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    Out of the 3 religions, what has the most followers? Christianity with 2.1 billion, and Islam with 1.8 billion followers. So basically out of 6 billion people in the WORLD, 4+ billion people are either a MUSLIM or a CHRISTIAN! Not only that, all 3 religions believe in the God of Abraham, or God (the One and Only Almighty). So now out of the 2 religions left, which is correct? The New Testament was written AFTER Jesus (PBUH) was no longer around. Alcohol, swine, and everything forbidden in the Old Testament was now permissible in the New Testament. How could the real God change His mind? He is not mortal… so what is going on?

    Islam is the final Abrahamic religion of God. It is not a new religion but a restoration of the teachings of Moses, Christ, Noah and all other prophets.

    The Quran is the final word of God and remains in tact since revelation and God Himself promised to protect the Quran till the final day. Do you know how it is protected? The human mind– It has been memorized since day 1 word for word and passed down for generations, even today. There are hundreds of versions of the Bible, and only one Quran, which is recited the same all over the globe! Look up Hafiz. How do we know the Quran is Gods words? NO MORTAL COULD HAVE THAT DATA! Links below show what I mean.

    20,000 Americans convert annually, 70,000 French annually, list goes on. Islam is the fastest growing religion simply because the truth prevails. 2 billion followers and counting.

    Some people say in poor nations Muslims have higher birthrates. So does that mean in non-Islamic poor nations, there are less birthrates, such as China, India, Brazil, Mexico, Ethiopia, Thailand, Philippines, Columbia, etc? The birthrates in non-Muslim countries are the same as Muslim countries. So that theory can be put to rest. In fact, there are more poorer non-Muslim states than Muslim.

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      Ayman, according to your statistics 20,000 Americans and 70,000 French are converting to Islam annually and the list goes on. Why did your Allah not create all as Muslims and believers of Islam in the first place? Are you serious that what Islam could not achieve for 1400 years, it will ever achieve your pipe dream of the entire world to become believers of Islam? So in other words what your Allah or Prophet Mohamed could not achieve, you all believe that you can achieve? So you are more powerful than Allah and Prophet Mohamed?

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    To claim more out of Islamic societies in the world are becoming Muslim is to fool yourself in that state of delusion which V.R.Naipaul described in his book as the desire of the Fundamentalist Muslims of today i.e. “5 out of every 7 men walking on the earth must be made Muslim” Take the case of the USA. During the post-Vietnam War period in the late 1960s there was a marginal shift among Black Americans – lead by men like Elijah Mohamed and later Gaddaffi-financed Luis Farakkan – at conversion. Even men like Cassius Clay/Muhamad Ali fell for this. What is the story today? More Afro-Americans have gone back to their churches and religion in large numbers. The mega-crime of 9/11 has driven even converted Muslims in the USA back to their ancestral pulpits.

    While I have maintained and agree the earlier Islam was peaceful and offered no provocation or danger to other religions or practitioners the Salafis content that has radicalised this newer of the 3 major religions in the Middle East, is met with global contempt and indignation. There is reference here to the growth of Islam in the developing countries. It is authoritatively claimed this is largely due to cash-inducements among the depressed communities in the Indian Sub-Continent. These sources claim a fair number of Estate Tamils (some even from the Western Province) from the depressed classes have also become Muslims due to aggressive proselytization. The sudden appearance of hundreds of new mosques in Sri Lanka in recent years – as opposed to the few in the major towns earlier – is now raising questions as to the origin of their finances, their objectives and if the increase in intra-Muslim violence has a role to play here.

    As to today’s Islam being peaceful, take the case of violent Islamic Cleric Abu Hamza Al-Masri from the Brixton Mosque in South London – extradited to the USA on charges of “murder, racial hatred and calling for the killing of non-believers” The language of this Mullah, a former bouncer in a night-club, is seeped in serious violence and religious intolerance. The day after US Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi was killed the mobs chanted in front of maintime TV Cameras “we will kill” that shocked the world. These are not signs of a religion based on peace, love and tolerance to other religions.
    In fact there greater slaughter today is happening between Muslims Shiite and Sunnis. The Iran-Iraq War was mainly on this divide.
    So the focus of Brotherhood and Tolerance of other religions is pretty shallow among these adherents of a medieval and barbaric culture is an argument that will be difficult to resist.

    As to the reference to the 3 great religions in this page, the fact is Islam is the most recent and is superseded by the more antique Christianity and Judaism. In fact, the main features of Islam today viz: the Book, the Mountain, Fasting and even Holy Pilgrimage are all fashioned from the older Christian and Judaistic traditions.


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    For those congenital deniers of the savagery of Islamic Fundamentalism is the shocking case of 14 year old Malala Yousufzai living in the medieval Swat Valley of Pakistan. A beast in the form of a Taliban “fighter” enters the school bus she is in a few days ago and unloads several rounds into this poor child’s face. All in the name of Sharia. Even Pakistan is shocked at this bestial brutality. Malala’s crime – standing up for education for girls in her country. At least our Muslim girls and women in Sri Lanka are more forunate they are spared this pure form of religion, which some are trying to push down the throat of an unwilling world.


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    All the half-baked pundits commenting on a subject they know very little of, should read Noam Chomsky, one of the greatest contemporary intellectuals, himself a Jew, and a professor of linguistics at Massachusettes Inst. of Tech. (MIT).

    His analyses are credible, widely respected and forthright to any discerning reader. He too believes that the Holocaust has been a hugely hyped up event that probably resulted in the death of about a million Jews. US Zionist designs on the Middle East are remarkably well analysed by Chomsky.

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    Chomsky of Belarus-Lithuanian Jewish extraction, enjoys his maverick reputation. Undoubtedly, scholarly, of an agreeable disposition and deeply read. He seems to like his anti-establishment reputation in the US. Among his fans in India are N. Ram of Hindu and Arundathi Roy. On more than one occasion, Ram has got him down to Madras/Chennai for well-attended meetings where the Left is reported to be conspicous.
    Quarters who know him say the more the American administrations do not seek his counsel on matters of his acknowledged expertise, he takes anti-American positions including holocaust denial. By the way, personally, having visited Austwitz I have by doubts on the 6 million figure although, doubtlessly, a very large number of jews perished in the gas chambers there.


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    In 1876, at the time of a net surplus of rice, wheat and other crops and grains in India, the British Raj’s Viceroy Lord Edward Robert Lytton Bulwer-Lytton caused an artificially created famine by insisting to continue exporting grains from India to Great Britain even when Indians began to starve. The British Raj ordered to discourage relief works in every possible way in India and murdered THIRTY MILLION INDIANS in south and southwestern India including Madras, Mysore, Hyderabad, and Bombay.

    In spite of the death of millions of Indians, the British Raj intentionally increased the man-made mass starvation rather than trying to prevent it, and launched a militarized campaign to collect the tax. The money ruined and killed those who might otherwise have survived the famine, and was used by British Raj’s Viceroy Lord Edward Robert Lytton Bulwer-Lytton to fund his war in Afghanistan. Even in places which had produced very surplus crops and grains, the British Empire’s export policies manufactured hunger.

    By the way recently I checked cover to cover
    6 volumes of “Second World War” by Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill (4,448 pages)
    “Crusade in Europe” (559 pages) By Dwight David “Ike” Eisenhower and 3 Volumes of “Mémoires de guerre” by Charles André Joseph Marie de Gaulle (2,054 pages) – In all three books – not a single mention of Germany’s ‘gas chambers,’ a ‘genocide’ of the Jews, or of ‘six million’ Jewish victims of the war.

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    The 3 books you refer to appear to centre on the military aspects of WW2. The authors, being gentlemen/leaders of the highest order, may have left the gory aspects of the extermination of innocent jews to others and concentrated more on matters within their expertise.

    If, however, someone wants to believe the holocaust did not happen, they are free to do so. Iranian President Ahmedinajed was interviewed by Piers Morgan (CNN) recently on the same subject and left little room it happened, although he questioned the numbers – as I did.


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