Full text of the Constitutional Amendment submitted to the cabinet today.
Amendment of Article 154G of the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.
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Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / June 6, 2013
I hope what Aristotle (384 BC) said will make sense to our incumbent President and master puppeteer in the year 2013 AD.
” The law is reason, free from passion”
Reason is this instance implies the rational,the sensible and logical. Is there any ‘Reason’ to push through these amendments?
According to the Dammapada,
“Thera Ananda then asked the Buddha, “Venerable Sir! What are the things that prevent people from being able to take in the Dhamma?” And the Buddha replied, “Ananda, passion (raga), ill will (dosa) and ignorance (moha) are the three things that prevent people from taking in the Dhamma. Passion burns one; there is no fire like passion. The world may burn up when seven suns rise in the sky, but that happens very rarely. Passion burns always and without any break.”
Then the Buddha spoke in verse as follows:
Verse 251: There is no fire like passion, there is no grip like ill will, there is no net like ignorance, there is no river like craving.”
Instead of being concerned about the quality of the ‘Atapirikara’, the President should worry about the Dhamma he practices as a person and the President of the country that gives the foremost place to Buddhism.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran
Ceylonese / June 6, 2013
‘Dhamma he practices’ An insult to Dhamma
Native Vedda / June 6, 2013
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran
Having experienced what the Sinhala/Buddhism is capable of and all about have you become a disappointed expatriate?
One might say that your anti LTTE position has almost blinded you from seeing the truth.
Now how do you propose to deal with Sinhala/Buddhism (this is a political force which has nothing in common with Buddha’s teachings)? Therefore invoking Buddha’s teaching will not help to resolve the key issues.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / June 7, 2013
Native Veddah,
Thanks. My anti- LTTE position is unchanged because it was based on facts that cannot change. The Sinhala-Buddhists as a people have not changed and remain yet decent humans. The Tamils have not changed and their post-war needs are not what occupies the centre stage of politics at this point in time.. I am not an expatriate, but a resident Sri Lankan citizen, who travels abroad occasionally on consultancy assignments.
Yes, I am disappointed . Dissappointed because the government has frivoulsy squandered a historical opportunity to reset the country on a path of national reconciliation in a political sense and when forced by various external compulsions to do so, is resurrecting the Sinhala-Buddhist bogey. Rajapakse is letting his ‘ Rotweilers bark’, beausebhe wants them to! Dissappointed because Mahinda’ Rajakse has developed into a Machiavelli, we do not need and not the statesman we need. Dissappointed because the Rajapakse regime sought to reach out to the Tamils through men and women of its choice, who were not acceptable to the Tamil people at large, creating doubts among the Tamils about his intentions. Dissappointed that the Rajapakse regime had failed to realise that over the long term the Tamil yearning for a reasonable degree of self-governance in the north and the east had to be satisfied and the initial steps towards this had to be taken. Disappointed that Mahinda Rajapakse has reneged on the much touted promise of a 13th amendment plus through Tissa Vitharane’ s APRC recommendations. I am very disappointed that he has chosen to be the ‘ Great Lier’ of recent Sri Lankan political history.
Dissappointed, that those who talk on behalf of the Tamils here, internally the TNA and externally, some Tamil Diaspora groups, have acted without foresight in the post-war period and pursued a perverse political agenda running contrary to the interests of the war-battered Tamils. The TNA had placed its political cart in front of the horse that was the mundane, but vital, human needs of the war-battered. The Tamil Diaspora groups have pursued a vindictive course in the name of the war-dead/killed, with scant attention to the critical physical and bodily needs of the war-battered survivors.
However, I am not worried about the Tamils here. They are working their way up the hard way and with time will evolve a leadership that will be able to understand their priorities and take them forward. This new leadership will be forged from the furnace of their multi-war and post-war experiences. I am sure there will be a new leadership that will assert itself among the Sinhalese in the very near future. The demand for such a leadership is quite palpable. The new Tamil and Sinhala leadership will share chemistry and find revolutionary ( in terms of our past history) common ground.
Buddha’ s and Aristotle’s words, are eternal truths and will stand the test of time, much beyond the time in space we occupy here on earth! What is unfolding now, will lend greater meaning to such eternal wisdom. We will learn it the hard way and the Rajapakse regime is teaching us this lesson in the past two years, very well.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran
Ajith Kumara / June 7, 2013
Stupid Vedda
It is not Sinhala Buddhists who expelled you from civilized SL society as you yourself left it long before the Sinhala race was made by the great king Panduk-Abaya (it happened at the time of his time of his grand father) integrating all the 4 groups existed and Sinhala Buddhist race started at the time of king Kavanthissa and established at the time of king Dutu Gemunu. You were Buddhists even before that as you yourself experienced all the 3 arrivals of Lord Buddha and that is why you act a significant role in Dhalada (Tooth relic)festivals even now. I must remind you that Sinhala was a not a name of a race but a name of a country which homed for many races till the western invading that started in 1505. Sihala was made Sihalam and later to Elam by Tamils to suit their accent. Sihala was protected due Buddhist practices of the rulers for 25 hundred years in which ordinary were protected with all the necessities. Parallely now the MR has being doing the same as his historic duty and have chased away the evil and taking steps to make a steady and prosperous country.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / June 7, 2013
Ajith Kumara,
We are all a mixed pickle – an Achcharu. We were the ‘ Elu’ people at one time. The Elu were an achcharu too and further ingredients have been added over the centuries to give it more flavour and taste. From the Elu came the Sinha-Elu and the Dem-Elu ! Both were Hindus at one time. Thereafter a majority became both Sinhalese by language and Buddhists by religion. Those spoke Tamil remained Hindus or reverted to Hinduism after a short honeymoon with Buddhism. Christianity and Islam followed, to lend more diversity. Despite our linguistic, religious and cultural differences- surface acquisitions- we remain essentially the same people. We are fighting for labels forgetting that the substance is the same. Let us start solving our problems with this understanding. Let us work together to build a Sri Lanka we can all be proud. What we can do in parts, would become the whole, Mother Lanka deserves.
Please do not play into the trap being once again laid by the machinations of extremists on both sides. The middle-path is what we need. The Rajapakse government is no longer on the middle-path on many matters that are vital to this country as a whole. It is determined to consolidate its power and perpetuate its existence, even at the cost of destroying whatever yet remains decent in this country. It is no longer above the fray, as a government should be. It is part of the fray and orchestrating events that are bound to get out of control.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran.
Ajith Kumara / June 7, 2013
Dear Dr. RN
Why are you so worried about removing this ability of one PC to overpower even 100% majority of the centre? It is like the dog id turned in to dance by its tail. There is a constitution conspiracy within this 13A itself and therefore it must be removed to protect the unitary state of democratic SL in which minorities can also join with better protection to their identities. Together we stand.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / June 7, 2013
My dear Pushpakumara,
The PC system was created because the Tamils, demanded some degree of autonomy for the north and east. It was designed for these provinces, but were not permitted to benefit in any way- even if it was possible at all, on account of its design- from it. Why should the northern and the eastern provinces be deprived of anything in the present PC system, just because the other provinces who were the incidental beneficiaries agree tooid the central government do so?
Keheliya Rambukwela’s argument that the nine provinces can potentially agree to merge and make void the central government is the type of utter nonsense that is fed to the people of this country, whom the government assumes are incorrigible idiots! Even, if the nine provinces agree to merge into a single council, will they have power to run the central government? Does the 13th amendment permit such a constitutional coup against the Central government? What Kehiliya Rambukwela said was ‘Kehelmal’!
Trust the Tamils and they will trust you. Deal with men like Sambanthan and Sumanthiran and make the PC system as it is, work in the north. This is an important step to national reconciliation.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / June 7, 2013
Mr .Ajit Kumara,
I apologise for addressing you as Pushpa Kumara in the above comment.
nohopesl / June 6, 2013
Basically the current regime will now have the power to pass any Bill which deals with matters in the concurrent list!
The regime has 8 Provincial Councils which are loyal to it.
Even if these provincial authorities suddenly (by some miracle) decide to backtrack, the regime can still pass the bill with a 2/3 majority in Parliament.
Looks like there’s not even the chance that this Amendment will be declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court under Mohan Peiris.
nohopesl / June 6, 2013
This amendment could be challenged under Article 154G(2) itself.
The above article says that any repealing or amending of provisions in the 13th amendment may not occur unless such a Bill has been referred by the President to “EVERY PROVINCIAL COUNCIL” for the expression of its views.
Since the Northern PC is non existant the President is technically unable to refer it to all 9 councils for their opinions.
Any repealing or amnding of the 13th amendment may occur only after the due constitution and election of the Northern PC. So much for the rhetoric of the JHU,NFF etc.
Ajith Kumara / June 7, 2013
So now we all understand that this unconstitutional 13A forced hurriedly on us by Rajive who sponsored terrorism in in SL with his mother is an unescapable trap as one PC can override even the 100% majority of the centre on the words of it. So SL should remove not only that but also the total 13A as soon as possible.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / June 7, 2013
Ajit Kumara ,
Many like you fail to remember that terrorism of various kinds was visited on the Tamils within the Sri Kankan state for a long time, and this gave cause for India to meddle in our affairs. While I abhorred the LtTE terrorism, I as a victim also had a good taste of the preceding terrorism.
Please do not read history selectively. Our president does this frequently now and it appears he is now convince that Sri Lanka was a haven of peace and flowing with milk and honey before the advent of V.Prabaharan. This kind of thinking is no different from the section of the Tamils who refuse to acknowledge and condemn the dastardliness of the LTTE and the near fatal blow it has dealt the Tamils.
Ajith Kumara / June 8, 2013
Dear Dr. RN
Thank you for your 3 replies. There is no use of arguing on superiority of hen and egg. We do believe in Tamils and wise-versa. But in current reality, who is waiting to grab the power in the N&E are pro LTTErs with links to anti Sinhala Buddhist forces who used Tamils against the country in several occasions. So we have to wait and test them for some time before the dawn of your pseudo state as the unitary state of the country can not be risked and it is not negotiable to 100% of the majority on which MR has to steer himself and his regime.
disgusted / June 6, 2013
To make the long a short…why the hell do they not make themselves Dictators and carry on regardless until some spring leaks somewhere and they become washed up history.They are heading for self destruction and nobody can stop them because GOD has started the game of dominoes.Time will tell.
Greed and shame has overcome this Country…. i hope the if a next election comes a strong opposition and a spirited voter will come forward to save the Country and thus him/herself.
It could be the last straw to clutch!
Citizen / June 7, 2013
This Amendment sends the signal to squeeze the NP and paving way for dictatorship. Democracy in stress.
Muliyawaikkal / June 7, 2013
Let me post what an articulate commentator posted in another website. Very interesting.
“According to UN reports there are 89,000 Tamilian Mahaveer war widows in north and east of SL.
According to the 2012 census, there are 2,200,000 SL Tamilians in SL.
Roughly 70% of the population are adults.
So there are 1,540,000 Tamil adults in SL.
If those 89,000 Tamil men were alive and assuming men:women 50:50, there would have been 859,000 SL Tamil adult men. (1,540,000 / 2 + 89,000)
89,000 / 859,000 = 11%
AT LEAST 11% SL Tamilian men DIED from war!
You want another 11% of Tamilian men to die?”
In comparison, the casualty as a percentage is not that great for the other communities. Given this fact, do Tamils really need a political solution? I wonder.
D.Nimal / June 7, 2013
Dr R says ‘trust the Tamils,they will trust you’,this is slogan or personal apple on individual basis of political issue by Dr R.
There is no problem of trust of ground of Tamils on personal basis;,issue is most rather beyond than, that of power-monger of Hegemony politics of Super-powers and tie-up emerging community by Tamil-nation to be established NEW Tamil State in South Asia.
They selected suitable location is Sri lanka north-east part as their land. Needless to say voice of Tamil Nadu’s DMK and ADMK to be build Tamil Nation state in India,by first step they that seek put-new land in North-east part of Sri-Lanka. That is paramount demand of Tamils Eleamist-diaspora and TNA politics are directed.
Tamil Nadu politics, has vital interest behind them.( TNA)
We as Sri Lankan having no time for trial and error in politics on our ground reality are concern further more.
Lessons had been learn since 1948 to 1976 by FP to TULF eleamist politics,in deeds.
Then since 1975 LTTE and other Tamil-terrorist-outfits had been thought us many unpredictable and unprecedented lessons by WAR POLITICS.
Anybody who having approach unpolitical,unpractical and unplanned can accept version of Dr R word of “trust of Tamils”.If who are really read and work on practical politics swollen-head Tamil-omnicompetent wan’t trust sycophant of Tamil politicians at all.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / June 7, 2013
D. Nimal,
Can you give some good reasons the Tamils have to trust the Sinhala politicians. Politicians on both sides are our curse. Go beyond these politicians to reach the people and understand their thoughts, aspirations and feelings. Sri Lanka is not the heirloom of our politicians, who are regardless mortgaging on aspect of it or another everyday. We, the people, will wake up one day to realise that we have been robbed of everything we value and cherish in broad day light.
Wake up! The Tamils as a people are not monsters and are no different from the Sinhalese and Muslims as humans. Do not make the earlier mistake of identifying all the Tamils as ‘ Kotiyas’, forgetting that on the Tamils side too the Sinhalese were being labelled as ‘ Rampaging Lions’. Visit Jaffna, the Vanni and the east and meet the ordinary Tamils. You will then learn to trust them more than your own kind. I suggest the Tamils undertake this exercise too.
Native Vedda / June 7, 2013
If I could summarise what you have eloquently stated above paragraph, you are telling the Tamils to
get lost,
jump over the cliff,
and finally f*** o**.
Brilliant idea.