RE: Full Text Of The Judgement Against Weeratunga And Palpita,
Weeratunga And Palpita Get Three Years Rigorous Imprisonment, for doing the dirty work for MaRa MaRa ChaTu MaRa, and MaRa is still at large!
So, the JO and MaRa and cronies have formed a New Party, M-CRAP, aka Medamulana Crooks, RobbersdAnd Party, renamed SLPP, Sri Lanka Pal-Horu Party.
Vine news…..
JO will contest polls under Flower Bud symbol of SLPP: MR
Former President Mahinda Rajapaksa said yesterday the Joint Opposition, in alliance with like-minded parties, would contest the next election under the Flower Bud symbol of Sri Lanka Podujana ( Podu-Horu) Peramuna.
He was addressing an electoral organizer’s meeting in the Deniyaya area.
Former JVP MP for the Matara District Premasiri Manage joined hands with Mr. Rajapaksa at this event.
nimal fernando/September 14, 2017
Every man and his dog knows that these guys carried out Mahinda’s orders. As Mahinda himself said, as the president, his instructions became orders to Lalith and the other guy.
Now, Mahinda vowed to go to the electric chair to save our heroes ……… and not a single countrymen even for a fleeting moment, doubt the promise of the beloved father of the nation.
So, why can’t he, like a man, take the responsibility and save these poor souls from their plight? Don’t tell me, a true believer, that Mahinda is not man enough!
Why can’t he sell the Merc and pay the fine and have a 3 year vacation in the prison hospital?
If Fonseka did it why cant Mahinda?
A 3 year holiday with all the mod-cons is not like 10,000 volts up your ukulele.
whywhy/September 14, 2017
Nimal ,
Weeratunga and Palpita are no poor souls and MARA taking
responsibility won’t free these two souls either ! Lalith has
come a long journey with MARA to get to the top most civil
service job in the Island and along the way what else could
have taken place for his benefit ? Just for your good
attention, in the UK if you walk into your Bank branch or your
hospital , the staff you see in months time are not the same ,
they keep rolling, leaving no room for boredom or dullness and
also allowing space for innovation and creativity and less
likelihood of FRAUD AND CORRUPTION or other misconducts .
And in the case of MARA , it has been very comfortable for him
to be in charge of many ministries and loyal boys like Lalith
for long term use as per the verdict on SIL REDHI ! What was
their objective ? Spending their family wealth for the common
man ? There simply could only be two answers ! YES OR NO .
Sahan/September 16, 2017
Really Mr WhyWhy…….?
If you read the verdict carefully it says those two people didn’t pocketed any money from this sil redhi…..
So they are in jail because they follow the executive orders??
Is that fair??
In my belief that’s not fair… because they simply follow the system…
if there’s something wrong with the system, we have to correct..
No point of blaming the people who follow the system…
End of the day who gave this much power to the executive president??
The executive president can make a decision about how he wants to spend 600 million even without a cabinet approval!!!
whywhy/September 17, 2017
Sahan ,
It is being said in judges statements that the accused have followed
a political culture and it is unlawful to distribute SIL REDHI during
election time for political benefit of their master . It is also stated
that Lalith had a clean record of public service ! And now my
question is Sahan , why such a clean man agreed to do unclean job
for his sinking boss ? Now if you maintain that the executive leader
has the power to issue orders and his sub ordinates have to obey , I
wonder why the same theory doesn’t apply to war crimes ? Why
doesn’t he announce that he takes full responsibility if any war
crime was proved to have happened as he is now claiming for SIL
REDHI , clearing SF and GR of their responsibilities ? True , the
system is flawed , not only in our country , all over the planet ! Even
in a flawed system , following the code of conduct is the rule of the
day in any system ! You think we have a fair justice system
anywhere in the world where an innocent is not punished and a
guilty hasn’t escaped ? In such a world , why should those who
truly got involved in wrong doing be out of the cage ? The executive
president we talk about has not bounced to that job out of the blue
Sahan , he had come a long way that includes street fights for the
cause of social justice against people like JRJ and he can not take
such a chance as this to stay in power for ever !
Amarasiri/September 13, 2017
RE: Full Text Of The Judgement Against Weeratunga And Palpita,
Weeratunga And Palpita Get Three Years Rigorous Imprisonment, for doing the dirty work for MaRa MaRa ChaTu MaRa, and MaRa is still at large!
Sing MaRa MaRa ChatTu MaRa Amana MaRa HoRa MaRa Dhusha NaMaRa
So, the JO and MaRa and cronies have formed a New Party, M-CRAP, aka Medamulana Crooks, RobbersdAnd Party, renamed SLPP, Sri Lanka Pal-Horu Party.
Vine news…..
JO will contest polls under Flower Bud symbol of SLPP: MR
Former President Mahinda Rajapaksa said yesterday the Joint Opposition, in alliance with like-minded parties, would contest the next election under the Flower Bud symbol of Sri Lanka Podujana ( Podu-Horu) Peramuna.
He was addressing an electoral organizer’s meeting in the Deniyaya area.
Former JVP MP for the Matara District Premasiri Manage joined hands with Mr. Rajapaksa at this event.
Buramphisincho/September 14, 2017
As was the high days of Maharaja, today we cant see these both in their Jumpers why ?
I am telling you why, to that time, we had feudal ruling and today we have GOOD GOVERNANCE.
The current duo too could let the newly baken PRISONERs in their JUMPERS could be exposed to media as was the case with the most abusive imprisonment of former Army com,mander, only army senior who sacrificed his life for the country … was put on the DERANA and all other media run by Ballige putha govt, in his jumpers… So enitre coutry could make him so ridiculous. It was inhuman actually.
But those who criticise today, as nothing to have done sofar by the current rulers should see the decency of the day.
I thank you Mr Prez and Mr PM.
Today we experience more freedom and decency of life.
Ballige putha days, he abused it to the core, even OPPOSITION men were attacked while they were on a fact finding mission. Then president made it ridicule out as no other. That is how BALLIGE putha ruled this nation.
Mr. Amarasiri every body address MR as Hora or Horu. I presumed you to refrain the politically motivated text or slogan . You can accuse a person with that slogan but so long as that person is innocent until he is proved guilty. What can you say about foreigner Arjun Mahendran and RW. Not even a month in power see what they have done. Why do not talk about that to become an independent individual (Un biased) person. Please any move by this brought under criticism. Why they are either bias or correct. We as the public should know what to believe. This is my personal opinion gathered when reading your comment.
Champa/September 13, 2017
The High Court Judge deserves a salute for his untainted character of impartiality.
There are things that cannot be accepted even at the face value. (page 7) 45 million meters (half of the initial order which was 90 million meters) divided by 5 is 9 million. Meaning 9 million packets of Sil Redi each had 5 meters. But I remember seeing this was distributed among only 700,000 devotees?
Anyway, I have deleted half of my comment as it might be prejudice to the Venerable Thero who has nothing to do with the misappropriation of public funds.
But accepting that “the accused have done the wrongdoing due to the political culture prevailed during that time……” is not right. They both were abide by Financial Regulations therefore hiding behind the political culture is not right. Anyways, anybody can use that to get cover up. No issue as the Judge has imposed the maximum punishment.
The irregularities in the entire project is pretty obvious. LW’s dishonesty is clearly shown the way he has changed and twisted his own wordings several times. According to his own statement, he knew very well what he was doing at the time was wrong. This is clearly a recurrent expenditure not capital expenditure. Who he tried to fool? Being the First Public Officer LW has placed a very bad example to other officers in the Public Service.
It is entirely wrong to collect money from the public to pay LW’s and other fellow’s fine. There are many women who have children in jail without having the ability to pay fines. Even some intelligence officers?
It is pretty obvious that this has done in favour of MR during election period and as MR has taken the responsibility of the “illegal order” (funny), he should pay the fine.
Babansincho/September 14, 2017
Champa@ you atleast see it as a big blunder. But those pinguththarayasa would never see it right, but PRETENDING that they practice lord buddhas teaching do the other way around. These men in robes are just hypocrites of number 1 grade.
This is the reason why I have stopped offering DANA to any monks in the country as had been the days my parents were determined to do so.
Looking back most of the monks in robes in lanka are seen to be no respectable enough me to kneel down before them.
They even question loudly if meat or fish are for their dana. These men do almost everything but being on the dana and offers of their stupid adherents.
Buddhas teachings has nothing do with respecting those hypocrites but I believe, there are also good monks that behave well. About them, we dont get much: That is again the lanken media mafia.
Champa/September 13, 2017
One more thing. PCoI accepting Aloysius has the right against self-incrimination is wrong. PCoI is not a Criminal Trial, it is a fact finding mission. Therefore, PCoI has the right to summon Aloysius and find the truth. The Judge here says at a trial, an accused has the right to be silent (in general). At a Criminal Trial. In other countries, this is included in the Constitution (eg: USA, India) then only they have the right to plead that right. How could PCoI accept Marapana’s logic which is wrong? People who did not rob banks therefore no money to hire high profile lawyers, are marginalized by the law.
Mudson Amarasinghe/September 14, 2017
This topic is about Sil Redi Fraud not AM or BS.
Stay on the subject without straying like a stray dog
Champa/September 15, 2017
The era of the Bulldogs like you is over. I write what I want. If CT is Ok they will publish it. This is not Rajapaksa clan’s terror era and there will never be, as they are not coming back to power again.
I have quoted some thing mentioned by the Judge in Sil Redi case which is relevant to PCoI’s arbitrary decision to make Aloysius off the hook.
Who are you to suppress my freedom of expression?
Tamil from the north/September 15, 2017
Chumpooi, you are a dumb woman with 10 fingers on your hands to type garbage on a keyboard. Nothing in the head and it translates quite well to your comments……………..empty and devoid of any sense.
Champa/September 15, 2017
Tamil from the North
You are wrong. I use only two fingers to type.
Sinhala_Man/September 13, 2017
Thanks CT for the sixty pages of scanned text, in my language, which you have given us. I’ve scrolled through it; not studied carefully.
Now, it is up to us to insist that this all be enforced because the crime is real.
As far as I’m concerned, I’ve never regarded Lalith Weeratunga as an ogre, or as arrogant, but he has carried out an illegal order, and has to take the rap. That is
beyond question.
As for Palpita: note first that no remorse has been shown by him. Also, let us take heart from the fact that protests (not mine, I acknowledge that I wasn’t aware of all this then) voiced on Colombo Telegraph have been effective:
He had been “appointed as the Additional Secretary to the Ministry of Home Affairs on May 23, 2016.” So it says here – and shame on Minister Vajira Abeywardena:
It doesn’t look as though we have sufficiently hailed the members of the Public Service Commission sufficiently for getting it right, at least at the second shy. Who were its then members?
We have lauded the High Court Judge Gihan Kulatunga; we must keep a record of the courageous, while also noting who the timorous and the crooks are.
Pacs/September 14, 2017
In the industry of Sri Lankan Politics Margin of profit is highest in the world covering all sectors of Business. And In that business one never get a loss.
Nimalasiri Yatawata/September 14, 2017
The crux of matter of verdicts against that Weeratunga and Palpita verse that new law reports said had been convicted charge by given concept of Dana of Buddhist thought of very foundation of our civilization undermined by Gihan Kulataunga?
The so-called judgment is not that upheld law of land .Or bring back law in to order of society Or it has not bring fight against corruptions of system is under-undergoing leadership of MS and CBK and Ranil Wicks who run by “Good Governances”?
The aim and target veldts is an undermined morals values of Buddhist thoughts of majority people of Island? Western-political-power of UNP used to be eliminated values of society by using western so-‘Rule of Law’ to be destroy our systematically eliminated norms of majority people guide lines?
Thengai Srinivasan/September 14, 2017
Nimalasairi Yatawara.
Go and get your stinking brains checked from GMOA mafia.
Gihan Kulatunga did the correct thing according to the law.
Your Buddhist disciples are a rotten lot.
Hela/September 14, 2017
A good outcome against corruption, and abuse of power. It is a very good precedent too. A tiny step forward………..
However it is nothing to do with principles of yahapalanaya being practiced by the present mob. Far from it. Only link to “yahapalanaya” is the actions of current mob in targeting and punishing political opponents and officials who acted on behalf of them. Same as stripping of civic rights of Mrs B.
Though it doesn’t take away justice being meted to at least some wrong doers.
Interesting to note the appearance of Shan Wickremasinghe’s name (though not as a party to the criminal act).
Do not expect any impact on the culture of theft of public funds, abuse of public property, abuse of power, corruption, nepotism etc taking place in a mass scale under “yamapalanaya”. However the judgement might help the present day crooks to take some precautions in covering the tracks.
Native Vedda/September 14, 2017
“Same as stripping of civic rights of Mrs B.”
That war criminal should have been deported to China along with other Mao sympathizers.
In effect you want the crooks to be free irrespective of their party affiliation. What did/do you benefit from your association with and defense of crooks?
Does your wife (if you have one) buy expensive osariya and matching jewelry on a weekly basis?
Hela/September 15, 2017
I can’t help with your twisted mind engulfed in a decease of selective cognition……….You have to consult a medical practitioner for help because I am not.
Please re-read my comment and see if you can understand. I am not proficient in Vedi language to make it clearer.
The facts are stubborn. Only political opponents get punished. Every effort is being made to safeguard the crooks under the yamapalanaya. However as power is not permanent (which MR also forgot) there will be a time the current crop of crooks where you desperately try to defend will be put on dock. Till then party………
Next time around we will request to distribute amudes too………Be patient……..
Native Vedda/September 15, 2017
“Only political opponents get punished.”
No. There is a consensus among both major parties. The crooks don’t get punished. In fact they are being rewarded.
Please let me have a list of names of those high profile crooks who have been sent to prison since 1948.
Please could you solve the following puzzles:
Please do not hesitate to contact public racists Wimal Sangili Karuppan Weerawansa or Dayan if you need any help.
Buddhi Perera/September 14, 2017
It was said that these two officials who were sentenced buy court did not get any monetary benefit out of the matter they were involved in. This may be true, but what about the favours they got in the past and, the various undue benefits and privileges they would have got for carrying out unlawful orders, if their master came into power.
NImalasiri Yatawara/September 14, 2017
Hon Sirinaivasa …………?
The Gahin Kulutunga is man be used for his position as a Judge by an idea of turn into Western Rule of law to suppressed Buddhist social norms inherited last 2500 years.
No doubt that this a new venture projected that penetrated into Sri Lankan Judiciary by under the UNP and CBK political blessing. It is seems to another reason of sacked of former Minister of Justice last week?
I do want Hon Sirinivasa to respect Buddhist majority people’s having Right to FREEDOM OF Worship. !
Do you know that very well then that LTTE attack Sri Maha Bodia and Dlala malgwa by blessing of TNA and Tamil diasporas.
No a single Tamils never-ever utter word about that. Even UNP and CBK never focuses and condemned that attack in by their heart .
Thengai Srinivasan/September 14, 2017
Nimalasiri Yata,
You talk about Sri Maha Bodhi, and Dalada Maligawa which out rightly i have condemned in my earlier posts.
But what about the massacre pogrom in 1983 men women and children being ruthlessly slaughtered and continuation in 2009.
It seems that you are in a mental stress and its time you see a GMOA Dr at angoda or at medamulana.
Ananda.Punyadeera/September 17, 2017
The bottom line of this judgment shows that the judge has failed to understand how administration work in an establishment. Why you create a position of a BOSS. This is to carry out orders from the Boss s Boss. To survive in an establishment you have to adhere to the instructions, if not you will be a misfit and becomes an unpleasant unpopular person. His future in the establishment will be limited. Who will like this situation?. Suppose you do not carry out orders you cannot win the heart of the BOSS. This is how the British taught us administrations procedures. Following orders without contest (especially from the president) and authorized by their cabinet is no punishable offence. This is very imminent and transparent that the removal of Innocent (Wij.Raj-then Minister) gave guts, power to give this wrong judgment . The world Judge Forum will condemn and isolate this judge in the future. Sorry about that. Let see the result from the judiciary appeal whether they also know the office administrations procedures. No one can be penalized or responsible for carrying out their immediate Bosses orders. If the orders are wrong you will have hold the Boss responsible. The judge cannot find MR responsible so they penalized the innocent persons who put instruction to active practice to please the politically motivated public. Thus being their pre election promises. For ex. in the latest Bond issue RW gave instructions to Arjun. Mahendran activate this act which is under an heavy investigating commission. Now who can be made responsible??. In this case definitely RW can be made responsible as he who brought being a foreigner as a Bank Chief. Someone can conclude this act as a preplanned to achieve RW s goals when there are capable people in Sri Lanka. I leave you to ascertain this situation.????????????????
Nimalasiri Yatawara/September 14, 2017
Hon Sirinivasan
You sir, talk of Tamil that massacre in 1983 by during UNP-JRJ time?
JRJ also so Tamil origin. The matter you have settle with him or UNP?
That is correct, it was an accountability UNP current leader of Ranil Wicks ‘s uncle
The Tamils never slaughter by Security Forces like LTTE and TNA did behind that since 1983 and after > LTTE was killed many Buddhist monks No TNA was utter a word about that. That is politics of Tamil political leadres in Sri lanka? Tamils are still insulted to Buddhist monks including you…Sir!
Thengai Srinivasan/September 14, 2017
Nimalasiri Yata,
You sir, talk of Tamil that massacre in 1983 by during UNP-JRJ time?
The massacre was done by your Sinhala Buddhist people, we dont care whether it is SLFP, JVP, UNP LSSP, SLPP.
Hope this explanation is enough.
Burt/September 15, 2017
Are you on the export quality ganga? Your writing sure says your smoking some potent stuff.
K A Sumanasekera/September 15, 2017
……………..Wonder what Dr Ranil distributed / donated in the very first 12 Months of Yahaplaya ?………
Native Vedda/September 15, 2017
KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera
Does Dr Mahinda share his bed with Dr Ranil? It appears that without your knowledge both rendezvous very frequently.
Whose official b***s carrier are you now if not Dr Mahinda’s?
Gamini/September 15, 2017
Sad to say, but it’s true that bribery, corruption and nepotism are now entrenched in our Society. While the previous regime took it to dizzy heights, never experienced in the history of Sri Lanka before (that’s the main reason the voters booted them out), such practices are prevalent even today, especially nepotism, by the current crop of Government Politicians.e.g. Arjuna Ranatunga, Kiriella, Rajitha S etc etc). I cannot understand why legislation cannot be enacted to prevent such practices of nepotism? Why not introduce a code of Conduct for Parliamentarians? Are they a special breed who are allowed to engage in all kinds of mal-practices without any controls?
Just look at the backgrounds of the current Politicians and compare them to those of yesteryear. What a contrast!! The current crop, by their own conduct (main crook – MR the goon/moron) has given an example for the rest of the Country to follow. So no wonder we are in this morass now.
Gulliver/September 15, 2017
The US has laws against nepotism, which Trump ignores!
whywhy/September 15, 2017
Gulliver ,
Kennedy ignored and later Bush Snr ignored!
NAK/September 16, 2017
The judgement is mostly dependent on one technicality that the verbal agreement of the board of directors has not been recorded at the time of the decision.
If it is still a violation of the TRC regulations then the whole board should have been prosecuted why the selective prosecution.
Then the defense has been pretty poor that they seem to have waited for the case to fall off without realizing that this was a politically motivated case.
They have not got the other board members come forward to give evidence and corroborate that the board had actually agreed prior to the transfer of funds.
The judge has conveniently ignored the fact that the accountant at the presidents office has actually made a note to the effect that this money will be replenished at a future date and the defense too has ignored that fact.They should have pursued on that line that the money was only loaned to the presidents office and that no TRC money was used to distribute ‘sil cloths’.
Finally what the f*ck was ‘ma co’ doing there giving evidence? His evidence is totally irrelevant as the charge is only for financial misappropriation.
His mare presence shows that this was a politically motivated case and maximum punishment imposed served its purpose and the end result was the president managed to rope in the dissidents.
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Amarasiri / September 13, 2017
RE: Full Text Of The Judgement Against Weeratunga And Palpita,
Weeratunga And Palpita Get Three Years Rigorous Imprisonment, for doing the dirty work for MaRa MaRa ChaTu MaRa, and MaRa is still at large!
So, the JO and MaRa and cronies have formed a New Party, M-CRAP, aka Medamulana Crooks, RobbersdAnd Party, renamed SLPP, Sri Lanka Pal-Horu Party.
Vine news…..
JO will contest polls under Flower Bud symbol of SLPP: MR
Former President Mahinda Rajapaksa said yesterday the Joint Opposition, in alliance with like-minded parties, would contest the next election under the Flower Bud symbol of Sri Lanka Podujana ( Podu-Horu) Peramuna.
He was addressing an electoral organizer’s meeting in the Deniyaya area.
Former JVP MP for the Matara District Premasiri Manage joined hands with Mr. Rajapaksa at this event.
nimal fernando / September 14, 2017
Every man and his dog knows that these guys carried out Mahinda’s orders. As Mahinda himself said, as the president, his instructions became orders to Lalith and the other guy.
Now, Mahinda vowed to go to the electric chair to save our heroes ……… and not a single countrymen even for a fleeting moment, doubt the promise of the beloved father of the nation.
So, why can’t he, like a man, take the responsibility and save these poor souls from their plight? Don’t tell me, a true believer, that Mahinda is not man enough!
Why can’t he sell the Merc and pay the fine and have a 3 year vacation in the prison hospital?
If Fonseka did it why cant Mahinda?
A 3 year holiday with all the mod-cons is not like 10,000 volts up your ukulele.
whywhy / September 14, 2017
Nimal ,
Weeratunga and Palpita are no poor souls and MARA taking
responsibility won’t free these two souls either ! Lalith has
come a long journey with MARA to get to the top most civil
service job in the Island and along the way what else could
have taken place for his benefit ? Just for your good
attention, in the UK if you walk into your Bank branch or your
hospital , the staff you see in months time are not the same ,
they keep rolling, leaving no room for boredom or dullness and
also allowing space for innovation and creativity and less
likelihood of FRAUD AND CORRUPTION or other misconducts .
And in the case of MARA , it has been very comfortable for him
to be in charge of many ministries and loyal boys like Lalith
for long term use as per the verdict on SIL REDHI ! What was
their objective ? Spending their family wealth for the common
man ? There simply could only be two answers ! YES OR NO .
Sahan / September 16, 2017
Really Mr WhyWhy…….?
If you read the verdict carefully it says those two people didn’t pocketed any money from this sil redhi…..
So they are in jail because they follow the executive orders??
Is that fair??
In my belief that’s not fair… because they simply follow the system…
if there’s something wrong with the system, we have to correct..
No point of blaming the people who follow the system…
End of the day who gave this much power to the executive president??
The executive president can make a decision about how he wants to spend 600 million even without a cabinet approval!!!
whywhy / September 17, 2017
Sahan ,
It is being said in judges statements that the accused have followed
a political culture and it is unlawful to distribute SIL REDHI during
election time for political benefit of their master . It is also stated
that Lalith had a clean record of public service ! And now my
question is Sahan , why such a clean man agreed to do unclean job
for his sinking boss ? Now if you maintain that the executive leader
has the power to issue orders and his sub ordinates have to obey , I
wonder why the same theory doesn’t apply to war crimes ? Why
doesn’t he announce that he takes full responsibility if any war
crime was proved to have happened as he is now claiming for SIL
REDHI , clearing SF and GR of their responsibilities ? True , the
system is flawed , not only in our country , all over the planet ! Even
in a flawed system , following the code of conduct is the rule of the
day in any system ! You think we have a fair justice system
anywhere in the world where an innocent is not punished and a
guilty hasn’t escaped ? In such a world , why should those who
truly got involved in wrong doing be out of the cage ? The executive
president we talk about has not bounced to that job out of the blue
Sahan , he had come a long way that includes street fights for the
cause of social justice against people like JRJ and he can not take
such a chance as this to stay in power for ever !
Amarasiri / September 13, 2017
RE: Full Text Of The Judgement Against Weeratunga And Palpita,
Weeratunga And Palpita Get Three Years Rigorous Imprisonment, for doing the dirty work for MaRa MaRa ChaTu MaRa, and MaRa is still at large!
Sing MaRa MaRa ChatTu MaRa Amana MaRa HoRa MaRa Dhusha NaMaRa
So, the JO and MaRa and cronies have formed a New Party, M-CRAP, aka Medamulana Crooks, RobbersdAnd Party, renamed SLPP, Sri Lanka Pal-Horu Party.
Vine news…..
JO will contest polls under Flower Bud symbol of SLPP: MR
Former President Mahinda Rajapaksa said yesterday the Joint Opposition, in alliance with like-minded parties, would contest the next election under the Flower Bud symbol of Sri Lanka Podujana ( Podu-Horu) Peramuna.
He was addressing an electoral organizer’s meeting in the Deniyaya area.
Former JVP MP for the Matara District Premasiri Manage joined hands with Mr. Rajapaksa at this event.
Buramphisincho / September 14, 2017
As was the high days of Maharaja, today we cant see these both in their Jumpers why ?
I am telling you why, to that time, we had feudal ruling and today we have GOOD GOVERNANCE.
The current duo too could let the newly baken PRISONERs in their JUMPERS could be exposed to media as was the case with the most abusive imprisonment of former Army com,mander, only army senior who sacrificed his life for the country … was put on the DERANA and all other media run by Ballige putha govt, in his jumpers… So enitre coutry could make him so ridiculous. It was inhuman actually.
But those who criticise today, as nothing to have done sofar by the current rulers should see the decency of the day.
I thank you Mr Prez and Mr PM.
Today we experience more freedom and decency of life.
Ballige putha days, he abused it to the core, even OPPOSITION men were attacked while they were on a fact finding mission. Then president made it ridicule out as no other. That is how BALLIGE putha ruled this nation.
Ananda.Punyadeera / September 17, 2017
Mr. Amarasiri every body address MR as Hora or Horu. I presumed you to refrain the politically motivated text or slogan . You can accuse a person with that slogan but so long as that person is innocent until he is proved guilty. What can you say about foreigner Arjun Mahendran and RW. Not even a month in power see what they have done. Why do not talk about that to become an independent individual (Un biased) person. Please any move by this brought under criticism. Why they are either bias or correct. We as the public should know what to believe. This is my personal opinion gathered when reading your comment.
Champa / September 13, 2017
The High Court Judge deserves a salute for his untainted character of impartiality.
There are things that cannot be accepted even at the face value. (page 7) 45 million meters (half of the initial order which was 90 million meters) divided by 5 is 9 million. Meaning 9 million packets of Sil Redi each had 5 meters. But I remember seeing this was distributed among only 700,000 devotees?
Anyway, I have deleted half of my comment as it might be prejudice to the Venerable Thero who has nothing to do with the misappropriation of public funds.
But accepting that “the accused have done the wrongdoing due to the political culture prevailed during that time……” is not right. They both were abide by Financial Regulations therefore hiding behind the political culture is not right. Anyways, anybody can use that to get cover up. No issue as the Judge has imposed the maximum punishment.
The irregularities in the entire project is pretty obvious. LW’s dishonesty is clearly shown the way he has changed and twisted his own wordings several times. According to his own statement, he knew very well what he was doing at the time was wrong. This is clearly a recurrent expenditure not capital expenditure. Who he tried to fool? Being the First Public Officer LW has placed a very bad example to other officers in the Public Service.
It is entirely wrong to collect money from the public to pay LW’s and other fellow’s fine. There are many women who have children in jail without having the ability to pay fines. Even some intelligence officers?
It is pretty obvious that this has done in favour of MR during election period and as MR has taken the responsibility of the “illegal order” (funny), he should pay the fine.
Babansincho / September 14, 2017
Champa@ you atleast see it as a big blunder. But those pinguththarayasa would never see it right, but PRETENDING that they practice lord buddhas teaching do the other way around. These men in robes are just hypocrites of number 1 grade.
This is the reason why I have stopped offering DANA to any monks in the country as had been the days my parents were determined to do so.
Looking back most of the monks in robes in lanka are seen to be no respectable enough me to kneel down before them.
They even question loudly if meat or fish are for their dana. These men do almost everything but being on the dana and offers of their stupid adherents.
Buddhas teachings has nothing do with respecting those hypocrites but I believe, there are also good monks that behave well. About them, we dont get much: That is again the lanken media mafia.
Champa / September 13, 2017
One more thing. PCoI accepting Aloysius has the right against self-incrimination is wrong. PCoI is not a Criminal Trial, it is a fact finding mission. Therefore, PCoI has the right to summon Aloysius and find the truth. The Judge here says at a trial, an accused has the right to be silent (in general). At a Criminal Trial. In other countries, this is included in the Constitution (eg: USA, India) then only they have the right to plead that right. How could PCoI accept Marapana’s logic which is wrong? People who did not rob banks therefore no money to hire high profile lawyers, are marginalized by the law.
Mudson Amarasinghe / September 14, 2017
This topic is about Sil Redi Fraud not AM or BS.
Stay on the subject without straying like a stray dog
Champa / September 15, 2017
The era of the Bulldogs like you is over. I write what I want. If CT is Ok they will publish it. This is not Rajapaksa clan’s terror era and there will never be, as they are not coming back to power again.
I have quoted some thing mentioned by the Judge in Sil Redi case which is relevant to PCoI’s arbitrary decision to make Aloysius off the hook.
Who are you to suppress my freedom of expression?
Tamil from the north / September 15, 2017
Chumpooi, you are a dumb woman with 10 fingers on your hands to type garbage on a keyboard. Nothing in the head and it translates quite well to your comments……………..empty and devoid of any sense.
Champa / September 15, 2017
Tamil from the North
You are wrong. I use only two fingers to type.
Sinhala_Man / September 13, 2017
Thanks CT for the sixty pages of scanned text, in my language, which you have given us. I’ve scrolled through it; not studied carefully.
Now, it is up to us to insist that this all be enforced because the crime is real.
As far as I’m concerned, I’ve never regarded Lalith Weeratunga as an ogre, or as arrogant, but he has carried out an illegal order, and has to take the rap. That is
beyond question.
As for Palpita: note first that no remorse has been shown by him. Also, let us take heart from the fact that protests (not mine, I acknowledge that I wasn’t aware of all this then) voiced on Colombo Telegraph have been effective:
He had been “appointed as the Additional Secretary to the Ministry of Home Affairs on May 23, 2016.” So it says here – and shame on Minister Vajira Abeywardena:
But removed only a week later:
It doesn’t look as though we have sufficiently hailed the members of the Public Service Commission sufficiently for getting it right, at least at the second shy. Who were its then members?
We have lauded the High Court Judge Gihan Kulatunga; we must keep a record of the courageous, while also noting who the timorous and the crooks are.
Pacs / September 14, 2017
In the industry of Sri Lankan Politics Margin of profit is highest in the world covering all sectors of Business. And In that business one never get a loss.
Nimalasiri Yatawata / September 14, 2017
The crux of matter of verdicts against that Weeratunga and Palpita verse that new law reports said had been convicted charge by given concept of Dana of Buddhist thought of very foundation of our civilization undermined by Gihan Kulataunga?
The so-called judgment is not that upheld law of land .Or bring back law in to order of society Or it has not bring fight against corruptions of system is under-undergoing leadership of MS and CBK and Ranil Wicks who run by “Good Governances”?
The aim and target veldts is an undermined morals values of Buddhist thoughts of majority people of Island? Western-political-power of UNP used to be eliminated values of society by using western so-‘Rule of Law’ to be destroy our systematically eliminated norms of majority people guide lines?
Thengai Srinivasan / September 14, 2017
Nimalasairi Yatawara.
Go and get your stinking brains checked from GMOA mafia.
Gihan Kulatunga did the correct thing according to the law.
Your Buddhist disciples are a rotten lot.
Hela / September 14, 2017
A good outcome against corruption, and abuse of power. It is a very good precedent too. A tiny step forward………..
However it is nothing to do with principles of yahapalanaya being practiced by the present mob. Far from it. Only link to “yahapalanaya” is the actions of current mob in targeting and punishing political opponents and officials who acted on behalf of them. Same as stripping of civic rights of Mrs B.
Though it doesn’t take away justice being meted to at least some wrong doers.
Interesting to note the appearance of Shan Wickremasinghe’s name (though not as a party to the criminal act).
Do not expect any impact on the culture of theft of public funds, abuse of public property, abuse of power, corruption, nepotism etc taking place in a mass scale under “yamapalanaya”. However the judgement might help the present day crooks to take some precautions in covering the tracks.
Native Vedda / September 14, 2017
“Same as stripping of civic rights of Mrs B.”
That war criminal should have been deported to China along with other Mao sympathizers.
In effect you want the crooks to be free irrespective of their party affiliation. What did/do you benefit from your association with and defense of crooks?
Does your wife (if you have one) buy expensive osariya and matching jewelry on a weekly basis?
Hela / September 15, 2017
I can’t help with your twisted mind engulfed in a decease of selective cognition……….You have to consult a medical practitioner for help because I am not.
Please re-read my comment and see if you can understand. I am not proficient in Vedi language to make it clearer.
The facts are stubborn. Only political opponents get punished. Every effort is being made to safeguard the crooks under the yamapalanaya. However as power is not permanent (which MR also forgot) there will be a time the current crop of crooks where you desperately try to defend will be put on dock. Till then party………
Next time around we will request to distribute amudes too………Be patient……..
Native Vedda / September 15, 2017
“Only political opponents get punished.”
No. There is a consensus among both major parties. The crooks don’t get punished. In fact they are being rewarded.
Please let me have a list of names of those high profile crooks who have been sent to prison since 1948.
Please could you solve the following puzzles:
Please do not hesitate to contact public racists Wimal Sangili Karuppan Weerawansa or Dayan if you need any help.
Buddhi Perera / September 14, 2017
It was said that these two officials who were sentenced buy court did not get any monetary benefit out of the matter they were involved in. This may be true, but what about the favours they got in the past and, the various undue benefits and privileges they would have got for carrying out unlawful orders, if their master came into power.
NImalasiri Yatawara / September 14, 2017
Hon Sirinaivasa …………?
The Gahin Kulutunga is man be used for his position as a Judge by an idea of turn into Western Rule of law to suppressed Buddhist social norms inherited last 2500 years.
No doubt that this a new venture projected that penetrated into Sri Lankan Judiciary by under the UNP and CBK political blessing. It is seems to another reason of sacked of former Minister of Justice last week?
I do want Hon Sirinivasa to respect Buddhist majority people’s having Right to FREEDOM OF Worship. !
Do you know that very well then that LTTE attack Sri Maha Bodia and Dlala malgwa by blessing of TNA and Tamil diasporas.
No a single Tamils never-ever utter word about that. Even UNP and CBK never focuses and condemned that attack in by their heart .
Thengai Srinivasan / September 14, 2017
Nimalasiri Yata,
You talk about Sri Maha Bodhi, and Dalada Maligawa which out rightly i have condemned in my earlier posts.
But what about the massacre pogrom in 1983 men women and children being ruthlessly slaughtered and continuation in 2009.
It seems that you are in a mental stress and its time you see a GMOA Dr at angoda or at medamulana.
Ananda.Punyadeera / September 17, 2017
The bottom line of this judgment shows that the judge has failed to understand how administration work in an establishment. Why you create a position of a BOSS. This is to carry out orders from the Boss s Boss. To survive in an establishment you have to adhere to the instructions, if not you will be a misfit and becomes an unpleasant unpopular person. His future in the establishment will be limited. Who will like this situation?. Suppose you do not carry out orders you cannot win the heart of the BOSS. This is how the British taught us administrations procedures. Following orders without contest (especially from the president) and authorized by their cabinet is no punishable offence. This is very imminent and transparent that the removal of Innocent (Wij.Raj-then Minister) gave guts, power to give this wrong judgment . The world Judge Forum will condemn and isolate this judge in the future. Sorry about that. Let see the result from the judiciary appeal whether they also know the office administrations procedures. No one can be penalized or responsible for carrying out their immediate Bosses orders. If the orders are wrong you will have hold the Boss responsible. The judge cannot find MR responsible so they penalized the innocent persons who put instruction to active practice to please the politically motivated public. Thus being their pre election promises. For ex. in the latest Bond issue RW gave instructions to Arjun. Mahendran activate this act which is under an heavy investigating commission. Now who can be made responsible??. In this case definitely RW can be made responsible as he who brought being a foreigner as a Bank Chief. Someone can conclude this act as a preplanned to achieve RW s goals when there are capable people in Sri Lanka. I leave you to ascertain this situation.????????????????
Nimalasiri Yatawara / September 14, 2017
Hon Sirinivasan
You sir, talk of Tamil that massacre in 1983 by during UNP-JRJ time?
JRJ also so Tamil origin. The matter you have settle with him or UNP?
That is correct, it was an accountability UNP current leader of Ranil Wicks ‘s uncle
The Tamils never slaughter by Security Forces like LTTE and TNA did behind that since 1983 and after > LTTE was killed many Buddhist monks No TNA was utter a word about that. That is politics of Tamil political leadres in Sri lanka? Tamils are still insulted to Buddhist monks including you…Sir!
Thengai Srinivasan / September 14, 2017
Nimalasiri Yata,
You sir, talk of Tamil that massacre in 1983 by during UNP-JRJ time?
The massacre was done by your Sinhala Buddhist people, we dont care whether it is SLFP, JVP, UNP LSSP, SLPP.
Hope this explanation is enough.
Burt / September 15, 2017
Are you on the export quality ganga? Your writing sure says your smoking some potent stuff.
K A Sumanasekera / September 15, 2017
……………..Wonder what Dr Ranil distributed / donated in the very first 12 Months of Yahaplaya ?………
Native Vedda / September 15, 2017
KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera
Does Dr Mahinda share his bed with Dr Ranil? It appears that without your knowledge both rendezvous very frequently.
Whose official b***s carrier are you now if not Dr Mahinda’s?
Gamini / September 15, 2017
Sad to say, but it’s true that bribery, corruption and nepotism are now entrenched in our Society. While the previous regime took it to dizzy heights, never experienced in the history of Sri Lanka before (that’s the main reason the voters booted them out), such practices are prevalent even today, especially nepotism, by the current crop of Government Politicians.e.g. Arjuna Ranatunga, Kiriella, Rajitha S etc etc). I cannot understand why legislation cannot be enacted to prevent such practices of nepotism? Why not introduce a code of Conduct for Parliamentarians? Are they a special breed who are allowed to engage in all kinds of mal-practices without any controls?
Just look at the backgrounds of the current Politicians and compare them to those of yesteryear. What a contrast!! The current crop, by their own conduct (main crook – MR the goon/moron) has given an example for the rest of the Country to follow. So no wonder we are in this morass now.
Gulliver / September 15, 2017
The US has laws against nepotism, which Trump ignores!
whywhy / September 15, 2017
Gulliver ,
Kennedy ignored and later Bush Snr ignored!
NAK / September 16, 2017
The judgement is mostly dependent on one technicality that the verbal agreement of the board of directors has not been recorded at the time of the decision.
If it is still a violation of the TRC regulations then the whole board should have been prosecuted why the selective prosecution.
Then the defense has been pretty poor that they seem to have waited for the case to fall off without realizing that this was a politically motivated case.
They have not got the other board members come forward to give evidence and corroborate that the board had actually agreed prior to the transfer of funds.
The judge has conveniently ignored the fact that the accountant at the presidents office has actually made a note to the effect that this money will be replenished at a future date and the defense too has ignored that fact.They should have pursued on that line that the money was only loaned to the presidents office and that no TRC money was used to distribute ‘sil cloths’.
Finally what the f*ck was ‘ma co’ doing there giving evidence? His evidence is totally irrelevant as the charge is only for financial misappropriation.
His mare presence shows that this was a politically motivated case and maximum punishment imposed served its purpose and the end result was the president managed to rope in the dissidents.