For some reason it came to my mind that the first political assaniation in Sri Lanka was committed and organised by none other than a BUDDHIST MONK. The dangerously blinding and posisonous fog of ethno-religious fervour seems to engulf Sri Lanka, seems to me like the the first part “INFERNO”of Dante’s poem called “Divine Commedy” .. both titles seem quite fitting for BBS.
a human being/May 19, 2013
what a discourse
have we not learnt in history of mankind how religion has been used to pit men against men by those in power
its nothing finally to do with religion
Its all about greed and ways to get power in to ones hands
religion is a GOOD TIME TESTED TOOL for that
stupid religious fanatics fall for this
Marwan/May 20, 2013
But definitely you got to face death and an afterlife. Surely don’t you think you should end up in a better place to rest for eternity. This is where religion comes in. You need to live your life in accordance with certain beliefs and teachings that will take you to that destination. The big question is which religion is the truest that will take us there. It is all based on Faith (beleiving in the unseen). For us Muslims, it is the Quran (God’s own words revealed to all of mankind) revealed through our Prophet Muhammed (May Peace and blessings be upon him). Likewise, for others the same/
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Mithra / May 18, 2013
For some reason it came to my mind that the first political assaniation in Sri Lanka was committed and organised by none other than a BUDDHIST MONK. The dangerously blinding and posisonous fog of ethno-religious fervour seems to engulf Sri Lanka, seems to me like the the first part “INFERNO”of Dante’s poem called “Divine Commedy” .. both titles seem quite fitting for BBS.
a human being / May 19, 2013
what a discourse
have we not learnt in history of mankind how religion has been used to pit men against men by those in power
its nothing finally to do with religion
Its all about greed and ways to get power in to ones hands
religion is a GOOD TIME TESTED TOOL for that
stupid religious fanatics fall for this
Marwan / May 20, 2013
But definitely you got to face death and an afterlife. Surely don’t you think you should end up in a better place to rest for eternity. This is where religion comes in. You need to live your life in accordance with certain beliefs and teachings that will take you to that destination. The big question is which religion is the truest that will take us there. It is all based on Faith (beleiving in the unseen). For us Muslims, it is the Quran (God’s own words revealed to all of mankind) revealed through our Prophet Muhammed (May Peace and blessings be upon him). Likewise, for others the same/