The FUTA Trade Union Action launched on the 4th of July 2012 has entered its 3rd month, and there is much speculation concerning the current status of negotiations between FUTA and the government. In order to address some of the misleading information regarding FUTA’s current position, we wish to clearly clarify our stand at this present moment.
During the last two months, FUTA’s demands have been gaining wide, public support. FUTA has managed to awaken public interest in the current status of education in the country. This has been evident in the public response to FUTA’s signature campaign where up to date, 150,000 signatures have been collected and in the support FUTA has been receiving from other civil society organizations. FUTA was also able to organise a massively successful rally on the 23rd of August at Hyde Park, Colombo where many individuals and organisations publicly expressed their solidarity with FUTA’s campaign to save state education.
FUTA at the same time has been engaging with the government in discussions to resolve the ongoing trade union action. At this point FUTA has engaged in 6 rounds of discussions with government representatives including Minister of Higher Education, Secretary to the President, Mr Lalith Weeratunga and Minister Basil Rajapakse. At the last meeting with Minister Basil Rajapakse the government proposed the idea of a cabinet paper to express the government policy on education spending, the problem of recruitment and retention of qualified academics, university autonomy and politicisation. The Minister also indicated that rescinding arbitrary and unconstitutional circulars can be facilitated, while he agreed to suspend the CIMA programme and to initiate a consultative process for the leadership training of new university entrants. A meeting with Dr. P.B. Jayasundera, Treasury Secretary to finalise the salary issues was also promised. This fell short of our comprehensive demands.
However, the only concrete action to emerge from these series of discussions is a Note to Cabinet on state policy on education presented by Minister Basil Rajapakse and Minister S.B Dissanayake. This was only one aspect of the solution proposed at the last meeting. The Cabinet note is extremely disappointing for two major reasons: the government has failed to even accept at a policy level the need to increase education expenditure in line with the international benchmark of 6%. Also, a permanent solution to the salary issue has not been addressed in the proposal to establish a special category for university teachers. Although Minister Basil Rajapakse indicated that the committee to look into the establishment of a special category would be headed by either the President’s Secretary or a Senior Minister, this has been replaced in the Cabinet note by Minister S.B. Dissanayake. This is an extremely worrying development since Minister Dissanayake has consistently maintained an intransigent position with regard to resolving the problems of university teachers.
FUTA cannot at this stage be satisfied with anything less than a set of clear commitments from the government regarding education policy and addressing the long standing salary anomalies of university teachers.
FUTA also wishes to point out to the public that as an organisation that respects democratic principles, decisions such as continuation of trade union action are not made by a few, but in consultation with its membership. Therefore, it requests the public not to believe statements made by some sections of the government regarding the status of the trade union action. These are deliberately misleading statements made in attempts to turn the public against FUTA. We reiterate that the FUTA trade union action will continue until our demands are met.
Further, FUTA reiterates that it is mindful of its national responsibilities and the trust that the public has placed on FUTA. Each signature that has been placed on the petition, each letter of support, each statement in public, each blessing that individual citizens of Sri Lanka have bestowed on academics in the streets is of tremendous value. FUTA will not betray that trust and belief and has pledged its commitment to see this struggle through to victory. That victory will not be just for the academic community but for all Sri Lankans who value education and who wish for a better future for the children and youth of this country.
Dr Nirmal Ranjith Dewasiri
President, FUTA
30th August 2012
To read FUTA stories click here
Nalaka / August 31, 2012
Thank you for updating the public regarding the developments FUTA and Mr.Dewasiri. People were misled and burned many times by the current administration’s false promises. Deception is the norm of the day and we are happy you all are smart enough to know the difference. All our support for your endevours to be successful.
Lanka Muslim, UK / August 31, 2012
When the responsible authorities are exposed of their failures by the civil society the authorities use all their resources, even illegal, threaten, try to tarnish the character of those people who are agitating and even use thuggery. But the determined agitators should go on
and the public should support them.
Savi / September 1, 2012
Great stuff FUTA – be of good courage and keep up the struggle for a better EDUCATED citizenry and a more equitable country. The people are with you and support all your demands and as we all know – THE PEOPLE UNITED WILL NEVER BE DEFEATED! A couple of points:
1 FUTA should ask for the resignation of S.B Dissaniayake who must be held ACCOUNTABLE for the current crisis. It is a matter of principle that a person who tells outright lies, bully students and is TOTALLY unqualified to hold such office must be forced to resign. FUTA should also make it a requirement that the holder of the post of the Minister of Higher Education in future must be TECHNICALLY QUALIFIED and hold a Doctorate from a recognized university since higher education requires special levels of knowledge and expertise, particularly in research.
2. The Sri Lanka rupee has depreciated 20 percent and if Lanka is to attract quality academics from over seas they will need to ask for a 40 percent increase to get a real salary increase. Otherwise it would not stem the brain drain since overseas academics are paid in $$$ terms and a twenty percent increase in LKR terms is in fact no increase at all!
Don Carolis / September 1, 2012
FUTA KEEP UP THE EXCELLENT WORK AND STAY THE COURSE! The Cabinet paper is a sop and part of the larger regime strategy to delay a settlement in the hope that delay will break the strike. Stay the course FUTA and the people will support you and see that justice is done. People will start collecting funds and lobby banks to extend credit to university Dons who are not receiving a salary at this time and finding it hard to make ends meet.
The people APPRECIATE THE PERSONAL SACRIFICES made by the Dons at this time for a better tomorrow for all. At the same time, FUTA has turned the crisis in the education sector brought on by a singularly uneducated regime and its goonish clown S.B. Dissanaiyake into a WAKE UP CALL to the true patriots of the country by going on strike and challenging the regime.
FUTA is doing the country at large a great service and has sounded a wake up call to the people of southerns Sri Lanka who were in a post-war nationalist fog while the Rajapakse Bros looted the country and destroyed its institutions and social sector achievements in education and health in the name of “development” which the uneducated Rajapakse Bros know nothing about. FUTA has done a great service to the public by raising critical question (as is the task of the intellectual).
Dodo / September 2, 2012
The Rajapakse brothers who are fattening themselves and the family while staving the Dons, the people and the students both physically and spiritually should beware – A HUNGRY MAN IS AN ANGRY MAN!
so the delays of the regime in addressing the FUTA demands are merely going to back fire and make a settlement more difficult and the situation may well escalate come Sept 3 into outright war– that Gota the white van goon has been preparing for by militarizing Lanka.
The Rajapassa Bros. have long succeeded in delaying a solution to the the northeast question – but in the South the DELAY STRATEGY it is going to fail BIG TIME – let the WAR GAMES BEGIN IN THE SOUTH and SEE WHO WINS!
The regime and its cabinet of fools, crooks and goons has lost all credibility!
modaya / September 1, 2012
You can see in Youtube who is Dr. Nimal Ranjith devasiri. He is a thug in moratuwa university in 1983 destroying tamil peoples property and the image of the cuntry. Again he is destroying the country education system by askin the demands any government can’t accept. Every public service employe will ask their financial support for the children private education. Free education is more than 6% of GDP. If you are a real educated person you can understand.
Rajasinghe / September 1, 2012
Devasiri is not working in Moratuwa University.
Govertment is spending less than 6% of GDP for education. That is why Keheliya said that govenment cannot agree with the FUTA demad of 6%.
Looks like you pick the right name for you.
Wickramagamage / September 1, 2012
Moratuwa university does not have a History Department and no need to say he was not a student there. By the way the title you have taken is most appropriate. Keep on doing dirty work.
kvn / September 1, 2012
this is great!!! A “MODAYA” is talking about education!
“natta kadaa gatha nariya balanavalu anith nariyangeth natta kadanna” it suits you very well.
Mohotty Udayan / September 1, 2012
Dewasiri is not a lecturer in MoU.
But So called Dr Dewasiri, Dr Mahin Mendis and other FUTA support crowd like “Friday Forum” lead by Rev. Fr. Chikkera are [Edited out]. Their past and present acts are not Sri Lanka frinedly. How all of sudden FUTA wanted to support Sri Lanakn by enhancing the education sector. [Edited out]
So, all Sri Lanakns should be alrmed what FUTA is doing under the cover of University Education.
Part of this comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy
@Mohotty Udayan, If you want to continue this discussion, please provide the evidence.
Mohotty Udayan / September 2, 2012
SEE two article about true picture of the leadership of FUTA.
They are pro-LTTE Supporters
Colombo University History Lecturer takes up JHU challenge
Thursday, 26 July 2007 – 10:24 AM SL Time
Ruwanthi Kariyawasam
COLOMBO: Colombo University History Lecturer Dr. Nirmal Ranjith Devasiri has taken up the JHU challenge to prove the Tamil homeland theory and a Tamils` right to self determination.
Dr. Devasiri said he is willing to prove the Tamil homeland theory and the rights of Tamils for self determination if the JHU is willing to come for a debate with him on this issue.
Dr. Devasiri said this at a seminar on the JHU`s APC proposals held at the Colombo National Library Auditorium recently, referring to the JHU proposal that it would accept these two theories if they were proved with historical and legal facts.
Dr. Devasiri said the Sinhala Society has been built on four mythologies viz. Buddha`s visit to Sri Lanka, Advent of Prince Vijaya, advent of Arahat Mahinda Thera and King Dutugemunu`s war to vanquish king Elara.
He said ?we accept these four myths because we like them?. Similarly Tamils in the North and East accepted the homeland theory because they liked it.?
Dr. Devasiri said ?I have stood by the Tamils` right for determination for the last 22 years. Tamils do not want to argue this now because they have gone far beyond it. The JHU proposals have said that the Tamil homeland theory is a myth. But it is a fact and I am prepared to prove it.?
Peradeniya University Philosophy lecturer Charitha Herath said that eventhough he followed JHU policies he would use the forum to contest some JHU thinking as the seminar was attended by JHU members and sympathisers.
In the first instance the JHU had not understood the present crisis in a proper and pragmatic way. Herath said he saw this crisis as a crisis aimed to create a post Colonial Sri Lanka.
The JHU adduced this crisis to the inability of Tamils to seek exalted posts held by the Tamil elite during the Colonial period. We should ask as to how the Tamil elite could establish a homeland theory in the minds of Tamils and why we could not defeat that notion.
Tamils were today sacrificing their lives acting as human bombs and contributing to their earnings to the homeland theory which the JHU calls a farce. Why can`t we act as true Sinhala Buddhists and go in for a more positive and fraternal agreement to solve this problem altogether, he asked.
Attorney Shiral Laktilleke said the JHU document tabled at the APC looked like a battle cry. The State cannot have a colour or religion. If anyone tried to give a Buddhist or Catholic tinge to a State it would exclude a section of the people.
At the outset of the seminar JHU Legal Advisor Udaya Gammanpila gave a brief resume of the JHU proposals. He said he would place Dr. Devasiri`s challenge for a debate to the JHU hierarchy for a decision.
Prof. Buddhadasa Hewavitharana acted as moderator.
Wolves in sheep’s clothing on advisory panel
Wed, 2010-10-27 01:54 — editor
• News Comments
By Janaka Perera
The Sri Lanka Government – perhaps unwittingly – has found itself in similar circumstances. It has appointed three dubious characters key advisory persons to the Cultural and National Heritage Ministry.
They are Nirmal Ranjith Devasiri, Jagath Weerasinghe and Premakumara De Silva. All three of them have been consistently supporting the so-called traditional Tamil Homeland theory which was the LTTE’s propaganda slogan from the very beginning of their violent separatist campaign.
We have heard of the saying about getting a fox to guard poultry.
The irony of the ministry appointments is that the Advisory Board of which they are members is headed by a staunch patriot, Venerable Elle Gunawansa Thera, who has steadfastly stood for the country’s territorial integrity and sovereignty
In contrast, the three members in question have been justifying right through the war the Tigers’ position through various ‘peace’ campaigns such as the Sudu Nelum Movement. The idea was to give the Tigers a moral boost and demoralize all those who stood against separatism. The LTTE prevented the excavation of and destroyed archaeological sites that disproved their bogus homeland theory. Nirmal Devasiri argued in favour of this theory at a seminar held in the National Library Auditorium, Colombo, three years ago. The Daily News of July 26. 2007 reported Dr. Devasiri as saying that “he is willing to prove the Tamil homeland theory and the rights of Tamils for self-determination if the JHU is willing to come for a debate with him on this issue.” He reportedly said that the Tamils now (2007) did not want to argue on their ‘right’ to self-determination because they have gone far beyond it.
Last year when Sri Lankan armed forces were on the verge of crushing the LTTE Dr. Devasiri and eight other Tamil separatist sympathizers – Dr. Vickramnabahu Karunaratne, Professors Sucharitha Gamlath, Kumar David and Jayantha Seneviratne, Dr. Terrence Purasinghe, Attorney-at-Law Chandrapala Kumarage, Rev. Fr. Yohan Devenanda and Patrick Fernando called for a immediate halt to the anti-Tiger military offensive to “prevent further destruction of Sri Lanka.” On April 24 they issued what they called an appeal to international civil society. It said, “The Sri Lanka Government backed by the Sinhala supremacist oppressors, has almost crushed the struggle of the Tamils for their rights, in order to retain the structure of the Sri Lankan State as a Sinhala Chauvinist regime… We representing the civil society of the island, extend our deepest regrets over the inaction and silent approval given to the Lankan regime by the international good governance systems like UN amidst these unfathomed crimes of Lankan rulers and their allies.”
Obviously the ‘allies’ these so-called anti-war crusaders were referring to were mainly China and Pakistan.
In a media interview sometime back Devasiri called Sri Lankan soldiers ‘mercenaries’ because they were paid a salary whereas LTTE combatants were fighting for a cause. By this strange logic of Devasiri all national armies world wide are mercenaries!
In a paper on ‘Buddhism, State and Nationalism: Reordering a Sacred Site in Postcolonial Sri Lanka,’ Premakumara De Silva referred to “waning multi-religiosity” and alleged that a sacred site (Sri Pada) had been turned into “hegemonic Buddhist religious site.”!
Are these the people who are expected to be guardians of Sri Lankan culture and heritage? Unless a very close check is kept on these wolves in sheep’s clothing the State might end up inadvertently promoting LTTE ideology.
As the pithy Sinhala saying goes there’s no point in screaming, “I am being bitten” after allowing poisonous snakes to creep into the clothes one is wearing.
– Asian Tribune
Dun / September 1, 2012
Get the fact straight- even if Dr Dev could be thug to that era, his current genuine efforts in terms of Uni education for country s future should be commendable. The educated must not seek the advice from you – Modaya.. be clear with your comments before even trying to drop them to this thread.
Besides, SB was said to be not a good person by his nature – but see he is the minster of higher edu today in the country. Recently, I happend to read what SB has droped to the net, not even respecting former President as due. That alone shows SB is not even better to filthy mouth -Mervin de Silva. In contrary to this, Dr. Dev is proved lecturer, why dont you guys criticise the incapable ministers in this regard ?
Mee-Haraka / September 1, 2012
First all, I Loves Modaya, because he and me shares same esselenet educasion backgrounds. We both same same no want to go campus, although higher educaion minister came our houses and begged. Because we want more better educasion, that is from “People’s University”. So we went street and took very high knowlege!! Moadaya very high knowlege on all things. I very good too!
modaya / September 1, 2012
to rajasinha
I said devasiri was a student at moratuwa university on 1983. See many countries in the world dosen’t offer free education in university. This is the result of giving free university education in srilankan poor people money. They want a luxary life from the other people hard work earnings of GDP.Many western countries main income is university education by fee paying courses. You can have independant university system when you are privatised. Then you will get more salary with one third of the lecturees. All Srilankans are not foolish.
kvn / September 1, 2012
.I am living in France, and here we(medical students) pay 340€/year,no need to buy any books, even the photocopies are given free. and a good meal cost you only 7€, health care too is almost free!
soma / September 1, 2012
That is why France is broke today, you can’t get everything free, France’s education, healthcare,pentions and social welfare are too generous not sustanable,will wait and see what future will be
Ruwan / September 1, 2012
>>>I said devasiri was a student at moratuwa university on 1983.
You really are a foolish.
University of Moratuwa is a Technical University
Sudu Banda / September 1, 2012
To Modaya
Once again, I emphasize that you picked the right name for you. Moratuwa University is for engineering undergraduates and Dr. Dewasiri is not an engineering graduate. What do you “modaya” know about the world? There are many western countries which provide absolute free education from Kindergarden until you graduate from a University. Not only that, even the food is subsidized because they want an educated community. Not just dim wits like you who will lick the boots of politicians! You are right, All Sri Lankans are not foolish, but you are!
Senarath / September 1, 2012
It is sad to see how politically motivated union action is this FUTA action. Only few countries are offering 100% government funded university education. Even in China, student has to pay fee for the university education. In Australia, university education is the third highest foreign exchange earner in the country. In many countries, universities are contributing to the economy but not depend on the economy. Contributing to economy by 6% of GDP and depending on 6% of GDP is completely different thing. I do like to challenge the FUTA to show any country which provide 6% of the GDP as a grant.
Rajasinghe / September 1, 2012
If you simply looked at the number 6% and realise that it is tax payers money, then you have a point, I guess. However, what is the bigger picture. Why do people pay taxes? At present where does that tax money go? According to some calculations (presented at the FUTA rally on 23rd) corruption and waste comes to about 9% of GDP. The monthy government expenditure on an ordinary member of parliament (not a minister) is about 1 million Sri lanka rupees. Collosal amounts are spent on white elephant projects. Unlike these spendings, education spending is an investment. Investments give a return to the tax payer in future. Also, note that FUTA is asking about 0.5% of GDP for the higher education sector. Rest (about 5.5%) is for the development of primary and seconday education in Sri Lanka.
kvn / September 1, 2012
hey !grow up!! no need to challenge the FUTA just go to Wikipedia, you will get the truth.
and in Aussi there are ( like in every other country) privet unis, and rich parents from such countries like SL send their kids to Aussi, etc you see if your parents were rich you deserved to be there too…
Ukkurala / September 1, 2012
I am happy with the principles taken by the FUTA. Then, it must be scared of what. The Kewattayas from withing the same academic community that serve this corrupted family rule.
The political reality is that They need Sudu Banda Disanayakas, Mervin, Damma Dissanayake, Charitha Herath, Jagath Wellawatta etc to threaten academics. I believe they are the one who provoke GOta to give the threatening call to Devaasiri. Then brokered peace talk with government. Mr. Devasiri bevare of those guys.
Upali Samarajeewa / September 1, 2012
Those who talk about public money was used to educate all dons forget, that the same funds were available for those in politics who failed to get educated themselves. It is the duty of the Dons, having educated by public funds to see that the future generations, our children including those of Modayas, also get the same or higher educational opportunities. The effort of FUTA is to ensure that without getting mislead by politicos. FUTA had enough broken promises from Ministers. Enough is enough with politicos.
das / September 2, 2012
The duty of dons is to serve the country, and not an incompetent government. Its true that they received free education, so its their duty to ensre that future generations will continue to enjoy the same without polititians destroying it by their clueless actions.
Manik Fernando / September 1, 2012
FUTA action ultimately wrong and misguiding. It disturb the whole education system and poor communities in this tiny island. Their primary demand is to increase(1) salary and (11) increase government spending in Education.
Sri Lanka university staff is the highest paid group of the country. Most of the Professors earn more than Rs.60,000/month and even a junior demonstrator earn closer to Rs.18,000 per month. The senior lecturers subject to earn many extra money through heads of department, director of centers, consultant, tuition and exam evaluation etc. As I know some of our colleagues earns more than $150,000 per months. They have tax free luxury cars, free housing and many other privileges in the society. I really do not understand the fair reason for FUTA’s demand on salary increase. However, assuming this is a special category, they may demand some salary increase to match their spending towards luxury life in growing economy of Sri Lanka.
Things we expect from a university teacher is teaching, scholarship development, services and research. Unfortunately, Sri Lankan University teachers are the least prepared teachers in the society. These facts are available in the student evaluation of class room activities. Secondly many of them give high priorities for extra earning activities than their primary job. It is very sad to say that more than 80% of lecturers do not update the textbook requirements for their courses. They are not trained to evaluate and recommend a text for a class. No more than 10% have participation in active learning of teaching methods (Workshop, seminars, lectures). University teachers are a special category that should engage in lifelong learning process. If we measure this criteria, Sri Lankan universities stay at the low end. Another important fact is the scholarship development and help academic communities in the universities. Lack of teamwork and communication skills fully hinder rising of any research fund within Sri Lanka or internationally. The Sri Lankan communities are fully polarized due to politics and so does university staff. Their support and lack of team work capability results in very minimum participation in services.
Most of the staff members are locally trained and educated. They do not appreciate, involve an do not know how to engage in any of service effectively. Negative talks, negative thinking and negative attitude overcome their academic capabilities after graduation from universities. With all these negative energies, these teachers became very useless members of society who highly paid with tax payers money.
The only way to improve this situation is (i) active engagement of education by government or any other leadership training institutions (ii) all promotion, tenure and permanency of jobs should be merit basis, and (iii) introducing a code of ethics for Sri Lankan Universality about their duties and responsibilities.
Finally, while all education is provided by universities are free, there is not absolute right for FUTA to request any increase of government spending without performing its duties at least acceptable level. As the university staff, what extra activities did you conduct to enhance the education in Sri Lanka? Rather than holding meetings to demand benefits from government, did FUTA hold any single meeting to improve, educate of train the university staff? Did your organization conduct a single workshop to train junior teachers in the universities? Did you publish a single articles about critics, suggestions and rooms for improvement of education in Sri Lanka?
I am strongly believes that FUTA is just following third party instruction to struggle the free education in Sri Lanka.
As many other countries, university staff associations are working with administrators to improve the education, learning process, active scholarship development. They do not understand “win-win” situation. It is a fundamental principle for academics to practice “Give and Take” rather than forcefully demand. This forcefully demand attitude destroy the credibility of any union. and However. it is very sad the negative attitude of Sri Lankan FUTA and trying to further damage the poorly design system within this tiny land with minimum resources.
I personally oppose the FUTA action. I would urge University staff to adopt alternative techniques to handle this issue rather than destroying future of student communities in Sri Lankan Universities..
A Academic Staff member a Sri Lankan University
JimSofty / September 1, 2012
Except for the jargon, only burning issues that FUTA has seem to be the salary anomalies and increased funding (to education). For me, those are the two most popular issues with trade unions word wide.
ranbanda / September 1, 2012
Modaya you write like a stupid [Edited out].
ranbanda / September 1, 2012
The USA spends 15% on education,defense14% and health 17%.Thanks to Rakna lanka services costs 20,000 Rupees/student/year.SL will be competing for house maid and labourer jobs in the middle east with Bhutan,Phillipines and Bangaladesh.All the Rajapakse children have been to US and UK Universities,Even Yoshita was at Dartmouth Naval college, an exception to a practice given up in the mid sixties.The Rajapakse junta don’t give a damn about anything other than looting the country and making it a failed state.We must get rid of these hoodlums and establish a paliamentary system of governance like what we had.
Jim Softy / September 1, 2012
It is true that politicians are wrecking the country.
But, how can we say that FUTA with their political ideologies are not contributing to wreck the country ?
Yet, how do you prove that two cheevaradharins know what is practical instead what they say is simply humanitarian. It is difficult to be FAIR in this world as humans expect when the humans themselves are greedy and ready to do anything to gain advantage over the others. always what is fair for some one or some group is unfair for another group.
According to this article, FUTA is trying to say that are for the people and with the people or at least are trying to win people.
Salary anomalies are a world wide phenomenon. Every country has some level of Salary anomalies. Because, ecen the employees demand on hiring certain higher level of payment if they are additionally qualified.
FUTA has not explained what they mean by Salary equalities.
Even their demand for increase in education finding does not go far unless they ask complete overhaul of the sri lankan education.
Don’t think, other countries did not and did not want to have everything the best. But, it is not possible to do that.
Any and every medication good for something is bad for another thing.
MS Perera / September 2, 2012
Development of country is the development of Science and Technology. Sri Lanka is still in poor stage but country like Japan which were at the same stage or less with Sri lanka at that time , has become now most developed. It is mainly with the development of Science and Technology in the country.
For that country need well planned, strong national education.
But in Sri Lanka , national education is being destroyed day by day and as ruling parties have not cared on that. In this way, we will never get developed. Having nice roads is not the development of country. Developed mean, we need to have our own industries, own production, developed technologies etc. exporting productions and technologies….etc.
I am happy educated body like FUTA understand this situation and fighting to reserve national education, schools and university.
Of course, university teachers should pay more and same time it should be good mechanism to to their work for the development of country,
Ranuka Perera / September 2, 2012
Without any single publications in international indexed journals, professor salary and title used by more than 94% of Sri Lankan Professors. Sri Lanka has the lowest qualified Professors in terms of any international professor indicators. Therefore they deserve very less salary and salary should be link to performance and international high end journal publications, foreign exposure and PhD from right place. These people are never allow any qualified PhD holder to join university system and system run as a mafia with their kiths and kins. They never recruit qualified person to University teacher posts. All recruits are family and friends, etc based. Colombo University Arts faculty infamous notorious family dept is a good example. In this dept grandfather is an emeritus and all others are family members, lovers and henchmen of each others and son, sons friends …etc. In overall more than 40% university academic staffs are females and another 10% husband and wife and another 40% are whatever means relatives to each other. If these people do not come to work three months automatically their post will be vacated. Today Sri Lankan low quality Universties are family and mafia business without any research and development focus.
MS Perera / September 2, 2012
Development of a country is the development of Science and Technology. Sri Lanka is still in poor stage but country like Japan which were at the same stage or less with Sri lanka at that time , has become most developed. It is mainly with the development of Science and Technology in the country.
For the development of science and technology in a country , a country need well planned, strong national education.
But in Sri Lanka , national education is being destroyed day by day and as ruling parties have not cared on that. In this way, Sri Lanka will never get developed. Having nice roads is not the development of the country. Development means, we needs to have our own industries, own production, developed technologies, exporting productions and technologies….etc.
I am happy that educated body like university lectures understand this situation and fighting to protect and to develope national education which includes schools and national universities.
Of course, university teachers should be paid more salaries as we, Sri Lankan should need to keep them in the country to get their contribution for the development of country through the development of education and same time there should be a good mechanism to get their work for the development of country.
sampath / September 3, 2012
What Renuka perera said is totally wrong.
The recruitment for the university not based on families.
It needs to have higher qualifiactions whoeveer the applicatns
There must be very few professors who are with low qualifications
thatswhy, it says that university recqruitement / promotions had got influenced
Saman Gunarathne / September 4, 2012
Ranuka comments is correct 100%. Take as an example Colombo university Aets faculty infamous familiy dept. All the recuirtments ar familiy, henchmen and even non-discipline based many henchmen and finally all the people are dsrobed as this Emiritus got education from Pririvena. He likes disrobed people. As now these FUTA strike no impact for Economy and failed, now government should sack all teachers and invite Indian good lecturers to come and work in Sri Lankn Universities. Even useless Arts faculties can close and give that degree in distant mode.
NAK / September 4, 2012
Why don’t the FUTA present us the actual numbers in rupee terms with percentages when they claim that allocations for education has been cut and show us where the cuts have been in detail such as the programmes cut or the numbers of students reduced due to financial constraints.The percentage drops shown by the FUTA can be for reasons of expanding GDP,education being delegated to other sectors such as Kotalawala academy,Vocational training ministry,Health ministry and so on who spend on education out side the ministry of education.
In any case 6% of the GDP is only good for history lecturers who produce unemployable graduates who become even further burden to the country.
The FUTA should come with a comprehensive plan to upgrade the present messy education system as whole rather than sticking to port labouror tactics.
Dr. Amal Kumarage has made some very good suggestions on which FUTA can build on if they are really in it for the education and not for some other sinister agenda.
Retired don / September 29, 2012
if the government does not offer acceptable solutions to FUTA demands and suppose the FUTA action stops due to unavoidable circumstances(Lets hope this will not happen !)the long term consequences will be:
A good part of well qualified dons will leave the country due to frustration. Others will stay but will not be happy and will not be contributing to the system as they used to be. They will be forced to take up other means of earnings thereby neglecting their duties at the universities. The difficulty in recruiting and retaining the best qualified young lecturers will continue and get worsened. Newly returning PhDs will drop in numbers. All these will add up to the deterioration of Sri Lankan university system.
From another side, the govt will go ahead with their plans for establishing unregulated, low quality private universities as a solution to offer places to a larger number of qualified students. A good number of present Faculty will join these institutes for higher wages. Even newly passed out good students as well as newly returning young PhDs will join these private universities. This would lead to the eventual deterioration of the state university system.
One thing is obvious:
As with some of the ongoing infrastructure projects, there will be money in the private sector universities, to pay any amount of “commissions”.
But, this is not the case with developing the state university system.
So, why some one take the trouble to develop them ?
The situation after few years would be similar to what happened to the CTB due to private buses, or to closing down state schools as a consequence of mushrooming, unregulated so called “International schools”.
The authorities should realize, if they are genuinely interested in developing higher education in this country, a strong and high quality state university system equipped with the best and highly qualified academics and well equipped teaching and research infrastructure is a must.
All these come from the commitment and the long term vision of the government. This government, unfortunately, does not have such a vision. Its petty and short sighted policies have started affecting adversely our education system. The govt must realize and recognize the fact that, developing education is a slow process than building up the road network in the country. Even to train PhD would take at least 4-5 years. A university new building can be built within a year or so but training the manpower is a long term process.
Korea, Taiwan (in the 1970’s and 1980’s) and India, Pakistan, Malaysia and China at present, offering higher salaries various incentive packages to get down the expatriate university academics from overseas in order to reverse the “brain Drain” to a “brain gain”. They know the value of educated manpower in order to build up the nation.
India is another good example, where because of the long term vision of Sri Nheru’s government in the 1960, and the establishment of IITs and incentives and higher slaries offered to expatriates to get them down, has shown its results after 20 years. They are now world leaders of IT !.
Sri Lanka is unfortunate that we dont have that calibre of politicians.
Despite our higher literacy rate, Sri Lankans have been electing (?) low calibre, uneducated political leaders to govern our country. These are the consequences !!!!!
There is no doubt, that this situation will be much worsened, once the present layer of provincial Councillors enters the future govenrtments and become our “Education and Higher Education” Ministers !!!!
We congratulate FUTA for initiating a small step in the right direction.
Retired Don
L. Ratnatunge / September 29, 2012
This is quite true.
Lets do something about this situation before its too late.
As the learned citizens of this country, the university academics have come forward and set up the stage.
Hope all other professionals would also join and try to awaken the government on these important issues.
an academic