15 January, 2025


Pahalagama Somarathana Sentencing Remarks: Penetration Of The Vagina Of A 9-Year-Old In The Presence Of The Buddha

By Colombo Telegraph

“The fourth and final occasion moved from your room to the shrine room.  You were dressed in your robes, you pushed her against a wall, you pulled her knickers down, you inserted your fingers into her vagina.  She felt excruciating pain.  You said if she told anybody, not only would her mother be very angry, but her father would die.  This crime, the fourth and final occasion, has been difficult for many to comprehend, the digital penetration of the vagina of a 9-year-old in the shrine room, in the presence of the Buddha.  A betrayal of your religion, betrayal of the Sri Lankan Buddhist community in this country, but above all, a betrayal of the breach of the trust placed in your by xxxxx xxxxxxxxx and others on her behalf, not least her parents, who were strong supporters of you at the time.” said Judge Matthews. 

Pahalagama Somaratana with President Rajapaksa

Delivering the Sentencing Remarks of the Pahalagama Somarathana child abuse case he further said “You pleaded not guilty.  Your mitigation is inevitably limited.  The conduct of your defence involved pointing the finger of blame at your fellow monks.  I make it clear that’s not an aggravating feature but it does nothing to assist your mitigation.  There has been, even now, a total absence of remorse, you preferring, if the author of the pre-sentence report is correct, to allow, if not encourage, your public to believe that this is all a terrible mistake.”

Chief Sanghanayaka Thera of Great Britain and chief incumbent of the Thames Buddhist Vihara, Parivenadhipathi of the Vidyaravinda Pirivena, Pahalagama, Gampaha and Chief Lekakhadhikari of the Sri Kalyani Samagi Dharma Maha Sangha Sabha, Pahalagama Somarathana has been convicted of four counts of indecent assault on a underage, sentenced to 7 years in prison Judge Matthews ruled on June 1, 2012.

“When you said to XXXXX XXXXXXX that she mustn’t tell anyone because her father would die, she believed you, such was your power.  And she says in her victim impact statement that she felt as if everything in her life had changed.  She loved school, where she was already an outstanding pupil, but she was forced to spend substantial periods away.  Her parents who, I repeat, were great supporters of you, had no idea what had gone on.  Her doctors brought in a consultant paediatrician to see her.  Fortunately for her and indeed for you, that particular crisis period passed.  But as she got older and matured, she says – I’ve no reason to disbelieve her – that it affected her relationships with those closest to her, in particular her previous partner and her husband.  And if truth be known, the full extent of the impact of your behaviour on her will never be known.” the Judge further said.

Since almost all Sri Lankan media have been censored from covering this case of child sex abuse, Colombo Telegraph has been covering this child abuse case form the beginning. This is clearly a public interest issue. Firstly, this story is about the welfare of children; child abuse victims are usually not willing to come forward, but they did. Secondly, this case is based on historical allegations. It is worthwhile for the public to know how Courts deal with historical allegations. Thirdly, Somaratana was a religious leader, who breached the trust of his followers. Finally, this same monk Somaratana is running orphanages in Sri Lanka. There was a demand from Colombo Telegraph readers to publish the Sentencing Remarks made by the trial Judge namely His Honour Judge Matthews and we paid the relevant fees to the Official Court Reporters to the Crown Court and only today we managed to obtain the full transcript from the transcript writers.  We below produce the sentencing remarks made by the judge in full. Please be aware that the victim’s name is deleted by Colombo Telegraph. Official Court Reporters to the Crown Court says this transcript has been prepared without the assistance of case documents and therefore, all spellings are phonetic.

PRI No: 10436

Case Number: T2011 7609




36 Ridgeway Road





Friday, 1st June 2012









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MR ??  appeared on behalf of the PROSECUTION

MR JOSEPH STONE appeared on behalf of the DEFENCE



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Transcribed from the Official Tape Recording by


(Official Court Reporters to the Crown Court)

40-43 Chancery Lane,LondonWC2A 1JQ

Tel: 020 7405 4512  Fax: 020 7405 4526

– – – – – – – – – –


Friday, 1st June 2012



S E N T E N C I N G   R E M A R K S


JUDGE MATTHEWS:  Pahalagama Somaratana, you needn’t stand up.  You can remain seated for now.  You were convicted by a jury of four counts of indecent assault on a female under the age of 13, xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx, when she was aged 9.  You came to this country from Sri Lanka in 1978, at the age of 31 or 32, and you arrived at the Buddhist temple in Chiswick as a junior monk.  Mr Interpreter, does he need this to be interpreted?  If so, I would be grateful if you would translate it.

THE INTERPRETER:  Yes, your Honour.

JUDGE MATTHEWS:  You are clearly a young man of some ability, because within 3 years or so, you were entrusted with the setting up and development of the temple in Selsdon, where from the start you were the chief Buddhist monk, and you retained that role over some 30(?) years or more.  Simultaneously you’ve been central to the development of an orphanage and school, together with the temple in Gampaha in Sri Lanka, and you have a devoted following in both countries.  However, within weeks of your arrival in Chiswick, you committed the first of four indecent assaults on a young girl, who was aged 9 at the time.

The first three of these assaults took place in your room at the temple.  The attraction for the 9-year-old was the offer of fruit bows(?).  On the first of those occasions, while seated at your desk, you put your hand under her dress and under her knickers and touched her in the area of the vagina.  Each of the two subsequent occasions followed a similar pattern but progressing to you penetrating her vagina with your fingers.

The fourth and final occasion moved from your room to the shrine room.  You were dressed in your robes, you pushed her against a wall, you pulled her knickers down, you inserted your fingers into her vagina.  She felt excruciating pain.  You said if she told anybody, not only would her mother be very angry, but her father would die.  This crime, the fourth and final occasion, has been difficult for many to comprehend, the digital penetration of the vagina of a 9-year-old in the shrine room, in the presence of the Buddha.  A betrayal of your religion, betrayal of the Sri Lankan Buddhist community in this country, but above all, a betrayal of the breach of the trust placed in your by XXXXXX XXXXXXXX and others on her behalf, not least her parents, who were strong supporters of you at the time.

You pleaded not guilty.  Your mitigation is inevitably limited.  The conduct of your defence involved pointing the finger of blame at your fellow monks.  I make it clear that’s not an aggravating feature but it does nothing to assist your mitigation.  There has been, even now, a total absence of remorse, you preferring, if the author of the pre-sentence report is correct, to allow, if not encourage, your public to believe that this is all a terrible mistake.

I take into account of course the loss of your good name.  I bear in mind the passage of time that has elapsed since, and the very many good things that you have undertaken during that time.  However, it cannot be said that at the age when you committed these offences you were young and immature.  I take into account that you are now aged 66.  And when I read all the tributes, the glowing tributes paid to you by very many people in places high and low, and indeed I heard many of them speak very eloquently about you during the course of the trial.  I have read your personal letter to me, and I’ve read everything that’s set out in in the pre-sentence report, and I’ve listened very carefully to the very able submissions made on your behalf by Mr Stone.

The principles the court should follow in cases of this kind, as both counsel have reminded me, are correctly set out in a case called Hall(?), a recent case reported last year, and I am also reminded that when I consider the seriousness of the case, that a section of the Criminal Justice Act 2003, section 143, directs me to look at the offender’s culpability in committing the crime and any harm it causes.

When you said to XXXXX XXXXXXX that she mustn’t tell anyone because her father would die, she believed you, such was your power.  And she says in her victim impact statement that she felt as if everything in her life had changed.  She loved school, where she was already an outstanding pupil, but she was forced to spend substantial periods away.  Her parents who, I repeat, were great supporters of you, had no idea what had gone on.  Her (inaudible) doctors (inaudible) brought in a consultant paediatrician to see her.  Fortunately for her and indeed for you, that particular crisis period passed.  But as she got older and matured, she says – I’ve no reason to disbelieve her – that it affected her relationships with those closest to her, in particular her previous partner and her husband.  And if truth be known, the full extent of the impact of your behaviour on her will never be known.

I pass sentence in accordance with the sentencing regime in force at the time of the offences, and the maximum sentence for indecent assault on a female under 13 years of age was 5 years.  And in passing sentence, I bear in mind the principle of totality.  So please stand up.  The sentence I pass in relation to count 1 is one of 12 months’ imprisonment, on count 2, 2 years’ imprisonment, count 3, 3 years’ imprisonment.  All those to be concurrent to each other.  In relation to count 5, 4 years’ imprisonment, but consecutive to the 3 years on counts 1, 2 and 3, making a total of 7 years altogether.

You will serve two thirds of that sentence before being subject to automatic release on licence until the expiry of three quarters of your sentence.  On the recommendation of the parole board, you may be released after serving one half of the sentence.  You’ve been convicted of an offence to which the notification requirements of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 apply, and the period of notice is an indefinite period.  Also I order that you are disqualified from working with children, and the Independent Safeguarding Authority or its successor will include you in its barred list.  I make that order under the Safeguarding Vulnerable Group Act 2006, section 28.  I am also satisfied under section 104 of the Sexual Offences Act 2003 that it is necessary to protect the public or particular members of the public from serious sexual harm from you, and I make a Sexual Offences Prevention Order in the following terms.

You are prohibited firstly from knowingly residing in the same premises as any child under the age of 16, secondly, engaging in any conversation, activity with a child under the age of 16 unless the parent or other person responsible for the care of that child is present, and supervising such a conversation or activity.  This prohibition does not extend to accidental and unsolicited encounters, for example, in public places or shops, provided such encounters are terminated as soon as reasonably practicable.  And thirdly, from undertaking any work, whether paid or voluntary, which by its nature is likely to involve contact or communication with a child under the age of 16 years.  This order shall remain in force until further order.

Mr (inaudible), is there anything else?

NEW SPEAKER:  He is entitled to credit, whatever is appropriate, for time spent in custody.

JUDGE MATTHEWS:  I don’t think he is because the regime doesn’t apply.

NEW SPEAKER:  Is that right?  (Inaudible conversation) Yes, sorry.


To read Pahalagama Sri Somaratana and religious child abuse stories click here

Latest comments

  • 1

    Can’t we find a way of hearing all the cases pending in Sri Lankan MARA courts in UK?

    • 2

      Silva I believe so, as none of the Black Coat legal fraternity here in this country, have the backbone to stand up against the Injustices committed against society to hold them accountable. As some one said it is better for the Black Coats to be put on the Monkies beyond Anuradhapura. These are the Paragons of Virtue both the Yellow robed Bas….d and the white attired Bas…..d as they are a disgrace to this Nation. The Moda Sinhalese Buddhists are equally responsible for the decadence brought about to this once respectable society. CURSE the bloody lot.

      • 0

        SPEAK UP!!!!!

        • 1

          Ayman, it appears you have not understood my post. Read it slowly again. I do not try to cover up Religious heads when they are caught indulging in molesting young girls fit enough to be their Garnd Daughters. Further I have no thresh hold as I am no fanatic and neither a blind follower. These buggers should be lynched. White attire or the safron robe means nothing to me. Are you satisfied? Smarting still eh?

    • 2


      yearns for British justice and fair play,

      “Can’t we find a way of hearing all the cases pending in Sri Lankan MARA courts in UK?”

      So you want Britania to rule Sri Lanka once again.

      Well you haven’t learned much.

      • 4

        Vedda, in the true sense of your hackneyed name and even adding a fitting prefix (Kala) to your name, your comment reflects your primitive, tribal, malnourished, criminal-prone and unrefined nature of your thoughts and mental outlook! Yes the British did colonize us long ago but then they left us relenting to our demands for freedom and our own rule. When they left they gave us a basic structure and a set of guidelines to carry out our own governance upon which they hoped we would build our own way of managing and governing our affairs. Now what? Where have we ended up? MARA courts, MARA police, MARA armed forces, MARA Monks, MARA Buddhists and everything MARArized! And many would perish and go to grave-pit as mara-killed while almost all the other countries in the world have overtaken us and progressed, developed, advanced, civilized and became intelligent and decent. Imbecilic bird-brainers like you have throughout the history since independence have blocked and prevented this nation from adopting important and critical resolutions and courses of actions. SWRD Banda and DA Rajap are the two chief traitors of this country who betrayed this nation and stalled and prevented its progress. Then as now urchins and beggars like you existed on this land and mislead the stupid common majority donkeys. When we see these appalling things happening and being committed by MARA regime and turn to those civilized countries for example and exemplary behavior, governance and systems of governance moronic fuckers like (Kala)veddas come and make a big empty haho about going back to those early colonial era! The tongues of these two-legged dogs must be cut and given to four-legged dogs for eating! I doubt even dogs would eat these filthy rotten MARA muck shit!

        • 2


          Thanks for your complement.

          You have said everything about yourself in your comment.

          I am not going to call you a British lackey because you are not.

          However being a Sinhalese (or for that matter a Tamil) inherently makes you a born stupid.

          You have confirmed this in your first few lines.

          When are you going learn?

      • 4

        Native, you need not put on the cap if it does not suit you. Sorry, if you are a different kind of person. My comment is broadly aimed at those of similar attitudes which I criticized due to which we all are suffering today while many of the countries in the world are stepping away from poverty lawlessness indiscipline towards development and decency. Such comments as those from you collectively adds to the massive and pervasive impunity, lawlessness, chauvinism, jingoism and creation establishment and augmentation of antagonism towards other nationalities and nations due to the narrow and extremely limited and restricted understanding of the bigger world out there by the stupid general masses whose tribal and vanity state of mind and gullibility and manipulability is vividly demonstrated by the kilometers upon kilometers long queues for paying their “veneration” to “sacred relics” brought in from India. These stupid Sri Lankans have been reared, trained and programmed to gather in massive numbers in occasions and situations like delivering some stuff like food etc. free of charge as done in Wesak or Araliya Dansala during election times, useless meaningless pointless festivities like new year or Wesak celebrations-consider the amount of firecrackers burnt and the amount of air and noise pollution caused and the insensitive assault committed on the animal community by the unbearable horrible noises emanating from exploding firecrackers etc., the wastage of electricity time and energy on Wesak lanterns and pandols etc. while the country spends a massive amount of money on electricity and fuel imports. These are concrete facts and realities on this part of the world and my stupidity or whether I learn or not the things you want me to is out of the scenario and relevance I am concerned only about the terrible state and the realities of the country due to which I am suffering and a victim of those realities. There is nothing that I have to learn from these unholy realities except that they must be eradicated from the face of this country.

        • 1

          Totally agree with you. And to add to that, slaughter of cattle at the kovil postponed until the relics leave our shores. Whose idea was that I wonder. I’ve been witness to the long and winding queues in city circles, of those who want to pay homage to those relics. I can’t even begin to understand what benefit it brings to them thru such acts. Total waste of valuable time and energy, standing long hours exposed to the elements.

        • 3

          I admire your courage to have spoken and commented the
          truthful of what is happening, and do keep up the good comments.

      • 0

        Native, although we proudly speak of Sovereignity and when everything is in default today, it is no wonder for Silva or any sensible person to suggest Justice to be meted in a place and system who introduced these paradigms to this country, if our Jokers are unable to implement.

    • 1

      Well there’s indecency and indecency – both men in the photograph above are indecent the second being a murderous crook and criminal looting the Sri Lankan people for personal and family gain..

    • 2


      • 3

        Give him a ministerial post in charge of womens’ affairs.

  • 1

    The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict. – Martin Luther King, Jr.
    Colombo Telegraph, You have done a great service by highlighting this horrendous crime perpetrated by none other than a man whom we worship in faith, a man who is supposed to spread the word of ‘ahimsa’ and a follower of the word of Lord Buddha. No exceptions should be granted and the full force of the law should be applied in dealing with such frauds.

    • 0

      Did not the Govt. of Sri Lanka, through the High Commission, arrange the Solicitor who appeared for the Monk? If so, that means that the Govt. recognizes such crimes and that is why many pro-Govt. politicians and their henchmen too are reported to be involved in rapes, child abuse, etc. in the country. May be one day a amendment will be brought to the Constitution making it a right to commit such crimes.

      • 1

        If it is true that SL Govt. arranged a Solicitor to appear for this Monk, the Govt. is also duty bound to appoint some lawyers to defend Rizana.

        But the Govt. is only for Sinhal Budhists, specially for Monks!

  • 0

    Are there any of the cases that came up in Sri lanka had been investigated? Unfortunately most of them are Government supporters.

  • 0

    At least this opened up the dialog that was hiden for long time.

  • 0

    Great to be Sri Lankan bcoz if i was born another country i couldnt here this comic stories

  • 0

    every day in SL there are several Gonpart stories to hear…….this bloody SL people still trust politicians there is no way in this country people
    SL people think there are the most lucky & intelligent in politically……but they are the worse in all kind….
    In SL never happen a struggle like in Arab country to topple a government…..

  • 0

    One of uk famous previous temple chief recently married SL tv presenter.

    • 0


      You should welcome the marriage and congratulate the couple. The monk seems to be very honest. If you happen to meet the couple please convey my best wishes.

    • 1

      VERY GOOD! WELL DONE. That is the way it should be. Let him marry more and more? God Bless him and his family. He has done a great job. In his life there won’t be Child Abuse, rape or hate. A family life is a self protection/security against all these.

  • 0

    Bloody idiot, this pictures says the story, that’s why Sri Lankan media censored this story. Its clear MARA’s “heel dane” eating editors censored this.

  • 0

    …regarding the picture in this article of Pahalagama Somaratana with President Percy Jilmart…all I can say is, “Birds of a feather, flock together.” :)

  • 0

    could the western paid rabidly anti buddhist and anti sri lanksn editors here explain the picture?
    why did they find it absolutely necessary to have pic of prez with this monk?
    is that anything other than a public religious ceremony that sri lankans attend ?
    has the prez supported him after the trial ?
    has he shown any preference to this monk over other monks who live blameless lives ? etc etc ?
    do answer!

    or was the pic here to attack prez in anyway you can find bc he led the fight to defeat tamil tiger killers of our children against the orders of western racists?

    perhaps because your western paymasters want to smear all representatives of sri lankans who are not obeying west with slander justified against only one individual?

    which is it ?
    do answer !

    btw if you are unbiased i await your posts on how john rankin (who represent the genocidal british state ) and german ambassodor regularly and enthusiastically come to the support of pedophiles from west arrested here .
    do post!

    hope you do not censor this as happened before here with other comments that criticized your anti buddhist bias, and your slavish obedience to western masters

    • 0

      Hahaha, S. Nut, I think LTTE and the West paid Somaratna to abuse this girl. LOL ;) :)

      If you don’t know the facts read well. Both victims and Somaratna are Sri Lankans, but Sri Lanka High Commission, UK said that it represented at Court to offer consular and legal assistance to Pahalagama Somaratana Thero, the Chief Priest of the Thames Buddhist Vihara.
      hahahahaha, Why is that, it was the political power of this rapist, so this picture with MR symbolise his political power. I don’t think CT is wrong. Well done CT!

      • 0

        it seems western paid editors here can’t answer questions i raised as to why that the picture was used

        instead they prefer to misstate what i said. see above comment by “hema” for their laughable attempt.

        not a single answer from the editors to questions. can’t stand them huh?

        only excuse the slavish editors can muster is that sri lanka gave “consular and legal assistance” when he was accused not convicted. may be hema/editorshere think our ambassador should meekly bow down and lick western bottoms while westerners abuse sri lankans aboard?
        that is another question added to already unanswered number

        anyway what has that normal procedure available to all sri lankans has to do with including that pic? still no answer !
        may be editors are still seeking their western pay master’s response!
        willing slaves like them can’t think for themselves

        btw i already asked that editors here cover the numerous instances when their pay masters john rankin (who represent the genocidal british state ) and german ambassodor regularly and enthusiastically come to the support of pedophiles from west arrested here .

        how about rankin kissing a “rescued” pedo at a celebratory party at britsh high commission? i know that an editor here was invited to pick crumbs from floor on one such occasion.
        how about it ?

        • 0

          sitting nut, as late as i might be in responding to your inane comment, i must state this here as a fact for other sri lankans to see just how ill-informed you are. you claim the govt. allowed legal aid to this pedo since he was a sri lankan.

          in 2012 september, a university in london, through bureaucratic mishandling, lost its license to teach foreign students. i was among the 30 or so sri lankan students affected. through a contact of my father in london (i was in colombo on vacation and couldnt reenter the uk since our student visas were in jeopardy), we appealed to the sri lankan hc to talk to the brits about arranging some sort of relief for us, like the many diplomatic missions in london were doing for their students affected. Chris Nonis’s reply had been: “this isnt our business”.

          Ladies and gents, this is the same person that sittingnut claims lent this monk legal aid out of some sort of brotherly love. I leave you to understand not only the shocking attitude adopted by these fat diplomats we fund with our tax money, but also the way people like sittingnut, obsessed with mysterious “payments” the West seems to be making, will sell their own mother if it serves their frog-in-a-well mentality.

      • 0

        Wrong the legal fees were not paid by the HC as many thinks He was entitled to legal aid as he was unemployed according to the British Justice System

        • 0

          Kundimani, funny kind of unemployment, where the MODA BUDDHISTS in the UK have been doleing money to this Bu..er, for a long time to up keep his image and the that of Buddhists and the Bu..er has been having a nice time at the expense of these STUPID MODA BUDDHISTS, now provided Legal Aid. What a Joke!

    • 0


      has a thoughtful question:

      “why did they find it absolutely necessary to have pic of prez with this monk?”

      In order to highlight that “Bad leaders attracts bad monks. Bad monks attract bad politicians”.

      Good politicians and bad monks don’t mix.

      Good monks and bad politicians don’t mix.

      You have a stupid question:

      “perhaps because your western paymasters want to smear all representatives of sri lankans who are not obeying west with slander justified against only one individual?”

      International community including India and and the West were instrumental in supporting the Sri Lankan government to finish off LTTE.

      Sri Lanka is canoodling with the west of course behind the curtain. On his last visit to USA what did GL discuss with state department?

      In fact the west and India want MR to stay in power as long as he likes it. IC believes he is the only person who can maintain stability in Sri Lanka.

      You are a stupid man.

      Had the IC including the west decided to undermine MR and the war against LTTE they could done done it with ease.They had several options open to them. On the contrary the IC including the west indeed facilitated MR and his fellow alleged war criminals to prosecute the war uninterrupted.

      You must either Sinhalese or Tamils to ask stupid questions.

    • 0


  • 1

    @Mango.. This is one Buddhist Priest in London..attacking a 9 year old girl.

    Imagine what the 18-125 year old soldiers are doing to the 80,000 Tamil widows and their daughters with machine gun in one hand and their trousers down???

    You keep demanding evidence of rapes and molestation???

    • 0

      can any comment be more racist than the one by Donald Gnanakone?
      for a racist like him one instance is enough for conviction of thousands. he unashamedly want to convict w/o evidence.

      notice how moderators here allow such an irrational racist attacks against sri lankan but censor facts being cited to contradict and question the pro western pro terrorist and anti sri lankan bias of articles in this site.

      wouldn’t be surprised if this comment and one posted just before in response to hena is censored too

      • 0

        You are an another Idiot. Sorry
        Other so many cases in Mother Sri Lanka Got How many witnesses. did they got any fair trials.
        Keep out our sight,

      • 0



        “can any comment be more racist than the one by Donald Gnanakone?”

        I thought Donald is very timid about his comment.

        For the armed forces AK 47 is the extension of their manhood because they are the victors.

    • 0

      Dear Donald,
      I’ve already said that this is a “damned good verdict” and I’m delighted that this rapist monk’s been found guilty by a jury and the victims have finally achieved justice.

      You still continue to allege that “80,000 war widows”” have been raped and “some or many multiple times.”

      Where’s your proof? Who’s doing the “mass” raping?

      • 0

        Also, Donald believes the SL Army employs 125-year-old soldiers. He’s probably mixing them up with the Tigers who hid behind 80-year-old grandmothers when the SL Army approached ;)

        • 0

          David Becker,
          Fine discovery!!
          You were silent for quite some time and got a chance now picking up a typing error. The seasoned readers know that the age range of soldiers who are now up to mischif is 18-25 years (not 18-125).

        • 1

          David Blacker

          Good to hear from you.

          You say:

          “He’s probably mixing them up with the Tigers who hid behind 80-year-old grandmothers when the SL Army approached “

          Of course just like their Sinhala/Buddhist army brethren Tigers were hiding behind women folks.

          I don’t remember SL armed forces fighting the IPKF during their occupation of North East. In fact not only did they hid behind women folks but behind LTTE too.

          After all there is not much difference between the Sinhala/Buddhist armed forces and Tigers. Both loved killing their own people.

  • 0

    SL government and its stupid film developing “kade” goons, Police and the courts sentenced french tourists to jail for showing their affection to the Buddha. Here this Pahalagama Somaratne Thero who is well known and a rapist is not even spoken of in sri lanka as these government pigs are condoning such offences and this is the way they handle such disgraceful yelow robed men to torment innocent children. Why is the childrens home in Gampaha under this rapist not closed exposing little innocent flowers to be exploited by such rapists, is this the way the government is encousing these yellow robed rapists to flourish in their indecent and sick minds, these men should face the hangmans noose and eliminated from the face of this earth.

    • 0

      If it is Consultants word against a priest who would the jury beleive ?

  • 0

    I wish we can bring all the crooks in Sri Lanka starting with rajaanus and crowd to justice. I pray for that day all these crooks will be paraded like the Nazi supporters and sentenced to life in prison (notice, a death sentence is an easy way out)

  • 0


  • 1

    I am still lucky to be in Srieeeee Lanka. Otherwise, in U K they may put me in a white van and Christian me as Rapist and Criminal.
    Herae I have all the blessing of my Bosses.
    I do not know why This Man Somarathna wanted to go to U K for All This.?
    Every things are here with the 24 hour security and support from my Bosses.
    THis Guy Somarathna should Follow Our Bosses and Other sibling’s foot steps with out any fear.

  • 1

    Stingnut, Were you bitten by a centipede? Apply a red inion nut on your nuts and it will give you relief for the stinging effect of the bite!

    Why prez pic with dis monk?
    Anything other than public religious ceremony with Sri Lankans too?
    Supported monk after trial?
    Any preferences shown to dis monk over blameless others?
    Attacking war hero who saved our children also against westerners?
    West want to smear your hero using dis monk?

    Why was prez in the picture with Saruwage Sunil, Duminda Silva, Julampitiye Amare, Vidanapathirana etc.? Why was presidential pardon given to rapists, murderers and thives? How many girls and women has he slept with? How many under-aged girls have been and are being raped in the country under your hero’s rule and what has your hero done about it? Has he not encouraged such rape of the under-aged by avoiding his responsibility and saying he cannot put a policeman in every household for the protection of their children? Therefore is it not very correct to portray same type of criminals in the same frame? Why all the mararized media whores are dumbfounded and not reporting anything about this colossal, infamous, shameful assault and black mark on the Buddhist in this country perpetrated by an acolyte of prez?

    How many protective dogs does prez. have and do you think prez. just parachutes on to a temple without knowing who is there at the temple? Do you think it does not matter with whom the prez. moves and associates as the prez. of the country? Don’t you think prez. has selected digit-rapists as his spiritual guides? A digit-rapist?!!! OMG, Don’t you think your prez. is fond of associating sex perverts?

    Don’t you think in the same way your prez. protected rapists giving presidential pardons, withholding legal actions and depriving victims of legal redress, he is protecting and supporting this digit-rapist by not exposing him and censoring the news about it which is known by the whole world by now and don’t you think it to be a preference shown by your prez. to a sex pervert?

    Do you think the previous presidents who occupied the office were targeted by the westerners like your hero and if not why was that? Isn’t it true that they have rationale to level all these allegations because of the appalling HR situation, crimes, war crimes, murders, impunity and irresponsibility on the part of the prez.? How do you attribute and claim war victory to prez. while he has played only a very limited role in the war coupled with the whole bungling and muddling of all the international relations after war whereas it is SF who prepared the war plan and given tactical and strategic instructions to the armed operations? If you still claim your prez. did that how do you justify a civilian politician with only a limited education background too can command a military operation to defeat a terrorist movement backed by the international players which is solely a task of a disciplined offensive operation manned by a professional warrior?

    Do you think the west are like your cabinet of ministers whose one and the only duty is to sling mud and false fabrications at the opposition leader and anyone who dares speak against the corrupt despot and his retinue of plunderers?

    If you want to save your peanuts you better answer these questions! I am not interested in answering your rankin rant and may be someone may be able to deliver some peanuts!!!!!

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    Sitting nut should do a standing nut instead of ranting against Rankin . It’s far too easy to identify where you’re coming from. Kind of NUT crying nationalism in SL and run with the begging bowl at the first opportunity from the west otherwise. Playing double games as always. These buddhist priests are the curse of the country .

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    For Sri Lanka Buddhists, the goats are the human-beings. People are the goats to rape and slaughter.

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    True comment. When thousands of people were slaughtered like cattle during the war theater in the North of Sri Lanka, we were celebrating saying it is a victory. But we cry for goats to be sacrificed at Kovils. What a nice country!

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      Having the opportunity of engaging with a few prominent Buddhist clergies at a discussion with one of them the words that came from him were ‘I am as a Buddhist is ashamed of the manner in which the dead bodies of the dead LTTE cadres were exhibited. Any dead body should be treated with respect’. There are such good thinkers too.

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      Yes and government departments warn women who are going to work abroad not to leave their daughters with their husband but with their mother in law because the father will probably rape them?
      As the American embassy in Colombo reported Sri Lanka is not a Buddhist country, Buddhism is a cloak to cover the Sinhalese, Wikileaks.

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        SHANTHA you should have known by now how the SL theravada buddhism hoodwink the world .The same way the PAHALAGAMA SOMARATANA hood winked the buddhist society the educated ones or otherwise in Chiswik tempple and Selsdon temple. How would you like a p****HILE tie the pirith noola on your innocent daughters wrist.He is still in remorse and not accepting the crime.

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    The subject incident is itself nauseating and the words chosen for the heading gives a worst feeling. Is not time to remove the subject from the site.

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      Mohamed, if it is good for these Bums to do it why not talk about it? It was not nauseating when he commited the act? Please do not try to sweep under the carpet as you all are used to and famous for it. You know what I mean. My grievence is that this was not news in the Local media. WHY?

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        Certainly the act of the Monk is abhorrent. Such things should be exposed. I, under no circumstances, will be a party to sweep the issue under the carpet. I hate it so much that I do not want to keep it reading again and again.

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    Two things about this case and also all other child molestation happened in churches,temples, Jewish temples etc, WHERE WERE THE PARENTS?. Predators are all over the planet, they are in religious institutions and even at homes. The girl is only 9 years old and where were the parents when this happened. They should be punished first for negligence.

    The cynicism and the sarcasm behind choosing the title for this article is deplorable. “It happened in front of Buddha”. If it happened in front of Buddha, then it it must have took place in six hundred BC (600BC).
    Thanks for listening. rv

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      Modaya is the right name for you. I think you too belong to the said age (600BC) OR present day child molester.Iknow it’s very difficult for you to unnderstand because you are in the web.

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        Please understand what I am saying!!!

        I can see who is the modaya now.

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          rv I jolly well understand which planet you live in. Always thinks you’re right others are wrong. In the 60s and 70s parents never imagined that there was a paedo thero was let loose in Chiswick temple offering sweets to the mischievous , innocent 9 year olds. You should read the case report more carefully than making your own assumptions supporting this paedophile ,are you that thick?

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          I meant to say innocent mischievous NINE YEAR OLD buddhist girl was offered sweets by this egoistic sex maniac paedo.This is all on the report at the end of the case above describing how he hood winked his devotees and still in remorse.

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    What do you expect man, when SL Buddism is jara mud Buddism, at the core the Sanga is rotten.

    Fingering rituals in front of Buddha image….the monks attitude to the image millions worship is in a way classic; acknowledges no devine power or purpose in worshiping images…..a man smart enough for that, vile enough for rape, corrupt enough to cynically promote the worship of that image…

    We also had ex-monks and nilames killing old monks in temples
    Temple property battles….rapes……..
    Gambling bill passing politico monks..
    PMinister killing racist monks..

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    There is another aspect to this problem. The layman has made the monk a scapegoat of all of his unresolved undefined and incomprehensible problems that concern with religion spirituality morality and ethics. Look, this problem is a human problem, a problem that involves a living, thinking, changing and feeling human being with normal sensory organs and functions and all the feelings and desires that all of us have and are experiencing fulfilling and accustomed to. In the same way we laymen feel the sex desire and drive so does the monk because there is no fundamental difference between him and us. The only difference is that by definition purpose and mission a monk is brought up with the aim of transcending ordinary human psyche while living in an environment conducive to that pursuit whereas we laymen have all the liberties and chances to fulfill our human desires and longings living in an environment designed encouraged and emphasized for such life style. We the laymen have entrusted our spiritual pursuit realization and wellbeing to monks for safekeeping and development! No? Are we not dictating and requiring of the monk to observe and follow all the precepts observances and taboos that make a human being a sacred and great being so that we can leisurely pay a visit to this sacred creature living in the physical cage built by us called the temple and the mental cage called monkhood? How reasonable just and right is it for us to expect someone else to do things which we ourselves cannot or are not interested in doing? The monks are ordained in their childhood. Thereafter the first thing that happen to them is the loss of their childhood and freedom; they would like to play balls, fly kites or ride a bicycle as our kids do, but it is taboo for them. Then as they grow they would like to have a sexual partner or a lover which is natural to all normal human beings-but they are denied that experience. This internal and external conflict reates a contradiction between ideals and the reality, monkhood and the layman’s society. Laities have no right to expect from a monk to live in a way prescribed by them. The disciplines dictums and life cycle of monks were designed advocated and prescribed by Lord Buddha to see that the disciples would reach their ultimate goal taking in their stride the service and advices dispensed to the laity. Hundreds of years have since gone, the world has changed, people and their thinking have changed and basically the monks have basically lost their mission purpose and orientation. In the same way the laity have lost in the wilderness of the town so are the monks in their spiritual wilderness. No monk seems to be the prototype of the original-maybe there are few exceptions. The monks are now big international Buddhism vendors, big templed and big moneyed busy monks, with their peculiar idiosyncrasies, traits, cults and cultures all of which seem to be a departure from the original and ultimate goal. There seems to be something missing in the religious consciousness of the people in the country: a new way of looking at the problem, a new understanding and a novel and innovative approach. The ugly behavior of the monk however would not go unpunished. Yet that punishment would not solve the problem, it will only suppress and hide the real issue. So this is really serious stuff and requires the very best of human religious social and spiritual wisdom to understand. Such wisdom is generally handed down from our ancestors who observed these issues in real life scenarios and then understood the nature manifestations and workings of the problem and how to approach it. That wisdom is based on empirical knowledge developed and evolved through generation upon generation. But the problem we are faced with is that that tradition has been severed and destroyed. A pseudo Buddhism is now in place. Really serious and great humans would now have to come forward and rediscover the buried wisdom knowledge and man’s heritage of true religion.

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      Great explanation of the sacred belief in buddhism .Theravada Buddhism of (600BC) had been modified and synthesised gradully by the modern day theravada buddhists spiritual leaders and the devotees to suit the modern living in the nation of SL. This is the present day Theravada buddhism with the twist. The only way to prevent pseudo budddhism is by taking control and prevent the path of destruction. May be it’s time to follow the ancient books on buddhism and not the new versions written by Tom Dick and Harry the so called buddhist scholars ruining the laiyties mind. Playing mind games in the name of buddhism. Who is benefiting from the new verions, certainly not the devotees but the MEGA rich buddhists monks and also the politicians.I think it will be a mammoth task to change.Give Give Give and nothing in return.

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        typing error……. gradually and versions.

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      Well articulated. We, all human beings are born with animal instincts to procreate. If one is trying to suppress it through intervention by practicing celibacy, then it is going against the natural grain, and requires extreme will power to succeed. Observing the lifestyle of present day Buddhist monks, including the rich content or nutritional value of food intake, there is every doubt that that a majority of them will achieve this goal of abstinence. So why the bluff? Of course to hoodwink the masses and get their sympathy, support and in the process much maligned respect in the name of their great leader Lord Siddhartha Gautama Buddha. Even he married and had a son Rahula. Whereas present day monks are not privy to this basic luxury of enacting their sexual fantasies, all in the name of religion. So what more do you expect than criminal behavior as in this case, impinging on the rights of the opposite sex to live their life free of such violence. On the surface, pretending to be pious and virtuous, but are the biggest sex offenders. Why? Because society made them to be that way. Take a leaf from from what other major religions practice and preach to prevent such sadism. It doesn’t mean they are free from this scourge, but not in the name of religion.

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    The only reason we read about this is that one young lady was able to with the support of her family to finally report the abuse she suffered, and go through the hell of a prolonged hearing to seek justice.

    I have no doubt the accuser is telling the truth, and we do not know how many others suffered under this priest who was acting out his fantasies and is not practicing his religion, however onerous the suppression of desire may be. For the priest in the trial to deny such an act occurred is the ultimate sin. People of all walks of life in all parts of the world engage in this type of immoral acts, and so do people in Sri Lanka today, of all walks of life as well. It is only the few who get caught, and we pity the innocent victims of this violence every day.

    We hold the clergy ( of all religions) to a higher standard, and this breach of trust is hard to forgive or forget. In the end it is the victim the child who has a lifetime of struggle to overcome this incident. They are forgotten uncompensated and have to deal with this trauma usually on their own, possibly acting out repetitive behaviour in some instances.

    We do not know if the priest too was subject to abuse by older priests in his samanera days and he is acting out the same!! We dont know. there is much we do not know. Just think about the subject and make people aware that it is a punishable offence everywhere, and that all victims have rights, and we just hope by publicising this it will assist in reducing the incidence of this type of abuse in the future.

    That is the whole reason for writing, for reporting, for the trial and for the publicity, just so that we have justice today, and people will think before committing these crimes in the future.

    As for Sri Lanka we have a long way to go to change behavior and let us start now and stop pretending this is a western imperialist plot as some asinine commentators imply.

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    As man to man, I really feel for this person, to see what humiliation, embarrassment and disgrace he has had to undergo at his late age, and for the rest of his remaining life. Imagine what it would be like, if any of us were in his shoes. None of us can guarantee that we would have behaved better given the circumstances, including the judge deciding in this case. It all happened in the spur of the moment, when his animal instinct took over, and clouded his judgement and sense of shame and wrong doing. Being forced into a life of celibacy from very tender age, the outlet or means of ejaculation through physical contact completely starved or devoid, this is bound to create internal pressure both in mind and body, through enacting sexual fantasies in the mind, only to create an urge to purge it from the body proper. It is only after that, the effect pf relief is perceived. Without denial, we have all gone through this process at various stages of our lives. Fortunately we have our spouses to enact our fantasy, but this monk has no such luxury. His only options would have been to either disrobe and marry to satisfy his carnal feelings, by which he has too much to lose as head of the monastery. Or, find a willing partner to have sex on the sly, or what is now known as consensual sex, (it is a sinful act, but who cares, no evidence, no proof attitude), and still retain his ‘rightful’ position. But this rape enactment is a No, No. Once you get caught, you are better off being incarcerated than face public humiliation. What a deception with no solution in sight.Hey, wake up Civil Society, do something. You are to blame for causing this mess. There are so many reported and unreported cases, all swept under the carpet, where members of the opposite sex are being used willingly or against their will, leaving their minds scarred for life. No solution to this problem in sight. Everyone just ignoring it like ‘It just does not happen in our culture’ attitude.

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    This man is incacerated for his own misadventure on an under age girl. Now the foolish followers too are not doing the right .As on the report of the judge, criminal Somaratana hoodwinked the parents of the girl and still hoodwink the stupid modaya devotees the so called hard core supporters. Is it the power of Buddhism or the POWER of this criminal even from behind bars. In the name of buddhism one can kill, molest, rape children, burn and destroy anthing non buddhism , also greed for materialism. Is it the 2500+ year old THERAVADA BUDDHISM we learnt ? Do we accept the behaviours of the monks and the theravada buddhist devotees blindly as blind follow the blind??.

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    The valuable comments infer that responsible human beings are concerned on the issue. Any suggestions as solutions to this very basic animal instinct problem? Well, I for myself think or rather dwell on an already made comment by Bahu_bootha (deserves a better name for the understanding shown) that Siddhartha Gautama himself was married, had sexual experience and fulfillment, begot a son and therefore had a firsthand knowledge and experience what it means to have sex and in the process what it means to become a parent. The life of Lord Buddha is a complete one in the sense he was exposed to and experienced and witnessed every land mark of a normal healthy human being. This wholeness is very important to understand the life in its natural and undistorted form. Here I feel very sorry for the victimized monk. Victimized because as also indicated in the above comment referred to we the laymen have sacrificed the innocent child to Buddhasasana-the form that exist and maintained by us today-thereby making him a casualty of ideologized and institutionalized Buddhism. The parents of that child who came to this world like an angel from heavens also giving birth to incomparable great love in its parents’ minds and hearts and with each and every graceful movement and gesture giving great joy and hope to the parents was sacrificed to an even greater cause maintained by the people of this country for realization of their most hallowed sacred and holy religious pursuit, the Nirvana even a single word about which is so precious, sacred and rare that according to Buddhist chronicles an ancient king jumped into the mouth of a hungry devil from a high mountain with the devil promising him to speak up the words of Dhamma (truth) he knew during the short moment of descend. We the parents no more of our child and who made the greatest sacrifice to the world are asking, questioning, demanding, pleading, imploring and begging to the whole world, the mankind, the refined civilizations of the world, to the essence of all the religions of the world, to the collective consciousness of the man and finally to the Buddhists and their consciousness and conscience in Sri Lanka is this your final verdict and your gratitude to the great sacrifice we made towards the continuation and tradition of your great religion which derives origin and fountain from that great human being the Lord Buddha, is this what our lovely child who sacrificed his childhood and many things in his life deserves for all the good things he did? I don’t know the morality, humanity, mental state and sensitivity of the monk or whether he deserves this kind of deliberation but I wanted to show human mind and heart is capable of great wisdom, consideration, novelty, creativity and above all great love and that human problems involve and deserve and demand greater penetration through the layers of human psyche, civilization and society when addressing human problems. As with other issues this incident will come to a rest fining midpoint and equilibrium amount this vast incongruent violent and corrupt human civilization. It is the duty of the gifted and the wise to channel and guide the collective human consciousness along the proper lines. However with the present wicked and crooked government of rogues established propped up and nurtured by an equally ignorant gullible and immoral subjects nothing true humane valuable and sacred and religious would find a niche for a foothold and flourish. With a criminal despot intent on lifetime power wielding through complete despotism only suffering destruction pain and despair are the prospects on the horizon let alone the great human values and understandings discovered thousands of years ago.

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    Thank you CT. These should be exposed. Shame, as you said, almost all our Sri Lankan media have censored from covering this case of CHILD SEX ABUSE! That is the power of MR Politics! I think Poliya Madem’s Swarnawahini did not know about this. They are ‘NEWSWALIN’ first ( first in among all news channels in the world)!

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