19 January, 2025


Geneva Lies: Infographics The Militarisation Of Sri Lanka

By Colombo Telegraph

Mahinda Samarasinghe, the Sri Lankan envoy on Human rights said last week;

“The Government is in the process of devising measures to pay compensation to the owners of properties within such areas or provide them with alternate land. I must re-emphasize that the military is in no way engaged in civil administration which is the sole responsibility of civilian officials. There are absolutely no restrictions on travel today in the North and civilians enjoy complete freedom of movement.”

On 5th March 2013 the family members, who were travelling to Colombo to participate in a protest campaign and to hand over a petition to UN regarding their disappeared relatives, were blocked in Vavuniya by a joint operation of the police and the military.

The infographics below are created by the Sri Lanka Campaign. The militarisation of Sri Lanka – infographics to highlight the current situation in Sri Lanka.

Latest comments

  • 0

    Can this map be expanded to include all the military camps that are established all over Sri Lanka (not only in the NOrth)where even the armed forces have camps where they perform civilian work? This new map would show Sri Lanka is truly a military state.

    • 0

      the first infographic is inaccurate. SL Army alone had 240,000 at the end of the war. If the 300,000 is the total Military force in 2012 its a reduction, since as I understand the SL Army numbers are about 200,000 today 20% reduction from 4 years ago

    • 0


  • 0

    Where is that govt lackey Rajasingham Narendran, would love to hear his take on this graphic.

    • 1

      Mr. Dev or whoever you really are,

      Are you suffering from amnesia? Have you forgotten the Vanni was where the battle for Eelam was fought bitterly and defeated only about three years and nine months back ? Have you forgotten that the Vanni was the heartland of the Tamil Eelam, the likes of you rejoiced over? Have you forgotten that it was a war the likes of you funded the LTTE to fight? It was the biggest, bitterest and most violent war ever fought in SriLanka! How bitterly did the allies fight the Nazis? How long do you think the allies occupied Germany after the Second World War? Some allied bases are yet in Germany. Read history before venturing to spew venom.

      I am sure you will revert with the argument and accompanying name calling that the Vanni was and is a part of Sri Lanka; the LTTE were a bunch of idiots who had made a mistake making it part of their de-facto Eelam and starting a war to make it de-Jure ; and it was wrong for the GOSL to have fought the war against its own citizens ! Further, you would go on to say that since the top leadership of the LTTE had been killed, the organisation cannot be held responsible for war crimes, and only the SL armed forces should be tried for war crimes and the guilty decapitated through an international war crimes tribunal. I do not buy this logic, regardless of whether I am a lackey ( a word you seem to get perverse joy using) or not. Both parties are guilty and a different mechanism other than a war crimes tribunal or inquiry should be established to find the truth of what both parties did, with the objective of achieving reconciliation , instead of seeking revenge. The time for even the latter is not opportune now,because both parties do not have quality leaders to guide this process.

      The LTTE fought a war on behalf of Tamils, egged on by the likes of you,for an independent Tamil Eelam, to be carved out of the Sri Lankan state. The Sri Lankan state fought the war to defend its writ over the whole island. Why the quest for Eelam was seeded becomes mute at this stage. This war was no joke and the LTTE proved itself to be the worst, best organised and the most sophisticated terrorist organisation the world had seen. Even after being defeated and decapitated, it lives and its objectives yet live, in the minds of many. This after-life is manifesting in various forms both within and outside this island. The likes of you represent this after- life and there are many thousands like you.

      Until the likes of you stop your games, the armed forces are likely to remain at present levels in the north. They will never let the separatist cause take root here again. It will be illogical to expect other wise. Once bitten twice shy! This is the logic the likes of you have to learn and act accordingly. Your foolishness or foolhardiness, do not appeal to me, because it could only make it harder for the Tamils here.

      Calling me names, will not change this fact.

      Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

      • 0

        I agree that there will be military presence but as usual by writing thesis you are trying to hide a whole pumpkin in a bowl of rice by trotting out the usual argument that any Tamil that disagrees with you or your master Gota is a LTTE supporter !
        You did not address my question, why is the military expanding since 2009?

        • 0

          You are apparently incapable of writing a thesis to defend what you hypothesise. Further, your are a person who is ready to call others with a contrary view, lackies. It is obvious what your intentions are and these are not even remotely connected with those of the Tamils living here in Sri Lanka. They will not be definitely beneficials to the Tamils living here. You are part of a war that is being waged by other means. The war you and those of your ilk are fighting is a new avatar of the war the LTTE had fought. I will not support this new avatar war, however much I may disagree with the Sri Lankan government on many matters relating to particularly the Tamils and in general, to all the people in Sri Lanka.

          Dr. Rajasingham Narendran

        • 0

          I have no knowledge about the expansion of the military after 2009, although Sarath Fonseka was planning one. This proposition was not accepted by the government. What I know is. there are many thousands of soliers who have run away from the army .


          • 0

            @Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

            Is your eyesight failing you? You say, “I have no knowledge about the expansion of the military after 2009.” Didn’t you look at the info graphic in this article? (link given below) It says,
            Sri Lankan Military at end of war (that is 2009): 2,00,000
            Sri Lankan Military 2012 : 3,00,000
            Sri Lankan Military by 2015 : 4,00,000

            It also says 16 of 19 divisions of the SL army are stationed in the north.


            • 0

              Presidence Bean,

              2015 is yet not here and is almost two years away. Thus, the figure cited is hypothetical.

              Dr. RN

            • 0

              He cannot see the figure for 2012 ????? Only sees 2015 and talks about hypothetical things Surely surely its a case of

              ” none are as blind as those to refuse to see”

              In his case he sees what his master gota wants him to see and yet he says he is not a lackey !!!!!!!!

            • 0

              I am not a fool to comment on numbers, without verifying . You can draw your conclusion with these figures, but I feel do so after verifying these numbers and thereafter finding out how these breakdown in terms of the army, navy, airforce , reservists , special forces and the civil guard. Have you figured these out?

              Dr. RN

          • 0

            Dogtor Next time they expand they will tell you ok

          • 0

            The expansion may be to increase as an added security measures on instructions by China Defense Corp.

            These are repercussions due to not adhearing to LLRC and UNHRC.

            But the bottom line is it’s not the quantities that matter…..but the quality.

            I doubt on quality after Gen.Sarath fonseka and other top commanders left forces.

      • 0

        If Military is there to provide security and protection. Not to run tea shops kidnap rape and look after and provide you know what for govt lackeys when they visit them there. So they should remain there as the dogtor says.

        • 0

          I suggest you add two more ‘ L’ s to your assumed name. This will depict you better- L .L. Lanka Lier! Please guess what these two ‘ L’ s should stand for? Unless asked I will not tell.

          Dr.RN ( Dogtor to you)

          • 0

            Two or there is a a matter for me. I don’t get instructions from anybody to change my name. But I guess what those two Ls stands for — Dogtor Rotina…… Am I right. Dogtor there is still money left it Sri Lanka. Keep doing what you are doing until they run dry.

          • 0

            This is not a guessing game. Please read Mahinder Chindanaya. Karua too is writing one for you. Please wait till it is out. By the way it is called Karuna Chindanaya

          • 0

            Let me guess dogtor
            It used to be S.L for Sri Lanka, Perhaps they have changed it to L.L – Lie Lanka – quite rightly as you suggested. We have to change with time Isnt it.
            Even the national anthem is changed “Lie Lanka Maatha….”
            See now what L.L stands for
            But I am a Sri Lankan so I dont lie please believe me.
            “There was no war in Sri Lanka Nobody died”
            “Military were carrying books not guns.”
            “LTTE created tsunami “
            “Reporters are not killed but a humanitarian operation was performed on them.”
            “There is no kidnapping but hitch hiking and they vanish”
            “They don’t give anything to the government lackeys for their services”
            “Nobody lies in Sri Lanka”
            “Somebody begged somebody to tie him to a tree”
            “LTTE chief’s son killed himself with cigarette buts”

            All truths but nothing but truth. And you are a true Sri Lankan L.L.

  • 0

    The security forces are going to be present in the North & East for a long while yet. How could it be otherwise? GoSL is just copying US strategy of keeping lots of bases in areas where there’s likely to be any trouble.

  • 0

    In his last sentence Mahinda Samarasinghe says, “There are absolutely no restrictions on travel today in the North and civilians enjoy complete freedom of movement.”


    “On 5th March 2013 the family members, who were travelling to Colombo to participate in a protest campaign and to hand over a petition to UN regarding their disappeared relatives, were blocked in Vavuniya by a joint operation of the police and the military.” :)

    What an idiotic government…they keep getting egg on their faces. With actions like this, they will never ever be able to convince or hoodwink the international community that things are back to normal in Silly Lanka.

    • 0

      It must be patently obvious by now, even to you, that the current regime don’t give a damn about what the ‘international community’ thinks. This is confirmed by their utterly insane behaviour. And the ‘int’l community’ won’t be able to do much about what happens in SL.

      • 0


        “And the ‘int’l community’ won’t be able to do much about what happens in SL.”

        Does the International Community want to do anything at all? Had they wanted they could have stopped the war when it was on top gear avoided man made disaster of killing so many innocent lives.

        Now it seems the other stupid Tamils in Tamilnadu are making lot of noises long after conniving with the Indian state.

        Whats the matter with your people Mango?

        Please let me know, after all they have an umbilical relationship with stupid Sinhalese and stupid Tamils here in this island.

        • 0

          Dear Native Veddah,

          Have you forgotten the action taken by the Western bloc to stop VP & the LTTE getting wiped out? They blocked the IMF loan (UK), sent foreign ministers to threaten MR (UK, France), removed GSP+ trade discounts (EU), offered/threatened to evacuate the LTTE leadership to a safe location (US), AI, HRW and the rest screaming for a ‘ceasefire’ etc. It was India that shielded SL from these blackmailing fools.


          Prabha said of the Sinhalese that they have a very short memory. I suspect you’re Sinhalese :) As for stupidity, currently the Sinhalese are definitely in the lead and they may even win the race to the bottom.

          • 0


            Are you being serious?

            IMF loan was to Sri Lanka after the “successful” completion of war as a token gesture MR’s achievement.

            You have outlined several measures that the West took to support stop. In fact you haven’t looked into the available measures that the West didn’t impose.

            Solheim, Peace Talks, Shuttle Diplomacy, ……….lifting VP and his supporters from Vanni by US Pacific Command were part of the process to deceive the stupid VP, stupid Tamils, stupid Tamil Diaspora,….

            The IC’s intention after 2008 was to obliterate LTTE and Tamil national liberation aspirations lock stock and barrel.

            VP hugely facilitated/accelerated the process by swallowing all sorts of elaborate con tricks devised by India, USA and Norway. Norway was only the sidekick. Don’t forget 30 countries created this illusion.

            Only thing that I agree with you is the ongoing stupidity contest between the stupid Sinhalese and stupid Tamils. In this contest both will and continue to finish neck and neck.

            • 0

              Dear NV
              The IMF loan was approved in July 2009 and even then only after Indian pressure. Here’s Stephen Timms’s (a Labour MP) election manifesto from 2010, begging for Eelamist votes, listing the actions the UK government undertook against Sri Lanka.

              “….Last July, as a Treasury Minister, I met the All Party Parliamentary Group for Tamils to discuss the proposed $2.6 billion IMF loan for Sri Lanka. We discussed the vast number being held in camps. After the meeting, I advised the Chancellor of the Exchequer that Britain should not support the loan. He accepted my advice.”

              And here’s a brilliant suggestion from an Indian on how the indigenous peoples of Sri Lanka (i.e. Veddhas) can reclaim their natural birthright and lordship over the entire island:

              “Best thing is for India to establish a fund for funding higher fertility among Veddas, Yakkas, ityadi! For every child each couple gets a $1000 bucks. For a family with ten children, the couple can earn $10,000. In two generations they would become the majority and can kick all others out of the island being the original settlers. The Sri Lankans [Sinhalese] would be able to migrate to Hong Kong to their Chinese friends. The Tamils would be able to migrate to their Norwegian friends. Then there will be true peace.

              And then out of gratitude the Veddas, Yakkas would then sign the Instrument of Accession to India.”

              Sounds like a good plan, no?


  • 0

    This indicates how GNP of the northern province increased by 23 percent. For the inhabitants 1 percent or less. 22 per cent for the forces. Forces comprise 25% of the population.

  • 0

    According to reports in the Tamil websites, thousands of Tamils carrying LTTE flags converged in Geneva to protest against the Sri Lankan government. An LTTE front organisation based in Switzerland, namely Tamil Coordinating Committee, organised this rally. This rally was similar to the those rallies held in western capitals in the weeks and months before LTTE was militarily defeated in Vanni. This has demonstrated that the LTTE organisational structure is intact.

    There are daily protests and attacks on Sri Lankans and Sri Lankan properties in Tamil Nadu. The latest attack was on Mihin Airline Office in Madurai. A lawyers association in Madurai has announced a bounty on the head of the Sri Lankan President. On the 12th DMK is organising a state wide hartal in Tamil Nadu. Vaiko, Nedumaran, Seeman and the like are breathing fire against Sri Lanka and the Sinhalese. Some emotional idiots are even setting fire to themselves.

    TNA leaders are attending conferences organised by World Tamils Forum and other such organisations led by LTTE remnants which are still calling for the creation of a separate state.

    In general, there is a move to continue with armed struggle to win LTTE’s goal of Tamil Eelam. LTTE is not dead. Only their top leaders and their fighting formations were destroyed by the Sri Lankan Government. LTTE’s structural organisation that funded Prabaharan’s war machine is intact and can easily raise necessary funds to procure arms. LTTE is in effect regrouping in the West and in Tamil Nadu. Now they have international political backing from the United States which is making use of the pro-LTTE Tamil diaspora to destabilize Sri Lanka. United States has even allowed the so-called Prime Minister of Tamil Eelam (never mind the name TGTE, it is in fact the Tamil Eelam government in exile) to function from its soil.

    In this backdrop, how can anyone expect the Sri Lankan government to withdraw its troops from the North East. No one should blame Mahinda Rajapakse if he gets tough with the Sri Lankan Tamils because their elected TNA representatives are working to the agenda of the LTTE remnant organistions like Worlt Tamil Forum, and Nediyavan Group.

    The more the sound bites from Tamil Nadu and from the western capitals, the more will be the represession against the Tamils. This Geneva drama will only make the SL soldiers getting nastier with the unfortunate Tamils who are forced to live in North East Sri Lanka. It has ensured continued support for MR among the Sinhalese. Sinhalese will again rally around Mahinda Rajapakse and his government.

    Tamils are treading on the same disastrous path as they followed before. Before long MR government will ensure that there is no more separate Tamil identity or traditional home land left in Sri Lanka.

    TNA has made a big mistake by aligning with the LTTE remants. Given their activities and utterances in Genera,TNA cannot now expect MR to talk to them again. This guy Sumanthiran even went to the extent of thanking the producer of the Channel 4 program for making that film against Sri Lanka. He said he was thanking the Channel 4 producer on behalf of all Tamils which include the LTTE remnants.

    All those Tamils who went to Geneva and all those Tamils who are gloating over the US resolution before UNHRC as if they are going to send MR to gallows will soon realize that they were chasing after a mirage. Geneva UNHRC session would in fact worsen the plight of SL Tamils.

    • 0

      “United States has even allowed the so-called Prime Minister of Tamil Eelam (never mind the name TGTE, it is in fact the Tamil Eelam government in exile) to function from its soil.”

      As long as Rudrakumaran follows all the laws of the US, the US government won’t do anything about it. The US is not a banana republic like Sri Lanka to interfere with the individual rights of its citizens. But it has nothing to do with the official position of the US. TGTE is a pie in the sky scheme, and Rudra, an immigration lawyer, is in reality only Prime Minister of something in his own mind. Maybe he thinks his home is Tamil Eelam and he is indeed its PM.

      So why do apologists of the Rajapaksa regime make the TGTE out to be something big when it is nothing? Because it serves to distract attention from the horrendous atrocities, abuses and corruption of the regime they support?

      • 0

        The same US interned thousands of of its citizens of Japanese origin during the Second World War . It also keeps many hundreds of Al-Qaida suspects imprisoned without proper trials at Guantanamo bay. Guantanamo bay is also Cuban territory that the US holds on to, against the wishes of the Cuban government.

        Nothing is black and white anywhere in this world. There are many more grey areas than those that are black or white.

        Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

        • 0

          A very good argument. Mahinder Chindanaya too says this. “If someone can kill somebody somewhere some time ago why cant a Sri Lankan kill someone now”. You are a true Sri Lankan. Mahinda, Merwin Karuna KP all will be very proud of you.

          • 0

            A blind man cannot show the way to another blind man! Jesus Christ told the crowd that was trying to stone Mary Magdalene to death, ” Let those who have not sinned, cast the first stone”. Did Christ not know that Mary was a prostitute? He also knew that those in the crowd trying humiliate and kill her, were also sinners.

            As you assumed surname is ‘ Liar’, I am sure you will have no compunction in placing Christ in the league of the persons you have named.

            Dr. Rajasingham Narendran

            • 0

              You done it again. This is about killing in Sri Lanka. Not about Jesus and a blind man and prostitutes. Tell this to the murderers facing justice in the court of law to tell the judge “Why are you trying to punish me when there are thousands of murderer going unpunished.” Or when you get a parking fine try using the same argument. “Why today you didn’t fine me yesterday”. Cant go simpler than this.

        • 0

          In the US, scholars and he chattering classes still agonize over the suspension of Habeas Corpus by Abraham Lincoln and the internment of many Japanese Americans after the attack on Pearl Harbor. And the excesses during the Bush era have all been widely investigated and reported by a vigorous press; many Bush-era practices have been acknowledged to have been unjust and some have been rolled back by Obama. There are still vigorous debates over the validity of drone attacks, especially such an attack against a US citizen.

          Even those who immigrated less than a decade ago, are given the full protections of the State in the US. Given the murderous attacks on minorities, the censorship, abductions and murders of critical journalists in Sri Lanka, and the farce of CJ’s impeachment, claims of there being ‘gray areas’ are a red-herring and a travesty.

          There is no gray area when the Rajapaksas send their white vans to abduct and murder someone.Nor is there a gray area when Gotabhaya is the chief guest at a Bodu Bala Sena function.

          • 0

            Lanka Lier,

            You never get it do you? I am not talking about policemen or judges. What I am questioning is the right of those who have erred and continue to err, to question others who commit the same errors. I have not absolved either the GOSL or the LTTE for crimes committed during the wars. I am demanding that both parties be treated alike and am cautioning that the exercise would not contribute to reconciliation. When you blame only the government, I have to point out that the LTTE is also liable. This does not imply that I am absolving the GOSLs of their responsibility for planting the seeds for what happened nor failing to do the things it should have done after the last war. I also am critical of Tamil political manoeuvres and tactics, both past and present. also acknowledge what this government has done post-war and am thankful for that.


            We are all agonising over the past. I am also concerned the past should not repeat. I am also convinced the priority is for the war-affected to recover as humans. I also agonise over what is happening in Sri Lanka now. Many is Sri Lanka, from intellectuals to the Simple Simons on the street are also agonising over what is unfolding around them. I feel the pressures in Geneva, will be used by the government to rally the people in its support and divert their attention from the mushrooming crisis . The people are beginning to look askance at the government. This is a good sign. This will be the seed for better politics and better governance in the country.

            You are identifying the black areas. There are many more grey areas, where clear judgements are not possible, because all the facts are not known or cannot be ever known.

            You are comparing countries which are anchored on the rule of law and the sanctity of citizenship. Ours is a country, where men at the helm can yet have the audacity and the downright stupidity to tell the Tamils o go back to India, if they do not like it here. They are giving a similar message to the Muslims. The Christians are also being made to feel aliens here.

            What we have to demand is good governance., which includes rule of law , the rights of citizenship and efficient and efficient management. We are at present wasting our time on trying to treat the symptoms and ignoring the cause. We are looking at individual trees, shrubs and the animals, while missing the jungle or the forest.

            The cause ailing Sri Lanka cannot be treated by a partisan approach. All right thinking people should come together to identify the treatment and administer the medicine. If not the monkey will eat the whole bread,while the cats ( Donkeys!) are squabbling over their share ( in the blame game).

            Dr. Rajasingham Narendran

            • 0

              No one gets it Rajasingham Narendran except you !!!!! We are all dumb and stupid, you are wise and we should all listen to you and your mentor Gota, is that right???

            • 0


              You are definitely wrong almost all the time. Gota is right most of the time and wrong sometimes, with regard to both big and small things.


            • 0

              Still cant understand. Sorry Dogtor I cant put is simpler. Crime is a Crime. If you do the crime you do the time. It applies to every body. Sinhalese Tamils Lankan Lackeys KP Karuna everyone. If this alone was practiced in your country it would have remained a paradise. We don’t need any theories religions ideologies advisers and pundits. Argue for the just and just thing. Not the convenient and the profitable thing.

  • 0

    Some historical facts..

    When JVP attacked police station in 1971, SL Govt. did not have any weapons to defend, and funny story was Riffles were in one district and bullets were in a another district. You know what happened next ?

    Later when ltte problem started, ltte had more sophisticated weapons courtesy of indians.. It took almost 30 yrs to arrest this war due to, incompetence from the political masters since they were corrupt and SL forces were humiliated due to these facts. MR and Gota did a service to SL and people should be grateful of that.

    It will never happen again since after the war, full analysis were done and roadmap to security is in place..

    Any agitator that ask to dilute SL security is either working for foreign power or for ltte and we will take you out with out due process..

    • 0


      The next liberation war has started from India and Tamil diaspora community.

      Already Canada supporting them and with England joining, other European African and Asian joining are on sight.

      GOSL has lost it’s credibility and stance at UNHRC and with new resolutions it is going to be a tuffr ride.

      From now on GOSL Human Rights violations are closley watched and Yesterday’s US Embassy warning to govt. for stopping war missing marchers is a clear sign.

      All these Nothern excess Army camps will have to be dismentled….or may await for the next air parippu (dhal) drop to Colombo.


    • 0


      India is only twenty miles away from this island and it has sizable resources in terms of men and material. It always treated this island as part of its empire.

      Your state’s security depends on Indian Goodwill not on Gota and his peasant army. Sri Lankan stability is determined by the Hindians. If anything it would be India which will make sure the security of the Sri Lankan state be it war, peace or countering International Conspiracy.

      Please don’t delude yourself and your Sinhala/Tamil stupid people.

      • 0

        Only a foolhardy indian will say that

        • 0


          “Only a foolhardy indian will say that”

          Yes Indians are foolhardy for different reasons.

          Since your independence from the Sudda’s in 1948, please remind me one incident give one example in which India refused to help Sri Lanka.

          • 0

            30 year war is not enough?

            • 0


              Did you or your Sinhala/Buddhist army fight a war against India and if so when was it?

              When India violated the island airspace your armed forces were hiding behind their women folks. Premadasa and his armed forces financed, armed and supported the stupid LTTE terrorists to fight the IPKF.

              Your support to LTTE between 1988 and 1990 was the major reason for the 30 year war.

              Please find a retired high ranking policeman to rewrite the history once again.

  • 0

    It is more the militarisation of the land of the Tamil Nation in Sri Lanka than what the title describes. When Minister Mahinda Samarasinghe assured the UNHRC the army has nothing to do with civilian administration in the North, he was lying through his teeth. UNHRC knows this all too well which was why Samarasinghe did the vanishing trick after his speech. Progressive increase in the presence of the Sri Lankan Army after the war long ended is clearly for the purpose of the calculated decimation of Tamil presence from its ancient soil. The Tamil Nation is entitled to take all such necessary action to resist and prevent the genocidal challenge facing its unarmed people by a numerically superior military force armed to the teeth.


    • 0

      Samarasinghe says 99% of LLRC recomendation has been completed. Our Dr RN would say 99.99999% completed.

      • 0

        Do you read the related blogs in CT and the comments on those? I think you don’t. However, you are programmed to pop-up regularly and utter inanities . Have you not read my list of criticisms on the government on CT, which also refer to the LLRC recommendations.

        You are indeed pitiable.

        Dr. RN

  • 0

    It is shocking statement and rather biased one as you mentioned in “The militarization of Sri Lanka – info-graphics” According to that slide how would you forecast that the military population expands to 400,000 by 2015? or has government announced it?
    do you have any statistical evidence to support this? or just a forecast your 1:3 ratio with expected population growth?
    I guess these kind of presentation should be well written with solid facts not with lame thoughts only,

  • 0


    Sorry though I am bit thick I would like to make an observation in response to your concern.

    According to my elders:

    India is only 20 miles away from SRi Lanka and whereas China is about 4,500 miles from this island.

    Admiral Zheng He from China captured Kotte king Alakeshwara and dragged him all the way to his country.

    In the 3,000 years history of this island Indian intervention has been numerous in the form of religion, cultural, political, economical,………..

    You are rest assured Sri Lanka has been and will be a Sinhala state of India. You may not like it but this has been the historical reality of this island since the Kallathonies started arriving many Millennia ago,looking for greener pastures.

    Indian direct intervention mostly caused/facilitated by stupidity of Tamils and Sinhalese.

    • 0


      The point I wanted to highlight was, how stupid Rajapakse’s think.
      They think by playing China card or bloating a peasant force with no diehard and professional commanders left….after chasing Gen.Sarath Fonseka and early retiring other best Commanders….now forces are left under a Buffalo commander and a secretary.

      Also Rajapakses think by making over 5000 school principals under Army dress codes and by making compulsary military training for school children, or by making BBS as Gota’s 4th Republican Guard force….Rajapakses think they could intimidate opposition parties or scare the International community.

      Infact China has much more business dealings with the West than us and they will never jeopardise them or interfere in our internal affairs.

      It is only Rajapakses along with Govt. goons playing China Card for their safety, playing fear tactics.

      Now Rajapakses making Citizens as ransom and first line of defense in a foreign invasion which is pure lunacy.

      It should be nothing but an implode within is the best solution.

  • 0

    Dr rajasingham
    u have to mention the LTTE best organaised and sophisticated FREEDOM FIGHTERS organisation. they are not terrorist they are freedom fighters

    if a tamil call LTTE a terriost no wonder others call so

    • 0


      “if a tamil call LTTE a terriost no wonder others call so”

      Irrespective of who call LTTE a terrorist, the fact remains terrorist is a terrorist is a terrorist.

      You say:

      “u have to mention the LTTE best organaised and sophisticated FREEDOM FIGHTERS organisation. they are not terrorist they are freedom fighters”

      If the LTTE was best organised and sophisticated why did it crumpled under Sinhala/Buddhist peasant army’s attack?

      Could you define what freedom fighter means to you?

      Extortion, drug smuggling, assassination domestic and international, compulsory conscription of children and adults, using innocent people as human shield, all sorts of Pol Potist despotism,killing innocent people including babies, ………….does not make a armed group the freedom fighters.

      Stupid VP and his LTTE did not know the difference between friends and foes. Their sophistication created untold misery for all people which led to their own destruction.

    • 0

      Yes I agree that LTTE was a good fighting force both in defense and offensive capabilities.

      Infact it was cornering them as a terrorist movement….that made them more violent and aggressive.

      But unfortunately VP missed many opportunities to stay in power due to his selfish nature and put the whole operation in jeoperdy…..which is now copied and practiced by Rajapakse siblings. Pathetic but true.

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