19 January, 2025


GMOA Convenes Emergency Meeting To Counter Court Ruling Over ‘Legalising’ SAITM

The Government Medical Officers’ Association (GMOA) has convened an emergency meeting on Thursday to discuss its ‘next move’ following today’s Court of Appeal decision which ordered that all medical degree holders of the controversial Malabe SAITM can register with the Sri Lanka Medical Council (SLMC).

The court ruling was greeted with anger by a section including the GMOA and university groupings such as the Inter Medical Faculty Students Action Committee and the Inter University Students’ Federation. The university groupings lunched demonstrations this evening against the court ruling, and demanding for the closure of SAITM.

Sources said that the GMOA has organized an emergency meeting at 10.00 am and have ordered representatives from all of its branches to be present at the meeting where a decision will be taken on how to counter the court ruling.

The court of appeal today ordered the Sri Lanka Medical Council to allow medical students passing out from SAITM to register with the Council. The order was issued following a case filed by two medical graduates of SAITM who cited that medical graduates of SAITM were refused registration by SLMC.

Several university groups of national universities have been calling for the closing down of SAITM while even the GMOA has been campaigning against the university located at Malabe. Last year, SAITM said that the GMOA was campaigning against their institute because GMOA fears with the establishment of SAITM they (GMOA) will lose their monopoly in the health sector.

A source pointed out that it was strange how the GMOA was opposing medical graduates from SAITM but were fine with Sri Lankan students going overseas to study medicine and return back to the country.

Latest comments

  • 26

    Overseas students face Act 16, therefore the government can check their quality.
    What about SAITM? Who are checking standards of those medical students?
    There should be somewhat quality regulation.

    • 25

      Ok, fine! They agreed to sit for the exam and why this objection. Most in the medical profession in srilanka are “Maskada mudalalis”, no disrespect to few very good doctors in the country. First of all SLMC chairman Prof. Carlo should be removed, I do not know why he is given another extension. There are many in the SLMC who support registration of students and also SAITM to continue with medical education. But many who are very noisy individuals in the council do not allow their voices heard. GMOA shouldn’t be allowed to dictate government policy neither “anthare”.

      • 14

        “They agreed to sit for the exam”
        Any valid sources?

        • 2

          I have seen interviews given by some of the students and also one of the professors.

      • 1

        Ok. You can apply to his post. [Edited out]
        Are you have atleSt bread 5 pass?

      • 9

        If they were not allowed to sit for the exam, they should have gone to courts first to request sitting for the exam not for SLMC registration.
        Name the SLMC members who support the registration and give evidence of their support.

        • 1

          I do not know whether you have a genuine interest in the matter or another anti-SAITM individual who is trying to hide facts. If it is not, my apologies. I know some of them but I do not want to name as some will try to discredit them with various allegations. If you are really interested, find out names of the five (I think it is five) committee members who were appointed by the SLMC to check and report back to the council. Also, find out what happened to that report. If I remember correctly, that committee was chaired by Prof. Sherif.

          • 7

            Why do you think I am anti-SATIM or hiding facts when I write common sense? Any physician with a bit of sense shouldn’t go against the established criteria for SLMC registration. If they fight to change these criteria with the SLMC it is a different story.
            As I have written in my other posts, SAITM started off this with the wrong foot! (please read my post below) What I feel is, under the MR administration politicians and their henchmen could do anything they want irrespective of laws of the country. The people behind SATIM also had the same idea. But with medical education and dealing with the SLMC, they found they were wrong.
            I strongly support SLMC for standing up to corrupt politicians and their henchmen.

    • 4

      Previous govt should be made accoutable to have mislead people in this country – if the law provisions have not been appropriate but to issue admissions to the students allowing their graduate course to carry out at SAITEM- millions of the funds collected as fees may have been inter connected to one another deal of Rajaakshe family. This way to have created the misery for the students – letting them live with all suspicions even if huges sums of college fees have already paid -should a great threat to all these famlilies and youg lives. They made any half to illegal mechanisms to grab the funds from the people – mostly wihtout seeing the legal background of anything what they did. May be sooth sayers or royal astrolgers prevented former adminstration to give a garantee to those students. However, if GMOA or anyone stayed as if fed with clay – was a blunder made by SO CALLED WISE body-GMOA. GMOA is a highly corrupted medical body as we experience day to another these days.

      • 16

        When our GMOA brothers started shouting and protesting during MR period about SAITM, MR called it’s chief Padeniya for a chat, gave him a good treatment inside the closed room, afterwards, Padeniya or GMOA didn’t utter a word during MR’s period about it. Now,they know you have the democracy, so shouting around and blocking all the roads all over.
        Mind you, these protests are done only during their government hospital duty hours, not during their private practice hours.

        • 3

          But the same men are on the licking mode even today. They the GMOA loudly endorse – MR regime and their stupid admistration even today.
          I think something in their average mind sets should be changed…focusing on the issue being taken very much serious.

          Why is that those memeber in GMOA seem to own their position without being subjected to a change. Meaning the position holding period should be defined as it is the case for counter parts in Europe. What certification gives us them the GMOA men have been unbiased ?
          This body should be listed under UGC or any other highest adminstiration or not ? I have no idea about the system back in home country, me being in Europe.. however, I believe, GMOA is a biased organisation – most of them seem dancing to the tunes of their politicians rather than doing the due for the sake of saving human lives.

        • 2

          Why cant others in the association stand against Padeniya ?

          If others in the body are different the Paddeniya’s only the abusive nature of GMOA would ever change.

          This is only to GMOA – but also various other bodies you will find all the deficiencies. But they talk high each time about their duties.

    • 1

      Don’t think the readers are idiots, and they will buy in any story you tell, or by the jealousy doctors who got educated free of charge from peoples money. You could always check the quality of the institute, government, SLMC, and even you and me can if we won’t.

    • 11

      Medical students and doctors from the govt charity universities are worried so much, because, they know SAITM doctors will be a real competition for them. They are not worried about the doctors who got educated in former soviet union countries or Russia, where they even take students after O/Ls and send them to a 6 months course and put them to medical colleges straight. The country should charge the cost of educating the doctors who got free charity education, at least even after they made millions and millions working part-time, while being in the govt. services.

      • 2

        Iit is certainly not charity education .This was an extension of the free education principle adopted by the White paper of the 1940s ..Beg your pardon I got my education at school in the 50s for a mere RS 3 as facilty fees and in a posh environment whilst some of my peer group got free education in the Sinhala isklole why I wonder ..a one room building with classes without much facility ..Some of those students came to ours for they had the potential to develop and the Parents were able to afford the trappings that went with the posh ..tho’ the fee was not different .So stop calling us Charity ..I know even Posh schools in Colombo 7 with fee levying students yet made themselves availbele to the free uniform material and the free books ..that was an entitlement not a charity please .Private students of a private institution should be able to prove how they could work in the greater environment where people need to not feel that its charity out there but entitlement as it happens in welfare states world over .Attitude is great wall that is so counterproductive and cause frustration and depression ..its not come what may I should be ahead is it ?

        • 2

          Why is it called a charity, because govt takes peoples money and give it for this free education, instead of spending that on other development work. Okay, some schools are getting only books and uniform free. And please don’t think, getting everything free of charge is a superior thing. I read somewhere, when International school students try to enter govt schools for A/Ls, some parents of the govt schools were protesting, ideally international schools students should be given the first priority, because they are only trying to get free/charity education just for two years. Our attitude towards free and calling it an entitlement should change, for us to progress.

          • 3


            You are trying to dig your own grave. If those SAITM bogus doctors are given permission to practice they all will become consultants because their parents and relations are in high posts in the medical profession (most of those parents are consultants). You are right, they want to make millions and millions out of poor peoples money.

            • 7

              So why not let Colombo MC to set up papers for all the private MCs?
              Set the course syllabous, Evaluation methods?

              The AL cream doctors now run a massive business of exploiting people to make money at unprecedented levels!
              They have no sympathy,
              They take bribes from pharmaceutical companies and prescribe medicine and test medicines on innocent people.

              The latest scam is the Testing, Once you go in they scare you and recommend thousand tests referring you to their friends.

              Lawyers, It is only one blood sucker that exploit you, But here you have a Mafia! What does GMO say these practices.
              When do they ever fight to bring Senak Bibile policies!
              Why don’t they make it compulsory for state doctors to prescribe generic names?

              Nobody is above the law, Yahapalana should be utmost applied to doctors! The patient is the most vulnerable state everyone can fall into!

              This does not mean there no good doctors, But no good doctor approves the mafia tactics of doctors.

              AL cream: It is just another job! You were trained by the tax payers hard earned money, Show some mercy! After all we all get older and die, The cheaters will repent at least at their death bed.
              Lightening shall strike!

              • 4

                @srinath gunaratne , Excellent post man. You wrote all what I intended to write. Government docs will never write the chemical names of the medicines and let the patients/pharmacists decide which brand to get it. If they do it, how can they get the commission?

                Worse still, I was given the medicine marked [THIS IS NOT FOR SALE]. I confronted the doc and the explanation given was that the medicine is given to for a lower cost. The loser did not even inform me before giving the medicine.

                I had to validate that the medicine is infact in the market and is correct. Only god knows how many patients are used as guinea pigs for drug trials without their consent.

      • 2


        You also want to make millions and millions working part-time. That’s why those G.C.E. (A/L) unqualified students go to SAITM to buy a medical degree and also avoid sitting ACT 16. At least you can be happy that the doctors passing out from Government medical Schools are A/L level qualified cream of the country. Can you say NO?

      • 1

        Do you really think that the cream of the country is threatned by a bunch of AL failures who got their degree thanks to their parents money? Come on sir, what hsve you been smoking? The deans of all the government medical faculties evaluated this institute and agreed on the fact that it is below the standards. Prof Carlo Fonseka was never agaisnt establishing private medical colleges, even he says that SAITM is crap. What more proof do you need sir? Come on…. This has nothing to do with competetion. Its all about preserving the quality and the dignity of our profession.
        But personaly, I am indeed jeleous of SAITM students. Why? I studied my ass off under the worst possible contiditions facing countless competitive exams sacrafising my youth to become who I am today. But, the richest kid in my class who was also the lamest in the class entered SAITMs first batch and passed out as a doctor even before me. He failed ALs with 2Fs and 1S…..while I topped the grade with 3 As becoming district 13th in Kurunegala. I know for a fact that that idiot cant prescribe shit….this is the breed of doctors that SAITM produces….the kind that you think would oneday put US out of jobs…come on..

    • 0

      What is there in ACT 16, Witharanage, can you please explain

    • 4

      The only way to control GMOA is to bring in legislation to prevent GMOA members from doing private practice.

      Pay the GMOA doctors well and let them decide whether they want to be in Govt service or become fully private.

      They cannot have the cake and eat it as well.

      We have tolerated this nonsense far too long.

    • 3

      This is BS.
      If GMOA or any others are against SAITEM, they should have gone on protests against the establishment of the PVT at its start.
      Today, they the students have started their course at the place with the guidance of the univesity lecturers that prove sufficient professional qualifications.
      Just now – to stand up go against – it is really unfair for these young candidates.
      Besides, if the exams and contents are the same- why not theyarenot given the same chances as studied at a STATE medical faculty ?

      As some commentators added it, the high cut off marks settings for the university admisssions are due to lack enough universities and medical faculties in the country.
      I have met a number of students in Germany, Switzeralnd and Austria that started without higher marks-what they call it numerous clausus – obtained from their alevel -equivalent university entrance exams but have proved their performances in the course of the university – to become the top of the batches. How come ? That means always holding cut off marks at the highest level can t be the only criteria to asses their university entraces.
      And also the fact, there are also chances being given to students in Newzealand even without alevels or the like to enter their universities in some subjects.
      Even if entrance criteria to the universities are multi factorial – however, one should see, if the chances there local students to become a doctor going to a pvt college why to stand on their way ?
      It is the jealoucy, malacy block from some people to stand against the pvt medical colleges in the country today.
      Also all what I see is – lanken medical studies should NOT be given free as has been sofar – since most of the pass out have now become to attack the patients than doing their servces to them. Bond signing to be held obligatory if the course are offered free -that way, state funds can better managed for the purpose of the ones who are really in need.

  • 1

    I do not know why poor Sri Lankans still can not read or understand real MY3. MY3 is cheating all of you again and again.May be free education and free health create Sri Lankan people not to think.

  • 3

    Legality VS morality!
    Sometimes they stand on opposite sides :(

  • 17

    What a bunch of morons this GMOA has turned out to be. They poke their bloody fingers into every unwanted hole instead of honouring the Oath they took to render unstinted medical attention to the Country’s sick. They have instead become bloody money making machines and blood suckers!

    Time without number have we been made aware of instances of medical corruption by this insensitive bumptious group, striking when they don’t get their “pound of flesh” charging unconscionable fees, making wrong diagnoses’ to serve their moneymaking purposes,et al,and now they are obstructing a better educated set of students from entering the Profession, reasons being pretty obvious.

    The Govt MUST stand firm on this Court ruling and tell this bunch of ******** where to get off, and they must do it NOW !

    • 8

      The Govt MUST stand firm on this Court ruling and tell this bunch of ******** where to get off, and they must do it NOW !

      Not going to happen!

      When did the court acquire expertise in medical education?
      Can the medical profession rule who should be admitted to the Bar?

    • 8

      Most of them are swollen headed as no other even some without their PGs -lately was the call – that they have been suffering from not being able to enjoy better salaries. All because their children were not given admissions to the most popular schools of their choice. They wish them to be the professionals as no others in this country, but not having a kind heart as had been in the past to treat the pateints today. But these sons of bitches have lost their mind that the state and tax payers financed their degrees. Some would not have earned degrees if the state did not offered free education to them. These men above all coming from rural backgrounds turn out to be sicky ones -not havinga real hearts to treat the innocient patients today. Considering all these, I am into that all the degree courses being offered freely by today, should be privatized – with exceptions merit and low incoming students being offered bursaries or the second option would be them to have agreed to sign for a bond that the pass out must have to work at least 7 years for local hospitals.
      GMOA should be called appointing new candidates. These candidates that have been abusing the GMOA are like parasites. They have proved all these over the years. They seem to have no hearts to work with fair people but abusive politicians agendas.

  • 8

    There should be a protocol to register them same as foreign medical graduates who sitting for ERPM/Act 16. How can SAITM categorized as local medical students who getting provisional registration after the final MBBS. All SAITM medical graduate must get in to the process of registration same as foreign graduates.

  • 1

    Forget the GMOA. The problem is that the SLMC has not approved this degree. Why is that?

  • 7

    The Hippocratic oath taken hypocrites are in action.
    Send couple of them to jail in contempt of court,
    They think they are above the law!
    It is a great step to establish private medical faculties that provide excellent teaching,

    Because of the climate and safe friendly atmosphere, We can thrive in selling education to other south Asian countries!

    It could be nice to make private students to sit the same Colombo medical college exams to see who is better!

    No need for the act 16 then?

    • 3

      Had the buggers introduced any private colleges going through all the legal provision in a country every second is a culprit – nothing would come to the levels as it is seen by today. No, they just enjoyed their fantasies – continuing their adminstration even go beyond that of Mugabe s. TOday the consequences face the poor students and their parents – though paid millions but not having a clear mind about the legality of the degrees. Rajaakshe, if heallowed anything, ended up like his talishment found to have recited by his illiterate royal astrologer.
      Stupid mentality brought this nation to a level, nothing can change it easily.

    • 6

      The first thing you do before establishing a new Medical school is look for the criteria for accreditation from the country’s Medical body. Without fulfilling the required criteria for accreditation it is foolish to commence intake of students. Second, it is foolish for students and parents to seek admission, pay tuition and commence studies in a non-accredited medical school.
      Who do you blame? GMOA?

      • 2

        I think either you try to ignore or cover up the fact GMOA is hell bent to setting up private medical colleges by any means!
        The reason not being they are not up to the standard, It is pure hypocrasy,

        Let me tell you a small story,
        When Ragama private medical college was opened, There were similar commotions,
        It is none other than professor Carlo Fonseka who came too our city to oppose the college. At that time it was proposed Private medical students would sit Colombo medical faculty exams,

        What professor Carlo said was, If private students passed the Colombo exams and become doctors, Only gods would save the patients.
        I just wanted to ask him so which one is worse the Colombo exams or the students who passed them.

        This is our narrow mentality and the hypocracy that we live in day and day out,

        This same nature is obvious in other places too.
        They make clubs and prevent others getting into this club.

        • 4

          best would be to appoint an independent body to prove the ablities of those who get qualified at PVT and foregin colleges before them introducing the lanken hospital. However, lanken GMOA must not be the body to hold the exams for the kind of graduates, since their various behaviours have already proved their devious and malice nature on and on.

          An independent body can solve the issue easily.This is not a big issue at all, if the law and order is above everything in the country.

          This is the case for russians, hungarians or others entering to Germany these days. I know myself Syrian specialists (similar to ones obtained PG qualifications in UK) that ran even private practices in their countries have now to line up for getting their qualifications recognized. Regional medical association hold exam for these candidates, after that only they are offered with the medical licences (German-approbation to work as a medical doctor)
          Even ones got their degrees in the US but on their return to Germany they have to go through the same -equivalent exams.

        • 3

          I have proposed (see my post to sirimal below) how students should be admitted to any private Medical School if the school is accredited by the SLMC.

          Also, I would like to remind you that there were many poor students who performed far superior to many Ragama students who couldn’t even get into a University. What I proposed removes this kind of barriers for such bright students.

      • 2

        So who to be blame as you see it today if not to previous adminstration not to have repsected the legal reality/availablity to go for a pvt medical college ?

        They should have misled the students and their parents. All these are again to steal millions from the affordable clases of the donkey society.
        Even if european countries have been facing the lack medical professionals to be able to provide the due care to its people. But they would not allow any illegal men to get in to their soils giving the recognition easily for the degree holders in oversees unviersities. They should all go through the exams that see the equvalence to the local degree courses. Then only they issue the medical licence to perform their duties as medical professionals.
        But insufficent or false information provided to the poor folks inthe country, – could be the reason them to send their sons and daughters to study their course at SAITEM.
        What was the role of UGC and GMOA on the issue at the time, these were established in the country ?

    • 1

      Both Colombo and SAITM students have sat the same exam. That’s G.C.E. (A/L). And the results are out. Colombo medical students passed the A/L with flying colours and SAITM students failed. Some cannot even enter a science faculty. Are you happy now?

  • 5

    Sri lanka should allow private medical colleges as long as they have the same or the better standards as the state universities.

    In the previous one, they admitted home science student of a minister.

    • 3

      Jim Softy, one of the better known Doctors born in sri lanka obtained his qualifications abroad, had a first degree in Arts- He entered the University of Ceylon with Sinhala, Pali and Sanskrit. Won the UE entrance scholarship and the University Scholarship at the Final.He was connected with the University of London.His services were sought across the world.He left SL after the GMOA objected to him working at the Colombo General Hospital.

  • 7

    It is laughable for a Court of Appeal to order registration of a group of “Medical graduates” by the SLMC. SLMC registration should be as always strictly confined to medical graduates who fall into registration criteria of the SLMC only.
    The only way the legal system can influence registration is through a decision proclaiming SLMC criteria are illegal and discriminatory, but never to force the SLMC to register unqualified (already determined by the SLMC) candidates.

    I want the SLMC to strongly stick to our establish registration criteria rather than bending to a ignorant bunch of lawyers who have no idea of medical education.

  • 12

    Let the GMOA doctors ask ten normal folks on the street about them, sure ten out of ten would curse them. This GMOA hooligans and medical mafia is ruining the people’s health and well being owing to their selfish greed. By instigating thousands of university students to come on the streets, they are destroying their entire good future. The public thoroughly disgusted, and soon show them good lessons. If things go at this rate, sure the public would show their shoes to them.

    Education – private or public, it’s a fundamental birth rate for the masses, non has any right to interfere or deny it, if they do, it’s an unpardonable crime against humanity. This couldn’t go on for ever, keeping the people and the country ransom to GMOA doctors, high time all to wake up.

    Several good doctors known to us are completely against to GMOA mafia, they say several hundreds of good doctors are against them but remain silent due to GMOA doctors’ thuggery and hooliganism. In Sri Lanka, GMOA doctors tactics bring down this noble profession to the gutters. Their despicable tactics worser than that of the Mexican and Columbian drug cartels. All in all petty pickpockets are better when compared to them.

    In this fast changing world, they don’t behave like decent educated lot, and always like the frog in the well. It all because of their small mind. In the US every day over one thousand life saving surgical operations are done by robots. In the number one cancer facility in the world – Sloan Kettering Cancer hospital – the robot, IBM Watson, by reviewing the records of patients from the inception of the hospital to date, and studying the brain images , it’s suggesting to the doctor’s treatment for patients. 95% of the nurses in US hospitals where IBM
    Watson is installed, follow it. In one particular operation, inserting an invisible nerve through an invisible hole which is impossible for human doctors but the robot does it perfectly, several times in a minute. By Hologram technology patient who stay at home stand virtually in front of the doctor in three dimensional form, and speaks to him. With wonder and modern miracle drugs and care whole health care world is being turned upside down but GMOA doctors are behaving like real Al Capone mafia fleecing the poor patients, and taking the country to the dark stone ages.

    Medical tourism is huge billion dollar business in India, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand, Thailand hospitals accepts American, Australian and European medical insurances but GMOA doctors’ only know to suck the blood of our poor patients, and want to preserve the system for it too. They don’t want the country and people to move forward due to their greed.

    In Malaysian, in universities politics is not allowed at all, if found that student is dismissed immediately. Indian medical council recognises the degrees of 38 Medical Schools of Philippine universities, in one universities alone over 1600 Indian students are enrolled. See how much the country could earn, not only training local students but foreigners’ too, and would give huge benefits to the country. GMOA doctors are not letting any good thing like this to happen, they are really mean and jealous to their inner most core.

    • 7


    • 3

      I don’t see any reason why you should be bashing the GMOA for this foolish act of SATIM initiators who appeared to had a political backing and had only one interest; making money by misguiding students and parents. Will you ever start a Medical School without first negotiating accreditation criteria of the Medical governing body, the SLMC?
      You should not be bashing the GMOA for trying to preserve the integrity of their profession? Yes, they make good money and that is what every professional try to do and it has nothing to do with this SATIM debacle. SATIM made the mistake not the GMOA.
      I would support a private Medical school if it satisfy all the criteria the SLMC requires. These type of requirements are not only confined to SL. US, UK and any develop country has such medical governing bodies who acts the same way SLMC do. Admission criteria of students is one important part of accreditation in all medical schools.
      In my opinion admission of students to any private medical school in SL should be through the A/L merit based list that is used for government medical schools. In other words, once the government medical school intake is filled up the students at the top of the remaining list should be allocated to the private medical school before they are assigned for Dentistry, Veterinary, Agriculture and science. Any student who can’t afford tuition for private medical school should be granted government loans for their studies or if they wish to enroll in programs such as Dentistry, Veterinary etc.

  • 5

    Act 16 is one exam to Register those with a foreign qualification. In the case of SAITM they are in Sri Lanka and a continuous assessment of quality can be made. Every exam can be supervised and monitored. Why not ask for this without always objecting.

    We allow private engineering qualifications. How many will,die young if a building collapses or a train or a plane crashes. Pilots are foreign educated. What if electricity leaks are there in high rise buildings. The death toll if a dam cracks. Much more than doctors cuased,deaths .

    The arguments are very naive and hypocritical but politically very effective.

  • 5

    How many of these GMOA members have studied abroad? If they can study abroad, why cannot a Private Uni operate in Sri Lanka?

    • 1


      You don’t understand the problem. GMOA members are the cream of the country who have excelled in G.C.E. (A/L) examination at their respective years. They have undergone post graduate medical education (not MBBS) in very prestigious medical schools abroad. Not in Manipal at Kathmandu, not in Bangladesh and not in SAITM. They were educated in England, Australia etc. Why do those private medical students go to those cheap medical colleges at Kathmandu or India or Bangladesh or China or SAITM? Because no admission criteria and any idiot will be admitted and they can buy the degree. Ask SAITM to publicize their students A/L profiles!

      • 3

        The higher marks you need to enter in SL medical schools are there because of the competition, There are so many intelligent students who miss out higher education because of this!

        The real test come in the medical school, If they pass it what are you talking, Give them the Colombo papers to check their knowledge!

        I took the best marks from Colombo, Went to the one the best university in SL, That does not mean I want to be a prick and prevent others become like me.

        We have to preserve the free education at all costs. That doe snot mean SL should miss out Business opportunities!

        If SAITM is bad make it better! Show what is wrong! Not to ban it.

        You say other universities are cheap, Do you know the course content? The students who come from them, Don’t they pass the ACT16?
        Nobody sell medical degrees in any country, Provide a solid example!

      • 4

        Gunaratne, just because a Uni is cheap it does not mean that their education is of a lower standard. If SAITM is of a lower standard then there are laws to make it stronger, this can be done easily by the Government. But there is no reason to close it. Again, if the so called doctors who have gained free education in SL, gone abroad to study, come back and then become political activists while charging exorbitant fees from patients, demand Royal College seats for their children who are not even qualified to enter Royal or any other leading schools, protest, there is evidence of double standard. GMOA members should be put in their place, Government should immediately control the fees the doctors charge for private practice so that GMOA gets a clear message. When GMOA members demand seats for unqualified children of their’s in Royal why cannot another student cannot enter SAITM?

      • 3

        Gunaratne Sajith

        Sorry to disagree you have medical student entering on district basis with mere 4 passes while there are students with very good results unable to enter because they have to give their place to these rural students with poor results. So you cannot tell the cream of the students are in the state medical school. These students cannot speak a proper sentence. There are many good students with better results and aggregate in SAITM because their places in state medical schools were grabbed by students with poor results because politician depend on the rural vote than the cities.

        All I say is No District basis admission and no private medial school OR district basis admission and private medical school.

        • 3

          You say “There are many good students with better results and aggregate in SAITM because their places in state medical schools were grabbed by students with poor results because politician depend on the rural vote than the cities. “

          Wrong! “poor results” students grabbed medical school slots of NOT SAITM students, but they grabbed the slots of students who are now doing Dentistry, Veterinary, agriculture and Bio Science. If these “poor results” students did not grab those slots, the best SAITM students may have got would be either Bio Science or no University entrance at all!

  • 5

    All those who oppose SAITM are motivated by greed , nothing else.

    • 2

      All those who support SAITM are even more greedy that they want to make money by hook or by crook without qualifications at the expense of poor patients.

  • 2

    before commenting for SAITM medical degree pls read this doc.


    1.1 March 2008: the Board of Investment of Sri Lanka granted approval to the Dr Neville
    Fernando Investment Co (Pvt) Ltd to establish the South Asian Institute of
    Technology and Management (SAITM), offering degree programmes in IT,
    Management & Finance, Engineering, Vocational Studies, Nursing, Languages and
    Health Science. In 2011, the name was changed to South Asian Institute of
    Technology and Medicine. BOI approval was granted subject to the condition that
    the approval from the Ministry of Health and Nutrition be obtained prior to
    providing training in Health Sciences.
    1.2 May 2009: President SLMC (Dr HHR Samarasinghe) informed Dr Neville Fernando in
    writing that the SLMC has no legal provision for recognition of a medical degree
    awarded jointly by a private degree awarding institute in Sri Lanka and a foreign
    medical school, even if the foreign medical school has a medical degree programme
    that is recognized by the SLMC.
    The above sequence of events makes it clear that there were many irregularities, if not
    outright deception of the public, in the manner in which the SAITM medical degree
    programme was established.

    more details in the full document you all must read:

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  • 3

    State universities do not have merit as the sole criteria for admission since 1974. Through the district system of admissions many have got into the state universities with poor results as poor as 3 simple passes or four simple passes displacing many good students with good results with 2As with good passes such as credits. It is such students who would otherwise entered the state universities have to give room for 4 simple passes just because they are from remote districts. Why are we punishing these bright students for merely being privileged to be educated in Colombo, Kandy, Jaffna or Galle.
    You cannot now say the cream of the students enter the university and that is a myth now. It was so until 1974 but NOT thereafter when majority of students are from the rural district (except for a minority) enter with very poor results when large number of good students with good performance in the AL is left out to select these students poor quality students. They cannot even speak correctly.

    Ask the very doctors who are now shouting from the roof tops against SAITM their AL results. I am sure you will get a lie. I will tell these doctors who are vehemently protesting against SAITM are the doctors who entered the state university with poor mediocre results and displacing these students with much higher results only because they were registered in an outstation school. Many students who are in SAITM have better results than those in state universities.


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    If the GMOA wants to stop private medical education then that is fine but then stop district admission system and reestablish all island merit as a sole criteria for admission and then agreed to stop private education. So all will have a fair deal. These doctors who entered with poor results through the district quota displacing the bright students having much better results with a better aggregate do not want them to have any place anywhere. That is not fair if so let the so called rural students with poor results have state university but give a place to these good students also to get educated through private means.

    Standards of the state universities have deteriorated admitting such students with poor results at the expense of the good students with better results and these students cannot even communicate properly and unable to write a proper sentence. The main reason for the GMOA to display so much venom against SAITM is because district quota students who are now the majority have infiltrated the GMOA and fear such bright students who will come back to haunt them again as they were and are more capable.


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    I hear many shouting do not destroy free education. The GMOA also using this slogan. What about GMOA having destroyed free health service with private practice. If they are truly honest and committed to safeguard free education it would also be applicable to health as well as health and education are the cornerstone to good life. They should then campaign vehemently in the same spirit to abolish private practice by Government doctors and safeguard free healthcare. Now there are many doctor in the Health Department see private patients in private hospitals during working hours. They are refusing to do certain operations in the Government hospitals and forcing patients seek their service in private sector charging exorbitantly. The patients are helpless and are forced to forego with their savings and some had to burrow to pay the heavy bills.

    The GMOA tried its best to influence the judgment against SATIM and carried out illegal campaign and public demonstrations when the case was being heard by courts. It is amounting to contempt of court and is definitely illegal. GMOA and is member are a damn shame to the medical profession. I am sure many of them in the committee entered the medical faculty with much less results than many of their counterparts who were left out only because they came from good schools. It is the jealousy that prevailed nothing more.

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      I can see your legitimate grievence after spending so much money to send your child to SAITM. Don’t forget upon graduation your loved one will also become a member of that marauding GMOA killing poor patients.

  • 4

    Change GMOA to GOMA and SLMC to SLIME.These orgs deserve these acronyms.

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    srinath gunaratne.

    I am with you on all your above views.You have hit the nail on its head!

  • 5

    Hi Guy Eusense,

    Have you seen the judgement, as per the judgement, the SLMC is practicing double standard, and deception with regard to two private institutions offering the same medical degree.

    Per the judgement – The SLMC inspection team comprising its president recommends the degree of Kothalawala Defence University with only two paragraphs report, without any hospital, even before it builds its own hospital whereas rejects SAITM, after extensive and thorough report, despite their having a functioning hospital of 1500 beds.

    Man, you are talking of high standard but this is Sri Lanka not US, UK or Germany. SLMC is biased and badly prejudiced, and not taking the public agenda but taking its higher up or the GMOA agenda.

    Man, keep it in mind, education, private or public, is a Universal Fundamental Birthright for the masses, non have any right to interfere or deny it, if they do, its an unpardonable crime against humanity.

    Man, it’s not me bashing GMOA but the people are for their blood sucking corrupt greedy ways like the bloodthirsty vultures. In any issue, they don’t show any mercy to anyone but very mean and wicked. Tell me who else making so much commotions and harm if not for them.

    See, their hypocrisy, they want all perks – government job, moon lightening in private practice, duty free vehicles, top schools for their kids, after getting their education free out of the public purse. Are they Gods? Then of other professionals like – accounts, engineers, lawyers, etc, they too put lot of hard work and sacrifices to come to positions but nothing for them.

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    It is time to start counter protests against the students protests. All people must get together. These students are victims of anti government political forces. They are really reactionaries.

  • 3

    Court judgment said SLMC violated Medical Ordinance and took on the power of the Minister of Higher education when SLMC function was really to help SAITM to come up to standard which SAITM has now done. Every local MBBS under UGC of NCMC, KDU, SAITM or State uni. is equally approved by Uni. Act 16. No further exams.but only internship. Period. Court ordered SLMC to register SAITM for internship which means SLMC as a statutory body of govt. has to approve SAITM which is already approved by UGC which also is govt. Period. GMOA is a trade union which has no authority but uses strike weapon of terror on govt, and gave false hope to SLMC. They want private SAITM under state take over so they can control and brainwash.
    Foreign grads. not monitored have to prove their standard at ERPM which is Act 16 only for them. Others cant register for that. Job agencies gain by them and want closure of SAITM so they could send abroad. They fund hooligan street march protests just like politicians do purely for their own gain. Do not care for patients, only for money.
    Justice will eventually win in this world and the committed doctors will always be different from the money and power crazy mafia.

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    An Apple court Judge want and become New Promotion Supreme of Court Judge ?

    But this verdict of judgement has nothing related to that!

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    An Apple court Judge want and become New Promotion Supreme of Court Judge ?

    That is my dream become judge of SC ,if I can reached by hook or crook by it does matter lost of People’s life is immaterial to me.

    By supporting that an undermined independent and imparity of judiciary of rule of law is my dream mission US $$$$$$$$$$ @@@@ ####3

    But this verdict of judgement has nothing related to that!

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    Government should introduce an “EDUCATED FOOLS TAX” from these GMOA educated fools and other fools like Wigneswaran, Gammanpilla, Dayan Jayatileke etc. These guys will never allow Sri Lanka to prosper.

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    If a student cannot enter to study medicine on GCE A Level results,
    he/she can
    a) if able to spend up to Rs. Six Million, join SAITM, or, go abroad.
    b) if poor, join the army and get chosen by the Kotelawala Defence University to study medicine.
    This appears to be the state of affairs, as of now.

    Hence, SAITM is for rich kids who are unable to enter via A Level results.
    In this process, Neville Fernando becomes a millionaire.

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      “rich kids who are unable to enter via A Level results”

      They are unable to enter state medical faculty only because their due place is unfairly taken by the so called poor rural students with very low results on the district basis admission system created only by politicians to increase their vote bank.

      If you go on an island wide ranking man SAITM students are much higher than those who were admitted to state medical faculties. If there was fair play many in SAITM would have got admitted to state medical faculties.

      If the rural students can enter State medical faculty with low Advanced Level results displacing many students with good results from affluent schools then what is wrong in these students with good results who otherwise got displaced merely because they are from affluent schools cannot get redress by paying money, studying and passing exams in a private medical school.

      It is these rural folk who managed to enter the state medical faculty with poor results do not want the good students they displaced to also become educated. They are fearsome these good students they unfairly displaced out of state medical universities will give a death blow to them if they allowed them to survive.

      All I say if there has to be no private medical schools then have no district basis for admission and admit solely on Advanced Level merit. If district basis has to be retained then be fair by those students they have unfairly displaced even though they got better results to also qualify and fulfill their aspirations by allowing them to enter a private institution to educate them. I think this is only fair.

      I know many students in SAITM have got much better results and aggregate than many in the state medical faculties. Remember that it is the rich person’s tax money that is feeding the poor and educating them in the state university.

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    GMOA uses a 7 year and 2 year report to condemn SAITM. Why not use current court verdict to recognize SAITM. All local MBBS are Act 16 approved and not allowed to sit ERPM All local MBBS are equal and can sit COMMON MCQ PAPER to prove their standard and SAITM should ask Supreme Court to legalise that. All foreign MBBS are compelled to sit ERPM before SLMC registration. SAITM parents are not super rich and SAITM doctors are defamamed saying A/L failures. GMOA lunatics know that UGC entry criteria apply to all. Cant go through medical course without brains. Those who failed are leading others to the streets while they are paid salaries for TU work and not transferable. Truth stands veiled.

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    SLMC is biased and lawless even when SAITM MBBS external examiners are Professors from state universities. The best professors and lecturers form staff of SAITM. Court saw Inspection Report twisted to suit SLMC. The Deans are writing volumes how to change Ordinance, Law and Exams. in their mental expectation to grab and fail SAITM. Law is made in Parliament as Legislature and not by Deans with vested interest as their children are in foreign Med. Schools. Earlier they recommended closure of SAITM but gave no reasons. SAITM doctors can only sit Common MCQ like all state MBBS and prove their standard is same.as KDU, NCMC or State. Court case exposed them and now delaying tactics with court appeals, exams, strikes are planned. This insane medical mafia, wants best schools for their children only. GMOA farce cries international reporting. Good to inspect state uni. also at same time.

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    Do not worry these GMOA lunatics will become pro SAITM when their children do not get state university medical faculty, now that they have got good schools in Colombo and it would be difficult for them to get State Medical Faculty facing stiff competition due to many places are given to rural schools. It is then SAITM will come to their rescue and they will change to support SATIM.

    This was the story even before SAITM, when as a medical student in state medical college or as a young doctor they are against private medical school or foreign doctors; but when they grow older and when their children do not have a place then they change or at least after retirement can seek post retirement employment in these places like SAITM.


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