12 December, 2024


Protection Of Minority Rights Must Include Sexual Minorities: NPC Tells Government

According to the UN Human Rights Council, the legal obligations of States to safeguard the human rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people are well established in international human rights law on the basis of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and subsequently agreed international human rights treaties ratified by Sri Lanka, says the National Peace Council.

Issuing a statement today the NPC has called on the government to take steps to repeal those sections of the Penal Code and Vagrants Ordinance that can be used by those vested with state authority to harass people of a different sexual orientation and who are thereby denied their rights to equality and non-discrimination.

We publish below the statement in full:

Protection Of Minority Rights Must Include Sexual Minorities

As an organization that believes in equality for all and non-discrimination, the National Peace Council views the recent decision of the government not to proceed with legal reform that decriminalizes homosexuality as both disappointing and a setback to a culture of protecting minority rights in general. The presence of archaic laws does not reflect positively on either the Sri Lankan legislature or on the cultural enlightenment and tolerance of the population at large.

We reject the notion that same sex relations are criminal in nature or should be construed as such. Same sex relations are not due to modern decadence, or Western decadence as argued by some, but have been part and parcel of history from its very beginnings in all parts of the world, including Asia. There is a need for education campaigns to ensure that the thinking of society at large becomes more rational and less emotional on these issues.

According to the UN Human Rights Council, the legal obligations of States to safeguard the human rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people are well established in international human rights law on the basis of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and subsequently agreed international human rights treaties ratified by Sri Lanka.

We note that same sex relations are rarely if ever prosecuted in the Sri Lankan courts. However, a recent report on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender issues by Human Rights Watch details examples of discrimination and abuse experienced by those of a different sexual orientation.

We call on the government to take steps to repeal those sections of the Penal Code and Vagrants Ordinance that can be used by those vested with state authority to harass people of a different sexual orientation and who are thereby denied their rights to equality and non-discrimination. We also call for the eliminating of discrimination against people on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identities though legal reform. Civil society at all levels needs to publicly manifest support with regard to the protection and upholding of rights of sexual minorities in particular and minority rights in general.

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  • 14

    Nice to see there are international organizations still interested in making the world a better place for all instead of a select few alone.

    We have a culture of indecency that is against the treating of all Sri Lankans as equals. This indecent culture has been protecting criminals, delaying justice and the progress of Sri Lanka.

    • 8

      Sirisena must learn from Mandela, his idol by his admission.

      South Africa’s new constitution protects all sexual minorities. Period.


      PS: If Sirisena is unwilling to learn, we must eduacte the guy on this matter.

      • 4

        Ben, I di dnot see NV for a week or so ? Is he well ?

        • 3

          Sam Fernando,

          Nope. Have not seen him lately.

          NV is by far, the self-appointed, voice of reason on CT. Truth be told. Got to give it to him. Well, deserved. He has moderated my temper, more than once, with authority much to my appreciation.

          Hope he hasn’t given up on us, our Island and its’ stupid people.

          Come back Native!


          • 4

            Ben – why don’t you address your concerns to the PM?

            If anyone should be committed to protecting sexual minorities it is he !

            • 2


              My concern? You are not concerned as citizen and a human-being?

              PM & his hypocritical gang of Colombo 7 gay men do not care that much about this issue. They are content pretending, they are hetro-sexual. Don’t ask & don’t tell policy in practice.

              They have done nothing to contribute to a dignified debate on terrible discrimination & abuse of homosexuality in our country.

              We, the wider society are duty bound to fight this battle along side oppressed LGBT citizens.


          • 1

            Thanks Ben,
            Hope not Rajakashes may have let our NV go missing similar to the manner Ekanaligoda and other men.

            • 2

              Oh please, all ills are Rajapakse caused according to some !

  • 6

    New human rights are needed in countries in which christian and islamic religions are reigning.

    In buddhism, the philosophy is “LIVE AND LET LIVE”. because of that, new wordings or political statements are not needed to one’s rights. during the enitre sinhale history minorities have not being prosecuted. Sinhala kings have protected even catholics nad muslims from portugeuse, and dutch on salught. that is how they settled in sri lanka,

    Only human right that Sri lanka needed is total protection of buddhism from other religious invasions from political religions and ban the casteism among Tamils.

  • 4

    People born with different type of hormones. It is not their fault and it is the part of evolution. We human are still evolving and our requirement may change accordingly in future. Few of them born with different needs and we need to cater them humanly to live in the same society to mingle with others. That should not mix with religious or cultural matters. It is biological matter.

    • 1

      I guess the animals have yet to evolve to extinction, according to your logic Karu!

  • 4

    One wonders why Ranil, Mangala, Malik and like-minded politicians with clout don’t push for the protection of these minorities?

    It’s about time to clear out those closets and stop criminalizing those who are more open about their sexual preferences, isn’t it?

  • 0

    what is the definition of minority ???. people of different sexual orientation can not be treated as minority as our long distance cousins like monkeys or chimps or apes does not show such different sexual orientations.as such these so called different sexual orientation has nothing to do with evolution.anyway minority rights should not be granted at the expenses of majority’s culture and belief. minority should get their desires in line with majority’s culture. that is not a big issue.it is not a life threatening process.simple medical or religioustic treatments can do that. need only desire to change.nothing will be lost.only the change of mindset.

    • 5

      You are just so stupid. Please check it man – if you are in the mind to believe evolution – calling them our cousins – there you should have read in current literiture the behavoiurs of chimps and bonaboos…. there are evidences to see that they too can be same sex lovers. And the studies based on penguine too, came to light that they the animals have shown same sex affinities. You the born idiots seem making the facts in favour of you – as Mahinda Rajaakshe compares Ranjan Ramanayake with former idiotic minister- Mervin De Silva. You the men born and grew up in socery background will only believe in Hanumantha – Penakiyanna – thowil and balithowil -devil dances – making the gulliable further fools. You are match to Rajapakshes…. please grow up.

      • 2

        Whoever said it, still true.

        Ranjan is new Mervin.

        But sexual minorities are minorities and their rights must be protected. Srilanka is stuck in an ancient rut. Sexual orientation is personal business. They should also have their rights as others. Their marriage is their concern, not others.

        • 1


          may be he just overeacted. Just imagine, what would you have done if the female secretary behaved that irresponsibly ? it is reported the woman is in that seat beyond her tenure,.. now it should be 7 years. But she just prevaricated to the questions raised by RR on that conversation. Sure, they should have made all assesments before calling to her on that day. As minister, I think he is still no wrong to have if even overeacted to the rude womanwho keep her position their by force. If I were the minister – like EUROPEANS would have reacted, her duties be subjected to immediate suspension. That way, you can take action the kind of highly abusive lanken kind of so called secretaries to pradeehseeya sabasa.

    • 5


      “minority rights should not be granted at the expenses of majority’s”

      Do you see what’s wrong with your statement!?
      The world is ful of people who belong to different cultures, religions and ethnicity who all deserve equal treatment.
      Only thing everyone has to fall in line with is to respect the rights of each and every individual.

      No one is saying it has to come at the expense of any majority.
      By the way Sinhalese and Tamils are minorities too on a global scale.

      according to your statement treating everyone as equals comes at the expense of a majority then that implies there is already a prevalent situation where the minorities are being give second class treatment…
      And treating everyone as equals only brings the majority to the same level as everyone else (equals) so what’s wrong with that!?

  • 0

    At last NPC and Jehan PhD has something meaningful to tell, instead of his spying trips to North-East.

  • 3

    What is so special about sexual pervertion?

  • 3

    Being a Gay is not a Badge of Honour.

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