11 September, 2024


GMOA To Take Peoples’ Lives To Ransom Again Over SAITM Issue

Even as government hospitals continue to overflow with patients suffering from the dengue epidemic, the Government Medical Officers Association (GMOA) will take the lives of the public to ransom once again this week, when they launch an indefinite strike across the country.

The Central Committee of the GMOA announced today that it will launch a continuous strike from Wednesday onwards. The Association said that they were unhappy with how certain government ministers were addressing the issue over the private medical campus, despite President Maithripala Sirisena’s assurance to find a solution over the SAITM issue.

More details of the strike will be announced within the next 24 hours, the GMOA said.

The GMOA announcement comes just hours since Minister Champika Ranawaka also joined the bandwagon to demand an immediate abolishment of the South Asian Institute of Technology and Medicine (SAITM) in Malabe.

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  • 9

    We are not supports of doctors or government ministers. We are not happy with the way both Rajitha and Kiriella dealing with the issues. They are playing with the life of the people for money and getting their sons and daughters and their son’s wife getting medical degree. We stand with doctors. But I kindly ask doctors to be sympathetic of patients. We voted this government. Next time we will send this ministers and their government home. We are not fools to believe what Rajitha and kiriella speaks for this lucrative business.

    Dr. Perera PhD

    • 16

      Dr Perera,

      This issue has been connected with untold stories that is connected to loads of bank loans.
      They dont want to expose the details. So may be possible what is exposed is much less than the real stories.

      Anyways, the twu batches that have already passed out should be given the rights to practise their professions, after them being provided with respective clinical trainings. All others, should be made clear if they the students are in compliance with the entry qualifications allow their proceeds any other colleges abroad.

      After that, the college shoudl be aboslished as JHU has made it very clear.
      This unethical kid was produced by MEEHRAKA RAJAAKSHE AND HIS UNCULTURED ACTIONS. So former men should be made accoutable to this menace too.
      Where what was started by FORMER BULL dogs, are seen to have left debries… as nothing can help the easy solutions.
      Not discussing it that way to protect parties, but to charge the current men for the loads of shits heaped and left by them, is BEYOND all bearing.

      • 22

        “The GMOA has been engaging with the Govt. on this issue for a long time.”
        ………….. Where was the GMOA when SAITM was established in 2009 under Mahinda? From 2009 to 2015 didn’t they see anything wrong?

        • 1

          GMOA and SLMC knew they are not giving registration for SAITM graduates.

    • 22

      Dr. Perera PhD

      I would have been with you if the admission criteria was fair and based purely on merit and not on the present dubious and fraudulent ‘district quota’ system when many deserving students with very good results and aggregate are left out of the prestigious courses such as Medicine only because they were educated in good schools and districts so that these places be given to students with bad results and poor aggregate only because they were from bad schools.

      Many students with good results have found them a place in SAITM for the exact reasons I mentioned. Many students in SAITM are victims of this dubious admission criteria. As a result now the value of a good school and the value of good AL results have been lost only to satisfy politicians votes strength in rural districts.

      • 4

        What were Dr Perera’s marks??

    • 22

      Dr. Perera,

      Who gave you the PhD?

      • 20

        Probaly, GOOGLE DRAMA QUEEN Wimal Weerawanse or OUR VERY INTELLIGENT CHAMPA (backlicker of Weerawanse)

    • 19

      “Even as government hospitals continue to overflow with patients suffering from the dengue epidemic, the Government Medical Officers Association (GMOA) will take the lives of the public to ransom once again this week, when they launch an indefinite strike across the country.”

      SAITM was started during the last regime which allocated public money and gave scholarships to it’s students. The students were encouraged to join SAITM. Was it to be abolished and throw the students on rubbish dump? 62.2% of the Mirror readers are against abolishing SAITM. Most people are against the strike actions of the selfish GMOA.

      Doctors’ profession is a noble one but the leaders of GMOA are a disgrace to the humanity. They try to exploit the weakness of this government for their vengeful purpose. A strong government would have taught a good lesson as happened during 60tees.

      • 7

        The students threw themselves on the rubbish dump, after the Sri Lanka Medical Council warned all, by public advertisements, not to join SAITM.

        • 11


          SAITM was approved by the Govt. & established with Govt. blessing but if the standards were low, the SLMC, whose purpose obviously is to monitor medical standards, should have taken it up with the Govt. & the Management of SAITM to establish the required standards, instead of ‘warning’ the public with advertisements. All this should have been ironed out at the very beginning, therefore, SLMC failed in its duty & is obviously avoiding responsibility by the excuse of ‘warning’ the public. By the way, who paid for the advertisements?

        • 4


          How is that? The then government supported SAITM and the students followed the guidance. If the GMOA wanted SAITM abolished its leasers must have done it when it was founded. It’s cruel to punish its graduates after their 5 or more years of education.

          No union has the right to hold the country and the sick to ransom. The government was elected to govern. The government can at least warn the GMOA that it will go to the country for a referendum on this single issue of their unreasonable demand of abolition of SAITM and get a land slide on its side. Or bring draconian law to abolish strike action by those in essential services and if they disobey the strikers will lose their jobs and on rejoining the service they will lose their service. There is precedent of such measures in other counries.

      • 15

        Saro, you are very correct, the 62.2% you are talking about understands the need for private education. We need educated (private or govt) young people to develop our country. These so called educated doctors are on a different mission. Government should act now, take the decision JR made in the seventees. Terminate all these goons and get temporary health professionals from overseas and get them working with our military doctors. Assign the Army to provide security for the doctors. Our country had a 30 year war and it cost us a lot. This decision will not cost us that much .

    • 13

      I dont think that Paddeniya would not be attacked by any mob.

      He will have to take care of himself, I have the feeling these men cut their neck by themself.

      What is wrong with being listend to the men of the govt. Rather to be supportive to any radical political agendas ? Be it from UNCULTURED AND POWER INTOXICATED RAJAPAKSHE or Peratugami… why should GMOA do the job fo rthem ?

      • 11

        Let him end that way, then the patients and others will be happy to have got rid of the bugger.

        These men are products of FREE education, but no means hearted to medical profession.
        If one would check their schedules of hours they spent with patients as swore in getting the licence, not many would have COVEREd the hours they have to … to be got paid monthly.
        There should be sort of inspector positions to check whether MEDICAL DOCTORs do their duties in compliance with the laws prevailing in the country.

        • 2

          I guess you were intellectually not worthy of getting a free education to become physician.
          Are you saying that if you became a physician you wouldn’t do what these physicians are doing,??

    • 7

      Mr Perera PhD

      Today the govt had a high level meeting with parliamentarians. Way forward will be announced shortly but no closure of SAITM.

      Would like to know as to what is wrong in students getting highest marks getting their medical education paid for by the tax payer and students below the cut off mark paying for their own medical education?

      When minimum standards are published by the MInister, almost all faculties would require improvements and SAITM &KDU would be no different.

      The protests should be for proper regulation of medical education and not against private education.

      If clergy stand up against private medical education, they could be easily resolved just like the way they were done in the past either by giving new Benz cars or by giving diplomatic postings to family members.

    • 4

      Dr. Perera PhD, —————————————————————————————
      //”We are not supports of doctors or government ministers. We are not happy with the way both Rajitha and Kiriella dealing with the issues.”//————————————————————————————————————————————————So, the Paras ( Paradeshis, Foreigners) in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho are ” not are not happy” . The Paras with an average IQ of 79 are the curse of the land of Native Veedh Aethho. The so-called doctors and the politicians are NOT the cream of the Paras in the Land. Additionally, the IQ’s of the doctors were found to be well below those of the Physical science and Engineering graduates. What it is all about is the Hegemony and Privileges of the Doctors and the Politicians at the expense of the masses who pay for them.——————————————————————By the way, Ph.D. stands for Doctor of Philosophy ( Philos=love, Sophia= Wisdom), and it does NOT apply to you.—————————————————————————————————— The GMOA “doctors” have No Love and No Wisdom, and no Empathy for the masses who paid for their “education” and still pays exorbitant fees, including their shills like you who claim to have a Ph.D.—– Only in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho Occupied by the Paras of average IQ 79.—————————–References:———————————————————————————
      http://www.photius.com/rankings/national_iq_scores_country_ranks.html —————————————————————————————————————

      Mitochondrial DNA history of Sri Lankan ethnic people: ———————————— Through a comparison with the mtDNA HVS-1 and part of HVS-2 of Indian database, both Tamils and Sinhalese clusters were affiliated with Indian subcontinent populations than Vedda people who are believed to be the native population of the island of Sri Lanka. ———————————————————————http://www.nature.com/jhg/journal/v59/n1/full/jhg2013112a.html

    • 2

      How about going to an English class and learn some grammar before indicating that you have a PhD?

  • 10

    Sri Lanka’s population is 20.97 million. What is the proportion of their interest on SAITM? 0.002%?

    SAITM was established in 2008. When it was established it should have addressed specific aspects of prospect’s requirements. Government-Medical-Mafia-Association seemed to have in a coma at that time. Court Order messed up the issue. Public has made many comments on this so much so people are fed up now.

    Government and JO both use SAITM issue to cover up core issues.

    SAITM issue cannot be resolved overnight. A policy decision should be taken.

    Starting afresh, government should assign ONLY ONE Minister (Health/Higher Education) to handle the issue, engage in discussions and present recommendations. No ad-hoc meetings, no ad-hoc statements. It is downright irritating the manner in which the President, PM, subject Ministers, other Ministers, MPP all talk like old world monkeys about SAITM on media.  

    Attending to Dengue pandemic is the most urgent matter on administrative side. Simultaneously, garbage issue should be resolved. While looking for long term measures, attention should be drawn to short term measures.

    Hospitals are inundated with patients and there is a dearth of doctors. Civilian doctors? They are the most unpredictable, indifferent, selfish lot on Sri Lanka’s soil at present. Seriously, I don’t understand the connection between SAITM and Dengue. People have a right to healthcare. There is no need for the government to compromise on an irrelevant issue like SAITM just to get doctors back to work. Government should get the assistance of Army Medical Corps.

    Both parties have no right to deprive Dengue patients of their right to medical treatment based on SAITM issue.

    Straighten your back, government, get back to work and learn to move forward. Prioritize your issues. I have two lists for you. (300 words dead).

    • 11

      Champa PLEASE name of THE god, please dont mislead this nation.

      Dear Friends, and to whom it may concern
      dont let GOOGLE DRAMA QUEEN’s blind support-CHAMPA to mislead you the manner he himself has been abused by Google joker. This particular CHAMPA has been a product of WIMAL WEERAWANSE ACADEMY. So you don’t need to think twice about the incomplete numbers or percentages to paint the picture in favor of them.
      These are the facts about lanken statistics based on number of students per year.
      Sure, we have got nearly 21 million living in this lost/CHAMPA dominated island but out of which just 0,3 million sit for ALEVELS in each year; as a percentage it is nearly 1.4% ;So out of this 0.3 Million, it is reported just 0.16 million get through their ALEVELS (say it is should be roughly about 50%); and the reports give the number just 26 000 (16.5%) have the luck to get selected to state universities for all the faculties.

    • 9

      Annual number of students that enter to state medical faculties island wide is nearly 1200.
      So there are at least another half of the size that got the CHANCES are more than qualified to be able to study MEDICINE. Those with distinctions are capable of studying medicine- no matter Z core says something else. I mean they have got through with distinctions, but not matching Z core no having enough placements at STATE medical faculties are destined to be away from their hopes for the future.
      For your own check please get the facts from the link added.
      These days, guys that mix Billions with MILLIONS and all varied high criminals that gave the birth to SAITM have been uttering blatant lies about statistics just to belong to good books.
      This CHEAP CHAMPA would do anything and everything to PROMOTE his buddy WIMAL WEERAWANSE. So it is upto you guys to read go through the factual information and see it further.
      > Media men working for RAJAPAKHE MEN TOO are on spread of false information on this. </b
      None of them can know the facts than lanken examination dept.

    • 0

      My priority list (not relevant to the topic though). 

      1. Registration of Electors (Special Provisions) Bill

      2. International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance (ICPPED) Bill

      3. Federal Constitution

      I wish to seek President’s intervention.

      1. Mr. President, Registration of Electors (Special Provisions) Bill – Second Reading is taking place today.

      a. This Bill is brought to allow IDPs who were registered prior to 2009 in North/East and whose names were not appeared therein after 2009 to be included in the District Register they were in prior to 2009.

      b. This has a serious impact. These IDPs may be in Colombo, India, Europe, USA, Norway anywhere or nowhere. Anybody can claim they were IDPs. Any exiled LTTE terrorist cadre can register as a voter. Any Indian can pose as an IDP with forged documents. Anybody can impersonate somebody else, even deceased will get life. This is unacceptable. Those exiled LTTE terrorists should be declared ‘personae-non-gratae’ not granting voting rights. Is there any mechanism to verify these?

      c. Before bringing in the Bill, the government should have appointed a Parliamentary Committee comprised of MPP as observers and officials to go through the Election Registers 30 years prior to 2009. Then they should have verified whereabouts of those people, a list of the deceased, many who claimed to be disappeared are living in other countries in different names. And then Committee should have decided who is eligible. This is a very sensitive issue.

      d. Passing the Bill even before verifying facts-statistics-and-impacts hints a sinister game.

      e. This is a violation of our rights. Government’s idiocy-or-fear is leading LTTE diaspora and Indian nationals to pose as IDPs and enter into our electoral system. People should come forward to demand the government abandon this. I wish the President see my point.

      • 1

        I seek President’s intervention to the 2nd in my list too. (Sorry CT, I have no other forum. Thank you.)

        2. . International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance (ICPPED) Bill.

        Mr. President, this will be tabled on the 5th.

        a. ICPPED has ALREADY been signed (10 December 2015) and ratified (25 May 2016) without allowing public scrutiny, Parliamentary consultation or judicial review. PM has taken this Convention to international level bypassing national level.  

        b. PM and former FM seemed to have tricked the country with this Convention.

        c. PM is not the Head of State. Head of State is the President. According to our Constitution, and domestic law, shouldn’t any Convention be ratified by the President once it was approved by Parliament? How could PM had the upper hand to ratify ICPPED?

        d. The impact of International Conventions are varied from country to country depending on exclusive domestic circumstances/domestic laws. In the case of Sri Lanka, a controversial convention such as ICPPED need absolute scrutiny by the Parliament before signing. Ratifying is a major part. Therefore it is imperative to get the approval of the Parliament, then the President before signing and ratifying both. Did PM get the Cabinet approval even?

        e. PM is answerable to people, Parliament and the President. He is not legally-constitutionally-legislatively allowed to take his own decisions.

        f. ICPPED has serious impact on our armed forces who were engaged in the war against LTTE. They could be imprisoned based even on unsubstantiated allegations citing certain clauses of the Convention. This is treachery.

        g. ICPPED is not a Treaty, it is a Convention. Therefore, eventhough ICPPED is ratified, Sri Lanka is not binding to its law. PM is bringing this Bill to enact legislation and therefore, this treacherous Bill has to be stopped.

        • 0

          Oh, these two comments NO LONGER VALID with the appointment of Austin as President’s Secretary. President or his office cannot be trusted anymore.

          After this week, the integrity and credibility of the Parliament is over.

          Citizens cannot hold the Parliament in high esteem anymore.

          All Bills that are detrimental to the country will be enacted after this week. Therefore relying on Parliamentarians is futile.

          No point of going after politicians asking them to work for the best interest of the country when they have already proved that their selfish political agenda comes before the country.

          The necessary change should be done at the next election. However, it is highly likely for Ranil to extend the duration of the Parliament with the help of Mahinda and JO. Don’t be surprised.

          What is left is Federal Constitution. JO is in the forefront in supporting it. It is a fact. Maha Sangha should take their strongest approach to defeat this. Last chance.

          We are compelled to go for the last resort, I have already mentioned it in the first news item. It is time to END my “soft approach” too. There is of no use now. Let’s fight for our rights.

          I welcome Maha Sangha coming forward at the right time led by Asgiriya Chapter. However, I heard some Buddhist Monks saying that they were SLFP supporters. It is not right. All Buddhist Monks should be neutral. If they are politically affiliated, their decisions will be bias.

          I reiterate here too. Sinhalese-Buddhists needs to have a political party on their own. All other ethnicities have political parties. Although we are the majority we don’t have a political party. Buddhist Monks need to interact with laymen on the matter. Getting the support of Buddhists at the election is simple.

  • 11

    Before you pick your phone to channel a government doctor
    STOP! and think of the down trodden!

    Are you doing justice to these innocent souls
    by paying these vultures to consult them?

    Neglecting these weeping souls tantamount a violation of their
    fundamental right to equal treatment guaranteed by
    article 12 of the constitution

    The Vultures have demonstrated their strength!
    Time is ripe to show these Vultures the
    “People strength”

    Show heart to these innocent souls
    by boycotting Government Doctors!


  • 1

    GMOA may not be angels with birds of paradise wings but are the SAITM promoters angels with or without butterfly wings to boot?
    Title of news “GMOA To Take Peoples’ Lives To Ransom Again Over SAITM Issue”
    SAITM investors and their allies in government are doing exactly that – using Lankans as human shields – they like to see a few Lankans die to score one point. The SAITM supporters will go all the way to Singapore or Australia for even a common cold.
    GMOA is resorting to trade union rights. SAITM is using their monetary clout.

  • 12

    This is absolutely disgusting… Mr President, Mr Prime Minister – Time to sort this out once and for all… All Doctor strikers must have their perks and licenses cancelled with immediate effect, and put out a new Law, civilians are allowed to thrash these bogus doctors… or… let Doctor Mervin Silva tie a few to trees and lamp posts….

  • 3

    The title of the news is wrong and misleading as the Doctors have always ensured that their members in absolute essential services are exempted from the strike so that the needs of patients urgently needing attention are attended to. The GMOA has been engaging with the Govt. on this issue for a long time. The Govt.’a lethargy in dealing with the issue is the cause for it taking a serious turn. It can be clearly seen from the different utterances from different Ministers that they do not have clear thinking on the matter so that they can meaningfully move towards finding a solution.

    • 5

      Why not let the students already in SAITM, finish their Course and Only Then close it down. If You were One of the Students in that position, think of the Mental Anguish it would Cause you!

  • 6

    Problem solved.

    Can we have a temporary white van till we clear the GMOA goons for few days. Then we shall ban it again.

    Bad things of past should be okay for good reason. UN will understand that with Donald Trump US circus in full swing.


  • 0

    [Edited out] Comments should not exceed 300 words

  • 1

    Hi CT, I didn’t use Bold, but my comment is in bold. All bold is difficult to read. Care to adjust this? Please? Thank you.

    • 0

      Yes, CT has to adjust it.

      Champa btw, why you are like blind folded ? I have read yours several times.
      But you are very biased to Wimal and former Zimbabwian style regime.

  • 1

    Topic should be changed as follows
    ‘Yahapalanaya To Take Peoples’ Lives To Ransom Again Over SAITM Issue’

  • 1

    Is the GMOA the real issue?
    The government should do the right thing on SAITM.
    Medical education is serious business.

  • 6

    A policy decision has to be taken by the Govt ASAP with regard to private medical education. We condemn the lackadaisical attitude of the Govt on the SAITM issue. This is a free country and every citizen has a right to education including medical education whether in a Public institution or private. Private Universities should be encouraged. Closing down SAITM is not the solution. As the GMOA stated, if the issue with SAITM is the ‘standards’, why not the Govt and the SLMC raise the bar. GMOA is only a Trade Union. Trade Unions should not allowed to make Policy decisions for the country. It is evident that the GMOA is trying to run a Cartel. The first evidence of a Cartel is to severely limit supply. A patient spends more than 2 hours for a 10 minute (or less) consultation with a Medical Doctor which aptly testifies that Sri Lanka is short of Doctors. Statistics reveal that in 2015 there was one Doctor for 1,100 people in Sri Lanka which is less than the bear minimum (1 for every 1,000) recommended by the WHO. This figure is much less in countries with better healthcare systems.This ratio in Malaysia is 1:600 and they are working towards improving this ratio to 1:400 in 2020. There are 21 private medicals schools in Malaysia. When would Sri Lanka achieve these figures? It is estimated that Sri Lanka has 20,000 Doctors and to reach the Doctor Population ratio in Malaysia Sri Lanka need 15,000 more Doctors. At the current rate of Public Medical School output it will take atleast 15 years considering no one in service today retires or migrates and the population to be static. Statistics reveal that in the past, 15% of the Doctors qualify from Medical Faculties in Sri Lanka have migrated. The GMOA is sadistically opposing improvements to healthcare in general. (Eg: Four year degree program for Nurses) Agree that healthcare cannot be improved merely by increasing the quantity of Doctors. As much as the quality of Doctors should be increased the quantity and quality of other healthcare workers like Nurses , Lab Technicians etc should be increased/maintained. The attitude of the GMOA aggravated the current healthcare dysfunction. SAITM may not be faultless, but issues are not insurmountable. “Doctor cartels” fear that allowing private medical schools within Sri Lanka and Doctors qualifying from those will erode their ability to control supply and pricing. May the Policy makers have wisdom in understanding this and arrive at a National Policy for medical education and healthcare to make Sri Lanka a better place to live. (Source – An article titled ‘Lessons from Doctors on how to run a Cartel” in ECHELON)

  • 5

    GMOA’s decision to go for indefinite strike should be condemned by all citizens of this country. SATIM issue is only a lame excuse for the GMOA to justify their ill-will action. Healthcare of a country comes under essential service as millions of poor people seek medical attention from government hospitals. When treatment is denied willfully by the doctors, people also have their right to revolt against the doctors.
    GMOA claims that they are against privatization of medical higher studies, then how about their stance on private hospitals. Day by day private hospitals are mushrooming every nook and corner and the GMOA doctors are illegally engaged in private practice for exorbitant payment. Their double standard is proven beyond doubt for which GMOA is keeping mum on this issue. Therefore GMOA is adapting unethical standards and their conduct is unacceptable for the betterment of the poor.

    • 6

      Every right thinking hearted people should agree with you.

      GMOA is a terror organisation. And it is being backed by former men who would NOT see the future of those MEDICAL students but their return to power.

      GMOA is just being abused to topple the govt.

      Here the govt has to act cancellation of the medical licences of all those who incite violence.
      Yesterday in Malakuna program telecasted by HIRU TV, I got to know the representative of GMOA , one Herath sounded as if they would have every right to stand and protest.

      If the discussions on the quality of the degree is being done, the state has to implement them NOT allow repeat 89 style postponements again.

  • 0

    As someone suggested already, no private medical education should = to no private practice for government doctors. Government docs are the only government employees allowed to do private work. Since these docs are only interested in their patients “well being”, they should be spending all their time with their patients.
    What about all the docs that practice who got their education from India, Bangladesh, China, Russia, Ukraine and many other countries? Who vouched for the standards of medical colleges in these countries? This is all about cutting off the supply so the government docs can control their pay & perks. By definition, this is a cabal. And, they use mafia tactics. The GMOA should be told that if they strike, they will be locked out. Time to get the Army doctors into action. If short, then bring in temporary docs on contract from India and the neighboring countries. Then, announce the names of all GMOA members and ask the people not to patronize them for channeling. Private hospitals should be mandated not to allow these docs to do private practice in their facilities. Time to break this mafia/cabal/gang/terrorists.

  • 1

    Ask yourself : If you are a patient in a hospital in a critical condition, live and death situation, which doctor would have your confidence with. One wrong diagnosis or the wrong medication, you are doomed, to kiss your arse good bye, in coma or a wheel chair.

    Like many of our politicians with low IQ, we have many doctors who were drop outs in high schools, but were able to buy their seats at private institutions and overseas universities, which are not worth their brochures and papers.

    Mass production and over supply for greed, will kill more patients, good or bad, we pay.

  • 1

    This pic looks like a politician rather than a doctor! Disgusting.

  • 0

    Striking Docs and their alliance forms the greatest traitors of the nation taking country down the drain and claim to be the patriots

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