The General Secretary of the Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) Galagoda Atte Gnanasara who surrendered to the Fort Magistrate Courts this morning was released on the previous bail, and the arrest warrant issued against the monk was cancelled.
Last week, the Fort Magistrate issued an arrest warrant against Ganansara after he failed to appear before courts, despite two summons over a contempt of court charge. Incidentally, it was the second arrest warrant issued against the monk within less than a month, the first was issued on May 25, 2017 on charges of inciting racial hatred and for hate speech against the Muslim community.
The police claimed that they had deployed several units to arrest Gnanasara in May, however as he was in hiding they were unable to apprehend him. Both the government and the police have been accused of soft peddling action against Gnanasara and the BBS despite renewing their attacks against the Muslim community in the recent months.
Burt / June 21, 2017
Joke of a judiciary. Buddha’s Land Buddha’s Law.
Ben Hurling / June 21, 2017
Bloody awful. A big mistake. Gandasara’s beaming smile speaks volumes about Sri Lanka’s lethargic, rotten and highly politicized Judiciary. It is a shot in the arm for all ethno-religious political opportunists in SL. Such as JHU Champuka, Wahabi Hakeem, Qatari Rishard & TNA Siva etc. They can now play on fear, hate and segregation politics. They can secure their political lives, duty-free vehicles & official residences in Colombo for life. Sri Lanka may well burn. That is not their problem though. Cheers!
Samuel Jayaweera / June 21, 2017
They the current puppetS – created a situaton GHANASARA to laugh from his both ends. Now the tensions would come up – against the current rule even worst than had been until now.
Is that all what we ever expected this govt to fulfil ?
Like the wounds are being hurt deliberatly. ?
Seelawathie Jayasinghe / June 21, 2017
It is high time liberate all the PRISONERS that have long been kept in prisons.
If Ghanasara or Raajapakshes ARE allowed to roam in the city without being subjected to lawful punishments, why the prisoners regardless of the size of their crimes, to keep in the prisons ?
Samuel Jayaweera / June 21, 2017
I would NOT stand against with Interntaionl courts anymore. i hate to see current rulers being that penisless.
I think only way out would be to rigourous law and order enforcement.
Ballige putha Ghanasara, smirks sending the message, as if more than happy to have twisted the POLICE and court today.
srinath gunaratne / June 21, 2017
Well it’s your government of Ranil. So is this the new way the wheels of justice grind?
Whoo whhooo whhoooo!
Samuel yahapalane dripping through!
Everybody blamed Mahinda and Gota!
Now we see the true owners on Nanasara.
Two minutes in tow minutes out, Good friends at higher places!
Burt / June 21, 2017
Practically Ranil and Sirisena both are done but one problem is there is no replacement because if its is Raja’s family it would be worse as now there are more pockets to ill.
Good time for a progressive party to get organized but JVP is not the one because it too is a bigoted, racist party beneath the surface.
LittleisimonfromBerlin / June 22, 2017
We are against the slow moves of Current MEN.
But that means not that we will ever like the bastards back to the filed.
Rajapakshes are the problem in this country, if any disaster could take them away would surely help the country and nation lot more.
Gotabayas actons should not being neglected. He is no different to that WIRATHU from Myanmar. These men are born to destroy the nation.
MsMaralathoni / June 22, 2017
please read the below
You guys hosted him few years ago.
That alone proved your stance on Buddhism. Leave us in peace Mister Champa
Give a chance to NON-VIOLENCE.
Your mothers can bless you, if only you would behave so.
Burt / June 21, 2017
“Ballige putha Ghanasara, smirks sending the message”
Yes the message is to MS. “N you can bend over looking at Dalada Maligawa”
roy / June 21, 2017
Srilanka is now a LAWLESS country , ruled by C***S
J.Muthu / June 21, 2017
Buddy u never going to learn….let tamils live in their land…..good 4 u good 4 us.
sinhala budhist dump brain never going to change….just like u believed jaffna library burnt out by LTTE….accept it….u and me live side by side peacefully….
J.Muthu / June 21, 2017
reply for ben curling
Native Vedda / June 21, 2017
Jamis Muthu Banda Tamil speaking Sinhalam ——————————————————–Where have you been all these weeks and months. Have you been hiding this saffron clad thug inside your Amude? What is happening in the NPC? Some caught with their hands in the till. I would have thought Tamils administration would be a god given gift to the northern people run by people who are with whiter than white character.
Desperate Sinhalaya / June 21, 2017
So the million dollar question would arise –
Is current day lanken JUDICIARY is independent ? If yes, where have they made progresses ? Please define it according to MY3 and RW …. are they all playing with us the ones who longed that long high culprits to get punished ?
UNHRC – over to you – please put the pressure on the current bunch of thugs, who are about to be NO SECOND to former Rajapakshes.
We the ones who made everything to chase away Rajapakshes are about to stand against CURRENT men too.
We want justice to be served as was promised by them PRIOR to the ELECTIONs.
stop20 / June 21, 2017
“”We want justice to be served as was promised by them PRIOR to the ELECTIONs.””……………………………………………………………………………………
Its called Sanskrit: धर्म dharma; in singlish- “cosmic law and order”……………………………………………………………………………………………………
When Baddurdin the muslim minister went by chopper and beat a magistrate Every muslim at lanka hailed him and most trolls silently liked him to be back in power- that is the wicked philosophy of social network thickheads…………………………………………..
Tiger mouth………..Nigel Farage said worse things
AVB / June 21, 2017
Don’t insult this hero of Sinhalese Buddhist community.. What a charming smile… Saviour of SB nation #$@? ….. Can any of you, including Native Vedda, get 50 people to Colombo street to protest against what this SB hero does? … No.. you can’t… I can’t either.. what a shame..
Native Vedda / June 21, 2017
AVB————“Can any of you, including Native Vedda, get 50 people to Colombo street to protest against what this SB hero does? ” ——————–Native Vedda is still learning as to how to behave like a very civilised Sinhala/Buddhist. Let me have some time. ————–There are people that I know who are willing to protest however they won’t as you know the police usually attacked the innocent civilians and protected the thugs. Therefore they don’t want to protest. Further they are also busy with their full time job unlike the crooks, thugs and Sinhala/Buddhists. ———————————————————————————————-For every arrest, there is an equal and opposite release. —-Why bother with everyday arrest, release and protest. ———————-
roy / June 22, 2017
you mean sob
Rarityminds / June 21, 2017
NOW THEY OFFICIALLY MADE IT CLEAR, any HIGHER criminal can be away WEEKS LONG in own hideouts, even if ARREST WARRANTs would repeatedly have made..
LOVELY …. this is what we had been waiting for.
If Late Rev Sobitha Thero would have been alive, he would collapse on the spot.
Today, the levels have been reached to beyond unbearing.
People, CIVIL society groups, LETs rally round and join hand to protest this bloody f****K rulers again. It is high time. No seconds should be waited anymore.
Simon De Silva / June 21, 2017
Tomorrow will be the day, they CLOWNS even WILL allow this DRAG QUEEN GHANASARA to TRAVEL abroad.
Grass eating majority will amuse hearing GHANASARAs Kawibana.
We just hang on with SO CALLED hopes the rulers to deliver as they promised.
I decided to accuse me of having helped these penisless men to get elected.
Sam Fernando / June 21, 2017
this land belongs to buddha – only when they the people s represeentative are on their selfish agendas.
Else the country and nation is named after BARBARIC by their genetics -Of course majority of people. Their psyche would not allow them to grow beyond the levels.
sama / June 21, 2017
Ghanasaras mimics are similar to that of an irrated anus.t
Govt has already betrayed us the supporters that made anything and everything to get them a chance on 08th Jan 2015. Now being in Pakistan, Meeharaka Rajapakshe would laugh at the govt being on a non-stop mode.. as he was the man to have strengthened the potenz of Ghanasarara the most abusive MONK in Srilanken sanga community.
Simon De Silva / June 21, 2017
Some dogs lovers plus owners in Europe, in order to please their pets, let them have the free company with other dogs so that they can have free sex and be away from fierce manner. Then actually their aggressive potentials become so mild. All becasue of the sex they allow to have with the others.
Likewise, the govt may have been thinking to make Ghanasara the most abusive monk SRILANKEN history could have aggression potential no second to that of a poisonous snake-NEED somehow be tamed by setting him in to a mild kind of fine. But this can just be a warning only. But the POLICE and COURT should not let him abuse lanken laws.
We also perectly know if GHANSARA would have been arrested, all abusive monks would have gone amok similar to the style of Riots practised in 83 riots.
Anyways, if I were EXECUTIVE president, let THAI prostitute to please this man Ghanasara, if his surplus testesterone is the prbolems of the origin. That I would have suggested in the sake of saving nature.
Man Ghanasara is abusive than a lay buddhist. But in an attempt to twist the easy targets, he is used to recite KAWI BANA too.
Sylvia Haik / June 21, 2017
This priest is known to have violated practically all Buddhist laws and doctrines. Is there no mechanism to defrock him? It is the cowardice of our governments that tolerate his abuses for fear of losing the Buddhists support when in fact most Buddhists loathe him for the irreparable damage he is doing to their beautiful religion.
Tsylana / June 21, 2017
“” Is there no mechanism to defrock him? It is the cowardice of our governments “” stupid Satanic Verses of Satan!!
please don’t judge according to your I-slam humanity Daesh, ISIS Sharia Law of the lawless cannibals.Dharma – cosmic law and order- rules this universe. Buddhism is not a religion and asia has no religion
Sam Fernando / June 22, 2017
He should be a parentless person who was destined to grow up with all aggression. May even be subjected to rape and other crimes as is the case for homeless childreen in the country.
Psychology is the key to shape up a person s life.
If child psyche is not shaped up the way the analysts believe, then the person may seek many other channels to live up his or her hatreds packed in them.
This man – let me call him LANKEN WIRATHU- Ghanasara ( should be the sucking of the wisdom than its real meaning filled with wisdom). must be learnt a lession That should be a timely action. Just because he is wearing the sanga costume we are not compelled to bend down on him.
Fukushima / June 22, 2017
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Native Vedda / June 21, 2017
Hurrah, hurray, hoorah, hooray. ————————————————————————————————–Well done Hon. (Dr.) Wijayadasa Rajapaksa Minister of Buddha Sasana. I am sorry I called for your immediate sacking for not protecting Buddha Sasana, ie the saffron clad Gnanasara.
Leelawathie / June 21, 2017
That way the hadled it, but there should be few other episodes to come next.
Normally, if a person is hidden by their own not respecting court arrests, that alone is a punishable act according to prevailing lanken law and order systems.
Native Vedda / June 21, 2017
Leelawathie————-“Normally, if a person is hidden by their own not respecting court arrests, that alone is a punishable act according to prevailing lanken law and order systems.” —— You tend to forget, this is Sri Lanka.
Burt / June 21, 2017
US President considered one of the most powerful persons on the planet is in a heap of shit for saying: “I hope you can let this go: He is a good man”.
No one is or should be above the law.
Fukushima / June 21, 2017
“”planet is in a heap of shit for saying””
Muslim Obama let your lover boy MR go so why are you crying tiger terrorist- the trinco 5 were civilians- we should now hound you out of your liar Tiger /Daesh combo, via cyber security.
Samuel Jayaweera / June 21, 2017
If Wijedasa AKA Dealdasa to do the job even better, he could rather help getting this Balusara married to his BOY OR GIRL friend who is living in France.
There are adequate information Gahanasara to have his HORA GAENI (scret wife or boy friend or transexual person) or MINIHA living in France We dont want him to continue his double life this way, tarnishing the buddhist image protected by real buddhist monks sofar.
Garuda / June 21, 2017
“” immediate sacking for not protecting Buddha Sasana,””……………….
Idiota Native Veddo the coward in a woman’s saree! “śāntiḥ, śāntiḥ, śāntiḥ”.Sanskrit: शान्तिः, śāntiḥ (be calm, its bliss.)
Jehan / June 21, 2017
Stupidity to the utmost. This Gnanasaraya is creating a militia with wijedasa help. 1983 all over again. This war will devide Sri Lanka into justice no peace. A murderer gets free.
Simon De Silva / June 21, 2017
This is srilanka- this folks would never see it right.
Leaders = Mirror image of People (majority).
Lankan / June 21, 2017
Surprise, surprise!..SL is a shithole only fit for the Champas, Jim Softys,Sachs and Sumanasekaras!
Hamlet / June 21, 2017
Lankan;- I weep for my Motherland!
Native Vedda / June 21, 2017
Hamlet———–“I weep for my Motherland!” ————-I vaguely remember my Elders telling me “mother ceylon” was killed on February 4, 1948.
Dragos / June 21, 2017
In their wisdom the British Raj set you free. How can you ever be happy churning unrest, hen pecked Veddo ?
Potshot / June 21, 2017
If it was the clergy of another religion who behaved this way by breaking the country’s law, would he have been given such patronage by the courts. Obviously the public are watching all this very well knowing it is stage managed. We live in a politicised democracy (so called) where anything is becoming possible.
This government has not given the people the change they wanted. There is now no difference between the Rajapakses and the current regime.
I cry for our country. Its going to the dogs.
Pygmalion / June 21, 2017
While I condone the activities of BBS and Galagoda Atte Gnanasara there is also another side to the coin.The Muslims in their typical crafty style made use of the Sinhala-Tamil conflict over the past several decades and are perceived to be a threat to the Sinhalese down south of the country and Tamils particularly in the Eastern Province. They are seen to be a curse even to Europe!
The letter of the Mahanayake Thero of The Asgiriya Chapter to the Govt: published in the News today spells out these concerns.
Perera / June 21, 2017
The BBS and The Asgiriya Chapters need not to worry about muslims. Right will prevail and wrong will disappear. If buddism is right it will be followed. In the world it is not so. “Things Fall Apart, Centre Cannot Hold” . Show what is good in Buddism. Then people will embrace.
Dr. Perera
arancha / June 21, 2017
“”Show what is good in Buddism. “” It’s about ethics not god of the crusaders from same stone Go read and contemplate before throwing stones.
Coolio / June 21, 2017
Banana republic in full swing!
So apparently the law only applies to minorities. Anything with a saffron rag on it gets away. Its time minorities join hands and stop paying taxes to this racist government as a sign of protest! Why pay taxes when that tax money is used to sponsor buddist terrorism against us? Atleast 50% of all government institutions, including the police must employ minorities of equal rank simply because we cannot expect justice from sinhala buddists. They are the vermin that has infected this country with the worst a religion can offer. Just in case you muslims missed it, a 21 year old refugee girl from myanmar was raped at the detention center yesterday by a sinhala buddist police officer and no action has been taken so far. Infact the police are hard at work attempting to sweep it under the carpet by warning media institutions not to report on it. Only azad salley had the backbone to exposed it on his weekly YouTube briefings.
Sylvia Haik / June 21, 2017
There were days when our leaders just fought for people’s rights, whatever their religion. Sir Ponnambalam Ramanathan, a devout Hindu Tamil risked life and limb to defend the Bandaranayekes and Senanayakes from the British. Dudley Senanayake our former glorious Prime Minister had Hindus and Muslims in his cabinet. Today’s leaders are engrossed in amassing great fortunes by hook or by crook and it doesn’t seem to matter who gets hurt.
Dragos / June 21, 2017
“”Today’s leaders are engrossed in amassing great fortunes by hook or by crook and it doesn’t seem to matter who gets hurt.””
Dynasties of the old rouges- I_slam humanity!!
Sylvia Haik, Bad U Din Morocco, thopi perutu,
Sir Ponnambalam Ramanathan- Hinduism has nothing to do with religion(Ananda Coomaraswamy) Islamist crusaders from the same stone faith Hinduism is about rituals, Buddhism about rituals, and most finally married europeans for some reason or other (not tiger Bala the low class nurse) .old rouge Bachelor Dudley prefered Bhoras and Memons like old rouge SriMao this is all diplomatic enclave stuff not colombo 3 Bad U Din the thief of the island sponsoring muslims only.
Age of Reason has dawned The Revelation’s by Venerable Galagoda Atte Gnanasara Thero will bring the island śāntiḥ, śāntiḥ,śāntiḥ no more terror Daesh, ISIS or invading villager Tiger. watch the space.
Siva Sankaran Sarma / June 21, 2017
“””Gnanasara Released On Bail, Warrant Cancelled”” Viva la Vida……………………………………….
Age of Reason and Revelation- Galagoda Atte Gnanasara- Taurus- Mercury and the Sun and can stimulate an epiphany, illumination of a matter, or a clearing of the air. It’s a favorable time for solving problems. This is the dawning of the age of Taurus, Age of Taurus, Taurus,Taurus…
Chedi / June 21, 2017
The Smiles say it all. Including those of the onlookers.
Mama Sinhalam / June 21, 2017
We have the minister of injustice fuming at the UN Rapporteur’s report showing the absence of an independent judiciary in Sri Lanka. The evidence for it keeps mounting. Raviraj Murder Case, Agnansara….etc etc. Why try to hide a huge elephant when everyone can see it? The judges with their horse hair wigs are just a pack of eunuchs. They should all go home and do something more profitable to the country like farming.
Native Vedda / June 21, 2017
Mama Sinhalam————–“The judges with their horse hair wigs are just a pack of eunuchs.” ——– Eunuchs are not impotent. Read the following “Six centuries ago a towering eunuch named Zheng He commanded the Ming dynasty’s fleet of immense trading vessels on expeditions ranging as far as Africa.” ( — Remember on his way back he captured the naughty boy King Vira Alageshvara at Kotte and drag him all the way to China. There had been Eunuchs in the Delhi Sultanate and commanded armies. Please refrain from insulting Eunuchs. ………….
Jim Softy / June 21, 2017
I told you this long before many times, you can’t touch our hero. We have a specific deal with the politicians and courts. It took us some time to broker the deal. The laws are not for us. It’s only for second class citizens Hindus Muslims and Christians
Ben Hurling / June 21, 2017
Jim Softy, I just relegated you to lower 3rd class. Please contact my office, if you wish to appeal against my decision. Cheers!
Native Vedda / June 21, 2017
Ben Hurling —-“Please contact my office, if you wish to appeal against my decision.”———- Are you the newly appointed chief of moral border force?———–When did you succeed Gnanasara, Dayan, Nalin de Silva, ………………………………………………………………. ? When do you intend to make money out of luxury Motor Vehicles, send your children abroad to follow their English medium education, visit Singapore or Australia for health purposes, ………………send your mistress’s brothers on an official all expenses paid trip abroad, …………….? Man plenty of opportunities.
Estate Labourer / June 21, 2017
You talk like your front and back ends have been swapped!
Burt / June 21, 2017
Some day if someone writes a book on Ganasara, the title of the book should be “How Buddha Fkd Sri Lanka.
Sita / June 21, 2017
In from one door, out from the next. Sri Lankan justice? What a joke.
Who called and wanted the fat thug out of jail? Israel/Gota/unknown influence taking care of their saffron robed terrorist, who is causing ethnic strife in the country.
Bensen Berner / June 21, 2017
This so called Buddhist monk is a priest when it suits him, a politician at will, an anti Muslim when convenient and when will this hypocrisy that reflects the Sri Lankan judicial system cease. Bensen
nosey parker / June 21, 2017
When corrupt , inefficient , ineffective persons control our destiny this becomes common place . Having said that , there are powerful politicians too , who are a law unto themselves and carry on regardless .
Coolio / June 21, 2017
Now that the muslims know whats in store for them at the hands of the sinhalese, they should join hands with the tamils so that we can campaign internationally for our own seperate state. No person in their right mind will live among the singalese, they are vicious thugs, looters and rapists! If you think thats only a small minority you should check asian mirror for the video where the sinhalese public are asked if Gnanasara is guilty. All of them say he’s not. That’s the low breed mindset of the sinhalese. These are their heroes and there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it so stop trying! This nation must be divided in 2, there’s simply no other solution.
Mudson Amarasinghe / June 21, 2017
COOLIO : If you think thats only a small minority you should check asian mirror for the video where the sinhalese public are asked if Gnanasara is guilty. All of them say he’s not. That’s the low breed mindset of the sinhalese.
All those who spoke on Asian Mirror Video are all low caste people just look at there faces just third grade punnakku eating fellows
K A Sumanasekera / June 21, 2017
What else can the Yahapalana Government do ?………….Unless the Yahapalana PM instructs the Courts to issue warrants to the “three” Yahapalana supporters , whom the most Venerable Mahanayaka Thero pointed out loud and clear ………..The Asgiriya Chapter has finally realized the destruction and dismantling of the Sinhala Buddhist Influence and the Sinhal Buddhist religion in Srilanka , which is being carried out by the Yahapalanaya with the help of Ministers,,, SB Disasanayaka , Rajitha Senarathna, Dilan Perera and the Dollar sucking NGOs lead by Uyangoda , Pakiosothty Wijesooriya and the Lady Professor,,,,,,,,,,,,,…. As the Asasgiri prelate said Bodhi Sira can not sit on his ass and pretend that he knows nothing while the Buddhists Monks are hounded , denigrated and threatened with jail.. to muzzle them…..Sira has 3 days to respond………Otherwise he wouldn ‘t have a place to hold his Bodhi Pooja ………BTW wonder where the Malwatta boss Monk is ?………….Is he busy chanting Pirith to Kiriella and S B Dissanayaka ?……………
Dragos / June 21, 2017
K A Sumanasekera..””BTW wonder where the Malwatta boss Monk is ?………….”” May be with radala viper woman and pseudo rani to arrange another engreese diplomatic demonstration.Why is the shill Atul not moving his Desai/Kerry ass?
K A Sumanasekera / June 22, 2017
Dragos. …… You mean the Vixen from Walauwa in Attanagalla who boasted that she made Srilanaka a Mid Income nation…..And the Cousin who couldn’t even win a Chook Raffle , after the Vixen kicked his ass for signing that “Pact” with Mr Pirahaparan to to hand over 1/3 of the Land ,,,,,Lock , Stock and Barrel …………………..What a duo to save our nation and lead us to Paradise…..
Dragos / June 22, 2017
K A Sumanasekera: Yes, its the [Edited out] at her disposal in the west that is being used very grudgingly on media to retain the walauwa and Atul K is the danger man former chief usaid. he was at batti mosque having instigated (very first diplo to start the call for warrant) hidden from the colombo mosque picture. he must go – it’s the democrats that partitioned india -pakistan and promoted islam to asia and continues to do so. islam has no compassion they are heartless.
Native Vedda / June 21, 2017
KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera————————————————————————————“As the Asasgiri prelate said Bodhi Sira can not sit on his ass and pretend that he knows nothing while the Buddhists Monks are hounded , denigrated and threatened with jail.. to muzzle them…” ———————————————————————————————————————————————Please request the Sinhala/Buddhist Vellala/Radala Sangha to save their breath for another day. They need to store more energy for the imminent war on New Constitution. —————————Did the other two Sanghas, Amarapura Nikaya & Ramanna Nikaya utter any warning? They didn’t or you didn’t hear?
K A Sumanasekera / June 22, 2017
Dear Native…………. Dr Ranil, Whiskey Madam , Bodhi Sira, Kiriella, S B. Malik Samare and even Mustafa don’t take Atapirikara to Amarapura and Ramanya ….Silly you asked that question…………..
Native Vedda / June 22, 2017
KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera ——You are on crab walk again. Nothing to do with Dr Ranil, Whiskey Madam , Bodhi Sira, Kiriella, S B. Malik Samare or Mustafa——-My original question was ———“Did the other two Sanghas, Amarapura Nikaya & Ramanna Nikaya utter any warning? They didn’t or you didn’t hear?”……. Do you suffer from any of the focussing problem listed below:
1. Blurred Vision
2. Reduced accuracy
3. Posture and viewing distance adjustments
4. Inconsistent work
5. Reduced efficiency and productivity
6. Difficulty maintaining clear vision
7. Difficulty shifting focus from one distance to another
8. Visual discomfort and eye strain
9. Pain in or around the eye
10. Headaches
11. Avoidance of reading and writing
12. Difficulty with visual concentration and attention
13. Fatigue
14. Moving print ——————————————————————————————————————————–or scattered brain?
Simon De Silva / June 22, 2017
Best GOOD GOVERNANCE govt has done is to leave PALHORU – most abusive former Leaders and their kith and kin leave alone. They open their cesspits even wider today, abusing the freedom concessioned tothem: I am so fed up of the snail walks of current govt, but i have not lost my hopes fully.
SUmansekaraya would learn it from us in the days to come.
MirakRajBanda / June 21, 2017
This what call the law of the Banana Republic. Rajapakse saga continues…….
It’s too dangerous development to the judiciary and the constitutions (if there any).
Batty / June 21, 2017
Sri Lanka has gone to the dogs! More of our professionals will leave the country as many as can get visas to Europe, UK, Use and Australia. Even though ISIS may bomb these nations our people are still are trying to get to these countries illegally. But no one wants citizenship in SL. Not even the Sri Lankans – if they have a second option…just like Basil , Gota, Fonseka, and the likes!
Sl will never develop like Singapore, Malaysia, even Bangladesh will be haven in our life time. Our children will suffer and die for generations – Be they Buddhists, Christians Muslims or Hindus. Ultimately it will a few robed criminals and cardinals that will live in pomp along with the majority of politicians who live on bribes! This is Karma?
Fukushima / June 21, 2017
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Emanuel / June 21, 2017
Batty – “”Sri Lanka has gone to the dogs!”” motaya go back where you come from kallathoni/hora oru.!!
dogs are better than the 2 legged barking puking post’s. the dogs keep barking on free for all CT and the cosmic caravan moves on! Ha ha ha.
Concerned citizen / June 21, 2017
The only achievement of this country is number one ponography search in the world, highest alcohol consumption. Nothing positive
Dharmadeepa my foot!!!
roy / June 21, 2017
President organised an iftar program for Gnanasaras release.
srinath gunaratne / June 21, 2017
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nalmen / June 21, 2017
no wonder the un wants hybrid courts
Patriotic Citizen / June 21, 2017
VERY PATHETIC……Very Very Disgusting ……… To See CT People Screaming And Weeping And Has Bursted Into Tears Some even Shocked As It Has Come To The END OF THE WoRLD……………..Because Ven Gnanasara Thero Has Been Granted Bail?……………Can Any One Of The CT People Say Why All This Ha Hoooo….Doesn’t These People Like To See Justice Been Done? Or What?
Dr.Raghavan Pathmanathan / June 21, 2017
In true sense , better to create a Ministry for Injustice instead of Ministry for Justice.
Non PhD / June 21, 2017
“Why pay taxes…. ” . Good question.
Do you know by any chance whether GoRa & BaRa, DJ, pay taxes? If they do which countries they pay their taxes ?
The first 2 in the US and DJ in Cuba ?
roy / June 21, 2017
In my opinion a society without laws is a society in a state of chaos. A state without laws and government would be anarchy. By definition anarchy is a state of disorder due to the absence or recognition of an authority figure. Life without some type of rules to control us would literally be a state of disorder.
There would be no justice. A society without laws is a society in a state of mayhem. Such a state is called anarchy and is a state of disorder due to lack of disorder. The law is an order that controls people’s behaviours for their own good. Law is necessary for a regulated society.
K.Pillai / June 21, 2017
We have forgotten the hero who set the shops on fire. BBS disowned him but that was only a strategic move. Now the air is clean clean clean. BBS must bail him out.
Dragos / June 22, 2017
hidden hand? of terror in the mean like the tiger solicitors at southall who spent over £ million of british taxpayers money to obtain asylum for the monk of dalada maligawa bombing fame?? How come no tamils tigers names are in the burning of shops this time-
Serenity / June 21, 2017
The title should have been written as “Ven Gunanasara Thero” released on Bail and it’s insulting to to call him “Gunassara “.
Look at his innocent looks. How charming is that look. What are we going to achieve by keeping him in a cell? Steps have to be taken to understand his concerns. Then he should encourage his followers to live in peace with others in SL.
Urban dictionary define the word “thero” as slang for a penis. Our court resources should be used to file a case against the editor of Urban dictionary instead of going after Ven Gunanasara Thero.
Burt / June 21, 2017
“Urban dictionary define the word “thero” as slang for a penis.”
Sounds about right. Every country where there is a substantial number is Royally F’kd.
“file a case against the editor of Urban dictionary”
Why? What have you got against Penises?
Fukushima / June 21, 2017
“”“Urban dictionary define the word “thero” as slang for a penis.”””
Your pops dictionary says off shots of north are claiming for nation.he he he.
Ad / June 21, 2017
This has ridiculed our justice system. It is reasonable to have hybrid courts. We have a irresponsible President and PM. A justice Minister who is as good as a warped greedy idiot. His dream of become hero by hanging on to the robes will misfire and end him up qualified for imprisonment.
Patriotic Citizen / June 21, 2017
Can Any Of You People Tell In This Column Whats to be Done When A Set Of Muslim Ministers Has Gone To The Extreme Using Their Powers ……….Getting Funds From Saudi And Quatar Building up Muslim Colonies And Destroying Forest Reservations To Make Way To A Clean Path To Channel The Illicit Drug Trade……………Destroying Sinhala Buddhists Archaelogical Sites To Erase Sinhala Heritage And Build Up An Arabian Or A Muslim Heritage…………… Building Up A University With Arabian Funds For Sharia Law To Spread IS Terror……………Muslim Minister Taking Over GOSL Lands For Their Family………….Another Minister Making False Deeds For GOSL property…………..Killing Of Street dogs To Assist the illicit drug trade……………….Spreading Terror By Importing ULAMAS….EtC Etc……….What Should Be Done For All These Unhealthy Matters That Had Taken Place In This country Which Ven Gnanasara Thero Has Exposed…………….Isnt’ This A Dirty Work Of Some Extremist People Who Are Destroying The Peace …….Reconcilliation …..And Also The Precious Treasure Of Our Country Which Should Be Preserved For Our Future Generations …….If This Happened In Saudi Arabia What Would Have Been The Situation….What Shall We Do NOW Here?