18 February, 2025


Gnanasara Released On Bail, Warrant Cancelled

The General Secretary of the Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) Galagoda Atte Gnanasara who surrendered to the Fort Magistrate Courts this morning was released on the previous bail, and the arrest warrant issued against the monk was cancelled.

Last week, the Fort Magistrate issued an arrest warrant against Ganansara after he failed to appear before courts, despite two summons over a contempt of court charge. Incidentally, it was the second arrest warrant issued against the monk within less than a month, the first was issued on May 25, 2017 on charges of inciting racial hatred and for hate speech against the Muslim community.

The police claimed that they had deployed several units to arrest Gnanasara in May, however as he was in hiding they were unable to apprehend him. Both the government and the police have been accused of soft peddling action against Gnanasara and the BBS despite renewing their attacks against the Muslim community in the recent months.

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  • 1

    This good governance government has proved it can’t maintain law and order including serve all its voters with equality and justice. The police have proved impotent the same way, time and time again. Now it is the judiciary (the last straw we had) which has betrayed its people. International community take note. No wonder they have no faith in our judiciary system (due to such bias in the decision making process) and want international judges on the panel. These events will make their case even stronger. Those affected have no where to turn for justice.

  • 3

    How strong he looks Grandma! Is he Mr Universe Grandma? Why does he wear that yellow dress? The other two in yellow also look strong! Did they become strong before or after they change the dress Grandma? Will they eat the laughing lady for dinner Grandma?

  • 1

    In a society that is degenerating in terms of value systems, moral standards and ethical principles, what more can one expect? The people have been given what they did not see when they asked for it! The slide towards anarchy will come when desperate people rise up against personal losses, unbearable inflation and mass-scale destitution under an oppressive system which favours loyalists and sacrifices the people.

    • 1

      Couldn’t agree with you more, Lasantha. This government is the most hypocritical and gutless that we’ve ever experienced.
      They will continue to equivocate on EVERYTHING because they are collaborating with the Rajapaksa gang to feather ALL of their nests, irrespective of who is supposed to be in power. This is but the tip of a truly ugly iceberg.

    • 0

      Lasantha Pethiyagoda——————-“The slide towards anarchy will come when desperate people rise up against personal losses, unbearable inflation and mass-scale destitution under an oppressive system which favours loyalists and sacrifices the people.”————–An ideal condition for Sinhala/Buddhist fascists to take control of the state. ——–We can see an alliance is in the offing, the Sangha, Army, political crooks and the bureaucracy including the judiciary.

  • 2

    Great News for the Sinhala-Buddhists!

    Gotama Buddha predicted the coming of next Maitreya Buddha but however the Sinhala-Buddhists always wanted a violent Barbaric Buddha as depicted in the Mahavamsa instead of a peaceful Maitreya Buddha as mentioned in the Tripitika.

    We have a very good news for the Sinhala-Buddhists. Instead of Maitreya Buddha, Gnanasara Buddha has arrived. The Buddha that the Sinhala-Buddhists always dreamed of (always wanted), the Buddha as portrayed in the Mahavamsa, the true Sinhala-Buddhist Buddha, the Barbaric Buddha who can terrorize the non-Buddhists has already arrived in the form of GALAGODA ATTE GNANASARA.

    Saadu! Saadu! Saadu!

    • 2

      Dr Somapala Appuhamy,

      You confirm what citizens of other faiths, especially Tamils of Sri Lanka, have always suspected.
      The Barbaric Buddha in the North and East, wears uniforms.

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