12 September, 2024


Gota A Devout Buddhist, Vegetarian, Feeds Flesh To Pet Sharks

By Suranimala Umagiliya

The mainstream Sinhala media is awash with news of Gotabaya Rajapaksa being the front runner from the Lotus Bud party at the next Presidential election. That sums up the pathetic state of the media. The fourth estate must educate and guarantee the citizens right to information. Such information must be disseminated with great responsibility. Information presented with clarity will educate the masses in making judicious decisions concerning their future and that of the next generation.

Gotabaya for President? Sri Lankans must be out of their minds or plain looney to even give it a second thought. Here is a man who is suspected of grave crime dodging appearing in Court to clear himself. An educated public will insist that he goes through a legal process to confirm that he has clean hands prior to representing them and their next of kin. The media must stop the current nonsense and push Gotabaya to do so. Weren’t journalists assaulted, tortured, abducted and even murdered during his tenure as the Secretary to the Ministry of Defence?

The Viyathmaga movement apart, Gotabaya has shown how shallow his thought process is. His new found foray into macro economics, delivered in measured tone
is fake at best. Consider how fake he is. He is a vegetarian. A self confessed devout Buddhist. A Nationalist who assumes that Sri Lanka is predominantly for the Sinhala/ Buddhist.Well and good. But his pets are flesh eating sharks !! Huh? That reflects his true persona. Fake.

Gotabaya as complainant against The Sunday Leader defended the purchase of MiG fighter jets as a Government to Government deal. He gave such evidence under oath. It is now found to be false. He distanced himself from the activities of the Army Intelligence who abducted,assaulted, tortured and even murdered journalists. His style of leadership is to claim credit for affirmative action but blame his subordinates for failure. Qualities of a poor leader.

Seventy years after gaining independence from the British, us Sinhalese (by virtue of being the majority race) have controlled successive governments. Some may argue that the nation has progressed considerably.Is that enough or is it the best we can do? Mirror that with the rest of the world and the answer is clear. Corruption has become endemic. Gotabaya has also been suspected of corruption, fraud and even murder.

A self confessed vegetarian who feeds flesh to his pets is as fake as one can get. Can Sri Lanka entrust the whole country to such person even as an experiment? The Rajapaksa family miscalculated and lost the last Presidential election. If any of them succeed the next time around they will make certain to stay on forever.If not for any other reason, that is good enough to thwart them.

Does the journalistic profession have any shame? Go on do your job and show what he is. Warts and all.

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  • 41

    the sri lankan soil has eaten more flesh and blood than ever, fed by this potential presidential candidate. nothing more than ‘stupid idiot’ i would call any person thinks this guy can be the head of this country.

    • 8

      Buddhism has been, from a long time, transformed into a tool for Terror and a Garb for the criminals to hide. The Govigama Ruling Elite Mafia has completely transformed it into a Proxy Army ready to implement any EVIL bidding the Govi criminals’ assigns them with, to be completed in their usual style (mob violence) unleashed on any unarmed civilian or a group of people that the Govi govts., aspires to to be victimized for their political goals and maneuverings. Gota is an open enemy the populace is facing, who has literally been whitewashed by the MEDIA the govis own (Wijeya Publication, Upali Newspapers, Derana, Swarnavahini, TNL, Hiru, Mawbima, Rivira, and the other similar GOVI criminal owned enterprises solely created for the working (directly and indirectly) promoting RACIST IDEOLOGY of the GOVI MAfia to keep the Sri Lankan society DIVIDED on any convenient evil idea that they magically bring forth in their pursuit of implementing the ZIONIST agenda. GOTABHAYA has been creatively projected as a viable candidate through many the GOVI MEDIA MAFIA’s propaganda campaigns carried out throughout a span of 100 years. When the GOTA is being promoted and propagated as a savior of the Sinhala race, the attacks on the Muslims went along with it to keep the pace running parallel as to hoodwink the public to be aware of the (engineered) dangers posed by them. So, the people are mind controlled to get the negative news about the Muslims and then when it requires to find solutions, there is the GOTA (foxy criminal) coming along the way who could be considered as an option. Its a WELL PLANNED Mind Control game strategy drafted by the Zionist Deep State that supports the GOVIGAMA CLANS (Senanayajes, Bandaranayakes, Jayawardenes, Wicremasinghes, Wjetungas, Wijewardenes, RAJAPAKSES…etc,etc.) to control the system on behalf of the JEWISH MASTERS based in Washington, London, Tel Aviv Evil Axis.

      • 4

        There is a mystery behind the Islamophobia campaign and a unavoidable question that may ponder one to know as to why the stupid Govi Ruling Elite enterprise want to clash with the Muslims at this critical period of tome when the entire economy is totally dependant on the Middle East revenues that pours into the system??? Why the Muslims???? Well this is where one has to go through the history of the beginning of the Govi hegemony and the trickle down effect that worked in the establishment of the Zionist Inspired “Sinhala Only” criminality that began its grand entry with the DS implimenting the anti Tamil draconian laws and colonising of the North and East (the homeland of the tamils) through state sponsored Mono Ethno Zionist invasion. The anti Islam/Muslim project started in the early 1900’s with the advent of the two crypto Jews who camouflaged as Buddhist converts to inspire and mind control the Sinhalas to prepare for the hidden agenda of the Zionist Master plan in destroying the Muslim nations all over the world to establish the New World Order. Madam Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and Henry Steele Olcott, two of the famous Occultist and Satanists posed themselves as Newly converted Buddhists to drive the Sinhalas into Satanism mixed version of Buddhism they famously called as the “Buddhist Revivalism”, through which a Super Racist / Ethno Religious fascist was born as the Anagarika Dharmapala. The present day anti Muslim project is backed by this evil man’s evil teachings that inspires untold immense violence unleashed on the Tamils and the Muslims on huge genocidal levels by the Govi Enterprise supported proxies ( JHU and its Sinhala Racist outfits that appears under various names).

      • 1

        Coming back to the present, the Govi political system consisting of all Sinhala led parties played along in this Racist Cold War with the Muslims and the religion of Islam. The Kandy pogrom is a glaring example of how they pre-planned everything to reach the ultimate target of causing maximum damage to the Muslims who are, right at this moment have got nothing to do to recieve with this kind of treatment from the Govi authority. One sure factor is to signal the Zionist masters that they concluded their bidding as the Jewish system is getting ready to implement the knocking off of Pakistan, Iran obstacle to make a clear way to annhilate the Palestinians along with the destruction of the Al Aqsa mosque which is the sign of the finalization of the complete take over of Palestine and then declare Muslim free Israel. Pakistan and Iran might become a threat to achieve this goal as Al Aqsa is always considered the third holiest site by the Muslims. To uproot Al Aqsa, their should not be any challenge coming from any Muslim nation towards the Israelis. Pivot of Asia program is thus a secret project of the Zionist controlled US to prepare the Asia region to fight the war against Pakistan and Iran on behalf of the Jews. Sri Lanka is posing a grave threat to these two countries by aligning itself with the Zionists and their evil war games played now, which is at its initial stages with Govigama carrying on with its Islamophobia campaign.

      • 1

        The SL govt going along with Military pacts with the US led alliance with Naval exercise containing the Asia Pacific region is tell tale sign of the preperation being done from now on to meet the challenges that can be posed when the Israeli , US and the Western pro Zionist govts starts the World War 3 in stages, first being targetting the Pakistan and Iran. Its still not known which one will be taken down first. India and Burma/Myanmar has already been areanged for the showdown. Modi the Brahmin (secret Jew) criminal and the Transgender thing in Myanmar-Aung San Suki already demonstrated their preparedness with their own pogroms carried out through the Hindu and Buddhist religious terrorists in mass murdering the Muslim inhabitants in their lands. Myanmar’s Rohingyas and India’s Muslims in Kashmir and Gujarat bearing the brunt of these criminal’s Islamophobic activities. Sri Lanka played its part through Rajapakse rule to the Sira/Ranil rule by using the Govi backed JHU/BBS terror unleashed on the Muslims which is unceasing till now. All of them contributed their share in the Pivot of Asia evil which is currently under way first, the demonisation and then annihilation of the Muslims. Govi Media is playing a bigger role in this mammoth crime against the humanity.

  • 33

    Suranimala you silly man!

    Ever heard of sharks eating veggies??????

    • 3

      Words – Looks like YOU are the “silly man”! Yes, Bonnethead sharks, a small species of hammerhead shark, eat seagrass (vegetation).

      You need to apologise to Suranimala (if you have any civility)

  • 20

    Hitler was vegetarian ,and he was born on the 20th . These two guys have similarities.

  • 6

    One doesn’t have to be a non-veg to feed flesh to sharks

  • 18

    Where the hell you were during 1986 to 1989 “Bheshana samaya” where every village, ever road, every river, every university, every technical college had dead bodies of 60,000 people killed by UNP and JVP and white vans were used extensively and more journalists were killed and harassed and when thugs of RW maintained killing fields in places like Batalanda.

    Where the hell you were when LTTE killing tens of thousands of innocent people in Sri Lanka when couples didn’t travel in one bus and people sent their children to schools in fear and move around in fear.

    • 1

      He was probably not born then.. but why does that matter?

  • 18

    If and when Gota is elected President, Srilanka would soon end up as the Garrison State of South-East Asia.

  • 8


    Have you ever noticed evidence that Sri Lankans are looking for a vegetarian to be put into presidency?

  • 6

    The latest is Rosi Akki got only LKR 1 Mil, but the Poodle Club Baby got LKR 50 Mil.
    Although young Arjun is sharing a Hospital Bed with Palisena in Bogambara , Geoffrey is running 24, multi Billion LKR enterprises in Colombo.
    Which includes the biggest Brewery which takes care of our Dalits.
    Still Mahendran Aloysious Family Trust had enough left overs to buy 118 Politikkas in Kotte to keep the Two Thirds Majority, until Dr Ranil gets his Homeland Bill pass the post..
    The payments to the 118 in Kotte, ranges from 1 Mil to 50 Mil each, according to the latest news in Colombo.
    Dr Ranil’s own UNP IGP Pujitha told a public gathering yesterday that our Yahapalana Lankawe( thanks Mally for the phrase) is in the Numero Uno spot in the World for Murder, Women Rape, Illicit Drugs and Official Corruption on a per Capita basis.
    Patlalaya Bang Bang s are now like Fire Crackers on Birth Days….
    Wonder how the hell Gota is going to do better?….

    • 2

      KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera

      “The payments to the 118 in Kotte, ranges from 1 Mil to 50 Mil each, according to the latest news in Colombo.”

      Does the list of 118 names include any non Sinhala/Buddhists for example R Sambandan, Sumanthiran, Mavai, …………………. Douglas, A. H. M. Fowzie, Risad Badhiutheen, Rauff Hakeem, ………………………… Palani Digambaran, Mano Ganesan, ……………. ?

      • 3

        Dear Native,

        Aloysious didn’y pay his Hard Earned Cash to those 118, to give Sinhala Buddhists a Happy Ending…
        Did he?..
        When I saw your list I thought WOW..
        Not only Sampathar, and Hakeem and his Wahabis , who are going to get their Homelands….
        This Digamabaram and Ganeshan, Are they ok living together?.
        I mean their peoples living together as equals .

        • 4

          KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera

          My question is, “Does the list of 118 names include any non Sinhala/Buddhists ……………………….”

          What are the chances of you attaining nibbana?
          What are the chances of Dr MR attaining nibbana?
          What are the chances of Dr GR attaining nibbana?
          What are the chances of Sirisena attaining nibbana
          What are the chances of Ranil attaining nibbana
          What are the chances of Gnanasara attaining nibbana?
          What are the chances of Dayan attaining nibbana?
          What are the chances of Deepthi Bogollagama attaining nibbana?

          • 0

            This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/

            • 2

              Champa …………………………………………

              What are the chances of you attaining nibbana?

          • 2

            Dear Native,
            Where is it, Mate?….
            BTW , It is not 118,
            It is 164 according to Tenne from CaFFE…
            And Tenne doesn’t lie.
            Will Dr Ranil Strike while the Rod is Still Hot?.
            This is the best and the last chance Dr Ranil has to please Sampathar, Abraham, Sivajilingam,and Surendran in one hit….
            Dr Ranil can go with ADK’s 20A , Or go the whole Hog and get the 168 to sign off on the New Thing.
            What do you think about Chidambaram, and Ganeshan.
            Where is Thondaman..

            • 2


              Are you talking about Chidambaram MP of Tamilaham? What does he got to do with the list. His son is already in trouble.

              Don’t you read news and views from your ancestral homeland?
              What a humbug you are are.

          • 4

            Nibbanan Paramam Sukham: (Nirvana is the ultimate happiness) Everyone of us would attain Nibbana one fine day. Buddha has said even Devadatta, the sworn enemy of Buddha, would achieve this goal. Of course, the day would differ widely, depending on how hard you strive and how well you follow the Middle Path.

            The good news is that even you Kalaveddah would one day attain Nibbana. And the bad news is that, despite your living in our ceiling, a little closer in 3-D spatial dimensions to Nibbana, you are going to take a little longer than Devadatta, because you are a Kalavedda.

            You know what? Even a necrophilia would reach the destination before you. I don’t know whether that is good or bad news.

      • 2

        Keyboard Vedda
        They don’t want money. They want something more than money, the self rule to North.
        As revealed by a Tamil MP himself, Ranil has paid them handsomely to shut their mouth.

        • 2

          Champa ……. the ……………profession.

          Before you blabber further please define what self rule means to you, why you oppose it, ……………………….
          I would be grateful if you would give us both theoretical and practical reasons for or against, self rule, federal state, canton, separate state, dominion, colony, two nation one country, …………….first defining the meaning, virtue, limits …. of those type of political arrangements.

          cause, grounds, ground, basis, rationale; motive, motivation, purpose, point, aim, intention, objective, goal, occasion, impetus, inducement, incentive; explanation, justification, case, argument, defense, apology, vindication, excuse, pretext, rationalization; warrant; the whys and wherefores; apologia

          “As revealed by a Tamil MP himself, Ranil has paid them handsomely to shut their mouth.”.

          Who that Tamil MP might I ask and detail of how, where, when, why ….. the some was paid?

          • 0

            Dear Native,
            We had a good taste of self rule for 30 years, mate.
            Where were you?….

          • 0

            Stupid Tamil Vedda
            Do you really want to know who the Tamil MP is? Suggest that you contact one Mahendran hiding somewhere in Singapore.
            When BTW are you planning for your Moksha.? Is it sometime soon?

          • 0

            Dear Native,
            Can your mate TFN fill an Application in Tamil and open a Bank Account in the Canton of Scarborough?…..

            • 0

              Dear Sumanasekera,

              What is french doing in Canada mate with self rule and shit? Strange given that french is not native to Canada and is spoken in France thousands of miles away.

  • 4

    This rowdy is under any law,he behaved like a dictator,now his brother would have realised how much damage he have done to him and to the country,the white van culture through out the country people are scared look at the officers who carried out his orders,they knew very well if they tell the truth what will be the fate for their family.
    Talking about economy it’s s just joke,Sea street mudalallies and the other business men knows how he demand the protection money,

  • 5

    Most Sinhalese Buddhists are in dark.
    They can not remember what happened yesterday.

    Gota has a daydream but majority of the population will reject him as they did in 2015.

    Gota is a murderer and criminal.
    Unfortunately Sirisena and Ranil failed to incarcerate him for life

  • 3

    He feeds the Sharks with the flesh of the people of the minorities in this country, by creating the likes of the gandasara s ,mahasonas, Ravayas . The people of Srilanka are brainwashed against the minorities and now Gota and Rajapaksa clan are wooing the Muslims to come to power , and they will do anything to come back to their lost power base.

  • 8

    the reason why he does not eat meat or fish maybe because he does not like the taste oof it.I have come across many people like that.Even hitler was a vegetarian.Will anybody say that was due to religious or compassionate reasons.So if gota wants to feed the sharks let him do so as long as he does not call himself a devout bhuddhist.i don’t think he has done that though a lord Bhuddha statue or picture might be near him.Anybody can do that but only a few can practice what lord bhuddha told.

  • 3


    Why don’t you ask your poster boy and Gota’s former official b***s carrier spit polish Black and Decker to confirm what you speculate.

  • 1

    Muslims Budubala Thugs did all the damage in Beruwela are you willing to even look at the man instrumental

  • 4

    He helped to end the war. If you read an earlier comment by freeda these things happened during the earlier regimes as well.we didn’t have Sinhala leaders right along .the Bandaranaikes don’t they have Tamil ancestry. .

    • 3

      So do you . There is no Sinhalese who can say that they do not have Tamil ancestry. Modern Sinhalese share a 70% DNA with Indian Tamils , this is a very high percentage m meaning all Sinhalese have Tamil ancestry in them. Most 100 % others significant. The indigenous Naga and Yakka were Tamil or semi Tamil ( Elu) speaking Dravidians. Sri Lankan Tamils are largely descended from the Naga and the original Sinhalese largely from the Yakka.

      • 2

        Real SSS
        Give me a name of an indigenous Naga and the source.
        Don’t use our Mahawamsa as your source as Tamils ridicule our great chronicle.
        One thing I agree is, all the thieves, murderers, thugs, drug kinpins and rapists in Sri Lanka are descendants of Vijaya hora.
        The rest is descendants of the original inhabitants of Sri Lanka.

    • 2


      “He helped to end the war.”

      Hindians wanted to end the war. The had had enough with VP.
      They found the national hangman Gota had had a history of ending humans in pits where they don’t belong. Hindians also knew his role in six man dead squad.

      Hindians ordered and Gota obliged.

      • 1

        Stupid Tamil Vedda
        If Hindians wanted to end the war what are you complaining about? All Hindians should fall at the feet of Gota, kiss his backside,and do other things that they may, to please their Lord and master. As for you, you can applaud from your hut.

  • 2

    OMG! Imagine Gota being president- an uneducated, brutal, murderous and corrupt animal will create fear and reintroduce the white van culture to make any one who dissents disappear. Do the people of Sri Lanka want this be they Buddhists, Tamils, Sinhalese, Muslims. This will be the end of Sri Lanka as a civilised law abiding nation that is currently striving to be respectable. Gota’s economic strategies that were stated recently at the Shangrila circus and paid for by the Rajapakses with stolen money should open the eyes of all citizens to understand the colossal corruption and funds stolen by this crooked family. This hypocrite like his brother who is using Buddhist temples to bluff the people has now entered mosques to preach his love towards the Muslims whilst being the protector and sponsor of BBS rampaging and looting poor Muslim families of their hard earned assets. Beware of false prophets and those who deserted the country and ran away to the USA frightened to fight for Sri Lanka. This patriot Gota is the biggest scoundrel hiding under the cloak of patriotism. He was away from SL for fifteen years and then only came back to fill his ego and lust for power with no qualifications whatsoever except that he happened to be a brother of the crooked Prez. So sad to see our gutless, spineless vermin tycoons who are patronising this crook for filth lucre. God save Sri Lanka.

    • 2

      jayantha polgediya

      “OMG! Imagine Gota being president- an uneducated, brutal, murderous and corrupt animal will create fear and reintroduce the white van culture to make any one who dissents disappear”

      If he is uneducated why would the University of Colombo award him with a Doctor of Science (DSc) on the request of its senate?

  • 0

    Rajapaksa Juggernaut is rolling like a Gigantic Tsunami crushing and decimating all opposition and moving towards victory. In the meantime, the Ranil/Sira combo is sticking bamboos. It is time for us take sides. It is well known in my family circles that Edwin always takes the winning side. Putting it in another way, the side that Edwin takes always wins. Last time Edwin took Ranil/Sira side and they won. This time he is taking the Rajapaksa side and he is going to win.

    It is my advice that you all do that too. There is no future for the German toiletarians unless they take the step of leaving the bamboo sticking loser loser Ranil and joining Rajapaksa – the person they call ‘Ballige Putha’. My advice is based not based on principles (to hell with principles!). It is based on bloodlines. Ballige Puthas should support Ballige Puthas and not Human Puthas. And what goes Puthas goes for Donis too. So, Soma, Sama, Sam, Samuel, Leela, Leelagemalli, punchi burampi, babasincho, punchi something, little something, bunjikirilli, 4 bihirikatharina, bamboogahanasingho, and other able bodied German canines, it is time to stop barking and start biting. Remember that Dog Blood is thicker than toilet water.

  • 1

    If this criminal Gotabhaya is to be elected to lead the people of Sri Lanka, the Sri Lankan people do not deserve a democracy in the proper sense of its term .Bensen

    • 2

      Unfortunately Bensen, ‘the Sri Lankan people’ think that He is a Good man because He is a Vegetarian!
      “Anney Mas Maalu Kanneth Naa ne'”

    • 1

      Bensen Berner

      ” the Sri Lankan people do not deserve a democracy in the proper sense of its term .”

      The democratic dream ended in 1956.
      After the watershed year its been a majoritarian nightmare in nation building process took a dive. The majoritarians started building a Sinhala/Buddhist ghetto.

  • 2

    How many of those who made comments above have seen these so called sharks !!!!!

    • 1

      All that were taken to see the Sharks never returned. So what are you talking?

  • 2

    Don’t forget that Trump is a good Christian and President of USA. There are lots of dumb voters.

  • 3

    Gota A Devout Buddhist, Vegetarian, and a Serial Killer…

  • 2

    Return of Gota: All the bad things that are said here about Gota may be true. But Gota will be our next President. Have no doubts about it. So stop whining and start grinning. There is nothing you can do to stop it.

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