11 February, 2025


Gota Nominates Islamophobic Buddy As Ambassador To Islamic Republic Of Pakistan

Vice Admiral (Rtd) Mohan Wijewickrama a member of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa‘s Viyathmaga campaign, who posted an Islamophobic comment on twitter, has been nominated for the post of Sri Lankan Ambassador to Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Vice Admiral (Rtd) Mohan Wijewickrama

The (Rtd) Vice Admiral Mohan Wijewickrama, a former Eastern Province Governor during the former President Mahinda Rajapaksa regime, responding to a twitter comment posted by Indian politician Subramanian Swamy wrote “Hindu India will ensure the safety of the balance South Asian countries from becoming Muslim states as was the case of Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan. Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bhutan are the only countries yet to be swallowed by Islam.”

His comments were in response to the statement posted by Indian Politician Subramanian Swamy who wrote “Leave aside the 700 years of brutality we Hindus suffered at the hands of Muslim invaders and their progenies, the fact that we amputated 1/3 of Bharat Mata for Pak entitles us to reject any & every Muslim illegal immigrant except for conscience rebels as Tarik Fatah and Talisma.”

Further Rtd. Vice Admiral Wijewickrama’s statement in response certainly fans the flames of tension that currently is also taking place between India and Pakistan.

Despite making such derogatory Islamophobic statements on Twitter, Rtd. Vice Admiral Wijewickrama himself now prepares to assume his new duties as the Sri Lankan Ambassador to an Islamic nation.

Meanwhile this is not the first instance that a nominated person to the role of Ambassador has condemned another international state.

Earlier Manori Unambuwe another nominated person on the list as Ambassador to Germany posted a rather undiplomatic comment on her Facebook wall condemning the Swiss government. The comment aimed more at asylum seekers stated “Forget your Korean language exams, TOEFL, or smuggling yourself to Australia. Just claim the Sri Lankan government threatened you, and harassed you, and you’ll get first class tickets for you and your family straight to a 1st world life in Switzerland! All courtesy of the Swiss embassy”

Recently the government of Sri Lanka released the names of four nominated Ambassadors and seeks the general public to send in their comments or objections by writing, faxing or emailing the high posts committee in parliament. That included the political commentator and the Island journalist and the author of Gota’s War, C.A. Chandraprema. He been nominated for the post of Permanent Representative to UNHRC Geneva.

Meanwhile a wave of negative social media comments have been on the rise, criticizing President Gotabaya Rajapaksa especially as he continues to blatantly appoint immediate and near relatives, his own California buddies and now associates who supported him during his Presidential campaign to high government posts.

Whilst most appointments are done as mere favours, only a handful of his appointments have been made as promised by him on mere meritocracy. (By Dasun Jayakody)

Latest comments

  • 9

    Is it not allowed sri Lankans to talk about Islamic or protestant aggressive expansion in Asia. But, they all can oppress, suppress and badger Buddhists. CT is front member in that. Sri Lanka is an Islamic republic. Sri Lanka does not subsidize buddhists visiting DAMBADIVA but Sri Lanka is subsidizing muslims visiting Mecca. Pretty soon Evangelists will ask visiting Vatican may be (they do not have ancient sites in America yet).

  • 21

    Gotabaya is living and surrounded by corona virus god bless Sri Lanka

  • 18

    I think the Ambassador-designate would want to make Pakistan a Sinhala-Buddhist country!!!

    • 10

      Pakistan regeion was Buddhist untill 710 AD. Then Arabs came and burnt all Buddhist monks alive. Just like ISIS now. They havent matured over so many centuries.

  • 12

    Useless article. There are enough and more evidence world over to the fact that what Muslims are aiming for

    • 8

      Mohan is a star in many ways! Very balanced , calm and practical guy.. Good luck in your new posting Sir!

  • 7

    We Tamils are ever Srilankans even if the Government deprive Tamils to here the national Anthem sung in Tamil on the celebration day of National importance. said Dr.N.Kumaraguruparan Chairman of Tamil National Action Council Former Provincial Councillor of Colombo..
    National anthem being sung in Tamil has taken place on the 1949 National day celebrations, while !978 constitution specifies the status of Tamil language along with Sinhala and the so called Regime of Good governance had maintained the ethics ,equality and integrity of all Srilankans by singing National Anthem in Sinhala and Tamil .
    This made the Tamils and Muslims who speak Tamil being happy to feel that they too proud Srilankans. It has cultivated the spirit that beyond race and religion the oneness that we are Srilankans.
    As Srilankans Tamil speaking people were happy when the announcement of Janaka Bandara Thennakone came out ,it was corrected by Hon’ Prime Minister HE Mahinda Rajapakse. and Hon Dullas Alagaperuma that as in the recent past, National Anthem will be sung in both languages at the National Day celebrations. To the contradictory to this, suddenly in yesterday’s media came out with the news of Hon’ Mahinda Samarasinghe that it will be sung only in Sinhala language.
    There were Sinhalese, Tamil ,Moor , Malay and Burger leaders fought for the Independence of Ceylon as Srilankans. Hence it has its identity as Multi racial cosmopolitan country in the history. We can not disown any of us from this identity as Srilankans.
    If the Government Fail in allowing both languages in singing the National anthem,. the local politics will takes it role trace justification that this has been anticipatory and that had its impact on the total voting of minorities justifiable. Let us look at the kingdoms with Democratic rule with unwritten constitutions.

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