17 January, 2025


Gota’s Policy Statement & The National Question

By R. Sampanthan

R. Sampanthan

Mr. Deputy Chairman of Committees, we are debating the Policy Statement enunciated by His Excellency the President to Parliament on the 03rd of this month. 

He outlined the programme that his Government will follow; he has identified issues of importance. It must be accepted that they are action-oriented and result-oriented. Depending on its implementation, things could get substantially done. One must concede that people and youth could benefit. The emphasis laid on technological progress is important and using fully and effectively Sri Lanka’s strategic location in the Indian Ocean Region, developing Sri Lanka into an export-oriented economic hub with an export orientation to all countries both in Asia and the Europe is vital to the country’s economic resurrection. 

As everyone knows, the country is neck-deep in debt, both domestically and internationally. Substantial debt was incurred in prosecuting a war for more than 25 years. The war could definitely have been avoided, if commitments made to moderate Tamil leaders were honoured. Our income is insufficient to service our debt; we are in the doldrums. We need massive investment, both domestic and foreign. There have to be massive investment and development with export-oriented production. All these things have been talked about in the past, but things have not happened. We have not been able to get our act together. We have been in conflict from shortly after Independence. Governments’ commitments, both domestic and international, have not been kept. Governments have blamed each other, but the country and its people have not been salvaged. 

Do we, even as at present, command the trust and respect of the world or for that matter, our own people? If we are to succeed in our efforts to bring about substantial changes and progress, the country needs to be seen in a different perspective. What has been the country’s main ailment? Like many countries the world over, we are a multi-ethnic, multilingual, multireligious, multicultural, pluralistic society. The Sinhala Buddhist people are in a majority. That is beyond dispute; that cannot be ignored.  But, that does not mean that everybody living in this country is in a subordinate position. There are other people in this country who have their own civilization and traditions and who have lived in this country at least as long as anybody else. I refer in particular to the indigenous Sri Lankan Tamil people who have historically inhabited the North and the East. I do not intend, in the course of this Debate, to refer to historical data in proof of that fact. Our intention is not to confront anyone, but to cooperate with everyone in such a manner as to resolve the issues facing the country amicably. 

The Constitution of a country is the primary and supreme law of the country. In many instances in many countries which are pluralistic in character, Constitutions have been framed on the basis of a consensus amongst the different peoples to accommodate such pluralism. Such accommodation has united distinct peoples with distinct identities, who, while preserving their distinct identities, have constituted a single nation within one country. The Policy Statement enunciated by the President envisages the adoption of a new Constitution. No Constitution has thus far been framed in this country on the basis of such national consensus.

Efforts have been made since 1957 to 1965 and thereafter to address the Tamil question. Post-1983, particularly post-1987, these efforts have become more intense. For the first time, the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution enacted in 1988 created provincial councils, a merged North-East Provincial Council with the sharing of powers of governance within the framework of a united, undivided, indivisible Sri Lanka. Since the enactment of the Thirteenth Amendment in 1988, various processes have taken place under different Governments and different Presidents to advance the constitutional framework for the sharing of powers of governance within a united, undivided, indivisible Sri Lanka. Substantial consensus has emerged under these processes. I will not, in the course of this Debate, go into details, but only state that leaders such as the Hon. S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike, the Hon. Dudley Senanayake, President JR Jayewardene, President Ranasinghe Premadasa, Madam Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga, the Hon. Mahinda Rajapaksa and the last Government of the Hon. Maithripala Sirisena and the Hon. Ranil Wickremesinghe were involved in these processes and all these stalwart leaders, over 60 years, had made efforts aimed at resolving the national question, the Tamil question, in an acceptable way. It will be the duty of the present Government, under President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and the Prime Ministership of the Hon. Mahinda Rajapaksa, to bring this process to an acceptable and satisfactory conclusion. 

Before I conclude on this point, Sir, I will only refer to certain positions enunciated by President Mahinda Rajapaksa, now Prime Minister Rajapaksa, during the time he was the President of this country. There are many matters I can refer to, Sir, but I am not doing that now. But, I think it is important to put on record what President Mahinda Rajapaksa had to say when he was President.  He is now the Prime Minister of this country and also the brother of the present President and the Leader of the Party to which both the President and the Prime Minister belong. President Mahinda Rajapaksa, Sir, addressed the All Party Representative Committee – APRC – and the Multi-Ethnic Experts Committee on the 11th of July, 2006. I will only quote the relevant parts. He said, I quote:

“The unity, territorial integrity and sovereignty of our country must be preserved. This cannot be open to bargain. Our approach has been widely endorsed by the international community, notably India and the Co-chairs have clearly stated and have clearly ruled out any form of division of this country. Our objective must be to develop a just settlement within an undivided Sri Lanka. ………”

He further said, Sir, I quote:

“People in their own localities must take care of their destiny and control their politico-economic environment. Central decision-making that allocates disproportionate resources has been an issue for a considerable time. In addition, it is axiomatic that devolution also needs to address issues relating to identity as well as security and socio-economic advancement without over-reliance on the Centre. In this regard, it is also important to address the question of regional minorities.”

He went on to further state, Sir, and I quote:

“Any solution must be seen as one that stretches to the maximum possible devolution without sacrificing the sovereignty of the country. Given the background to the conflict, it therefore behoves on particularly the majority community to be proactive in striving for peace and there must be a demonstration of a well-stretched hand of accommodation.”

Sir, I quoted this particular statement made by President Rajapaksa, now, Prime Minister Rajapaksa, on 11th July, 2006 when he addressed the Inaugural Meeting of the APRC and the Multi-Ethnic Experts Committee because he enunciated the policy position of his party, his Government and, I say, even the present Government in the course of that statement in regard to the nature of devolution, the quantity of devolution and the quantity of power sharing. Identity is needed to be addressed, security is needed to be addressed and also maximum possible devolution within the framework of a united, undivided, indivisible Sri Lanka. It is fundamental, Sir, that we remember this. All these efforts, were aimed at resolving the national question and it will be the duty of the President and the Prime Minister to complete this task. I made this quotation available to the House, Sir, in order to facilitate the process.

There have been commitments made to the international community, including India and the Co-Chairs. They need to be kept and implemented. The international community played a major role in the military defeat of the LTTE; India played a major role. There was a trio from each country that strategized the military defeat of the LTTE. On the Sri Lankan side, there were Mr. Gotabaya Rajapaksa, the current President and the then Defence Secretary, the Hon. Basil Rajapaksa, an important Minister and Mr. Lalith Weeratunga, the then Secretary to the President. On the Indian side, there were Mr. M.K. Narayanan, the then National Security Adviser of India, Mr. Shivshankar Menon, the then Foreign Secretary and India’s Defence Secretary. 

The LTTE was seen by both Sri Lanka and India as an impediment to a reasonable, negotiated political solution. The military defeat of the LTTE was seen as a precursor to a reasonable political solution. Commitments were made to India and other members of the international community, including the Co-Chairs, in regard to a political solution. The military defeat of the LTTE is also substantially attributable to the assistance of both India and the international community to achieve that objective. The said commitments need to be honoured. They cannot be reneged upon. If the commitments made to the international community are not implemented – these are all a matter of record that cannot be disputed – it would mean that the international community was used to obtain the necessary assistance to defeat the LTTE militarily, but the commitments made to the international community are now being reneged upon.  This would not be good for anyone, certainly not for Sri Lanka and could become a great disincentive for export-oriented foreign investment in Sri Lanka and all the economic development that is now being planned. The economic miracle that could happen in Sri Lanka under the Policy Statement of the President could just vanish if Sri Lanka wants to renege on the commitment made to the international community in regard to a reasonable political solution after the military defeat of the LTTE. 

Different peoples in a country, Sir, define their political agendas based upon equality, justice, dignity and peace. There are such instances in several countries the world over: in Asia, Africa, Europe, America, all over. It is a fundamental human right to be governed according to your will and consent in accordance with the democratic decisions of the people. Democracy is the foundation of our system of governance. We are all strongly committed to the continuance of this commitment. The Tamil people of the North and the East have since 1956, for over 60 years, democratically determined very clearly their political aspirations within a united, undivided, indivisible Sri Lanka. The national question, the Tamil question must be addressed on the basis of an acceptable national consensus within the framework of a united, undivided, indivisible Sri Lanka. 

Sir, before I conclude, I would like to say that under President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, we, probably for the first time, have a President who is not a politician, who is prepared to speak the truth and to do the right thing. If he is making any errors, we need to advise and correct him. We are prepared to work with him. The country is more important than anything else. The future of all the peoples in this country, whether they be Sinhalese, Tamils or Muslims, depends upon the survival and the progress of the country. Ever since the enactment of the Thirteenth Amendment in 1988, the Tamil people have decided at every election held since 1988 that they will work for sharing of powers of governance within the framework of a united, undivided, indivisible Sri Lanka and Mr. Gotabaya Rajapaksa, as President, will work towards the achievement of those objectives. He can rest assured that he will have the absolute support of our party. You cannot deny the fact that it is the TNA that today represents the Tamil people.

Mr. Gotabaya Rajapaksa polled seven million votes of the country. Eighty five per cent of the Tamil people, on our call, voted against him; he could not capture their vote. You cannot capture their vote with henchmen; you cannot capture their vote with stooges. You will only capture their vote with the support of people who understand the legitimate aspirations of the Tamil people, their civilization, their traditions, their language, their culture, their dignity and their self-respect. Those are fundamental. Therefore, we are prepared to work with you. Let us join together and bring peace and prosperity to this country. 

Thank you, Sir

*Transcript of the speech made by R. Sampanthan in Parliament yesterday – 8th Jan 2020

Latest comments

  • 20

    If Tamils want a separate nation, relocate all Tamils to the north and east Tamil majority districts and close the borders. Let them have their Tamil Elam and Sinhala people can have Sinhala Elam. All happy. Otherwise this begging never ceases.

    • 7

      Eelam simply means Sinhala country. There is no need to define a “Sinhala Eelam”, as Eelam is Sinhalese country.

      The UN and the international community must seriously look into the situation in Srilanka, where a tiny minority with their ethnic brothers in Tamilnadu are bullying the indigenous people. Tamils have destroyed this island, and they want to speak of devolution and all sorts of Tamil centered solutions. Tamil politicians like Sampanthan have continuously sabotaged the progress and development of this country, by sabotaging EVERY development policy the government tried to implement. There must never be more devolution. The 13th amendment was made at gunpoint with India forcing us, which is also illegal according to international law. It is a joke that Tamils are justifying their fanatic demand for devolution by saying that they must be allowed to run their affairs in their “localities” since “centrally ” governing the areas is problematic for the Tamils. Has this Sampanthan taken a look at the size of this tiny island? Actually in the heads of Tamil fanatics it seems that they think that they are speaking of a large continent – they always draw parallels with huge countries like India and Canada to push for devolution and even further into federal state demand, quite forgetting the size, landscape, topography and nature of this island. Tamil demands cannot simply be accommodated in this tiny island. Our government has never taken the legality of Tamil demands into question in the UN, other than the separate state question. We must see into the legality of a tiny minority demanding to run 40% land area and 80% of the coastal line. It simply cannot be legal, specially given the fact that the Tamil homeland being just a boat ride away.

      • 24

        Punchi Point@

        I know how you feel like Sinhalaya, but I dont think that we sinhalaya should make us laughter stock to the world. How can you say, that tamils are a tiny minority ? Palastnians are less than the size of lanken tamil population. Erithrians are the same.
        And not grand nations but other eurpoeans nations are sometimes 5-7 millions. Tiny minorities are for example Germany ‘s tamil community (70,000 ) or Uk’s tamil community or their likeminded fractions scattered in the world. They dont ask for a separate country where they aer. Nor would they ask it in SL as TNA and other parties that sense it clearly.
        But I too think where they are dominated, they should be given upperhand. As is the case in Switzerland where french is spoken, their administration is run in french while swiss german speaking regions only based on german adminstration. They also have smaller electorates where their administrations are totally independent. Basel for example would not respect its neigoburing adminstration. The model has been very successful for decades. So is case in Germany as a grand nation. Also France and spain.
        But in our country where rascals and stupid people are dominated, and they dont even study what federalism means. Federalism is for them separatism. Like for example some Germans yet today feel that Psychology is psychiatrics. Yet in europe, average people dont trust to go to psychologists as is the case in the US, not being aware enough about the difference. Times go past, some people stay unlearnt and oldfashioned. They dont care about the facts but just let it go. So is the case in my home country. Theylet unlernt buddhist monks to chair the most sacred CHAPTER in buddhist viharas. Even media men have no free access to the HIGH chapter monks yet in SL.

        • 13

          Dear “desperateasnother”,
          Thanks for the constructive points that you have made. I didn’t vote for Gota, but if he follows the advice of “good” Sinhalese like “desperateasnother” he may be hailed as a great leader at the end of his term.
          Gota is also being helped by 86-year-old Sampanthan. A good speech by him. How fortunate we are to have him around still.

          • 8

            Mr Sinhala Man,

            thank you.

            hope we will be able to fulfil our common wish let alone this year. That is to see us both and have a cup of tea together. Last time, I missed it due to lack of time reasons. But this year I will.

            Please take good care of you, be alert on your health. I dont have any parents to take care of further. I just help any elderly people who are really in need. Whenever I travel to lanka, I only visit homes for aged and children. I fully stoppy myself visting TEMPLEs for my own reasons. I can look at stray dogs littering in colombo suburbs, but I am afraid, I cant look at buddhist monks flirting in Bomaluwas. I get allergic to any kind of similar activities whenver I visit my country. I rememeber how my mother offered SALAKA danaya monthly basis to village temples. She had then been busy with her day today loads, nevertheless she never forget to prepare MEALS for her monks.

            But today, I dont think MONKS depend on ALMs being offered to them by villagers,. Some monks openly question meat and fish curries today. I thought monks would never eat fish or meat for their own. Anyways, almost everything seems to turn out ot be upside down sofar.
            Many monks today are used to prepare their own meals by themselves. There are also Thai monks in SL. I happened to speak to one of them few months ago. Decades have been passed. Temple monks have turned out to be monsters, rapists or thelike so tha nodifference can be made between lay people and monks.

            • 1

              Very often Thai and Burmese monks can be spotted at the Majestic Shopping Complex Food Court and certain Chinese and Thai food spots in Colombo 3&4.
              How’s that they don’t go for alms to the SB laity.

          • 8

            I think there are a bunch of octagenarians in the current parliament. So is the case also in triable afro states. None of these elderly politicians can be productive to me. Either they should relax or do a good work. As minoritarian leader, we cant accuse him of still being in POlitics, but our sinhala leaders should go their retirements- basta.

            Btw, Mr Sampanthan holds always good speeches but nothing seem to work towards the majority of their people in that part of the Island. That good young man, came up short before the elections revealed a lot more abou traditional tamil politicians. According to him, they themselves stand on the way, not allowing the destitute being served adequately. Bribes take and give is also part and parcel of those politicians. Having heard that – I thought not just sinhala politicians, but tamil politicians too should be thinking paradigm shift in both communities for a better srilanka.

          • 0

            Never ever trust TAMILS. Indian Proverb “If you see TAMIL and COBRA , kill TAMIL first” and Sinhalese Proverb” don’t trust Tamil who dead, Tamil who going to born and Tamil who in front of the mirror” In Tamil Language, Tamils are telling TAMILAL SARY PEETH SARI

      • 11

        Punchi racist brain and with a Punchi Willy . I have already stated many times not to shake that will in this forum and discharge your filth here. Go to sites like Lanka W-B and discharge it there and it will be appreciated. Most probably you are already doing this. Eelazham is a Thamizh word meaning the land of toddy or metal and every word for the island is of Thamizh origin . Lanka or Illankai meaning Resplendent if from the Thamizh word Illangu meaning to shine or glitter. Ceylon/Serendib is from another ancient Thamizh word the island Cheran Theevu meaning the island of the Chera ( Naga tribes). . Chera is another word for the Naga ( Nairs) . Ancient Thamizh Chera Nadu in India or modern day Kerala ( Cheralam) means this the land of the Naga. Sinhala derived from Thamizh Chingkallam means the red land or land of copper. The Chingkalla terms Hela or Sinhala means nothing just gibberish but all the Thamizh words have a meaning. Sinhala has nothing do with Sinha or Lion . No human can be born from a lion , the myth that was concocted by Mahanama to justify the word . Got it Your Chingkalla language is nothing but the local Thamizh dialect that got corrupted with the Pali of Buddhism and now deliberately being Sanskritized to prove it is Indo Aryan. Still 40% of your vocabulary is Thamizh derived and 100% of your grammar, alphabet and syntax is from Thamizh. Most Chingkallams are also descended from Thamizh . DNA has amply proved this. So shut up and stop shaking your willy here

        • 3

          Pandi Kutti how well you write. What obscene language you use. Shameless Tamil clown. Are all Tamils like this? Do they all abuse a Sinhalese owned forum? Or is it just you?

          • 7

            Chingkallam why so angry? Do you also have a Punchi Willy and also like playing with Punchi’s Willy? We all know that you are Chingkalla racist.

            • 1

              Pandi Kutti, we do not descend to the level of the sewer like you.

              • 8

                No the only sewer you descend to is your racist sewer hypocrite. You do not get offended by what Chingkalla Poutha Fascists like Punchi Willy , Eagle Blind . Lester the Jester , Latha from la la land and others say , all their obnoxious anti Thamizh comments, nasty derogative remarks about Thamizh people and their lies in many cases you have defended and applauded them but get selective get offended by u our reply to these racist and so not like what we state and get very upset. Go and take a hike racist

            • 1

              what’s pundit tutti? PIGLETTE? certainly he is one

        • 4

          Pandi Kutti,
          What you are talking is load of rubbish that you as a descendant of a slave from Malabar picked from the history of Sinhale distorted by racist bigot Chelvanayakam and his team.

          Native Sinhalayo gave citizenship to your family to live in this paradise island when abandoned by colonial parasites. Be grateful to that.

        • 0

          Sinhalese are pure ARYANS whereas Tamils are Tamil race. They are not ARYANS also

      • 6

        Punchi brain

        WE Eelam Tamils in the north and east are genetically more related to the Sinhalese than perhaps South Indian Tamils. We who have lived in this Island longer than the Sinhala migrants from East India are asking only to power share with our Sinhalese ethnic cousins in the North and east of the country. We have no other hidden agendas, history will tell you when there were invasions from out side the country we always stood with our Sinhala brothers as we did on the LAST OCCASSION WHEN India sent it’s IPKF HERE IN 1987.

    • 4

      NoTamilPM: “Otherwise this begging never ceases”

      Sorry to say this but I guess, you misunderstood the point. Mr Sam is now begging for the rights of all minorities who would still live in South even after N&E is separated for GOOD!

      That wouldn’t be a horrible idea right?

      Otherwise how can thugs still feel good about themselves if there aren’t any more educated elderly gentlemen call them “SIR” in every other sentence in the parliament or anywhere in SL?

    • 10

      Tamil PM
      I am the only Sinhalese in this forum who supports a separate Homeland for Tamils (all Tamil speaking people irrespective of their religion, caste or the date of arrival scattered across the island). At the same time I keep begging them to choose the other alternative:
      the right to live anywhere.


      • 15


        How much did you make from the 2019 riots against Muslims?
        What were you thinking while you were looting the Muslims and earlier Tamils?

        • 5

          You have labled me a racist and the Tamil racist donkeys on CT are repeating after you like parrots just for one single reason:
          my plea to Tamil people (all Tamil speaking people irrespective of their religion, caste or the date of arrival scattered across the island) to choose the option of the right to live anywhere.


          • 3

            When you stated regardless of the “date of arrival”, you have given the impression that you are purporting that the Tamils are not as indigenous as the Singhalese, or indigenous at all. That mere mention of the “date of arrival” is problematic to your appeal to choose the option of the right to live anywhere.
            It’s not so much the right to live anywhere but the right to equality in all aspects that the indigenous Tamils and all citizens regardless of their ethnicity of this country are owed. However, that seems to be the contentious issue for the most Singhalese majority to grasp.

            • 4

              Sugandh Thomas,
              There are no ‘Indigenous Tamils’ or any other Tamils in Sinhale. For the Dravidians from Hindusthan, Sinhalayo call ‘Demala’. That is the official term although some idiots use ‘Tamil’. During colonial rule, they were identified as ‘Malabar’ because they were taken from Malabar region until a Malabar person called Ponnambalam Arunachalam involved in preparing the Census Report in 1911 changed the term ‘Malabar’ to ‘Ceylon Tamils’.
              Adoption of a Malabar Customary Law called ‘Thesawalamei’ confirms that they are from Malabar.

            • 1

              Mr Thomas
              “When you stated regardless of the “date of arrival”, you have given the impression that you are purporting that the Tamils are not as indigenous as the Singhalese, or indigenous at all.”
              Not at all. Some are as old as the Sinhalese, some arrived during the Dutch and others during the British. Hence ‘date of arrival’. I don’t differentiate among the religions either – Hinduism, Chritianity or Islam. Also we are oblivious to caste divisions among the Tamils. Basically the people whose mother tongue is Tamil language.
              When I say right to live anywhere absolute equality is implied. If and when Tamils give up asking ‘political solutions’ Majority Sinhalese themselves will take that minority Sinhalese to task who are attempting to create divisions and sow discord. I for one will be on the side of Tamils for their every NON POLITICAL grievance.


      • 8

        But Sinhala people are not allowed to live in Jaffna, Kilinochchi, Batticaloa, Mannar, Vavuniya, Mulaitivu districts. No reciprocation. So best solution Sinhala only country and a Tamil only country as Tamils have been begging since 1949. I blame Sinhala people for their stupidity.

        • 8

          However you have ethnically cleansed once Thamizh majority (80%) Trincomallee and Amparai districts and made the Thamizh there a minority in their own homeland. by settling hundreds of thousands of Chingkallams there by using the state resources , and also with help of the Chingkalla police , armed forces . Now you are trying this same trick in the Batticaloa, Vavuniya, Mullaitheevu and Mannar districts , using fake history concocted by the Archeological department, mad rabid Buddhist monks who are going and occupying ancient Hindu temples and converting them to Poutha viharas with the help of the armed forces , police, Archeological forestry and other government departments. Yes the Thamizh need their own state to save the remaining Thamizh homeland from state aided structural genocide by the Chingkallams We all know what your so called development without devolution means. This means settling hundreds of thousands of Chingkallams in Thamizh areas under the guise of development and since their is no devolution the Thamizh there will have no land or police power to stop this illegal state sponsored Chinghkalla settlement, to turn the entire island into a Chingkalla Poutha Fascist state.

          • 3

            ‘all prove that Chingkallams sharea a 75% DNA with Indian Thamizh . meaning they are largely descended from Indian Thamizh immigrants. This also includes all Chingkalla Poutha Fascists.’

            Oh good, the Sinhalese are in fact Tamils. That means that Tamils already occupy the whole country and colonisation, ‘sinhalisation’ etc are myths.

        • 7

          That’s very untrue.
          Have you tried to buy a house or land or rent a house in Jaffna, Batti, Vavuniya….???
          If you’re expecting the Northern Tamils to roll out the red carpet to government run Singhalese settlements in the Tamil concentrated areas after the long history of oppression by the Singhalese majority governments, you’re ignoring the long history of of violence and the violations on the Tamils. They have every right to oppose those government run settlements.

          Integration has to happen naturally. When governments have undertaken Singhalese settlements in the North and East, those Tamils had every right and justification to look up on it with suspicion and fear, and protest against.

          In today’s Jaffna, Singhalese citizens visit freely without fear. They are not in anyway targeted. They are given medical care at the Jaffna hospital. They study at the Jaffna campus. Many a interethnic friendships and camaraderie blossoms. That’s natural intermingling.

          • 3

            Sugandh Thomas,
            “When governments have undertaken Singhalese settlements in the North and East, those Tamils had every right and justification to look up on it with suspicion and fear, and protest against.”
            What the hell you are talking about ‘Sinhala Settlements’?. This is the Land of Native Sinhalayo and Vedda Eththo. So Sinhalayo do not have to get approval from the ‘Para’ descendants of Dravida slaves brought to Sinhale from Hindusthan by colonial parasites to have settlements in any place in their country. ‘Para’ Demalu are in fact squatting on land once used by Native Sinhalayo thanks to colonial rulers. Portuguese took land used by Sinhalayo in Yapanaya at gun point and converted to tobacco farms. After colonial rulers left, ‘Para’ Malabar slaves grabbed that land.

            If you do not know the history of Sinhale, I suggest you keep quiet without putting your nose into the affairs of Native Sinhalayo.

      • 10

        You’re a most interesting person, Soma.
        But you know full well that your so-called support for a Tamil homeland turns out to be bogus, when examined moe closely.
        Please don’t bother to respond to this comment of mine. We’ve gone over this many times.

        • 1

          Soma is really an interesting person.
          Either he or someone like him had overnight inserted a Buddhist flag in a metal pipe and planted it in a hole in the vicinity of the Jaffna bus stand at Hospital Road.
          It will continue to remain there safe with CC Tv camera perpetually focused, until a concrete pedestal is constructed and a likeness of the ‘Compassionate One’ placed ceremonially on it to the accompaniment of dancing .
          Prith chanting 24hours a day with the aid of loud speakers to drive away ghosts will reverberate thereafter raising the decibels.Soma’s political solution would have been achieved.

      • 4

        Lets start off the right to live anywhere by allowing anyone to live in Jaffna or wherever they wish to, but with proper registration of residents like in most or all of Europe

        • 7


          “Lets start off the right to live anywhere by allowing anyone to live in Jaffna or wherever they wish to,”

          What is the issue here?

      • 7

        I would not support sinhalaya though I am born sinhalaya.

        We should see it right let alone today. There will be no solution to lanken problems, wihthout solving the ethnic issue by bringing sustainble solutions.

        Just making people fools, politicians make every efforts to live up their power intoxications.
        That cant bring us forward. Now with 50 days passed since the MAGICAL man with VERY same Rajapakshe genetics came to power, what have they done ?

        No fertilize subsidiary as promised on ELECTION campaign

        No free uniforms to the scools

        ONLY what that man with BED PAN STYLE mouth piece – BANDULA katahekara gunawardhana, has made the basic requisite as education – Grade 8.

        Other like minded developing folks and nations, make high qualifications as the minimum qualifications, in order to compare it that of other country, but the bugger has set it backward.

        Not single achievement, but they dream of 2/3 mandate in parliamentary elections.

        People will have to CUT their necks by their own, once they come to parliament as the same batch.

      • 5

        Soma what about the 50% of so called Chingkallams whose ancestors arrived from South India (Thamizh Nadu and Kerala) during the Portuguese and Dutch era as slave labour and then converted to the Chingkalla identity? Do they deserver a land too? What about all the so called Kandyan and many low country Chingkalla upper castes and aristocracy like the Panda, Pandarar, Pandaranayakam, Thamni Mudaliar Jayawardenan, Wickremasingan, Chirimavu Ravathai now Chingkalised to Ratwatte . so they all deserve a nation too. Do you deserve one too. After all, all DNA analysis of the Chingkallams , other than the gerrymandered one done in Colombo under Mahendran Rajapussy , all prove that Chingkallams sharea a 75% DNA with Indian Thamizh . meaning they are largely descended from Indian Thamizh immigrants. This also includes all Chingkalla Poutha Fascists.

    • 6

      So that any thugs could join them and shape up it for their survival. If people are made fears, only they can govern the nation.

      The step taken by them yesterday

      Minimum qualifications for job has been made ” the edcuation upto Grade 8″.

      Entire like minded world move forward, but we move background- THIS IS CALLED RAJAAKSHE CHINTHANYA.

      Let s get ready to put bombs in to the BED PAN STYLE mouth holder Bandula BP Gunawardhana. Bandula s mouth piece is abused by Rajapakshes for such a long time.

    • 7

      BUDDHISM is the out cover title on the book of SRILANKEN POLITICS


      Are these pictures not similar to what we were compelled to see few months ago in Kurunagala, weyangoda for LANKEN muslims ?

      But RAajapakshe barbarians can be considered as all the heinous crime doers together in this world today.

      So as is teh case with Rohigiya MUSLIMs in Myanmar, Tamils and Muslims are being discrminated in SL.

      Those plantation tamils are not yet given right to LIVE even if srilanken refugees in western world allowed become CITIZENs of each of host countries.

      World should focus on the GRAVE situation in SL, – Rajakashes should be ISOLATED by every means.
      If Aung San Suu Kyi is invited to Hague, why not SRILANKEN genocidal leader – MR.
      I am born sinhalaya, but for some time now I dont support OUR sinhalaya anymore.
      If Mr Sajith Premadasa won it, i would have done anything and everythin to our people but today, I have u turned and see it further we are all Srilankens.

    • 4

      The actions of the Attorney General should be monitored carefully and documented… especially how he conducted himself during the previous government and how he is conducting himself now…

  • 6

    Mr R Sampanthan,
    You are 82 yrs old, you’ve got a mansion to live in your last few months courtesy of ‘yahapalanaya’.
    Why do you care now? You never cared for us.

    • 2

      Chinna Maheswaran:

      So what would you say was Mr. Sampanthan’s legacy?

      • 1

        Gandha Thomas,
        His legacy stinks of gingelly oil.

  • 23

    No matter majority of tamils and muslims (85%) rejected him, so long BUDDHIST CLERGY led modayas (easy targest of the country – 70%) are on his side. That is their motto. Not every srilankens, but buddhist, so called buddhists that would nodd their heads going beyond to PINGONAs, even if a stupid high priest monk, like the one at Kelaniya Raja maha Wiharaya, made a public statment misleading the religious affinity of the worshippers. We placed a high value on “relics of buddha” but to play with people’s feelings in order to support favourite politicians ????

    Thos religious people, that follow the other are innocient and dont do harm to many, but get caught easily, if any tricksters would play with their mindfulnes. Be it in underdeveloped srilanka or developed USA, people of that nature go after more any myths being mixed with religious unexplicablities. There are even lot more areas in buddhism, that average buddhistswould never grasp. Instead of improvement of the better awareness of buddhists about true teachings of buddha, high priests to spread lies being waxed with sinister political will should be made punishable acts.
    As opposition leader made it clear yesterday, they would come to worship those RELICs with the mediation of international journalists. There the high priest, who according to prevailing laws, should already have been arrested, could discuss the issue. My worry, is, why the local media stay mum dead silent on this ? Is that not the biggest sign, that MEDIA is biased in main stream today in ths country ?…

    • 12

      babalawathie mudunkotuwa

      Before we discuss religious bigotry please watch this clip produced by one of the foremost practising atheist and a scientist prof Richard Dawkins: “The God Delusion” (Full Documentary):

      Let us have your honest opinion.

      • 5

        Thank you Mr Native Vedda.
        I think media should not support religious bigotry. Media should be charged for all the high crimes they deliberately perpetrated in the country recently. Be it BOND scam or 52 day fake govt was a creation of the media channels that have the upper hand of the society today.

        See, how Derana TV telecasts daily teledramas which outreach masses by stories based on witchery. Little ones being in thier primary school age are made actors of those series. I have no idea how these child actors cover their schooling even if their parents get paid well. These are modern day child labour.

      • 1

        When the Atomic energy was discovered, the world predicted the complete destruction of the world, when the moon landing was made, Pan Am or some other American airlines were talking of trips to the moon. But nobody saw the Internet coming or the Information Highway or AI

        • 4


          “But nobody saw the Internet coming or the Information Highway or AI”

          However, Arthur C. Clarke in 1945 proposed Geostationary Satellite Communications and scientists began developing AI in the early 1950s.

    • 10

      Buddhism is based on the teachings of the Buddha which is today called Buddha Dhamma; however, it doesn’t mean that Buddha’s teaching is what is only considered Buddhism today.
      In other words, Buddha Dhamma is somewhat different from the prevailing mainstream Buddhism; without knowing this difference many speak of Buddha Dhamma and Buddhism incorrectly.
      According to Buddha’s Dahmma all living creatures including gods, animals, humans, and even hell dwellers are ‘beings’. They all suffer due to being a being.
      As long as a ‘being’ fails to understand this process (its origin, cause, effect, and the methodology and path) s/he/it will not enter into the process (Path) of understanding this truth/reality of existence. If you are intelligent and wise enough, you can realize this fact and do cease to being a being. That’s Nibbaana (the end (Ni) to the connection/tie (baana).
      Afterward, there will be no re-becoming.

      • 12

        The simple question I would like raise you is what is being practised in SL at large is part of buddhism or under the title ” buddhagama” – mythology ? Under “Bana” what is being preached is stories based on fairy tales. These are called ” jathaka stories”. Jathaka stories do lot more harm to adherents since they are just fictions. Not many would be able to differentiate yet today.

        Those who understand buddhism, they make every effort to achieve their goals thorugh meditation and study it properly all others just follow as other religious adherents would do with each of their religions.

        I have met myself up with Xen Buddhist, Thai buddhists and Slanken buddhists. To me, as one who have not lived in SL after my 23rd year, I feel Xen buddhism, which places the MEDITATION above anything else, seems giving me more relief than the buddhism I learnt in SL both in school and sunday daham pasala.

        I also came to know various other religious adherents that explained me whole lot of things about their religions, but in the end, I thought true teachings of buddha with meditation could help me a lot. That is why I stayed in buddhism further.

        Earlier I never believed in GOD, but today, I am also used to say, what is not explicable to me, could come from a power which is not visible and explainable or detectable we as human beings. So, I would not say, that I would not trust a god as had been before.
        I cant say, what is being not provable by SCIENCE is right or wrong. But I dont want our youth to go after “Demons” as some TV channels make every efforts to paint. That is more of less misleading the youth. Just being early teenagers they would get caught by any tricks being applied with them.

      • 7

        Why you Raj, as an asskisser of the current virulent outfit, seems to keep SANGA away ?-
That is probably to save them not being criticised. Sangayas and their acts are exposed. Nothing can be hidden any more. There are sangayas that have infected HIV vius in Childmonks …. how come ?
There are sangayas, that own whole sale supermarkets as their welath – Madagoda BP cheewaradariaya
There are sangayas that own acres of wealth, thanks to colombo wealthy ladies.
Theare are sagnaya that live all like LAY people on the costs of tax payers. today.
What matters is THE PERCENTAGEs… these percentages are over 50%.
So how can we even talk abou SANGAYAs ?
I remember how my mother then brought alms to Sanga in 70ties at the village temple almost a day or two monthly. That was called salaka danaya. I have no idea how it functions today in SL, but I see Sangayas enjoying smart phones and other luxury items than no times in the past.
How come Sangayas be given unncessary high tech items such as HAND PHONES while whole lot of people of the country (at least 30%) live under poverty levels. Those destitute people and their grievances are even far beyond that of Rohingiya muslim refugees in today s Myanmar.
Lately I happened to watch few videos, that showed the levels of poverty in Mihinthale and Anuradhapura area. They are not tamils or muslims but sinhalese. And we also have seen the levels of poverty in nothern areas where significant numbers live without basic needs such a roof to live
They only focus on ROAD and CONSTRUCTION also enriching the hands of those who can afford to someextent, but leaving the very poor in negligiance. Why is that ?

        • 1

          Even during the Buddha’s time certain monks and nuns did not know what they were doing as monks and nuns. Look at the monks like Angulimala (and his followers like Kokalika) who conspired to harm the Buddha. There were others who were engaged in all kinds of pleasure seeking activities. That’s why the Buddha had to impose so many (Vinaya’ (disciplinary) rules to warn ‘pleasure seekers’ that if they deviate from the ‘Path’ they will be indebted (naya) to the people who support them. Hence the term Vi+Naya which means ‘actions to be taken against being indebted’
          Today’s monks or nuns who do not follow the Path prescribed by the Buddha are harming none but themselves. “How does it happen?” you may ask.
          When they are indebted to the lay people who support them they have to repay it some day. It may not be in this life but definitely in a future time. Look at yourself! How much money, time and resources do you spend to repay this ‘strange’ debt even without being a monk? If you are just only you why do you have to make so much money to continue this existence? What’s the reason behind this huge repayment as taxes, mortgages, utilities, kids’ education, gifts, charities, expenses for relatives etc.
          If you follow the Path and attain enlightenment, your whole life afterwards will be dedicated to help people achieve the same enlightenment. As a result, both parties will be benefited and there will be no more debt to repay on your part.
          The true meaning of the words uttered by the Buddha in Magadhi Pali are hidden within the sounds and syllables of those words and it is not difficult to find them out if you and other interested parties spend some time with a true friend (Kalyana Mittha’). Help can be expected from such a friend only and they are not rare in Sri Lanka.

          • 1

            Correction to the above comment to Sam by Raj:
            The name on the second line Angulimala should be corrected and re-written as Devadatta (Buddha’s own cousin who conspired and attempted several times to kill the Buddha). I regret and apologize for the mistake.
            Angulimala was (another interesting character) a serial killer misguided by his own teacher, who had killed over 1000 people to make a garland of fingers as ‘tuition fees’ to the teacher, but Angulimala finally met the Buddha, listened to his words, threw away his sword and became an enlightened monk. He is one of the 80 great Arihaths from the Buddha’s time.
            The majority people in Jambudeepa along with king Kosala pardoned him for his crimes. somewhat surprising episode for many non-Buddhists. If this crime had happened in the West, Angulimala would have definitely been beheaded or sentenced to life in prison.
            That’s why I maintain the fact that majority Sri Lankans are a peace loving people who are ready to pardon any criminal unconditionally if s/he is willing to give up her/his criminal mind-set. If Pirabaharan had changed his mind, he could have been pardoned unconditionally just like in the cases of Karuna Amman and KP.

      • 6


        “Buddhism is based on the teachings of the Buddha which is today called Buddha Dhamma;”

        On the other hand, Sinhala/Buddhism is based on the teaching of the public racist Anagarika Homeless Dharmapala.

    • 6

      babalawathie mudunkotuwa,
      How Native Sinhalayo vote or what Sinhala Buddhists do is none of the business of the descendants of Dravidian slaves.

      • 4

        Eagle Eye AKA Mahindapala, an ultra racists born to SRILANKEN soil@

        Please give us a break. will you ! We each of us know very well that we have made unrepairable mistakes. Now it is high time to rethink and bring sustainable solutions.

        You may be proud of being sinhalaya, but I myself cant.And I can well be ashamed of sinhalaya when looking at what you constantly add to this and other forums.

        Your days are numbered Mr Mahindapala. Please sense it -LET ALONE today, that can only leave you some good times on this planet –

        May your hatreds be SWEPT by a tsunami style reactions. That can HEAL your mental inbalances. Then what you pen would become much nicer, making us CT readershp affine to you.

      • 5

        Eagle Eye,
        Who are these Dravidian slaves?

        • 2

          They are the people brought to Sinhale from Hindusthan by Portuguese and Dutch to work in tobacco plantations in Yapanaya and by British to work in tea plantations in the Central Highlands.
          When Native Sinhalayo refused to work for the colonial parasites who colonized Sinhale, they brought millions from Hindusthan who were willing to work for a pittance.

          The colonial parasites who come to teach human rights to us now exploited those people to make money, abandoned them in Sinhale and vanished. Native Sinhalayo who felt sorry for these Stateless people gave citizenship so that they can live in this country. Sinhalayo call them Demala.

      • 3

        Eagle Brain dead blind Eye

        “How Native Sinhalayo vote or what Sinhala Buddhists do is none of the business of the descendants of Dravidian slaves.”

        So when did you get your freedom?

        • 2

          Eagle Eye’s mind is so full of thoughts about Tamils he will forever be unfree.
          He is wedded to One isn’t he?

    • 6


      We the sinhalaya have gone wrong in many ways- perhaps even more than Myanmar buddhists

      Yet today, our hamuduruwos dont want to see it right but stay calling them the messenger sons of buddha (Budhdha puthrayas)

      Paradoxally, what they have been doing today to this nation being close to vicious politicians would come light in th e future.

      Myanmar buddhists, isolate their minority people -Rohingiya as no other majoratarian govt would do. Iroanically, their leader in power today is former noble laureate Aung San Suu Kyi. Today she is turned upside down for some reasons, doest not seem to accept the ETHINIC cleansing being promoted by his govt.
      This is a strange world today
      How can BUDDHISTs dominated govt ever hurt their minorities ?

      Our BUDDHISTS monks are even worst than their buddhist monks – we saw on the screen how Rohingiya refugees were treated a year ago so. Paradoxally, our refugees were given heaven in Europe and other countries until very recent past. Our people are very unkind though wearing banners to be BUDDHISTs.

  • 15

    The promises made by political leaders do not come from their heart. The motive of “power” make them to change their promises. None of them will say that “Yes, I said that” I will do it. All the promises they made were only when they needed help from minorities, international or regional powers. For example in the coming general election Mahinda Family cannot get enough parliamentarians to get majority or two third majority then they will consider the following options:
    1. Buying UNP or JVP or TNA or Muslim MPs. If that fails they will come to make some agreement but they will never implement them.
    TNA should can support them for development if it is benefit to Tamils without affecting the population distribution.

    • 8

      people should realize the root causes.

      Be it in a school, University or other govt sector institutions, building a consensus for a good thing/system/change or anything that would lead to progress is blocked by culprits. These cultprits and their numbers are very high in every PUBLIC sector institution. Just imagine that locally graduated MBBS holders in GMOA. They are made heroes and they create and created all the problems to the public. Saddest irony is these men studied on the costs of the tax payers. But they demaind when they become graduates. How come ?
      As some specialists say, people should change their attitudes from top to bottom.

      This can only be achieved thorugh PROPERLY SET HUMAN DEVELOPMENT projects. I think they should invest lot more in HUMAN AND SOCIETY rebuilding proejcts apart from their physical developments.

      The Chinese picked the leaders where they could infect their SO CALLED investments in devleoping nations. Lanken Rajapakshes were caught because their stupdier politicians. No better to some AFRICAN tribal leaders except Ethiopians. In Ethiopia, their grow rates are comparatively very high, … lately I bought a bunch roses imported from Ethiopia. I bought them in the netherlands. So, ETHIPOPIANS have won the hearts and minds of europeans and made trade pacts between nations. Now the Kenyans have overtaken us with TEA production… even if our CEYLON tea brand was the best among black tea exporters. However, our politicians and the people never focus on these issues, they just become swollen not being able to bear their ant-size develoments.

      • 5

        So long MEDIA mafia is under a group of VICIOUS politicians, media cant react independetly.

        There may be independent JOURNALISTs in the country, but they work under those media institutions.

        Dilip Jayaweera is the owner of DERANA TV
        Killi majahraja is own of SIRASA TV
        Kudu Duminda and his brother are owners of HIRU TV
        Swarnawahini is owned by a wealthy WOMAN in COlombO-

        Dilip JayWEERA is from GALLE. I know he he should have gone to school in COLOMBO: But by the black money earned by MR regime was invested in him allowing him his media institution. Today, they have been abusing it to the core. News headlines are filtered in favour of Rajakshe family. No matter, these men abuse preople ‘s web spaces and frequencies, but the perception is made in favour of Rajapakshes because his term brought the long driven civil war to end. The same story is repeating, and people are misled from dawn to dusk

        Reno Silva is HIRU TV is other sender that would do anything to Rajakshe family because their DRUG trafficking business succeeded through RAJAKSHE family. People are not aware of the truths, but those who know it are well aware.
        Prisoner former Rajakashe family BAGGAGE boy Kudu DUminda was a multi murderer and another kin pin in lanken DRUG mafia.
        If MAKANDURE madhush to be convicted for ever WHY not Kudu DUminda who is a kind of high criminals.
        But the tactics of HIRU TV owners is connected with GETTING theirbrother released by GOTABAYA who came to power to usher and corrupted free era.

        If GOTABAYA woulddo the job, he will end up as SORYSENA who is today NOBODY but still make every effort to continue with his stupid politics. He betrayed the country men, as a man who bit the hand he was helped out.

        • 4

          I listend to Hirunika and what she has to say about those two channels.

          But what I cant get is, why the law cant stand against them ?

          iF ANY channels would react against PERSONALITIIES in UK or Germany, things wouuld have ended up the channel owners being jailed.

          There are whole lot of evidence that the channel owners abuse the rights of the viewers of the country today.
          Derana TV is highly abusive for their own commercial gains. They spread head line capturing news but that lead to social disharmony. People s innocience and adulations are being abused for their promotions.

    • 2

      None of the parties had capable visionary politicians. They all were looking for careers in the parliament. As they are dumb, fathers put them in the saddle. We do not have, D.S, Dahanayake ans even Anura Bandaranayake like people who wanted to be dedicated.
      Things started to change the day began to meddle with the political system. Now both SLFP and UNP can not set up a majority govt. Yet they hold onto it thinking it will one day work for them.

  • 2

    Some people think that the devolution of powers to Tamil areas is incompatible with the concept of a united, undivided, and indivisible Sri Lanka. The Supreme Court has already ruled that Federalism is not Separatism. However, people continue to claim that devolution of powers will lead to separatism and eventually, secession. These people are like the ones who refuse to fly by air because they are worried that the plane will crash. This is actually a lame excuse if ever there was one.

  • 6

    Who should take the responsibility for creating the ‘Minority Problem’ in Sinhale?
    In case of Muslims, as a Buddhist King Senerath (1604 to 1635) could not turn a blind eye when Portuguese barbarians went on a killing spree of Muslims who came from Hindusthan and Arab countries and lived in Sinhale. To save Muslims he allowed them to move to interior parts of the country and to the east and settle down. They were allowed to marry Sinhala Buddhist women and convert them to Islam. Present Muslims are the descendants of those Muslims who were saved by Sinhala Buddhists.
    In case of Dravidian slaves brought by colonial parasites Portuguese (1505 – 1658), Dutch (1659 – 1796), British (1797 – 1948) and abandoned in Yapanaya and Central Part of Sinhale, Sinhala Buddhists accommodated these Stateless people and gave them citizenship. Present Demala community in Sinhale are the descendants of slaves who were given citizenship by Sinhala Buddhists.

    So at the end of the day, Sinhala Buddhists should take the responsibility for creating a problem for themselves due to their kind-heartedness by accommodating Demalu and Muslims. People of these two communities eventually turned against Native Sinhalayo who helped them and slaughtered their men, women, children and even unborn babies.
    May be the religion they follow or their parents have not taught them the notion of ‘Being Grateful’ to someone who helped.

    • 12

      Eagle evil@-

      Please go to you nearest psychologist. He or she can help you further. Hope not that th psychologist would go missing hearing that you would turn up their practice. You are so hateful peerson Mr Mahindapala. Even animals would go missing once they know how poisonous you are.

      We all know what happened to our people – but we now need solutions

      Not giving any hints about solutions, but to make EXTREMISTS even more powerful, you cant get us anywhere.

      You will die in couple of years ahead of us, but others should live further. You guys as ultra seniors in later day life, should finally bring some solutions to the problem

    • 14

      Eagle Eye your eyes are stuck in your pukka. Sri Lanka does not belong to only Sinhalese. It belongs to everyone who lives there. While your eyes are stuck in your pukka, don’t fa&t too much, this is why your eyes are so blind.

      • 13

        Tamil from the north

        “Eagle Eye your eyes are stuck in your pukka.”

        Are you sure only his eyes are stuck in his P***a?
        I understand his head is stuck in HLD M’s bum.
        Please confirm.

        • 9

          Native Vedda@

          I would leave the ultra sinhala racist -HLDM in peace.

          His is highly pathological – nobody can help him.

          Let him be as he has been … in the less time before him. He is now in his early 80ties.

          May be the man had to face lot more psycho problems in his life.

          Not a single word comes from him cesspit to be considered as ” NORMAL”.


        • 2

          Dear Native,

          Why do you get soooo excited when someone mentions a Pukka or a Bum ?….

          I thought you will be counteracting EE’s solid arguments ,with kick ass counter attacks in defense of your idols Dr Ranil, Dr Rajitha, Mr Ranawaka and not forgetting the young Gun UNP minister Ranjan who has done such a yeoman service for our inhabitants ..

          What do you read into the just announced , announcement by Akila Boy. that Dr Ranil will be making that long awaiting announcement next Thursday.

          Will Chathura Boy from Kaluthara get a Gig along side Hirunickers as the new members of the next UNP Executive Committee under Dr Ranil, to serve the Elite, Anglicans and the Vellalas until 2025?..

          Will Duminda Silva give them a hard time after the CJ gives him a big Pardon with Compensation?..

          • 2

            K.A. Sumanasekera,
            “Why do you get soooo excited when someone mentions a Pukka or a Bum ?”

            Because NV is an associate member of the ‘Samanala’ gang of the ‘Yahapalana’ Government.

            • 1


              I always thought Native Vedda is a member of the Vellala segment of Dr Ranil. Elite, Anglican Vellala and current associated Wahabi Faction.

              But never in a Million years I could think that Native is also a Member of Dr Rani’s Samanala Faction.
              I know that the Samnala Faction controlled the whole Yahapalana Cabinet and drove the Yahapalana Agenda to the fullest.
              Now that Native being a Samanala Segment member, will it lead to a conflict of interest with his membership of the Vellala Faction?.

          • 2

            KASmaalam K.A. Sumanasekera

            “Why do you get soooo excited when someone mentions a Pukka or a Bum ?….”

            You know why, because I am time and again proved right their head is in the right place, their bum.

            The way things are with you I hate to say soon you may find your head right inside your ….

        • 8

          NV, hahahaha maybe that too. I don’t understand racists and their hatred of others who are not like them. I have friends who are Sinhalese. I see them as fellow Sri Lankans who are no different to me. Where does this loser Eagle Eye come from?

          • 1

            You will find examples of him among the Tamils too, like Johnpillai. There are very few Tamils and Sinhalas who think as Sri Lankans. From your posts it is obvious that you are not one of them.

            • 5


              I am sorry are you talking to yourself?

            • 3

              Adrian, did you mean I think like a normal person or a racist? Racists are not confined to one group in Lanka. I grew up in Jaffna and seen all kinds of filth among the Tamils as well. Not all Tamils are saints and not all Sinhalese are racists either. There are good people on both sides.

              • 1


                Now your are talking .. Mate..

                Now you ought to get to get rid of that Rajapakasa hatred and the love of the LTTE’s political agents who are hell bent on creating Homelands for them and their Muslim bros by Default of course..

                • 6

                  KA Sumanaya, the Mutt from the South, give me one example of me being a supporter of Pro LTTE agents, just one, I beg you to give me one. The biggest supporters of the LTTE are the Rajapaksas, look around Sumanaya how many ex-LTTE buggers are around them. Even the bugger who murdered 600 surrendered cops in cold blood is a Rajapaksa friend, the bugger who was the sole illegal gun runner for the LTTE is also a damn good friend of the Rajapaksas and lives in Colombo with STF protection. So go and figure who the LTTE agents (Rajapaksas) are and who is supporting these agents (Sumanaya, Chimpa, JD, Max, HLD Mahindapalan, etc).

                  • 0

                    Tamil from Scarborough.

                    If your are on about Karuna and KP , they are good Srilankans who admitted their past mistakes
                    And they are trying to do something for the poor Tamils who contributed the biggest in human lives to Mr Pirahaparan and suffered the most.

                    I am talking about the poor Tamils in Mulivakal, Mullative, Pudhthikruppu, Mannar, and Madu, and Thoppigala.,where there are no Vellala boys and Girls.

                    Karuna is now organizing the Thamils in the East who contributed the most number of Boys and Girls to Mr Pira, to get the benefits of the Pohottuwa Economic Development Plan.-

                    And get their young ones to enter Universities, enter the workforce so they can look forward to at least half the level of living standards of that Vellala Party supporters who live in Colombo –

                    KP is doing the same in Jaffna, with special focus on the real poor there among the War Widow generation.

                    What do your t TNA Sampathars and Abrahams and Sivalilingams do except asking for a Homeland to rule from Colombo?.-
                    And that retired Supreme Court Judge from Cinnamon Gardens?.

                    Aren’t they the same people who did a deal with Mr Pirahapan to use LTTE boys carrying AK47s to give protection , while TNA party candidates visited poor rural Tamils to win the seats in the North and get into Politics?..

                    • 4

                      KA Sumanaya, here you go again………..pulling wool over people’s eyes.

                      A serial killer like Karuna is pardoned because he became a good Lankan? Are you joking? If you are a real man, go and tell this to the families of those poor policemen (not sure whether policewomen who were killed). What is a good Lankan in your opinion? In my opinion this Karuna humbug joined the Rajapaksas to save his butt from a bullet from VP’s pistol. It was an opportunity that he took advantage of. How do you have the heart to look the other way, when these poor cops did not even get a second chance in life. As a human I feel so sad mainly for those poor families that depended on the meager salary of these cops. Then KP whose arms, destroyed not only Lanka, but so many Tamil intellects were assassinated by the dreaded LTTE for over 30 years. Let me tell you these fellows are not good Lankans, but they are opportunists who too advantage of a weakness among the Rajapaksas.

                      By the way show me one comment of mine, that has supported the TNA fellows? Bring them in the open and shut me down. If you cannot you are a loser who throws mud at people with no substance.

                      I speak for the Sri Lankans who are unnecessarily caught between all these Sinhala and Tamil rogues and killers.

            • 4

              Neither are you. You are an out and out Chingkalla racist. All your comments ooze of Chingkalla Poutha Fascist racism.

          • 0

            Ask yourself where do Rohan Johnpillai, Pandi Kutti etc come from? Both foul mouthed racists.

            • 4

              If you feel Pandi Kutti or Johnpillai are racists, ask them why. Do throw the race blanket on top of the entire tamil community. Adrian, but now I can see that you are a racist.

              • 3

                I meant do not throw the race blanket on top of the entire tamil community

            • 4

              You are the racist . Johnpillai may be a racist but definitely not Pandi Kutti. Nowhere has this person, ever advocated the marginalisation of the island’s Sinhalese but you do , advocate marginalisation of the island’s Tamils and now your former partners in your anti Tamil genocide the Sri Lankan Muslims( people who are ethnically Tamil but hate Tamils in the name of Islam) . You are also a cheer leader for the Sinhalese racists here. That Punch Point is a foul mouther racist , who constantly posts a lot of lies and garbage here. All pilfered from that Sinhalese extremist site , starting with the word” Lanka”. Pandi Kutti gave it back to him in style and he did not have a come back. You are only angry as Pandi Kutti is stating facts and told this foul mouthed lying racist where to get off, as you agree with all the lies , filth and rubbish that Punch Point posts. You just another brainwashed Sinhalese racist and a nasty one at that.

      • 3

        May be he- Mahindapala HLDM is a persistent Diabetes patient. Diabetes patients suffer from impaired eye sight.

        Better just ignore the man, with less than fewmore months to go with his LIFE cycle- even if a poisonous cobra would come on our way, we should be sided and leave him. Or destroyed him… like wise, his nemesis will work next days.

        I am so sad whenever I read his WELLALA thoughts. Personnel vendetta has turned out to be his hateful topics. Either he should have been raped by some tamils during his college days at Peradeniya or in new home country Australia.

        If that was what him to turn out to be that racial against TAMILS, he should rather seek PSYCHO therapies.

        Single reasoning cant allow anyone to abuse their pen further.

    • 4

      Pls.do not try to rewrite the history.:

      your first argument is false, the Muslims did not marry Sinhala women in fact then they will surely talk Sinhala or similar language as their mothers have done cos they were non Arabic, not even their fathers language, even they must have spoken broken Sinhala at that time, but they speak a language similar to Tamils, so it means that they surely have got married to poor Tamils in the country side.

      second, the Tamils were living here even before Portuguese thought to concur Lanka.

      third the tolerances in Buddhism and the greed and bold foolishness of Sinhalayas has bought the country to this situation.

      • 3

        There were no poor Tamil women in Dikwella, Matara, Weligama, Gintota, Gampola, Kandy, Mawanella, Ampare. Some Muslims have Sinhala names.

        There were few Kallathoni Dravidians before Portuguese came and they were confined to few pockets in the East. It was Portuguese, Dutch and British who flooded this country with Dravidian slaves and vanished giving a headache to Native Sinhalayo.

      • 3

        He is trying to rewrite history . The Sri Lankan Muslims speak Tamil and that too a South Indian dialect , especially in the Sinhalese areas , whereas the ones living in the north and east , tend to speak the Sri Lankan Tamil dialects, as they are descended from largely converted Dravidian Tamil immigrants from South India. Short and sweet. Until this Arabisation craze took over , a decade or two ago. they dressed like Tamil Muslims , followed Tamil customs, and even followed a form of Sufi Islam that they brought from their South Indian Tamil homeland. There is very little Arab or anything else in them and even if there is, this mixture took place in their original South Indian homeland and not here. Hardly any Arab traders arrived here. Arab traders marrying Sinhalese Buddhist women and their children , then speaking a Muslim Indian Tamil dialect, not Sinhalese or Arabic, what is this a joke and these goats , expect everyone to believe this lie , myth and fairy tale.
        The Sinhalese were not tolerant of these Indian origin Tamil Muslims who were fleeing from Portuguese persecution , from the north western coast and Puttalam/Chilaw . that was part of the Jaffna kingdom , where they first settled . The Sinhalese were alarmed when more and more of them started to arrive and did not want them to settle in the Kandyan areas. They started to attack , kill them and loot their belongings. this is why in desperation , king Senarath , asked the Tamil Vannimai chiefs in the east , who came under his loose control to settle these fleeing Muslims in the east , as they were ethnically Tamils and can integrate better in Tamil areas and they obliged and settled them in various villages , away from the local Tamil Hindus. This is why in the east the Muslim and Tamil villages are separate. Not like in the Sinhalese areas.

    • 2

      Eagle Eye,
      Surely you are NOT referring to the Sri Lanka Tamils are you?
      Their history is here :-

      • 3

        Do not waste time with him. He and the other Sinhalese Buddhist racists and fascists , ironically many of them descended from recently migrated Indian Tamil low casted and untouchables, will keep on repeating this lie and myth, thinking that an often repeated lie or myth becomes the truth. This what that Soma tries to do.

        • 0

          SSS that is what you are doing.

          • 3

            Definitely you with your selective racist amnesia. You are a cheerleader and supporter of all Sinhalese racists , in this forum who advocate the marginalisation of the island’s Tamils and Muslims.

    • 2

      Eagle evil @
      I think srilankens celebrated yesterday as their poya day. I am not living in SL but in Europe .. so I cant know… it well but whenever I am compelled to read your thoughts on CT posts, I become very sad, why not you yet got it, and what went fully wrong you ? HLDM, aka Mahindapala – the most known Ultra racist of the day.

      Let s sense it, let alonetoday, else you would not find even a blue fly to decay your dead body (cadave).
      -there is a saying in sinhala vernacular, that the buddhists in general dont even harm to a fly. that cant be of validity to you sir. You are not a buddhist that respect true teachings of our great buddha.
      Pleaes see it right, your kind of racism cant bring us nowhere. You can only fall much deeper. As an old man in early 80ties, it is no right you to behave like a TEENAGER.

      Your own fabrications are far from epidemiological facts based on LANKEN history. I wonder how on earth you the kind of HALF educated men to be former Editors of the local news papers. Lanka is lack of real good Professionals. Right ?

  • 6

    ” Mr. Gotabaya Rajapaksa polled seven million votes of the country. Eighty five per cent of the Tamil people, on our call, voted against him; he could not capture their vote. You cannot capture their vote with henchmen; you cannot capture their vote with stooges. You will only capture their vote with the support of people who understand the legitimate aspirations of the Tamil people, their civilization, their traditions, their language, their culture, their dignity and their self-respect. Those are fundamental. Therefore, we are prepared to work with you. Let us join together and bring peace and prosperity to this country. ”

    Sampanthan Ayya,

    85% of North East didn’t vote for the present Sinhala Buddhist team taking over the government. Then, will I be correct if I say the Tamils wanted the past Sinhala Buddhist government to continue, because of their performance towards Tamils? The answer is a big capital “NO”. Every Tamil and Sinhalese do know you echoed to Tamils the Yahapalanaya promises on the Secret Solution that ” it is coming this Deepavali, or next Thai Pongal or to the coming Sinhala New Year.” I don’t think the Tamil voted against this government that is because you asked so and they believe you were really right in believing Ranil’s government & echoing what they told to you. The same way there is also a real meaning why the 75% of the Sinhalese voted for this Sinhala Buddhist Barbarian War Criminal government.

  • 2

    I agree, as you indicate, one need to put together the both communities’ voting pattern to understand why the two groups of people voted from one country in two different ways. So let’s do it. But it will not go in the way you are reasoning out.

    If you remember what Junius Richard said in Black July 1983, only you can grasp the correct implication of these two patterns of the voting. JR said, to make Sinhalese happy, Tamils needs to be put starving more during the time they stampeding in southern townships fearing for their lives, ignore their hard earned properties. That means Sinhalese are feeling Tamils were not put to starve enough in the Yahapalanaya government. If ask, if the Sinhala Buddhist believed cheating on Secret Solution & UNHRC War Crime investigation, by Yahapalanaya government was enough humiliation to Tamils, the answer is a big capital “NO”. This is why Sinhalese wanted the War Criminal government to come back, against will of Tamils. And Tamils don’t want the War Criminal government because of their fear of repeating the 1958, 1977 1983, 2009 again & again. You must understand the emphasizing the Tamils and Sinhalese are putting, but on the opposite directions, on the War Crimes the Royal government committed.

  • 3

    That is why, in the last five years, Ranil did all what in his best effort to save the War Criminals in UNHRC, while promising you a solution under the Sinhala Buddhist hegemony unitary. It is for that the 75% of the Sinhala Buddhist have reacted. Suppose that tonight we go to sleep and tomorrow wake up to hear that where Everest stood now there is a Mariana deep Trench has come, it is something like that a Sinhala Buddhist Hegemony government offering a solution to Tamils through in parliamentary democracy. The Hegemony leaders are openly saying that they cannot give anything as the majority community doesn’t accept that move. New King Compared him with Lincoln, who fought with the majority Whites for the freedom of minority Blacks, but New King, by his White Flag War Crime, fought with the minority to take them as slaves. In this extremely stringent Majoritarianism nature of the Sinhala Buddhists leaders, if ever a Sinhala Buddhist government gives you a Secret Solution and you take it to mass for referendum, Tamils 85% going to oppose it as not in their expectation and 75 % of the Sinhalese are going to vote against it saying it is completely out of their expectation. So you never can get a solution with the approval of Sinhala Buddhist’s blessing.
    Then you need to formulate a strategy based on the communities’ emphasize on the War Crime. Tamil leaders concentrating on seeking a redress at International Area for the War Crime committed by Sinhalese is only one will resonate with the two communities’ voting patterns. You may understand the current Tamils’ problem was created outside of Ceylon (London). If you need a solution to solve Tamils’ past 72 years of plight, If you need a solution for that, you need to take it to London, Washington, Delhi, Geneva, New York……….but not to Jayewardenepura.

    • 2

      Mally. Fantastic comment.. mate.
      Although I do not agree to the destination where you want to go .
      And the procedure you are recommending to Sampathar to take you there.

      As I always say Lankawe as it is , is too small to sustain the livelihoods of 24 Million Human beings.. –

      Just imagine if you break it up to three and give one to Sampathar and your mates, and the other to Bathudeen , Hakeem and their mates to run.

      How many in that 85% to share Mr Sampatha’r one third?.
      I don’t think many , although I do not know the exact numbers.

      But I know for sure Mr Sampathar now has a nice pad in Cinnamon Gardens, which is no where near your intended Homeland..

      • 2

        KASmaalam K.A. Sumanasekera

        Gota won the elections polling 52.25% on 16 November 2019.
        The wise 47.75% didn’t vote for him.
        Within six or seven weeks unemployment shot up from 4.9% to 5.1% (Daily FT 8 January 2020) and Inflation shot up from price index CCPI also shot up from 4.4 to 4.8 due to increase in food prices (Daily Mirror 1 January 2020).

        Please tell me why?
        If you didn’t know you can ignore my question and please avoid crab walk.

        He said he was military man who does know how to destroy life, property, ….peace, harmony, … dignity, …. but didn’t know how to feed the people at a cost affordable by them. What a shame.

      • 2

        KASmaalam K.A. Sumanasekera

        දිවයින (Divaina 5 November 2019) reported only less than 2% of farmers have formal training in Agriculture.
        What the hell is going on?
        Your colonial masters granted independence in 1948. It’s almost 72 years since the unfortunate day and we are left with less than 2% are proper agriculturalists and rest are living off government handouts.
        What a shame.

    • 2

      Don’t buy a one way ticket. Buy a roundtrip ticket so that you can land back at Jayawardanapura. You are always welcome.


    • 3

      Mr. Mallaiyuran,
      As usual you are talking useless bullshit.
      Fact 1 –
      In the presidential election minorities voted against a federal solution.
      TNA and alliance put forward 13 or so demands before presidential election.
      Both Sajith and GR rejected those.
      And minorities voted for Sajith.
      So we can safely say that minorities voted collectively against a federal solution
      Otherwise they should have voted for a candidate who believes a federal solution.
      Someone like former TNA Parliamentarian, M.K Sivajlingam.
      By collectively voting for Sajith minorities have stated that……..
      Fact 2 –
      Sri Lanka is a Sinhala Buddhist country.
      Fact 3 –
      President of Sri Lanka has to be a Sinhala Buddhist person.
      Your bullshit doesn’t count.

      • 1


        If your owners put you Kole and Punnakku and you ate only Kole, then does that means that you are no longer a punnakku eater? Or is that means you stopped standing in your master’s line for Biryani and Arrack. Can’t be!, man!

        From which Bald Head master you learned your logic?

      • 2

        Thutukoodi Paravan now converted to Sinhalese Buddhist Fascism shut up. There are many here and in many other forums all descended from low caste and high caste Indian Tamil immigrants , now beating the anti Tamil drum and the fake Sinhalese Aryan origin, Just like the Sri Lankan Muslims and their fake Arab origin , when 99% of them are descended from converted Dravidian Tamil immigrants from South India

  • 7

    Eagle Eye.

    You are misquoting History.
    The Tamils living within the North-East region have inhabited those parts long before the arrival of the Portugese.

    The Tamils in the central highlands were brought by early British rule to work on the Plantations. They came over from different parts of South India. It is they who kept the economy of the country floating for so many decades even after Independence.

    • 2


      I am sorry, Eagle Brain Dead Eye can’t hear you as his head is buried somewhere in a dark place.

    • 5

      Agree! There were Dravidians, not Tamils in Sinhale before Portuguese arrived. They were the Dravidians who settled down during short periods that Dravida invaders colonized this country. Sinhala Kings either killed the rulers or defeated the rulers and chased them back to Hindusthan. But in some instances Sinhala Buddhist Kings allowed the ordinary folks to remain in the country. This is another blunder committed by our Sinhala Buddhist Kings.
      Also there were Dravidians who entered the country illegally and settled. Most of the Demalu in Tirikunamale and Madakalapuwa are Kallathonis. Probably Sam ban dan is a descendant of a Kallathoni.

      During colonial rule, Dravidians in Yapanaya were called ‘Malabars’, not Tamils because they were brought from Malabar region in Hindusthan.

      • 1

        Click “Sri Lanka Tamils” on google & you will know.

      • 2

        Eagle ( pottaya) Eye

        You need to be admitted to Angoda without any delay. Dravidian, not Tamil ? Hindusthan in south India ? . you need medication for your mental illness.

  • 6

    in 1956, I was less than 4 years young when the much-respected rice bowl of the east respectfully known to one and all as Ceylon was the envy of the whole wide world and many an evil eye was cast…
    RJ@1. then during the course of the same year, the devils [ yakkas ] hit the peaceful sleeping in happiness was sent a bolt from the blue in the form once a devoted Christian who chose to sacrifice his faith and European clothing to woo and hoodwink the Yakko Sinhala Buddhist imbeciles to seize power at the poll held during the course of that year a massive bolt from the blue in the format of petty yak pettiest of all yak racist political party swept into the royal bog shop.
    RJ@2. I do not with the utmost disgust elaborate as to what took place and to this very second what’s taking place. ?
    RJ@3. the nation is now known to one and as one of the finest, no self-respect lord buddha’s begging bowl.
    where every nook of the globe is sought to receive the much needed foreign exchange to meet the masses who just even cannot afford to consume one full meal a day. a cup of plain black tea fondly known to one and all as a khatha is not affordable.
    RJ@4. now that the war criminal has by dubious methods has seated himself on the royal bog all he’s doing instead of making grandeur plans to resurrect the fortunes of the shitty sorry Lankans. all this present uncouth corrupt to the core criminal petty-minded flea-ridden mangy parasites who instead of setting into motion their plans and promises are only arresting their erstwhile opponents from they are feeling un-secure.
    cheers, R. J. the one and only on this planet who’s not afraid of the might less bullshitting rajapuka clan

    • 1

      There was the “Batticaloa Paddy Bank Scholarship” of Rs 50 every month at university (of Ceylon) for the Batticaloa Tamil who did best in the University Entrance ( also called Higher School Certificate ) examination.

  • 3

    Mr. Sambanthan: There is a lot, as long as your article, to write in response to your article.

  • 3

    Previous, now defunct Yahapalanaya appointed one Indian Tamil from Colombo as the Minister for reconciliation and tried to say Tamil also equal place, what ever reconciliation in which Sinhala people were oppressed, belittled and tried bring legislation (by you) to establish those. Ir you did not like reconciliation and wanted to consider Tamils are equal to sinhala, Malays, Burghers etc, Why did you accept the Opposition Leader Position. You should have resigned. Instead, you accepted a house from Colombo-7 even though you did not vacate and is still occupying. I heard, you have asked extension to occupy it as long as you are living. How kind is that when you leave Trincomalee people which fed you sp long and now live in Cinnamon gardens.
    Another point is now, the governor both in the North and East are a Tamil and Sinhala women. Did you go and talk to them about those areas.
    Just hypocrisy to Tamils. You know what International community is asking. So fool Tamils.
    Be careful about Norwegian-Iranians coming to your Tamil Eeelam. I heard, they are saying, I thought it was an American Passport.

  • 4

    Tamils are all over the world, If Tamils grievances are addressed this way, the whole world except Antarctica becomes a Tamilnadu. On the other hand, much loved Singapore uses FOR LANGUAGES WHICH INCLUDES TAMIL. But, the National language is the native language of Malay because Malays are the natives there. So, in Sri Lanka, out of compassion, there can be leniency towards India by letting Tamil to be used but that is not essential. You know 10%Thelegus in Tamilnadu do not have any rights eventhough Thelugu is the second most prevalent language in India. In that sense, successive Sri Lankan govts have been very unfair to Sinhala people whose, culture, civilization exists Only in Sinhale and no where else.

    • 4

      As regards the last sentence of your garbled comment, I say thank god for that!

    • 5

      Mr. Sampanthan,
      Your address to the Parliament reminds me of addresses by Chelvanayaagam, Amirthalingam, Sivasithamparam. All great speeches fell on deaf ears. The Sinhala leaders to whom those appeals were made in a span of 72 years were first PM Sennanayaka, PMs Kotalawela, SWRD Bandaranaike, Srimavo Bandaranaike, Dudley Senanayake, Presidents Srimavo, Jeyawardena, Premadasa, Wijeyatunge, Chandrika, Mahinda, Srisena and now Gotabaya.

      You are now 85 + . The next Tamil leader who may succeed you may be Sumanthiran or Wigneswaran. Sumanthiran will follow your path as you both, like those who lead the Tamils before, followed probably with the same results.

      Tamil voters have no other viable choice to lead them in parliament other than Wigneswaran and Sumanthiran. They both have different approaches though both hope for the same political solution that you and others who went before you have eloquently repeated.

      Neither of them will succeed unless they propose a new strategy to convince the majority of the Sinhala people, the Maha Snagha and the Rajapaksas that it is in their interest to accept the political solution that Tamil political leaders have proposed for 72 years.

      Mr. Sambanthan, you can bring together all Tamil leaders to meet together and plan on a strategy and contest the parliament election on such a strategy. March – May 2020 is a critical period for the survival of Tamils as a linguistic, ethnic group with inherent rights. Such an approach is better than repeating the strategies that have failed sir 72 years.

      • 1

        Dr. Ethir,

        Please see my comment below to Kali. I think Tamil opinion is divided on the way ahead. So internal surveys are a first step. Can you talk to the right people to do a scientific survey of what Tamils in SL really want going forward?

        • 1

          A good recommendation. I have tried to get specialist to do such a survey in 2018 but no one came forward. Such a survey need to be done by an independent org for the results to be credible. The law does not permit to give all options. As you know it is illegal to give the option of Separation. The other options are: Federalism, 13A, and Unitary State without 13A.

          The Presidential election voting in the North and East was an indication of the Tamil voters agreeing with the TNA solution though many voters I talked to said they are voting for Sajith because his Ministry built many houses in villages in the Mullaithivun, Jaffna, Mannar, Vavuniya and Kilinochchi districts and met with every family and gave them the Key to their house.
          CPA is the only credible org who can conduct such a survey without the option of separation. I shall ask them.

          • 1

            Thanks Dr. Ethir.

            Separation was an ill-conceived demand that wouldn’t even have the support of India, let alone the broader international community. So there is no need for that option.
            But I would suggest including a question on what level of Indian involvement is desired. Should India re-engage with the GoSL on a solution that goes beyond 13A to quasi-Federalism seen in India, and provide certain guarantees, or is it enough for India to continue to passively reiterate full implementation of the 13th?

            A scientifically conducted Tamil opinion survey will suggest the path forward.

            Beyond CPA and others who can do credible independent surveys, the TNA and other diaspora groups should coordinate to conduct internal surveys of their own, which will help even if less scientific. Is there an email where I can reach you to discuss this more?

  • 1

    After losing to Yahapalanaya, in 2015, and King stopped Rapist Army’s defense meeting for International Military forces on how to defeat terrorists, it was Iranians, who trained ISIS to take 5 years nursery Yazidi kids as sex slaves, offered to Rapist army to train them. Last week, after launching their missiles into the Green Area of Iraq, Iran last week offered to train King’s Rapist Army. Then they started the war with America and launched dozens of Russian missiles to Iraq Airports, which were having American & Allies troops. Iran did know that the Russian missiles are good only for to down the passenger planes, not military planes. Russian missiles have brought down more passenger planes than the military planes they encountered in their history. Like in Germany during WWII and in Afghan, any plane falling down from the air was a plus point. So Russia has been making this type of hype-r missiles. Iran launched one them and it has shot down the plane left their Airport facing a four hour delay for safety from Russian missiles. It is no longer sounds like “Heat Seeking”, but Hide and Seek even after four hours of delay. On the fifth hour, Iranian Ayatollah called President Trump
    & told “man, we don’t want any more war; please let us go.” But President Trump, who could not sleep for week after touching the Persian Tatar, started to chase them, “not that easily, how can you run away without we talk unconditional (only from American part) peace talks”. It is for this the whole week all Western Media blowing was 24/7 about WWIII. It is the media scared Ayatollah and Trump to strip them off from their war fantasy movies. Is this what Iran going to train the Rapist army too? Comedy Thamai!

  • 3

    Mr. Sambanthan talks reputation of Sri Lanka in the world. International community is not dumb. They know what they are doing. It is TNA went every where in the world and tried to disrepute Sri Lanka and Sambanthan know how he plays both sides of the game. Somehow, it is the International community that had to say “STOP THAT GENOCIDE CRAP AND INDIA SAID, here after do not come to us and talk to Sri Lankan govt”. No one in the world says anything supporting Tamils without the consent of the Indian govt.

    • 1


      ” International community is not dumb” well said mate. Pretty soon the international community will hang both Rajapakse brothers for their crimes against humanity.

  • 5

    Intentions are excellent. It’s the same speach given by JVP for a long time. Last election these were told by Sajith too. Difference is they gave a plan to achieve the same.
    I can’t find any plans proposed by him. He just told what issues we are facing as a nation. Most people living in Sri Lanka will be able to make the same speach.
    An idea without a plan of action is worthless.

  • 2

    What was the name of the country where the first load of illicit immigrants landed from India ? was it called Sinhala Eelam ???

  • 3

    A facial expressions reader can easily see in the photo that sampu is begging gota to attach his beloved east to the north so that he can die with a happy smile on his face.Gota is saying to mollify the old man that he may see it happening in his next birth.

  • 4

    By R. Sampanthan –

    R. Sampanthan

    Mr. Deputy Chairman of Committees, we are debating the Policy Statement enunciated by His

    Excellency the President to Parliament on the 03rd of this month.

    He outlined the programme that his Government will follow; he has identified issues of importance. It must be accepted that they are action-oriented and result-oriented. Depending on its implementation, things could get substantially done. One must concede that people and youth could benefit. The emphasis laid on technological progress is important and using fully and effectively Sri Lanka’s strategic location in the Indian Ocean Region, developing Sri Lanka into an export-oriented economic hub with an export orientation to all countries both in Asia and the Europe is vital to the country’s economic resurrection.

    *** Have you gone mad calling this man his Excellency. The question is what has he got to export. Tea is no longer a commodity that will bring money to Sri Lanka , Tourism has gone after Easter Sunday.
    Nothing of Quality and nowhere to export. Only Dodgy stuff may be to African Countries even they question the standard of Chinese goods so how is Gotha going to sell it them. Get on the Phone to Modi and the BJP leader who has some ideas which are beneficial to the Tamil cause. Gotha is not going to do anthing for the Tamils.

    • 2

      Gotabhaya will do something to the Daliths in the North who have been oppressed and discriminated by Wellala racist bigots and to Demala people working in tea plantations and not to Wellala elite politicians who all the time talk about Elam, Federal System, Devolution of Power, National Question, Ethnic Problem.

      Sinhalayo will wholeheartedly support anything done to improve the living conditions of Demala people in tea plantations who have made a significant contribution to the economy. What have Wellala Demalu done other than exploiting Sinhalayo and at the same time creating problems for Sinhalayo.

    • 0

      It is tempting to call GR a white van bandit rather than ‘His Excellency.’ But Sampanthan was speaking in parliament and had to maintain formality. I think Sri Lankans, in general, should let go of ‘His Excellency’ and just say ‘ Mr. President’ or ‘President Rajapaksa.’

      The same when addressing diplomats.

      For me, GR remains a white van bandit and war criminal.

      On the issue of India/BJP intervening in some way, I think there is a split within Tamil opinion. Some think India/BJP should intervene. Others would still prefer to talk and come to an understanding with the south. They argue that India is only interested in their own security vs. China and has no real interest in the well-being of Tamils. They are not wrong in that BJP and Modi haven’t shown any real interest beyond paying lip service. Maybe someone should conduct internal surveys to gauge Tamil opinion first.

  • 3

    Gotabaya should focus on his election manifesto and what he said during the election campaign please fulfill the promises, no to MCC ,ACSA and SOFA stick to your word we don’t want to see Americans on our soil the bastards just see what they did to Vietnam and middle east war criminals should never be invited to our country.
    Follow the path you preached during the elections we can see your government is getting off the correct path people voted for you and so many ministers involved is news briefings and spelling out their personal agendas not attending to their ministerial work but wasting public funds focus more on political revenge and intimidating opposition party supporters please get your government back on track .
    Please take action to look after the senior citizens and poorest of the poor people are suffering no time to waste on gala events , musical shows ,cycle races , dress parades and sandharshana sponsored by the government

    • 1

      As one commenter clearly stated it, heaps or mountains of stinky garbage surrounded or covered with blue flies – is similar tolanken style of politics under the leadership of Rajapakshes.

      This experiment was ONCE crystal clear to SRILANKENs by 2015 if they dont consume punnakku for three meals – with all the countries becoming enemies we were just about to reach the status of ” MYANMr under MR and his borther”.

      Irony of srilanken fate is- the same COMBINATION is supported by same voters this time.

      What would they expect from ONCE high criminal DUO again ?

      to continu looting and make SRILANKA an another Angola or Somalia

      Pay the way to breed lot more high criminals under them

      Latter is evident to me since I heard ” minimum qualificaton for jobs has been made – education upto grade 8″.

    • 0


      I think time has come to start you Kattadiya program against under them. You the kind of witchdoctors can help the stupid duo

      Do you think that the duo would ever think of the elderly, if yes, why not they fullfilled them until 2015. ?

      Poor people are rich if Rajapashes di dnot loot them.

      State funds = tax payers funds – poor people too belong to the them.

      If the poor of the poor are not entitled to enjoy the bascis such as shelter, meal etc, while Rajapakshes abuse those funds for his personal transport, not people, but Rajapakshes are the poor.

      Ranil W never abused helicopters for his personal trips
      That abusive SORYsena also used it in a limited manner

      But today, shameless buggers abuse it to the core. Price hiks of daily needs are sky rocketed.
      MR handles the country as if a tribal leader in Africa does it.

    • 0

      ” Gotabaya should focus on his election manifesto and what he said during the election campaign please fulfill the promises, no to MCC ,ACSA and SOFA stick to your word we don’t want to see Americans on our soil the bastards just see what they did to Vietnam and middle east war criminals should never be invited to our country. ”

      Then what do you want to do with the American Citizenship, American properties, Bank Accounts in Dollar, and NASA jobs?
      You didn’t have one Modaya to make the King and is that why you made an American 7/11 shop clerk as King? Do you know the American white supremacists are asking president Trump to send home all Lankawe sex shop employees out of their land; why didn’t your sex shop employees have returned home yet?
      You are looking for 2/3 to have Ranil’s 19A release the condition of a Lankawe president should be a local citizen. (Seeking 2/3 also an election promise?).All who punished so far by that law is Geetha, though tried to nice to all men. Entire rubbish Sinhala Colombo Media has been spreading hoax claiming 4 of the TNA MPs are foreign citizens including Mavai, the ITAK leader. But when it comes to you, you want 2/3 from Sinhala Buddhists Modaya voters.
      You Sinhala Buddhist Modayas, before you start to brag about you, you let your pants go down and stand naked, aren’t you? Otherwise, how can you talk like that?
      Write your baffling in a rural area Sinhala website. This English site is people from world over read and write.
      Shame on you!
      (We not writing for Tamils; we think man has to be magnanimous and has to take care of the world with his superior ability, not to abuse the weaker livings and their right to be happy on this earth. We believe that is what even Buddha wanted)

  • 2

    To all those inquiring about Native Vedda.
    Thank you, he is very much alive and kicking, will all appendages functioning at the level you would expect of an 80 year old lansia.
    He is helping Banda and I enjoy our main game well, amongst trolling on the Net like the irate foreigner he is!.

    • 0

      A pity.

  • 1

    Banda -selavnagam pact.
    Dudly-sevanayagam pact
    JR-AMIR-district council agreement.
    Premadasa-anton balasingam conference
    Chandrika-neelan thiruchelvan agreement.
    Ranil-anton balasingam discussion in norway
    Sampnthan-Mahinda government discussion and the draft almost accepted by tissa vidarana.in between there were draft proposal by indian diplomat parthasarati.and another proposal by mangla munasinge.most of these proposals and agreements were done in order to buy time to cheat tamils and some countries like india-norway etc.

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    Harping on the past historical fiction and looking at the imaginary future is not going to help. Be practical and start your day from 1948 and see whether we can solve our problem based on our population ratio which existed during the time. The Sinhalese willingly handed over their power to the British, unlike the Tamils who fought and lost.
    Whether we like it or not both got their so-called freedom in 1948. I would reiterate the fact that Neither Ellalan nor Dutugemunu extended their rule beyond Madawachi to the North or Polonnaruwa to the East. Restore the status quo( under a federal set up) which existed prior to the British rule and live happily ever after.

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