17 September, 2024


Gota’s Travel Agent Appointed Chairman Civil Aviation Authority

Whilst making a mockery of the government appointed four member board to screen persons to head state enterprises, President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s personal travel agent Upul Dharmadasa from Los Angeles USA was appointed as the new Chairman of the Sri Lanka Civil Aviation Authority.

The said mockery based on President Gotabaya’s promise to appoint those on meritocracy was further confirmed when Amith Wijesinghe a former SriLankan Airlines’ Cashier turned Manager and a close associate of Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa, was also appointed as the Deputy Chairman of the Sri Lanka Civil Aviation Authority.

Gotabaya Rajapaksa, Upul Dharmadasa and Basil Rajapaksa

The government had earlier made it public that in order to maintain transparency, it was appointing a four-member selection board to screen the persons nominated by ministers to head state enterprises operating under them.

The board consisted of former Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Dr. Nalaka Godahewa, former John Keells Holdings Chairman Susantha Ratnayake, Prof. Jagath Wellawatte, Dr Prasanna Gunasena and the Cabinet Secretary Sumith Abeysinghe.

Meanwhile President Gotabaya’s Travel Agent Upul Dharmadasa shot into the limelight, when he was exposed hastily trying to obtain an upgrade on Emirates Airline for his clients President Gotabaya and wife Ioma to travel from Los Angeles to Colombo in April 2019.

This was during the period when President Gotabaya Rajapaksa was served summons at the Trader Joe’s parking lot in USA.

The role the Travel Agent Upul Dharmadasa played in frantically getting the upgrade was published a few days ago in the Sunday Observer under the published title “CHECKMATE: Inside Ahimsa’s Legal Gambit against Gota”.

The publication read “As this news reached SLPP stalwarts, Gotabaya Rajapaksa was struck by a stunning breach of privacy as details of his Emirates flights and cancellations came to be posted on social media.”

“Included in the social media posts were not only copies of his air tickets and boarding passes, but also the details of telephone calls made on his behalf by Los Angeles travel agent Upul Dharmadasa seeking an upgrade to First Class for the Rajapaksa couple.”

“The fidelity of the leak was exceptionally striking since the flight bookings were paid for with Emirates frequent flyer miles, as Gotabaya Rajapaksa and his wife Ioma both enjoy the most elite “Skywards Platinum” status with the Dubai-based airline. The bookings were made directly with Emirates and not through a travel agency.”

On the another note Amith Wijesinghe the appointed Deputy Chairman of Sri Lanka Civil Aviation Authority who is affectionately known as “Wije” to Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa was famously known for lending out the Sri Lankan Airline’s daily collections to traders in Colombo on a short term basis.

On clarifying this further a senior SriLankan Airline official sent the following messages:

“There was a time people used to say he made lots of money by giving daily collections to big Pettah business people. He was such a thief. Later somehow joined during Manoj’s time as a sales officer and later he became a sales manager. Yes he knows all cops, ministers, Field Marshals and heads of Armed forces since he goes to the airport for special handling. MR calls him Wije and sometimes takes him in his private visits in our planes.” (By Dasun Jayakody)

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  • 65

    Fantastic. Sri Lankan airlines will soon be number one . GR/MR can use these fellows to strike a deal with Emirates to buy our bankrupt SL airlines free at cost and get life long upgrades for the whole Rajapaksa clan. That way it will serve as private jets for the family to travel as they wish with their favorite pets aboard. Even Trump will feel jealous.

    • 36

      Dear chiv,
      I’ve enthusiastically approved your comment since the sarcasm was very clear to me. However, beware, many Sri Lankans have received such poor education that they cannot even recognise sarcasm.
      I have just had my say in response to the companion-article:
      Thanks for speaking up, chiv.

      • 7

        Don’t trust this Colombo Telegraph, its a TAMIL TERRORISTS ORIENTED news broadcaster, same as TAMIL NET. Indian proverb ” If you see TAMIL and COBRA kill TAMIL first”

    • 20

      Colombo Telegraph,

      RE: Gota’s Travel Agent Appointed Chairman Civil Aviation Authority

      “The government had earlier made it public that in order to maintain transparency, it was appointing a four-member selection board to screen the persons nominated by ministers to head state enterprises operating under them.”

      The selection board’s job is to screen the candidates to make sure, the candidates belong to the tribe or is associated with the tribe. Their loyalty is to the tribe. They are also expected to carry our orders issued by the tribal heads.

      The message is that, if you can’t beat the tribe, join the tribe.

      Another round of Merry-go-round, in the land of Native Veddah Aethho, a cycle of activity by the Paras that is complex, fast-paced, or difficult to break out of.

    • 24

      Coming colors no good. With a bunch of unqualified, inexperienced friends, family, in laws, and those who did a favor to the Rajapaksa’s, holding such vital positions, to an already messed up department, who can have ANY confidence this motley crew will turn things around? When unqualified, and inexperienced people run any establishment, chances are high they will FAIL, and we cannot take any risk at this point.
      It is just like Trump, he appoints those unqualified, and inexperienced people, willing to bend the rules and lie for him, and it is failing. So much like he is.

      • 9

        Tara ,
        Why panic ? Coming colours not too bad ! Realm of 6.9 million dreams
        getting their delivery so fast and even with another election round
        the corner . Royals don’t seem to care for the enemy as long as the
        great intelligent folks are ready to eat their regular staple food ! Dinesh
        had said a couple of days ago that the U N P has no knowledge of the
        pulse of the majority . I am sure he’s born with the sensor ! The pulse is
        nothing other than the cheap and tireless run after Muslim restaurants !

    • 15

      Kingsly Ranawaka for CTB, Nishantha Ranathunga for Water Board, Sashi Welgama for NTC, Kodikara for Provincial Road authority, Renuka Perera foe NHDA. All these rogues are work for Mahinda Government and they are having charge pending for misusing Public Funds

      • 6

        What to do ? That is what the 6.9 million expected them to proceed with!

    • 1

      Sinhalese Aryans country appointing Sinhalese to safeguard Sinhalese Ayan’s country and Sinhalese. Nearly 110 Laks (For Gotabaya 69.5 Laks and Sajith 40.5 Laks Sinhalese) voted last Presidential Election. Those Black Era of Sinhalese where all the Govt. A hospital was full of Tamil Doctors. Thanks to our Sinhala Patriotic Leader Sirima Bandaranayake who kicked out unwanted Tamil Doctors and appointed Sinhalese Doctors. Not only that most of our department’s majority workers (Customs, Postal, PWD, Survey, etc ) full of Tamils. Thanks to our Ex-Prime Minister Sirima who changed this also. Lets the dogs bark, the caravan will go. Facts and figures will speak well. Long live Sinhalese Ayan country

  • 33

    Aba Saranai.,., I finds 3 of this selection panel are dubious characters and except Susantha Rathnayake which I have no idea. The other 3 should be in jail for financial crimes long ago.

    On top of this., the Father-in-Law of Namal R is appointed to a plum govt position as well as the Mother-in-law of Rohith R.

    So its all among the Rajapaksa family Inc., 6.9M were taken for a ride big time.

    • 29

      Yes, whatever we say and do would do nothing, now the rascals are brought back.

      Punnaku eaters dominated srilanka will fall deeper.

      No doubt, UNHRC will impose new UN resolutions going by how they did it few months ago in Kurunagala and other areas against innocient muslim famlies.

      My granny was used to say it nicely, PUthe, ” dog ‘s tail would never be straightened even if you would put it in a bamboo sheath”: Likewise, Rajakashes would never notice that they abuse the power. …

      • 1

        If they are appointed, it simply means that they are able people..God bless the rajapaksha family for saving Sri Lanka.

      • 1

        Sinhalese Aryans country, Sri Lanka. My grandfather, great- fathers, and great-great-grandfathers said never trust Tamil in front of the mirror, Tamil who going to born and Tamil who dead. Indian proverb “If you see TAMIL and COBRA, kill TAMIL first”

    • 3


      It is said that clean your house first and the Royals follow just
      that . They start employing the unemployed in their house first !
      Namal’s father in law and his brother’s mother in law may be
      on the top of the list of Samurdhi benefit so the 6.9 million won’t
      bother at all . Royals and Mr Bond are not fit for anything else .

  • 41

    It looks like Ranjan screwed the backside of few Colombo actresses and Nandasena did screwed the backside of 6.9M fellow Sri Lankans. Go Nandasena…..

  • 44

    The Buddhist Sinhala people wanted everyone associated with Mahinda Family to become the richest in the world and all Sinhalese to become poorest in the world. Who can stop this? Again and again family dictatorship.

    • 11

      Well said, they will become the Royal family!

    • 21

      remember the old saying ” Sinhalaya Modaya Kevun Kanta Sooraya”. How true by atleast 6.9 m people

      • 3


        Was the old saying. “ Sinhalaya Modaya Kevun Kanta Yodaya”?

        In any case, prostrating to saffron clad monks may have affected them by the Prostration Effect, because the brain is below the ass.This, the monks made it a tradition, and the imbeciles follow tradition, a viscous circle, to maintain their hegemony.

  • 2

    The President May be flouting his own principles in appointing people for various posts. The people being appointed may not have a hand in it at all.
    Gota knew Upul Dharmadasa much before he became his travel agent. Upul is the travel agent for many Sri Lankan’s living in USA.
    Personally, Upul is a good and honest man. I’m sure he will do well in this appointment.

    • 32

      Yes he will do well in screwing up the entire aviation industry in Sri Lanka. What made you think a travel agent is qualified to become the CM of an important agency ?

      • 12

        Feel so sorry for these appointments……coming back to square one….This is why we said a system change is necessary.Again another Repetition of the management system. ONE COUNTRY ONE NATION AND ONE LAW…DOES THIS APPLY? ANY HOW ANOTHER 5 YEARS ADDING TO 71 I SUPPOSE!!! ANYWAY GODBLESS SRILANKA….ALL THE BEST…..

        • 5

          Seriously Gotha??
          Air Ceylon Steward, to LA Travel agent and Civil.Aviation Chair.

          Is Sri Lanka screwed or what??

          And there are idiots praising all this blatant corruption and stupidity.

          The Eliya must be inside their underwear.

        • 1

          Gihan Imbulana ,

          God always speaks to his followers as “the most intelligent.” So,
          hard to believe wrong acts have his blessings ! God never
          blesses actions destined to fail . The world offers enough knowledge
          and experiences to learn the ways to success . But that is for the
          right sources . But if the aim is petty ends then that’s what you get.
          All jobs that are being gifted are returning the favours provided
          by the beneficiaries in line with the 71 tear old corrupt tradition .
          In an open economy market , loss makers must go ! No new oxygen
          cylinders ! This applies to Ranil more than ever. Ranil is the curse of
          the country . Ranil has to lose for Mahinda to win and people keeps
          rejecting Ranil which offers no other promise politics alternative .

        • 1

          Remember this is Sinhalese Aryans country. Up to 1960 our Govt. Hospital 98 percent of Tamil Doctors. Thanks to Mrs. Sirima Bandaranayake who changed to the Sinhalese majority doctors not only that so many Govt. Departments namely PWD, CUSTOMS, POSTAL, TELECOMMUNICATIONS etc. Sinhalese voted to Gotabaya and Sajith more than 115 Laks (Gotaya 69.5 Laks , Sajith 40.5 Laks Sinhalese votes) The only Sinhalese Aryans country is Sri Lanka. God bless Sinhalese Aryans country Sri Lanka

          • 2

            Illiterate N Perera
            Before displaying your :Aryan’cloak, check your DNA to see whether you have any Aryan ancestry.

          • 2


            Thanks for your typing.
            How long have you been hibernating in your imagined “Sinhalese Aryans country”.
            Could you tell us where we can locate your imagined country.
            I just want to send you and your fellow Sinhalese Aryans back to your Sinhalese Aryans country. Did you mean your ancestral homeland South India?

    • 13

      Trave agent to Civil Aviation Authority? Insane. The two are completely different.

      This is a plan to pass all lucrative parts of civil aviation to a private company.
      (Who needs a travel agent today if you know English. So Rajafucksas need them.)

    • 14

      A good travel agent does not make a good Chairman of Aviation.
      What kind of logic is this? It is like saying a good medical attendant or nurse will make a good Doctor.

    • 11

      Will someone give the CV of Upul D, and perks that go with this appointment.

      • 1

        SheltonW ,

        Only for your eyes . The CV is ” You scratch my back and I scratch
        yours.” Sorry , No Perks , just Philanthropy and more information
        after April general election ! Bail out plan ? Nothing but learning
        new skills to continue living successfully amid severe losses !

  • 32

    Naturally !!
    The Selection Board consists of people who will confirm persons selected by him.
    Else, how will he get 2/3rd majority?
    The real rot of the nation will commence AFTER the 2/3rd majority is attained.
    When that happens, parliament will become irrelevant – a mere talk shop.

  • 38

    Crooks have taken the cookie jar with the cookies, now only to distribute among the crooks. Ali baba and the forty thieves, from Hambantota.

  • 3

    I have known Upul Dharmadasa for over 40 years a child hood friend and a very successful businessman in LA. A very honest and straight forward guy with extensive knowledge of the industry.

    I believe the President made an excellent choice in naming Upul as Chairman of the Civil Aviation Authority. He is quick and makes the right decisions and will make CAA a great institution and a good hub in Asia.

    Good Luck Upul show these folks what you can do and prove them wrong

    • 1

      For some, Rajapakses cannot do anything right since they demolished the Tamil Terrorist enterprise. Thank you CT for exposing the hatred of Tamils for Sri Lanka and the Sinhalese. Some defeat!!

  • 17

    This appointment is not acceptable
    Please dont vote for Pohottuwa

  • 10

    It is no secret and a big deal for people in authority to appoint their buddies to positions in authority in Sri Lanka, from the days when corporations were set up way back in 1950’s and 1960’s and subsequently various authorities. So the appointments of this nature is nothing new and the process of a selection board can be interpreted as a cover. Even if so called independent commissions are in fact dependent on so many factors extraneous to a professional decision, leave alone the allegation that judges sentence people to death for promotions, one may say isn’t this a miniscule? There is another side to the story. I am informed, rightly or wrongly, that the civil aviation act unlike others have stringent provisions regarding issues involving conflict of interest. I am further informed that there are lots of licensing involved from flying schools and even for airline ticketing. Many known to me say that the appointee to the position of chairman, though he operates abroad is an airline ticketing agent has an outfit here too. Isn’t it an irony that a licensee now becomes the licensor? Now this opens a big can of worms. Wouldn’t this be a huge disadvantage to his competitors. Isn’t there a situation of conflict of interest? Civil Aviation is a huge driver of our economy. Persons of integrity, honesty and with no conflict of interest should be appointed to such positions. Yes! The Yahapalana President appointed his brother as the Chairman of SLT. This one may say NO FAMILY MEMBERS. But if the correct appointee is not appointed then it is as bad as appointing family members who diverted flights to their whims and fancies, leave alone fondling airline stewardesses.

  • 2

    Oh dear me ! Some one at Sri Lankan seems to bear a big grudge with Wjiesuriya. Yes he was a Sales Cashier but that was in the eighties. He has been in the government travel unit from early nineties, well before Manoj, Kapila or even Peter. He did acquit himself well there as most people at the airline would readily admit. A person ever ready to help another with all matters official and private. He deserves some recognition

    • 2

      recognition of what ? services rendered to those who matters perhaps.Those in the know are well aware of his capabilities.how pathetic this is

    • 0

      well he may have been with UL long before Manoj,Kapila or Peter Hill but what did he do at Srilankan.Those in the know will tell you enough as to how he progressed within the Airline. certainly not on meritocracy

  • 2

    These kinds of appointments are nothing compared to the corruption of the police, judiciary and other institutions under yahapalana mafia, coming out of the ‘Alfonso CDs’.
    these kind of appointments are temporary unlike the systemic corruption of making deals with corrupt CID kakkas, magistrates and others in charge of the RULE of Law.
    There is nothing to get excited about here. Everything is relative, after all.

  • 11

    KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera

    Where is Basil?
    Is he the gatekeeper at the Prime Minister’s office?
    Is he lying low until the parliamentary elections are over?
    How is the prime minister coping with president?
    Whose b***s are you carrying now?
    It doesn’t matter as long as they are Sinhala/Buddhist clanking b***s.
    Have Namal Baby and his uncle Basil settled their differences over clan’s kitty?
    Who is in charge of the clan’s fortunes?

  • 0

    This is a case of Sour Grapes for sure.

    This dude definitely has the credentials to look after our aviation services…
    If he progressed from a Pettah Pavement Hawker to run a Travel Agency which could upgrade his clients even on American Internal Flights , he must be some kind of an influential dude.

    The selection Board Members credential also are very impressive with Dr Weertunga who was jailed by Dr Ranil and UNP Cohorts for giving Sil Reddy to our poor Dalit Ammes and Thathas.

    Now we are hearing from the horses mouth what dirty deeds the same Dr Rani and his UNP cohorts did under cover of Yahapalanay.

    Their UNP Minister even arranged posrtitutes on Government funded I Phone , in addition to inviting other ladies also from Colombo.
    They are all in the Digital APP which is keeping our Social Media Operators and their audiences ecstatic.
    And unlike Netflix , they don’t need to pay any subscriptions.

  • 8

    Take over of Sri Lanka by Rajapaksa Mafia with the help of the unsuspecting and gullible poor masses. Rajapaksas can teach Trump a thing or two how to get the US government work for Trump clan and double or treble money they are racking in now. This is real croonimum at it’s best.

  • 12

    MR,s girl friend ex SC judge EVA is promoted to high commissioner. Appointments are screened and approved fast and furious. Qualification required is absolute servility to family.

  • 1

    This is true, that Gota knew Upul Dharmadasa much much before he became his travel agent and Upul Travels Inc is quite successful travel agency in LA and New York.
    Personally, Upul is a good hardworking man and there is no need for him to accept this post.
    He was one of the first few hired to Air Ceylon crew.

    • 0

      I am sure he worked with Gabo Peris (Owner of Gabo Travels, he too Stewart and Captain Elmo Jayawardana, he too Stewart Air Ceylon)

  • 12

    Don’t complain dumb Sinhala Buddhist voters…. just obey the orders of your king… & his stooges.

  • 7

    So far this the 3rd incident happen to hear. Very 1st was ITN iron thief, today again 2nd one was Arjuna Ranathungas brother previously proven culprit, appointed, and this this is 3rd case. So sad but so quickly Rajapaksa family has forgotten why they kicked out in 2015!

  • 8

    The Worst to come after elections Ranil did his first favor back stabbing Sajith at presidential election
    , Ranils role is not over second favor is helping MR/GR to get 2/3 majority in general elections, country is back to square one .
    We cannot trust anyone on either side , most of the politicians are crooks in Sri Lanka people get into politics, customs , excise , inland revenue and into public service to make money , we cannot change this , but all have to pay for their sins.

    • 1


  • 0

    MR and GR led that SLPP is not that Socialist Political Party ?
    It is capitalist class political Party .
    How was that SLPP was born ?
    It was political party of born out of SLFP on National bourgeoisie and Petty bourgeoisie and rural & urban poor are roots of SLPP.
    In fact as political elements old social forces that SLFP failure to delivered its foundation mission ?

    So what has happen @… SLPP was by products of lost cause of SLFP.
    It has(SLPP) to be play for role of democratic reform and Revolution in 21st century.
    When during in coming era that development and Democracy of sustainability path of New Global Order, is complex and long route one.

    Nonetheless that it is an obvious SLPP and its classes has certain mission to be undertaken in coming decides. By and large it needed great mission of task that an undertaken by People aspiration of New Innovation of democracy’s culture and technology & science as well.

  • 2

    These people will not be happy unless you appoint UNP guys or minorities. Every one else will be criticised !

  • 1

    To get that 2/3rd majority, the past Rajapakse regime behaviour pattern, as below continues:-
    “Among the political appointees Mr. Dissanayaka revealed in Parliament are: Sarath Kongahage – Ambassador, Germany – Former Chairman of SLRC Nawalage Bannet Cooray – Ambassador, Italy – Former SLFP organizer for Kolonnawa Gamini Rajapaksa – Ambassador, Jordan – Former Deputy Minister of the UNP government H.R. Piyasiri – Ambassador Myanmar – Former Parliamentarian of the UNP Buddhi Athawuda – Ambassador, Netherlands – Minister Athauda Senevirtna’s son Udayanga Weeratunga – Amabssador, Russia – Presidents brother in law Jaliya Wickremesooriya – Ambassador, USA – President’s brother in law Dikson Daala – High Commissioner Maldives – father of Pradeep Nilanga Daala, Diyawadana Nilame of the Temple of the Tooth, a close friend of the President. ASP Liyanage- Ambassador Nigeria – a property trader and a close friend of the President Oshadhi Alahapperuma– Ambassador Sweden, Younger brother of Minister Dulles Alahapperuma Yasara Abeynayake – Consular in Sydney – Gamini Fonseka’s daughter Bharathy Wijeratna – Ambassador, Turkey – Former Minister Mano Wijeratne’s wife Dr. Yvonne Amarasinghe – Ambassador, Vietnam – President’s close friend Srimal Wickremesinghe – Deputy Head, Vienna – Brother of Ms. Shiranthi Rajapaksa, wife of the President Waruna Epasinghe – Embassy in Washington – A son of a government adviser Karaunaratna Pranavithana – Consul General, Canada – former Chairman of SLRC, a defeated candidate at an election WKS Dissanayaka – first Secretary , Abu Dhabi – a relative of the President Lalith U. Gamage – Indonesian Embassy – a SLFP politician from Galle HNB Ratnayaka – Second Secretary, Russia – Minister C,B, Ratnayaka’s son Lionel Premasiri – Deputy Secretary General, Canada – Former organizer of the SLFP in Galle Harshana Herath – Second Secretary, Singapore – Chief Minister of Sabaragamuwa PC Mahipala Herath’s son Chamithri Rambukwelela – Second Secretary, New York – Minister Keheliya Rambukwella’s daughter Muthu Padmakumara – Second Secretary, London – the daughter of Chairman of Lake House Bandula Padmakumara Methsiri Cooray – Ambassador, Netherlands – President’s close friend Dr. Crtin Waidyarathna, High Commissioner in London – wife of Dr. Ajith Ratnayaka Umayangana Randeniya – Second Secretary, Singapore – Daughter of Ravindra Randeniya, adviser to the President Commander JM Bandara – Second Secretary, Kuwait

  • 1

    Upul is well known in SL. He charges $35 as a fee to send money to Sri Lanka for that you have to send a check and it has to be realized in to his UT account. MoneyGram charges $5 for using Credtcard. You can see these crooks are only focusing on how to make a buck. And another angle I hope, Upul not be WMonizer like previous Shiranthi brother though.

    • 2

      Airline Steward to storefront Travel Agent in LA to be the Chairman, Civil Aviation Authority of Sri Lanka! A merit based promotion contrary to SLPP manifesto that all appointments to governmental entities and statutory bodies be merit based and nominees be vetted by a presidential panel…same old crooks governing the country…who are they deceiving!!

  • 1

    Dear Native,

    Funny you asked about Basil..
    This selfie with the new Aviation Chairman looks not only cool but there is no Mud there either, despite your great expectations-

    Just think of your Buddies in the UNP , who rallied around Kselwatta Kid and his
    Aryawa Senior to give you the next phase of Yahapalanya, defying the wishes of your Idol, the great UNP Leader Dr Rani Wickremasinge.–

    I am talking about the heavy hitters of the much talked about next UNP leadership Team , the likes of Dr Harsha , Daddy’s boy Harin, Prof Manu , and whole host of others who took Selfies with your fav UNP Media personality Mr Ranjan Ramanayaka, while he was being hand cuffed by the CCD in front of HIRU and DERANA Reporters.

    Cant’t wait for the announcement of the next Election Date to watch those Selfies ,while the reporters play those Gonja Tapes where Mr Ramanayaka’ is calling the Lady Pimps to arrange prostitutes .
    And calls to other Ladies in Colombo for Quickies..

    I like the one where Dirukshi is quizzing Ranjan to find out whether he laid Soma aunty as well.

    Watch it Native , instead of trying waste your time arguing with the new Pohottu Supporters here, who seem to have good credentials in Education , Politics and Patriotism..

    • 1

      Your last statement is hilarious, Sumane. Perhaps, replacing “seem” with “pretend” would make much more sense.

    • 1

      KASmaalam K.A.Sumanasekera

      “……. new Pohottu Supporters here, who seem to have good credentials in Education , Politics and Patriotism..”

      Brilliant, where did Basil/Gota/Mahinda import them, from Israel or Jewish diaspora perhaps?

      Or maybe Sundar Pichai’s uncles and aunts, or Kailasavadivoo Sivan’s grandparents.


      Modi has extended an invitation to Mahinds to visit Delhi Sultanate. Mahinda not only going to Delhi Sultanate (Modi is waiting to give him a mild bollocking) but also going to Varanasi and Tirupati.
      Mahinda is a Sinhala/Buddhist therefore he should be begging for blessing from Assgiria (120% Sinhala/Buddhist) not from Idol worshiping Tirupati.
      What the hell is going on?

  • 1

    Ofcourse now they can bring more dogs into the country! And all the in laws cousins American friends in America can fly around as if a family Business- just come as you are?

  • 1

    Have you heard the saying “Kathawa num Dolawen Gamana pying”.

  • 0

    This Guarantee character, was Gota’s Ranaviru director one time, Got a fired him for sexual harassment to disable veteran’s spouses. After he lost the job, he started putting Gota down left & right.
    May be this slecy Guarantee character tring to get back with
    Gota though Upul Dharmadasa

  • 2

    Well, if this news is true the biggest joke will be appointment of Wijesuriya amith as the deputy chairman! is that a joke? a man who was just a cashier but went up with all promotions thanks to only MR and clan and then even got a 2 year extension thanks to MS. leave alone this position he is not good enough even as a payment hawker, I hope this news is really not true as this is the biggest joke by MR

  • 1

    Nepotism is back.Sri Lanka has changed the same pillow of cronyism, unqualified and inexperienced appointments.How can this country prosper with the same pack of 225 cards? An ex travel agent of the President in s regulatory organisation as the Department of Civil Aviation bid about conflict of interest and corruption!

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