13 February, 2025


History Repeats In Sri Lanka

By Ameer Ali

Dr. Ameer Ali

Anti-Muslim violence that started in Negombo in the aftermath of the Easter carnage, is now spreading into the North West, aided, as usual, by some anti-Muslim elements in the police and armed forces. In the meantime, President MS is far away in China flown to talk about civilization while his own country is de-civilizing, and a hapless RW can only appeal to the people to remain calm and visit the ruins caused left after destruction. The country is virtually without a government for the second time. 

The situation is continuation of a history that started in mid-1950s. Since that time communalism has been picked as the only trump card to fight and win parliamentary elections. Sinhala nationalism, Tamil nationalism and Buddhist chauvinism were used very effectively by major parties to win elections. Lately Islamism also has joined the fray. With far right Buddhist elements coming into the scene in a big way, communalism is showing its ugly head once again before the next season of elections, which is around the corner. 

Until 2009 every election was fought on the Sinhalese fear of Tamil language, Tamil nationalism and Tamil separatism. Even though the leftists were an exception and shunned this communalism they too had to surrender eventually to communal forces in 1970 before the left disappeared from the scene in 1977. One would have expected JVP to come clean by condemning the Buddhist far right for the anti-Muslim violence currently raging, but its voice too has remained muted except to blame the government.

After the LTTE was defeated militarily and separatist threat was eliminated Sinhalese politicians ran out of communal steam to drive an election campaign. When the 2015 elections came there was an expectation in some circles that the chauvinists would commemorate the hundredth anniversary of 1915 with another Sinhalese-Muslim riots. Mahinda Rajapakse thought however, that his victory over Tamil separatism was sufficient to win the race, but it failed to garner enough votes. After that some tried to rekindle the separatist fear by claiming that LTTE elements are still lurking in the corner. That doesn’t seem to carry much weight because there is no hard evidence. Therefore there is a need to find a new communal bogey, and that came in a platter with the Easter massacre.

It is true that Muslim leadership, both political and religious, failed to detect early enough, and despite several warnings, the dangerous currents that were flowing deep under the muddy waters of a religious awakening since 1990. However, once the Easter mayhem showed clear evidence, they were forthright not only in co-operating with the authorities to eliminate such currents but also to re-think and re-start their religious programs and teachings. Yet, the far right is not satisfied and wants to take revenge with Muslim blood. According to one Buddhist monk there is an ‘invisible hand’ directing these marauders with political motive. If the next election is going to be fought on the Muslim issue, and once that issue is also exhausted, who will be the next target to win the following election? Indian Tamils? History repeats in Sri Lanka.

The ultimate victim of this communalism and chauvinism is the economy and their lies the greater danger. It is only five months since the economy started recovering after it was hit by the failed constitutional coup by the President. The bloody Easter and ongoing violence since then have struck another blow to the economy. If lawlessness is not brought under control swiftly more and more scarce resources have to be allocated to law enforcement, which will leave less and less resources for development. With inevitable decline in tourism, falling exports and less foreign investments the country has no other option but to borrow even more to pay for its imports, and fall deeper into debt. A debtor’s financial predicament will force that debtor fall prey to sinister plans of cunning benefactors. Already, US, China and India have shown willingness to rescue the country. The question is at what cost? Like Hambantota, there is Trincomalee, KKS, and Colombo Port to be mortgaged. Is Sri Lanka prepared to sell its heirlooms? These are the dangers towards which the country will be pushed if the far right is not defeated and communal issue is not resolved.       

Latest comments

  • 5

    Out of all the jokes in the article I chose the best as following: //It is only five months since the ECONOMY STARTED RECOVERING after it was hit by the failed constitutional coup by the President.// (highlighting was mine).

    • 8


      Are you being posted to a particular area by your saffron clad mentor?
      Do you think you can have rich pickings where you are now?
      How many shops and houses have been allocated to you to monitor, loot, ransake, burn down, rape, kill, ……………

      Don’t you think it is in your nature to refuse to do all these acts when the local saffron clad mafiosi entrust you with a certain expanded religious duties?
      Take care.
      Don’t get caught I mean on social media.

      • 5


        Do not gauge me as against you. I am sure, you are very upset with the fact that April 21 carnage could not put on the shoulders of Sinhala Buddhists! As a seasoned spin doc of LTTE and its theory, Saharan and the killer gang must have learn a lot from you. Happy?

        • 6


          Instead arguing with me why aren’t getting your favourite saffron clad thug released. He would definitely unleash his full potential.

          In fact your favorite saffron clad thug once regretted vacuum created by the death of your favourite Tamil, VP. Had he been alive Gnanasara was so sure he would have obtained T 56 from VP. He also regretted he was fighting a lonely battle without any support.

          Are you being allocated a particular area?
          Have you met somass at planning meeting?

          • 1

            Native, It might be easy for you to couple me with Gnanasara thero or as you fondly call them, “saffron clad” but I have nothing to do with them. By saying so, my intention was not to justify myself in front of you, who never opens his eyes to the truth.

            Native Vedda, you and the like minded rascals are somewhat responsible for Easter massacre. Because your ideology has very much helped IS and its local agent Saharan to execute their cruelty. You always pamper the Muslim extremism whenever there’s an opportunity because the victims was Buddhists. For example, when some female Muslim students had demanded (of course with the blessings of their parents) separate dress code to public schools, you did justify that rather stupid demand. When some people point finger to Muslim extremists who vandalized Buddha statues, you were carrying the opinion there’s no such extremism because, again, Buddhists were at the receiving end. There were many such instances.

            NV, be down to earth and take your share of the present anarchy. I am no fan of any racism or against any race, religion or cast.

            • 1


              If you cannot argue your side of the story you always resort to fibbing.

              ” You always pamper the Muslim extremism whenever there’s an opportunity because the victims was Buddhists.”

              What were the Sinhala Speaking Christians doing during the Tamils mass in Antony’s Church Kochchikade on the Easter Sunday?
              The Batticaloa Easter bombing took place in a church which is mostly frequented by Tamils.
              What is your problem?

              I think you have problem remembering what I wrote. You are hallucinating.
              I never supported Muslim women wearing niqab or burqa but I have no issue with hijab (head scarf).

              Christians, Hindus, Jains too cover their head. So do many European, African South American tribes. So what is your problem?

              “When some people point finger to Muslim extremists who vandalized Buddha statues, you were carrying the opinion there’s no such extremism because, again,”

              What exactly did I say? Again hallucinating aren’t you?

              “NV, be down to earth and take your share of the present anarchy. I am no fan of any racism or against any race, religion or cast.”

              Not many people know/understand who they are, what they think, how they behave, ………………… I am sorry you are an ardent supporter of the saffron clad thug Gnanasara and you justified all what he had done. By the way you cannot wipe off all your guild by denying what the Sinhala/Buddhist have been doing to the “others”.

              Take a break, contemplate, ………….. meditate, …. liberate yourself from Sinhala/Buddhist fascism.

    • 6

      Pro-Muslim violence killed 257 people.
      Anti-Muslim violence killed no one.

      Both are bad. Illegal. Barbaric.

      But yet the two are different.

      • 3


        Correction ;

        Pro Wahhabi Salafi violence by the Satan Followers killed 350 people. They claimed that they are Muslims, and only a small fraction of Muslims, especially Sufis reported them to the authorities. They did nothing. Why? Wahhabi Petrodollars.

        Anti Muslim violence killed one Muslim, in Chilaw and lot of property damage.

        The violence not killed any Wahhabi Salafies and their clones.

        No wonder the mean IQ of Sri Lankan Paras is 79.

        • 2

          International media will pick that one Muslim death forgetting the 350 odd killed by Wahabi Muslims and blow that out of proportion to highlight Sinhala Buddhists as a violent lot.
          Christian West has well established the notion Islam-phobia. Now they want to create Buddhist-phobia. What happened in Myanmar is a part of that game plan.

    • 3

      The clashes between folks being faced today in srilanka is not only because of religious differences but more between two groups.
      1) uncivilized uneducated people
      2) Civilew, educated well brought up people.
      Not just making efforts to comprehend what was being said by a comment, they had started to shoot the messenger. If that would have been made by a Christian or other non-buddhist, the results would have been the same.
      Some clans that have been instigating do the job in the lines of hurting muslims or any other minorities, in order to gain their political gains.
      DayaSiri -a MP – a close one to incumbent presdient, his name is caught by VIDEOs being spread in social media today. In the same time, one time, made cardboard hero, having revealed, some fair tales about the assasinations of VIPs, are also in lime light, to have noticed how mobs got ready to damage the livelyhood of those muslims.
      All in all, this is an another INCIDENT, the very same nature of politicians to have instigated those violence. On his return, nation most abusive man, none other than president of SRILANKA will shamelessly address the nation. This will move as if we walk on a curve…. being stangnated not finding sustainable soltutions to the problems.

  • 5

    The game is clear now.
    One of the main reasons that these riots were taken place is to jeopardize Police and Army raids to find Muslim terrorists and hidden weapons.
    I repeat, the slave government and Muslim Ministers are behind the attacks.
    If the slave government tries to pay COMPENSATION from the public coffer, all citizens, 99.99% who have nothing to do with these riots, should rise against it.

    • 0

      People, I am so excited! I have found the real culprit behind the riots. I cannot reveal details now because my life is under threat from Wimal’s wife.
      I am under Wimal’s bed at the moment.

    • 2

      Rising against paying compensation to Muslims will not stop Don Juan Dharmapala (Reincarnated) paying compensation. Meethotamulla and Salawa victims have not received compensation so far because the victims are Sinhalayo.

  • 5

    KARMAM Is in action.

    YOUR Musulims have done worst to Tamils in N-E collaborating with
    SL Sinhala cardboard forces in the past 30 years. So many murders,rapes.destruction of Hindu Temples .

    You reap what you sow.

    Arab God is not their to help nor Arab countries.Pity

    All you have jumped too much ,your half baked Musulim politicians in Kafir dress with big mouth are helpless.

    Let the Chinese / Russian forces to do the job.
    In Dakistan (Russia) Isulamic jokers challenged mighty Russian army
    Alas today no more males under 30 here.Putin once told at the face of European Leaders…send Musulims to us we have good doctors to perform circumcision and after we will send them to heaven.

    These jokers have digged their own grave by killing church devotees and foreign tourists specially US national.

    Now Musulims are talking about human rights and visiting UN offices and writing to Arab Embassies, are these jokers from Middle East ?

    Now know the pain of Tamils?


    • 10

      Have some compassion the wirst done to Tamils is LTTE ,who killed our political leaders plus TELLO PLOTE etc evict the Muslims from Jaffna
      Even as Tamils we don’t have unity why blame Muslim’s,
      Don’t punish the whole community,some few fanatics done the carnage all in the name of Allah and the name of Tamils.
      Hope you are living in foreign country in the expense of innocent Tamils sacrifices and lives.
      Where is your human values you and these goons a same.

      • 4

        What was the human value of musulim bodyguards who have butchered Tamils..destroyed Hindu Kovils?

        Ever heard the parliament speech of current Koverner in the East ..he mentioned about blood bath threatining Tamils .

        Now look where is blood bath ..?

        If it is for you it is blood for others tomato juice eh?


  • 5

    To Modays:

    Now do you know why they chased these Musulims from North?

    Now know why they opens fire at Kattankudi mosque where they pilled arms to attack neighbouring villages.?

    To Musulims

    Now do you know the result for killing Tamils with SL Sinhala cardboard army instead of supporting People who spoke Tamil ? Now you are at receiving end .
    No tears for you.


    We keep swords made by Kafir Chinese who eat porc to cut grass.

    We keep explosives and devices to repel mosquitos .

    It is right to do this according to 4th century hole Buk.


    • 9

      CT shouldn’t published these sort of comments making hatred and under value the human kind.

      • 5

        Well said Kugan. There is enough anger and hatred going around without some fool adding to it. Cholan is doing on CT what the Sinhala thugs are doing on the streets. Both should be shot on sight!

        • 5

          Kugan and Paul, both of you are absolutely right. This Visaran, should NOT be allowed any space in the CT to carry on his vicious campaign against Muslims with DIABOLICAL and DESPICABLE LIES which he keeps REPEATING. It is high time CT banned him.

          • 1


            It is better go out minus your religious beard and thoppi else you will be in Trouble with your Sinhala Bruders.

            Tell your woman folk to wear saree ,apply pottu and fix flowers on hair for their safety when they go out.

            Your Musulims have digged their own grave …and still many Musulims are in denying mood to save these suicide bombers.Lies are part of your life as permitted by 4th century BUK.

            Never complain about the current events, your Sinhala bruders are just having a fun with you.

            No more tourists here ,patriotic Musulims have destroyed not only innocent lives but also the economy .

            Calipahte is no more and now US, Mossad and Russians are coming to clear these pests
            hope Chinese will join with them..

            Just few days ago in Batticaloa they have located graves of Tamils who were butchered by Musulims Home Guards, under a half baked Kattankudi Politician.

            Pity your God too ditched you.


          • 1


            VISARAN is the person who kill innocent people to enjoy imaginary 72 Virgins.

            VISARAN is your mowlavie who went on Social media (belong to Jews) to encourage butchering in the name of your fanatic sect.

            VISARAN is a guy who still believe 4th century bluff.

            Got it?

            Soon you will say the suicide bombers all came from another planet , posing as Musulims to tarnish our image.

            He He He we keep swords at Mosque to cut grass …even Angoda patient will not buy this story.

            Your half baked Musulim ministers are against Kafirs but love to wear Kafir dress.


      • 3


        “CT shouldn’t published these sort of comments making hatred and under value the human kind.”

        If these bigots, racists, supremacists, Aryans, Sinhala/Buddhist fascists, ………… are not allow to relieve their bottled up anger, rage, …………………….. in these forums immagine what would happen if they are allow to go on the streets.

        Free speeches are most important for the bigots to let their bottled up anger (mostly 500 years old) find an outlet. Also they have a need to impress their partners.

        • 2

          Native Vedda,
          Instead of being grateful to native Sinhalayo for allowing Demalu and Muslims who were brought to this country by colonial parasites or came as ‘Kallathonis’ to live in Sinhale, what they want to do is Kill Kill Kill native Sinhalayo and try to grab parts of the country.

          • 1

            Eagle Blind Kallathonie Eye

            You should be grateful to my ancestors for letting your kallathonie ancestors (criminals, crooks, thugs, ….) into this island.

            I suggest you take your other Kallathonie brethren with you when you are chased out from my ancestral land.

            How come Sinhalese also want to kill you (1971, 1987-1991)?
            Go hide inside HLD M’s …………………….

  • 4

    432 B….. Virgins: I apologize for the focus I am unable to get rid of on this matter. I can only focus on the 6 suicide bombers and the 6 X 72 = 432 heavenly virgins awaiting them in heaven. Being an amateur mathematician, I am also puzzled by the number 72. Why 72? Why not 71 or 73? There has to be some significance. I started thinking about it and it has become an obsession.
    Of course 72 (decimal) happens to be the same as 1001000 (binary) and 110 (octal). But that seems to be inconsequential. Why 72?
    Similarly, how many days does a normal suicide bomber take to go through 72 virgins. One may even contemplate going through 72 women. But virgins? Virgins are inexperienced, shy and coy. It takes time and motivation to get any far with virgins. I can hear you saying, ‘You are telling me!’
    Finally, it is compounded by the fact that one of those virgins may be one or more of your own wives. She is sure to throw a spanner in the works as she used to do down on Earth.
    There is no doubt it is Godly work – but it is hard work too. Unbelievably hard

    • 4

      Virgins for Men then for women suicide bombers ?


      • 1

        Islam at no point treats men and women equally, even in things such as moon sighting, which signal the start and end of Ramadan etc. It seems that the women suicide bombers get to see the face of Allah on arrival in heaven!

        • 1

          Who knows special gadgets marked “72” will be distributed
          To the female musulim killers.

          There is a 25 yrs old Arab Female pilot now flying Emirates A380
          And newly appointed Chief Justice of Malaysia is a female also the President of Singapore.

          Why no fatwa against the above un Islamic jobs by Imam of Mecca big Mosque?

          Preaching is not suitable for this 21st century.???


    • 3

      Edwin, your problem solved. A suicide bomber died and went to paradise. He asked the prophet “Where are my 72 virgins?” “I’m sorry, there has been a mistake” says the prophet “You can have only one virgin”. The suicide bomber is disappointed. “Well if I only get one virgin, where did the number 72 come from?” he asks. The prophet replies “That’s her age”

      • 2


        Good one.

        • 2

          Ulama, nice to see you have a sense of good humour after all. Are you one of those paid commentators. It is not easy to write up so many lousy comments and you do it so well. (I mean being lousy).

      • 1

        Good one indeed.

    • 0

      Edwin Rodrigo writes. . . . Virgins are inexperienced, shy and coy. . . . .

      Nothing like experience to highlight the challenges faced by the gullible scumbags.

    • 0

      There are no 72, or even 1 virgins. It is a mistranslation of the word for raisins. The story goes that martyrs will be rewarded with raisins in heaven.


      • 0

        Another Twist.

        So when 4th century bluff ,written in 6th century of goat skin lots of mistakes made.???

        Even a fool will not kill a human for 72 raisins …
        Truth is Scientist mentioned 72 Virgins but not mentioned their age
        Funny fellow indeed.



      • 1

        In this case, what is important is not what web sites say. No, what is important is what these idiots believe. And they believe that they will get virgins. 6 dozens of them. That is how stupid they are.

    • 0

      Good point.

      Hadith calls them Houri (Arabic for Whore).

    • 1

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      • 0

        Thanks CT. I hope this is ONLY the beginning and MORE will Follow and eventually this Barbaric Rabble-rouser will be completely banned.

  • 3

    Cunning Amir,
    Your kallathonies Muslim people killed more than 250+ and injured
    more than 500 native Sinhalese and foreigners. Be thankful Sinhalese vent their massive pain and grief on illegal muslims’ illegal properties.
    If Sinhala-Buddhist Sri Lanka is so bad for your cunning Muslim people, then they should go back to Tamil Nadu. Remember, Sinhalese owe nothing to Muslims but Muslim owe every thing to Sinhalese. Muslim people are coming to Sri Lanka empty handed with only cunningness, cheat Sinhalese out of their wealth, then become millionaires, and then spend those money on muslimizing Sinhala-Buddhist Sri Lanka.
    So Amir, enough of you muslims’ me, me, me, etc behaviour. The true victims are Easter day killed, injured victims and their families.

  • 1

    Can you see the risks of being bold with virgins? Only I know how to stop it.

  • 4

    Had these Musulims supported at least a morally when Tamils suffered over 30 years today Tamils would be on streets in the capital cities all over the world..exposing your sufferings.

    You are all converted Hindu Tamils
    Today where is your Arab God the big God and Arabs..not even a protest note.?


  • 3

    Chief Prelates and Cardinal call on tto say.

    Anunayaka of the Malwatta Chapter Venerable Dimbul Kumbure Wimaladhamma Thero said, it is crucial that the public behave wisely at a time like this.

    His Eminence Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith, speaking to media, said it is everyone’s responsibility to maintain peace and reconciliation.

  • 3


    After all these years, Did you managed to integrate to the caucasian society by sucking up to them, or are they still treating you like a coolie from the jungle, by the look of it, seems still you are suffering from the inferiority complex because i am sure the caucasians prefer the white skin of the arabland to those of the jungle folk like you, cheer up man, that is life.

    after all, they that you can take the man out of the jungle, but you cant take the jungle of the man, you exemplify it, it seems that the jungle qualities can never leave you.

    • 2

      @ concerned citizen

      Truth always hurt.

      Suppose if these Musulims waited for another year ..filling mosques with weapons And explosives made by Kafir..you and your neighbours would be in Paradise soon.

      How do you describe these Terroists
      Exploded bombs and scattered human flesh…Soldiers of God eh ?

      Stop sucking these Musulims for their cash and gift …this is why the situation today.

      When a musulim is alone he will beg but with their own people they will hit you.

      No Shame ?


  • 1

    Edvin Rodrigo

    Is LYING also a virtue of the Sinhalese buddhists, do you get more good karma for this than everything else as all the buddhists seems to be doing a lot of lying these days, all these while, we thought it was only JEALOUSY, as they cant stand anyone else getting better than them, so they resort to looting and burning them

  • 1

    Let all our religious fanatics take an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Then let us kick them all out. That will bring some peace to this beautiful island.

    How silly of us to fight over God’s that we imported.

    • 3

      Saudi Arabia looking for PURE
      Musulims to bomb …Yemanies.

      So ship them to Prince M S.


    • 1

      Spring Koha

      Welcome to Veddah’s world.
      We should share pipes.

  • 2

    Islam a Religion of Violence: It is understandable why Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith is trying to appease people by saying Islam is a Religion of Peace in this situation. But in reality Islam is not a religion of peace. In fact, it happens to be the most violent religion of all.
    The Quran contains at least 109 verses concerning war with nonbelievers, simply because they happen to be non-Muslims. Muslims are commanded to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding. Muslims who do not follow are called ‘hypocrites’ and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter.
    Most verses of violence in the Quran are open-ended, meaning that they are not necessarily restrained by historical context contained in the surrounding text. They are part of the eternal, unchanging word of Allah, and just as relevant or subject to interpretation as anything else in the Quran.
    The context of violent passages is more ambiguous than might be expected of a perfect book from a forgiving and loving God. Unfortunately, there are very few verses of tolerance and peace to balance out those calling for nonbelievers to be fought and subdued until they either accept humiliation, convert to Islam, or are killed. Muhammad’s own martial legacy, along with the remarkable emphasis on violence found in the Quran, have produced a trail of blood and tears across world history. (Based on an article on Islam)

    • 0

      (Based on an article on Islam)!
      By whom?

      • 0

        You want the site?

    • 0

      Edwin Rodrigo

      The US led West has killed Millions, maimed many more millions and displaced even more since WWII, in Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria. Very Unlikely that there would have been the so-called Muslim terror groups if NOT for Uncle Sam and his Obsession to dominate the world.

      Any idea which Book Uncle Sam is following?

  • 2

    Ha…ha……….ha..Writer is trying hard to put sea sand over Islamic terrorism & talk over country’s economy.Yes country’s economy is important at the same time country’s national security is utter most important. You can not have prosperity with terrorism. First you have to sweep it out at any cost. If banning of Islamism is needed do it. I think Removal of Status given to Islamism same as the other religions by our constitution under section 9 should be removed. Otherwise you can not wipe out Islamic terror from this land. It is true that Islam preach nonbelievers or worshipers of the other faiths are vile animals.Killing of them is not a sin but duty of believers. As Islam is accepted as one of official religion by our basic law or constitution youths of that faith may feel killing of nonbelievers are legal action. as such they are entitle to use whatever the methods or process is legal as well. That is the basic error our politicians done in 1972 & 1978 . Now time has come to reverse it for the benefit of general public without considering around five hundred thousand block votes. Muslims were refugees from south India just before arrival of Europeans. One European party Dutch added to it bringing down Javanese & Malays from east Indies for their activities but nobody allowed to practiced Islamic worshiping here until British took over. Kotte & Kandyan kings given temporarily shelter. Portuguese tried hard to chase them out. Dutch did nothing but did not allow. practicing Islam here. But British used them to equal Sinhalese uprising & grant all the rights. Those rights should be reversed now & expel them to Pakistan.That is only sensible thing to do if our political leadership have any concern on mother land. Islamism is not a religion. It is a Military doctrine or cult. That is why violent generation take place. .

  • 0

    This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2

  • 1

    mr ali
    ask the cardinal to bring peace between buddhists and muslims

  • 2

    Dear Kugan and Cholan!

    Kugan thank you for attempting to educate Cholan. But it seems that he is a kind of Tamil Jihadist and he wants Killings everywhere and nothing else.

    I have asked him already whether the “KARMA” he mentioned everywhere has played a big part in 1983 and 2009 ( Sorry my fellow decent Tamils, this is only to make Cholan like Jihadist to learn).

    If people are able to differentiate Cholan, SSS and (Tamil) Rohan from ordinary and right minded Tamils, Gnanasara and lot from ordinary and right minded Sinhalese then it is not difficult to distinguish from ordinary right minded Muslims from the mad suicide bombers.

    Bur what we see in SL is pure opportunism to gain something out of the calamity. These are not full human.

    • 4

      There is a big difference between Cholan and the other two. The other two state historical facts and analyse but do not laugh at , enjoy or poke fun , at the misery of the Island’s Muslims. Cholan does this , just like many Muslim bloggers posting on this forum doing the reverse, poke fun, spread hatred and abuse the Tamils. Stating facts and historical home truths is not bigoted or racist, may be racist for you , as you, as you do not want to face the truth

    • 1

      Ahmed Nadvi, Muhandiram and the rest of the Muslim commentators here:
      here is a question for you. How many of you asked for accountability for crimes committed against the Tamils by the Sinhala Buddhist state, especially 2009? What is happening today is a continuation of impunity and lack of accountability for the past. Instead, many of you were quite comfortably prodding along and even collaborating with the state as long as your interests were safeguarded. You are happy to bash the Tamils yet you forget it is the Tamil armed resistance, yes the very despised LTTE, that kept the state in check. That is why you did not see these mob violence unleashed on the minorities in the period from 1984-2009. And yes, it is not your Muslim leaders but the hated Tamil diaspora spread all over the world, who are keeping the human rights discourse active on Sri Lanka, which you lot indirectly benefit from. Perhaps, it is time for you to introspect on Muslim politics instead of bashing Tamils, otherwise, history will keep on repeating.

      • 0


        1. You forget that the Muslims were VICTIMS of Tamil TERROR unleashed by ALL Tamil Terror groups ONLY because the Muslims were AGAINST the Division of the country.

        2. The Muslims are YET to call for the Resettlement of All the Muslims who were Mercilessly EVICTED from the North by the LTTE almost 30 years ago in 1990.

        3. We are “happy to bash the Tamils”? You must be joking. It is some Tamils here like Cholan who keep bashing us with Acrimony and Rancor ALL the time. All what we do is to respond to their Villainous LIES and DECEIT. Get that Straight please.

        • 1

          Muhandiram, you have still avoided answering my question. Tell me how many of you called for accountability and end of impunity for crimes committed against fellow Tamils by the state, lack of which contributed to the recent violence against Muslims? Some of your Muslim leaders even went along with their Sinhala counterparts to give a clean certificate to the state. I am not talking here about Tamil-Muslim relations that led to the expulsion of Muslims from the North. We can perhaps write pages on that topic. Time to do some introspection on servile Muslim politics, my friend.

  • 5

    History repeated itself on April 21st, 2019. Not yesterday.

  • 1

    Dr Ali, Thanks for another thoughtful contribution. You have rightly alluded to the President having “flown to talk about civilization while his own country is de-civilizing”. It shows appalling judgement to not cancel that trip. About Easter Sunday, he pleaded he had not been told. This time he left when the security agencies had advised the churches not to be re-open and the schools to defer opening because of credible security alerts. So, this time the man knew, and yet he disdained the advice and went to find an ego boost. And he, if you don’t mind, is the minister for law and order. Does he fully comprehend what either of those words means? The communal card has been a vote winner for years, and is not something the politicians will let go easily. I have long been convinced the best way to rally people is to identify a ‘common enemy’ – someone you can be coached to hate, to fear and to see as the one unfairly standing in the way of your own success. So, for the political South before 2009, the enemy were the Tigers and for the Tigers it was the hated Sinhala government. Those ‘enemies’ are gone, so why not pick on some poor minority community? As you have said, after Easter Sunday, Muslim leaders have been “ forthright not only in co-operating with the authorities to eliminate” detrimental “currents but also to re-think and re-start their religious programs and teachings”. These people need to be appreciated and applauded, and the opportunity grasped to change things for the better. It is true history repeats itself – but only if we let it. When the last war ended, Germany and France which had fought each other time and again decided that history should not be repeated and so initiated a project that has grown into the European Union. But, then, those countries were led not by myopic politicians but by far sighted statesmen. Poor Sri Lanka we have not been so blessed!

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    The ills of our island:

    -Saudi and Gulf money
    -tyranny of the West, UN, IMF to undermine the evolution of our economy
    -China vs Japan rivalry
    -India’s global aspirations
    -Shia vs Sunni (or Arab vs Persian) rivalry
    -inherent nature of democracy that favors “identity” politics (easiest identity to formulate is ethno/ religious)
    -culture – herd mentality and de-emphasis of the individual
    -colonial baggage and elitism (AKA classism)

    Looking at the list I just compiled, I feel helpless. What can one individual do to counteract so much evil?

    I have decided to play the “karaneeya metta sutta” – a wish and exhortation for people to treat each other with loving compassion – for our island tonight.

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    Amir Ali may understand, it is not Jihadists, it is not Mullahs or Ulama or even he is responsible for all those comments above. It is Hezbollah, Rishard, Hakeem class politicians. They never thought about the future of the Muslims in this land. But they cared their wellbeing only. Hakeem was blamed to cover up of Kumari Cooray scandal, he repeatedly went to UNHRC and blocked any solution coming to minorities from there. Rishard is saying he was refugees. But Media is reporting that he is one the richest person in Asia. What kind political position in the world gives income like that? Hezbollah has bought in 3600 million in the name of one university alone. He arrested on that issue. But a Muslim judge let him out. He is said to have all kinds of governmental executive rubber stamps to change anybody’s land on his name.
    After losing to these scoundrels like that, People should have minimum freedom to talk about it and let their internal boiling to go out. The comments above are essential that is what it is.

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    So every do gooder now ganging up against who? Not the killers of 250+ innocents, but the Sinhalese Buddhists. The long term strategy is continuing with a new spin while the killers’ mentors/benefactors remain at large, laughing…….

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      “So every do gooder now ganging up against who?”

      The appropriate question should be “So who does every Sinhala/Buddhist fascist do gooder now is ganging up with”?

      “Not the killers of 250+ innocents, but the Sinhalese Buddhists.”

      Sinhala/Buddhists always have had protection from the state and politicians for being the most notorious criminal fraternity.

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      T. Devendra

      ” The second time was 2019 April 21 when they showed their tipless privates to Rajitha Senaratne, Ranil wickremesinghe Mahinda and Basil Rajapakse and M, Sirisena!”

      I am delighted you are still alive and kicking.
      Don’t you think unlike you people are happy being tipless rather than brainless.
      Pull your head wherever it is now.

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      How can you allow such offensive uncouth language?
      The person seems unfit for a civilized society.

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    T. Devendra

    ” The second time was 2019 April 21 when they showed their tipless privates to Rajitha Senaratne, Ranil wickremesinghe Mahinda and Basil Rajapakse and M, Sirisena!”

    I am delighted you are still alive and kicking.
    Don’t you think unlike you people are happy being tipless rather than brainless.
    Pull your head wherever it is now.

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    Ameer Ali “History Repeats In Sri Lanka”

    No!!!! history is not repeating in Sri Lanka.!!!!!

    Ameer and fellow Sri Lankans don’t delude yourself that things will improve…

    This is Sri Lanka!! Past Present and Future!

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