13 January, 2025


Honourable Rathana Imports Brand New Toyota Land Cruiser, Despite Being Vocal On Anti-Austerity And Poverty

Parliamentarian Athuraliye Rathana Thero who is very vocal on anti-austerity and poverty has imported a brand new Toyota Land Cruiser from Japan under the tax concessionary terms evading total tax revenue of rupees tens of millions.

The customs declaration form which is in possession of the Colombo Telegraph shows, the total tax waived off for Rathana Thero’s brand new Toyota Land Cruiser is approximately Rs. 33.5 million on the vehicle.

According to Sri Lanka’s pioneering MP Monitoring Website (Manthri.lk) JHU – UNFGG National list MP Rathana Thero has only participated 7 times in parliament and shows poor performance.athuraliye-rathana-theros-brand-new-toyota-land-cruiserathuraliye-rathana-theros-brand-new-toyota-land-cruisermanthri-lk-rank-athuraliye-rathana-thero

Meanwhile in a letter addressed to the Director General of Customs, lawyer and rights activist Nagananda Kodituwakku in a letter dated November 10, 2016 accused the Director General of intentionally violating the Constitutional rights conferred in all citizens in terms of Article 14A (1) (b) of the Constitution and Section 3 of the Right to Information Act No 12 of 2016 and also the provisions of Section 6 Paragraph XLVII of Volume II of the Establishment Code – to obtain the said information helped with the office of the Director General of Customs.

Kodituwakku accused the Director General of Customs that he had not only violated the public trust placed in his office, but had abused his office to protect the interest of dishonest politicians, while also helping them in unjust enrichment by defrauding the government revenue.

At least 77 MPs in Parliament have used their duty free permits to purchase luxury vehicles in 2016 alone, which has resulted in the country losing billions of rupees in revenue.

Most of the vehicles that have been imported have been Toyota Land Cruisers, Hummers, BMW’s and Mercedes Benz. In July, Kodituwakku told the Supreme Court that the MPs instantly make as much as Rs. 25 million for each permit they sold, which they receive free of charge from the government.

After coming to power, the Maithripala Sirisena – Ranil Wickremesinghe led administration, having appraised the colossal losses sustained under the Mahinda Rajapaksa administration, in its first budget presented in the parliament on November 20, 2015 declared that government had incurred a heavy loss of over 40 billion rupees on tax free car permits, therefore the administration proposed to abolish all such permits altogether including the permits issued to MPs which was openly abused by them.

However, few months later, the same Finance Minister Ravi Karunanayake who presented the initial fiscal policy statement made a U turn and made an order (published in the Gazette (No 1965/2 of 02nd May 2016) under Sec 3C of Excise (Special Provisions) Act exempting levies on motor vehicles imported by MPs with CIF value up to US $ 62,500/. However, as required by the law to protect the government revenue, there was no condition whatsoever imposed against the abuse of such permits, allowing MPs to sell their permits in the open market.

Latest comments

  • 7

    Monks are worse communal and corruption in srilanka ,custom should not allowed the Toyota to monks, vehicle must sell on auction ,fine must imposed on monk,

  • 8

    Funds to buy this has come from the pesticide companies who were allowed to bring in 8 containers of glyphosate before the official ban

  • 7

    Socialism and honesty for you, but capitalism deception for me.

  • 9

    Buying a saffron robe with a short haircut (now no need to shave your head but just have a short crop) is a very good investment.

  • 3

    Only the rich should be voted for power.

    Good example from the US

  • 6

    please amend the headlines:

    Dishonourable Rathana the crap man

  • 5

    Where did he get the funds ? Monks are not allowed to drive, are they now ?
    I lived for forty odd years abroad and worked hard to earn my living and save
    some as well. When I invested in a property worth about 80 lakhs the IRS was behind me like a hunting dog asking me proof of the earnings luckily I was able to give all the proof they needed.

    • 3

      Before this government with Ratana came in the “Sinhala” rice or the so called local varieties of rice sold at prices ranging from Rs 150-185 per kg.After Ratana became a Presidential Advisor the price of the traditional varieties have shot upto Rs 230 per kg up by nearly 50%. There in lies the source of funds.

  • 1

    Nibbana is the non-existent state, which the likes of Ven. AR Thero aim to achieve from the day of entering priesthood. Since of late some Venerable Theros wanted to become Honourable Theros and lost the Venerable status and also the quest for attaining Nibbana. Now they belong neither to Mahayana nor Theravada Sects. Nor they are in the Tantrayana Sect.

    There are several differences between them and us. One is that they still reside in Asapuwas while we stay in our homes. The second one is that they expect us to offer them alms if not arms. Thirdly they expect us to listen to their sermons in Dhamma and also in politics. Fourthly they want to travel in luxury and want us to pay for the taxes to import vehicles. When they are admitted to hospitals, they want us to foot the bills. And lastly when they go into oblivion they expect us to pay homage by footing the bill for a state funeral, erecting statue at public expense and perhaps issue a commemorative stamp.

    I do not criticize the but would like to thank them for helping me to realize the truth.

    • 2

      The Professional

      You will never attain Nibbana without the Reverent monk’s blessing.

      In your next life you will be born as a Tamil, Muslim, …. or in Itaq, Saudi, …

      Without further rational analysis, venerate the monks/thugs for your own good.

      • 3

        Thanks NV. Likes of you help Sri Lanka progressing.

  • 0

    These monks and politicians think they can fool the people always and forever, but the people are getting very smart nowadays. Every events involving monks are been seen almost every where and their respect from the sinhala people are also fading. God Almighty has warned us not to worship shaithan in human nor idols in any form form: Let us take heed from the Quraan Where Almighty Creator Warn us :

    ” (It will be said): “And O you Al-Mujrimun (criminals, polytheists, sinners, disbelievers in the Islamic Monotheism, wicked evil ones, etc.)! Get you apart this Day (from the believers).

    60. Did I not ordain for you, O Children of Adam, that you should not worship Shaitan (Satan). Verily, he is a plain enemy to you.

    61. And that you should worship Me [Alone Islamic Monotheism, and set up not rivals, associate-gods with Me]. That is a Straight Path.

    62. And indeed he (Satan) did lead astray a great multitude of you. Did you not, then, understand?

    63. This is Hell which you were promised!

    64. Burn therein this Day, for that you used to disbelieve. (chapter Yaseen)

    It is high time we should all take our time to understand the real purpose of life and creation to whom we should offer our devotion, obedience, none other than our Creator, The Almighty Praise Be to You.

  • 0

    “Honourable Rathana Imports Brand New Toyota Land Cruiser, Despite Being Vocal On Anti-Austerity And Poverty”

    Please stop addressing all MPs as ‘Honourable’, unless they Really and Truly are Honourable!

    ‘Janadhipathi Thuma’ is also an Unnecessary Misnomer, because we are all equal in a Democracy!

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