18 September, 2024


Horse Racing for Beginners

People around the world enjoy horse racing. Millions of fans are looking for horse racing cards today and placing bets. Yet, to get lucky, you should learn more about this popular activity.

How and When Horse Racing Occurred

Horse racing was born from ancient times, once people tamed horses. But if the ancient warriors competed in speed spontaneously and for their own pleasure, then starting from ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, riding horses have found undoubted stability. Chariot racing was even the main sport in the Olympic Games, and the winners were revered as heroes.

Particularly popular races were held in the Arabian Peninsula. People could raise Arab horses. In Europe, the passion for horse racing also accrued, but the local low horses were not as fast as we would like. In the 17th century, three thoroughbred Arabian horses were brought as trophies for the Royal Stables of England. They were stallions called the Byerley Turk, Darley Arabian and Godolphin Arabian. The crossing of the first three Arabian horses with English horses marked the beginning of a new breed of horses, such as thoroughbred English racing horses. Gambling Englishmen raised the competition to the level of unprecedented height with large prizes and sweepstakes, turning the horse racing into a magnificent feast with the presence of the aristocracy and royalty.

Combined Driving

Combined driving is a horse carriage competition well-known as horse driving trials. In a carriage, there can be one or more horses. Carriages with 2, 3, 4, 6 horses are widely used. There are even eight horses, but such situations are quite rare.


For carriage competitions, special platforms are created, where a variety of obstacles occur. Thus, they should be avoided on a given route as clean as possible. At the same time, a huge role is played by the appearance of the harness. The crew, ammunition, clothing of the man who controls the horses are quite significant. Particular importance is given to the way horses are selected in the competitions of several horses’ carriages.


This view includes the passage of three courses. Three-day triathlon is a kind of test of endurance and power of the horse and the skills of the rider. The form of conducting the race begins with military inspections in ancient times. For the cavalrymen, the main thing in the horse was full obedience and execution of commands, the ability to show themselves during the battle. The day after this activity the battle horse had to perform all his duties and not to look sluggish or sick.

Types of Bets

The most venturous horse racing lovers place bets. The most popular of them are the following:

  • This is the easiest bet. Participants bet on the victory of a particular horse in the race.
  • Each-way. Bet on the victory of the horse in the race or that it will take the prize place. The number of prize places depends on the number of horses participating in the race. For 8 horses, there are usually 2 prize places, from 8 to 14 horses, there are 3 prize places. In the race of over 14 horses, prizes are for 4 or more places. It should be understood that each bookmaker has the right to set its own number of prize places for each race.
  • Here you need to select a horse and predict the exact place it will take.
  • Bet on the fact that the horse will come first, second or third.
  • Such a bet means that you need to simultaneously guess which horse will come first and which horse will come second.
  • Reverse forecast. This is a bet on the first two places. It is different in that you need to choose two horses that will take first and second place, and no matter what sequence they finish in the race.
  • Betting on the triple forecast means that you need to predict exactly which horses will take the first three places in the correct order.
  • Reverse tricast. Bet on the first three places is similar to bet on the first two places, only in this case you need to guess the three horses that will be the first three places, regardless of order.
  • To win such a bet, you need to guess which of the proposed horses finish first.
  • Bet on the fact that the selected horse will not come off the distance in the race. The finish seems to be the easiest bet on races and has a low coefficient, but in fact, it’s more complicated.
  • Bet on the fact that the selected horse will not win in the race.
  • Bet on two horses, which will take first places in two different races.
  • Betting on three horses that will take first places in three different races.
  • Win, Show, Place. A rare but popular bet, which is divided into three equal bets on one horse. Participants determine its win, show, and place.

Horse Age

It is not necessary to focus too much on the horse’s age while analyzing the race. The shape it has at the moment is important. It is not significant that the horse is 8 or 12 years old if it is at the peak of its shape and shows great results.


The main thing is to place it more carefully on adult horses for short distances and young horses for long distances. Adult horses are more resilient and better able to overcome long races. Young horses at long distances are more likely to run at a pace but much more promising at short distances.

Horse Weight

Before a race, a horse can be put on weight for the odds equation or to regulate the horse’s advantage over others. Yet, there is no clear algorithm for putting on weight. It only remains to make corrections to this parameter when horses appear in the courtyard.

Lighter horses break away from the others at the beginning of the distance, and horses with higher weight have stable speed during the race due to improved inertia.

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