By M.M. Janapriya –
Pandemics make or break leaders; so is the ability to inculcate a sense of confidence in the electorate. One might remember famous bigot-gate and dither-gate confounding British general elections of 2010 when Gordon Brown lost to a rather innocuous conservative party led by David Cameron. Electorate in advanced countries do not like leaders who seem to waver or dither in making decisions. They would like someone who would forthrightly commit to something and stand by it even if it turns out to be wrong in the end. Take the case Tony Blair who together with George Bush Junior took the country to war against Saddam Hussain in search of weapons of mass destruction (MWD) that didn’t exist. Saddam Hussain fell, a few hundred Royal Marines paid with their lives but no MWD were found; the electorate was quiet nonetheless. This degree of steadfastness necessitates an overwhelming exuberance of confidence which the electorate finds comforting in the leadership.
This reminds me of a friend of mine at med school who at the final MBBS held the floor with so much confidence and presented the long case in Medicine as if the latter had an enlarged spleen when she indeed had a normal spleen instead. The guy had been given a tip off by a friend who saw a similar patient the previous day in whom the man had missed an enlarged spleen. Examiners knowing their students well enough had changed the patient in the night. All the same my friend’s brimming confidence created serious enough doubt in the examiners minds for them to go back to the patient and examine her carefully to see if they have missed an enlarged spleen themselves! This is what confidence can do and right now our leaders seem to be struggling to find it.
President Gotabaya Rajapaksa faced the first wave of Covid-19 Sri Lanka with stark firmness and led an unwavering team that worked around the clock to make sure the virus did not get a firm foothold in the country. As with any island-wide program there were areas needing improvement like inter departmental communication, releasing authentic information to the public etc. but by and large it was a job done well enough. Amongst the decisions made by the Presidential Task Force was the decision to cremate all corona dead to minimize the spread of the virus. This was gazetted by the then DGHS and was stuck to the letter by the ‘foot soldiers’. The decision to cremate all Corona dead was in keeping with the guidelines given by the WHO at that time.
Even in the west incineration of infected bodies was deemed the best way to dispose of the dead to keep the virus at bay. Here is a link as to what happened in the UK. Following protests by the some MPP the law was amended (but not repealed) to give local authorities some leeway to accommodate the sensitivities of members of the society without compromising health and safety of the locality. Even though the law is self-explanatory the Minister in charge writes to the local authorities as follows. Actually this is a classic display of British diplomacy. They are playing with words to comfort the faiths affected while reserving the right of enforced cremation if needed.
I am on purpose going to avoid the debate revolving around possible withdrawal of the mandatory burial program because I am very aware of the sentiments of the affected groups and can empathize with them with ease but I am also fully aware of the possible dangers burial of Covid dead can pose to the general public. Hence any reversal of existing law has to be done with utmost circumspect as consequences can be disastrous.
I am sure with arguments being hurled at the powers that be including world authorities in virology, as members of laity the administration must be very confused as to what best to do. My endeavor here is to help the administration make the correct decision. I want people running my country to be confident and act boldly. I do not like people running my country dithering of and backtracking on important, especially life and death matters. My arguments I feel would empower them to make the right decision without feeling being held at ransom.
It has been said over one of the last weekend broadsheets that viruses being pieces of genetic material needing a living host for survival would perish with the death of the host. At face value this seems correct but great scientists often make mistakes in basics like Sir Isaac Newton cutting a small hole for the small cat and a large hole for the bigger one.
When is a human really dead? When his heart is no longer pumping, when he is no longer breathing spontaneously, when he no longer shows reflexes mediated through the cranial nerves, when his EEG (not ECG) is flat and…Within about 3-5 minutes the brain cells die out. Then the heart dies followed by liver, the kidneys and the Pancreas. Muscle cells live for a few hours. Skin survives at least 12 hours while bones and tendons can survive up to 3 days. At 4 degree Celsius stem cells have been found to be alive at 17 days!
Hence a corpse can theoretically harbour live virus for at least 3 days in its bones and can contaminate water sources close by. SARS Cov-2 virus was originally known as the novel corona virus. This is because the virus was new and not a great deal was known about its morphology and behavior. Even as at present the amount we know about it is less than what we do not know. As such it is of utmost importance to act with caution and if an adverse event by the virus is suspected but not yet proven our action should be as if the virus is indeed capable of producing the said adverse effect for certain and take all precautionary measures against it.
If you remember, Tedros, the WHO chief waited till the wicked folk was at our own door instead of acting when it was a few doors away. Had he acted when there was some evidence but not proven that human to human transmission was taking place instead of waiting for 100% proof the Wuhan epidemic could have been stopped from transforming in to a pandemic.
Please analyze the text in the snapshot of the video depicted above. The man said “Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human to human transmission” What does this mean? There has been some evidence of it at least by the 14th Jan 2020. (Actually by 31st Dec 2019) In the context of a deadly illness of this nature one does not need clear evidence to act. Some evidence is all that is required and he should have advised the relevant authorities to impose a travel ban in to and out of China by the 31st December last year. Had he done so this Chinese epidemic could have been stopped on its tracks in China itself and the pandemic could have been avoided.
I hope I have given enough facts to embolden the powers that be for them to be able to make whatever decision that may be deemed appropriate on this all important matter. Let that uncommon thing called common sense prevail.
RizMoh / December 26, 2020
“The decision to cremate all Corona dead was in keeping with the guidelines given by the WHO at that time.”
Please provide evidence of WHO guidelines recommending cremation. Thanks.
Ajith / December 26, 2020
The problem with the burial of dead bodies of Corona death of Muslims is a question of discrimination rather than medical reasons or legal reasons. The pandemic of Virus deaths are now common whether it is corona or flu or any other organism. If Burying body is dangerous for health it should be banned not only in Sri Lanka but the whole world. Further the law should be not only for this corona or not only humans but also for animals as well.
However, the government has a responsibility to have a common law for all and equal opportunities for all. For example, the special status to Buddhism in the constitution should be removed. Special rights to President should be removed. You cannot have one law for President and one law for Sumanadasa or Mustapha or Ganesan.
Sunil Abeyratne / December 27, 2020
Hello Ajith,
Thanks for your comment.
You make the assertion that “The problem with the burial of dead bodies of Corona death of Muslims is a question of discrimination rather than medical reasons or legal reasons”.
Can you please provide evidence and the justification for making such an assertion?
“For example, the special status to Buddhism in the constitution should be removed”.
Please do not extend the discussion to cover religion. There will be opportunities to discuss the special status of Buddhism when there is a related essay.
You also say “You cannot have one law for President and one law for Sumanadasa or Mustapha or Ganesan”.
I would greatly appreciate if you provide evidence that such is the case by extracting relevant provisions in our Constitution.
Ajith / December 27, 2020
Dear Sunil Abeyratne,
I am sure that this forum is not based on evidence based research to prove whether the govt. decision to cremate all Corona dead bodies including the bodies of Muslims. However, the Government which denied the burial rights of Muslims Corona dead bodies has not provided any evidence or justification to convince the Muslim community or Scientists. That itself proves it is a discrimination. I have looked at the WHO guidance and UK guidance and none of them deny burial rights of Corona bodies for Muslims.
Please read the WHO publication on this subject. Prevention and Control for the safe management
of a dead body in the context of COVID-19
Interim guidance 24 March 2020
UK guidance on Covid 19 dead bodies management
I would like to know the opinion of the writer about discussing the religion here because he discussed about one law for all.
I was looking for evidence in the constitution, unfortunately it was erased in the Tamil version of the Constitution.
Sunil Abeyratne / December 28, 2020
Dear Ajith,
Thank you for your response
Part 1
.. this forum is not based on evidence-based research…
Many comments are based on tribal or religious loyalties (or aversions) with liberal use of insulting characterisations.
“which denied the burial rights of Muslims Corona dead bodies has not provided any evidence”
A plausible explanation.
‘The government, faced with the need to respond to a pandemic, whose impacts were not known, responded in the manner that was considered to be the most appropriate by a panel of advisors”. As such, it is NOT logical to assert that the burial rights of Muslims Corona dead bodies were denied. Burial rights of all communities were denied.
As for providing evidence or the basis for the decision, there was little evidence available at that time.
Sweden is a classic case, which relied upon eventual herd-immunity acquired by widespread infections (which has been accepted as standard), has been proven to be wrong. Sri Lanka has been proven to be right as far as this policy action is concerned, particularly when seen from the perspective of fighting a pandemic.
Sunil Abeyratne / December 28, 2020
Part 2
I have no knowledge of the Sri Lankan constitution and just curious if there are specific provisions that discriminate against minority groups or religions.
Thanks for the links.
With increased knowledge of COVID-19, the same expert panel is likely to make recommendations to change the existing protocols for disposal of dead bodies if evidence supports such a change.
As for the comment ‘one law for all Sri Lankans’, such a legal system is eminently suitable.
It is discriminatory to have different legal provisions based on the religion and ethnicity.
Ajith / December 28, 2020
Your explanation is not sufficient considering the behaviour of President’s and Governments in many other areas including law and order, appointing many Task forces, and refusal to remember the dead.
Article 9 of the constitution states: “The Republic of Sri Lanka shall give to Buddhism the foremost place and accordingly it shall be the duty of the State to protect and foster the Buddha Sasana, while assuring to all religions the rights granted by Articles 10 and 14(1)(e).”
Is it not discriminative?
leelagemalli / December 26, 2020
Dr Janapriya,
thanks for your analysis. I will come back to you again after reading this later.
But I have to add the following, because that can help a lot for the readers.
Dear Friends,
Term German is the synonyme for „safety at its best“: Those who experience it, know it well, all others just wasting times attacking them repeatedly. Right at the moment, what is important is to protect the nations from COVID 19. Not Pfeizer, but German Researchers introduced that vaccine.
Srilanken GOVT should learn it from them, not playing with vulnerable people (easy targets) in the country as is the case with them today. We can learn a lot not only from UK or America but also from other nations like Germans, French, Italians, Dutch and Spaniards as well. Strong diplomatic ties with powerful nations could help us srilankens a lot right at this critical turning point of the country. Dr Dayan Jayathilaka as a powerful diplomat could reveal lot in this regard.
leelagemalli / December 26, 2020
Today, Germany has just announced they started the vaccination marathon regionally. They thank to their federal goverannce on and on. Robert cock institute (responsible highest authority for vaccine and the like medical products) which is similar tot he equivalent bodies such as SWISSMEDIC of CH and FDA of the US has made every arrangement so that the vaccine should be given to the most vulnerable first and then to the others.
They finally make it clear that they are very proud of their own researchers have succeeded discovering a vaccine against COVID 19. As it is similar case , well hit singer s name go viral but fully forgetting to mention even the name of the composer, americans enjoyed the publicity for BioNTech’s vaccine until today. The designer of the vaccine is from Germany s BioNTech (Mainz) producing company is Pfeizer. Transport to each and every provinces is going tob e difficult logistically with proper storage conditions being set accordingly.
I myself listened to the speech given by Minister of Health Mr Spahn at 11 am today, he repeated, that Germans should be very proud of having found a vaccine against COVID 19 though it took 10 months to achieve this. He did not forget to repeatedly thank the researchers.
Sunil Abeyratne / December 28, 2020
Dear Ajith,
Thank you for your response
Part 1
.. this forum is not based on evidence-based research…
Many comments are based on tribal or religious loyalties (or aversions) with liberal use of insulting characterisations.
“which denied the burial rights of Muslims Corona dead bodies has not provided any evidence”
A plausible explanation.
‘The government, faced with the need to respond to a pandemic, whose impacts were not known, responded in the manner that was considered to be the most appropriate by a panel of advisors”. As such, it is NOT logical to assert that the burial rights of Muslims Corona dead bodies were denied. Burial rights of all communities were denied.
As for providing evidence or the basis for the decision, there was little evidence available at that time.
Sweden is a classic case, which relied upon eventual herd-immunity acquired by widespread infections (which has been accepted as standard), has been proven to be wrong. Sri Lanka has been proven to be right as far as this policy action is concerned, particularly when seen from the perspective of fighting a pandemic.
GATAM / December 27, 2020
Where in Koran does it say Muslim dead must be buried? I searched the Koran but could not find it. Can you prove the verse? Thanks. May Allah be pleased with you!
chiv / December 26, 2020
Doctor? You mentioned how Tedros dilly dallied initially ( or was he advised by Chinese ) there by putting the whole world in danger. The same Tedos was the first to recomend cremation. As long leaders paying price , absolutely YES in western world
Even recently Covid mismanagement turned to be primary reason for Trump’s downfall. But that may not be an issue in Vista of splendor .Our super intelligent voting public usually rewards such failed leaders by bringing them back to power.
GATAM / December 27, 2020
Don’t be so cocky. If Gota goes back on his word and allows burial, that will be end of the Rajapaksa clan at the 2024 election.
hanchopancha / December 26, 2020
Actually the WHO Chief Dr. Pedros, dragged his feet before he declared the WUHAN Virus a pandemic. Instead calling it WUHAN VIRUS it got coded as COVID 19. He was more interested in protecting China earning a bad reputation than protecting the rest of the world from the pandemic.
This is a part of the research into germ warfare arsenal that went terribly wrong. US, Russia & China were all at it. Due to clumsiness and lack of sophistication or mishandling the Virus got released into the atmosphere from a Chinese lab. This is the time to call for a total ban on all forms of research into germ warfare. The clue is how it is possible for all of them to produce a vaccine in the fast track. It takes considerable amount of time to sequence the Gnome of the virus.
old codger / December 26, 2020
“It takes considerable amount of time to sequence the Gnome of the virus.”
Yes, I agree totally. It is also very difficult to sequence Dwarves and Trolls. Let’s not talk about Elves.
leelagemalli / December 27, 2020
Part 1
Dear Readers, Dear Hancho Pancha, with all respect to your age, we should not mislead the nation further.
Let s wake up and spread facts and truthful information; Srilankens are in a highly critical situation. Any lies could twist their gawky mind set
Last night the first ever patient, an early centenarian with 101 years became the first to be vaccinated (Impfling) in Berlin, Germany; Germans are very proud this weekend and their target ist o provide it to all. Now they have made every arragement to vaccinate the nation, group by group. It is not mandatory but the choice of citizen is placed above the top of the list. The first group of getting the vaccine is the elderly community in HOMES for the aged. Country wide coordination is mastered by the highest bodies in health care/authorities in Germany, so there is no room to spread lies on this. So info related to vaccination marathon is transparent and accoutable to all. Until yesterday they did not even repeat about the names of researchers who designed the vaccine (BioNtech/Pfeizer). They just let WORLD#S CLOWN Trump and his administration to boast on their Pfizer. But the truth is – Pfizer is only manufacturing company.
to be contd
leelagemalli / December 27, 2020
Part II
Any simple joe’s hearsays or KALI AMMA theories/ paranoia of various kind could outreach the masses in KARMA punished srilanka so as „ uneducated men like FAKE Dhammika Bandara, Valampuri Man, Galthanne Dewalaya and the like became people’s seviours after our PATTAPAL HORA/stupdiest of the nation, none other than Mahinda Rajapakshe and his cheap men gave each of aforementioned the publicity
SRILANKA IS ruled highly abusive MAIN STREAM TV MEDIA Channels that telecast headline news items with totally irresponsible contents. This govt came into power, thanks tot he falsehoods being spread tot he nation. Today consequences are clear with everything being upside down as almost everyone would praise about the LEADERSHIP.
People down there in SL are very easy targets. Rajapakshes behave as if the fishers fish on muddy waters. Very sorry for that BUT they have become caricatures to DERANA TV and HIRU TV head line news. In a civilized world, DERANA TV should be bombed down making it clear that FAKE media owners are equally or more dangerous tot he people in a country whose majority are like MERCY COWS. People s gullibility is connected with the education and the culture down there. They are not trained tot hink twice.
to be contd
leelagemalli / December 27, 2020
Part III
So ist he nature of MINISTER OF HEALTH f and INCUMBENT SPEAKER – both proved well being easy LAB RATS for Dammika Paniya of which COMPOSITION is not in compliance with the experts requirements of the day. This is a very sad situation.
The reasons could be „ jathaka katha story based Buddhagama“. I am born buddhist, but I focus only the meditation part oft he true teachings of buddhism as all mighty Lord Buddha introduced it. As of today, it is public secret, srilanken „thatta mamala, behave no second to NY prostitutes. Most known figures are Muruthettuwa Ananda, Kelaniya Temple Dhammarakkitha, Madagoda Pissa, Iththakande Cheevaradhariya – not last but least, Athana methana natana rathana. All these men are „cheap Kasakarayas for Rajapakshe balu chinthana- properly said, racial political doctrin of Rajapakshe family rule.
May facts or nearly factful information be blessed to all – this my christmas message btw.
§ Wuhan Virus spread from a chinese lab or not this is yet a rumour. There are also enough reports that south TIROL (Austria) was the super-spreader the virus to Europe. However, powerful austrian govt buried the information by using various tactics so that the country would NOT be cornered in Europe.
hanchopancha / December 31, 2020
LM, You would not have come to know my age if not for the crap bag (S_M)
SJ / December 26, 2020
“Please analyze the text in the snapshot of the video depicted above. The man said “Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human to human transmission” What does this mean? “
What it means is that the information is dated.
The Chinese had informed the WHO once they were aware of human-to-human transmission.
All countries that too serious notice acted promptly and minimized spread.
There are other reports now conforming that the virus was active in the US and in Europe before China was aware of it.
There is also the claim that US Intelligence was aware of prior existence of the virus in China. Why did they not warn anyone in, let alone China, the US?
SJ / December 26, 2020
“Electorate in advanced countries do not like leaders who seem to waver or dither in making decisions. They would like someone who would forthrightly commit to something and stand by it even if it turns out to be wrong in the end.”
So the one who tells with utmost confidence wins?
Does that explain the mess that the US and Europe (of course including UK) are in today?
SJ / December 26, 2020
So the one who tells lies with utmost confidence wins?
Does that explain the mess that the US and Europe (of course including UK) are in today?
Ratnam Nadarajah / December 26, 2020
Dear Dr. MMJ
WHO is a mere talking shop, like any other UN istitutions. They have no teeth ,so to speak. They follow who shouts laoudest and get their nod. It is pathetic to say the least. WHO costs a lot to maintain but their delivery standards are below par.. One feels that it is run by a very incompetent head.
As for SL , the issues facing the country are horrendous . I can not see any light at the end of the tunnel They seems to create smoke screens to cover and divert the real issues. We need leaders to take decisive actions and stand by those act for the greater good and not party politics
GATAM / December 27, 2020
That means caring for the 21 million living and not the dead.
Dilshan / December 26, 2020
What load of bullshit you written to hide your Islamophobia and sound like medical analysis to support war criminals ruling the country encouraging and promoting racism.
Tell me how virus in the bone gets through the skin through the clothing through the earth around unblocked to underground water, a virus that can not penetrate through simple mask.
Could you explain this other islamaphobia.
Srilanka managed virus well or managed propaganda well till they could not hide any more. How did the Brandix cluster started. Nobody has a clue. This management. Is it they connived with Branďix, if it is money they out the hand on the shit bucket what is Muslim when money is involved.
Gotas management skill or lack of it , is stand exposed in every aspect of country management. He is worse than Sillysena Ranil try to justify his anti Muslim stand
By the way, How can you call it Wuhan virus, who is for sure it was not stolen from CIA labs by chineese
Alpha / December 26, 2020
Is one dead body in a grave more dangerous than nearly 400 people gathering together for a Grand Dinner at the Speaker’s Official Residence?
Please note that you cannot wear a mask whilst eating; and presumably conversations were not banned at this Dinner.
Buddhist1 / December 26, 2020
There is no evidence that burial of Covid dead will spread the virus. If there is one I would like the author to show evidence. Only other country in the world where Covid dead are not buried is China. It appears to me Sri Lanka is now a “Colony of China”, thats the reason we follow Chinese practices such as military running and getting involved in civilian operations, cremating covid dead, making life difficult to Muslims, spreading racism etc. I also note from the passage authored above even if we bury after 3 days there is no covid spread danger, so why not bury after 3 days?
Agnos / December 27, 2020
Burial might be OK if it is done somewhat deeper in the ground than usual.
I don’t see anyone talking about that compromise. I am too busy to pay close attention to what is on CT concerning SL these days, but if others haven’t yet considered this, I suggest the Muslim leaders and the GoSL come to an understanding on doing the burial deeper in the ground.
SJ / December 30, 2020
God will need to dig deep on the day of reckoning. Should He not be consulted?
They are playing silly b*****s. The govt did something stupid out of spite and got itself pained into a corner.
There is no scientific evidence of a virus spreading from a corpse. Bacteria are different.
It is populist politics now; and science has to catch its corner.
GATAM / December 27, 2020
There is no evidence that burial of Covid dead will not spread the virus.
Within that 3 days it would have spread!! So cremate immediately. Problem solved.
a14455 / December 26, 2020
Dr Janapriya
All due respect to you. you are not a freaking expert on the Coronavirus. No one is.
You have an opinion that is all. The reason why the expert’s committee is not recommending burial is that they are erring on the side of caution.
Woe on any politician who takes the decision to bury, if the virus spreads completely out of control.
They would all be put to the sword for taking lives for politically satisfying some people. And that is the bottom line.
There are experts chiming in on this and that. but in reality none of them are real experts. They know just about s hit about this virus.
So I hope the regime will not be stupid enough to take the path of political expediency over human life. That is all I have to say.
a14455 / December 26, 2020
Apologize to the Good DR. I think he was kinda saying what I was thinking . But still me sentiments are true. There are not real experts out there who know for sure much about this. Not even the Fauchis of the world ( and they would be the first to admit.)
But there are a lot of politicians that know everything like the SJB Ali mantharakarayas.
Sinhala_Man / December 27, 2020
Dear Dr Janapriya,
Thanks for your second article within a week. This article is the one which tackles the fundamentals, but there are also issues which tend to distract us into digressions. This earlier article ought to have laid them to rest, but apparently, people were fighting for it in Kegalle even on Christmas Day.
The above link will take you to last weeks Janapriya article, and it looks as though few, if any have seen the last comments there – including some by me. I don’t want to repeat myself – unfair. There were other good articles on the subject, with comments still unseen. Prof. Kumar David:
Dr Ameer Ali:
Dayan Jayatilleke:
Tisaranee Gunasekara
Rajan Philips:
Leonard Jayawardena:
It looks as though Dr Janapriya is now saying that it’s safest to cremate; if so, we absolutely must, in all other matters, act so as to reassure Muslims that we value them as Sri Lankans. It is also necessary to crack down on Sinhalese cranks and villains.
Sinhala_Man / December 30, 2020
Pardon me for having given the wrong link for the fine article by Rajan Philips. It should have been this:
Comments are closed there now.
soma / December 27, 2020
I am strongly in favour of permitting Muslims to bury their dead, of course under strict sanitory conditions with the participation of ( mostly non Muslim) morgue workers in full sanitory gear which Muslims wouldn’t object.
Now let us explore some statistics.
How many Muslim dead bodies have been cremated so far?
How many Muslim Covid patients have been treated and cured so far?
Within the deafening protests all around how many words of grattitude have we heard for saving the lives? (NONE in any of the articles by Muslim writers on CT)
Will a knowledgeable Muslim writer on this page help us with the the question how many Muslim Covid patients (approximately) have been treated and cured so far.
Here is an opportunity to demonstrate their ‘sensitivities’ which we are obliged to respect.
RBH59 / December 27, 2020
Microbes can’t eat plastic, therefore plastic is bad, take many years to decompose. And for one of said reason Cabinet of Ministers of the Sri Lankan Parliament, on 19th October approved the proposal to ban a range of single use plastic products in Sri Lankan markets.
In that case covered bodies can be wrapped and air tight with polyethylene theoretically cannot harbour live virus and buried and removed polyethylene and destroyed after ten years both are full filled that is the bodied can be buried and later taken of the polythene after some years If person with covid can be handled without spreading why can’t the buried be.
michael fernando / December 27, 2020
Dr. Janaprya says that cells in the body such s stem cells can remain alive for 17 days, that bones and tendons survive up to 3 days. He implies that Covid-19 virus can continue to replicate for days after death. The primary target of Covid-19 virus replication is not stem cells nor bones and tendons, but rather the epithelial cells of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts. These cells do not survive for hours after death. His assumption that Covid-19 can continue to replicate in dead corpse for 3 days (or even one day) after death has no scientific basis. He implies that burial of Covid-19 corpses carries the risk to others, presumably through the infectious virus seeping out of the corpse and contaminating ground water. If this is possible, why is it that the faeces of >40,000 Covid-19 patients in Sri Lanka has not resulted in massive Covid-19 outbreaks through contaminating groundwater? Patients with Covid-19 shed the virus in the faeces and over 95% of sewage in Sri Lanka is disposed of in soakage pits -i.e. the soil. Let me assure you that there is no risk – from either source. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
chiv / December 27, 2020
What amuses me is Einstein here thinks scientist and doctors who could find vaccine to save the world couldn’t figure whether cremation , burying or both are safe. Funny isn’t it. This joker will be first in the line to get a vaccine-
michael fernando / December 27, 2020
Dr. Janaprya says that cells in the body such as stem cells can remain alive for 17 days, that bones and tendons survive up to 3 days. He implies that Covid-19 virus can continue to replicate for days after death. The primary target of Covid-19 virus replication is not stem cells nor bones and tendons, but rather the epithelial cells of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts. These cells do not survive for hours after death. His assumption that Covid-19 can continue to replicate in dead corpse for 3 days (or even one day) after death has no scientific basis. He implies that burial of Covid-19 corpses carries the risk to others, presumably through the infectious virus seeping out of the corpse and contaminating ground water. If this is possible, why is it that the faeces of >40,000 Covid-19 patients in Sri Lanka has not resulted in massive Covid-19 outbreaks through contaminating groundwater?
Patients with Covid-19 shed the virus in the faeces and over 95% of sewage in Sri Lanka is disposed of in soakage pits -i.e. the soil. Let me assure you that there is no risk – from either source. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
leelagemalli / December 27, 2020
Dear Mr M Fernando.
Good arguments.
The main question would anyone with some sanity to pose is, if all that is that dangerous as is said by varioius doctors within the country, why Bangaladesh, Mexico and the Netherlands (naturally sinking countries of this planet) did not stand against COVID death burials ?
Leaving aside of the burials in Bangaladesh, but the dutch (The Netherlands) are far more superior in medical research/contagious medicine etc, but they just followed the Americans, Germans and others that usually buried the dead bodies. All these prove that srilankens stand against COVID DEATH burials is totally based on gaining political advantages. Rajapakshes would not care much about human dignity and piety of the dead as a whole- all these are pre-proved also during MR ´junta Regime which was then defeated by various groups in the country.
michael fernando / December 27, 2020
The ideas presented on my comments are actually not mine. What I did was sending a comment written by famous virologist Prof.
Malik Peiris. Dr.. Janapriya is a batchmate of him. As far as I know Dr. Janapriya is a surgeon. Regarding the problem of final rites of a Covid-19 victim it is safer to follow the recommendations of a virologist rather than the ideas of a surgeon !
leelagemalli / December 29, 2020
Very correct Michael. But Tatta mamas have taken the lead to protest against the rites of the minorities. Look at the Dutch and Bangladesh. These two countries are naturally sinking according to geological predictions. Nevertheless they dont protest against Covid death burials. Paranoiic sinhalayas led by tatta mammas ruin this nation 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎
Sinhala_Man / December 29, 2020
Dear “leelagemalli”,
“Dear Mr M. Fernando”?
You are quite fastidious when addressing people; so probably you think that there is no title more”prestigious” to address the man with. You do right to address me as Mr SM, but SM would do.
Given the age suggested by “Michael” saying that Dr Janapriya is his batchmate, this could be retired Lecturer in Sinhala, Dr Michael Fernando.
Should that be the case, his wife is Dr Shanez Fernando (nee Peiris) who can be channelled at Lanka Hospital. But hold it! Her PhD is in Psychology with a BA in Philosophy. So, she is a person who interacts with Doctors who refer cases to her. A Medical specialist typically interacts with a patient for ten minutes, relying mainly on reports that he has commissioned from laboratories and other specialists. Dr Shanez may have just one or two reports, and would have some awareness of drugs, etc but would be relying on judgements made during strictly professional discussion. For the same fee!
I’m a layman, but she isn’t, therefore. I know that she had a brother who was a lecturer in the Medical Faculty at Peradeniya.
Ferryman / December 29, 2020
Confusion ?
What Mr MF said was – “a comment written by famous virologist Prof. Malik Peiris. Dr.. Janapriya is a batchmate of him. (his).”
Not that Mr.MF is Dr J’s batchmate.
Sinhala_Man / December 30, 2020
Yes, I stand corrected.
Dr Michael Fernando is a few years older. I find also that Dr MF had been, like Kumar David, on the National List of the NPP. How tragic that only three from that Party made it to Parliament.
We’ve certainly got to pay greater attention to the views of the virologist on the disposal of the dead. It is also great that the other man who stuck his head out on this is the psychiatrist, Professor Shehan Williams, a much younger man.
Ultimately, we all die; let us do all that we can to ensure that as many creatures as possible now inhabiting this Earth have satisfactory lives.
The Professor Harendra de Silva article drives that point home.
Let me hope that nobody got put off by its length; it’s well worth the read.
SJ / December 30, 2020
He is Dr Michael Fernando. He retired as Senior Lecturer in Sinhala at Peradeniya. He was much into promoting theatre at Peradeniya.
He is modest but well informed; and he truly cared for the entire university community.
SJ / December 29, 2020
The views expressed by some are not out of ignorance but out of deep seated prejudices, which show once you scratch the surface.
Anti-Muslim sentiments are deep seated in some and just wait for a chance to find expression.
The man has other prejudices too which are not hard to detect.
michael fernando / December 27, 2020
The ideas presented in my comments are actually not mine. What I did was sending a comment written by famous virologist Prof.
Malik Peiris. Dr.. Janapriya is a batchmate of him. As far as I know Dr. Janapriya is a surgeon. Regarding the problem of final rites of a Covid-19 victim it is safer to follow the recommendations of a virologist rather than the ideas of a surgeon !
leelagemalli / December 29, 2020
leelagemalli / December 29, 2020
Very correct Michael. But Tatta mamas have taken the lead to protest against the rites of the minorities. Look at the Dutch and Bangladesh. These two countries are naturally sinking according to geological predictions. Nevertheless they dont protest against Covid death burials. Paranoiic sinhalayas led by tatta mammas ruin this nation 😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉
Sinhala_Man / December 30, 2020
We must be very grateful to Dr Janapriya for all the monitoring of government bulletins, and for all the thinking he has put into the many articles that he has written.
He is an absolutely genuine and sincere man. His contributions have been positive, and I hope that he writes as many more articles as he feels inspired to.
However, layman though I am, I sharply disagree with him on this issue of cremation. We must balance all considerations. There appear to be much more foolish things that are being done to benefit those who control key sections of our society.
I don’t think it worthwhile letting tourists in, but hotel owners have clout. I don’t expect all that many tourists to come in – and since our intentions are hardly altruistic, we must ask if they will be the wealthiest.
The Maldives getting tourists is different. Ask them to quarantine in a resort – no problem, that’s almost why they go to those islands.
Opening cinemas – again it is pleasing the well-connected.
Of course, we’ve got to get the economy going, and none of these are easy decisions to make, but we citizens must keep thinking and expressing misgivings when we have them.