17 January, 2025


How The Public Service Was Destroyed By Our Politicians

By R.M.B Senanayake

R.M.B. Senanayake

R.M.B. Senanayake

These days there is much criticism about the Foreign service – a service which was second only to the former Ceylon Civil Service and consisting of outstanding persons of intellect selected through a competitive examination. The Chris Nonis affair has shown how a bunch of thugs have taken over the once hallowed foreign service. But it is these public services that held the country together and allowed the country to command respect from the international community. We never had a competent administration under our Sinhalese kings who drew no distinction between the power play and the need for a sound and competent State administration.

It is not an accident that the LTTE emerged as a force after 1972 when the Leftists had destroyed the merit based senior administrative service. Up to then, the Civil Service had acted as a non-political administrative mechanism and the Tamil people who were also represented in it were reluctant to resort to extra-legal violent agitation. But after 1972 the public service was fully politicized and the Tamil people would no longer accept the public administrative mechanism as impartial. It had become an arm of the ruling political party and since the political party represented only the Sinhalese, the Tamils treated both the political and administrative system ad oppressors. They were the same and they represented only the majority Sinhalese. The way was open to identify the State as an instrument of harassment by the Sinhalese majority community.

The Administration held the country held the country together

The central government administrative service plays a no mean role in holding India together. By doing away with the administrative service recruited on merit and instead packing its higher levels with political appointees, the Foreign Service, the Administrative service and the Police service have become not the services of the nation but the services of the ruling political party or only of the President. Our so-called democracy is merely an instrument for the exercise of power for the benefit of the ruling circle. Scarce public services are being distributed not on the basis of any rule of fairness but only on political favor and corruption. So the public go after their elected representatives to get admission for their children to the better schools, to get a government house, a government job or priority and special favor in any government department or institution. Similarly employees in the public service curry favor with the ruling party politicians, to get transfers, promotions and avoid disciplinary actions for their acts of dishonesty and corruption in the disbursement of public funds.

The Members of Parliament are elected not to govern the country but to draw up laws and to act as a check on the Executive. But how can these MPs check on the Executive when they themselves are involved in the irregular exercise of Executive power.  How can such a corrupt system be called a democracy merely because these politicians are elected by the people – an election marred by abuse of power and State resources. Where is the equity and fairness in the provision of public services to the people under this system? Social revolutions are caused when the people realize the unfairness of the political system. There comes a time when the people are not willing to tolerate such unfairness any more. It begins with a few who perceive the unfairness and they draw the attention of the masses to the blatant abuses of power and position. The French and Russian revolutions were brought on by the exercise of arbitrary power by the king and the ruling class.

It is the central public service which holds India together. China was the first country to develop a public administration where appointments were on merit and through a competitive examination. The Mandal Report in India sought to provide special appointments to the central public service for the lower castes but it was rejected to uphold the principle of merit. Merit has disappeared altogether from our public service appointments.

The Peter Principle operates

The politicians who became Ministers, except for the few well educated among them, found it uncomfortable to deal with those appointed on merit for they were intellectually inferior to them. They could not order them around. So following the Peter Principle they appointed their favorites from outside the public service. They preferred friends and relations who were inferior to the serving public servants in education and accomplishments. For the benefit of those who have not heard of the Peter Principle (formulated by the famous management theorist Tom Peters in his work “The Peter Principle: Why Things always go wrong”) it refers to the principle in a hierarchy where individuals at the top prefer to appoint only those who are not as clever or intellectually comparable as they are to the next level of authority. The process goes down the hierarchy and hence the less capable thereafter get promoted over time to the top where they are unable to perform and there they would remain “bungling the job and eroding the competence of society”. This principle now reigns supreme in our politicized administrative and foreign services. So although we have been importing petroleum products for the last fifty years without a hitch, now they can import only inferior petroleum. It is the same in every other service and the country is well on the way to becoming a failed state.

Democracy and the limitations of popular judgment

The people are wise if they elect competent and honest persons as their representatives. Democracy is based on the principle -not that the people are capable of right judgment but that they can decide who hurts them. As Pericles said “Although only a few are capable of devising policy all are certainly capable of judging them.” Democracy in backward countries is a process of learning by the people – learning to judge their rulers through trial and error. Election Day can be a day of judgment for those who govern us. But this is based on the assumption that the process of election is inviolate and has not been tampered with. But that requires a system of government where checks and balances operate on the rulers. They are accountable to the legislature and the judiciary. But if these two bodies are already subordinated to the Executive then the actions of the Executive are not based on the law but on arbitrary exercise of the will of the ruler as in the times of our Sinhalese kings and in the Western democracies before the Magna Carta and the Glorious Revolution of 1688 in England, of the Revolution of 1789 in France and the 1776 revolution USA.

This right to throw out a government is severely vitiated in a dictatorship. It may be so vitiated that a change of government is impossible. Then only a social revolution can overthrow a government.  Historically Athenian democracy as pointed out by Karl Popper was an attempt to avoid tyranny at all costs. They had in place the process of ‘ostracisation’ where any citizen if he becomes too popular, could be removed precisely because of his popularity. Eminent statesman like Aristides and Themistocles were ostracized or sent into exile. Perhaps MR would have qualified for ostracisation in the Athenian democracy. The great danger in a democracy is the emergence of populist politicians. So we have to put up with populist politicians who will take decisions sacrificing the long term for the short term as we see in the recent budget. If the people are wise they will elect leaders who espouse sound economics and not populism. Political expediency and benefit rather than principles is the governing factor in our current political decision-making and even constitution making. Despite the oath to uphold the Constitution our political leaders have violated the fundamental principles of the Constitution with gay abandon. President J. R Jayewardene adopted a hybrid Constitution removing the checks and balances required to preserve freedom in a presidential form of government. A balance is also required between the need for representation and the need for competent governance. The advantage of the presidential form of government is that the Ministers are all drawn from competent personnel who are outside the Legislature. The USA, France, Japan all appoint technically competent persons with considerable management experience to be Ministers, instead of country yokels. What we need direly is a competent set of Ministers and they are not available through the process of popular election. We need not to abolish the executive Presidency but to make it accountable under the law to the legislature and the judiciary. The absolute legal immunity of the President should be abolished as should the 18th Amendment and elected MPs should be debarred from being Ministers. The President should be allowed to appoint as Ministers only persons of good standing with experience in management of not less than ten years in a large organization in the public or private sector.

The MP is not a delegate

The MP thinks that he represents only those who voted for him. But as Burke pointed out the MP is not a delegate of his voters but is expected to act in the best interests of his people and the people include those who voted against him. He is expected to be a legislator not an intermediary of his constituents with the administration. State officials are expected to serve all persons fairly and not favor those of the ruling party. What we have is not a democracy but what political science calls a ‘plutocracy” or some would say a “kleptocracy” where a political elite based on some social criteria such as membership of a family or caste or class, rule the country in their particular interest

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  • 6

    The bastardisation of our once distinguished foreign service has left those internationally, including those in the Diaspora, with an open goal. The EAM is now led by an effeminate and ineffective minister and is packed with sycophants, thugs, time-servers and hangers-on. The present EAM is NOT FIT FOR PURPOSE.

    The Time is ripe for the stables to be cleaned out, and a total reorganization.

    Please Mr Prez, write out a hundred lines; ‘An unreconstructed thug and crook must NOT monitor ANY government department, leave aside one that is our window on the world. By Friday!

    • 9

      ” We never had a competent administration under our Sinhalese kings ….”

      We never had competent administration under democracy for 66 years now: What do these facts show?

      Sinhala ruling class since 1948 is biased towards the Sinhala Buddhist majority and discriminated against other communities, under pressure from the racist mahanayakes and bhikkus. So meritocracy could not take root like in Singapore.

      So what we have today is the height of madness and criminality in the government and the state.

      • 0

        In all Governments up to 1977 the kingmakers were the Tamils. Thondaman switched sides regularly. Ignorant racist fools like you use CT columns to blame the Sinhalese for everything wrong with the country. Instead of doing your bit for the Eelam agenda, try learning some history, say from 1930 onward.

    • 2

      R.M.B Senanayake ,

      RE: How The Public Service Was Destroyed By Our Politicians

      It was not only the Public service that was destroyed by the politicians.

      Now one may ask, who elected these politicians? The Sri Lankan electorate.

      What is the Intelligence of the SRi Lankan Electorate? 70? 80? 81?

      They say Sinhalaya Modaya. Actually it should be modified to Sri Lankan Modayas. There is too much interbreeding, up to 20%, decreasing the I.Q.

      Are Indians Smarter Than Sri Lankans?


      Suppose are an employment manager in a land ( Sri Lanka) where there are only absolute liars and absolute truth tellers. An applicant (Politician) comes in to see you and appears to be sincere. He tells you that the next interviewee has told him she is a liar.
      Is he (a) lying or (b) telling the truth?
      The answer is he is (a) lying, because no liar would admit to being a liar.

      Corruption And Society: Analyse This!

      28th November, 2004 Volume 11, Issue 20 Editorial Corruption And Society: Analyse This!


      “The book IQ And The Wealth Of Nations makes interesting reading. IQ, of course, in not an absolute measure of intelligence, for IQ tests do not measure absolute intelligence (whatever that is) but only intelligence related to certain intellectual skills. Nevertheless, the fact that broad patterns emerge from IQ scores does suggest that they have some utility. IQ And The Wealth Of Nations seeks to correlate IQ with national development, and indeed there is a correlation. With an average IQ of just 81, Sri Lanka ranks pretty low. China, by comparison, has an average IQ of 100, while Cameroon, at the bottom of the list, scores an IQ of 67.”


      National IQ Scores – Country Rankings

      Privilege can be a terrible thing. By definition, everyone can’t be privileged, and so, at the very outset, privilege seems unfair. Wealth, intelligence, talent and good looks are all attributes that could give rise to privilege: indeed, anything inherited, whether material or genetic, leads directly to the creation of privilege. It is privilege that gives one an edge in a competitive world: oh, how Darwin would have loved the idea.

      Since universal franchise seven decades ago, Sri Lanka has evolved – albeit in fits and starts – in a socialist direction that seeks to mitigate the impacts of privilege, offering a square deal also to the underprivileged. And quite rightly so. Historically however, the elimination of privilege has focused largely on the elimination of social privilege: inherited land, inherited money, and inherited class connections. That bathwater however, has almost always been accompanied by the baby of inherited talent. The historical focus of socialism has been more about chopping off heads to make tall people short, rather than building pedestals on which short people could stand. For the latest manifestation of this warped logic, take Sarath Amunugama’s attempt to make ours a more equal society by depriving everyone of a car through punitive taxation, rather than making everyone the owner of a car through financial empowerment. Whatever it is that he got that PhD of his in, you can bet your life it wasn’t economics.

      Universal franchise tends to put enormous power in the hands of the underprivileged majority, for it is they that get to elect the most highly privileged people in the country: politicians. And this is not just in Sri Lanka. Even in the all-powerful United States, privilege and its elimination play an important role in the electoral system.

      The book IQ And The Wealth Of Nations makes interesting reading. IQ, of course, in not an absolute measure of intelligence, for IQ tests do not measure absolute intelligence (whatever that is) but only intelligence related to certain intellectual skills. Nevertheless, the fact that broad patterns emerge from IQ scores does suggest that they have some utility. IQ And The Wealth Of Nations seeks to correlate IQ with national development, and indeed there is a correlation. With an average IQ of just 81, Sri Lanka ranks pretty low. China, by comparison, has an average IQ of 100, while Cameroon, at the bottom of the list, scores an IQ of 67.

      More interesting perhaps, are average IQ differences between the various states of the United States. An analysis of the November US presidential election showed that every state with an average IQ score of 101 or more went to the Democrats, while every state with a score of 98 or less went to the Republicans. Of, the eight states with scores of 99 and 100, five went to the Republicans and three to the Democrats. Clearly, whatever politicians do to seduce voters, they should not ‘appeal to their intelligence.’

      Interestingly, there is also an uncanny correlation (possibly accidental, but one never knows) between IQ, economic growth and corruption. Mix all these into one, and Sri Lanka comes a dismal 64th in the world ranking.

      While IQ tests are justifiably controversial, there are other, arguably more objective and scientific, measures of national performance. Recently, the world’s most respected scientific journal Nature (Vol. 426, pages 67-70), carried a research paper on the correlation between natural resource loss and poor governance, authored by respected scientists from the University of Kent and Cambridge University. The study showed that poor governance was directly related, for example, to deforestation. Here again, the base-data show Sri Lanka in an exceedingly poor light.

      With the enormous international attention being paid to renewable natural resources and their conservation, the mechanisms by which natural resources are wasted has attracted serious scientific attention recently. William Ascher’s insightful book, Why Governments Waste Natural Resources: Policy Failures In Developing Countries, should be compulsory reading for every aspiring politician. It does not merely flag corruption as the only reason for natural resource loss, but provides a holistic socio-economic, political and administrative analysis of the causes of this. Although it does not focus particularly on Sri Lanka, every word of it applies to our case: from the cynical indifference of “donors” (read “creditors”) such as the World Bank and ADB, to the short-term policies governments are forced to adopt to keep the present generation happy at the expense of generations to come.

      Finally, a publication that politicians clearly have read in Sri Lanka, or at least pretend to have done, is the Berlin-based Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index 2002, in which Sri Lanka fared so badly. Transparency International accepts prima facie that the prevalence of corruption in a society is inversely proportional to its punishment. In other words, the least amount of corruption is detected in the most corrupt countries. The same is true for all kinds of misdemeanour condoned by a country’s leadership, including human rights abuse. Rather than examining prosecution statistics then, Transparency International causes surveys to be conducted of the perceptions of citizens to corruption in their own country’s institutions.

      Everyone knows that Sri Lanka scored rock bottom on public perceptions of corruption in government, the judiciary and the police. Indeed, seeing as Chandrika Kumaratunga had been President for a full eight years at the time the report was published, and although it did not name her, she obviously took umbrage. Indeed, so irked was she, that she publicly attacked the police and the judiciary as being corrupt, evidently basing her conclusion on findings of her own (details of which are yet to be disclosed to the public) referring in passing to the Transparency International findings only to corroborate her own conclusions. She claimed also that both the Chief Justice and the Attorney General had endorsed her view, something both have privately denied. In fact, the Chief Justice went so far as to tell brother judges rather coarsely that the Presidential mouth is not fitted with brakes.

      Damning, it is true, but so loudly have her words rung bells in those divisions of the state that not a single judge nor one police officer has chosen to stand up publicly and say, ‘Not me. I am not corrupt.’

      If over 40 per cent of the people believed judges to be corrupt in Transparency International’s survey, then surely almost all the people must believe politicians to be corrupt. Indeed, it is generally the case that politicians who are not corrupt tend to be talked about – and there’s precious few of them. Sadly, the honest ones tend also to be the unambitious ones, lacking in ambition both for themselves and for Sri Lanka. ‘Show me an honest politician,’ one might say, ‘and I’ll show you an inefficient one.’

      Given the widespread corruption in all the estates of government, one might easily despair for Sri Lanka. The silver lining is, of course, that we are not nearly as corrupt as some African states. But when you’ve said that, you’ve said everything. And it is not only politicians, judges and the police who are corrupt: the menace is now all-pervading. Virtually every department of government that comes into contact with the public is ridden with it. Whether you need a driving licence, a bank loan, a birth certificate, a grama niladhari’s letter, or to get your child into school or to clear a parcel from the port, you need to pay paga, kappan or jarawa (Sinhala possesses a rich synonymy for the word “bribe”). It has become a way of life. In the business world, one has to pay a bribe to get almost any kind of payment out of the government: the people who evaluate and award tenders are possibly the worst, raking it in with a vengeance. So much so that even international agencies such as UNICEF, operating in Sri Lanka, smell of corruption. Before you buy their Christmas cards, think a bit about into whose pocket the money goes.

      Part of the problem of rooting out corruption is that it is seldom indeed that anyone is actually caught in the act of accepting a bribe. The way in which corrupt practices are most often detected is when the processes involved patently lack transparency, and when officials administering these processes own unaccounted wealth. Sadly, it is all too easy to wriggle out of such situations by claiming that the process was indeed transparent, or that the wealth was someone else’s (for details, take Anuruddha Ratwatte’s Master Class).

      It is tempting for us, the public, to ride the high horse, self-righteously telling ourselves that it is they and not us who are corrupt. But we need to remember that policemen, politicians, judges and public servants are all members of our society, not a separate breed of particularly evil people. They are an extension of ourselves. The seed of corruption lurks therefore in every one of us, manifesting itself when we jump a queue, use personal contacts to obtain privilege, or evade paying income tax. Corruption is endemic in our society, and what is needed is national moral reform. Sadly, one rarely hears it from the self appointed moral reformists of our nation, particularly the Buddhist and Christian clergy. When did you last hear a sermon on the elimination of corruption? That, it seems, has been left for the life to come.

    • 1

      RMB once again plays teacher to all of us – and a very good one at that – in what should ideally be the relationship between the Citizen and his State. But the numerically large “naïve rural peasantry” – to quote your own words in another article in these pages – who vote in and vote out governments has been happy since 1956 they “gave the works” (dunna weday) to the Tamils through the Apey Anduwa Govt of that time.

      No doubt there were some instances where, arguably, there was reason to suggest the minorities enjoyed a far more advantageous position in the governing structure of the country. But, as I noted, it was “arguable” because then the State was run on merit and not on racial quotas and majoritarian considerations. This perception could have been settled avoiding the “throwing the bathwater with the baby” approach. But prejudice and pettiness won over rational thinking then and we now are in a situation every citizen in every corner of the country suffers from the ills of bad governance. It is virtually impossible to unscramble the egg from the omelette now or in the immediate future. In the past few years governance is in the hands of a bunch analogous with that old Tamil proverb of a bunch of lovely flowers getting into the hands of the monkey.

      How many in the country realise that middle class that was re-built in the 1977-1993 period (Note I am not necessarily a UNPer) has been gradually destroyed in the past decade or so. It is now the smaller number of the rich and the very rich – singing the praises of the regime – the poor and the very poor. The latter being by far the largest in the country.

      Even ordinarily lawful and decent citizens – and those in State service – are now resorting to thievery and the negatives in society merely to keep head above water. Will Sri Lanka find itself out of the woods in the foreseeable future? Your guess is as good as mine. No election results are going to change the hard timber of the battered economy.

      R. Varathan

    • 1

      R.M.B Senanayake –

      RE: How The Public Service Was Destroyed By Our Politicians

      The politicians are targeting the bottom 521 I.Q. People… Rajapaksas are doing the same…

      Ann Coulter: Democrats Are Targeting ‘Bottom 51 Percent in Terms of IQ’ (Video)
      Posted by Jim Hoft on Sunday, November 2, 2014, 11:21 AM


      The left was not too happy about Ann’s comments.
      Crooks and Liars reported:

      Conservative columnist Ann Coulter on Sunday accused Democrats supporting women’s rights to win the “bottom 51 percent” of voters “in terms of IQ.”

      During an interview on Fox & Friends, Coulter told host Tucker Carlson that the midterm elections should be about Obamacare.

      But Carlson pointed out that Democrats seemed to be focusing on other issues.

      “Everywhere I turn, every spot I see from the Democratic side, it’s all about birth control and abortion,” Carlson said.

      “The Democrats don’t care,” Coulter opined. “If they can get the bottom 51 percent of voters in terms of knowledge and IQ, they’re perfectly happy. I can fool 51 percent of the people, that’s enough to win. And hopefully, we’ll overcome that.”

      PS. The Democrats lost the senate, and lost many House Seats and Governor ships.

      Now USA has an IQ of 100.

      Sri Lanka has an I Q of 79.

      So, the job for Rajapaksas should be easier, on an absolute scale, but not onb a relative scale.

  • 5

    Well, the Public Service Commission (PSC) was abolished, and that proved disastrous. They had just recently re-established it.

    It was a left-wing experiment wasn’t it? It was a left-wing experimentation with Socialism. Ceylon wasn’t the only country. A wave of revolutions, coupe de et and creations of banana republics followed in the 60s and 70s.

    After that era, the leftists are now experimenting with crony capitalism. Left-wing politics is almost like porn really. It does not take much to appeal to the lowest common denominator. These left-wing and their Karl Marx theories would have killed more within a short span than any other in the entire history of the world.

    What you have left out is Chevanayagam and his left-wing populist antics. The Ceylon center-left was established by Chevanayagam. He tainted it with ethno-nationalism. SWRD was the next to break away to the center left. He seems to have followed the trend that was being set.

    But then, it was an era when a large number of baby-boomers had reached working age and were looking for employment. There was a population explosion with food and energy security issues. Things just does not happen for no reason.

    Going further, people obviously took democracy for granted. No one put any value of having independent institutions as they hadn’t experienced the downside. Now they know. I suppose you never knew much then either.

  • 6

    The list of those who entered the foreign service without doing any competitive exams is now long …some of them include

    Dayan J
    Rambukwella’s daughter
    Old retired military !
    Many many more that CT has already highlighted.

    Now some of these very people moan at the destruction of the foreign service when they themselves were undeserving recipients of the same favours only a few years ago !

  • 7

    Mr Senanayake:-

    “The Chris Nonis affair has shown how a bunch of thugs have taken over the once hallowed foreign service. But it is these public services that held the country together and allowed the country to command respect from the international community.”

    How true your words are. Public Servants , qualified in their own fields of Expertise, ‘who held the Country together, and commanded respect from the International Community’, have mostly left the Country and are commanding the respect of the Countries they now work for.

    How could these Well Qualified People take orders from Politicians and their Hangers on, who only see their own short term Political Gains, and cannot or will not, visualise the Long term Detrimental Results of their Decisions.

  • 6

    Deterioration by the day.

    At Independence, we had a world class public service called the Ceylon Civil Service (CCS). Note the words ‘civil’ and ‘service’. The CCS fielded the best educated in the country and ran the Ministries as Permanent Secretaries (note the word ‘Permanent’) and ensured the AR and the FR (Administrative Regulations and Financial Regulations) were strictly followed. Under the Permanent Secretaries there were the Public Servants. Note the words ‘public’ and ‘servants’. Those core words, ‘civil’, ‘service’, ‘public’ and ‘servants’, said it all.

    Then Mrs. B, like other rulers to follow, wanted subservient individuals in all the Ministries. First of all she did away with the CCS and its Permanent Secretaries. She then had politically appointed impermanent secretaries under each Minister, and those ministry secretaries’ loyalties were to the ruling party and the ruling individuals, not to the country as a whole. Gone was the word ‘civil’ and instead we had the Administrative Service or the SLAS.

    Next we changed the terminology for the rank and file workers in government. They were no longer Public Servants (i.e. servants of the taxpaying public) but were now called Government Servants, i.e. servants of the government, meaning the politicians.

    The destruction was complete.

  • 4

    With a Pimp, Rogue and a Thug as Sajin Vass as Monitoring MP for EAM and a Drug Lord and a Murderer as Dumiya as Monitoring MP for Defence, what a combination under a bigger Rogue, Murderer and a Liar as MR?

  • 1


    I do not agree that the rot set in after 1972. All our hallowed state institutions began to systematically decline as soon as we got independence. All politicians from DS downwards are complicit in this. Not only racial issues that seeped into politics but also the inescapable Sinhala cultural tradition of filial responsibility. It is expected in our culture that our first responsibilities are to help and support family followed by friends. For various reasons this is a laudable tradition but when extrapolated into politics it becomes a poisoned chalice.

    The result is the build up of utter disregard to public opinion as at present, where all important state institutions are stacked with the Rajapaksa family, cronies and goon squads. Do not look surprised when we keep voting the Rajapaksa dynastic rule back to power. For us the Sinhala people of Sri Lanka, giving key jobs whether in the civil service, education or in the foreign service, to family and friends, though they are inept, uneducated and outright thieves – is acceptable and not a crime.

  • 0

    Are you talking about Civil Servants like Ronnie De Mel. Most of these so called civil servants of yester year were political turn coats. They were Sinhalese or Tamil by name but inside they were very white. Nothing was better than White man.
    In fact the 1983 Tamil insurrection was a creating of this elite Sri Lanka foreign service. The men who were ambassadors in England, France and Germany together few fabricated stories all around the world.
    All this we can summarise by the conduct of then CJ Sarath Silva. He made a mockery of judiciary and the political establishment at will. How can a civil servant derive that kind of power. What about those days the permanent secretaries. Unelected such people had more power than the elected person. Then again how easily such people can be bought by internal or external pressures. Whole government can be brought down by one such person.
    Even it may not be the ideal the current situation is much better. These men and women are elected to office and the electorate has the power to defeat them periodically. We should not go in that direction to setup permanent positions for these appointees. If they are elected for public service commission or police commission we can tolerate such persons as we also can remove them from office when necessary.

  • 0

    The various comments that the sinhala buddhists are the beneficiaries of the system is far from the truth, infact they are the victims. politicians especially the present once have no religion, no community they are set of bastards who can only think of themselves let the country and its people go to hell.

  • 0

    I am in perfect agreement with you.
    The CCS was abolished in in 1962.Elitist true,but most of them were men of class.Ten years later in 1972 whatever was left of the Administrative service plunged to Nadir.We cant blame them.Our Political Monsters made them servile.Damn shame.LEE KUAN EX.PM once said that he wanted to build Singapore on the ceylon Model.Thanks to our Politicians including the LEFTISTS they were only interested in destroying what was bequeathed by the British.
    At this stage nothing can be done.Scrambled eggs cant be unscrambled.

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