13 February, 2025


“I Can’t Go Against Buddhist Monks Proposals” – Sajith

UNP MP Sajith Premadasa who has refused a seat on the newly appointed Leadership Council said he was forced to bow out of the nomination he was given by the Working Committee out of respect for the Buddhist monks.

Premadasa told reporters that the monks had forwarded a 8 point proposal to the UNP leadership and at a special meeting between himself and Karu Jayasuriya in Kurunegala yesterday they had put forward three more points.

Premadasa said the Working Committee had not adopted the three points put forward by the monks at the Sunday meeting in Kurunegala and added that he could not insult the monks by sitting on the Council.

Latest comments

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    These guys…even to go to the toilet they need the permission of the monk who is loitering nearby attacking a mosque

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      Appoint a few monks to your so called UNP Leadership Council. Just follow there orders and advice. You do not need any other party structures for decision making. You only need monks to take decisions for you.

      Sajith is a populist. Playing to the gallery of Buddhist voters. Just like Rajapassa clan.

      Guy is hardly a Buddhist. Being as self-serving and power hungry as he is.

      Sri Lanka needs a better breed of real leaders. Who are selfless, honest, fearless and driven by love of the country.

      Sajith, Ranil and other leading UNP monkeys are simply not of that breed. They are in it for themselves.


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        In place of Sajith, push Rayappu Joseph into the Leadership Council. UNP can win the next election hands down.

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          Not really! Stick out your part and trip it up to Mugabe he loves you dearly biscuit boofer.

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        At this time, instead of in-fighting the UNP should be leading a principled PROTEST and educating the people re. the Rajapassa-CHOGM show in Colombo next week and the massive waste of funds.. Instead Sajith is trying to engineer a Saffron Coup within the party.
        The UNP should be focused on organizing a HUGE PROTEST to tell the world the TRUTH about the state of democracy and rule of law in Lanka during the CHOGM Carnival with its excess of DANCING GIRLS and CULTURAL pagentry to cover the lack of values and principles of democracy and rule of law!
        Rajapassa has turned the CHOGM show into a de facto celebration of the establishment of his military dictatorship in Sri Lanka – which had been a democracy since independence in 1948.
        The destruction of the UNP and the lack of a proper opposition that speaks with principles and focus to address the pressing issues that the CHOGM show raises tell us that Ranil Wickramsinghe and Sajith are both useless and need to be removed from the party. Karu should take over and groom an EDUCATED and PRINCIPLED leadership that promotes PLURALISM and DEMOCRACY.

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      Jayawewa.. Who can go against these devils in the orange dress.. The control the votes.. The good monks are seeking enlightenment for themselves, which makes perfect sense.. They will not even bother with this bullshit politics.. Here in Sri Lanka or around the world..

      If these shit monks want to get involved in politics, take of your shit robes and do not pretend to be some “holy man”.. What the hel are YOU seeking?? I for one think that my heart is true and really don’t care for this kind of trickery.. This BBS and Raja ass wipes will all be taught a good lesson in this life (or next).. God willing..

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    Bloody son of a gun.

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      He is a joke … power greedy imptatient candidate we ever experience.

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    He is scared to face nine members. He wanted only him to be in committee.

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    Sri Lanka, even now, SEPERATE TEMPLE & STATE ! I have been saying this for sometime ! (as in the Seperation of Church & State in the West)

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    If this cant go against the monks whom he thinks the supreme body to give instructions to UNP, can we think of him as a future leader of Sri Lanka.

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    If he cant go against the monks whom he thinks the supreme body to give instructions to UNP, can we think of him as a future leader of Sri Lanka??

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    Suppose perhaps he cannot go against the Rajapaksha puppet masters who have a lot of historical information too.

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    There is some sense in separating state from religion, but there is an attendant risk of eroding moral values. There must be some middle path (if only someone can find it!!). Maybe it’s upto the followers of the religions (all religions for that matter) to bring about the necessary changes in their religious leadership? Or does it fall to the voters to elect political leaders who don’t subvert religion for political gain?

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    Sajith is not fit to lead the United National Party. Today the party is in this state ,is because of his father Ranasinghe Premadasa.sajith has no backbone .He does not have the leadership material .He will be another
    mahinda Rajapaksha. For God’s sake we the ardent supporter’s of the grand old Party does not need such low caliber people to lead our party.

    • 0

      Praise the Lord and condemn the Buddhist monks,
      Get the padre, the mullah and the kurukal,
      To replace of the monk,
      The God is sure to bless,
      The UNP supporters,
      All the way to hell or heaven,
      And that’s the way forward,
      For the UNP,
      For years to come.

      Take kurundu polu,
      Put the right leg forward,
      And follow the footsteps of Man-gala,
      And his thugs and goons,
      And that’s the way forward,
      For the UNP,
      For years to come.

      Chase out Sajith,
      Buddhika, Sujiva and the lot,
      Retain Kiriella and Ravi,
      And those who chuckled,
      When they mocked the army,
      And that’s the way forward,
      For the UNP,
      For years to come.

      Keep Ranil at the helm,
      For five more year,
      Let him keep gal kollas,
      He needs them as well,
      And that’s the way forward,
      For the UNP,
      For years to come.

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        That’s a good one Banda, a good one!. Even though, I think Sajith is not fit to lead the UNP, leave alone the country.

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    UNP now needs the courage to expel this trouble making Sajith Rajapaksa from the party Tiran Allas is making a new party for him. Let him go. He was the man behind all troubles within the UNP. Allas is anti Ranil because it was RW who sacked his father for accepting bribes. SR is carrying out MR’s agenda. WHO ARE THESE BUDDDHIST MONKS to dictate terms to a party. Let the party govern by it’s constitution. It is high time UNP takes some positive steps to chase this foolish man away.

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    it is very hard to understand this fella.
    sajith should leave the unp and create a new political party call napunsakayo or avajatakayo.he always talk about avajataka. becauae of he might be upset he did not get the gunasekara surname as his grand father.

    very soon people of this country realize sajith is no better than r premadasa.
    sajith premadasa
    buddika patirana
    sujewa senasinghe
    Asoka abesinghe

    needs to be replaced with real unpers.

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    The UNP and its leaderships died long time Back. What is left Now it is the Embalmed mummified Body that is left.Lets bury it and get on with our daily work.

    More urgent thing now is to see we get our next meal. I presume that ensuring Food Shelter’ cloths and education too are Human right. This needs to be addressed very urgently.

    The Sinhala Buddhist Monks Can Afford to attend to Politics. As they Live on Others and their needs are guaranteed, Like the needs of the Political Leaders. So let them do it.

    senile and impotent cannot sire a child. But They are arrognent to cover their inability.

    May God intervene to Save Sri Lanka from its present Madness. Let sanity prevail.


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    Sajith did the right thing in refusing to take part in the traveling circus.Ranil as usual applied the “pulling wool over the eyes”trick.What about Karu?As usual he double crossed.

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      I’m with Max on this particular issue , every body is very busy bashing Sajith , being critical on Sajith at this moment of time is helping Pathetic Ranil , RW as usual, found another way to be the opposition Leader , Ranil will not dare to agree with any reforms which may leads to losing his official opposition leadership position , he will cling on to his position until he is shown the door , this is the ground reality and rest is all window dressings , Karu must follow sajith’s action , let RW be with his usual yes men and then we are back to square one !

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      I also agree with max and srilal.Why should sajith be in the council when Ranil is not?Also why should ranil have the title of national leader?The people will read it as ranil is still the leader of the UNP and the council is a joke.They would prefer to put the joker into the council without any titles so that he becomes just another member without the council becoming the joke.Then the people are satisfied that ranil’s powers have been diluted once and for all.Trying to get rid of the liability is a big headache.Must wait till another drubbing at the western and southern provincial council election it seems.

      Members of the council being appointed by the working committee is also a joke.Ranil,karu and sajith should be initially in the council.After some time when it is working satisfactorily each of them can nominate one each to join the council,that too if it is really necessary only.Too many cooks are going to spoil the soup.

      karu does not need to be the chairman.No need of a chairman at all.The wrong message will be conveyed to the masses/asses that karu is the leader now.That itself will make the UNP lose because who will vote for karu only.You have to get the votes for all three combined and take the message across to the people that a council of three to lead the country is better than having a president,a post which should be abolished due to the awesome powers it has that can be misused.

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        Can you compare low grade educated Sajith with RW who has been in politics for the last two decades OR longer. May be Ranil is not a good orator in sinhalese langague, but he deserves respect u know… I think he would leave the politics… right at the moment, politics in sl is only for IRC people. Besides, making comparisons of this level are like apples and oranges. Bondige putha Sajith has not the least credentials to lead the country. But today, even pathala horas can animate the stupid folks. So to the very same manner, it would be easy a personality like Sajith to become the leader. So you guys being against Raja why to fall on Sajith ? Sajith s father killed 50 000 youth in the country. Sajith was to that time, in London. I know this, but until few weeks ago, he was claiming to have a degree offered by a prestigious college in London. Why are the blatant lies – just to create kabalen lipata watuna wage situation… why should the bugger- nidan hora – to give a chance… ? are u guys crazy ?

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          why should the bugger be nominated as the leader of the nation ? It would be better to choose DUMINDA SILVA OR MERVIN THE SILVA as the countr^s future leaders

          I hated Premadasa for one single reason how they handled the youth unrest issue in late 80ties. HOw many of our then batcha went missing. I know one Kumara^s father, retired school master became mentally sick after his son – then 2 year medical student went missing.
          Then AI and BBC were interviewing Premadasa speeches in which he accepted, ” They killed ours and why not us kill them”: Donkey did not know that a leader should have respect about own folks. Can any leader of a state dare to sprout like that ?

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            “why should the bugger be nominated as the leader of the nation ?”

            Can’t you understand what a leadership council is about.There is no single leader,but 3 sajith,ranil and karu.So even if they are deficient individually as you claim,collectively they will be able to take on the 4 rajapakshe brothers who are also a leadership team,forged together by blood ties.

            Ranil is the spoiler here refusing to join the council and also wanting to be national leader.He is unable to take on MR individually but will not join others to take him on collectively too.He overestimates himself and loses every election.

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            who would back this oxymoron Sajith ,we all know he is the the next MR in making , identical twins coupled with bogus degrees and equally colorful resumes ! so it is no point talking of sajith now , issue at hand is RW , so lets deal with it .

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    All well paid by Rajapakse,if UNP come to his leadership come to worse.Better to lead Ranil

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    Sajith is suffering from a leadership-phobia and is also scared of his “records of files of his wrong-doings” during the period 1980s and early 1990s will be exposed and his being placed behind bars. He is now a puppet in the hands of some influential parties and is dancing according to their tunes, who are making use of him to ruin th UNP.

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      If he worked for that, he could have atleast achieved lot more for his personality during the last few years. Just trying to jump on to the top – without having proper knowledge to handle the least – can bring him nowhere. He is like his mother – she was swollen in 80ties. We the nation were compelled to wake up by her sorta screamy songs – and killing our entire day along. Everything was like their own properties. So called Gamudawa projects were organised to deceive stupid folks. One among the good thing also were there, was distributing houses to the poor. Those houses were built across the country. Any brutal leader has done atleast few good things.. in their tenures. So that does not say – that the leaders were good. Premadasa was a headache to UNP at that time. If remained Gamini or Lalith athulathmudali, they could have led the UNP well. Lalith^s mahapola scholarship program was well recognized to that time.

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    I was an active party worker in the youth committee of the party during President Premadasas time. Sajith was no where in sight. I still recall when Lalith and Gamini impeached the President Ranil was expected to sign in as well. He worked round the clock to try and persuade Lalith to reconsider as by that time even President Premadasa had realised that his actions are going to destroy the UNP. It was Gamini we were told who was adamant that they should impeach the President.

    The last time i was involved in a UNP campaign was when Ranil was Prime Minister and i can tell you one thing for sure. He is not a third grade politician. Yes he may not be the thug type politico that the masses sadlyvote for but he is one who even his worst critics would admit will not steal or rob the country.

    Last week speaking to a member of parliament in government whose names cannot disclose for his sake, what i heard shocked me. The ruthleseness in which the Rajapaksa family manages the affairs of state and even the party and yet have the amazing ability to showcase a rosy picture to the masses is unbelievable.

    The pertinent question is that the regime uses the fractured opposition to ensure that no one in their ranks even dreams of crossing or revolting within. At least 42 within their ranks are fed up but even to wrest control of parliament with support from the opposition they are hopeful that Sajith and Karu throws their weight fully behind the UNP and Ranil. What Sajith needs to understand is that he is the next leader of the party as one thing he can be assured of is that no one needs to fear of being deprived of his due place with time due to a family being groomed like what his happening in the government ranks. Can anyone even seniors like Maithripala be sure that after decades of hard work they will rightfully be given the leadership ? No chance in hell . Dayasiri will go as far as being a minister but he will never be able to even aspire to lead the country. In this context i am compelled to assume that Sajith’s actions are no different to the late President Premadasa. If he can rise above every negative sentiment or impression he has built inside him and make one media statement assuring every voter that he is fully behind the party and will work with Ranil and Karu to end this dictatorship believe me his popularity will soar to a point that no one within the party or outside would be able to deprive him of being the next leader of the party. His single objective should be to get the party into power. RAVI made a point at a talk show last night. He said when one is in power everyone is at your feet like the ministers of this regime, but in opposition everyone is at each others throats. The day that ends the government goes packing. Sajith, try to be a game changer and shock the regime not be the one who will go down in history as being the spoiler. You have the best opportunity now to be part of the leadership council and see the party through. You will not regret.

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      you may be right.
      But many in the country would not see it the way you do.
      They only attack RW for mostly no proper reasons. He is most respectable politician we have by now. All others in the country have abused everything, but RW has not. Those who may know nothing but just believe the gossips as many do, keep on attacking instead of supporting him.

      If he would resign, I would love Sobitha thero to take over the leadership of opposition. He is matured and has vision and wisdom to take all kind of good decisions for the sake of future generations.
      Alone the fact that he is keen on a free system being not bound to current constituaiton is highly commendable. And he may not have anyone to appoint as his family members if he would be the leader of the nation. If Muslim leaders govern in islamic countries, why not our theros cant do the same. I have no doubt, in that way only, we can see the country goes forward.

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        Andre ,

        “They only attack RW for mostly no proper reasons. He is most respectable politician we have by now. All others in the country have abused everything, but RW has not. Those who may know nothing but just believe the gossips as many do, keep on attacking instead of supporting him.”

        RW may not have abused countries wealth and resources as other politicians but certainly he has been abusing/raping the opposition leadership position since 2005 , who is responsible mass exodus of UNP MPs and its supporters , is not he responsible for the draconian 18 th amendment , is not he responsible for Gen Fonseka’s unfortunate fate , did not he support CJ Shirani B’s illegal removal ? in fact RW as the opposition leader has been helping MR ever since that day light robbery of 2005 Presidential election , don’t think every body is believing the cheap gossip which regime itself creating for mass consumption , RW was a visionary and a statesman , not any more !RW will not let go his official opposition leadership position under any circumstances, mark my word !

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    Cant imagine this idiot even WENT to LSE.

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    Sajith as usual has proved that he has no personal viewpoint on any given subject! He reminds me of the failed JVP’ers, who simply object against anything and everything. Go home Sajith, the UNP can go to much greater heights without you and your monks!

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    If Mr. Sajith Premadasa is only listening to His Sangha, he is not fit to be the leader of the party. It is better to appoint the Sangha whom he is depending instead of Sajith Premadasa to lead the party and the country. So, you can just imagine what will be the future of the country if he gets the leadership.

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    I have studied that there are two main denominations in Buddhism, one is Hinayana or Theravada and the other is Mahayana. But, here in Sri Lanka people and Buddhist monks say Sinhala Buddhism. What it means ? Is there any third denomination in Buddhism called Sinhala Buddhism which Lord Buddha curved out for a race that was not born during Lord Buddha’s time?
    Can any experts on Buddhism explain, please?

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      Let’s be clear; NGOs, evangelist, separatists and anti Buddhists had fashioned the phrase ‘Sinhala Buddhism’ to degrade Buddhism and Sinhala people.

      Tripitaka consist of Sutta Pitaka, Vinaya Pitaka and Abidhamma Pitaka and every Buddhist monk read them at least once in his lifetime. But one will not find the word ‘Sinhala’ anywhere in the entire tripitaka of 57 books. If so, how can there be a religion called ‘Sinhala Buddhism’. Sinhala is the adjective of ‘Sinhala Buddhist’ not ‘Sinhala Buddhism’.

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        “Let’s be clear; NGOs, evangelist, separatists”

        Go sit on a box of razor blades you Biscuit Boofer.

        It’s Southern Sinhala Buddhist Paedophile with the suffix and prefix.

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    Hats off to UNP for keeping the party secular though not united and anti-national presently. UPFA is “secular” with so many communal, fundamentalist and socialist parties and a party covering its nakedness with a loin cloth with the brand name “National Freedom”.

    Sajith P may have thought that white paint on Stupas would turn green when the time comes but the formula of paints used did not have such properties. Instead the paint started showing shades of saffron and the ExCo of the UNP has decided that the party colour should remain green.

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    Sajith what you want ? leadership of U.N.P.? work together. your father have good and bad side. he did good for the country and very bad to the party. he destroy the party by kick off Lalith, Gamini and others from the party. that time Ranil back your father. now Ranil doing the same thing to you what your father did to Lalith and Gamini.

  • 0

    Now UNP too is run by the monks.

    Now they will start winning elections! :)

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