Following the expose on the loot machinery of the Ministry of Health which includes the brother of Rajitha Senarante, Minister of Health and Dr. Rukshan Bellana, quasi Acting Deputy Director of National Blood Transfusion services (NBTS), the harassment and intimidation of medical officers continues at NBTS, Colombo Telegraph learns.
Colombo Telegraph exposed the attempt by Bellana to procure a NGS machine which is not a current priority to NBTS against the recommendation of technical experts in cohorts with the brother of the minister and Thilak Manamperi, the favoured business associate of Rajitha Senaratne. Premium International is the local agent for the NGS machine in Sri Lanka.
In the audio clip below, Bellana, the quasi administrator of NBTS claims that the brother of the minister is involved in the procurement process. He reveals that the minister’s brother has come to discuss the procurement of NGS machine and that he has summoned Jayasekera (possibly an officer of NBTS) and briefed him about the minister’s interest. He further claims that the Director General Health Services (Dr. Anil Jasinghe-Ed), Beneragama (Dr. Hemantha Beneragama-DDG -Laboratory services-Ed), Chandragupta (Janaka Chandragupta- Additional Secretary, Devolopment-Ed) have briefed him on the interest of the minister’s bother to purchase the NGS machine.
Bellana, who is occupying a top administrative post in the NTBS is a formerly interdicted officer whose current position is not sanctioned by the Public Service Commission. Janaka Sugathadasa, Secretary to the Ministry of Health, famed for his unique brand of Sugathadasa Slumber in administrating the Ministry the way Rajitha Senaratne wishes, continues to turn a blind eye to this stark violation.
Bellana, prior to the exposure by Colombo Telegraph, admitted to corruption and administrative manipulations done by himself having the “backing and the sanction of the Minister of Health, Secretary and the Director General of Health Services, Ministry of Health” (Listen to the audio clip below). It is reported to Colombo Telegraph that whenever he is challenged, Bellana is in the habit of delivering similar veiled threats, referring to the ‘power’ he derives from Rajitha Senaratne and the top administration of the Ministry.
Further to the initial expose of Colombo Telegraph, facts are now revealed about the ways in which Bellana has been a lobbyist and ‘an agent’ within the system in his attempt to obtain a whopping 73 million rupee service and maintenance agreement to Premium International from whom over 280 refrigerators and freezers have been purchased without a service and maintenance agreement under the Peripheral Blood Bank Project. Having purchased the above without maintenance agreement in the first place, Bellana has sought permission to enter in to a service and maintenance agreement stating policy necessity.
Resistant and courageous TEC report
The Technical Evaluation Committee (TEC) appointed to evaluate the “Comprehensive Service and Maintenance Agreement for the Kirsch refrigerators (supplied by Premium International-Ed) and freezers supplied under the Peripheral Blood Bank Project” has issued a courageous and a resistant TEC report standing up to the coercion of Bellana and the Senaratne loot machinery, categorically stating the following, depicted by the documents below (emphasis-Ed):
1. At the initial procurement, no service and maintenance agreement has been entered in to.
2. Hence there is no point of reference to justify spending 73 million rupees on service and maintenance.
3. Since the procurement of the refrigerators and freezers from Premium International an unprecedented number of breakdowns and technical failures, not reported in the history of NTBS have been reported.
4. When failures are reported to Premium International they claim unavailability of spare parts and go through lengthy process of call for tender for spare parts to carry out repairs. These delays result in compromised quality of blood and blood products endangering the lives of patients.
5. In 2017 Premium International has only quoted for labor charges in their bid. In 2018 they have quoted for labour and spare parts. In this conversion significant mark ups were quoted but the after sales services have been dangerously lacking.
6. The Procurement Committee is strongly warned by the TEC to obtain a clarified Service Agreement with meticulous breakdowns due to the illusive and unacceptable nature of the agreement presented.
Hundred percent defective sample of refrigerators by Premium International
The Technical Evaluation Committee has made submission in its annexed document a synopsis of the status of freezers procured and maintained by Premium International across the Blood Banks in the island. In a sample of 24 freezers depicted blow 100% of the freezers are defective compromising the quality and safety of Blood and Blood Products all across the island. In turn the defective storage conditions of these biological products and reagents can compromise the life of critically ill patients leading to treatment failure, sepsis, allergic reactions and sudden death. It is amazing that the Ministry of Health should even consider spending 73 million rupees to Premium International annually to get more of the same. The Senaratne- Bellana- Manamperi- Rumi” Loot Quadroika continues to sap public monies through the loot machinery custom made for them, supported by the administrative impotence of Secretary Ministry of Health, Janaka Sugathadasa .
It is reported that following this TEC report Bellana verbally abused the members of the TEC and ventured in to a lone effort to irregularly obtain the approval for this agreement.
Deputy Director General (Laboratory Services)’s clear instructions
Bellana on 06.03.2018 has written a letter, produced below, seeking permission from Deputy Director General Laboratory Services to enter in to the said whopping 73 million rupee service and maintenance agreement, hiding full facts from the DDG (LS).
The DDG (LS) has documented clearly, giving strict instructions not to venture in to new purchases of machines in a background of underutilization of machines in the following manner:
“It is very important to sign these agreements for preventive maintenance and fast repair in case of a breakdown. You can get in to an agreement with the respective supplier (the rate should have been given at the time of purchase for at least five (05) years). In case you need allocation of funds you may contact DDG (LS). Also please make sure that the equipment available are not under-utilized. I understand that it has happened in the past. If the service requirement is present you must make maximum use of the existing equipment rather than purchasing new equipment. I understand that this has happened in the past”. Signed .DDG (LS). (Emphasis by Ed).
It is reported to Colombo Telegraph that in the aftermath of this saga the medical officer coordinating the Netherland’s Project at the NBTS has been transferred from that position by Bellana after verbally abusing the doctor.
The Medical Officers of the NBTS are expected to make representation to the Public Service Commission about the illegal appointment of Bellana to his current post in the NBTS as a politico-financial transaction between Rajitha Senaratne and Bellana where the latter supports the loot machinery of Senaratne’s acolytes and the brother. In exchange, a miraculous and illegal pardon to Bellana for defaming Maithripala Sirisena, Presidential Candidate and Chathura Senaratne , son of Rajitha Senaratne during the Presidential Election of 2015 has been mediated by Rajitha Senaratne. The track of Yahapalana government remains tainted with repetitive transactionary appointments, nepotism and administrative inaction in the face of gross violations of law.
Related story:
Don Stanley / June 25, 2018
The Netherlands Govt. and embassy that is funding this scam by Rajitha S, the foul mouth,and providing Fake development loans to MOH, should ask for a full inquiry into this, in line with Aid transparency and accountability in the UN Aid effectiveness agenda, the UN Paris Declaration on Aid effectiveness and Accra Protocol.
enough of fake foreign aid in an era of fake aid and post-facts, Aid loans are a local-global Corruption racket and root cause of Lanka’s post-war debt trap.
hancho pancha / June 25, 2018
Mr. Stanley, you are spot on.
There is hypocrisy all around. All of the so called donors are exploiting the corrupt officials and politicians only to fatten themselves. IMF, ADB etc,etc are no exemption.
They are not dumb. They are only too familiar with what is going on.
Dinuk / June 25, 2018
1. US and UK govts.. promised to send anti-corruption experts to investigate and track down those Sri Lankans named in Panama Papers. Where are the Fake Xperts from UK and US to help Central Bank of Lanka!
2. IMF and Millennium Challenge Corporation in Washington advised Bondscam Ranil on how to loot the Central Bank and are selling overpriced General electric Corp train engines for billions while General elecritic is going bankrupt in US!.
Washington deep stat also brokered the Avant Guard bipartisan UNP-SLFP scam, but IMF Blames China for the Greek and SL debt trap!
Don Stanley / June 25, 2018
HP: Right on!
Corruption has a supply side, as well as. a demand side.
Simed International B. V. named in this letter, is a leading Importer & Supplier of Medical equipment in Utrecht, Netherlands.
This company will be the biggest beneficiary of this Fake Aid/loan of 1 million USD from Netherlands Govt. to Rajitha and his corrupt cronies network in MOH.
This is both a Netherlands Govt. and SL Govt. local operation to advance corporate profits and global 1 percent. Netherlands is also a haven for Tax dodgers, and living on its colonial past in Asian and African post-colonies.
hancho pancha / June 26, 2018
We need to recall the song and dance of David Cameron during the CHOGM meeting held in Colombo and his anti corruption Band Wagon.
It is this kind of hypocrisy and cheap sell that the poor countries are sent further down spiraling towards poverty.
Leonard / June 26, 2018
UN & Accountability ? ( UN has written in to its new charter to completely ban and expunge Accountably and to be replace with more noble cause of corruption and added two of their popular cause looting and taking bribes.)
I would rather believe railway tracks cross each other but the train will not derailed and will carry on.
What interesting is now to read comments from MR. Clean supporters this is perfectly ok because pervious crooked administration with MS did the same things to fatten them self up like greedy hogs.
Nimal / June 25, 2018
Is the minister going to resign over this?
hancho pancha / June 25, 2018
Mr. Nimal. You must be joking. They are all daylight robbers. That is their expertise.
shankar / June 25, 2018
bond scam,now bellana scam.When will this end?The biggest problem that sri lanka faces is the relatives of the ministers who would have no qualifications and try to make a buck.Jail them.
Diogenes / June 25, 2018
BLOODY BLOOD SUCKERS! Original Lion Brand Buddhist Blood ! Cheers! Here`s to the health of blood! And Here`s to the blood of health. When your blood is healthy, your health will be Bloody.! And here`s to the Bloody Good Health!
Jim softy / June 25, 2018
A dental Technician Calling himself a a Dr, Appointing his family to the ministry. all the high postions are held by the family. HE di dnot ant to report to the FCID because of his high connnection of Ranil. It looks like typica Sri lankan govt. Whether it is Palhoru#1 or Palhoru #3.
Jim softy / June 25, 2018
Rajitha Senarathen will hiere Family dog and the chiahua poodle as Ministry security.
Tamil from the north / June 25, 2018
Jimba, when are you going to stop murdering the English language?
Jim softy / June 25, 2018
This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy
Dave Labrooy / June 25, 2018
Thilak Manamperi mentioned in the article is frontman for Access Group through Foresight Engineering.He supplied the infamous weather radar now lying disabled at Deniyaya
K.Pillai / June 25, 2018
Last week we were shown the tip of the SriLankan Airlines iceberg. Now this. More to come?
Suppose we define ‘honest’ as absence of mega-dishonesty.
We have run out of ‘honest’ persons.
How and why did this happen?
K A Sumanasekera / June 26, 2018
UNP supporters like Kirra and Family were in a severe drought for two decades,
So I can understand them harvesting now.
But this Minister was harvesting bigger crops even during the UNP drought..
Manju / June 26, 2018
Russian Breast cancer Drug Herticad similar scam by minister with aid of corrupt officials at SPC and Ministry including a specialist..
Poor breast cancer patients have no proper medicine. Silent killers!
Jim softy / June 26, 2018
Rajitha Senarathne got a fleet of fishing vessels from the last govt.
Rabok / July 2, 2018
If he had earned all these money by practicing as a Dental techi. then nobody in this country should have teeth in their mouth
K.Pillai / June 26, 2018
For every exposé there are probably several unexposed.
We have to get used to common-Dishonesty (under thousand rupees), kilo-Dishonesty (dealing with thousands of rupees), mega-Dishonesty (Millions of rupees), giga-Dishonesty (billions of rupees). The next is tera
Raj / June 26, 2018
SL is the land of opportunity for those with the right connections & no morality. For these people with thick hides & no shame, overnight billionaire status (at the expense of suffering masses) is a reality. I am sure they can sleep soundly at nights without the aid of sleeping pills, or even ‘Horlicks’ & the worrying thing is, theses parasites are everywhere. I suppose the gravy train will have to dry up one day but by then, SL would have bled to death.
US / June 29, 2018
Jayasekara, senior consultant of NBTS at NBC
Kalum / June 30, 2018
Colombo Telegraph
You have failed to achieve an outcome from all your hard work. All parties you have implicated including the party who says that he will engage in any activity corrupt or not so long as he has the backing are scot free enjoyin themselves.
It would be a good idea that you hand all your research and evidence to the Sinhala media and other local media agencies to further probe into this. Otherwise all your hard work is down the drain so to speak.
I still congratulate and salute you for exposing this corruption to a few who have the privilege of read and accessing English Media in Sri Lanka.