8 September, 2024


“I Killed Them, I Killed Them”: Ex-US War Crimes Ambassador Says Gota Told Him About Surrendering LTTE Leaders

Former US Ambassador at Large for War Crimes and Global Criminal Justice Stephen Rapp recalled during a webinar on Friday (12) that then Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa had admitted to killing LTTE leaders after they surrendered to the military in 2009 instead of putting them on trial.

Speaking at an online panel discussion on Justice and rule of law Rapp said he remembered a conversation with the former Defence Secretary and now President Gotabaya Rajapaksa regarding LTTE leaders who surrendered to the army. Rapp said the government “hated the LTTE”.

“I remember raising this issue with defence secretary Gotabaya, now President Rajapaksa when I was there,” Rapp said at the webinar.

“I remember the defence secretary saying, “Oh, trials, trials, you know they go on so long and people get off”. And then he said, “I killed them, I killed them, I killed them”, Rapp recalled.

The former US Ambassador was responding to a question about why the LTTE was being held accountable by the UN and international community for atrocities committed during the war with the same vigor as the Sri Lankan military. Rapp noted that one way to have made the Tigers accountable for violations would have been to arrest leaders of the separatist movement and put them on trial. Rapp added: “Of course, recalling, that many of the individuals (in the LTTE) that could have been charged were in fact, according to credible evidence, killed after surrender. The numbers are around 360 that were given out”.

The Webinar was organised by the Global Tamil Forum, the Canadian Tamil Congress, Sri Lanka Campaign for Peace and Justice and the Centre for Human Rights and Global Justice at the New York University. The panel was moderated by Sri Lanka Campaign’s Melissa Dring and also featured former UN Assistant Secretary General Charles Petrie, former UN Special Rapporteur on Transitional Justice Pablo de Greiff, TNA MP M.A. Sumanthiran, former commissioner for the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka Ambika Sathkunanathan, activist Shreen Saroor and Muslim Congress International Affairs Director Ameer Faaiz.

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  • 18

    What are the facts about these so-called “leaders?” Until the very end of the war, they held Tamil civilians hostage. LTTE cadres hid among the civilians, firing mortars, missiles, and artillery. When the SLA retaliated, there would be civilian casualties. Prabhakaran was trying to maximize the casualty count in order to pressure the IC to force a ceasefire from GOSL. The bottom line is that the LTTE leadership had months to surrender, but chose to continue fighting, despite knowing the war was lost. This leadership intentionally created a humanitarian disaster in order to embarrass GOSL and buy time through a ceasefire. That is the game VP played many times. However, Mahinda did not take the bait.

    • 22

      If the above is true why are the Tamils in the North and East still devoted to the LTTE even after they have perished?

      • 16

        There are still Germans who are devoted to the Nazis even though the Nazis perished in 1945. What is your logic here? The LTTE is dissolved, permanently. Gothabaya was clever to execute the leadership on the spot, otherwise people like you will continue to propagate a dangerous ideology.

    • 21

      The duty of the state to protect the civilians is much higher than a terrorist organization’s duty. SL army should have surrounded and not attacked and laid on siege to protect the civilians held by LTTE. Over a period of time this would have resolved the issue peacefully with the surrender of LTTE as they were cordoned off in a limited area. The Govt did not do it.

      We have seen Gotabaya’s video where he openly told a foreign TV that he will hang the former Army commander if he goes to UN to give evidence against SL Army. If Gotabaya could have openly made such a statement what is there to say that he did not make the statement I killed them?

  • 31

    How can we call Sri Lanka a Buddist country when they kill surrendered fighters with white flags This totally against Geneva convention Action should have been taken a long time ago. What is the point of Gota carrying Lotus flowers and praying in front of the Buddha statue? Lord Buddha never promoted killing people. All these are for media publicity. Being a Buddhist Gota should know the effect of KARNS There will be retribution during the time to come, The tears of the families who lost their beloved ones wiil be a curse on him and his family.

    • 11

      It is true that Buddha did not promote killing people. But what did you expect Sinhala Buddhists to do when Hindu and Christian Tamils went on slaughtering Sinhalayo using suicide bombers, claymore bombs, multi-barrel guns and chemical weapons; sit down and say ‘Panathipatha weramanee sikkapadam samadiyami’?
      Do Hinduism and Christianity promote killing people?
      “Lord Buddha never promoted killing people.”

      • 4

        Christian bible in book of Exodus 20,13 says “You shall not murder”

        • 5

          Davidtheass, have you even read the Bible? In the old testament God kills millions of people in the most ghastly way. http://skepticsannotatedbible.com/

          • 7

            That is mass killing, not murder.
            Why do you expect God to practice what he preached? After all, he is BOSS.

          • 2

            Buddhist five precepts include one ” panathipathaweeramani meaning swear not to kill any living beings” and this is repeated by any so called sinhala buddhist both lay and Sanga even everyday while prayers. Paradxially they are up to is go on murdering. Was/is that not reality behind Gota-Mara politics ? Be honest to ur heart!!!!😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉
            People kill millions but the name of unknown god ?????

        • 2

          Buddhist five precepts include one ” panathipathaweeramani meaning swear not to kill any living beings” and this is repeated by any so called sinhala buddhist both lay and Sanga even everyday while prayers. Paradxially they are up to is go on murdering. Was/is that not reality behind Gota-Mara politics ? Be honest to ur heart!!!!😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉

      • 4

        The Buddhists don’t kill but the Sinhalese do, irrespective of their religious believes. Perhaps, more so by those who’ call themselves’ Buddhists.

    • 9

      The tears of the families will be a curse on Tamils who supported Terrorism and funded them for 30 years. If not for Mr Gotabhaya Rajapaksa we will be still suffering because of the bloody LTTE.

      • 5

        It is not Gothabyaya, credit goes to the Indians. And now the are paying for it…

    • 12

      First of all, Gotabhaya is not a Buddhist. If he is a Buddhist, he should have known that, in Buddhism, trees are regarded as “living beings” and elephants are regarded as “Bosathun”. Within a short span of one year in office, he has “massacred” tens of thousands of “living beings” in the country bringing too much pain, sorrow and grief to Sinhalese Buddhists. The “ritualistic killing of seven pregnant tuskers” days prior to the Presidential Election is “still a mystery”. Moreover, during his visits to villages to “distribute Kevum to Sinhalese people,” he has instructed officials to allocate lands, which act as “Elephant passes,” to villagers without any concern about lives of both, elephants and humans. Sadly, Sri Lanka is the number one country for elephant killings.
      Second, the so called “Geneva Convention Action” should have been taken a long time ago “against terrorists”.
      True, Lord Buddha never promoted killing people. That is why there were no “Sinhalese Buddhist terrorists”.
      While crying for terrorists who lost lives in their bloody thirst to kill others, you must remember that Buddhists or no Buddhists, every person has a right to life and that terrorists have no right to kill people.

  • 10

    RETRIBUTION is the answer to GOTS’s act if he is Buddhist. Some call it KARMA

    • 3

      He/Gota is not Buddhist but the outer cover of medamulana chinthanaya is sinhala buddhism. THAT Is their vehicle. It is entwined to Rajapakse politics knowing people are even stupier than appeared to be. Nothing like this was noticed in previous govt until Sirisena was kidnapped by MaRa for his survival. 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎

  • 5

    A certain politician has claimed to a media that not just BJP any Indian political party can establish in Sri Lanka and also confirms if the people votes for them “they can govern too”
    Unlike Min.Gamampilla who clearly stated patriots will never allow it.
    While this man is tellunf

    • 5

      A certain politician has claimed to a media that not just BJP any Indian political party can establish in Sri Lanka and also confirms if the people votes for them “they can govern too”
      Unlike Min.Gamampilla who clearly stated patriots will never allow it.
      While this man is tell

  • 6

    He is telling us indirectly they may be voted in and which might only endup.sending
    Tamil Politicians home.
    The parliament must pass a law to make sure no foreign affiliated political parties will be allowed to establish their arm here , not even through a dual citizenship.
    Next we will.have a ISIL proxy establishing and LTTE will be represented by BJP and we will end up as Somalia war field of war lords..
    Why are notorious politicians of this nature of irresponsibility allowed to.continue making such speeches and openly becoming proxies of BJP ?
    If Sri Lankan are not angry over the remark of the threat made by BJPit means there must be something wrong with you

  • 6

    This is getting ridiculous. If this is true then why did he wait soooo long to tell all of this ? Was he asleep all these years ? He’s a liar and a very bad one at that too. Hopefully he gets paid to spew these garbage.

  • 6

    Reply to “old codger” on page-1.
    Champa oh Champa,
    ” until the LTTE massacred hundreds of thousands of civilians for nearly 34 years.”
    Shall we stick to facts? The government’s own stats put the number of Sinhala civilians killed at around 3000.” Unquote.
    Oh, I meant “people”. The number IS CORRECT. It should read as “until the LTTE massacred hundreds of thousand of people for nearly 34 years.”
    I got this specific number from “Reuters” and “The Guardian”.
    On November 8, 2006, Simon Gardiner of “Reuters” reported that “Well over 65,000 people have been killed in the conflict since 1983”.
    I invite you to note the year, which is “2006” and the time frame, which is “since 1983”.
    On 3 February, 2009, “The Guardian” reported that “The rebels have fought since 1983 for a separate homeland (). More than 70,000 people have been killed since 1983”.
    Again “since 1983″ and the date of this report is ” 3February, 2009″.
    They both have failed to “add” the number of people killed by rebels prior to 1983. They have missed one whole decade. How many more people have been killed in the missing decade? Clearly, the estimated number of people killed by the LTTE for 3 decades should be in the range of 150,000 – 200,000.

    • 8


      I already mentioned about your number knowledge and skills in fabricating numbers to suit your Buddhist Sinhala genocidal murder.
      “About 70,000 people have been killed in the conflict between Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, fighting for a separate state for minority ethnic Tamils, and security forces since 1983.”
      Who made the estimate of 150000 -200000? You mean 200000 Buddhist Sinhala military were killed by LTTE? Probably you are talking about number of Sinhalese killed by both JVP and Sinhala military in 1989/90.
      Can you give a government source that gives the number of people killed by LTTE and how many people killed by Buddhist Sinhala military since 1958?

      • 4

        What is there to fabricate? I clearly mentioned who were my sources.
        It is you who fabricated the paragraph indicated in inverted commas.
        Read the last para of my above comment and see how the estimated number of people killed by the LTTE was calculated.

        • 5

          I couldn’t find anywhere in your comment the source for your estimate.
          This is what is in your last para. Can you show the source?

          They both have failed to “add” the number of people killed by rebels prior to 1983. They have missed one whole decade. How many more people have been killed in the missing decade? Clearly, the estimated number of people killed by the LTTE for 3 decades should be in the range of 150,000 – 200,000.

    • 9


      Here we go again.
      Did you know Sri Lankan Army, Air force, Navy, STF, Home Guards, Dead Squads, …. actively stuck to ” “zero civilian casualty policy”.
      According to Mahinda’s spin doctors the armed forces fought
      with one hand tied behind,
      carried the human rights charter in the other,
      and carried the firearm in another.
      Come to think of it, it was special forces units with 3 hand per person which fought and won the war.

      According to my Elders the Guardian also reported that by 1987 65,000 civilians had been killed by the armed forces.

      • 4

        We salute the Sri Lanka tri forces including the valiant special forces for liberating Sri Lanka from the LTTE scourge.

        A fitting reply will be given to Native and Foreign scumbags who cannot digest the fact that the LTTE is done and dusted.

      • 1

        Native Vedda, Your Elders, and Guardians are Native Veddas and having 3 hands

    • 5

      I don’t think I need to comment on your mathematics or logic skills. Ajith has said it.

      • 5

        Old codger,
        You dont have to be a rocket scientist to undestand that the atrocities commited by the LTTE is far greater than all the human rights violations put together from Vijaya Kuveni time 2500 years ago.

        Although you Tamil scumbags can give money to western politicians and lobby the UN to do your bidding we the Sri Lankan public will never ever allow Terrorists and enimies of the nation to create hell on earth in our beautiful Island.

        • 4

          “can give money to western politicians and lobby the UN to do your bidding we the Sri Lankan public will never ever allow Terrorists and enimies “
          I suppose you were born yesterday and can’t remember that Mahinda was doing just that for the JVP in Geneva in 1990. All you racists are illiterate.

          • 3

            All you racists are illiterate.
            That’s why the Tamils keep winning.

  • 7

    where ever in this world, when there is STATE [majoritaian] OPPRESSION/Terrorism is used against the minorities will result in uprising. There was uprising of black South Africans[ANC] against ‘white’ rule; Blacks in USA ; Rohinga in Myanmar; Tamils in SL; Catholics in Northern Island [IRA]. In a civilised country, the Government do not INDISCRIMINATELY kill it’s own citizens. If so they can NOT escape by saying their SOVERIGNITY. Time to stop running a racist country –> be civilised ; HAVE FREEDOM OF JUDICIARY/MEDIA

  • 6

    he opposition is not an alternative anytime soon
    Simple facts .
    SP is to much of a Shadow of RW , if people can not see this through, they are blind.
    SP was never a leader,Gentlemen are made , yes I agree , so may be SP too , but Political leaders are born.
    Just assess his appointment of office bearers of positions ,
    Utterly unsecured like his guru RW , does not want anyone in important positions , who may challenge him or become a threat.
    He has placed yes men , just like RW did for so long.
    He and his party will have the same fate as RW and the bankrupt party.
    You can not lead if you fear challenges and not able to accept members who will question you.
    I do agree ; The present government unfortunately again has rotten tomatoes among the coalition, and it is going to face some hard times in the future.
    It was a blunder to form an alliance with a majority of one Ethnic in a multi ethnic nation.
    It could lead to treason by some members and even blackmail for demands.
    You must have at least a 35 % of mixed minority representatives in your party , another reason why JVP with all their socialist ideology AND sincerity can not achieve numbers because JVP has always remained a Single ethnic political party.

  • 4

    I Suspect a certain a certain violent Indian religious organization in Sri Lanka has already done the ground work for BJP.
    It’s time for folks older than 50..among none Indian roots to request the Army to consider to recruit them and train them and form a special volunteer force to lay their life to prevent any foreign Religous extremist and racists ,Threats of they have to, we can.not sacrifice our youth .
    So our Future generations may have a nation.
    The Indian rooted citizens, mps and Tamil mps have avoided to CONDEMN the BJP’S THREAT.
    There is no excuse to avoid the demand for an explanation by the goal purely based on.political relations

    We must have an explanation..

  • 1

    Dear Folks

    UN scope explained.

    Pakistan – Prime Minister Addresses General Debate, 74th


    One Year In: A Conversation with Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan


  • 3

    While appreciating Min.Udaya Gamampille’s assurance with regard to BJP’S open threat towards the soverignity of Sri Lanka, The Election Commissioner’s explanation is deeply disturbing and the threat seems greater,because local traitors can act as proxy and subterfuge a strategic to enter parliament and can cause undue damage.
    This is one reason the government needs to get the athourities to demand religions that has roots and new religious creeds of extremism and evidence of violence, not just Islamist terrorists or extremists to produce in writing their creed and ideology.
    BJP is a notorious religious organization along with Siva sena to be violent and investigation is needed urgently under PTA of young people who have gone through training by Siva Sena who openly admitted in the Media.
    There is a huge threat hanging around our necks from multiple religious extremists not just Islamists but hidden proxies of other religions too.
    The government must use their parliament 2/3 and ammend the constitution banning political parties od religious, racial and affliation with any foreign political
    Parties, the prevailing communist local parties are no threat and are more localised and patriotic.

  • 4

    Dear CT readers,
    We lost one our best doctor, who dedicated his retired years helping the poor .
    Doctor Sheriffdeen passed away due to Corvid 19.

    • 3

      I was too upset after receiving the message , generally I also do a fact check.
      But for a minute I never ever suspected there are such evil people in Sri Lanka.
      I deeply regret for my negligence, I beg forgiveness from.dearest Doctor Sheriffdeen and the entire family.
      May God almighty bless you with longer life and best of health .

      • 0

        @Lanka Netizen
        I am so sorry to learn of the demise of the excellent doctor Sheriffdeen. I wonder who his patients will turn to now.

        I have finally responded to yr earlier posts on the first page. Roik me some time to master the new system. — Mf

  • 10

    The video clip is a mere 58 seconds, where Rapp says that about the killings. It would have been better to watch the whole or significant parts of the webinar organised by the World Tamil Congress etc. The US war crimes ambassador Rapp should perhaps refer to all these atrocities in their proper context, using Guantanamo Bay, Bagram and many other rendition venues where torture, denigration, urinating on Quarans, making male suspects be subjected to humiliation by female officers, arbitrary killings were galore. Fallujah alone in Iraq suffered enormous civilian casualties that are now hardly discussed in any forum. A million innocent Iraqis died as a result of US war crimes on a totally fabricated war looking for non-existing weapons of mass destruction while the US/UK allies used white phosphorus and depleted uranium tipped bombs that still result in atrocious birth defects and massive scale suffering. All wars are horrible, and I believe the SL war also had many atrocities committed on both sides. Compared to US generals who killed with impunity, our puny leaders in SL are like peanuts..

  • 5

    LP and other Like minded Sri Lankan citizens —>
    Just because USA or UK had committed crimes against HUMANITY it does not allow or RIGHT for Sinhala Buddhists to TORTURE,Rape, and kill the minorities and to deprive them of their lands/livelihoods/Culture etc etc.
    SBFundamentalists need to be civilised and practice Peace and harmony as prescribed by Lord Buddha

  • 1

    The Presidents office has taken the unusual step to refute the claim that Gota (when he was not the President) exlcaimed

    ““Oh, trials, trials, you know they go on so long and people get off”. And then he said, “I killed them, I killed them, I killed them”, Rapp recalled.””

    But they did not make any comment on whether Goat actually did order the killing of the surrendering leaders of LTTE.

    • 0


      I am deaf so cannot hear what Stephen Rapp said. I emailed a Sri Lankan acquaintance who was on the panel to know if anyone asked Rapp why he kept silent dor so long. She hasnt responded yet.

      But having seen & “heard” his TV interview with a British broadcaster, some years ago, I dont believe that he wd have any qualms about a shocking “confession” (boast?) of this nature. Perhaps other CT readers heard him shout “I’ll hang him! I’ll hang him!”, referring to Sarath Fonseka (no relation) that day. What does that say about him, such lack of self-awareness or moral values?

      My apologies if anyone above has already cited this. I tend to skim now as I do everything on my mobile , so I miss things.
      Manel Fonseka

    • 0

      Sorry, Rajash, I called you Rakesh by accident.

  • 0

    spoke to his nephew just now. Prof. Sheriffdeen is well and recovering. he wishes to thank all those who have wished and prayed for his recovery. He did not have to go into the ICU.

    • 0

      Oh, that’s good news, pakisB — Mf

  • 0

    The story of LTTE and GOSL has to come to a closure. To talk of whom to blame is futile now. But it is important to sort out the lives of those who had been affected by this terrible war. Both governments have failed here.
    Regarding accountability and punishment I can’t think of one single country who will have the moral right to call for it. Their hands are soaked in blood much more than our guys. The UN is a stooge of the wealthy nations. So from where could we expect justice. But having said that our leaders in SL have a responsibility to fix this problem and never allow it to happen. This means treat all its citizens as equal to start with. Stop pandering to the majority. The more we stall the more opportunities given for the problems to fester. the present leaders owe this to the next generations. We should learn from History.

  • 0

    Dear Mallaiyuran — I have finally responded to yr posts on the previous page. — Mf

    • 1

      “I cannot agree that Palestinians have an easier time “
      Hi Manel,

      If you see the international situation of Israel and Lankawe in the world arena, now, you would not agree even with you for disagreeing with the world. So, update yourself with some news, please.
      Senator Nadesan… Rajani, Ranjan …… those who opposed Tamils’ course are the one appearing as the people need to be rescued to save the Tamils? I don’t want to stray here but instead of saving Rajani or Nadesan, please write another book on the 45 Tamil Journalists killed by Chitanta Government. If you don’t like Tamils, please write about Mary Colvin, who was allowed to go Wani and shelled by Rapist Army. Did you work with Radhika, the Lankawe most famous social activist in Friday Falsedom? So many anti-Tamil activities will have clean look of humanitarian activism & Patriotism. Even Aanduwa did a Zero Casualty Humanitarian Rescue Mission.

      • 1

        Oh, dear, I really cant understand what you are saying, Mallaiyuran?

        Can you please tell someone else what you mean in yr first paragraph about the international situation, & ask them to translate in into comprehensible English for me.

        And why on earth do you think I don’t like the Tamils?

        No, I am not in Friday Forum but I disagree with your attitude to them.

        Perhaps you should take care to distinguish between friends & enemies — & not unnecessarily alienate people who dont yet fall into the latter category.

        • 0

          “Can you please tell someone else what you mean in yr first paragraph about the international situation, & ask them to translate in into comprehensible English for me. “
          If you cannot understand English, why can’t you find a hateful Colombo Sinhala Media. Just don’t play games to hide your biased mind underneath my English, the usual Sinhala Buddhist explanation of “Why Lankawe doing Tamil Genocide is because America doing genocide in ME”.
          If you don’t like one or two Sinhala Buddhists in Slap Party, do you insist you are a friend of Tamils. What about your friendship with Tamils’ enemy Tamils?
          Come out honestly clean?

          • 0

            Stopping italics

    • 1

      The play for the kitty is life pain for the hungry mouse, searching for its own food. Remember, if its rain Farmer is happy; if it shines potter happy. It is quite normal one matter which appears to be lawful-right for one is death threat to another. Time to Tamils to go on their way and do their Humanitarian operation and you continue your so called Humanitarian operation.
      Thanks for the reply.
      Bye bye

  • 0

    It is no defence to claim that because countries like the UK, the USA killed enemy soldiers that SL has the same right.

    I am talking about those LTTE fighters who died in battle while fighting the SL forces.

    My concern is about the hundreds of LTTE cadres executed after they surrendered on 18th May 2009 at Vadduvakal. There are eyewitnesses, photographic/video evidence showing the bullet-ridden bodies lying on the ground. There were burnt marks all over their bodies indicating they were killed after being tortured. Here is the list of LTTE cadres, a few of them non-combatants, who surrendered to the 57th army division commanded by Savendra Silva. It is by no means a complete list.

  • 0

    (1) K.V. Balakumar and his son Sooriyatheepan
    (2) V. Ilankumaran (alias Baby Subramanian) Head of the Thamil Eelam Education Department. His wife Vettrichchelvi and daughter Arivumathy.
    (3) Yogaratnam Yogi in charge of ’Institute for Conflict Research’ in Vanni
    (4) Poet Puthuvai Ratnadurai, Coordinator of LTTE Arts and Cultural Department
    (5) K. Paappa, Coordinator LTTE Sports Department
    (6) Rajah (Chempiyan) Assistant Coordinator LTTE Sports Department and his 3 children
    (7) Ilanthirayan, LTTE Military spokesman
    (8) Veerathevan, Coordinator LTTE  Bank
    (9) S.Thangkan,  Political Wing Deputy Chief
    (10) Aruna, Thamil Eela Education Department
    (11) S. Naren, Asst. Executive Head of TRO
    (12) Kuddy, Head of the LTTE Transport Department
    (12) Piriyan, Head of Administrative Service Department and his family
    (13) V. Poovannan, Head of the Administrative Service Division of the LTTE
    (14) Thangaiah, Administrative Service Department
    (15) Malaravan, Administrative Service Department
    (16) Pakirathan, Administrative Service Department
    (17) Reha, Head of LTTE Medical Division
    (18) Selvarajah, Commander Manal Aru Head Quarters
    (19) Bhaskaran, Commander Manal Aru Head Quarters
    (20) Major Lawrance
    (21) Major Kumaran
    (22) Prabha, Batticaloa District Commander
    (24) Rupan, Coordinator of Supplies
    (25) Babu, Coordinator of Jewellery Business
    (26) Ilamparithy, Executive Head of Political Wing
    (27) Elilan, Head of Trincomalee Political Wing
    (28) Vijitharan, Executive Secretary, Political Wing
    (29) Major Veeman
    The above list is by no means complete.

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