22 January, 2025


“I Killed Them, I Killed Them”: Ex-US War Crimes Ambassador Says Gota Told Him About Surrendering LTTE Leaders

Former US Ambassador at Large for War Crimes and Global Criminal Justice Stephen Rapp recalled during a webinar on Friday (12) that then Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa had admitted to killing LTTE leaders after they surrendered to the military in 2009 instead of putting them on trial.

Speaking at an online panel discussion on Justice and rule of law Rapp said he remembered a conversation with the former Defence Secretary and now President Gotabaya Rajapaksa regarding LTTE leaders who surrendered to the army. Rapp said the government “hated the LTTE”.

“I remember raising this issue with defence secretary Gotabaya, now President Rajapaksa when I was there,” Rapp said at the webinar.

“I remember the defence secretary saying, “Oh, trials, trials, you know they go on so long and people get off”. And then he said, “I killed them, I killed them, I killed them”, Rapp recalled.

The former US Ambassador was responding to a question about why the LTTE was being held accountable by the UN and international community for atrocities committed during the war with the same vigor as the Sri Lankan military. Rapp noted that one way to have made the Tigers accountable for violations would have been to arrest leaders of the separatist movement and put them on trial. Rapp added: “Of course, recalling, that many of the individuals (in the LTTE) that could have been charged were in fact, according to credible evidence, killed after surrender. The numbers are around 360 that were given out”.

The Webinar was organised by the Global Tamil Forum, the Canadian Tamil Congress, Sri Lanka Campaign for Peace and Justice and the Centre for Human Rights and Global Justice at the New York University. The panel was moderated by Sri Lanka Campaign’s Melissa Dring and also featured former UN Assistant Secretary General Charles Petrie, former UN Special Rapporteur on Transitional Justice Pablo de Greiff, TNA MP M.A. Sumanthiran, former commissioner for the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka Ambika Sathkunanathan, activist Shreen Saroor and Muslim Congress International Affairs Director Ameer Faaiz.

Latest comments

  • 87

    Yes, it is well known fact that Gota gave orders to Kamal Gunaratne, Shavendra Silva and Jagath Dias to kill all the LTTE men and women. But why wait for 12 years to bring this out in the open. These killers should have been charged long ago. We also have mass murdering killers of the LTTE working for the Rajapaksas with the names Karuna and Pillayan roaming the streets of Colombo with STF protection. Then the sole illegal arms dealer for the LTTE KP Pathmanathan is also living happily in Colombo. Why don’t these guys round them all up including the Rajapaksas and try them on war crimes.

    • 38

      Tamil North,

      Would you like to add Adele Balasinham and other former LTTE supporters to this list as well

      • 30

        Yes, Ravi Perera,
        Add, add, add, man, as much as you want to.

        There were horrible people on both sides in the war. Especially among the supposed leaders.
        There are many moving accounts of incidents in this horrible war of ours. I can’t bear it any more.
        Let me go back to what I read as a teenager, almost sixty years ago. Familiarity makes it bearable – but for those meeting this for the first time, I think that it’ll be terrible.
        Read there by Andrew Motion. Only a bit of introduction, and then his voice. Below, a youtube version which adds the reader’s facial expression, and the subtitles.
        I know that we’re all old people here, but so many concerned about English for their kids. Why don’t they get then to listen to some of this?
        BTW, sometimes listening to Youtube can cost next to nothing with the packages that so many service providers are offering. Aerial signals are cheapest, but I prefer ADSL. Must attend to that in the morning.
        But see what I’ve found! A Tamil version! Sampled a minute, but I can understand nothing of it.

        • 14

          Hey man,

          “Add, add, add, man, as much as you want to”

          Exactly. If this government has signed the MCC agreement non of this would have happened.

          We were dealing with a ruthless terrorist organisation and had we put those who surrendered behind bars they would have become a huge headache all over the world. Do you honestly think the Americans would have put Osama Bin laden behind bars had they captured him.

          You sound very upset that these terrorists were slaughtered. I wonder why.
          Did you show the same sympathy to Rohana Wijeweera ?

          • 11

            RAVI PERERA,

            “We were dealing with a ruthless terrorist organisation.”

            That is your “ADO Sinhala Speaking Jury only Verdict”. That is why Royals are hiding in Ayatollahs’ Amude, instead of going to ICC and tell what you think. Ether will use like China using or they may, soon. Fix you. It is as simple as that; don’t dream of complicating it. Don’t be a desert Ostrich; everybody can watch you.

            • 3

              Among the terrorist groups in the world LTTE Tamil terrorists are the people who have carried out worst kinds of barbaric acts targeting unarmed civilians. I have presented these acts several times in this site. If you want I can provide that information again.
              When LTTE carried out such barbaric acts, you are the people who said ‘Hooray’ displaying your tribal mentality.

              • 9

                Well, LTTE killed less than 1,000 civilians in all 30 years of war. Specially, Sinhalese would not be even 500. Tell me about the JVP. In first round 3,000 Sinhalese and in the second round about 15,000 Sinhalese. Rapist army was suspected of killing 40-60 thousand youths in the first round. Second round 80-120 thousand youths. I challenge you, you let an international team to investigate just the Matara Hospital Murders and bring the result here. Manamperi’s murder was even worse than Isaipira’s murder. Vijeweera was thrown alive in the incinerator and Manamperi was buried alive without killing the armies raping her. I am not listing here Rapist Army’s murders here becuase . 1). All together it is more than 300,000 and all of them in Wikipedia. 2). Lising muders are pointless comparing other geneociades you did lie deporting 1 Million, sending as regugees another million,
                I agree you guys not terrorist because terrorist are still humans being, but you are wild births.

                • 2

                  What about your destruction of Tamils employments, education, by politicians. in pogroms by Sinhala Kaadies properties damages raping, looting, arson, demanding security payments…. Limitless !That is why I don’t come to list here what you did for Tamils. It has to be brought an end by Tamils going alone after the IC investigation. After investigation, International community will have legal right to send NATO, UN Peacekeepers and other ways to help Tamils to go alone.

          • 3

            yes you have a point there, just forget and forgive and let’s develop the country and from now on go after the wrong doers of any party. There were wrongs on both sides, should be blamed for the sorry situation. Lets look forward and rebuild the country and get rid of corruption and utter stupidity of our culture. Lets make another Singapore where our passports are accepted by the nations, our currency is easily convertible. While we are debating and accusing one another, the politicians running the country is robbing us. There’s so much to be done to get the country to an accepted standards. Let the expatriates who left the island, bring back all the good they have experienced in the developed world and put the country right.We owe this to the innocent left behind and who are at the mercy of the political scoundrals,which ever party they are from.

            • 1

              Noel ,

              ” Just forget and forgive and let’s develop the country….” Easier
              said than done . Shall we put that to practice by getting Ranjan
              Ramanayaka released ? He is a politician , an MP , a much loved
              artist and not a criminal or terrorist ! Noel , who can unleash the
              most terror , a man unlicensed or a man licensed ? A man in
              hiding or a man in the open ? You go on hunting animals and not
              humans and if you decide to call a man an animal to be hunted
              down then the world you live in has , the right to question your
              definition . The thief doesn’t have laws to follow in thieving , it is
              the police that is trained , has laws to follow in catching the thief !
              Very simple logic !

          • 2

            Hey Ravi Perehera, ruthless terrorists from the south were met by ruthless terrorist from the north. So, what is the problem here? Do you think from the day we gained independence the minorities were treated like humans by the scumbag racists from the south? Where were the northern terrorists when the racists from the south slaughtered the minorities in 1957/58/77? Who do you think started all this nonsense? When the minorities were being slaughtered in those years I mentioned, you were sitting there laughing your ass off until the terorrists from the north gave you a severe thrashing. If the LTTE was so bad, why did your master employ Karuna Amman and Pillayan who are mass murderers of the LTTE.KP Pathmanathan also works for the criminal Rajapaksa family in Colombo, do you know who he is?

        • 11

          You say :
          “Read there by Andrew Motion.”
          But then you would have heard of “Pearls before swine” too.

      • 6

        TNA too.

        • 7

          Wahhabi Fathima Fuckshimo,

          What is “TNA too”. After coming to tell, why are you hiding in “short and sweet”? TNA is not just terrorist, but Israeli Hitler Party. Don’t play your Jihady game with it and hurt yourself.

          • 2

            This is sick.

            • 2

              Your Cholera restarted?

      • 15


        “Would you like to add Adele Balasinham and other former LTTE supporters to this list as well”

        Sure, why not?
        When they take you to gallows how can you leave her behind?
        Please do take her with you.

      • 14

        I welcome your statement. It is good that you accept unlike other Buddhist Sinhala that the truth that is Gotabaya murdered the surrendered LTTE . If you prove Adele Balasingham and other LTTE supporters who murdered the surrendered soldiers then they should be added to the list.

        • 4


          “If you prove Adele Balasingham and other LTTE supporters who murdered the surrendered soldiers then they should be added to the list.”

          Adele balasingham is such an innoncent person who should be sent to heaven

        • 2

          “Gotabaya murdered the surrendered LTTE”
          Demalu in this site rely heavily on Gobble’s theory.

          11,872 LTTE cadres had surrendered. Instead of charging them Gotabhaya Rajapakshe rehabilitated them, trained them and guided them to self-employment. Gotabhaya did not charge them because they belonged to low caste (Dalits) Demala people who joined LTTE because of poverty.

          LTTE murdered 600 Policemen who surrendered by shooting one by one and hundreds of captured Army men and women .

          • 5

            Ado Eagle ‘complete mutt & ignorant imbecile’ Eye, the 600 surrendered cops were killed by none other than Mahinda Rajapaksa’s best friends;
            -Karuna Amman (main killer #1)
            -Pillayan (main killer #2)
            -Inniyabarathy (main killer #3)
            -KP Pathmanathan (the only illegal arms purchaser who supplied the weapons to kill all these cops)

            How come you never talk about them imbecile?

      • 4

        Yes, definitely, if charges can be proved against them.

        • 7


          “if charges can be proved against them.”

          Not necessarily, it appears our the Sinhala Speaking Demela RAVI PERERA is looking for company.

      • 5

        This Stephen is glorifying Gota at a time when his popularity is all time low. Now his popularity will increase again.

      • 11

        Ravi Perehera, you have finally come out of that dark hole in Hambantota? Well, yes if you can find her, yes charge her and all who have innocent blood in their hands whether they are from the government or the militants. If you start charging the supporters, then charge supporters from both sides and for you, you can start packing your sack of national costumes to take with you to the Hague to be tried as one of the supporters of the village buffoons who are at the helm of the government.

      • 10

        I would also add LTTE leaders Prabaharan included who killed innocent civilians.

        • 2

          Buddhist1, you should name yourself ‘Buddhistdumb’, are you trying to include a dead man to the list and then do what with the list? Are you trying to pull him out of the grave and try him, while he is already dead? idiot!!!! Speak to MR and his cronies, Karuna Amman, Pillayan, KP, Daya master, Inniyabarathy are all still alive and working hard for the criminal family in Colombo.

      • 5

        Ravi Perera. Agreed. Add Anwar al-Awlaki to the list, and also his 16 year old son. They also let the mobs kill Gaddafi.


    • 19

      Terrorist who recruited child soldiers, should be eliminated immediately, keep up the good work Gota.

      • 16

        I am sure Gota is about to execute his master-stroke to get out of this situation. He will promise to sign the MCC, ETCA, SOFA, etc on March 1st. On April 1st, Mahinda Aiya will announce that everything is cancelled on the orders of Natha Deviyo.
        Gota is smarter than we think. Or is he?

        • 5

          Gota and his smartness ? .
          I dont think so. What made you think Gota is smart ? He is only good at look down upon gullible people continuing ” ගම සමග පිලිසන්දරක් ” face to face meeting with people in far remote areas.

          If this leaked out from a srilanken, all the slaves would have run amok as of today… however, they are now made speechless before former US Ambassador Stephen Rapp

          How many in SL population would realize this ?

        • 1

          old codger,
          “Gota is smarter than we think.”

          Otherwise how he managed to design the strategy to defeat the deadliest terrorist organization in the world that bragged they will never be defeated militarily.

          • 1

            By your standards anyone should be smarter thee!

          • 2

            Any idiot can win if he has 10 times as many men as the enemy, and 30 years to do it. Be careful what you brag about.

            • 1

              Old Codger, not only the army was 10 times bigger, they also had the support of China and India.

      • 21


        “Terrorist who recruited child soldiers, should be eliminated immediately, keep up the good work Gota.”

        What do you suggest people should do to those who supplied arms, ammunition, funds, medicine …….. diplomatic cover (1987-90) to the very terrorists you despise now?
        By the way what do you do with the crooks who bribed the very terrorists who happily delivered a rigged elections (2005). I wonder these bribes were subjected to money laundering laws.

        Please investigate and let us know.

        Have you ever made an effort to investigate Gota’s role between 1987 and 1990, and his relation to home grown dead squads, some of them are serving in his administration and diplomatic services.

        Please let us know.

      • 10

        He sure is keeping it up. I don’t think you have the capacity to understand, The whole family is raking in while mothers and sisters are slaving in the middle east just to make ends meet.

      • 16

        Why don’t your government investigate and charge those to former LTTE leaders Karuna and Pilliyan who are still in your custody. You have accepted that you have killed all LTTE already except those two.

      • 6

        wimala12, Karuna amman and pillayan recruited child soldiers who killed thousands from the majority, why haven’t your country asses charged them?

    • 41

      This is the only country, criminals though confess their high crimes, nevertheless they get elected as leaders with the help of sivuru wearing pinguththaraya community. Returning to power, bitch s sons do nothing but getting acquitted their crime investigaitons being close to biased judges. Judges are made to spineless for their political survival. These just are not from outside world, but born and got their education thanks to the tax payers. Ironically, they stand against own citizens. Srilanken mess is created by the place given to so called BUDDHGAMA monks. They should be thrown away from their powers given to them. Today, that Abhayarama man shamelessly reveals that he was the person together with SCHOOL drop out WIMAL buruwanse put the first step to allow Mafia Boss to return power. Today with few days ahead of annual UNHRC session, all is becoming clear that it was a big mistake that war crimes were not investigated.

      • 13

        Did you expect anything better from Sinhala Bauda Lanka?

    • 8

      USA did that to Osama Bin Laden and his son (and countless others). If SL is at fault that creates an international law precedent for all of them. Get it?

    • 6

      I hated Gota until now. Well, now I love him! He did this to save us. No more Tamil terrorist attacks since then. Thank you God Gota!

      • 5

        Fuckshimo Fathima,

        Are you frustrated? Didn’t I tell you to not to get into Jihady Games. That is why this happened.

        • 3

          Where is your policy on quality of comments?
          Has the Troll Gatekeeper gone for a long walk?

    • 15

      The USA has the satellite image evidence of the ever shrinking “no fire zone”, and photographic and written evidence evidence of the rapes and tortures inflicted upon Tamil civilians as well as female LTTE fighters. If Gobbasena oversteps the line in his obeisance to China (three northern islands, and 21 tea estates are to be handed over), the USA will strike back, ruthlessly.
      The Rajapakses, crooks and murderers, deserve no sympathy.

    • 6

      Tamil from the north,
      Did Kamal Gunaratne or Shavendra Silva or Jagath Dias tell you Gotabhaya Rajapakshe gave orders to kill all the LTTE men and women?
      Even if Gotabhaya Rajapakshe told them, these ‘Ranaviruwo’ will never tell that to anyone. Do not display your stupidity by uttering this kind of ‘Moda Katha’.
      “Yes, it is well known fact that Gota gave orders to Kamal Gunaratne, Shavendra Silva and Jagath Dias to kill all the LTTE men and women.”

      • 3

        We will know who gave the orders if there is a proper inquiry, not necessarily international.

        • 1

          What you mean by proper inquiry? Is your dictionary defining there is something that the proper inquiry is opposite to inquiry? Why are you playing this game that you need proper inquiry. Is that your boss SWRD created Sinhala Only because you had not invented your proper inquiry. Don’t try to save the world’s worst criminals just because your family’s hates the Tamil leaderships and TNA. Hypocrites are attacking Tamils hiding into Marx because of family feud. Marx has become the umbrella for all hate mongers like you.

    • 8

      @Tamil from the North – Leader and followers advocate the need to suicide without fall in the hand of enemy and carry a cyanide capsule around their neck. But, towards the end of the war they all feel they got another life at the mercy of the SLA and surrender still puzzled me big time. Have you got an answer for that first of all?

      In between the same leaders forcing some innocent people to stay in a kerosene barrel closed for the a day just because not agreed to give the gold among several other atrocities such as enforce recruiting children, restrict the movement to go out of North, etc. I am only worried about the innocents lost their life for being voiceless and powerless during that period.

      • 7

        Dayan, this is not about the killing of the surrendering high command of the LTTE who refused to commit suicide. I am talking about the low ranking LTTE cadres who surrendered on orders at the last minute and they were all executed. Many innocent Tamils and Sinhalese (1988/89 perior) were also executed by the state. I talk for the innocent and don’t care which ethinicity they come from. But the killers from the top command of the LTTE who gave orders are working for the Rajapaksas. Why can’t one racist from the south explain this injustice to me.

        • 5

          @Tamil from the North – I fully understand your stand and accept your feelings and arguments are valid. In between, VP, the leader capture the second in command Mahendraraja aka Mattaya for leaking information to RAW, he also summarily executed the whole unit around 300-400 cadres without second thought because he don’t want to take a chance. The same concept followed when LTTE also surrender. Unfortunately most of them are forcibly recruited at the last minute and not even trained to handle weapons and ammunition also executed is the sad side of the story. Neither you, me or even MR & Co got a long life. However, what is important here is build trust among communities to leave the bitter past and come together to live in a peaceful and prosperous country. Rather than blame the politician if we educate our own children especially majority living in south to trust and make friendship with confident in all communities will bring about a change in couple of decades at least. Without which its always a blame game and bloody war again at some point.

          • 5

            Traitors must know our Military might is very capable
            Of facing any foreign threat, well seasoned , well trained and well equipped.

            We also have one of the best
            National intelligence until in South Asia now .

            Traitors better not become over ambitious.

            We are capable of running our Country..

            • 2

              Lanka Netizen, oh by the way you are capable of doing all the above without the beggar’s bowl that you run around with asking for foreign aid all over the world?

          • 1

            You are another excuser wants to work with UOJ Saddampi to save the Genocide criminals. Please leave it to Tamils to decide. Just because you hate Tamils, please don’t play this game again. You are not just jumping in at the of a time when you are fearing that UNHRC is going to take action. To show you have superior knowledge of what happened in LTTE, you apparently trying to twist the history also to match your racism. Please start to talk why SJV’s facts to UNHRC’s resolutions are torn off? Is that because Leader Piraphahan killed Matataya and 300 of his associates? Come on! Start all over again to preach to Sinhala Buddhists, not Tamils. Why are you playing this game? Who are you?

          • 1

            Dayan, until to date I have never made one comment in a racial manner towards the Sinhalese community, not because I have a lot of Sinhalese relatives who are married to my cousins and so on and so forth, but because I am not a racist. Having said that, I could not care how VP died or how the top command surrendered and died. If the top command instructed the low rank and file LTTE members to fight to the end and if capture was imminent, then commit suicide, then they should have done the same. One rule for these assholes (top command) and one rule for those young lads and women? Many Tamils try to pull wool over your eyes by getting angry and aggressive when they are questionned about this injustice, but I am not swayed by this nonsense. But I feel very sad for those low rankers who were captured and killed. There were many soldiers also have been captured and killed by the LTTE, while their bosses were sitting in Colomob sipping on Shivas Regal. It is sad sad sad!!!! The lower class has suffered immensely on both sides, that is my concern.

      • 3

        ” still puzzled me big time.”
        It wont puzzle you at all if you think logically. The objective of committing suicide and not falling into enemy hands is to prevent giving information and compromising the movement. At the last stages it was understood that the movement as at the end of the road there was nothing to compromise.
        Although far fetched another explanation is that they negotiated with a third party and had an understanding that they could surrender.

        • 4

          So fight until death and a last solider exists .. all sort of slogans are just a trick to please the diaspora to fund more and keep it alive isn’t it. Actually you are not true at heart when you said that to people. hmm. In that case why this group called Karuna is a traitor and rest as saviors. He might argue and says that he figured out the fall quite earlier and arrange his own surrender whereas the rest of the leaders use a 3rd party to do the same.

          • 2

            “So fight until death and a last solider exists .. all sort of slogans are just a trick to please the diaspora to fund more and keep it alive isn’t it.”
            It is the art of war. You try and show the opposition that your stronger than what your really are and determined more than you really are. If fools believed it you cannot blame the rebels.
            “Karuna is a traitor and rest as saviors.”
            Karuna is a traitor not because he crossed over. He is a traitor because he crossed over for money and power.

          • 0

            So fight until death and a last solider exists .. all sort of slogans are just a trick to please the diaspora to fund more and keep it alive isn’t it.

            Don’t keep twisting the history to show your hate against Tamils and show your dedication to Hitler and his acolytes. When Pushparani was tortured by Rapist police, boys determined not to get caught by Rapist Police because of the unlimited torture they have to endure. There are lots of stories about Rapist Police Bastiampillai. They were told, a tit for tat to stop rapist police raping Tamil girls as soon as they fall into their hands. Same way, to stop other Black Julys repeating, LTTE raided Tamil villages those were colonized with Sinhala Buddhist prisoners, criminals and rowdies. It is said all raids were one to one retaliations, so the government would not confuse with the message, but would clearly understand. Government did understood and until 2009, there were no Pogroms on Tamils. Sivakumarn committed suicide, but it was not an easy method to use in a large rebels. So they came out with cyanide capsule. That time only London Mapplies were studying in London, no diaspora. Please don’t use your stupidity to expose your hate.

          • 1

            Dayan, Karuna did not cross over because he foresaw the defeat of the LTTE many years ago, he crossed over because the northern LTTE was after his life. He objected to VP about how the eastern guys were being treated and VP asked him to come and see him in the Vanni jungles. Karuna knew his time was up and the only way to survive was to cross over to government. So he did and today he is alive and best friends with Mr. 20% (Basil Rajapaksa), MR and the entire criminal family in Colombo.

      • 1

        Stop pretending.
        The deal to surrender was negotiated through foreign intermediaries.
        There was no choice after the war was lost.
        The surrender was no different from what defeated parties do in other cases.
        You are only making lame excuses for denying justice.

    • 6

      You have raised the most pertinent points that thoroughly expose the hypocrisy of various parties.
      Was there not an interview in the New Yorker magazine that was not talked about by many?

      • 2

        SJ, this explanation is what I am waiting for? I have had heated debates with LTTE supporters who are absolute hypocrites who live in Canada and USA. They want their own families to flourish and want other people’s children to die for their entertainment. We left Jaffna in the early 80s mainly because of the LTTE and the SLA.

    • 6

      I kill Osama Bin Ladin, I watch also how the US army killed him, I ordered to kill Osama Bin Ladin. I killed Iraqi unarmed Iraqui civilians, Ex-Britain Prime Minister Tony Blair said. Where was UNHRC at that time?

      • 9

        It is not about the murder of Pirabhaharan. It is about the murder of those LTTE people who surrendered after discussing and agreed with Rajapakse government.

      • 3

        Poor Julian Assange who exposed US gunships killing innocent reporters in the main street is under attack from the country that wants others to be prosecuted for war crimes etc.Don’t forget the Milai massacre in Vietnam, agent orange,etc.
        All wrong doers must be made to account.
        I think when I was trained to be a military cadet at Diyathalawa,rules of war was brainwashed into you.That was the right thing to do.In victory over the enemy one must show the values of civilized culture, that we fought in the first place.I don’t know how to put it in any other way.

      • 3

        “Where was UNHRC at that time?”

        Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
        Palais Wilson
        52 rue des Pâquis
        CH-1201 Geneva, Switzerland.

        • 1

          That is the place of PEELUM who bribed UNNHC. In other words Diaspoda’s Bank of Bribes

      • 4

        N. Pererass

        “Where was UNHRC at that time?”

        Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
        Palais Wilson
        52 rue des Pâquis
        CH-1201 Geneva, Switzerland.

  • 41

    The Rajapaksa loyalists, supporters, and voters, will dismiss this yet again, as the Western nations, lying, interfering, or picking on poor Sri Lanka. They cannot face the truth, and you can be sure will attack the messenger. Any video showing their crimes will be dismissed as “doctored”, and any official from the International committee will be attacked, and criticized, and accused of having sinister connections to the Tamil lobbies abroad. Easy. It worked before it will work again.

    In a nutshell, ALL international sources that criticizes the Rajapaksa’s are liars, and the Rajapaksa’s tell the gospel truth and are of high integrity.

    • 5

      Why should they!

      Rajapaksas are winning election after election since 2009 because they did these. Even Sirisena won in 2015 thanks to this. He claimed the credit for this saying Mahinda was overseas and he was the acting defence minister. Most Sri Lankans simply love it. They are safe today as a result.

    • 7

      International groups tell lies because they rely on Tamil Diaspora that bombard them with lies. These are the guys who showed a photo of a Hindu devotee hanging from hooks and said this is the way Sri Lanka Army torture Tamils.

      “In a nutshell, ALL international sources that criticizes the Rajapaksa’s are liars,”

      • 4

        @EE again, So you are saying international groups lost their own conscience and rely on Tamil Diaspora to get information about Sri Lanka regardless of their foreign policies & ambassadors presence, military satellite surveillance and ground level spy information collected from various sources. The only exception is people like minded like you, isn’t it?

        Unfortunately, some of the powerful nations already knows the truth but it revealed and hided for own Geo political reason by various governments that’s all.

        • 0

          It is in fact other way around that all work together and finished the LTTE and now the US doing the horse trading for the Indians.

          The Diaspora have any principles/due care take on the Indians, respective western nations, China and bring those respective Nations head of states to The Hague at the same time??……….would have been the natural cause of actions…walk the talk….etc.

          As I said none of the creators FP/TC/TULF/TNA/Tamil Nadu and all other Tamils and the the Current Tamil Global Forums would have done that given none of them spineless to be in the front line nor their children and grand children appeared in the front line to save the day??????????????a crime against humanity…except they all have been spinning money/having a life style/looking after their National interests dealing with all the parties (LTTE & GOSL) for the past 50 years at the expense of the Mother Lankan Children…….a crime against humanity.

          It is the GOSL picking up the pieces of housing and rehabilitating the Internally displaced whilst all else counting their own finances??????

      • 2

        Eagle Blind Eye

        “International groups tell lies because they rely on Tamil Diaspora that bombard them with lies. “

        Here are two home grown Sinhala/Buddhist lies:

        “Sri Lanka bans cattle slaughter
        SEPTEMBER 29, 2020
        Sri Lanka has banned cattle slaughter after the Cabinet cleared Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa’s recent proposal, the government announced on Tuesday, adding that it would take steps to import beef.”

        How come Sinhala/Buddhists are able to buy, process, cook and eat beef?

        “He said being a small nation Sri Lanka could be a good example to the world on how the country had mitigated the spreading of COVID-19, which had become a global pandemic. – Kamal Gunaratne http://www.ft.lk, 20 March 2020″

        It is almost one year, how come dumb asses still caught up in their own lies?

        • 2

          Eagle Blind Eye

          Who was the mastermind behind Easter Bombing?

          • 2

            Just a question: What was the probability of Gota winning the Presidency without the Easter bombing?

  • 14

    Re: Para 5
    “The numbers are around 360 that were given out”.
    Hmmmmmmmmmmmm, 360! Forty thousand (40,000) has finally come down to 360. Not bad.

    • 45

      Listen to the video how stupid Goabaya to have made such statements? The kind of men rules the nation today, this we warned u guys that Gotabayas IQ is way lower to that of any school dropout God bless srilanka 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎

      • 7


        I agree. It was so stupid to boast. The act of doing is clever though. Well done SL and well done USA (Osama).

    • 32

      But, there is no way I say a word in defence of Gotabhaya Rajapaksa.
      Gotabhaya Rajapaksa’s enormous, insensitive deforestation and damage to rainforests, wetlands, savannas, grasslands, forest reserves and ecosystems make Sinhalese people so infuriated, one day they will say, “if you have done war crimes, go, pay for it!

      • 18

        Let alone today u sound to have realized the danger of stupid men. But how many would nt even come closer to that?😎😎😎😎😎

      • 5

        Killing terrorists is not a war crime. If so USA also did a war crime in killing Osama and his son.

        • 5

          Empirical facts have to be faced; you cannot define them out of existence. I’m not going to bother countering your Osama red-herring.
          Wars are fought against humans whom we don’t like. Nothing that happens in a war is pleasant. It is against such a backdrop that any rules have been formulated. The LTTE leadership was nasty. In battle combatants on both sides may have done things in the heat of the moment which were wrong. Politicians commanding the State Forces had to observe much stricter standards than others. You carefully conceal your identity and deliberately obfuscate.
          People like me are not trying to wreak vengeance. We want facts faced so that we can say goodbye to all those terrible things that happened in the past. Here’s something that you will easily dismiss on the grounds that Navi Pillay was an ethnic Tamil.
          Instead of propounding conspiracy theories, we will have to face facts. The sooner we get this over and done with, the better.

        • 0

          Dear GATAM,
          PART ONE

          I return to where I responded to you about 14 hours ago.
          In the interim, I’ve visited the office of my Internet provider, and arranged to get some 15 GB per week for Rs 155 plus tax. Never mind who my provider is; I cannot use this website to advertise Data Providers. In any case, friends have now told me that Data is available even cheaper, but I’d prefer to stay with the known devil.
          This payment that will be billed to me will see me using Youtube only with this data. Well, I’ve already had results.
          I’ll have to work it all out tomorrow. However, to indicate what I have found out so far, it may be stale news by now: there’s a new, well-qualified Acting Minister of Health, Prof. Channa Jayasumana.
          Impressive qualifications, and all that, but I find some of the many Youtubes by him disturbing, to say the least. There seem to be so many contradictions, and, if I find my surmises correct, there is a lot of lying and cheating going on.

        • 1

          PART TWO
          Since this is so serious, about Acting Health Minister, Jayasumana
          I think that I will sleep on it, and put my findings on the next page – page 2, of comments – unless, that is so many have come in that it’ll have to be on page 3.
          Please, think carefully about the many different things that are being told about our Civil War. One thing to the International Community in Geneva.
          Something rather different to the Sinhala voters.
          Something yet different, in Sinhala, to mislead, in two quite different ways, what is passed on to those who understand Sinhalese, while deliberately obfuscating what Tamils who cannot understand Sinhalese will imagine.
          I know that what I’ve just said sounds crazy. That’s why I’m waiting until tomorrow. I’d like you not to give me a knee-jerk response. Please think out the ramifications before you respond tomorrow.
          Unless what I have uncovered proves delusionary, it will be such as to necessitate all honest people to do
          a lot of rethinking.

      • 7

        That is an amazing position to take, Champa: The guy who is accused of war crimes should be put on trial when we are tired of him cutting trees!

        • 3

          Haahaa-what do you think?
          This “revelation” made by Stephen Rapp is ANOTHER-GAME BY THE RAJAPAKSAS THEMSELVES.
          I warn the Sinhalese to NOT to fall into this American trap. There is an underhand move to erase our Sinhalese Buddhist-heritage.
          The Rajapaksas are ALREADY UNPOPULAR among Sinhalese.
          Almost every Sinhalese who voted for Gotabhaya, especially the youth, REPENT NOW.
          Only fake patriots & some Buddhist monks try to save them, at the expense of our country.
          At this critical juncture, FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS, the Rajapaksas want “public sympathy/pubic admiration” very badly:-
          (1)The US Embassy in Colombo has FINALIZED the formulation of Sri Lanka’s Federal Constitution. We already see some sections of the proposed new constitution coming out from donkeys’ mouths, such as removing the most important words like; “Democratic Socialist,” which is unique to Sri Lanka and “abolishing the Presidential Election,” so that Sri Lanka will never be a “United” or an “Ekasesath” country under a genuine Sinhalese Buddhist leader ever again.
          (2)In order to pave the way for the new Constitution drafted by the US Embassy, all age-old government laws that protect the sovereignty, independence and the unitary state of Sri Lanka are already changed or in the process of changing and there are more works to be done.

          • 4

            (3)Since December 2019, the Rajapaksas were in the process of implementing one of the MCC’s conditions, which is, digitizing land deeds, razing down forest reserves and other protected government lands to make new lands and distributing them among “random people” to facilitate American companies to “purchase them surreptitiously”. Destroying fauna & flora and archaeological sites is its top priority.
            (4)Targeting the (3) above, a massive road network connecting those lands through virgin forests, wild sanctuaries and forest reserves are in the offing now. Have Sinhalese ever thought why the US Embassy was silent when Rajapaksas proposed to sell WCT to India and 3 islets in North to China?
            (5)Ali Sabry has proposed and is already on his way to “reform” Sri Lanka’s judicial laws, including “commercial laws”. This is one of the major requirements in the MCC Agreement.
            (6)Alas! “The UK variant of COVID-19 has been found in Sri Lanka.” What is next? Lockdowns. The Rajapaksas need lockdowns to keep people in the dark UNTIL they pass the new Constitution BEFORE MARCH 23.
            (7)I urge all Sinhalese to come forward to protect our motherland at this most defining moment in our history.
            “Oh, my Mother Lanka
            Every morning, evening and night
            I weep for thee…….
            What else can I do?”

            • 5

              Any evidence of the allegations you are making against The Minister of Justice ?
              This could have serious consequences.

      • 4


        Have you given up carrying Wimal Weerawansa’s b***s?

    • 7

      Reference to context is important. The writer is talking of the number of LTTE Leadership members so killed and not including the civilian community as i understand. Please read and understand carefully, otherwise will lead to misrepresentation.
      “Rapp noted that one way to have made the Tigers accountable for violations would have been to arrest leaders of the separatist movement and put them on trial. Rapp added: “Of course, recalling, that many of the individuals (in the LTTE) that could have been charged were in fact, according to credible evidence, killed after surrender. The numbers are around 360 that were given out”.

      The relevant par is reproduced in full with highlights underlined for you to grasp it easily.

      • 7

        Oh, I read it in full.
        The following line is the most important part of the paragraph under reference:-
        “Rapp noted that one way to have made the Tigers accountable for violations would have been to arrest leaders of the separatist movement and put them on trial.”
        Rapp should explain as to why he waited to “suggest that” until Sri Lanka defeated the LTTE and until the LTTE massacred hundreds of thousands of civilians for nearly 34 years.
        Didn’t the international community support and encourage the LTTE by openly funding and providing training, arms and ammunition, explosives and communicative devices?
        Tell me, how was the LTTE, which operated from deep in the jungles and underground bunkers in the North and East, in possession of automatic and sophisticated arms, missiles and grenades without the help of the international community?
        Did the United Nations do justice to civilians in Sri Lanka during the 34-year LTTE terror era?
        Now that the leaders of the LTTE are no more, the United Nations and the international community, who overtly and covertly supported the LTTE, should be held responsible for atrocities committed by terrorists.

        • 7

          I think Stephen Rapp is suffering from SELECTIVE AMNESIA.
          If “arresting leaders of the separatist movement and putting them on trial was one way to have made the Tigers accountable for violations”;
          (i) why didn’t India, UK and Norway arrest them in their soil and hand them over to the Sri Lankan government?
          (ii) why did the international community force Sri Lankan governments to negotiate with terrorists?
          (iii) why did Norway facilitate international travels for terrorists?
          (iv) How many times did Sri Lanka arrest TOP LTTE leaders and how many times did India and other countries THREATEN the then Sri Lankan leaders to release them?
          (v) Didn’t the West try to RESCUE top terrorist leaders from arrest in May 2009?
          (vi) Didn’t Foreign Ministers of France and UK even visit Sri Lanka in the last phase of the war to prevent Sri Lanka from “arresting Prabhakaran and putting him on trial”?
          Hello Ambassador Rapp, if the international community DELIBERATELY and ARROGANTLY prevented Sri Lanka from attesting and putting LTTE leaders on trial which was “ONE WAY to have made them accountable for violations”, what is the “OTHER WAY”? Eliminating them through war, right? Thank you! That is exactly what Sri Lanka did!
          Now, don’t accuse us for “doing the other way”. You didn’t leave us NO CHOICE.

          • 4

            Now, don’t accuse us for “doing the other way”. You LEFT US NO CHOICE.

        • 7

          Champa oh Champa,
          ” until the LTTE massacred hundreds of thousands of civilians for nearly 34 years.”
          Shall we stick to facts? The government’s own stats put the number of Sinhala civilians killed at around 3000.

          • 3

            old codger

            “Shall we stick to facts? “

            Champa lives in a fantasy land where fantasies are facts.

            • 2

              Keyboard Vedda
              No, I don’t live in a fantasy land. Read my reply to old codger.

              • 1


                If you don’t, are you sharing the bed with Wimal Sangili Karuppan Weerawansa?

                • 2

                  Native Idiot
                  “Slander reveals the greatest truth about the coward implementing it.”

              • 0

                “Read my reply to old codger”
                Why do you think Champa has hidden it away?

    • 5

      Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, Champawati I still didn’t come the point you have reached at. At which line of the essay Ambas.Repp is saying that the “Above 40,000” mentioned in Expert Panel report is wrong, but he knows it is only 360?
      Or is that the problem of shortage of Kerala Ganja, in south, not coming from Jaffna because of Rapist Army could not get any mule boys and girls by Covid 19?

    • 16

      Please, this is torture,
      having to correct you on this.
      360 is the number (mostly “leaders”) who came with white flags and surrendered. They were then murdered. If one wants to get technical about all this, one surrendee murdered instead of being put on trial is a War Crime.
      I don’t punishment meted out so much as the closure of all this. Why can’t we accept that these terrible things happened? If I am honest with myself, I must admit that I felt relieved that it was all over.
      It may be that tomorrow I will add an account of how I heard about it all. It is still vivid in my mind – that breaking of the news itself became an “incident” in my life.
      When is there going to be an end to all this?

      • 5

        There is no actual evidence they surrendered and that they didn’t try to kill soldiers after they surrendered. When US marines hunted down Osama and his son in Pakistan they would have surrendered too. But no evidence.

        • 2

          Jihadi, with Osama, your past boss, US did not ask or negotiate surrender. But there was a bounty on him for him dead or alive. It is Osama’s wife asked for life; but US navy seals, who were on a foreign soil on a stealth mission, did not try to save him and they die. Further they didn’t have direct communication with DC to negotiate surprise surrender. But they let the woman and the child, unintended targets, alive. In LTTE political leaders’ case, even previous US ambassador Blake, Mary Colvin, Norway, Younger Brother Prince, they all negotiated to come with white flag. There were many photos and video of how the Rapist Army was arresting and murdering LTTE political leaders, including, Isaipriya & latter Tamilini. In none of them, it ever suggested that the LTTE political leaders approached Rapist Army with arms. It is time for you to come with some evidence of anybody had Guns. Unlike navy seal saved Osama’s wife & Child, Lankawe rapist Army killed 11 years old child, Balachandran, his sister, his mother….even later down to Gobi. Just don’t baffle, please, if never read any news piece in Colombo media.

      • 5

        You say, “360 is the number (mostly “leaders)”? Leaders? Oh my word, 360 TERRORIST LEADERS? Suppose if they were well trained SUICIDE BOMBERS, AIR TIGERS or SEA TIGERS? You never know. If they were alive, how many INNOCENT CIVILIANS could have been killed by them in cold blood? Going by their barbaric ways, close to 360,000 innocent civilians could have been lost their lives at their hands.
        You say 360, who came with “white flags and surrendered”.
        Rapp didn’t say they came with white flags. White flag here seems to be an add-on.

        • 5

          Have you even bothered to find out?
          The majority of them were writers and administrators.
          There was also a Sinhalese lady among the surrendees.
          Dishonest thinking distorts ability to analyse situations.

          • 3

            What dishonest thinking and what distortion?
            You say, “The majority of them (surrenderers) were writers and administrators.”
            Are you sure they were writers and administrators?
            Anyone who joins a terrorist outfit and takes up arms to kill innocent civilians are terrorists.
            According to Stephen Rapp, (though he hasn’t provided any proof) it is terrorists who have surrendered.
            Explain why “writers and administrators” chose to “surrender”?

            • 2


              It is difficult for you to understand even a simple scenario.
              Whose b***s are you carrying now, Shavendra, Kamal, …… Gota, Mahinda, …… whose b***s do you find easy to carry?

              Drop whatever you are carrying, focus on what readers are writing, visualize the scenario, use your imagination, ………………… above all stop being a smart ass.

              • 1

                Machang Keyboard Vedda
                Ok, I focused on what SJ has written and visualized the scenario.
                All good.
                Now, could you pleazzzzzzzz “use your imagination” and help me to understand as to why “WRITERS and ADMINISTRATORS,” who USUALLY CARRY PENS and PAPER, decided to “SURRENDER”?

                • 2


                  What is your question?

        • 3

          Dear Champa,
          You know that, at the end of the day, having disagreed with you on many things, I finally affirm my respect for your essential honesty and decency.
          Yes, for all the serious charges of bias and racism that I level against you, I realise that we must convince really patriotic and knowledgeable persons like you, that the reality is somewhat different from what the Rajapaksas want us to believe.
          Please see what I have told GATAM, some way above this; I look forward to meeting you on the next page tomorrow!

          • 2

            Dear Sinhala_Man
            Don’t worry. Be Happy.

      • 6

        What evidence you have to say that they were murdered?
        You are a guy who believe anything that Demalu who are notorious for fabricating lies say.
        “360 is the number (mostly “leaders”) who came with white flags and surrendered. They were then murdered.”

        • 5

          What evidence you have to say that they were murdered?
          You are a guy who believe anything that Demalu who are notorious for fabricating lies say.

          Do you mean Stephen Rapp is Demulu or the Murderer King is Demulu. Which one, here, you mean is ling?

          You called Ambassador Rapp a Pariah Demulu to lie, but thanks you did not call him that he too is a Balangoda Veda, then it is baldy shame for him being a Sinhala Buddhist Moda.

          This is an indecent question, but after reading your comment there is a irresistible urge;
          Eagle, honestly how old are you. Why are you writing these shameful things?

        • 2

          Eagle Dumb Ass Blind Eye

          “What evidence you have to say that they were murdered?”

          What evidence are you looking for?
          Are you looking for victims laundry marked Amude, Kovanam, Underwear, …. ?

        • 1

          Dear Eagle Eye,
          I shan’t answer you today
          . Let us try to get on to brass tacks tomorrow.
          Let me tell you frankly that I don’t like the line that you take. Unlike Champa, above, I think that you’re paid by the Rajapaksa brothers to mislead us. There are some who imagine that you are Mahindapala who lives in Australia. I don’t think so. The attitudes and substance of what the two of you say is the same.
          But he is more dangerous than you. I’m going to expose tomorrow the hypocrisy in what H.L.D. Mahindapala has said here:
          I hope that CT will allow this in. There’s so much that is going on now that must be exposed:

    • 11

      Dear Champa,
      Though I hold no brief to either side and feel all crimes deserve some form of punitive measure, one must not misuse this article by error in cognitive thinking applied to your own views.
      ……………….Rapp noted that one way to have made the Tigers accountable for violations would have been to arrest leaders of the separatist movement and put them on trial. Rapp added: “Of and, recalling, that many of the individuals (in the LTTE) that could have been charged were in fact, according to credible evidence, killed after surrender. The numbers are around 360 that were given out”……..

      This refers only to ‘leaders of the separatist movement’ and ‘individuals (in the LTTE) that could have been charged’ and distinct from the 40,000 (naturally inflated to gain effect) of civilians.

      • 1

        Dear MyView
        No, I didn’t “misuse” this article. As always, my views are based on facts.
        But, I couldn’t find any proof for 40,000 civilian deaths “said to have occurred” in the last phase of the war against terrorists.
        If you know the person who made this claim, please tell him to provide proof.

        • 1

          In your haste you have misdirected yourself as a lawyer would say.
          My above comment was in reply to your …
          Re: Para 5
          “The numbers are around 360 that were given out”.
          Hmmmmmmmmmmmm, 360! Forty thousand (40,000) has finally come down to 360. Not bad”…………..
          You have mixed the 360 ‘leaders of the separatist movement’ and ‘individuals (in the LTTE) that could have been charged’ mentioned in the article with the 40,000 civilians (you had brought in) and this was what I pointed out. Even the 40,000 as I said “naturally inflated to gain effect”.
          So where does your comment ” proof for 40,000 civilian deaths “said to have occurred” in the last phase of the war against terrorists. If you know the person who made this claim, please tell him to provide proof” come in ?

          • 2

            I was in no haste at all. I saw your comment only after replying to a number of similar comments as yours. As you see, there is no point repeating what I already said elsewhere. As everybody knows, the unsubstantiated civilian deaths amounting to 40,000 came from the UN.
            Check your first comment where you say “‘individuals (in the LTTE) that could have been charged’ and distinct from the 40,000 (naturally inflated to gain effect) of civilians.” That is why I said in my comment, I couldn’t find any proof for 40,000 civilian deaths.
            When you yourself say 40,000 is a “natural lie”, what else do you want me to say?

    • 6

      Everyone on this forum knows that your not the sharpers tool in the shed, So let me spell it out. 40,000 – 360 that is the estimated number of civilians no combatants killed in the last few days.

      • 6

        …………no combatants killed in the last few days…………
        So only civilians were holing out in Nandakadal in the last few days ! Even the LTTE leader and his close cadres were elsewhere, you mean.

    • 7

      You are very good at maths but you don’t know the basics. 360 must be the surrendered LTTE but 40000 is ordinary Tamil civilians. You are good at interpreting like Mahinda who said that Corona dead bodies will be buried and later changing that to will be means not now after sometimes. Be honest.

  • 1

    This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.

    For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2

    • 7

      Thanks for making it shorter well done. 😎😎😎😎😎😎

  • 12

    The USA is as usual playing the game again. Why was it waiting this long to take any action? They kept totally silent during the last Presidential elections too, and I thought the USA preferred Gota.
    Easter Sunday attack too clearly paved the way for Gota’s Presidency. Who was really behind the Easter Sunday attack is still a big question?? For me, even Ranil indirectly paved the way to Gota.
    By the looks of it, USA is not really satisfied with something and that is why this indirect blackmailing business has popped up?

    • 11

      Dear Mdias,
      The population of the USA is about 400 million, I think. There’ll be lots of diversity in the thinking of so many people. The mistake that you are making is in dealing with a stereotype of what you imagine that American thinking is.
      Oh, we all resent the supposed arrogance of Americans. However, now in the twilight of my life, I’ve been following the politics relating to their elections. They, too, have their own problems.
      The world is not playing games in relation to what has happened in our country. It is we, Sinhalese, who are so unfeeling as to laugh and play games, instead of crying when reminded of what we did.

      • 3

        You shameless -Pannini

        What we did was free ourselves from a brutal terrorist organization. That is it. There is nothing to be ashamed of there. poor village boys lost their lives to keep you and your kith and kin safe while you were hiding under their beds. And should we punish them for that?

        Look at what Trump did with those punished for their crimes in Afghanistan . He pardoned them.

        • 8

          These alleged killings were after the ‘brutal terrorist organization’ was destroyed.

          • 1

            Dear SJ

            There is nothing that Rapp the sap says it is before or after the end of the LTTE as far as I can see . And if you listen carefully it is clear that Gota is responding sarcastically to the HR types.

          • 1

            Dear SJ,
            the period is called ” post war episode” but was handled by the very same bunch of thugs – born to Madamulana caves.

            Lasantha, Ekanaligoda, Thadjudeen and over 40 or more were murdered by MR regime 1, after 2009
            Prisoners from Welikada – 23 or more were gunned down also after 2009
            Extrajudicial killings of unknown nature became their daily routine after 2009
            – this list would not stop… if you guys would please go back to the recent history…

            I have seen a TV discussion in which Basil ( most abusive man in that family) was adding that Good Governance govt was talented to balance the pressure being excersed by UN. He went on saying, ” I really dont know how.. they have been doing a good job”: The very same man was the guys who left the country after being defeated in 2015, and yet today being alleged to have stolen millions of funds from the MR regime. Why cant srilanken auhtorities and srilanken diaspora in America find it out how much assets these men own in the US ?

        • 3

          a14455 / February 15, 2021

          when would you start with Kindergarten ? At least now you should give it a try… that can help the masses if you the kind of dimwits would learn something.
          You twist almsot everything in favour of rascal family. Now it is becoming clear, that WAR CRIME investigations are a must. If Bitch s sons agreed to go for investigations, we would have got them behind us long ago. If the forces are that innocient, what would they lose ?
          You the kind of idiots cant yet get it as to why TRUMPISM ended up that way.. why the self-proclaimed president became an empty vessel within 4 years. Not just before america but to entire world.

      • 4

        I do not think you know anything about ‘Geo-Politics’.
        “The world is not playing games in relation to what has happened in our country.”

        • 10

          “I do not think you know anything about ‘Geo-Politics’.”
          At the very least Sinhala Man has the guts to write from Sri Lanka. He isn’t a coward sitting comfortably in the West like some vultures on this site.

          • 4

            @Old Codger,
            You could not have been more correct.
            well said…

        • 5

          @Eagle Eye.
          I do know how much Sinhala Man is updated about Geopolitics.

          But since I am.a longtime patron of CT , judging your attitude and
          Comments , I can say Sinhala man knows far more than you do , he is also an intellect and tries very hard to maintain a balance in judgment and comment.

          With nothing personal with you,
          I sense a strong and deep bitterness against the minorities and hatred towards Sinhalese who try to be unbias .Thus your attitude in this readers comment column, brings
          You out on this public platform
          As a Narcissist.
          All negative attitudes are either connected with childhood trauma, bitterness or a mental health issue, all countries that have witnessed wars and internal conflicts have citizens suffering from deep mental health issues.

          You can not reconcile if my opinion is correct.
          Change needs to begin within us.

          • 3

            @Eagle Eye
            Correcting typos
            I do not know how much Sinhala Man is updated about Geopolitics.

            • 3

              Well articulated Mr Nitzen. Let EE sink in the hell for all hatred spreads😎😎😎😎😎
              These guys are champions at shooting the messenger. 😉😉😉😉

              • 1

                Thank you.
                No offence meant, my
                pseudonym is L..Netizen 😊.
                I think there is someone else as. Nitizen 😊
                Just to clear .
                Lanka NETIZEN

        • 0

          what about you ?
          Your comments repeatd about ” vellala caste and all other hatreds only”.
          You dont know even to count 1 with 1 regarding any brutal developments in our home country caught by mlechcha Rajapakshes.
          JVPrs have called a spade a spade lately. There was one old man who had guts to raise the question ” ඒ මිනිහා අද වෙනකොට මාධ්‍ය යෙන් හැන්ගිල කියල ” he struggles today not being able to face the media. WHo is this man – none other than MAHINDA RAJAAKSHES whose misleading machineries made the EAGLE EYES comming from various walks of life, made eternally fool.

      • 4

        My dear SM,
        It is 330 mio.
        It is the contiioned mind set that creates the problems.
        All these prove that human evolution has stagnated somewhere for some hidden reasons. Our sinhala genetics should have been mixed with that of MERCY COWs.

        • 1

          Yes, thanks, LM.
          328,239,523 in 2019
          according to Wikipedia.
          What you’ve done by adding that little note is to encourage me. I feel that we share perspectives, although you must be much younger, and live in an affluent country.
          That’s beside the point. What I value about you is that you’re so much the champion of the underdog.

          • 0

            Mr SM,
            LF has been unable to come with a constructive argument as to why he has been making every effort to twist the facts in favour of current govt.
            I respected LF until he stood by that coup- based on 52 day govt. There I started questioning why even guys wearing ” Prof. ” titles misinterpret alarming incidents, forgetting almost any factual information ?
            There one of my good friends( he is a Prof. but from EU) – Prof. Titles are just for their specialization only. However, the society would not be made aware of it. That is correct – it is just a teaching title. Are there Professors that would not teach … So how can we expect their behaviours be factual ?
            Best example GLP and his education at most renowned UNI Oxford – not few days ago, GLP did not agree with Sajith Premadasa in the parliament on ” free rations for school uniforms in a large number of schools in remote areas”. I got my information, what SP was telling the truth. However, even hallozinated, GLP was not hearted enough to accept the truth.
            And that JAYASUMANA ( you guys may respect him with a FAKE Prof. Title, but Iwould not..

  • 8

    Some work for the war crime ambdassodor

    Clinton on Qaddafi: We came, we saw, he died


    • 11

      What has that got to do with this FORMER ambassador stating what Nandasena had told him, at a previous time? If you are alluding to the fact that the US is guilty of war crimes, yes it is. The subject in this article is about war crimes committed by the Rajapaksa government, which is OUR problem which will never go away until they admit to it, and give closure to the families who want those answers. Clinton had nothing to do with this, the Rajapaksa’s did.

      • 3

        You wanted to know the killings of villagers by LTTE Tamil terrorists. I gave that information.
        In your comment you said “evidence Army and army police sponsored thugs killing Tamil civitare too many and justifies Wigneswarans comments.”
        I asked you to provide those evidences? So far you have not done that. If you can’t, stop writing BS!
        “Clinton had nothing to do with this, the Rajapaksa’s did.”

        Rajapakses admit that they wiped out LTTE Tamil terrorists. Now it is time for LTTE Tamil terrorists to admit war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by them over a period of three decades and apologize for what they did. Sinhala Buddhists are willing to ‘Forgive and Forget’.

      • 2

        It is not our problem. Who cares!

    • 7

      Stop changing the subject, Rumble.

    • 9

      Is it supposed to be funny?
      Nobody seems amused.

      • 3

        Depends how you take it I guess.
        Context in my mind as follows
        Funny a gentleman with a job title “war crime ambassador from the US” to where? to the UN? ICC? should comment on others diabolical state of affairs they themselves known for the past 50 years?…hence the example. (if you think my country affair is funny or my expectations are any less because I am not killing others or not asking someone else child to dye…..do not do dramas and pretentious stuff not my style Sir).
        You all seem to think the ambassador had selective memory loss earlier now remembered something suddenly??
        Someone from a Nation been frying people alive for the last few decades seem to strike code with the “nobody” am sorry the same “nobody” did not care allotter wars around them either …..well this is what happens when you eradicate/eliminate fellowman and woman and rule all at gun point I guess no one else is there to speak for the occasion…..do you want me to list the folks involved in the finals phase of the war as some sort of “stake holders” providing safety to folks caring for the trapped people or the armed forces??

        • 4

          We have seen enough wars ……Gulf war 1 where Iraq soldiers were buried alive….and the entire gulf deserts are covered in depleted uranium where people are being born deformed to date……do you know what happed to the Afghan Talibans let to die in containers.
          To expect soldiers who took all the bullets not to be hateful itself show how clinical matters have been taken by us all for the past 50 years living far away places…shows the duplicity??? where we were lighting candles to one and forgot the other Mother Lanka child at the same spot???
          We were all riding on the collective misery at the expense of the (1) Soldiers were asked to perform their duties and die for us all too ?(2) someone supported someone else children to die for ones personal agenda for the 50 years??
          crocodile tears do not do it for me….sorry.
          Where were they at the front line…..no TNA, No Tamils from Tamil Nadu/Malaysia/Singapore/Western Countries and no UN withdrew just as they did in Ruanda???

          • 4

            @Rumble ,
            Are you okay ?
            What kind of stories are you coming up about the
            Gulf war ?
            What a fabrication.
            I was in Kuwait and Iraq travelling to and from Kuwait to Iraq during invation and after liberation.

            • 0

              Respect your time in the Middle-east and if you were working/providing the services to the foreign forces in their camps?? and you know nothing about what happened in the Gulf War 1 ??

              or were you in the embedded media team at the front lines each stage of the way as they have all taken a different take on the matter.

              There were Manu Indians working in the support sector to the mobility of the armed forces Gulf war 1, 2 & 3…..you would not be exposed to the things I said and even if were in any other private sector you will not be exposed what I said???

              Please clarify as I will share my information sources as this has been well documented and presented in the UK Investigative media ever since 1991.

              I have worked in QATAR and UAE and travelled to other places too and none of them will be exposed to the things I said?? why would they unless you are a UN/US/Other armed forces military advisors/soldiers?? are you one of them???

              We have lost many UK veterans to the gulf war syndrome alone as they were all exposed to the same??

              • 2

                yes “UNCLESAM”
                3 months .
                Most of the unfortunate incidents happened during GW 2 , during US invation, of Iraq ,
                I know the poor Iraqi civilian suffered the most inhuman atrocities , especially the 14 year old IraqI Arab Catholic girl and her parents and her baby brother of 3 yrs old .

                Things were not bad under the leadership of Bush senior.

                Only thing that was unethical was the young Kuwaiti boys were getting the Marines to make the Palestinians to lie down and were shooting near their feet and scaring them, because they worked alongside Iraqi soldiers.

                But the US Soldiers as far as I know from reliable sources treated the Iraqi POWS of GW ONE ,well , they were starving for months, due to sanctions SO WERE The entire Iraqi citizens .

                • 0

                  I was referring to Gulf War 1.

        • 3

          With you, one has few options on how to take things.
          You are obsessed with some things to the point that they obstruct clear vision.
          Do you father a favour, and do not give the impression that you are speaking on his behalf.
          He has been treated unfairly by his political foes, and you are not helping his memories in any way.

          • 2

            Nor am I require to amuse any that cohabit either?? I reserve them the right to cohabit/breath/breed/do whatever as long they do not kill a fellow man or a woman and find causes that affects other mans right to his plant is ok I guess??

            Good to have special causes in ythjeir bed rooms with their parents is just about ok tq.

            • 3

              Someone tell what is the next step…we have a war crime investigation…punish the entire Sinhalese people and humiliate them and what happens next……….list the benefits pls.

              The Indian puppadams get our land to lend others some military ventures??? why can not they use their soil for foreign armies? do you think it would not not go down very well with Indians??

              I think the US should set up a full blown military base in Tamil Nadu. Hollywood and Bollywood should have an interesting future in our planet.

              Tamil Nadu should also fight for a separate state from India and the US will support…just the beginning of a spiritual journey should amuse us all without prejudice.

              • 2

                All the weapons should be used somewhere I guess…….we have no where to stock them anymore….just as the 20 000 passenger airlines also struggling to find a place to park??

                Yep Brexit we jus signed a deal with India…all coming together for the breeding program.

    • 3

      This was a clear case of murder,truly shameful.Gaddafi did much for his people and to the poor African people.Same thing might happen in Venezuela and Bolivia where their leaders use their country’s wealth on their people.

      • 2


        “Same thing might happen in Venezuela and Bolivia where their leaders use their country’s wealth on their people.”

        However, You let the Clan off the hook simply because the clan destroyed Tamil Speaking people.

  • 7

    US even not even a signatory to the ICC?

  • 18

    it is common knowledge that Gota’s army raped tortured and killed surrendering LTTE fighters as well as civilians who took refuge in the no fire zone.

    Kamal Gunaratne, Shavendra Silva and Jagath Dias and theie army they had an orgy of violence and sex. They even raped dead corpse of women LTTE fighters

    Gota as per Rapp apparently exclaimed in the orgy of violence I killed them I killed them I killed them

    it is indeed a shame 12 years on and teh UN /UNHRC and International Community is yet to punish these criminals

    • 11

      You’re not exaggerating, Rajash.

    • 3

      It may be the common knowledge among those who are suffering from ‘DEFEAT-SYNDROM’ with a grudge against the party that defeated them. That does not mean what they think or say is true. This lot has a proven record for telling lies to mislead the International Community

      “it is common knowledge that Gota’s army raped tortured and killed surrendering LTTE fighters as well as civilians who took refuge in the no fire zone.”

    • 5


      Sadly it continues to happen in Jaffna and Vanni even afterwards. Tamilnet, Summathiran and CVV highlighted these at different points in time.

      Still believe in one nation? Are you happy to be ruled by war criminals?

      There are people who are very happy. They love to be ruled by those who did war crimes against Tamils.

      So do you still want to have one nation?

    • 4

      Do not get sentimental.
      This is serious business.
      When even one of the charges made cannot be substantiated, the entire charge sheet can get shredded.

    • 2

      “Common Knowledge” that FP/TULF killed all the decent in Jaffna????????? for the past 50 years where did you all go????

      you may just begin to be in the right spece to look for justice…….all the riots and all the killing fields during the war could have been avoided on behalf all Mother Lankan Child?????

      Who where were you all then to stand up for human rights???????

      List all your actions then for justice (peace time) period in Jaffna we will go from there???????/

      • 2

        When Hon Dyrriappa was gun down at a Temple it was said his 4 year old child was next to him????????

        • 2

          When the hand grenades were tossed into his house the entire family was there????

        • 2

          Humble beginnings then now we have a US rep talking about human rights in SL?

          You are who you are and is what it is I guess????/

          • 2

            “First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.
            Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist.
            Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.
            Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me”

            Dayan’s poem below speaks for us all too.

            • 2

              For the rest of the killing field celebrations please read the “Suthenthiran Paper” in the respective times. Please pass on the paper English and Singhala translation to the entire world news media/researchers/documentary makers and to the above Human Rights Ambassador too. He may benefit from to learn how to make a “Great Nation into a Banana Republic theory”…should I say proven theory in SL…..we do not need to learn world history as we have learned all that is evil in our world through our life to date in our own land.

            • 1

              We know how this shaped up too in SL.

    • 3


      “They even raped dead corpse of women LTTE fighters”

      Our old “strategic thinker” David Blacker the Field Marshall (lucky) we never had, confessed to tossing dead bodies.

      He demanded video clips of Tamil women being raped by Gota’s Gundas as evidence, probably he enjoy watching video nasties.

      What do you think about P2P march.

  • 7

    Tamils are not thinking to hand over Pillaiyan or Karuna and steal justice from UN, UNHRC in return. That is only Appe Aanduwa’s way. King has confessed that he invited and killed the LTTE leaders in cover of surrender. But still an international investigation can trace the original command origin, if suspects of intentional wrong doing from Tamils side. Radhika worked with Karuna in hiding the children kidnapping. Amy paramilitary crime has to take is support of Tamils. Government should be held responsible for, Karuna, Pilaiyan, Deva, Razik Kzhu, & home Guards’ genocidal murders. Tamil will agree with IC for reparation program for any families whose livings were disturbed by the Tamils’ war activity. The Muslims expatriates, who could not find the settlement in government held area, should be given a chance on North East’s governments’ cost to resettle back in their lands. The Sinhala Traders who left in fear of retaliation for Black July – 83 JR’s Pogrom can be allowed and helped to come back and restart their trade. Lankawe Government must pay a reasonable amount for all losses Tamil sustained by the activity of using pogroms to genocide. That is the reconciliation can be brought back. But IC has to recognize Tamils’ Sovereignty and self-determination and should leave that responsibly in a decent manner, instead of keep changing its’ mind from May, 2009.

  • 7

    What this Former US Ambassador at Large for War Crimes and Global Criminal Justice Stephen Rapp,
    UN/UNHRC and others who scream about war crimes and human rights violations did when LTTE Tamil terrorists:
    • Killed Sinhala men, women, children and even unborn babies using suicide bombers, claymore bombs, multi-barrel guns and chemical weapons over a period of three decades.
    • Killed 600 Policemen who surrendered shooting one by one.
    • Assassinated Sinhala and Demala politicians.
    • Grabbed children and recruited them as child soldiers.
    • Took food and medicine sent to civilians and used by LTTE carders.
    • Denied water to about 60,000 villagers by blocking the Mahavil Aru anicut..
    • Annihilated their Tamil opponents.
    • Put cyanide capsules around the neck of LTTE cadres and child soldiers.
    • Massacred Muslims praying in a Mosque.
    • Massacred worshippers at Sri Maha Bodhiya.
    • Bombed ‘Dalada Maligawa’ which is a sacred place of Sinhala Buddhists.
    • Killed Buddhist monks residing in temples in North and East.
    • Blow up buses, trains and air planes killing not only local people but foreigners.
    • Kept about 300,000 Tamil civilians as a human shield.
    • Shot the civilians who fled from the human shield to get protection from Sri Lanka Army ?????????????

    • 4

      “Shot the civilians who fled from the human shield to get protection from Sri Lanka Army ??????????”
      So the civilians were running away to be saved from the SL army?
      You have a point there. Maybe that’s why the civilians still don’t vote for Gota their saviour.

  • 7

    UN and UNHRC did not do anything to stop massacring innocent civilians by LTTE that went on for three decades. Some countries allowed Tamil Diaspora to raise funds knowing very well that money is used to by arms and ammunition to massacre civilians or the members of the Armed Forces trying to stop that massacre.
    But soon after Sri Lanka Armed Forces defeated LTTE Tamil terrorists and restore peace Ban Ki-moon woke up from his deep sleep and came running to check war crimes and human rights violations committed by the Armed Forces that eliminated LTTE Tamil terrorists.

  • 7

    Mr. Rapp! were you wrapped up all these years in being silent? You should have come out then and permitted a process to bring in credible evidence for serious crimes then it self. Justice delayed is justice denied. Now the fellows are bound to say that you are a born liar to invent stories and all that for monies paid in the face of UNHCR activities in Geneva. They further can allege that you are covering your tracks by accusing the LTTE as well, which is now not there to answer any charge. In fact you have wrapped up justice of victims of serious crimes. SHAME!

  • 9

    Rapp has taken a long time to come out with this ! Has he got collaborating evidence ? Why did he remain silent all this time ?

  • 6

    Sri Lanka has an easy way out from this Geneva mess.
    Sign MCC and give ECT.
    All these war crimes and crimes against humanity will evaporate instantaneously in to the air. An order will come to the agents in Sri Lanka ‘Keep Quiet’ until we assign you a new job!

  • 7

    Late Lassantha Wickeramatunge wrote the below and still relevant how dangerous to allow an institution like security forces unchecked and increasingly allowed to dominate all sort of administrative operations of a government pose a grave danger to our future generations and their freedom.

    Niemoller wrote a poem that, from the first time I read it in my teenage years, stuck hauntingly in my mind:

    First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.

    Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist.

    Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.

    Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.

    If you remember nothing else, remember this: The Leader is there for you, be you Sinhalese, Tamil, Muslim, low-caste, homosexual, dissident or disabled. Its staff will fight on, unbowed and unafraid, with the courage to which you have become accustomed.

  • 2

    “I remember the defence secretary saying, “Oh, trials, trials, you know they go on so long and people get off”. And then he said, “I killed them, I killed them, I killed them”, Rapp recalled.
    I am baffled: Why and why it so long to break into the news?????

  • 5

    I am surprised about the US interest in saving terrorist that have caused so much grief in Sri Lanka. US turnes a blind eye when hundreds and thousends of civilians and many children are massacred in Yemen by their Saudi allies right now.

    Everybody knows that the outspoken Kishogi (reporter) was mudered in the Saudi embassy in Turky under orders by the Saudi prince but no action by UN or US?

    The peace loving people of Sri Lanka hold Mr Gotabhaya Rajapaksa and the valiant armed forces in high esteem for eradicating the LTTE Terrorists.

    The brave armed forces risked their lives and limb to rescue Tamil civilians from the LTTE clutches this is well documented.

    The Sri Lanka – Army is a bench mark for other armed forces throughout the world.

  • 9

    It’s well known war criminals on either sides are enjoying life at the expense of the people on either sides who sacrificed their lives. The thought of the RULERS still CONTINUING to cause HARM/underhand activities against the victims in the North and East of the country will make their blood boil. On top of having huge presence of armed forces in North and East of SL, letting them to get involve in Agriculture, Hotel Industry etc etc is totally unacceptable. We need the 13A + implemented as soon as possible. The Provincial councils should have the Land and police powers and there should NOT be Governors appointed by GoSL. Time has come to stop cheating the ENTIRE nation and also stealing / WASTING the national wealth.

  • 5

    No one accepted LTTE terrorist. Article 13 of the third Geneva Convention states that POWs must at all times be humanely treated. Any unlawful act or omission by the country, under whose captivity, the POW is in

  • 8

    Why did this Ambassador Rapp wait for 12 years to come out with what Gota is alleged to have revealed to him? If he is so serious about War Crimes and Global Criminal Justice, shouldn’t he have taken up this matter soon after the alleged revelation was made by Gota?

    At least for 10 years after the revelation was made by him, Gota was a US citizen also when, one would imagine, it would have been that much easier for action to have been taken against Gota. Now, it is nothing but a talking point at coffee table!

    • 1

      Because of Hindia

    • 3

      Sounds a familar Nick

    • 2


      “Why did this Ambassador Rapp wait for 12 years to come out with what Gota is alleged to have revealed to him?”

      Probably he was unaware you were watching him.
      How long have you kept him in your watch list?

  • 11

    No one can dig their own grave as good as our Lankans. GR boasted to many ( I guess not knowing he will be president one day even when MR is around) he killed the LTTE cadres , who surrendered. A recent report on richest Lankan politicians says MR “The official messiah of poor SB” , leading the list in number one position worth $80 BILLION. The first ten includes comrade Wimal , RW and MS too. Right before Geneva and TN elections ,Lanka decided to antagonize their wartime alley India. Today Modi who is in TN on unofficial campaign said ” we will safeguard the interest of Lankan Tamils”. Lanka also made uncalled headlines on Burial issues and preventing victims from remembering the dead.

  • 6

    Heard that BJP is preparing to open party branches in the Island. Good keep on stealing Tamil people’s lands, destroying ancient Hindu temples in the North and East falesely claiming them to be Buddhist and more than 90% of the Hindu Tamils as well as many Christian Tamils will start voting for the BJP. Damn good

  • 2

    Old codger,

    Most Tamils are an ungratful lot.

    The government of Sri Lanka supplied food and essential supplies to LTTE controled areas
    without letting them perish from hunger.

    The LTTE got the lion share and gave the scraps to the civilian population.

    The security forces risked their lives and limb to rescue civilians from the LTTE clitches. (LTTE was using civilians as a human shield while deploying children as child soldiers and women as sucide bombers).

    It is prudent that the Sinhala Bhuddhist majority elected a military leader like Mr Gotabhaya Rajapaksa in a scenario where Tamils and Muslims are still clinging on to an agenda of terror and subversion to realise their own political goals.

    • 5

      Whimpy Kid

      “Most Tamils are an ungratful lot.
      The government of Sri Lanka supplied food and essential supplies to LTTE controled areas”

      I would say all Tamils are ungrateful.
      Government should have stopped feeding the Tamils. Do you know why they kept them alive with bear minimum quantity of food and very little medicine?
      The government knew if it didn’t feed those captive Tamils the Hindians use it as an excuse to bomb the North with sacks of Chapati flour, Groundnut oil cans, Chekku oil, …………… then conveniently land in Vanni/Palali/…. Then of course Mahinda would have been forced to beg VP to fight the Hindian.
      Of course Gota wouldn’t dare to shoot the Hindians as he did to VP.

      Don’t be stupid.
      You want all of us to believe Rajapaksa clan and their goons were fed the ungrateful Tamils out of their generosity.

      Please reserve the right to let SJ know about their generosity.

      • 2

        Native Vedda,
        After the war came to an end, Sinhala Buddhists sent hundreds of lorry loads of food, clothing and other essential items to Demala people in Yapanaya. Why would they wanted to keep Demala people who killed Sinhalayo alive?. That is the nature of true Buddhists ‘Forgive and Forget’.
        Malabar Vellala Demalu in Colombo did not do anything because they were mad that LTTE failed to achieve their Dream Land called Eelam.

        • 3

          Eagle Blind Eye

          “After the war came to an end, Sinhala Buddhists sent hundreds of lorry loads of food, clothing and other essential items to Demala people in Yapanaya.”

          Dumbass, (believe HLD M is still sitting on your head) the killing field was in Vanni not in Yapanaya. The food that was sent to Yapanaya was taken there by merchants to be sold at exorbitant prices to the people of the Yarlpana peninsula, and to feed the war criminals.

          The very little food that were sent to these lazy gundas camp were supplied by Hindia and other countries.

          ” That is the nature of true Buddhists ‘Forgive and Forget’.”

          True ‘Forgive and Forget the crooks, war criminals, murderers, rapists, land grabbers, commission agents, …………………….

          • 0

            Dear NV,
            Tomorrow on the next page I intend to show just how these racists invent misleading over-views for us.
            When I do so, I hope that you will evaluate the scale of the lying of the racists.

            • 0


              I am not interested in who is right and who is wrong(left), I have left it to SJ as I am only interested in truth.

              I am with those who dig out truth.

      • 2

        by the way Vedda the Sri Lanka government fed the Tamils with Australian / Canadian parippu not second class Indian parippu.

  • 2

    ” The panel was moderated by Sri Lanka Campaign’s Melissa Dring and also featured former UN Assistant Secretary General Charles Petrie, former UN Special Rapporteur on Transitional Justice Pablo de Greiff, TNA MP M.A. Sumanthiran, former commissioner for the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka Ambika Sathkunanathan, activist Shreen Saroor and Muslim Congress International Affairs Director Ameer Faaiz.” They were all there stirring the Pot but dare not taste the Soup only to keep it boiling if not they loose their place in the gullible society. There is one I know do an excellent job of cleaning the soiled backs of the violators of human rights and enjoy a grand living.

  • 3

    Rapp has good memory after 12 years. Killing was the answer for Defence Secretary as Pkan exploded a bomb to kill him at Pittala junction. When he escaped, do you think he would have loved Pkan.. His philosophy did not embrace that kind of gesture. Let Rapp take in the situation. Bin Laden went. Rohana Wijeweera went. Saddam Hussain went as did many other killers. We all nearly went before 2009 when Pkan exploded bombs in unexpected gatherings, causing panic. At least now, could we not move into unity, for peace and reconciliation for the future of our nation, instead of division and deception. Political leadership is to govern a nation. Let the religious leaders teach spirituality by word and example, specially to the younger generation.

    • 1

      “At least now, could we not move into unity,”

      Malabar Vellala racist separatist Tamil politicians do not want unity between Demala and Sinhala people because if that happens they lose their favorite topic ‘Tamil Question’ which is useful for their political survival.

      • 0

        Eagle Eye, I know the politician’s gimmicks but the people too have brains to know that if they don’t rebel and retaliate, they would be accepted and merged into the flow of routine life without discrimination. They could give it a try and see.

  • 11

    Why should anyone doubt Stephen Rapp when the great man himself boasted only a few weeks ago that he dragged Prabhakaran like a dog, incensed by the speech made by a young opposition buck in Parliament? The million dollar question is why the Americans are now bringing this up when they had the chance to prosecute their American citizen for war crimes for such a long time?

    • 3


      “The million dollar question is why the Americans are now bringing this up when they had the chance to prosecute their American citizen for war crimes for such a long time?”

      The people of this island are so fortunate they have imported a foreigner and elected him as the president, in fact an American president. Forget the Americans in America, why did the 42% of this island’s elector’s voted an American jekyll and hyde (Nandasena and Gotaabhaya) to hold the highest job in this island?

  • 9

    Quote: Izzeldin Abuelaish

    The thing is, you cannot ask people to coexist by having one side bow their heads and rely on a solution that is only good for the other side. What you can do is stop blaming each other and engage in dialogue with one person at a time. Everyone knows that violence begets violence and breeds more hatred. We need to find our way together. I feel I cannot rely on the various spokespersons who claim they act on my behalf. Invariably they have some agenda that doesn’t work for me. Instead, I talk to my patients, to my neighbors and colleagues–Jews, Arabs–and I find out they feel as I do: we are more similar than we are different, and we are all fed up with the violence.

    Izzeldin Abuelaish
    End quote.
    History should never be repeated ,
    But it repeats , have ever figured out
    Why ?

      • 3

        Manel Fonseka

        How are you?

        • 0

          Dear Native — Not great but thank you for enquiring & also for not assuming like Mallaiyuran, that I have not shed tears for the Tamil people or am indifferent to their suffering & the horrors that have been visited upon them. But Netizen’s reference to Palestinian Dr Abuelaish’s book drew me away from the original subject of the CT article as I was pleased to “meet” someone else who had read it. And, alas, in my old age, I often stray from the subject, which was, of course, the alleged execution of surrendees. But perhaps I should address Mallaiyuran on this point.

          Manel F

      • 0

        It was Adina, who went from pillar to post, in search of the truth — & she finally found it, at the Tel Hashomer army base. I wept as I read those pages (130-34) — both for the suffering of the villagers & also for the love & concern of this Jewish woman who dared to chase down & expose the lies of her own people, her own government.

        You should do full reach and write a book about Kirisanthi’s murder and Chemani massacre, Corporal Rajapakse’s witness of massive scale rapes and murders of that time, Chandrika imprisoning Rajapakse to cover-up of her murderous, Rapist Army Generals (not similar to democratic Israel) and later Chitanta government released him with the condition of he keep silent. Then I want to see if you would cry when you read that Tamils faced under Sinhala Buddhist dictator government many times more than Palestinians suffered under democratic government Israel. Vittachi was chased out of country becuase he wrote Sinhala Pogrom on Tamils. Same way Eknaligoda was kidnapped. Rajapakse case is similar to Pillaiyan’s case. Pillaiyan accused that Old King hired him to murder New King. Ranil immediately put in prison without Trial for five years.
        Anyway, thanks for bringing in Palestinians’ issue, which is some way similar to Tamils’ issue, on the eve of UNHRC mulling to do something about its failed Resolution 30/1.

        • 0

          Dear Mallaiyuran,
          Manel has done more to further justice in a totally uncalculating way than most people who have lived on this earth.
          Now when she posts her comments like this, she is strengthening your case. Be grateful that she still has the strength to make the sort of connections that only a person her varied experiences can see.

        • 0

          Mallaiyuran —
          Please see my post to Native.

          Why assume that when I write about one group of people I couldnt give a damn about another? Or that I have no concern for the Tamil people of this country? The fault is mine, I suppose, for straying so far from the original subject: the reported extra-judicial execution (ejes) of Tamil militants on the orders of GR.

          On Monday I emailed Rajan Hoole after reading his Sunday Island article about the tragic postwar situation in Jaffna, etc. Have u read it? You should. I wept when I did. I am so sad that Rajan (& his community) after such long & terrible years — battling together with people like martyred Rajani Thiranagama, & Sritharan in UTHR (J) — see little prospect of life improving any time soon.

          Manel Fonseka

        • 0

          I recently came across a page from Tamil Nation on the web. You might Google my name + TN’s to bring up something by me on Senator S. Nadesan, whom I worked with in the Civil Rights Movement (CRM). (He helped me to escape on Referendum day when Anura Bastian threatened me with his gun….but that’s another story.)
          Joining CRM in 1980, I frequently spent painful hours going through affidavits, etc. from the North & East, describing “disappearances”, ejes, torture, etc. I contributed to statements & letters about such things, urging remedial action. I studied the Geneva Conventions, with special emphasis on Common Article 3 about “internal conflicts”, & co-authored a document & an appeal to the govt to invite the International Committe of the Red Cross (ICRC) to work here. Aththulathmudali was refusing to do this, adamant that the conflict in SL didnt warrant such services. But it did, & eventually the ICRC was permitted to come.

          Manel Fonseka

        • 0

          A greatly valued CRM colleague, K. Kandasamy, enlisted Maheswary Velauthan* to set up the Tamil Information Centre; helped to found the Central British Fund for Tamil Refugee Rehabilitation, founded the Jaffna paper, “The Saturday Review”. While engaged in humanitarian work in Jaffna, in 1988 he was abducted (by TELO?), & believed dead. We set up a Commemoration Committee & published “An Untimely Death: A Commemoration of K. Kanthasamy”. I wish u could read my article in it. You can find a copy in the library of the Nadesan Centre for Human Rights thru the Law (of which I was the founder librarian). You can also read the documents of the CRM there which will show you something of what it engaged in over the years.
          *Assassinated in 2008, allegedly by LTTE.

          Manel Fonseka

        • 0

          I was not born here but have “witnessed” most of the main communal riots/pogroms — horrified, angry, visiting camps — the bombing of the North, the displacements, deaths, disappearances, destruction, the 2nd JVP uprising, & the anti-Muslim attacks…& it has all affected me deeply. I am tired, I am depressed, & I see no resolution on the horizon. But sometimes I catch a glimpse of something “out there” that lifts my spirits, & I respond to it, forgetting its context perhaps. This time it was Lanka Netizen quoting from “I Shall Not Hate”.

          Manel Fonseka

        • 0

          I cannot agree that Palestinians have an easier time (than the Tamils) under the democratic (!) govt of Israel! More & more writing is appearing about the apartheid nature of Israel. I could cite some — by Jews, by Israelis — but I have gone on too long. Let me just say this: I believe the Nakba was one of the worst crimes of the 20th c. I had hoped that the advent of Biden & Harris wd at least reverse Trump’s most recent gifts of Palestinian homelands to the Israelis, but the signs are
          not hopeful. And have u seen how “democratic” Israel has been holding up the Russian donation of vacines to Gaza? In a population of about 2m the death toll of Palestinians (or just Gaza?) is 10 times ours.

          Manel Fonseka

      • 2

        @Manel Fonseka,
        Thank you .
        Is the book available online?
        honestly I hate Google book online .
        I will check if the print edition is available, nothing like the touch of the feeling of books it touches the heart Strings of the reader.

      • 2

        @Manel Fonseka,
        Thank you for the Poem Revenge , It tore up my heart .
        I just do not have a single word sufficient to express this dynamic
        Poem .
        Beautiful Awsome
        The book you recommended is available to purchase online .
        Will do
        . Bless you and stay safe.

        • 0

          @Lanka Netizen
          I dont enjoy reading online, either, feel the same way as u do about books. Great that you read “Revenge” so quickly.

          Before Covid I’d begun to make a fresh list of our books, just author-wise, with location & how I managed to acquire it. Because of my particular concern about the Palestinian question, I started a separate list of relevant books. If interested I cd try to find a way of sharing it. But abandoned listing after 2019, alas.

          After struggling for months to be able to post again with the new system, & my PC being kaput, today I managed at last to get my password accepted & send multiple posts — all by mobile.
          Manel Fonseka

      • 2

        Yes, NV, Manel is an amazing treasure isn’t she
        Always so constructive. So positive, despite life being difficult for her now.

  • 8

    The then-Secretary of Defense and now the President, Mr. Gotabahaya Rajapakse, in answering a question by Media personnel as regards the “Killings” said: ” I KNOW NOTHING. ASK THE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF”. He was the person who directed and issued orders to the Armed Forces”. So are we “Barking” at the “WRONG TREE”? Now, do you all remember what the then “Commander-in-Chief” Sarath Fonseka said when asked about the “White Flag” killings case? He said, “I don’t know who gave orders to kill those who came to surrender waving white flags”. Yet FM Sarath Fonseka has not spoken of the “Missing Persons” from the “Detention Camps”. I suppose he would tell the “TRUTH” on that matter in the near future. If not he should be “Prompted” to say something on that matter too.I am certain he will “explain” it well.

    • 6

      “So are we “Barking” at the “WRONG TREE”? “

      Short answer NO.

      You feel this way because a habitual liar does not know truth from lies so he is able to say things with a straight face.

      • 3

        “Prez Rajapaksa’s Office strongly denied a claim by former US Ambassador for War Crimes & Global Criminal Justice Stephen Rapp (2009-2015) that wartime Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa had admitted to killing LTTE leaders following their surrender to the Army in 2009.”

        Whom will a sane person believe? Nandasena or Stephen.

        • 2


          Watch out.
          Is Basil involved in distributing COVID vaccines?

          China arrests leader of fake vaccine scam
          China has arrested the leader of a multi-million dollar scam that passed off saline solution and mineral water as Covid-19 vaccines.

          Did you see SJ anywhere?
          I need to confirm the veracity of this story.
          Only SJ is the one who could confirm or dismiss this story.
          Probably this is another Western propaganda fake news.

  • 6

    Gotabaya knew “Oh, trials, trials, you know they go on so long and people get off”… and MORE IMPORTANTLY how those trials would have revealed so much about the Rajapaksas’ self-serving dealings with the LTTE and the crimes of the state and its military in greater detail with corroborating evidence.

    Perhaps that was the real reason for killing off the surrendered top level LTTE lot. The Rajapaksas et al and the military leaders thought of saving their skin by burying the truth and avoid facing the wrath.

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