13 January, 2025


I, Me And Myself Syndrome – The Dilemma Of Sri Lankan Governance

By  Member, Sri Lankan Spring

The Reversal:

People’s sovereignty is supreme is the familiar phrase that is bandied about in the world. In some countries this holds true, but in Sri Lanka this is reversed, so much so that it is felt that there is no turning back. People through the constitution have vested their power with the Judiciary, the Executive and Legislature for right action to bring about justice and well being. In Sri Lanka today this has taken a full turn.

The Dilemma of Sri Lankan Governance

Let me be very plain and simple.  What has happened to Sri Lanka? The country is a failed state, despite its grandiose façade of Singapore style city development – enjoyed by the elite few. In contrast there are yet villages, even those not so rural and fairly close to cities that have no basic road access nor transport. Let us have some of the organic muck back in the cities,  interspersed with the vestiges of good governance that we had. But the threads of governance are slipping away slowly and surely from the fingers of the people, the polity, the citizenry. The concept of people’s supremacy, have we forgotten this? Who is serving whom? The people have been designated to serve as lackeys of politicians. The concept of the servant of the people too has gone to sleep in the way bureaucrats on the one hand, lick the hands of the politicians and kick the citizens who have to be served. Are they being paid with tax payer’s money? One fails to remember these facts.

Who has brought this upon ourselves? Let us have an open analysis about this sad state of affairs. The root cause being the I, ME AND MYSELF syndrome.


1. JR’s I, me and myself syndrome: The Executive Presidency brought in to serve his party and consolidate his own power, today has strangled the nation, so much so that it is gasping for breath through this stranglehold. To quote the Asian Legal Resource Centre writings of 1978

Mr. Jayawardena went into the 1977 general elections asking to be made the Prime Minister of this country. The voters overwhelmingly gave him his request. But elect him. President they did not. He did not ask it and he could not ask it. All he did was to declare that he would change the Constitution to provide for a President with executive powers who would be elected by popular vote. He is entitled to claim that the people gave him a mandate to carry through the appropriate constitutional amendments. Upon completion of that task through the appropriate processes, his task in respect of the new-style Presidency was to organize the election of a President by popular vote. If, moreover, it was his ambition to be the first such elected President, then, he would have had to seek election under whatever electoral process the amendments to the Constitution provided. That undoubtedly was also the People’s expectation. But that precisely is what Mr. Jayawardena has not done. He has neither provided for his own election by the People nor got himself elected by the People to the Presidency. He has simply imposed himself on the People by amendment of the Constitution. And imposed -himself- as the signs already show for six fateful years.’ To consolidate power the he passed a new constitution on 31 August 1978 which came into operation on 7 September of the same year. It retained the Executive Presidency with drastic and unchecked powers, and, on its adoption into law, continued him as the first Sri Lankan Executive President. Attack on the judiciary also actively commenced from his term of office with the abortive impeachment of Chief Justice Neville Samarakoon.

2. R Premadasa’s I, Me and Myself syndrome:Ranasinghe Premadasa was unique among Sri Lanka’s Sinhala political elites. He was the country’s first low-caste, lower class, inner-urban head of state. However, Premadasa was not unique in his (ab)use of Buddhist doctrine to further his own political ambitions and to fuel Buddhist chauvinism. His public profile was also shaped to resemble that of a King and not that of an elected President. At special functions he sat on a specially constructed throne-like seat flanked by large ceremonial shields depicting the Sun and the Moon. In Buddhist royal legend, the Sun and the Moon are supposed to revolve around the King. Perhaps the near absolute power that Premadasa enjoyed in the Executive President position was enough to convince him that this was true for him too! Premadasa’s attempts to manufacture a political persona based on Buddhist tradition and rhetoric took Sri Lankan political ‘spin doctoring’ to new heights. The juxtaposition of his pious performances with his violent practice raises many of the central political issues that continue to dog Sri Lanka’s future.’

Extracted from‘Who is he, what is he doing?’ Religious Rhetoric and Performances in Sri Lanka during R. Premadasa’s Presidency (1989-1993)
By Josine van de Horst (Amsterdam: VU University Press, 1995) Vol 2, Sri Lanka Series in the Humanities and Social Sciences.

3. Chandrika’s I ,me and myself syndrome – In her own self interest never abolished the Presidency and  played the scenes in the macabre drama of the Water’s Edge land deal, the privatization of Air Lanka and many other profit making institutions, The battle for her term of office went into full swing and she was actually responsible for helicoptering the present Chief Justice, who was not a ranker into the Judiciary. Therefore lots of feathers were ruffled and the judiciary and its associated apparatus also split up, when the ranks were violated, however clever the lady – a good academic from undergraduate to doctoral level, Chevening Scholar no less. The Hon. GL Pieris was quite taken aback by this student of his, considered clever enough by him, and recommended by him no less to Her Excellency, Chandrika Bandaranaike.

4. Mahinda Rajapaksa’s I, ME, MYSELF and OURSELVES syndrome: 

Has been the worst period in Sri Lankan history. To quote Tisaranee Gunasekera’s  article of 11 August 2012 titled “Megalomania of Rajapaksas is Driving Country Down the Low Road Towards an Abyss”, sums up the current situation very well.

She goes onto say The Rajapaksas won the war. This is their only solid achievement. Their record in every other realm is abysmal. Just last week, the newly built Norochcholai power-plant broke-down, again; and two serious errors in the 2012 AL papers were discovered. Of course, neither of the subject-ministers (both virtuosos in verbosity) resigned. Malaises are so ubiquitous under Rajapaksa Rule, if ministers started resigning whenever colossal errors were discovered in their areas of responsibility, the obese Rajapaksa cabinet will become as thin as a reed.

Gotabaya Rajapaksa lectures to the world about Lankan successes in resettlement. According to the extremely anti-Tiger V Anandasangaree, “The resettled IDPs are virtually starving. They were given dry provisions for six months only and some money. With limited scope for employment, there is hunger and famine prevailing in the Vanni District… (The Island – 23.7.2012). Under Rajapaksa Rule, everything is a smoke-and-mirrors show, sans substance.

The National Olympic Committee reportedly bought tickets worth Rs. 7 million for London 2012, and sent our entrants without a single coach! The sports sector received a massive allocation of Rs. 1,923million in 2011, not to develop Lankan sports but to hold as many international sports extravaganzas as possible (ideally in Hambantota) for the greater glory of the Rajapaksas. So as disaster follows debacle, the Rajapaksas will have no choice but to cling to their heroic status, as the sole raison d’être for their rule.

In the story of I, ME, MYSELF and OURSELVES the drama goes on with the third actor and de facto President No 3, Basil Rajapaksa’s  latest attempt to centralize power and control the poorest people’s meager savings under a Dept of Divineguma, which can barely provide a plant of good quality. All the plant material provided under the current shape of the Divi Neguma rarely take life and the Divineguma beneficiary list has a lot of ghost recipients.

The list of abject corruption and failed projects of  the Rajapaksa Brothers and Sons “Grimm” and their many relatives, henchmen and women, fellow politicians continue in the shape of billions and billions of ‘deals’ and commissions, personal and state land grabs, not acting on the LLRC recommendations and the suffocation of the people of the North and East, violence against women and children unchecked, attacks  on the judiciary, high cost of living culminating with an I, ME, MYSELF, OURSELVES serving budget  and the current attack on the Chief Justice. The icing on the cake is the budget decision on racing cars freed from tax and increases of taxes on many items consumed by the ordinary man.

This corrupt, dangerous and inept regime continues its existence through a fear psychosis driven into people through white van abductions and  increasing militarization in the use of the defence forces in every sphere of controlling civilian life on a daily basis (military police now control traffic, army is doing construction as part of cities beautification programs, sports events for civilians are organized by the army, quelling the prison outbreak recently with the use of the STF, using Forces’ armed vehicles and bulldozers to flatten buildings at short notice after giving a pittance for compensation or none at all and indiscriminate use of force to quell the uprising of people against the many, many wrongs committed against them by the state).

5. Bureaucrats, Associations and NGOs, Trade Unions, Political Parties I, me and myself syndrome:

The syndrome has affected the Opposition as well as political parties including leftist parties such as the LSSP and the Communist Party.

Ranil Wickramasinghe acutely suffers from this syndrome of selfishness in wanting to continue as Leader even if he is the only member of this party left at the end of all the crossovers. Those crossing over are also suffering from this malaise as they take on the shape of the party in power to such an extent that politicians such as Mahinda Samarasinghe are now defending the vile behavior of the Rajapaksa regime in Geneva. Leftist politicians who are hanging in there for their own benefits such as Vasudeva Nanayakkara have become the mouthpieces on propaganda for the government. They have sacrificed their soul and principles for perks received for staying with these bandits.

Of the many NGOs functioning few raise their voices on governance issues for fear of reprisal. This can be justified partly as the government has made NGOs the boogyman in all matters of development and community service. The government loves to brandish this whip as this is an excuse to cover up their own inefficiencies. Few NGOs justify this treatment. This is the NGO syndrome on survival. What cannot be tolerated are upstanding professional bodies such as the Bar Association, not taking up issues efficiently and with alacrity on a united platform, as some members are afraid of loosing their own privileges. The recent appointment of President’s Counsels (PCs) is a joke as most of them do not warrant this prestigious accolade, many being stooges of the government. There has been no activism as the newly proposed PCs should have all refused to accept this title as the standard has dropped so pitifully. Again the syndrome prevails.

A word must be mentioned about the Dean of the bureaucrats, Lalith Weeratunga, who himself remains as Secretary to the President without taking a stand on any transgressions of the government. In fact he seems to aid and abet the President up the garden path and covers up many an evil deed such as the siphoning of the  “Helping Hambantota” Fund. If Weeratunga was successful to any extent, atrocious deeds committed especially by the Brothers would have been reduced. If he has not been able to exact change he should resign from his post by way of taking a stand. He too is riddled with the syndrome.

6. Civil Society’s  I, me and myself syndrome:

Half  or more of the population that constitutes the civil society of Sri Lanka exist in a coma fighting for existence battling with the challenges of daily living and cannot be interested in activism of any sort. Furthermore this segment of the population does not take the time to read or access information. They are also encapsulated in the syndrome which takes the shape of survival. However they do crave religious salvation to get out of this suffering and can be easily hoodwinked with the likes of exhibiting Kapilavastu relics which make them momentarily forget the problems of living. The government played an adept role in showing these relics in the midst of Provincial Council elections.

The rest live in an elitist world of comforts and luxuries such as 4 wheel drives, visits to hotels, clubs and luxury spas, trips abroad and an insatiable acquisition of assets, very often ill gotten by doing service to the very people of the regime in the form of wheeler dealing and earning commissions. These are the people furthest from wanting change as this would upset their comfortable existence and standing in Society. They suffer from the very worst form of this syndrome.


However much all segments of Sri Lankan people live with the Syndrome, they are likely to act when aspects of bad governance enter into their personal space, interests and aspirations hindering progress. Several groups have risen up against the atrocious behavior of the government in the past two years. These include several groups of workers, the most prominent being the Free Trade Zone workers, university teachers, the GMOA, nurses, CEB, Railway Unions, lawyers, farmers, clergy and most recently prisoners as well as Civil Society organizations. The uprising is gaining momentum. However leadership at an Apex level will be necessary to have an Arab Spring style effective change or a set of event which have a central focus. The impeachment of the Chief Justice has provided such an event. But it is up to all members of civil society to shed themselves of self interest and apathy, not to be bought over by the government which is particularly good at this, to exact change, if not  as Martin Niemoller said

 First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out–

Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out–
Because I was not a Trade Unionist

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out–

Because I was not a Jew

Then they came for me–and there was no one left to speak for me.

Latest comments

  • 0

    Srilanka never going to be peaceful country until thugs and criminals removed from political system.

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      “Violent means will give violent freedom.” |)
      That would be a menace to the world and to India herself.
      Mahatma Gandhi

    • 0

      The Parliamentary Select Committee on the impeachment of the Chief Justice is a KANGAROO COURT! As the UN Special Raporteur has noted:
      “The misuse of disciplinary proceedings as a reprisals mechanism against independent judges is unacceptable.”

      The opposition and that clownish Dictator Ranil Wickramasinghe should say clearly to the Sri Lankapeople that the PSC is a Kangaroo court and they are participating to save the democracy and judiciary in Sri Lanka, so rather than rushing to nominate its members and act as if the impeachment is warrented when is is clearly Rajapass who should be impeached.
      The opposition members at the PSC should adopt the same delay tactics nominating members to the PSC and seek to drag out the process-n while organizing the people to protest Arab Spring style of the streets and bring the Rajapass regime of crooks and thugs to disrepute. Do as the Rajapassa brothers when it suits them.
      The problem with the UNP dictator, RW is that the thinks that the people are stupid and should be kept ignorant, so that he can display is little knowledge and feel great!

      • 0

        Dinuk, Lontha [Edited out], “..organizing the people to protest Arab Spring style..”@#%^? You donkey shoot every dik tom and harry around and still you want to state “Arab Spring”! Go and check where your mother has got the [Edited out] because I am not sure how you came to this world!

    • 0

      The opposition must try to delay and drag out the inquisition process against the CJ as long as possible to give time for the peoples’ and international opposition to mount.
      The opposition and Civil society should also as the Commonwealth Organization to move the 2013 Heads of state meeting from Colombo and boycott the murderous Rajapakssa regime – before it is too late.
      This is the cry from ALL Sri Lankans who know that democracy is being destroyed and dictatorship installed in Lanka at this time.
      If the Commonwealth Orgnaization supports democracy and human rights time to show it, put your money where your mouth is, and BOYCOTT RAJAPAKSE!

      • 0

        It is no point going to UNHR in Geneva every six months telling many ….. and come back happily repeating the same thing again. Commonwealth should establish an office in Colombo to collect first hand information and based on those findings, should decide either to have CHOGAM 2013 in Sri Lanka or not. The most crucial issues are the transparency in CJ trial and providing shelter for northern war victims.

  • 0

    I wish to comment on the remarks about Lalith Weeratunga here. Our system of Govt was intended to find the right balance in the matter of working between Minister and his immediate senior official i.e.
    Permanent Secretary now called Secretary. The system presumed in the event of the Minister being in wanting in particular cases the wisdom, experience and ability of his Secretary will come out to prevent the health of the system. This process survived the People’s Revolution of 1956 till about the mid-1980s to a large extent. However, in recent times Ministers (and those above) look for officials who will carry out their task of emptying the coffers of the country. Lalith W has been generously free of serious controversy. It is those like him that must counsel their superiors to save the system and make it work the way it was originally intended.


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      Senguttuvan – That’s being very generous! What about his “wisdom” in the ‘Helping Hambantota’ scam? And has his “wisdom” prevented any of the other excesses of the regime? He may be a nice guy, but he is also in it – up to his neck!

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      @Senguttuvan – how on earth can you say ‘generously free’ of controversy when Weeratunge was seriously implicated in the Helping Hambantota fund??

      This was the same case in which that rogue Sarath Silva recently admitted that he held for Mahinda, expecting him to ‘do something for the people’! Read that judgment – how it relies on the actions of Weeratunga

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        Wasn’t LW’s wife the Chairperson of the Securities and Exchange Commission until a few months back? I am sure there was a conflict of interest situation here as alleged against the CJ, despite the integrity of both was beyond doubt to the extent we know. This once again bolsters my argument that in the present age, where the husband and wife pursue separate careers, one cannot be held accountable for the crimes/mistakes of the other, unless malafide intentions or actions can be proven.

        Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

    • 0

      Good point but everyone seems to forget or not aware of the fact that Lalith W is a close relation of MR. Lalith has no choice but to hide behind his position and support the MR clan. If not, he too will be in a white van.

  • 0

    Well balanced article writer has shown how the rulers behaved from JR to MR.As he pointed the worst one is MR.Ousting MR is not an easy task as all the very important places of governance is controlled by his brothers and his Hench men.Unlike others he assumed the mentality of a king.Even Premadasa built a chair similar to a one used by ancient kings to occupy his actions has not shown the masses that he had a kings mentality.MR and his siblings along with his family really act like kings who owns this country.They assumed police should act like their security guards,judiciary must always up held their actions.The despotic regime obsessed with power cant be stopped by the Srilanka masses.Regime will use full force to suppress any decent or any threat against their power.Media people were given bribe to white wash their actions.From morning to evening ITN and Rupwahini channels pump un-truth to deceive the masses.Lake house papers are not second to the electronic media.Private media too has been brought under their control by giving perks and privileges or by intimidation.Election will not bring any results to the people as the government will establish their rule with the power they have.I believe only the intentional pressure could bring this government on its track.

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    From the beginning MARA brothers were advised, criticized and even warned for illegal and crazy things they were doing by public, opposition parties and even clergy. But due to their stubbornness along with limited education they never listened to anybody. They thought they were Kings who owned the country. With this impeachment they selected their own destiny, and the destiny looks gloomy.

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    Self preservation is universal. Who can blame them

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    The Social Fabric of the Country has to be changed because even “citizen Perera” is only concerned with the I, Me and Myself syndrome with regard to his direct neighbor/s !

    It is an impossible task until the level of education (when people realize that they have to plan for and care for the future) and the level of literacy ( by this I mean the ability to reason and think for themselves and NOT simply the ability to read) is raised.

    This will take a generation at LEAST ! So ours is going to be an EVOLUTION rather than a mere spring season.

    • 0

      Ah! Refreshingly intelligent!! I would add: It will take two generations or more IF WE START HEADING IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION TODAY, to which there is no naturally preferred tendency in sociology. In other words this could be a perfect juncture to branch off to a society of warlords and clan-wars (however unlikely it may look, Turkey, Afghanistan, and certain geographic spots in the post Soviet Eastern Europe have provided, and are providing examples). When we say “literacy”, Sri lankans are reading and writing better than most developed nations as the WB puts it. The question obviously is “What are they reading and writing?”. “I-me-myself” thinking is here to stay, and that’s how we have learnt to walk upright, shed our tails, and come to exist on earth in today’s form of humans. There would never be a perfectly benevolent and a society made of significantly selfless members. It is the selfishness and the nature of competition of the masses (you may call it jealousy) that has to be empowered to establish checks and balances of others. Let the masses know that they are stolen from. Let the masses know that the loot support extravagant lifestyles which they could never fathom. The controlled mass media, who themselves are thinking “I-me-myself” are not going to do it. The Mahanayake’s sporadic deliverance of wisdom “ain’t gonna do it” either (bows and bows – by the way have you seen the comforts they indulge in? “Selfless” you think?). The two+ generations of time which we started talking about, will be spent on the course of generating appetite for a common feeling of mass morbidity and cynical apathy towards being stolen from which would result in increasing digestion of the nitty-gritty of the adoring lifestyles the thieves and their families lead. This inertia could accidentally build into the empowering of a crazy bunch of representatives, who just might incidentally carve the path to the establishment of a rigid and sieveless safety net of laws, codes of law enforcement and execution of justice. OR, we could go back in history to guillotine the guilty and enthrone one worse. A jagged and bouncy path for it to be two generations long, long enough for the current generations of the chosen lined up for the throne to see through their reigns. Take a deep breath, Sit tight and hold onto something.

  • 0

    Excellent diagnosis of the malaise and rent-seeking evident in the Govt, opposition and political culture in Sri Lanka today.
    Two points:
    1. The NGOs are a scandal and none more so than the Colombo 7 Center for Poverty Analytics whose director is an incompetent hysteric. Though called a poverty think tank not a word has been uttered about the deplorable Divineguama Bill by this NGO poverty honey trap !
    2. While there is austerity and cut backs for the youth in education and the universities, the Rajapakse youth are sporting Lambughinis and Formula 1 Car Racing!

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      JBond – Are you delusional? You say ” The NGOs are a scandal and none more so than the Colombo 7 Center for Poverty Analytics whose director is an incompetent hysteric. Though called a poverty think tank not a word has been uttered about the deplorable Divineguama Bill by this NGO poverty honey trap !”

      P.Sara is hardly “an incompetent hysteric” – CPA is about the only NGO with the balls to stand up to the regime by filing various FR cases against their more outrageous actions INCLUDING THE DIVINEGUMA BILL. Haven’t you seen the posters put up by the regime badmouthing him and inciting violence against him? Please get your facts straight before playing the ignorant ass. We should be thankful to CPA for the resistance they have shown to the arbitrary decisions of the regime.

      • 0

        P Sara has done great and good work at the Center for Policy Alternatives. Get it right!
        The Center for POVERTY Analysis in Colombo 7 that is meant to work on poverty issues is doing god knows what!

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          JBond- My sincere apologies. I sure got it wrong. Sorry about that.

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      DEAR J B;

  • 0

    If this scourge is to end the opposition must unite. United we stand, divided we fall. The opposition can agree on the common issue of Democracy, Constitution and Independence of the Judiciary. Todaay there is a broad consensus thet the executive presidiency must be abolished. If this cannot be done immedaaitely at least the powers of the president must be trimmed. 18A must be repealed.President cannot claim immunity when he wears the hat of Minister of Finance. Minister of Finance can be held accountable.

    The joint opposition must inform the people of the danger to the country due to unprincipled behaviour of the executive. Financial scams must be exposed. Money laundering and stock market mafia who are proxies of the family must be exposed. Their financial dealings and assets must be investigated. For a start all members of parliment and state officials must be asked to declare their assets to public scrutiny. Those who refuse should be asked to resign form their positions.

    Opposition must set up a shadow cabinet of key ministries (not jumbo)to track and investigate their activities. Opposition must question all questionable policy and finacial decisions of the govt. Decision to waive import duty on racing cars must be closely tracked to identify who are the beneficiaries. Suitable action should be taken when these people are identified.

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      Which is the opposition that could unite. The main group in the oppostion, the UNP and its leaders JR to RW, as said in the article and truly so, too have contributed to the abuse; the JVP too has in certain circumstances with the intention of enhancing in popularity supported the present Govt. So those in the opposition too will not genuinely agitate for constructive changes. It is only a civil society movement, comprising of all organised Trade Unions, Academic and Professional Associations and the likewise, could initiate agitation under a common programme. It is by the strengthening of civil society formations that the current trend of the corrupt, communal and violent political culture could be brought to an end.

  • 0

    A fine piece of analysis. Debacle of Asda

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    A Sri Lankan spring is a welcome movement. The issue relating to the attempt to impeach the Chief Justice is a good rallying point. However, those leading the Spring should make a commitment to pursue non-violent democratic means to achieve the long term and short Term goals. There should be a high standard of discipline among the leaders and the membership.

  • 0

    Quite a revealing article spelling the starc truth.Translate these articles in to Sinhala and Tamil if we are to welcome a SL spring.Most Sinhala and tamil educated people are gullible as they are not being informed correctly by articles of this nature.Hence now is the time to distribute intelligent hand bills,t address the I, ME, and MINE syndrome.Have a dialogue with the people.It will be too late to inspire once the CJ is axed and a puppet installed.

  • 0

    I, me and myself a great analysis by Sri Lanka Spring. I think nobody should be scared to hear the word spring..similar to revolution. It is the industrial revolution that changed the life styles in Europe and western world spreading to other parts of the world. we need to constantly change and upgrade our societies similar to education, employment and politics to be par with the changes in the world. I think abolishing the presidency is a must. There’s more harm to society than good with this president. The more he stay in the country he creates more trouble for himself and to it’s people. May be that’s the reason he prefer to stay away from country, but again only to a limited destinations. Also he is the most traveled president simply because he has not much to take care in the country. He has the mega share of the budget so he could entertain himself. The 225 parliament is a joke as president finally decides for the rest of the ministries. In short he is the king so the rest only get what he gives. The one who lifts most gets most. The people should change this governing system with the new spring. Governing of the country (including Finance and Monetary policies) should be placed over a separate highly intelligent and qualified board that should comprised with economists,accountants, research personnel etc. who could best direct the country to it’s ultimate destination.

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    I, me, myself and mine, would have been a more appropriate title, considering the nepotism that has taken a strangle hold on all levels of our political stem- top to bottom.

    Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

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    The billions of Chinese and Indians are moving forward, but the Sri Lankans are still fighting. The Sri Lankan population is not even 2% of the Chinese or Indian population, but the Sri Lankan leaders are incapable to govern the country. The Sri Lankan politicians are disgraceful, and shame for the 21st century humanity. The SLFP and UNP have proved for decades that they are incapable to govern the country wisely. Sri Lankans deserve far better than this, therefore time to start a new political party and remove the decades old unproductive mindsets from the leaderships. Currently the country is not heading in the right direction. I urge the Sinhalese to steer the country into the right path. The Sri Lankans have removed the unelected terrorists, now they have to remove the elected (self elected) terrorists. The Sinhalese have enough intellectuals to accomplish this task. However, the Tamil political leadership have been removed by the Indians through the Tamil armed groups to accomplish India’s interests. Today the Tamil leaders are under the grip of India and Western Countries. It is a real disaster for the Tamils and Sri Lanka. I urge the Tamils to build their political leadership who can think on their own. The government must help the Tamils to build their political leadership or disaster will carry-on forever. At the moment the government is enjoying the Tamils’ weakness, but in the long term it will work against the whole country, and put all the Sri Lankans behind other Asians. If the Sri Lankans are not careful, Sri Lanka will become the hell of Asia.

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