6 February, 2025


UN Failures In Sri Lanka On 128 Pages: US And And The RC Did Not Stand By The Casualty Numbers

By Colombo Telegraph

UN chief Ban Ki-moon | Photo Reuters

“several USG participants and the RC did not stand by the casualty numbers, saying that the data were ‘not verified’. Participants in the meeting questioned an OHCHR proposal to release a public statement referencing the numbers and possible crimes.” says  UN  internal report into failures in Sri Lanka.

UN today released their internal report into failures in Sri Lanka.

Following are excerpts from the UN report;

Page 11

several USG participants and the RC did not stand by the casualty numbers, saying that the data were ‘not verified’. Participants in the meeting questioned an OHCHR proposal to release a public statement referencing the numbers and possible crimes.

Page 15

Several participants noted the limited support from Member States at the Human Rights Council and suggested the UN advocate instead for a domestic mechanism, although it was recognized that past domestic mechanisms in Sri Lanka had not led to genuine accountability. One participant said that “[i]t was important to maintain pressure on the Government with respect to recovery, reconciliation and returns and not to undermine this focus through unwavering calls for accountability …”

pages 66 and 67

The Policy Committee met two days later, on 12 March, to discuss Sri Lanka. Participants noted variously that “this crisis was being somewhat overlooked by the international community”, the policy “of coordinating a series of high level visits seemed to have produced some positive results”, and that the possible involvement of the Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide (SAPG) would not indicate a suspicion of genocide but may add to overcrowding of UN actors involved. Participants acknowledged the apparent need for a Special Envoy but noted this “did not seem politically feasible”. It was suggested that “the Secretary General’s [public] statements may have appeared a bit soft compared with recent statements on other conflict areas [and it] was suggested [he] cite the estimated number of casualty figures ….”. OHCHR said it would be issuing a “strong” statement which would include indicative casualty figures and raise the issue of possible crimes under international law by both sides.

Several participants questioned whether it was the right time for such a statement, asked to see  the draft before release and suggested it be reviewed by OLA. There was a discussion on “balancing” the High Commissioner’s mandate with other UN action in situations requiring the UN to play several different roles. The meeting led to the adoption by the Secretary-General, through the Policy Committee, of several decisions, including: continued engagement on “the immediate humanitarian, human rights and political aspects of the situation”; “system-wide advocacy” to press the LTTE to allow safe passage for civilians and UN staff; pressing the Government on protection and assistance to IDPs; inter-ethnic accommodation and
reconciliation; political advice to Sri Lanka; child protection; transitional justice; demining; reconstruction; disarmament, demobilization and rehabilitation; political solutions to the underlying causes of the conflict; and renewed efforts to establish an OHCHR field office.


Read the full text here


Latest comments

  • 0

    does it mean an internationl war crimes investigation?.

    • 0

      Yes, but only in your wet dreams.

      • 0

        wet dreams, that’s what you have been experiencing throughout your life. what a daft old sod you are.

      • 0

        Siva Sankaran Sarma:

        “Yes, but only in your wet dreams.”

        What is a wet dream?

  • 0

    Surely this should lead to a stronger call for an international investigation into the mass murder by Sri Lankan government of tens of thousands of it’s own civilians.

    Mahinda Rajapaksa must be feeling his amude tightening around his bollocks!

  • 0

    Little Lanka told the UN to buzz-off. So, did the Canadians, and Israelis Strange bedfellows indeed. We also settled it our way, in our Holy Land, the way we did to the two Southern uprisings of the past. We don’t blv in taking the middle path, only the sword.

    Would we pay the price ? A war crimes investigation ? to make the UN feel good. Then what ?

  • 0

    UN must come clean on this or face investigation itself.

  • 0

    Under the British, Tamils came to occupy 60% of the civil service and 40% odd share of undergrad places in medicine and engineering. Now this is a community numbering 15% or so of the population. Even then, these were the upper class Tamils whose numbers would have been less than one half of total Tamil community.

    The funny part is there are Tamil “intellectuals” who still think Tamils had such a disproportionate share of university intake because they were “hard working” and “intelligent” than Sinhalese.

    It may be that British wanted to divide and rule, it may be they simply picked the Tamils because they were already familiar with Tamils of South India or both or neither. Irrespective of how things came to be what they were, Tamils should have known that they had out grown themselves and to settle things amicably with the majority post independence. Alas they thought they deserved 50:50 then and still think they deserve 60% of country’s coast line and 35% of land mass when 50% of their own live in Colombo! When a population the size of Australia has been squeezed into an island smaller than Tasmania without any natural resources etc., how foolish must these people be to claim so much of this and that for themselves?

    LTTE tried to terrorize Sinhalese into submission for 30 years. They had their heydays, European tours, audiences with western good Samaritans and hell they even got the poor Air Force to give them chopper rides so that their leaders from Wanni could visit East to discuss peace! Tamil Selvam roared like a lion that should Sinhala Army invade north there would be a blood bath! The rest is history.

    People who do not learn from history they say are bound to repeat it.

    Today, Piranha is “day dreaming” about tightening Mahinda’s loincloth. Now Mahinda is not a Gaddafi or a Sadham. He did not get elected because of computer jilmart. If anyone is in doubt, the best person to ask is Hon. Ranil Wickramasinghe! The majority of people backed the war against LTTE then and will do so for foreseeable future irrespective of whether Mahinda is in power or not. It is no surprise given what LTTE did to them for 30 years. Hence tightening Mahinda’s loincloth project of Tamil diaspora will end the same way LTTE’s 30 year old war ended.

    • 0

      I think the Tamils deserve a referendum. What is your take on this Navin.

    • 0

      Bravo Navin Well said .

      • 0

        kumudini says:

        “Bravo Navin Well said”

        What did he say well?

        • 0

          Everything Navin said in his comments.

    • 0


      Bravo Navin you sound like Nalin de Silva.

      Where did you get your statistics you quoted as follows:

      “Under the British, Tamils came to occupy 60% of the civil service and 40% odd share of undergrad places in medicine and engineering. Now this is a community numbering 15% or so of the population.”

      Could I have cite of the source.

      You say:

      “Today, Piranha is “day dreaming” about tightening Mahinda’s loincloth.”

      In fact if Mahinda has bollocks he would indeed invite independent investigation into war crimes and crime against humanity.

      Could you find out if he has both or lost them to his Sinhala/Buddhist black mailers.

      Tell him to be a man.

      • 0

        Native Vedda:

        K M de Silva, “Affirmative Action Policies: The Sri Lankan Experience”.

        Since it has not being authored by Gordon Weiss or Frances Harrison or by another source of “independent western media”, I don’t expect you to take it as credible.

        Could you find out if he has both or lost them to his Sinhala/Buddhist black mailers.

        If you are so interested, you can do that yourself.

        To please whom should Mahinda invite these ostensibly “independent” international investigators? GOSL certainly does not have to prove itself innocent to LTTE proxies.

        As for other international busybodies, did they take any effective measure to prevent LTTE from sourcing money and weapons overseas? Do they hold everybody to the same gold standards they expect us to uphold?

        In as much as Sinhalese supported GOSL on war against LTTE, didn’t good majority of Tamils support LTTE in its terrorism against Sinhalese? Why should only one party has to cough up its sins? What right do Tamils have to demand accountability from the state for a mess they themselves are responsible in part?

        • 0

          Navin why display your ignorance. In a multicultural country as ours where the Tamils are an integral part of society for the Sinhalese to suppress them and being the majority for last half a century to make them second class citizens in their own country of birth, do you seriously believe the rest of the world society again Tamils are an integral part have no right to investigate what the Sinhalese have committed? You must be joking. It is buggers like you, who have tarnished the Sinhalese image of as a Hospitable Race that lived in amity for over a couple of thousand years. You buggers should be hounded and lynched not for the attrocities committed to the Tamils alone but for Tarnishing the Sinhalese Race as Racists and Killers. The Sinhalese will survive well without buggers like you as saviours, as they have done without you buggers for the last two thousand six hundred years. You buggers and your ilk are nothing but opportunists trying to climb the social ladder fast using ‘Sinhala’ as a Passport.

        • 0


          I am still reading your recommended reference K M de Silva, “Affirmative Action Policies: The Sri Lankan Experience”.

          I need some time as I am too busy with mending my leaking roof. So bear with me.

          I have two papers in my possession and the details are as follows:

          The Ceylon Civil Service: A case study of recruitment policies 1880 to 1820

          By P T M Fernando (1970)

          Ethnic Representation in Ceylon Higher Administrative Services 1870 to 1946.

          By S J Thambia (1955)

          You might even benefit from both papers only if you are open minded.

          By any chance you are a member of the Austro New-zea Spur-istas?

        • 0


          Although I am bit thick I know a good paper when I see one. So leave Gordon Weiss and Frances Harrison out of your equation.

          “If you are so interested, you can do that yourself.”

          Indeed I can, only when I see him as my patient.

          “To please whom should Mahinda invite these ostensibly “independent” international investigators? “

          It is not a social function where presents are exchanged to please your friends and relatives. This is a serious matter he not only he has legal obligation as part of the UN member country but also he has severe moral obligation to humanity.

          An Independent Investigation needs to unearth the truth. Truth about war crimes and crime against humanity perpetrated by both LTTE and GOSL covering the period from 5th April 1971 to date.

          So don’t be stupid, jumping to conclusion without knowing the facts.

          “As for other international busybodies…………”

          Without the complete support of India and IC brutal MR would not have won the war. This was according to MR and GR.

          “In as much as Sinhalese supported GOSL on war against LTTE,”

          The war was not against the LTTE. It was against the people and people paid dearly for this stupid war.

          By the way given that the LTTE was a terrorist organisation why did Premadasa and his armed forces hide behind the LTTE when IPKF invaded Sri Lanka?

          Why did MR bribe VP given that he was a terrorist just before the elections?

          You got your thinking in a muddle because of your selective reading of history and events. After all you are a stupid fellow just like your stupid Tamil brethren.

          Both never will learn.

        • 0

          Native Vedda:

          This is a serious matter he not only he has legal obligation as part of the UN member country but also he has severe moral obligation to humanity. An Independent Investigation needs to unearth the truth.


          Is UN interested in the truth? UN is merely an umbrella for the powerful to maintain their influence over others. Tamil Diaspora are in love with UN for they have their block vote in the West. Hence they believe they can use UN to prod GoSL into submission the same way LTTE tried through terrorism.

          The point is, UN is not an independent body. There are definitions of what constitutes war crimes, IL, IHL etc. at UN but these definitions are subject to selective application and subjective interpretation as everything else at UN. UN is a place where might is right. So when UN says something is right or wrong all that means is might is in agreement with that point of view. Therefore let us not confuse or associate even remotely truth, morals and humanity with UN.

          Whenever the abuses of other countries are cited in these threads, the counter argument is that two wrongs do not make one right. The problem here is what is “right” in idealistic terms is useless if it is not practical on the ground.

          If Tamils think GoSL was at war with them, what that implies is they associate themselves with LTTE’s ideology. If they so wish to put that hat on, which diaspora and likes of ISS here has certainly done, Sinhalese people can only point out how futile that is and its consequences to everyone.

          I most certainly agree with you that death of anyone civilians or soldier is a serious matter. However, I also believe that living are more important than the dead. I do not believe Sinhalese will ever capitulate into Tamil supremest ideology, two nation theory, homeland etc. So it would be better if Tamils give up present confrontational politics and engage in a mutually beneficial dialog. This however will never happen as long as they continue to believe they can enforce their will over Sinhalese with the help of India or Tamil Nadu or UN.

  • 0

    This much hyped one too is a lackadaisical statement from UN! Come on stupid UN actors, this type of contemplations won’t turn out or compel MR regime to make even a slightest change in their killer and destroyer spree! What will yield results is the establishment of an independent war crimes inquiry tribunal by the IC/UN!

  • 0

    This is another “LLRC” strain Report to be followed by an “Action Plan”
    of the UN Dept. Heads!! Another 3 years down the line by when Ban Ki Moon will be out of the scene?
    The Report has suspicious “black-outs” incorporated, probably Nambiar
    is hidding in them? He will now be one of those making the “Action
    Plan” duly supported by India and USA. The Tamils have had it for good
    is a conclusion? Is it.

  • 0

    What the Sinhalese need to realize is they have always been dubbed by stupid politicians whom were able to capitalize on the not so intelligent Sinhalese masses. They keep trading any hopes of development and prosperity in exchange for Buddhist agenda. The Sinhalese are more than happy to be living in make shift tents, ride their bikes on dirt roads, use matches to light fires, as long as they have a Buddhist temple to pray too. The British saw no talent in the Sinhalese, just say them as pitty fishermen and farmers. They will never advance, SL will always be another south asian rot nation. The Sinhalese will be compared to the nomadic tribal groups of sub sahara Africa, just another ethic group of people whom stayed primative. Can you name 1 Buddhist majority nation that is deemed advanced??? exactly there is no, it good religion but failed governmental pratice.

    • 0


      What did you mean by “primative” and “development”?

      Please define both so that we can benefit from your inside into staying primitive and what to develop?

    • 0

      And was it the great intelligence of the Tamils that kept them following Prabakharan through the desert for 30 years?

      • 0

        I think so, Mr. David, you didn’t see a brave person like VP. south has only leaders talk for money not to fight until death.

        • 0

          Niv says:

          “you didn’t see a brave person like VP. south has only leaders talk for money not to fight until death.”

          VP was brave? You mean the VP who was paid by MR to prevent voting in Vanni, the bribe brought MR to power.

          The same VP who surrendered to security forces and was hacked to death.

          Later MR and clan collected their reward from VP’s looted treasure in cash and gold.

          There are no brave people among the Tamils or among the Sinhalese, only the stupid call themselves Tamils and Sinhalese.

  • 0

    By putting pressure on CJ, MARA & bros Co thought that CJ would resign, but now it looks as though that the Bros and Co will runaway due too the pressure exerted by CJ and now by UN too. Ado Hoooooo Hooooo!!!

  • 0

    This report appears a step closer to international investigation. Now UN has strongly agreed that it had failed in protecting innocent Tamil civilians being killed. That means the UN has taken a clear stance that lots of civilians have been killed and the criminals are there unpunished. Now UN can go back to powerful countries in the UN and say we have made a mistake and something has to be done about it….

  • 0

    Navin – It is not denied in the 1930s to the 1950s Govt Service, Police
    Medicine/Engineering, Law had a larger proportion of Tamils. But remember that was because due to the American Mission schools there they had the advantage of English education. They were all recruited by proper interviews conducted largely by Sinhalese and sometimes Burgher and British seniors. There is nothing sinister there. The only difference is we had quality candidates passing out then unlike the poor quality of material manning these services now. What we did was in 1956 we threw the baby with the bath water.


  • 0

    After more than three years and after the loss of more than 100,000 lives (2009 and previous 30 years).
    UN Wake Up! Words, Words. Reports, Reports. Waste of time and funds. No Action. Just Talk.

  • 0

    Gamini says:

    ” You buggers should be hounded and lynched not for the attrocities committed to the Tamils alone but for Tarnishing the Sinhalese Race as Racists and Killers.”

    Are you trying to fit in with David Blacker and others?

    Even you too are not immune to Blacker plague.

    • 0

      Native vedda, You are right. I think Gamini should not be like us doing hangman’s job!

  • 0

    All these international bodies suffer from endlessly talking but doing nothing syndrome. These heads of states, the country representatives housed within those international bodies are just wasting money and time without doing any worthwhile thing. I propose every country must have an office of UNHRC etc. with a wider mandate and authority to monitor and report on the key issues in the country and safeguard the founding principles of those institutions. When there is any violation of those principles and if the relevant country does not address the issue properly there must be prompt international inquiry and the culprits punished. The definition of “sovereignty” must be redefined!

  • 0


    You don’t get it do you?

    Please go back and read my comment for your information I am copying part of it below:

    (but also he has severe moral obligation to humanity.

    An Independent Investigation needs to unearth the truth. Truth about war crimes and crime against humanity perpetrated by both LTTE and GOSL covering the period from 5th April 1971 to date.)

    Please don’t lecture me on UN as I have myself done it several times in this forum before. Many readers & commentators have committed suicide since then out of sheer boredom.

    You say:

    “Tamil Diaspora are in love with UN”

    Do you envy them? Would you like to have threesome or polygamous relationship with UN and Tamil Diaspora?

    You say:

    “If Tamils think GoSL was at war with them, what that implies is they associate themselves with LTTE’s ideology.”

    Are you sure you have said what you really wanted to say. Go back, think about it and revise your comment. I have all the time in this world I can wait until you get it right.

    You say:

    ” I also believe that living are more important than the dead.”

    Of course living is most important than dead. However we should take pride in preserving the dignity of the dead not killing them again without a proper closure.

    You say:

    ” I do not believe Sinhalese will ever capitulate into Tamil supremest ideology, two nation theory, homeland etc”

    Therefore the stupid Sinhala/Buddhists want the stupid Tamils to capitulate forever.

    Both the Sinhala/Buddhists and their Tamil brethren have their nations and homelands in India. Please go back to Sinhapura reclaim it and on your way drop your Tamil brethren in Tamilnadu.

    This island belongs to my ancestors until Kallathonies from India grabbed it from my people.

    You say:

    “So it would be better if Tamils give up present confrontational politics and engage in a mutually beneficial dialog.”

    I will definitely pass your message to the capitulated Tamils and advise them they should in the future give up present confrontational politics and engage in a mutually beneficial dialog.

    As the majority and the victors Sinhala/Buddhists will define what “non confrontational politics, engagement, and mutually beneficial dialog. Then the Sinhala/Buddhists would reserve the right to move the goal post. This game continues since 1948.

    You say:

    “This however will never happen as long as they continue to believe they can enforce their will over Sinhalese with the help of India or Tamil Nadu or UN”

    So you blame the victims. Good.

    I am hopeful that my people will get their island back.

    • 0

      Native Vedda:

      You don’t get it do you?

      No I don’t. Please elaborate.

      Of course living is most important than dead. However we should take pride in preserving the dignity of the dead not killing them again without a proper closure.

      So living are important but not as much as the pride of the dead? Sinhalese and Tamils can point fingers at each other about who is guilty of what for eternity. Is the opportunity cost of continuing this discourse worth it?

      Therefore the stupid Sinhala/Buddhists want the stupid Tamils to capitulate forever.

      In that case, please do not engage the majority since that’s too much of an insult to your highness.

      • 0


        “In that case, please do not engage the majority since that’s too much of an insult to your highness.”

        Sorry I am not MR please stop addressing me highness.

        Now the Demelas have capitulated. You wish the Veddas to vanish into thin air or keep capitulating. I am not sure about your stupid Tamil brethren but in our case we are going to stay.

        It takes two to tango.

        You say

        “please do not engage the majority”

        My people are not even mentioned in the constitution and you want us to engage. Engage with whom? David Blacker?

        Earlier you said:

        “Tamil supremest ideology”

        You haven’t elaborated what that meant to you? Please clarify.

        For Sinhala/Buddhist supremacy please read:

        The Sinhala Buddhist identity and the Nayakkar Dynasty in the Politics of the Kandyan Kingdom 1739 – 1815

        By Professor K N O Dharmadasa


        He is not a man from UN nor a supporter of Tamil Diaspora.

  • 0

    Navin, says,

    “..UN is not an independent body. There are definitions of what constitutes war crimes, IL, IHL etc. at UN but these definitions are subject to selective application and subjective interpretation as everything else at UN. UN is a place where might is right. So when UN says something is right or wrong all that means is might is in agreement with that point of view. Therefore let us not confuse or associate even remotely truth, morals and humanity with UN..”, “..I also believe that living are more important than the dead…”

    Well, what about the situation in SL? Is MR regime independent, compatible with the provisions of the constitution both locally and with signed and agreed upon international covenants and treaties? Do its actions reflect overall consideration for the laws, rules and regulations and the general public for which and for whom the regime is utterly unquestionably and irrevocably responsible and duty-bound and answerable? Doesn’t the regime commit subjective interpretation and selective application with everything it does? So when it does something right (I am afraid there is none during the whole of their regime period!) or wrong (everything it does!) does it not mean the Rajapakshas corrupt and abhorrent might is in agreement with that point of view, living examples now are CJ impeachment, Divinaguma (Divinasuma!, 13A repealation)? Therefore let us not confuse or associate even remoetely truth, morals and humanity with Rajapaksha regime! What matters is not the Rajapaksha regime or their much hyped five star democracy but the constitution of the country and getting the custodian government of the people to comply with the constitution and if not imposing and demanding compliance with the constitution. It is not the Executive President, the Legislature or the Judiciary that is above the law but the law and therefore the Constitution that is above those three. The same applies to UN as well. It is the charter of the UN that is law every signatory to it must comply with its requirements. If the power of might violates UN charter it is up to the member states to crusade for the salvation of the UN charter. But how can this Rajapaksha regime question the questionable behavior of any country while it is committing the most horrendous crimes the world ever has witnessed? Whatever the shortcomings, blemishes, violations and corruptions the present regime has what do the people do and must do? They are saying until we create our next government and then hunt all the perpetrators of the flagrant crimes, looting, corruption etc. for the time being do your duty according to the constitution, according to the law of the land! And the same applies to UN as well! Whatever role the might may play or not in it we as the signatory citizens to the UN charter request, require and urge the UN, the signatory states to it and all the ancillary bodies to it to make sure that the very founding principles of UN be upheld and implemented forthwith!

    Under Rajapaksha worldview today’s living are dead tomorrow and hence the dead are as important because they are our living memories and some even commit suicide in solidarity with the dead! The universality of law and justice, the conscience of man does not and cannot exclude the dead! The dead is part of the living! That is why they create monuments for the dead. The memory of the dead Buddha is and was so much part and parcel of the living that even a piece of pig bone was venerated waiting in hours and kilometers long queues! They offered their gold jewelry, money, devotion, time and sacrificed their important works just to live in the past! They constructed massive Dagabas, temples and invented a religion just based on the dead! So for the Tamils who have lost their bellowed, whose near and dear have been mass murdered by the Rajapaksha regime the memory of the dead is not so easily forgotten as you claim! Therefore justice must be done, accountability must happen and only then can reconciliation happen. Without reconciliation the importance you try to attach to the living will be only misfortune of the living because the souls and the spirits of the dead and slaughtered are perpetually haunting the minds of the living, the bereaved, the UN, the diaspora, the IC and the conscience of the Sinhalese and Tamils!

  • 0

    My friend Native Veddah,

    Why does’nt our Veddah community organise themselves into one that speaks in a unanimous voice. I am sure they will have the support
    and sypmapthy of the Sinhalese, Tamils and others as well. The world is moving to times when indigenous communities in many countries are
    regaining their honour and integrity. My support is entirely with you.


  • 0


    “The world is moving to times when indigenous communities in many countries are regaining their honour and integrity.

    Having witnessed the destruction over many years I have come to the conclusion that these two peoples do not know how to respect fellow human beings. Is there a slim chance of these two people learning from the past mistakes? Not in another million years. I hope they will evolve into rational being say after 1.5 million years. There is indeed a small problem. The problem is that I don’t think these two people will last another 200 years. As self hating self destructive people they have lost their ability to learn, adapt and change.

    Don’t you think it is only reasonable for us to demand what is rightfully ours?

    What chance do my people have in this island living among other races?

    I can assure you among our people we value honour and integrity. I doubt Tamils and Sinhalese know the meaning of these words.

    “My support is entirely with you.”

    Thanks a lot.

    “Why does’nt our Veddah community organise themselves into one that speaks in a unanimous voice.”

    We are a free thinking free willed people each of us know our responsibilities towards fellow human being, and we know the limits of our freedom. Within these set parametres we love to live our own life.

    We don’t want to be bound by paramount leaders. The paramount leaders always become burdon. Sorry we cannot affort to carry them around simply because they are paramount.

    The Tamils and Sinhalese are fond of their leaders. Both people see no evil in them, they refuse to hear any evil about them, they speak no evil about them.

  • 0

    “..My friend Native Veddah,

    Why does’nt our Veddah community organise themselves into one that speaks in a unanimous voice. I am sure they will have the support
    and sypmapthy of the Sinhalese, Tamils and others as well.

    The world is moving to times when indigenous communities in many countries are
    regaining their honour and integrity. My support is entirely with you.

    Quote from Native Vedda…

    “..Don’t you think it is only reasonable for us to demand what is rightfully ours?

    What chance do my people have in this island living among other races?

    I can assure you among our people we value honour and integrity. I doubt Tamils and Sinhalese know the meaning of these words…”

    To quote from the great Red Indian Chief….

    “..We will ponder your proposition and when we decide we will let you know. But should we accept it, I here and now make this condition that we will not be denied the privilege without molestation of visiting at any time the tombs of our ancestors, friends, and children. Every part of this soil is sacred in the estimation of my people. Every hillside, every valley, every plain and grove, has been hallowed by some sad or happy event in days long vanished. Even the rocks, which seem to be dumb and dead as the swelter in the sun along the silent shore, thrill with memories of stirring events connected with the lives of my people, and the very dust upon which you now stand responds more lovingly to their footsteps than yours, because it is rich with the blood of our ancestors, and our bare feet are conscious of the sympathetic touch. Our departed braves, fond mothers, glad, happy hearted maidens, and even the little children who lived here and rejoiced here for a brief season, will love these somber solitudes and at eventide they greet shadowy returning spirits. And when the last Red Man shall have perished, and the memory of my tribe shall have become a myth among the White Men, these shores will swarm with the invisible dead of my tribe, and when your children’s children think themselves alone in the field, the store, the shop, upon the highway, or in the silence of the pathless woods, they will not be alone. In all the earth there is no place dedicated to solitude. At night when the streets of your cities and villages are silent and you think them deserted, they will throng with the returning hosts that once filled them and still love this beautiful land. The White Man will never be alone.
    Let him be just and deal kindly with my people, for the dead are not powerless. Dead, did I say? There is no death, only a change of worlds..”

    Can and How do we keep the delicate balance? What is the present situation of that Red Indian aboriginal nation? I believe the natives and their ancestry lands and resources must be saved and protected against encroachment by the so called civilized people.

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