20 April, 2024


Identity & The Island’s Political Order: The Existential Question

By Dayan Jayatilleka

Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka

Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka

“The struggle, a real and bloody struggle that arises here, requires a different chain of thought and a different intellectual constitution…” – Carl Schmitt, ‘The Crisis of Parliamentary Democracy’, 1923.

It is not without reason that Graham Greene once said “never trust anyone with a return ticket”. Dr. Siri Gamage is playing a game that an expatriate academic can afford to. Those of us who have opted to live here cannot afford such rootless cosmopolitanism and intellectual dilettantism.

The question of definition is a serious one. The question of nationhood is a deadly serious one. I am concerned with the political consequences of definitions, not with academic quibbling about them. There can be academic definitions brought in the service of everything and its opposite. I care little for those. The question of Sinhala, Tamil, Sri Lankan nationhood or otherwise is not an academic question. At the least it is a strategic question but in its deepest sense it is an existential question. The claim of Tamil nationhood and the Tamil denial of the status of national minority pose an existential threat to the Sinhalese whose only country it is, and to the state formation on the island.

There is no bi-national, multinational or pluri-national state in Sri Lanka, and there must not and cannot be. There can only be a nation–state in Sri Lanka. The only debate is which nation that is: Sri Lankan or Sinhalese. I’d say both. In a civic and diplomatic sense it is a Sri Lankan nation and a Sri Lankan national identity, the best example of which is our cricket team and the phenomenon of ‘cricket nationalism’. In the political and ethno-national sense there is only one nation in Sri Lanka and that is the Sinhalese nation. In a cultural sense we are a multiethnic, multicultural, multilingual society, with the Sinhala Buddhist civilization as the main axis of the island’s civilization. Thus in a civic and cultural sense our nationalism and patriotism must be pluralist. However in a political sense, our ideology must be monist and unipolar. Culturally we can be ‘federal’ (and the North can enjoy ‘cultural autonomy’); politically we must be unitary.

Nationhood and nationality are issues of identity. Identity does not take place in a vacuum. Identity is at least in part, tied to space and time i.e. place and time. People fight and die over identity.

Our lives, those of us whose destiny or choice are to live and die here rather than to run and hide as strangers in a strange land; the lives of those of us who serve this country even while overseas –writing for the media back home, fighting diplomatic battles in foreign lands—are bound up with the destiny and long history of this place, this island.

Our personal narratives are part of the larger longer narrative of this country, this island. This place is no abstraction. It is a relatively small island off the tip of the huge landmass of India, with south India as its neighbor. The destiny of the country and its people has been determined by the two facts that it is an island strategically placed in the Indian Ocean and off the tip of South India which contains at last count, seventy million people of a specific ethnic, linguistic and religious origin. Those people have co-ethnics in the North and East of our island.

The history, the narrative, the destiny of this island – our story—does not derive from petty academic treatises, but precisely from the struggles for power for the island and its various areas. This struggle for power has a North-South vector or axis. The principal motor force of the history of this island has been the struggle for power between the North (the internal North and the External North; the near North and the Far North) and the South. It is the South that has resisted the hegemonic incursions from the North, including the global North.

The claim of Tamil nationhood is the flip side, the other way, of the expressing the refusal to accept that on this island the Tamils are a national minority. The Catholics of Northern Ireland never had a problem in accepting that they were a minority in the North. They simply did not wish to be treated as second class citizens; to be oppressed. The Tamil delusion is that on this island they are entitled to the same political status, weight, space and share of power as the Sinhalese who are a vast majority. The Tamils cannot have the same weight and space in the island’s political order; in the structure of power relations and ruler-ship of this island. This is undemocratic and unrealistic.

It is the Tamil refusal, indeed their state of psychological denial that their struggle should be for equal rights as citizens and safeguards against discrimination as minorities, that has been at the root of the bloodshed. This refusal and denial stems from a misplaced sense of superiority which equates a majority and a minority. According to this expatriate academic Dr. Siri Gamage’s definition there are no majorities and minorities in any society; any country; any state. He and his ilk have just abolished such definitional distinctions and geopolitical realities upon which they are based.

My insistence that the Tamils are a national minority is not in the least Sinhala racist. I belong (though I am not a parishioner) to the Catholic community. I have no problem in recognizing that it is – we are—a religious minority in Sri Lanka. I would have to be a lunatic to pretend that the Catholics of Sri Lanka who are around 6% of the population have an equal status as a collective as the Buddhists who are 67%. I am not one. I would and do however, fight hard against any attempt at the oppression of religious and any other minorities. Tamil nationalism believes in such lunacy which turns a majority and a minority into equals and abolishes in their collective mind, the fact of being a minority. Tamil nationalism acts upon it. Fellow travellers such as Siri Gamage, Brain Senewiratne, Laksiri Fernando and their junior league dress up that lunacy in threadbare academic vestments (which incidentally ignore the UN landmark documents on Minority Rights).

The recognition of Sinhalese as the majority and Tamils as the minority does not imply a conception of Sri Lankan society or state which is hierarchical i.e. is an inverted pyramid. The Sinhalese are not on top; the Tamils at the bottom. My realist conception is of Sri Lanka as a series of concentric circles, in which the Sinhalese Buddhists are the large core of the formation, with the Sinhalese being the next concentric circle. In the alternative it can be seen as a pie, in which the Sinhalese naturally get the larger slice of power because they constitute the largest stakeholder.

I am not such a dupe that I do not know the implications of pretending that the Tamils are a nation. This opens the door to the idea of national self-determination and thereby that of a separate state. This means the carving up of the island. I suggested that any experiment in Tamil nationhood be conducted where there are seventy million Tamils and an affordably large landmass, indeed a subcontinent. Sri Lanka being an island does not have the geopolitical space to even consider such a dangerous claim. Either there is one Sri Lankan nation or there is a Sinhala nation as the political core of such a Sri Lankan nation. There aren’t two nations on this our island.

The history of this island is that of a struggle over what Nietzsche so famously called the Will to Power. It is the struggle between on the one hand, those whose only home this is and can be; those whose destiny is inextricably linked with the island, the Sinhalese – living in the Southern two thirds—and those who are not and yet seek a share of power far in excess of their numbers or their commitment to a united Sri Lanka. It is a struggle over who will win (Lenin); a struggle to prevail (Nietzsche).

Sri Lanka is too small for two states; two kingdoms—especially not with Tamil Nadu next door and a modern history of colonial conquest from the West. It is too small and vulnerable to experiment with loose centrifugal forms of state. Sri Lanka needs a strong single state which covers the natural borders of this island. Fighting against a formidable foe which rootless cosmopolitans and liberals had seen as undefeatable, Mahinda Rajapaksa restored these borders to the state. Once more our borders ran from seas to sea. This is why I stood with him even while criticizing his errors; why I still do and shall continue to—and am proud of it. At this concrete moment the destiny of the Sinhalese and of the island lie with the popular-democratic forces of vitality, resistance and national liberation mobilizing in the Mahinda Movement.

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Latest comments

  • 17

    I love the self-defining truths – this is more of a sermon than an argument. I suppose that is what one should expect from a parishioner from the church of nationalism. Go Dayan – get Mahinda back in power single handedly and protect the Sinhalese from the evil world!

    • 10

      Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka,

      RE: Identity & The Island’s Political Order: The Existential Question

      1. “Those of us who have opted to live here cannot afford such rootless cosmopolitanism and intellectual dilettantism.”

      Translation. We need to practice Para-Sinhala Racism and Chauvinism, especially the Politicians and their cronies.

      Those Paras who have opted to live here in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho cannot afford such rootless cosmopolitanism and intellectual dilettantism, which will put the Para-Sinhala at risk of Para-Sinhala “Buddhism” and its hegemony, never mind what Buddha preached.

      2. “The question of definition is a serious one. The question of nationhood is a deadly serious one”

      Yes. The Paras should get back to South ans East India and leave the Land and Nation of native Veddah Aethho.

      3. The Para, Mahinda Rajapaksa and his Crooks, Robbers and criminals, should leave for the Dravidian Lands, where the DNA in their Para bodies is evidence, and proves where the Para Nation came from, by Hora Oru, Kallathonis and Illegal Boats.

      So, the Para-Sinhala Claim that they made a Para-Sinhala “Nation” in the Stolen Land of Native Veddah Aethho (People). Is that what you are advocating, using the Lies and Imaginations of Para-Monk Mahaname of Mahawansa?

      So, What is the definition of a Nation?
      The Para-Sinhala, and Para-Tamils likes to use the narrow definition, that will be correct if the geography is well defined. Yes, it was defined, The Nation of Nation Vaddah Aethho.

      Nation Definition: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/nation

      a. A relatively large group of people organized under a single, usually independent government; a country.
      b. The territory occupied by such a group of people: All across the nation, people are voting their representatives out.
      2. The government of a sovereign state.
      3. A people who share common customs, origins, history, and frequently language; a nationality: “Historically the Ukrainians are an ancient nation which has persisted and survived through terrible calamity” (Robert Conquest).
      a. A federation or tribe, especially one composed of Native Americans.
      b. The territory occupied by such a federation or tribe.
      [Middle English nacioun, from Old French nation, from Latin nātiō, nātiōn-, from nātus, past participle of nāscī, to be born; see genə- in Indo-European roots.]

      The Vedda Tribe – Native Veddah Nation


      Tamil-speaking Veddas of Vaharai await war recovery support


      PS. Kamal, sorry early bird catches the worm.

    • 29

      People with Dravidian names and Hindu religion are more Lankans than Christsin DeSilvas (DJ). DeSilvas should be chased away first.

      • 2


        “People with Dravidian names and Hindu religion are more Lankans than Christsin DeSilvas (DJ). DeSilvas should be chased away first”

        Actually, the Paras from South India, initially the paras were Dravidian, ads later diverged to be Sinhala, are all Dravidians.
        Check the DNA.

        Only Native Veddah Aethho are the True Natives of Lanka, who walked 30,000 years ago.

    • 6

      Dr Dayana Jayathilaka is a playing game being on the mode of bringing articles one behind the other to a manner as no times in the past. This is what we see in his person since new govt is there. None of these articles articulate the real problems and soltuions of the nation- instead more or less malicious views to create new kind of devisions. This nature of this particular creature is becoming clear since the current cabinet is in action:

  • 34


    Please read my comment to Dr Gamage,s article: By writing more and more outlandish rubbish, you are voluntarily losing whatever respect you had.

    • 23

      Joseph Goebbels Jayatilake,

      Here is a blow by blow rebuttal of your hysterical outburst:

      Your logic has degenerated into emotional gibberish as exposed below:

      Quoting past thinkers out of context as if what they say is gospel.
      Idiotic beliefs such as “never trust anyone with a return ticket”, etc.

      You are not rebutting Dr Gamage’s article in a scholarly logical way: Instead you are using your beliefs and prejudices to attack him.

      “The question of definition is a serious one. The question of nationhood is a deadly serious one.”
      Our definitions and distinctions lead our perceptions, and wrong perceptions lead to wrong conclusions – psychology of perception.

      “The claim of Tamil nationhood and the Tamil denial of the status of national minority pose an existential threat to the Sinhalese whose only country it is, and to the state formation on the island.”
      Emm, the same old logic of Sinhala fundamentalists:
      Small island to divide, Sinhalese have nowhere else to go, Tamils have Tamil Nadu, Tamils claim One third of land and two third of sea, etc, etc. Majority under threat my foot! Never mention a word of the historical existence of a Tamil state in the island in the past – which fact is irrelevant to your kind of ‘thinkers’!

      “There is no bi-national, multinational or pluri-national state in Sri Lanka, and there must not and cannot be.” That is no logic – it is hysteria!

      “The only debate is which nation that is: Sri Lankan or Sinhalese” – Deadly serious, ehh!
      Sure, you can have one if you insist, and be graceful letting Tamils have one as they did historically before the British married them off to the Sinhalese!

      “Nationhood and nationality are issues of identity. Identity does not take place in a vacuum. Identity is at least in part, tied to space and time i.e. place and time. People fight and die over identity.” More rubbish – identity is in the minds of people, not etched in stone:
      Long ago a Tamil scholar from Europe assumed the identity Veeramamuniver and considered himself Tamil in Tamil history. Identity is what you identify yourself with: Will you identify with your oppressors, killers, rapists and genocide deniers. That’s what you are asking Tamils to do.

      What is the guarantee that Sinhalese people and their state, which you claim as theirs, will not unleash more pogroms and genocidal assaults on Tamils in the future?

      “Our lives, those of us whose destiny or choice are to live and die here rather than to run and hide as strangers in a strange land; the lives of those of us who serve this country even while overseas –writing for the media back home, fighting diplomatic battles in foreign lands—are bound up with the destiny and long history of this place, this island.”
      This is no way to rebut in a scholarly way by one who claims to have respected degrees – shame on the universities that gave you degrees!

      With your kind of logic, hundreds of thousands more Jews would have lost their lives in Nazi Germany if they didn’t migrate overseas.

      Man, you are spitting Mahavamsa venom like an ignorant man!

      Reason and logic have parted with you long ago: You are now resorting to emotional outbursts bordering on hysteria:
      I am afraid a person like you is a deadly serious danger to the Sinhalese community miss-leading them to mass madness we have never witnessed before.

      In this respect since gullible Sinhalese people might believe yourlop-sided logic out of mental laziness, you are a worse danger than Mahinda, Gota, And Gnanasara put together.

      “The Tamil delusion is that on this island they are entitled to the same political status, weight, space and share of power as the Sinhalese who are a vast majority.”
      To the discerning reader the logic of the historical anti-Tamil pogroms is in this statement. If we were to believe Dayan, more of the same logic might be waiting in store for Tamils if they insist on political autonomy.


      “The Tamil delusion is that on this island they are entitled to the same political status, weight, space and share of power as the Sinhalese who are a vast majority. The Tamils cannot have the same weight and space in the island’s political order; in the structure of power relations and ruler-ship of this island. This is undemocratic and unrealistic.”
      Let’s see if Sinhala politicians give any political power to Tamils instead of preaching Mahavamsa to the world!

      “Tamil nationalism believes in such lunacy which turns a majority and a minority into equals and abolishes in their collective mind, the fact of being a minority. Tamil nationalism acts upon it”
      So what do you do with the lunatic Tamils if they keep struggling for their political rights that they lost in 1832?
      More anti-Tamil pogroms or even genocide with the help of imperialist forces that immensely helped you win the war.? If not for the US help Sinhalese could not have won the war.

      “I am not such a dupe that I do not know the implications of pretending that the Tamils are a nation. This opens the door to the idea of national self-determination and thereby that of a separate state. This means the carving up of the island.”

      Exactly, Dayan, you are not a dude, but you are crazy;
      It is this fear of losing Sinhala hegemony over the island that is obstructing you and your kind to perceive the reality out there more realistically, and adapting gracefully. Remember pride comes before the fall.

      You suffer from Alzheimer’s disease too just like Mahinda:

      Do you know history? Tamils had a separate state in the North-East of the island before the Europeans arrived. Poles say that their country disappeared from the map for a century before it reappeared!

      “It is a struggle over who will win (Lenin); a struggle to prevail (Nietzsche).”
      Dayan, enough of your quotations: We are not impressed; Lenin is discredited today together with socialism.

      Now you know where Dayan is coming from: Smarting Sinhala patriotism trying to burst in its seams. Dayan is a dangerous man like ISIS jihadists.

      When the Sinhalese got Tamil Eelam as the British annexed it to Sinhala ratas, where was this ‘logic’ Dayan talks about?
      Hey you Tamil, you are a much smaller nation, oh no not a nation, but a minority and you can’t claim any political rights once you are married to the Sinhala ratas? We will always be on top of you – fxxking you!

      “At this concrete moment the destiny of the Sinhalese and of the island lie with the popular-democratic forces of vitality, resistance and national liberation mobilizing in the Mahinda Movement.” You are the ideal person to take the role of Sinhala Joseph Goebbels. There may be more anti-Tamil pogroms and genocidal assaults as Tamils are not going to stop from from reclaiming their rights lost since 1948 fiasca that the British are responsible for: Hope they help with the help of right thinking international community to undo it this time.

      Sinhalese (and others too) beware: Joseph Goebbels Jayatilake may be leading you to a Nazi style future.

    • 4


      Dayan is a very bad salesman. Is he a bad Shill and white-washer as well?

      He did not show up at the wimal Buruwansa Rally at Kandy? Why?

      Did Dayan realize that he too is turning into a Burutillaka?

    • 4

      You should be happy he is losing respect?

  • 7

    Well said. Clearly explained. Certain to be criticized by the shortsighted.

    • 16

      Yeah, like the blind leading the blind!

    • 21


      “Well said. Clearly explained. Certain to be criticized by the shortsighted.”

      Why does Dayan remind us of late Dr Ian Paisley: ‘Never! Never! Never!’.

      Read his infamous/famous quotes:

      Ian Paisley: ‘Never! Never! Never!’ and other notable quotes
      ‘They breed like rabbits and multiply like vermin’ the late DUP leader said of Catholics

      “Catholic homes caught fire because they were loaded with petrol bombs; Catholic churches were attacked and burned because they were arsenals and priests handed out sub-machine guns to parishioners” — at a loyalist rally in 1968 following attacks on Catholic homes.

      “Save Ulster from sodomy!” — his slogan in a 1970s and 80s campaign against legalising homosexuality.

      “Never, never, never, never…” — outside Belfast City Hall as he addressed tens of thousands of loyalists protesting against the signing of the November 1985 Anglo-Irish Agreement.

      “I am not going to sit down with bloodthirsty monsters who have been killing and terrifying my people” — opposing demands to sit down and talk with Sinn Fein.

      “The scarlet woman of Rome” — his description of Pope John Paul.

      “I don’t like the president of the Irish Republic because she is dishonest” — his description of the then Irish president Mary McAleese.
      “Mr Adams would have to repent from his evil ways. I am here tonight by the grace of God, a sinner saved by grace” — New York, 1994, when asked if he would shake Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams’s hand.

      “Talk about dancing at Christmas on the graves of Ulster dead, and to be given the facility so to dance by the British prime minister … Here we saw the godfathers of those who planned the bombing of Downing Street, standing outside there and piously pretending they were engaged in a search for peace” — reacting to the Downing Street meeting of Sinn Féin leader Gerry Adams and British prime minister Tony Blair in December 1997.

      “I denounce you, Anti-Christ! I refuse you as Christ’s enemy and Antichrist with all your false doctrine” — addressing Pope John Paul II on a visit to the European Parliament October 1988.

      “This Romish man of sin is now in hell! — on the death of Pope John XXIII.

      “The IRA’s bishop from Crossmaglen” — describing the then head of the Catholic Church in Ireland, Tomas O Fiach.

      “Line dancing is as sinful as any other type of dancing, with its sexual gestures and touching. It is an incitement to lust.”
      “No surrender. We will never bend the knee” — a regular cry aimed at those he believed were ready to “betray” Ulster.

      “Protect us from the shackles of priestcraft” — late 1970s in an attack on the Roman Catholic church.

      “The breath of Satan is upon us” — his remark when he entered a Belfast press conference in a smoke-filled, whisky-sodden hall in the mid-1970s.

      “Let me smell your breath first, son” — Paisley’s regular request to reporters, whom he suspected of drinking, before he would allow them to interview him.

      “The devil’s buttermilk” — his description of alcoholic drinks, chiefly draught Guinness.

      “This is the spark which kindles a fire there could be no putting out” — his criticism of a diversion ordered by the police of a “provocative” Orange Order march.

      “Because it would be hard for you to poison them” — when asked why he had chosen boiled eggs for breakfast during a top-level meeting at the Irish Embassy in London.

      “No, I wouldn’t” — his response to John Hume, an SDLP politician who said that if the word “no” were removed from the English language, Paisley would be speechless.

      “I would never repudiate the fact that I am an Irishman” — June 1991.

      “I will never sit down with Gerry Adams … he’d sit with anyone. He’d sit down with the devil. In fact, Adams does sit down with the devil” — on Adams in February 1997.

      “We are not going into government with Sinn Fein” — after the confirmation of IRA’s decommissioning of its arms.

      “We do not know how many guns, the amount of ammunition and explosives were decommissioned, nor were we told how the decommissioning was carried out. There were no photographs, no detailed inventory, and no detail on the destruction of these arms. To describe today’s statement as transparent would be the falsehood of the century” — on IRA decommissioning of weapons, September 2005.

      “If anybody had told me a few years ago that I would be doing this, I would have been unbelieving” — inside Parliament Buildings, Stormont, after agreeing to enter a power-sharing government with former IRA leader Martin McGuinness as his deputy First Minister.

      “People have come out of a dark tunnel and they can see there is a path out there for us. I think it has put a lot of faith and hope into people” — on the eve of being sworn in as First Minister of the power-sharing government.

      “I believe that Northern Ireland has come to a time of peace, a time when hate will no longer rule. How good it will be to be part of a wonderful healing in our Province” — his inaugural speech as first minister.

      “I better shake hands with this man and give you a firm grip” — as he prepared to shake hands with then taoiseach Bertie Ahern in Dublin .
      “Today, we can confidently state that we are making progress to ensure that our two countries can develop and grow side by side in a spirit of generous cooperation. Old barriers and threats have been, and are being, removed daily” – after the handshake.

      “I might as well make hay while the sun shines” — 2007, saying he intended to defend his North Antrim seat at the next general election and remain as First Minister for the full term.


      The never, never, never Doctor cultivated close friendship with Martin (IRA) sat down and dealt with many issues most of them were emotionally destructive to begin with.

      Later the never, never, never Doctor Ian Paisely and former terrorist Martin McGuinness were celebrated as chuckle brothers.

      By the time Dayan comes to his senses it would be too late for him to catch up with rest of the country which would have by then moved beyond anything that he could comprehend.

      Will Dayan be remembered as Dr Nyet (Dr No) in the distance future?

    • 30

      as usual a borrowed bean seed taraki- trying to bring his dead image to life like `nack` the egghead (:-I…

      Dj…the meanest bang shang dysic has found a sling and he is on the verge of breaking his arm on a future trip to New Delhi- most probably be haunted by monkey guards at the gates of iHindu pillar.

      remember Emmanuel the cat-o-lic has no visa to India.

      (:-I Dayan is Attu Patti SinGayLish kicked out as an alter-boy for Jesuits.

  • 21

    Did I read somewhere that 3 Doctors were working on his brain and was not able to attend the Kandy meeting?

    Looks like the Doctors haven’t still fixed the problem, obviously there must be a diagnostic issue.

  • 16

    [Edited out] His support of MR and his racist agenda is as bad as the devils that haunt us via the BBS.This Bugger is worse than Mahinda Rajapakses astrologer re his predictions and scenarios he spins. T[Edited out]

  • 6

    One thing about MR defeat is at least it helped to show real colour of the leftists in SL. He has moved on from his days in NE provincial council.

  • 11

    Dr. Dayan,

    Why not one nations-state? Please note the plural.


    • 9

      Dr. Narendran,

      You are wasting your time with this incorrigibly racist and maniacal thug. Quite a few of those feral thugs have infested CT. They are goading the Tamils into producing the next VP.

      Tamils should exercise caution and not be goaded into resorting to violence again; they should continue to peacefully assert their legitimate and rightful place in a united Sri Lanka.

      SL Tamils produced the first Asian knighted by the British queen; the first graduate of the University of Madras, and many distinguished professors, lawyers, judges, scientists and engineers. They must make sure that Tamil youths do not react emotionally and resort to violence in the face of such incorrigibility of some “academic” thugs and their fellow travelers.

      Fortunately, President Sirisena has shown a lot of maturity. When the NPC Chief Minister met the President and explained the genocide resolution, the latter is reported to have said that as a politician himself, he understood political compulsions. That is a mature reaction coming from a SL president.

      Justice CVW should be careful in his choice of words and make sure he does not carelessly give ammunition to the President’s enemies in the South.

      And Tamils should be more vocal in condemning radicals in the Diaspora, especially in Britain who burnt the effigies of Sampanthan and Sumanthiran, and are now protesting Sirisena’s visit to London.

      • 3

        Agnos says “They are goading the Tamils into producing the next VP.”

        Well said buddy, this is what guys like learned Dr exactly trying to push Tamils to a corner, so one of emotional groups would put a fire cracker for MR, or Narmal might be in line, for safeguarding the Sinhala Buddhists as this guy stirs, with the massive cluster, chemical, cannons and armory, doesn’t matter whether what they use is disproportionate or not, would start their operation in the name of humanitarian rescue. The human charter to carry on one hand while doing this operation is ready, ironically some copies this same guy brought when MR called him abruptly from his post of some kind in the UN, he has to lend.

        Does this guy or all the hardliners from both side think about the poor soldiers and the innocent Tamils caught up as a result of their tantrums. To win an argument, this guy is even prepared to indiscriminate himself for following the religion he follows, knowing he could switch sides get to the top at his will as some of the racists did before to hoodwink the real Buddhists. As I see this guy, who was one of the leftists with having held a distinguished position as Youth affairs minister in the NE provincial Council is fully complete his U turn process by now. He even prepared to shelf the academic definition of words and what matters for him is geopolitical definition, generated out of sheer racism.

  • 23

    So this idiot saying tamils of ealam right 2 have their own state…
    Where did u get u r PHD, is it like namal babys law degree….am I right call Sinhala modayas…

    • 3

      Muthu, u r right call gon demala…

    • 14


      You should call Taraki “Sinhala speaking gon Demela”

  • 12

    ok Dayan it seems that all your business ventures have failed and you are back to academic business of defining Nation hood to a nation of halusinators. As a Sri Lankan poet once said ” We are a nation of hallucination”.

    Dayan get back to smoking some weed.Because you have lost your retun ticket by betting on the wrong horse so ride that horse to its glorious end and please do whine while you write. CT readers will be disappointed if you don’t.

  • 12

    Today an attempt is made that MS had been elected with the minority vote whereas the majority Sinhala Buddhist vote has been for MR. Therefore these believe that if they drum the Sinhala Buddhist cause they could tilt the balance Sinhala votes in MR’s favour so that they could hoist MR once again in power. What wishful thinking?

    The fact is that there is an equal number of Sinhala Buddhist vote that has voted against MR along with the minorities to vote MR out. These Sinhala Buddhists will never vote MR again to install him in power once again. Today the majority has come to know the real MR and his doings, that very soon issues will be in the public domain for all to see. Then MR will lose some more votes rather than gain anything new. Then this hype will all just melt and the catchers will also disappear in to political oblivion, who are around trying to resuscitate MR today, the Political Pundits and all.

    • 14


      Can we persuade MR to appoint Dayan the campaign manager for SLFP at the next general elections to ensure UNP’s sure victory?

      Dasyan, Weerawansa …. are great the assets that UNP has.

      • 3


        Just wait and see the fun from the day the parliament is dissolved. The fights before the nominations leading up to the day of nominations where many of these will be disappointed. The defeat of many at the polls that will follow, will lead to even bigger surprises for political pundits as Dayan and his ilk.

        The only certainty will be many of the Political Pundits in this country will be history and the corrupt will be behind bars.

        • 5



        • 16

          wait and see seya bewa wine!!!
          pick pockets cocnut head ranil hair is growing with the hedge fund like kota_la_wella!

  • 32

    “”The claim of Tamil nationhood and the Tamil denial of the status of national minority pose an existential threat to the Sinhalese whose only country it is, and to the state formation on the island.””

    Angrejika putra Dayan,

    the Tamils in the Indian ocean are Hindu’s!!

    What the Fu** are you Cat_O_Lic going to Do politically or militarily even with Pseudo Sihala Buddhist magic??

    You should be first held for defamation and thrown into the Zoo for recreating crusade.
    Perhaps white vanned so that you may run across the seas into a mantal asylum state and get romantic with Mugabe likes.

    Big Bad Scum

  • 2

    Dr. DJ is spot on in his argument that “The Tamil delusion is that on this island they are entitled to the same political status, weight, space and share of power as the Sinhalese who are a vast majority. The Tamils cannot have the same weight and space in the island’s political order; in the structure of power relations and ruler-ship of this island. This is undemocratic and unrealistic”

    Those who support the idea of ‘Tamil Nationhood’ and are reluctant to accept the fact that the Tamils are the ‘national minority’ are well aware of the fact that their claims are unrealistic and undemocratic. They are probably taking it to their advantage that this island is placed off the tip of South India which contains at least seventy million Tamils. Perhaps it is a part of their agenda to obliterate and abolish the definitions of ‘majority and minority’

    • 24

      don’t belch & fart with your perceived notion of who was your king.
      he is now glad to be king in waiting dammed to the Hague like the slavic folk.

      one has to give for you to survive- buruva seated on brain at his keyboard.

      go read hindu krishmurthi `freedom from the known` even JR read it at times of trouble.
      Or are you a crusader for creepy cardinal fisher_folk that you want them canned as Iceland style hop In – Hop Out the robotic trawlers leading to container shipping of tuna cod cultured fishing!

    • 5


      When you say “national minority”, that by definition implies a “nation” that is inclusive of “minority”. Conversely, Dayan defines there is only one nation in Sri Lanka and that is the Sinhalese nation. And so, by Dayan’s definition, the “Sinhalese nation” is exclusive of minorities. Who is right?

      If Dayan is right, why not “Sinhala-Buddhist-Nation” since the non-Buddhists, including Dayan are foreign to the monolithic nation by carrying and extending the logic of Dayan’s own definition!

      Dayan – by your own definition are you part of the “nation” or not? Good time for you to decide.

      • 22

        definitions are matters of convenience.

        It is the concept of blood & gore he is planning in the lines of Churchill the war criminal – partition.

        you cant love and be wise crack.

      • 3

        Kumar R.

        Who else is included in the British nation, French nation, German nation, Australian nation, New Zealand nation…………. ?

        Even when Obama is a black president, blacks in america are persecuted heavily.

        • 3

          Oh Jim Softly – seems truly soft where it matters!

          British nation is made of the British, French nation is made of the French, Australia nation iss made of Australians. Likewise Sri Lanka nation is made of Sri Lankans! Not jsut Sinhalese, nor Buddhist-Sinhalese!

          Still difficult to fathom this? Want a diagram?

  • 7

    Hey Dayan,

    What a puerile perception “In the political and ethno-national sense there is only one nation in Sri Lanka and that is the Sinhalese nation” particularly from someone who chose to abandon and hide his own origin – the De Silva heritage?!

    There is one nation, Sri Lanka – and that has multiple segments of population, Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims etc. There is no Sinhala-nation. Is the USA “in political and ethno-national sense” a nation of Native Americans? Or is it a nation of European whites – and if so, of which origin? How about India?

    Dayan — you were obviously ashamed or motivated by some (inferior) complex to abandon your own paternal name, and instead you chose a convenient fictional “Sinhala” sounding name to hide under – can you explain why else you changed your name?

    Having shown such disrespect/disloyalty to your own your family name and heritage, you want to now feign such xenophobic loyalty to some fictional Sinhala nationhood that you have dreamt up motivated by nothing more than the fact you have no alternative means to seek employment?

    Stop dividing a country by appealing to the thirst of the segment of extreme racists Buddhists – Banda did that more than half a century ago, that cost the country almost a century of civilized development. Fate was kind enough to save the country from the edge of disaster in January – now you seem determined to push it right on back to an even greater abyss!

    Begging would be a more respected source of employment than such dastardly prostitution, an allegation MR made to Al Jazeera (again I reiterate the meaning for prostitution: “using one’s talent in an improper or disrespectful way”).

  • 13

    How ignorant is this standardised doctor? In the UK the minorities (Scots, Welsh and Northern Irish), who together make up about 15% of the population, are each classed as separate nations. This has been the case for a long time, long before these nations received devolution in the late 1990s. And the UK is not a federal country.

    Only ignorant racist Sinhala supremacists equate nationhood with independence. DJ fits this bill perfectly.

  • 16

    “The claim of Tamil nationhood and the Tamil denial of the status of national minority pose an existential threat to the Sinhalese whose only country it is, and to the state formation on the island.”

    What this learned DR implied is that the Tamils in Sri Lanka have multiple countries to call as their country whereas the Sinhala only have Sri Lanka! So we Tamils are privileged people as we belong to multiple countries. This man is most definitely a Sinhala Buddhist Political Seicentist and not an international one. His views are completely nationalistic and can be classed as fostering racism.

    This man deemed that Dr Siri Ganage is an expat and he does not understand as to what is right for the Sinhala. Basically, Dr Siri Ganage is a traitor. It is extremely disappointing that this man has stooped so low for cheap popularity.

    I am a Tamil in Sri Lanka and on par with the Sinhala I can only call Sri Lanka is my country. I cannot call india or any other country as my country. However, there need to be a recognition that the tamil constitute a nation with distinct culture, language, and demography. This is absolutely paramount to building the nations-state of Sri Lanka.

    • 2

      As a tamil, you can always say SL is your country and nothing stops that. That is the same for non sinhalese and non tamils.

      What DJ says is two nation claim is dangerous to SL and its existential realities. This DJ’s mention of SL is sinhala’s only country is what gets your attention. Even if this is not the only country of sinhalese, the threat exists if there is are two nations. The day there is two nations, SL wont exist.

      Any non racist but intelligent tamil will realise this claim. This is about national interests.

    • 2

      And even one is to ignore the national interests and existential reality,still I wont agree that tamils are a nation. Saying there is an equal tamil nation in SL is ridiculous when one takes history, civilization, culture, what one has done to SL.

      It was Sinhala who defended SL all over history, Tamils were mere tools at the hand of out side powers who want to destabilize SL. What has tamils have in SL to show?

      Their language is a total import. So is religion. so is culture. tamils never have had any patriotism to Sri Lanka or the island in any part of history. That is different from SInhala people when you compare.

      I know one will say Sinhala people’s religion is also an import. yes partly. But the religious tradition in SL are unique to Sinhala people. The buddhist scriptures were written in SL by sinhala. we have a legacy here about ancient kings, their stories, wars, but what do tamils have except mispronouncing sinhala king’s names and showing some pottery with tamil brahmi.

      Please compare what Sinhala is to SL and what Tamil is to SL. Then one can understand how ridiculous is the claim that there is are equal sinhala state and tamil state

      • 14


        When you have nothing to add constructively, you should say nothing. You have written total nonsense with full of contradictions. In fact it is very embarrassing to read!

    • 2

      There are several experts with Sinhala names, they all write their names as Dr or Prof. Yet they are retired people living overseas and loks like they have completely forgotten what Sri lanka is..

      They all write for cheap popularity and they are aristocrats with democratic opinions towards their own country.

  • 9


    ’The Catholics of Northern Ireland never had a problem in accepting that they were a minority in the North”


    How did you find out?You had a referendum?

    You mean Irish Catholics accept that they are a national minority in Northern Ireland?and accept Northern Ireland as a Nation State for protestants.

    Reunification of Ireland is not in the Agenda!and the civil war is for the national minority status

    When a political scientist says it must be true! .

  • 3

    I agree with Dayan whole heartlessly.

    Academics and even politicians can define and describe how a nation a should be.

    but, it is finally the people who live in it and they have so many things to protect. SO, it is the people and their needs that over ride every thing.

    Tamils have their own country which is Tamilnadu. Why Sri lanka has to be a shanty country.

  • 9


    south India as a neighbor


    Is South India a nation – a nation state?

  • 9

    All his articles always have communal flavour and naturally this article is onky a follow up.
    We all agree Sinhalese are majority community and Tamils a minority but he says Tamils have equal rights as his Sinhala brethren. If so, will the Sinhalese agree for a Tamil leader to rule this country?
    It is possible some day provided people like DJ disappear from the journalism and politica.

    He is very bitter and disappointed over the failure of MR getting back to power and all the series articles since then only cough out communalism may to be please MR expecting him capture power in whatever way.

  • 9

    Actually,I would not waste my time replying to Dayan.His father Mervyn De Silva who was a bit of an Editor of a Newspaper was summoned before Parliament and tried for his impertinence way back in the 70/80s when Amirthalingam was the Leader of the opposition! The Hansard of the period will give the details. Amirthalingam,in his fractured English defended Mervyn who then went on to publish the Lanka Guardian another Tabloid! These people earn a living on Controversy!

  • 8


    You are a racist, but an internationalist as well and fund of using parallels from international practices and leaders

    Your definition of Nation State should be universally applicable for you to earn the respect due to a Political Scientist or are you only a diplomat who lies for his country?

    Very intricate question in deed?

    Shall we extend your thesis to Ukraine?

    Does Ukraine is a nation state that belongs to Ukrainians on.

    Russian minorities could only be national minorities.

    Ukraine is by the side of a huge country-Russia

    By your own argument,Ukraine should be only a unitary state, federalism is taboo dangerous, suicidal!

    What is the solution?

    Parallel between Sri Lanka and Ukraine is striking/tempting!

    Annexing Crimea and Eastern Ukraine with Russia or providing a federal solution to Eastern Ukraine are not valid options

    • 1

      What ever we talk, Sri lankan leaders are puppets of India. India decides how Sri lanka should prevail.

      65 million in the north have a good say in Sri lankan politics.

      whether we say accept or not that is the truth.

  • 13

    DJ, just give us a break man, just stay quiet for a change.

    You wont be missed.

  • 3

    A. Referendum will be held in Sri Lanka to enable the Tamils to vote for nationhood or not . This is inevitable and will happen . Quebec, Scotland , Sudan are recent examples of holding referendums. The Tamils are wise people and they will vote very thoughtfully . If the results are for a separate nation of Tamil Elam , so be it . The Singhala and Tamil Elam nations will live peacefully side by side and economically prosper. IF A REFERENDUM DOES NOT HAPPEN OR IS SUPRESSED , there w I’ll be untold repercussions of another PRABAKARAN AND ANOTHER WAR W ITH THE INVOLVEMENT OF UNDERHAND SUPPORT FROM TAMIL NADU . So, let saner council prevail and hope the Singhala politicians do not play the dodge an car game for long. By the way rw says the Indian fisherman will be shot to death, whom is he kidding . The brat let him shoot to kill and see the repercussions,. RW AND SIRISENA KNOW THE GAME THAT INDIA IS PAVING THE WAY SLOWLY BUT SURELY FOR TAMIL ELAM. One reading this might infer I am a Tamil . I am not. I am from veyangoda and I love my ” MAUBIMA” .

  • 18

    Dyan the Taunted:

    I have alreday said this. But let me repeat as I get a lot of pleasure by saying this. The PAIN is obvious from the frequency of your lamentable Articles. But there is a positive aspect to this. It is getting shorter and shorter. But for you and the defeated lot the Night is getting longer and longer but sadly there is no light at the end of the Tunnel.

    Let me again disect the carcass.

    1) Those of us who have opted to live here cannot afford such rootless cosmopolitanism and intellectual dilettantism.

    ***cosmopolitan, meaning “diverse,” or bustling with lots of people of varying nationalities.

    You said it not me. In Sri Lanka there are different Nationalities
    Tamils ( By defenition Muslims included)
    Intelectual dilettantism.
    a person who is or seems to be interested in a subject, but whose understanding of it is not very deep or serious:

    You fit the above description.

    2)The question of definition is a serious one. The question of nationhood is a deadly serious one. I am concerned with the political consequences of definitions, not with academic quibbling about them. The claim of Tamil nationhood and the Tamil denial of the status of national minority pose an existential threat to the Sinhalese whose only country it is, and to the state formation on the island.

    *** This why we fought for centuries the last one between
    “Ellalan & Gemunu,

    3) There is no bi-national, multinational or pluri-national state in Sri Lanka, and there must not and cannot be. There can only be a nation–state in Sri Lanka.
    The only debate is which nation that is: Sri Lankan or Sinhalese. I’d say both.

    *** You are utterly WRONG for the following reasons.

    There is a difference between the terms nation, state, and country, even though the words are often used interchangeably. Country and State are synonymous terms that both apply to self-governing political entities. A nation, however, is a group of people who share the same culture but do not have sovereignty.

    So if the Tamils are justified in claiming a Separate State either as of Right or out of Necessity it will be up to other States to sanction the creation. There are many examples. For example when Bangladesh was created by India there was an initial reluctance but once India recognised it others followed suit.

    4)In a civic and diplomatic sense it is a Sri Lankan nation and a Sri Lankan national identity, the best example of which is our cricket team and the phenomenon of ‘cricket nationalism’.

    *** In terms of Cricket it was the Tamil “Muthaiya Muralitharan” who put Sri lanka on the World map. Even he didnt want to dig the past just in case he found his balls. Are you worried that you might find the emergence of many Muralis.

    5) In the political and ethno-national sense there is only one nation in Sri Lanka and that is the Sinhalese nation.

    *** NO NO NO You are utterly wrong we had and have a Tamil & Sinhala Nation. I have explained that above.

    6) In a cultural sense we are a multiethnic, multicultural, multilingual society, with the Sinhala Buddhist civilization as the main axis of the island’s civilization.

    *** You really are asking for more than you can chew.

    A Superior ( Tamil ) and an Inferior Culture.

    7) Our lives, those of us whose destiny or choice are to live and die here rather than to run and hide as strangers in a strange land; the lives of those of us who serve this country even while overseas –writing for the media back home, fighting diplomatic battles in foreign lands—are bound up with the destiny and long history of this place, this island.

    *** Say the above to Gothas former Paymaster SAM CHICKEM

    8) Our personal narratives are part of the larger longer narrative of this country, this island. This place is no abstraction. It is a relatively small island off the tip of the huge landmass of India, with south India as its neighbor. The destiny of the country and its people has been determined by the two facts that it is an island strategically placed in the Indian Ocean and off the tip of South India which contains at last count, seventy million people of a specific ethnic, linguistic and religious origin. Those people have co-ethnics in the North and East of our island.

    *** Bharathiyar wrote ” Sinkala Thivinukor Palam Amaipom” South India and Sri Lanka are one and the same.

    9) The claim of Tamil nationhood is the flip side, the other way, of the expressing the refusal to accept that on this island the Tamils are a national minority.

    *** The above is a historical fact and even MRs attempt to annex Eelam failed misearablly after the Tamil Tsunami on the 8th.

    10) It is the Tamil refusal, indeed their state of psychological denial that their struggle should be for equal rights as citizens and safeguards against discrimination as minorities, that has been at the root of the bloodshed. This refusal and denial stems from a misplaced sense of superiority which equates a majority and a minority.

    *** We are in sound mind but it is you lot who are lost in the wilderness blown off by the Tamil Tsunami.

    11) My insistence that the Tamils are a national minority is not in the least Sinhala racist.

    *** The feeling is mutual

    12) The recognition of Sinhalese as the majority and Tamils as the minority does not imply a conception of Sri Lankan society or state which is hierarchical i.e. is an inverted pyramid. The Sinhalese are not on top; the Tamils at the bottom.

    *** Take my advice and go and see a Psychiatrist before it is too late.

    The history of this island is littered with atrocities against the Minorities by a barbaric race.

    13) Sri Lanka is too small for two states.

    *** The answer is an emphatic NO

  • 8

    Because of Muslim oppression of Catholics, Timor was divided and half million Catholics were recognized as the Nation of East Timor and NOT as Nation State

    Tamils with a population of 15% could and should have a Nation State in a Unitary Country.

    In 1956 the Warden of S. Thomas College, Mt. Lavinia, the Late Cannon De Seram called SWRD the worst Demagogue in Ceylon.

    DJ, you are the worst Demagogue in 2000 Sri Lanka.

    • 4


      I have already said this in response to Dyan before. At least I can see the clamour for impersonation. It is not a Numbers Game. Tamils are here to say in this Island and you Sinkalams are not going to boot us out. So get real.

    • 3

      To the Moderator

      I misread the above. My apologies to the writer.

  • 3

    “Separate Police Forces will become Private Armies of the Chief Ministers”

    This is not a Sumanaseka’s statement from the past.,

    This is what the “hired” PM Mr Ranil Wickremasinghe said to the DH .

    I am withdrawing the rogue title now in appreciation of his admittance of the bleeding obvious…

    • 1


      If you appreciate Ranil Wickremasinghe for that single comment now, when RW implements a corrupt free and a secure Sri Lanka in the future, you probably will be one great fan of RW. Good Luck!

      • 13

        “when RW implements a corrupt free and a secure Sri Lanka in the future, you probably will be one great fan of RW”

        `Kota_la_wella?? sloth the wicked siren is no company for freedom.

        Coconut heads hedge funds for salt fish smelly- pick pockets

        sly sloth siren state from failed state of Gota!

        Cola>Colamba> Seylan not nuwera puddhu buddhu!!

        ranil, is presently pacche peee!pick pocket company.

        1818 last English war with Indian (maratha marital race 3 rd war) for english east indaia company.
        1818 last English war with Seylan for whole island (candy my foot is imprinted there like Jain ChandraGupta Maurya at karanataka)

  • 1

    What DJ essay is rightly approached that ethnic minority of Tamils in Sri lanka can be understood by analyzing structure of reality Indian region contemporary invisible dialectic aims and their historical thoughts.

    The both conflicts and the resolution of differences and then lead everyone mainly Sinhalese involved into new democratic cycle of conflicts and solutions.
    Tamils should realized history is an inexorable process in this conflicts leads towards higher level of Sinhalese civilization after defeated LTTE war footing anarchism prevailed 30 years.

    We have to have our intellectual achievement fill gap between realization of Buddhist outlook and their historical roots of Tamil issues by path of Democracy norms new innovation of 21st century human thoughts.

    But DJ is an interesting figure in the current historical issues are concern of his line of philosophy as much for the influence of his ideas Sri lanka’s society by majority accepts ground reality for urgent solution to be address by MR led forces.

    We all Sri lankan witness tragedy of Tamil Terrorism as the highest form of art of war because in a WORLD that essentially caused us suffer tragedy attempted to understand and communicate the nature of Tamil political class on view of Sinhalese’s people not by words but in their deeds.

    That is why DJ essay timely need ever Sri Lankan should read with out fail.

  • 3

    Asking for separate nations is different to agreeing to give them, without the agreement of the great majority.

    The current President sneaked in, promising the two minorities to give their own Nations , although the President denies there are such agreements.

    UNP followers couldn’t careless whether they have one Nation or several nations as long as they can fatten themselves.

    A minority of the Snhala Buddhist leaders who were engulfed in jealousy, and revenge, worked overtime to help make the new President..

    They only wanted to kick Rajapaksa out.and jail him so that there won’t be any serious Political opposition.

    Geriatric Academics, Political Analysts and ex Politicians with Foreign Passports have their own agendas to push.

    These cover a multitude of areas.such as their religious , caste, communal , political, and some with even pure anti Sinhala anti Buddhist sentiments and hatred towards the dalits whom they think are not suitable as leaders, and take every opportunity to promote them.

    Most of these individuals have no intention of calling Srilanka Home, except for cheap thrills at budget rates.

    The great majority of the inhabitant population who are 67 % according the Dr Dayan , have no chance of mass migration to the West, even if a civil war breaks out there.

    Intelligent people who live among the inhabitants and who care about them and their future generations realize that country is too small to be divided in to three separate Nations and still survive long term, to provide accommodation for 21 Million souls with a decent standard of living on an even keel ,going forward.

    • 13

      K.A Sumanasekera

      “Asking for separate nations is different to agreeing to give them, without the agreement of the great majority.”!

      First of all great majority is stupid, ignorant and cannot think for itself, as to know what constitute a nation. You are one of them and actively promoting your brand of bigotry without really making an effort to clearly understand the issues involved and benefit that could be accrued from restructuring the idea of a country if it wants to progress and make its people achieve/unleash their full potential.

      People need more freedom to think for themselves and use toilets whenever they want to. They should be free to engage in the pursuit of happiness without being told by rulers, politicians, bureaucrats and the armed forces when partners can have sex, how and how many times in a week/night where, ……… or what position, ….

      Get out of the basement flat, go and see how people think, work, live and progress. Parochial ghetto mentality had been the curse of this island, its been sold very well by a few politicians in past and you bought them without questioning the vendor’s hidden agenda. Its not easy. Old habits die hard.

      Think outside the box, one day even you might find an old Vellala Catholic Elitist women endowed with large assets who might make you happy and make your life worth living.

  • 3

    Dear Dayan

    Thank you for your article. Several points:

    If we talked to the LTTE without using insults such as ‘racist’ ‘terrorist’ and so on, then I think it is prudent, and also civilized, to communicate with you without using ‘racist’ and ‘bigot’and such terms. I vehemently disagree with this approach, in any case it is not ‘Yahapalana’.

    You will realize that in these very pages there are people who are threatening (perhaps in a moment of madness)to destroy the entire island, break it in two, and other things. There is much thick hate emanating from ‘both sides’

    Secondly, perhaps more importantly, you must realize the thinking behind 50/50 , it was caused by the British, thank the British, giving high level administrative posts to Tamils during their illegal colonial reign.

    Thirdly, you realize that the Tamil national struggle has gone very far down its bloody road as it stands today, perhaps if we go back in history we could change things but it may be too late.

    What the need of the hour is is a de-escalation of the now political conflict, and it remains to be seen if MR will be able to offer a
    solution acceptable to all parties, if he is to come forward, both of you have a lot of work to do to win hearts and minds of all.

    Even if he does not win he must contribute to the de-escalation

    Think about it.

    • 16

      “”Think about it. “

      Island of Picjk_Pockets.

      maximum goooo not on toilet seat but finger nails of king kong so islanders unused to soapy wash and pee all over toilet seat too (world is mans urinal)
      inadvertently apply it on their-COCONUT_HEAD so gross product??
      don’t tell me??

      same as viet cong coconut heads think bananas grow at the top of palms.

      culture of former slavery vs servitude under European traders then
      finally under British raj- hora oru.

      4th February 48 wasn’t that independence???

  • 3

    DJ is voicing what 47.5% of the voters feel about Sri Lanka. Who spits venom can be seen by the gutter language used to abuse him. Is the hatred in the writing an indication that there is some truth in what he is saying?

    Unfortunately those who would harm the country are better organized in the realm of media.

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