11 September, 2024


If Sri Lanka Doesn’t Kill Corruption, It Will Kill Sri Lanka

By Vishwamithra1984

Power does not corrupt. Fear corrupts… perhaps the fear of a loss of power.” ~John Steinbeck

It’s time we stopped talking about corruption and started taking some serious action. Commissions and committees have outlived their usefulness. The people are tired and sick of the pace at which these various bodies, whether they are armed with judiciary powers or not, proceeding against whom allegations are dragging on. The public ire and wrath is greatly amplified by the fact that one of the critical issues on which the current regime ran its Presidential Campaign in January 2015 was corruption, nepotism and lack of good governance on the part of the Rajapaksas. Eradication of corruption and nepotism and setting up of good governance were the promises held out.

The people, by and large, decided to throw the Rajapaksas out despite the fact that Mahinda Rajapaksa, the defeated Presidential candidate, presided over the defeat of the brutal Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam (LTTE) led by Prabhakaran in a cruel war. The people decided that the harm and injury done unto the character and core values of Sri Lankan life by the Rajapaksas justified their verdict. I’m sure it must have been a hard decision to arrive at. Yet they did.Mahinda

The election itself was tainted by some unprecedented violence and cruelty visited upon those who opposed Rajapaksa. Mahinda Rajapaksa and his cohorts played a very diabolical game of electioneering. Their campaign reflected a mind, character and ‘means of achieving ends’ of a desperate and cruel cabal of men and women. Most of the Ex-President’s men and women today stand accused of gross indulgences in corruption, nepotism and violation of fundamental rights of the people.

The people delivered their verdict. Now it’s up to the country’s governing parties and the judiciary system to deliver theirs. Any delay and hesitancy will be construed as incompetency at best and denial at worst. Whichever way one takes it, it’s not good for the present day rulers.

Nevertheless, it’s prudent for all of us to examine the long and short-term effects of corrupt practices enabled by politicians and their close relatives, friends and henchmen on the politico-economy of a country. After doing a detailed study on corruption, its causes and its possible eradication, experts surmise, among others, the following reasons as causes of corruption: low pay scales for those who participate at the receiving end of the equation, low job opportunity, lack of strict and fast punishment, lack of naming and shaming of the guilty, lack of public unity, first to identify and then do something about the corruption-practitioner, lack of transparency in affairs and deals, lack of Independent and trustworthy investigating agencies, lack of accountability on the part of the Executive branch of government.

One could very safely ascertain that all these causes do exist in Sri Lanka today. Yet to eliminate these adverse conditions and causes is not an easy task at all- certainly not in the lifetime of a single term of a government. Dirty politicians with greedy minds are not the sole cause although they do constitute an integral element in the whole enterprise of corrupt trade, industrial and fiscal practices. Especially in South Asia, politicians have been the pivotal force in driving corrupt political practices beyond all recognizable shades.

Corrupt practices are not the cause, nor are they an end in itself. It is a dangerous symptom of a deadly disease, a repulsive stench of a rotting malignancy whose end comes only with the body that carries it. Therein lies the whole problem for Sri Lanka. A social ailment that has been visible for decades was not seen by the rulers; instead of finding a working remedy for the disease they fed on it like a rapacious bird sitting on the cutting edge of a knife and consuming itself.

Academics and economists write and deliver lectures on corruption, its causes, its origination and its devastating effects on society. None of these findings, lectures, symposia and discussions has been instrumental in thwarting corruption either at the level of politicians’ or at officials’. What has happened, on the contrary, is in fact a fast acceleration of the process of corrupt practices at all levels.

The gulf between the two perceptions, one of the academia and the other of the general public, does not seem to be bridgeable. Theories and assumptions of the great intellectuals- the academia- look very promising and hopeful, but the acceleration process of corruption continues and the deadly disease continues uncured and incurable. When the street lads are affected by this infection of corruption, a sordid story is told in no uncertain terms. But politicians alone are not the culprits. They are the most visible perpetrators, but the officialdom that is practicing the same trade of corruption, fraud, bribery and dishonesty at even a more intense pace are no less responsible for the spread and distribution of the ill-gotten harvests of the trade.

The officialdom which was considered the backbone of the country’s administration has followed a cue from its political masters and willingly engaged in corruption and bribery. That bureaucracy of the bygone era is no more. Swabhasha-educated officers have got used to a family budget that includes this additional income forthcoming from unofficial sources; they are spending that additional income for their ‘extra-curricular’ necessities. When the wife and children get used to this spending habit, it becomes extraordinarily difficult to manage home affairs when that extra income is withheld. The cycle of corruption has done its alluring twist and has caught hold of the very ordinary bureaucratic family and turned it into a willing participant of a dangerous game. When questions are raised, probes made and investigations initiated, they are bound to safeguard their political masters from the bottom end whilst the political masters, from the top end, are equally beholden to the officials who managed to extract the politico’s ‘cut’ without divulging the source of real ‘takers’.

The impact of this grisly orgy of fraud is acutely felt by the ordinary citizens of the country. The middleclass and the upper-middleclass may not have any dynamic engagement in the eradication of corruption as they are direct beneficiaries of the process. But they don’t have any stake in a solution. On the contrary, they stand to lose heavily if any brakes are applied to the process. Consequently, as always, it’s the ordinary man who suffers the greatest loss. The market price of goods and services go higher as the unofficial element of bribery and corruption costs need to be factored into prices of those same goods and services. This results in cost escalations and the additional cost has been added in the guise of ‘value’- an artificial value is created to include the bribes to politicos and officials.

The danger lies in the state of mind of the ordinary Sirisena, Kandiah and Sulaiman. They work day in and day out to feed their families and send their children to school. For instance, in order to find a reasonably acceptable school, they pawn their jewelry and sometimes their land to raise money to pay the ‘takers’ their share. In order to realize their dreams, they too engage in the nefarious trades as the menial jobs they do are not providing adequate resources to finance corrupt officials and politicians.

Amongst the four factors of production in any economy, whether capitalist or socialist, are Land, Labor, Capital and Enterprise. For each of the factors there is also a price. It’s Rent for Land, Wages for Labor, Interest for Capital and Profit for Enterprise. Now a new factor of production has come in: ‘process’. In order to initiate or accelerate the ‘process’ factor, the price one has to pay is the bribe. The wealthy class of the population could afford the high price of initiation or acceleration, but those who struggle to make ends meet, it’s a stupendous effort to raise the money for an item that does not really exist at a superficial level. But underneath the surface is a process that is taking shape to the very detriment to the economy as a whole and a killer to the individual whose monthly regular incomes are way below a level that could withstand such unofficial costs.

The killing process of a country, its people and all the values that molded and distinguished an ancient people has begun its journey. That journey did not start yesterday; nor did it begin a few years ago. It’s quite hard to frame it within a set of time and date for such a process. With the beginning of concentration of factors of production in the hands of the politicians after the nationalization scheme started, the process picked up pace and all powerful politicos began doling out contracts and other government spending at will but also at a tremendous cost to the country and an unbearable burden to the ordinary men and women. Well-oiled entrepreneurs look after those politicians who help them secure lucrative contracts; the officialdom safeguards those politicians who ask them to look the other way; politicians wine and dine with the rich and mighty and grief-stricken families curse all of them who indulge in corrupt practices. Their lot is as unpromising and dismal as it ever was. Corruption is killing our country and each and every one of us is responsibility for its initiation, continuation and maturation.

The writer can be contacted at vishwamithra1984@gmail.com

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  • 10

    History has it that MRs rule was the most corrupt.
    “References have also been made to the late Indian President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam that he entered the Rashtrapathi Bawan, the world’s biggest residence of a Head of State with one suitcase and he came out of the residence with the same suitcase, when he stepped down from his position as Indian President.” Here is the formidable work of the FCID:
    1. Case No. 474/2015 at Fort M.C. dealing with Hedging Fund and involving A.N.Cabraal, PB Jayasuendra, A de Mel, L.Karunaratne (Rs.200-700 Million ) 2.$ Case No. 24327/2015 at Chief M.C.(3) In the matter of Lanka Hospital shares and connected to G. Rajapakse, Roshini ,Cabraal, N.Godahewa, D.Jayaweera, M. Medihewa, W.Amunugamuwa, D.P.Y. Wijesinghe. (Rs. 600 million) 3. B26907/3/15 at Colombo M.C re Housing deals connected with W.Weerasena,B.K.J.K.Perera. 4 B/40/2015 at Kaduwella M.C. re Land purchases, involving Mrs. W.Weerasena, C.S.Ranasinhe. 5. B323/15 in Tangalle M.C. about Carlton Pre-school construction involving State Eng. Corporation Staff (Rs. 35 million) 6. 8674/15 in Pugoda M.C. re Development works, involving B.Rajapakse, N. Thirukumar 7. B22467/1/15 at Colombo Chief M.C. re Money Laundering by M. Aluthgamage (Rs. 3 – 27 million) 8. B22468/1/15 in Colombo Chief M.C. on Wealth acquired of Dr.P.B. Wickrema. 9. B25389/1/15 at Colombo C.M.Court re Money Laundering by G.Senarath. 10. B25166/3/15 at Colombo Ch M.C. Teleshan TV Network with A.Pilapita S.Wickremasinghe, and Sil Reddi with L.Weeratunga and Ven.V.Somananda Thero. 11. B9823/15 at Kaduwela M.C. re CSN Channel involving ITN Directorate & Staff. (5 Remanded in Jany.2016) 12. B 25389/15 at Kaduwela M.C. re ownership of Marriot Hotel in Dubai with N.Lokuwitharne and M.Rajapakse ( Rs. 48 to 190 million) 13. B27453/1/15 at Hultsdorf M.C. about Lanka Logistics Arms importing connected to G.Rajapakse, P.B.Jayasundera, Mohan Peiris, J.Wickremasinghe. 14. B/663/15 at Fort M.C. on Bank of Ceylon, Seychelles by M. Rajapakse & family 15. Greek Bonds purchase with names of Cabraal & Rajapakse in Petition Colombo M.C of 15.8.15 involving Rs. 1257 million 16. Sajin Vass Gunewardena in abuse of Public property, at Fort Magistrate Court, remanded since May, 2015. Also at Bribery Com. for questionable Assets. 17. Petition accepted in Supreme Court on 6.8.15 re V B/663/15 at Fort M.C. on Bank of Ceylon, Seychelles by M. Rajapakse & family 15. Greek Bonds purchase with names of Cabraal & B/663/15 at Fort M.C. on Bank of Ceylon, Seychelles by M. Rajapakse & family 15. Greek Bonds purchase with names of Cabraal & vehicle Permits abuse 18. Case No. 50/10 at High Courts, Kandy: Captain Wickremasinghe`s activity in Giritale Army Camp re Torture Chambers – under G. Rajapakse`s directions? 19. On Bail – Rohita Bogollagama 20. B/C Case – BC/2370/2011/B1 – 1 Billion heist: Pradeep Gunawardana (C`man State Trading Corporation)
    21.$ B 586/15 in the Fort Magistrate’s Court on June 5, 2015 re Pushpa Rajapaksa Foundation & SMB payments . 22.$ B1171/15 – Fort Magistrates Courts re MILCO Officials/ex-Ministers in a Rs.600 Mil. Fraud
    23. Champika Karunaratne –Former Coordinating Secy.of MR remanded over Fraud (10 million) 24. M.C Nuwara Eliya Case of Prof. Dharmasiri in fraud of David Paynters Art work worth Rs.37 Million ?
    25, Lankaputra Development Bank re release of Rs. 2000 million as loans to 14 parties. CID Report now in the hands of the AG.. 25. Ethanol Imports, involving a former Minister and 2 current Deputy
    Ministers, – FCID investigations ongoing. 26. Paddy Marketing Board involved in the sale of 234000 tons Paddy to 3 selected mill owners & loss thereof to be reported to FCID. 27. Colombo Commercial High Court Case for Rs. 142 million due to SLTB on bus hires for 2015 PE, against M.Rajapakse & 6 others.

    The following 13 too should be added, as outstanding matters:
    a) Computer purchases for Mahindodaya labs. In Rs. 5.87 Bil..
    b) Issue of 1000 diplomatic Passports during 9 yrs. of rule.
    c) Wealth of PSD Staff during the past Regime
    d) Tourist Board Officials Rs. 5.7 Mil. . transactions
    e) SL Insurance re involvement of a Doc. & ex-Minister
    f) S.E.Corp Rs.4.7 Mil. transaction
    g) Diary Printing by an ex-Minister Rs. 1.4 mil.
    h) D.A.Rajapakse Museum construction Rs. 91 Mil.
    i) Purchase of Gowers Pvt. Ltd. by a Parliamentarian
    j) 40 luxury vehicles rented by S.E.Corp.
    k) Rs. 3117 Mil paid by a Chinese Engineering Co. into 6 Banks A/cs.
    l) Commonwealth Games Trip of 140 persons & exp.of Rs.358 mil. thereof
    m) Rs. 12,500 mil.found dumped in Temple Trees during Dec.2014/Jan.2015

    – e & o e –

    • 3

      It’s suffering with a kind of incurable cancer. No cure for this , but a Painful ! Lingering Eventual death, that’s all we can expect.
      The country will continue to receive Foreign aid which will be rolled over and plundererd by all until the next Begging Bowl is filled.
      In between , criminality, stealing and murdering will go on.
      Doesn’t give a Rosy Future for our land!!

    • 3

      If Sri Lanka could survive this extent of corruption by the Rajapakse family and their cohorts, then she could survive anything. The extent of money pilfered, surpasses all the other pilferers of the likes of President Marcos etc.

      • 3

        MR paid for his corruption at the last election. Sri Lnakans punished him well. But what he did for terrorism is worth millions for the people of Sri Lanka. There is no argument on that!

        • 0

          From the size of his rallies, it would appear MR had succeeded in pulling the wool over the Sri Lankans’ eyes. Unlike MR, this government appears far more judicious and has given him a platform to shoot his mouth off as of now suggesting “Sri Lanka should kill corruption” as if he had nothing to do with it.

  • 3

    Timely article mate..Is Corruption killing the so called Corruption Fighters, who grabbed power to fight Corruption

    “A big DIG who is a friend of Batalanda PM is on the take ”

    This is the line Yahapalana Ministers Chamapika and his new mate Rajitha are pushing to attack the PM.

    It was in a popular Web Publication ,which is mostly for the benefit of our non English speaking half Elites, and the dalits who are lucky to have laptops..

    It even published the name of the Dude, which I didn’t want to mention..

    The article covers whole gamut of activities by these Yahapalana Duo to demolish the PM.

    Now I am starting to get a hang of why Yahapalana President told Champakaya, Rajitha, the Field Marshall and the Fat Boy minister to shove their Cabinet Paper up their ass.

    My Elders tell me our Batalanada PM even shoe honed Rajitha’s mongrel son in to parliament, on the UNP ticket.

    And paid LKR Millions to the Field Marshall to get him all his perks which he enjoys and brags about now.

    Poor Ranil.. No wonder he is like a mouse.

    And last but not least, Rajitha even hosted the journos of English Media outlets to a booze up at his house.

    And served Hennesey to write good things about him and his clan and obviously asked them to write the opposite about the PM.

    Wonder whether the UNP Yahapalana Tax payers picked up the Tab even for the Hennesey,

    • 5

      Vishwa thanks for this: Let use be clear that countries like fish rot from the Head downwards.

      The stinking political leaders of Sri Lanka are rotting the country due to their lack of education and corruption.

      Someone in the FCID needs to release the info on the 36 corruption files in full.. We need Whistle blowers in FCID to release all the files. FCID should release the files and information to the general public since AG’s office is corrupt. Delaying cases and claiming inefficiancy is a mask and lie. It is tantamount to corruption and aiding and abbetting corruption by AG. Very likely the files on the corrupt Jarapassa stooges will soon go “missing”, like the missing National Drugs Policy Bill when Sirisena was so called Minister of Health! and Missing persons.

      Time for a whistle blower in the FCID to unload the files like the panama papers or Edward Snowden’s or Wiki leaks, let the people judge the Jarapassa cronies and stooges. The funds need to be traced and brought back to the country to pay of the National Debt and stop the crash of the rupee.

      The stinking and sinking Diyawenna parliament of corrupt politicians is the fountainhead of corruption in the Miracle of Modayas. Corrupt politicians in order to loot the country have distracted the moda masses with racism. Divide, DISTRACT and Rule the moda masses is the strategy of the politicians and they are the ones who need to be held accountable.

  • 6


    RE:If Sri Lanka Doesn’t Kill Corruption, It Will Kill Sri Lanka

    “It’s time we stopped talking about corruption and started taking some serious action. Commissions and committees have outlived their usefulness. The people are tired and sick of the pace at which these various bodies, whether they are armed with judiciary powers or not, proceeding against whom allegations are dragging on. “

    Yes. Do they want to talk, or do they want to shoot?

    When You Have To Shoot, Shoot Don’t Talk


  • 8

    Vishwamithra 1984,

    You say “The killing process of a country, its people and all the values that moulded and distinguished an ancient people has begun its journey.”

    Sorry to disagree. The journey has ended already.

    All values that are good are gone for ever. Sri Lankans are consumed by Thanha and all those horrible Kleshas that are abhorrent – anger, aggression and hatred. We practice all that is ignoble so wholeheartedly. Corruption is rampant. Anger is rampant. Hatred is rampant. Killing is carried out without blinking an eyelid. Lying is institutionalised. Double talk is the norm.

    As a country, as a democracy, as a nation that should be Buddhists – all that we are is a caricature drowning, and drowning grasping at sticks of democracy and howling “sadu sadu sadu”.

  • 4

    “”“Power does not corrupt. Fear corrupts… perhaps the fear of a loss of power.” ~John Steinbeck””
    I can see your altruistic background and fear.

    “Power tends to corrupt,” said Lord Acton, the 19th-century British historian. “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

    Why Power Corrupts!!(SMITHSONIAN)

    New research digs deeper into the social science behind why power brings out the best in some people and the worst in others. The experiment involving the adults found a similar relationship between moral identity, ethical behavior and innate aggressiveness. Assertive people who scored low on the moral-identity scale were more likely to say they’d cheated their employer in the past week than more passive types with similar moral-identity scores. But among those with high moral-identity scores, the assertive people were less likely to have cheated. In sum, the study found, power doesn’t corrupt; it heightens pre-existing ethical tendencies. Which brings to mind another maxim, from
    Abraham Lincoln: “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.”

    Democracy in practice UK/USA is not Ancient Greece: Set a committee to kill the idea!

  • 0

    The “Mother of Causes” for this catastrophe is the use of fiat currency (printed paper) instead of gold and silver which have intrinsic value, as money. This was dictated by the articles of incorporation of the IMF and World Bank that forbade UN member countries from using gold as money, almost as if they were planning from the get-go to screw third world / developing countries all along! Watch on youtube or read about “The Diary of an Economic Hitman” to find out how the west imposed its will in this regard.

    Of course this resulted in the selling out of the Sri Lankan masses by generations of governments with the taking of unnecessary loans that could not be paid back without further loans and the consequential devaluation of the currency, at the expense of the masses whose salaries could not keep up with the resulting rising cost of living.

    This is why Islam dictates that there be no taking or giving of interest or the use of money such as paper currency in which the value is not intrinsic, for this results in the savings of ordinary people being sucked out by outside forces by the mere devaluation of the currency without the people ever knowing. Other aspects of Sharia too are for the benefit of the common masses, for it forbids bribery, alcohol, gambling, and other vices, punishes theft without need, by rich people who should know better, severely.

    Obedience to our Creator alone, is the only solution.

    • 3

      “”This is why Islam dictates that there be no taking or giving of interest or the use of money such as paper currency in which the value is not intrinsic, for this results in the savings of ordinary people being sucked out by outside forces by the mere devaluation of the currency without the people ever knowing.””

      Muslim People do charge interest/administrative charges – even the chairman of mosque has to do it or he falls flat on face. Every muslim is clever to rob him too.He has faith we have faith in people too irrespective of their faith.
      EU single currency is to halt the 22.5% that go to debit and credit banks as transaction fees and all these are private entities.It is dragged because there is no fiscal policy- Estado Nuevo Barraso was the devil in the room.

      There isn’t enough gold or sterling silver on earth to hold it as the bench mark. neither mercury. the biggest hoarders of gold were and still are is India and China.

      We all know money is surreal and is plastic plucked from trees.We also know that someone official looking told us this is money that can be exchanged for goods.

      We also know that barter trade existed 6000BC in a city close to Greece/Crete and there was no pepper corn or coins money.

      your sharia is all about cutting body parts and Loot by Islam. You immigrants did that pretty well 1983 July at Colombo hiding behind hegel eggheads.

      America holds the patent rights for Oil as they alone found it and still have the best tech for extraction. It’s like lanka having graphite but do not have the tech to create high tech graphite. muslim you have no value which is game sharia or no sharia.

      your problem is you see the world 2 dimensional narrow minded while we see 3 dimensional a minimum with both eyes. So all your story telling was swallowed by the pagans of Iberian Plateau for 800 years. but with new world dawning you had to jump back into the geni bottle.

      who-owns-the-most-u-s-debt. The billionaires of the world.
      around $15 trillion by end of year to billionaires of USA by USA taxpayer.

      Salama ishka jan bachko. (take care)

      bye bye Aladdin – waaallla……wackbar….boom!

  • 3

    Agree . The corruption fill finally eat sri lanka if it has not done already. What do you expect when the so called elite are only interested in self, communalism , Party politics giving a field day for the corrupt polilticians to mortgage the country and run away with the money. All I can say is that Sri Lakans are stupid.

  • 4

    IGP and associates should act independently.

  • 2

    It has already killed a lot of the so called ‘triple blessed’ Sri Lanka and killing the rest..this will continue until it’s completely done. It’s too late to worry or do anything. There is not a single person with some guts to do anything good.Just pay for the sin !

  • 3


  • 6

    Make laws making unexplainable assets subject to confiscation and the individividuals involved to be named and shamed and , punished through community service or severe jail terms depending on the scale of corruption. Declare bribing of any sort also crimes, to be named and shamed and, punished. Start with politicians and the police, excise and the customs services. Make the people scared enough of punishment , ,to shun soliciting, receiving and offering bribes .

    Start now a massive operation against bribery-big or small.

    Enough of talking, do something very visible and stunning for effect.

    Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

  • 6

    “If Sri Lanka Doesn’t Kill Corruption, It Will Kill Sri Lanka”

    Never a truer word was spoken, but no one cares, no one listens!

    Corruption is corruption; there is nothing selective about it.

  • 4

    Vishwamithra looks like he fell from the moon and says that the people over threw the previous regime. Well mate in the Sri Lankan history the only overthrow happened during JR’s time when he won in 1977. Mahinda lost with little over 400k votes where the Norway funded BBS carried out a campaign to polarize the muslim community whilst the Hindian, CIA and diaspora riff raff colluded to get the tamils to vote enblock. The majority sinhalese voted for Mahinda. It is Batalanda Ranil and Bodhi Sira trying to paint a picture of corrupt Mahinda where the likes of Vishwamitra have joined the band wagon. Mahinda in the commoners eye is a hero the more the Yahapalana suckers try to tarnish him it back fires. The problem now the Government and the immature supporters like Vishwamithra should worry about the unpopularity of the current goverment the hoax they have created of an Opposition with TNA these are manipulating the masses for petty diaspora and Hindian needs. People will show their might at the next election.

  • 7

    Religion in general makes the believer vulnerable to attack by animals. The attacker may come in the form of even a priest or monk. That is how the Sri Lankans have fallen victim to dirty politicians and the similar groups. If this menace is to confronted people must shed the rules of the beliefs and take the rules of Justice seriously.

  • 2

    The corruption has already killed Sri Lanka. The reason is that no politician wants to kill corruption, as all of them are involved in it, in different percentages. This is my personal opinion.

  • 1


    Idiocracy will kill Sri Lanka ………..and its throttling since the day MY3 – Ranil Yahapalanaya pleged to increase the Govt servant salaries by RS. 10,000 during the election campaign.

    Hora….hora….hora Chorus was being practiced from that very day these two goons made this promise.
    Total Govt Servants 1,400,000 which is 8% of voters

    The cost of Hambantota Port / Mattala ? Katunayake highway paid in full was Rs. 110b.
    repayment on a long term basis.

    Cost to meet the Govt Servant’s promised jncrease annually RS. 168b and counting……. This is the bottomline.
    From where do we find this amount Rs.168b ? Through VAT……………

    On the hand, Matilda, Mahendran da take me bond interest money & run to Singapura.

    MR’s burrowing RS.110b and long term repayment VS Govt Servant’s promised increase Rs.168b and counting annually.
    Who will be the bigger burrower?
    From day ONE Yahapalanaya had to burrow to pay salaries as promised and Mahendran playing games with Bond Issues from day ONE.


  • 2

    No doubt there is an “Undue” delay in the investigations and prosecutions. Recently the Prime Minister speaking on this subject made a very relevant and an important comment in this regard. He said: The defense is waiting to get hold of any lapse on the part of the investigations and a mistake in law to get the culprits out of any punishments. That is very correct. The investigations, therefore have to be fool proof and the law applied must be very correct and the prosecution must not be left room any one to creep through loop hoes. In addition to this problem, these corruption and looting have been committed in a very subtle manner and have been designed to escape the very eye of the investigators. But that should not be a reason to delay matters. There are some that are very direct and can be disposed of quickly. For instance the case of purchasing of “Sil Dedi”(devotees clothes) using Rs. 600 million from TRC can be settled without any need to postpone the court cases unduly. The Sajin Vass Gunawardene’s cases, some of those can be taken up by courts without any delay. He been given Government security to move around the country is nothing but absurd and laughable. In his case, what is the problem of recovering that Rs. 80 million he has promised to pay the Navy in lieu of a the tender of providing helicopter services to Cosmos? Has the Navy demanded that payment? That is how this Government is receiving the wrath of the people who voted them to power. Both the President and Prime Minister must look into this aspect and show the people that the Government means “business” and no one will be allowed to escape the accountability and responsibility. If simple and easy to handle cases are disposed early, the people will understand things better and cooperate. In the absence the people SUSPECT the motives of the Government and that is the problems as at present.

    • 1

      This must be why the CEO of UL said the Weliamuna report is rubbish.

      No proof of corruption he said. Evidence can’t stand up in the courts ( my thought ). Abuse of authority, may be. If nothing can be done, then Good Governance must ensure none of this or few of this can happen in the future.

      Then who will Bell the Cat ? Law makers, prefer status quo, known as the ” Status Quo ” bias in Behavioral Science. For their turn to milk the gravy train, is just around the corner.

      The person who suffers most for these shenanigan’s is the rural citizen.

      And then we will have our 3rd Southern Rebellion. Our circle of life continues.

  • 1

    The FCID has carried out the necessary investigations into corruption by Rajapakse, his family and his cronies. But what is baffling is why no action is being taken. Isn’t it time for someone to tell the readers why no action is being taken or even contemplated,?. Is it fear of the Rajapakses? Surely there are reasons why action has not been taken, but what are they?. Can someone in the know come out with the real reasons?.

  • 0

    ‘If Sri Lanka Doesn’t Kill Corruption, It Will Kill Sri Lanka’. Therefore, it is killing Sri Lanka. You and me cannot prevent death of Sri Lanka as long as corrupted politicians continue to rule our country.

    • 0

      “You and me cannot prevent death of Sri Lanka “

      why don’t you recognise the native faiths of Asia are hinduism and buddhism and both believe in reincarnation under someone else.-Samsara!!

  • 0

    Now the politicians thinking how to steal money from the Flood victims, so sad that’s what they do all the time. shame on them and their families , don’t associate them

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    vishvajith: You are very correct in saying “the person who suffers is the rural citizen”. All the rogues are from the “ELITE” or connected to them in one way or the other who milked the Nation. The rural citizen are innocent, but has become a pawn in the hands of these elite crooks. That is how most of those vagabonds have got into the Parliament.

    As regards Waliamuna report and the statement of CEO of UL is concerned,he is no stranger to that elite but very much an “Stranger” to the innocent rural citizen. His statement shows his complete ignorance of the contents of the report and I wonder whether he has even taken the trouble to read it carefully to serve it as a “guide” to refrain from wrong doing and correct what has gone wrong. That statement makes him all the more to make him unsuitable to be the CEO of that very airline. Take for example of that Flight Attendant who was seconded to work at the Presidential Secretariat who even did not know where that outfit was. Who requested that “secondment”? It was the Secretary to President,Mr Lalith Weeratunga. Where did she actually worked? Worked at the Temple Trees. For whom did she work? She worked for “Tarunayata Hetak”/”Nil Balakaya”. Who was her “Superior” at that work station? He was MP Mr. Narmal Rajapakse. What amount of remuneration she collected? It was in million. All this information was given by the involved staff. So does CEO say there was no evidence? Like that there ere so many of cases like that quoted with evidence and naming the very involved persons with facts and figures.With all that “Evidence” and information to look at, if still this CEO says “No evidence”, I have no other way to call him by any other name other than to name him a “Humbug”.

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    If the title is true, then whack this bugger Parayapaksa off this planet

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    Not only must justice be done, it must also be seen to be done. However is anyone watching?

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    “If Sri Lanka Doesn’t Kill Corruption, It Will Kill Sri Lanka”. Given the level of corruption Mahinda Rajapakse made us endure, we should at least be comatosed. It’s a miracle Sri Lanka is not dead already.

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